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National Background Check Project

Date: February 22, 2011Presenters: Larry White, Ron Burton, Tom



Project Background

• Project foundation is the Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program (CCHSP) statute of 1998 • Requires caregivers to undergo a

nationwide criminal history screening to ensure to the highest degree possible the prevention of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of care recipients

• Since the inception of the CCHSP, application volume has increased 10 times:3,864 in State FY 1999 to 35,000 in State FY



Project Background

• To help secure these new advancements in criminal history screening:• New Mexico was recently awarded a new

competitive Federal grant by CMS• Project funded by both federal and states

sources:• Federal funding totaling $1.5 million comes from FY2010-

2012 National Background Check Program grant (NBCP) under section 6201 of the Affordable Care Act.

• Non-federal match funds of $500,000 will be generated from NM State Licensing fees, State civil monetary penalties and fees collected to perform criminal background checks.


Project Highlights

• Funds requested for this certification: $165,000

• Project Phase Certification Request: Planning

• Project Start Date: January 1, 2011• Project End Date: December 31, 2013• Total Project Value: $1.15 million (federal &

state)• Total Expended to date: $50,000


Project Overview



DOH Strategic Plan FY12 identifies several Health System Objectives which are directly and positively impacted by improvements in criminal history screening.


Eliminate abuse, neglect or exploitation of seniors and vulnerable adults Enhance the effectiveness of required periodic compliance reviews of

state licensed entities Optimize technology and its use to improve health outcomes

2 Increase the speed and accuracy of information flow for background screening with improved fingerprint scanning and rapback technology providing enhanced and timely inter-agency communication.

3 Increase the number of searchable registries providing a one-stop repository for care providers to ascertain employment suitability.

4 Build tools and supporting processes to improve provider audits, compliance and administrative management of the CCHSP program.

Business Objectives


Project OverviewTechnical Objectives

Technical Objective 1 Technical Objective 2 Technical Objective 3 Technical Objective 4 Replace the existing Consolidated Online Registry (COR) system expanding the number of searchable registries.

Replace the existing CCHSP administration system with up-to-date applicant and employee tracking capabilities.

Replace the existing hard-copy fingerprint process with LiveScan technology improving accuracy and business process time.

RapBack technology will notify DOH through DPS that new criminal history exists for previously-cleared employees without performing a formal background check.

Technical Objective 5: Ensure that systems highlighted in Technical Objectives 1-4 are tightly integrated not only for securely storing and exchanging criminal history information but also for coordinating the full life-cycle of caregiver management including provider, applicant, employee and state and federal agencies.


Project Activities – Progress Made

• Project governance established and open communication plan created

• Project team identified

• IV&V Vendor selected and contract negotiated

1 - Governance

• Project Charter review, revised and signed

• Initial Project Management Plan completed

2 - Project Definition




Engineering& Development


AssociationEducation Caregiver

Criminal HistoryTraining

Team MeetingsBusiness/Technology

Planning & Management






SteeringDOH & DPS

Project ManagersDOH & DPS

OutreachDOH & DPS

3 - Outreach• Initial Association meetings


Project Activities – Progress Made

4 - Technical

• High-level scope and approach defined

• Progress on functional requirements

• RFI, Peer and Vendor surveys provided information helpful in planning technical strategy


Planning Phase Next Steps

• IV&V contract executed• Detailed Schedule, Budget and

Communication Plans• Finalize remaining functional requirements

and needs assessment for both DPS and DOH

• RFP developed and submitted for DPS RapBack

• RFP developed and submitted for DPS LiveScan

• Design and Architecture planning for program applications


Project Timeline

Jan 2011 Dec 2013

Jan 2012 Jan 2013

Start Finish

Sep 2011Initiation Cert

Dec 2013 - Dec 2013Close Out Phase

Aug 2011Project Mgr starts

Jan 2011 - Jan 2012Initiation Phase

Dec 2011 - Jul 2012Multiple RFI /RFP

May 2012 - Sep 2012

Multiple Contract / Procurement

Jul 2012 - Dec 2013Development / Testing / Training / Cutover

Jan 2012 - Oct 2012Planning Phase

Oct 2012 - Dec 2013Implementation Phase

Aug 2012Implementation Cert

Feb 2012Planning Cert

Oct 2011 - May 2012

Functional RequirementsDefinition

Dec 2013Close Out Cert



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