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Page 1: National development and sectoral plans WP2_GWP Ghana case study_maxwell boateng-gyimah_28 aug

From 27 – 30 August 2013

Maxwell Boateng-GyimahProgram Manager & Executive Secretary

Ghana Country Water Partnership

Linking WACDEP to Development Planning and Decision Making Processes:

The case of Ghana

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Scheme of presentation

• Introduction

• Level of planning and decision making

• Roles and responsibilities of key actors

• The national development context

• The Ghana Water Sector Vision

• Linking WACDEP to national development and planning processes

• Work packages 2

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Introduction (1/2) The history of Development planning in Ghana began with the

preparation of the first Ten-Year Development Plan (1920-

1930) by the then colonial Governor, Sir Gordon Guggisberg.

Between 1940 and 1986, over ten plans were prepared

including the 7-Year Development Plan (1963-1970) in the

Nkrumah era.

All those plans were centrally prepared by Government

bureaucrats with little or no consultation and participation of the

stakeholders, beneficiaries or the public at large.

The “National Development Planning (System) Act”, 1994

(Act 480) and the accompanying “National Development

Planning Commission (NDPC) Act,” 1994 (Act 479).

These Acts sought to democratize the development planning

process by creating space for stakeholders to participate in the

decision-making process.

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Introduction (2/2) In spite of the obvious benefits and advantages over central

planning, the smooth operation of the decentralized planning

system hinges on :

• Establishing conditions for plans stability and state


• Strengthening national capacities to enforce rules and

regulations as well as social discipline;

• Streamlining roles and responsibilities and relationships

among key planning and implementation actors;

• Developing communication strategy for policy


• Preparing plans and implementation through effective

stakeholder consultations and participation;

• Streamlining processes and timing of activities of planning

institutions; and

• Developing capacities of key actors.

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Level of planning and decision making

-Coordinates the planning system-Formulates guidelines for all planning activities undertaken by all sectoral authorities- Formulate National Development Policy Framework- Facilitates translation of national development plans into implementable programmes and projects.

National level planning (including sectoral plans)

Regional level planning

District level planning

National Development Planning Commission

Regional Coordinating Councils

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies

Development partners/ International NGOs

The key Central Management Agencies (CMAs) involved in the preparation,

budget implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Government policies

and programmes are

- The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC);

- The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP); and

- The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD).

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Roles and responsibility of key actors

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies

• Coordinate the activities of decentralized planning departments, development partners,

• NGOs, CBOs, and CSOs and the private sector.

• • Provide forum for participation of community members, NGOs, CBOs, and traditional

• authorities in identifying community needs and setting priorities for planning.

• • Provide special incentives for the private sector to support local economic development.

• Prioritize areas in line with the policy framework.

Ministries, Departments And Agencies (MDAs)•• Act as lead and/ or collaborating agencies for

implementation of development plans.

•• Determine programmes and projects in line with the policy

framework and annual budget guidelines.

•• Realign on-going projects in favour of promoting growth

and poverty reduction activities.

•• Prioritise and cost activities for inclusion in the annual

budget and request for release of funds for implementation

of approved activities.

•• Monitor and evaluate output targets and programme


•• Submit periodic reports on implementation progress and

challenges to NDPC and subsequently to MOFEP

Regional Coordinating Councils

•• Coordinate preparation of district

development plans and budgets.

•• Coordinate District Assembly Common

Fund and special programmes to propel

growth and respond to poverty.

•• Harmonise district plans.

•• Monitor the implementation of district plans

and submit reports.

Development Partners/International NGOs

•• Take part in the identification of national

goals and priorities.

•• Develop new programmes and projects in

support of the policy framework.

•• Re-shape existing programmes of

development partners to support the priority


•• Provide financial and technical support to

relevant programmes and projects.

