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National Dementia Declaration





Policy change

Quality of life change

The delivery gap

Some impressions 19 months in…

• Early signs of progress but extremely variable.

• Momentum behind NDSE that hasn’t been seen for other strategies and plans.

• Society managers report a definite change in interest from the NHS and local authorities.

• Where there is strong partnership between a range of partners strategy development and implementation is happening fastest and most effectively.

• Despite the change of Government dementia is a health and care policy priority and NDSE remains government policy.

Some of the national work• Demonstrator sites on dementia adviser and peer support.

• Dementia commissioning guidance.

• New intermediate care guidance – dementia inclusive.

• Awareness campaign in March 2010.

• Skills for Care and Skills for Health mapping and now

a cross-sector group. Department of Health planning work to

educate GPs

Some of the national work

• Anti-psychotics report and now cross-sector group.

• Research taskforce.

• A national clinical director for dementia.

• NAO report in January and commitments made at the

Public Accounts Committee.

• Dementia is now in the NHS Operating Framework for 10/11.

• NICE has published 4 quality standards – one of which is


New Government…• Movement away from national targets and political control

• Emphasis on local transparency and accountability

• White Paper explains new accountability framework

- NHS outcomes framework out for consultation

- To be followed by public health and social care white

papers and outcomes frameworks

- National commissioning board

- NICE Quality Standards

• Commission on care

New Government…

• Strategic Health Authorities to disappear

• PCTs to disappear

• NHS Operating Framework to disappear

• NHS commissioning will come from GP consortia

• Local authorities to remain largely unchanged

• NICE quality standards



A National Dementia Declarationfor England

• National initiative led by the Alzheimer’s Society working with a large number of organisations.

• 26 July conference discussed the content for a declaration on delivery for people with dementia from national organisations.

• Now each organisation will have to set out publicly what they intend to do to deliver for people with dementia. Declaration to be published in October.

• Could be extended into a local or regional approach.

Dementia Action AllianceAlzheimer’s Society, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Research Trust, Health Foundation, Care Quality Commission, Royal College of GPs, Royal College of Nursing, English Community Care Association, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Department of Health, Skills for Health, Skills for Care, Local Government Association, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Counsel and Care, NICE, British Association of OTs, Dementia UK, National Council for Palliative Care, Health Foundation................

A National Dementia Declaration

• Stage 1

The Dementia Action Alliance publish a Declaration and members of the Alliance publish Dementia Action Plans

• Stage 2

Organisations to draw in a range of partners to deliver against some of the key challenges in 2011

A National Dementia Declaration

• Explains the challenge and the context

• Says that a large number of people are committed to action

• Sets out what national organisation will do

Outcomes for people with dementia

1. I have personal choice and control or influence over decisions about me2. I know that services are designed around me and my needs3. I have support that helps me live my life4. I have the knowledge and know-how to get what I need5. I live in an enabling and supportive environment where I feel valued and understood6. I have a sense of belonging and of being a valued part of family, community and civic life7. I know that there is research going on which delivers a better life for me now and hope for the future

1. How would you describe your organisation’s role in delivering outcomes for people with dementia and their carers?

2. What are the challenges to delivering these outcomes from the perspective of your organisation?

3. What are your plans as an organisation to respond to these challenges between now and 2014?

4. What networks or channels communication channels are available to your organisation that could help spread the word about the next stage of the Declaration?

5. How would you like to see the Declaration monitored over time?

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