•• Take active part in reviews on spending and

discussions of findings from monitoring and


•• Support independent evaluation of plan


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The national development context Policy context of national development

The current policy “Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda (2010-2013), a development plan recognized the macroeconomic and structural challenges that limit the capacity of the economy to achieve sustainable improvements in the standards of living of the people. The medium-term strategy is anchored on the continued pursuit of macroeconomic stability and the sustainable exploitation of Ghana’s natural resource endowments in agriculture, minerals and oil and gas supported by strategic investments in human capital, infrastructure, human settlements, science, technology and innovation to drive industrialisation, in particular manufacturing.

Strategic Direction and Priorities

The Government recognizes that the overall growth strategy will have implications for the environment. Special attention shall therefore be paid to environmental sustainability as well as determine the impact pathways of climate change and the areas of national vulnerability for appropriate policy interventions.

In this regard, expenditure will be prioritized in favour of policies, programmes and projects in the following areas:

1. Agriculture

2. Infrastructure (including transport, energy, housing, etc)

3. Water and sanitation

4. Health

5. Education (including ICT, Science, Technology and Innovation)

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The Ghana Water Sector Vision (1/2)Vision: The vision of the water sector is “sustainable water and basic sanitation for all by 2025” which means ensuring that “all people living in Ghana have access to adequate, safe, affordable and reliable water service, practice safe sanitation and hygiene and that water resources are sustainably managed”.

Goal: The goal of the sector is “to contribute to improvement in the living standards of Ghanaians through increased access and use of safe water, sanitation and hygiene and sustainable management of water resources.”

The objectives of the sector are as follows:

i) To achieve universal coverage for water and sanitation services by 2025:

1. increase the national water coverage rate from 59% in 2009 to 80% by 2015 and 100% by 2025;

a) increase rural and small towns water coverage from 59% in 2009 to 76% by 2015 and 100% by 2025;

b) increase urban water coverage from 59% in 2009 to 85% by 2015 and 100% by 2025;

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2). To contribute to increasing the national sanitation coverage from 13% in 2008 to 53% by 2015 and 100% by 2025;

ii). To ensure sustainable financing for investments, operation and maintenance of water services:

1. increase sector investment to US$ 350 million annually for water and sanitation services, 0.5% of GDP for sanitation and hygiene education from 2011 to 2015;

2. increase GoG contribution to investment in the rural water sector through budgetary allocations and concessionary loans from about 5% in 2009 to at least 30% by 2015, 50% by 2020 and 100% by 2025;

3. ensure full recovery of rehabilitation, operation and maintenance costs of urban water service by 2015;

4. ensure at least 95% functionality of rural and small towns’ water systems via effective community operation and maintenance of existing facilities throughout the plan period (2012- 2025);

5. secure at least 5% of the water and sanitation sector investment financing from other sources including private sector financing and internally generated funds for investments by 2020.

Ghana Water Sector Vision (2/2)

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Work Package 2

Objective: To support countries to integrate water security and climate resilience into national development planning, decision-making processes

Key output: National development plans and/or sectoral plans that include Water Security and Climate Resilience

Indicator: Number of institutions and strategies, sectoral and development plans- integrating water security and climate resilience

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Activities, tasks, outputs and methodActivity Tasks Output Method for



Undertake a



Identify the Sector Policies, and the Sector Strategic Development Programmes (long and medium term) and the water and water related projects in water and sanitation, food, energy, environment, etc. submitted to the NDPC.

Report containing the SSDPs of the agencies, the water projects submitted to NDPC under GSGDA, the ones screened for WS & CR and the method and processes used.

PSC will appoint Consultant/ Partner to work with the WRC and the NDPC to carry out the tasks in collaboration with the other stakeholders. Will include staff to be trained WP 6

Identify which projects have been screened for a) water security b) for climate resilience by the WRC and c) the processes and methods used to get them admitted into the national development plan.


Carry out a






Convene workshop of stakeholders NDPC,



MMDAs etc. to discuss and comment on findings

particularly with regard to screening methods and

the procedures for submission to NDPC taking

into account those to be made available through

the Capacity Building of WP 6.

Workshop report


comments and

suggestions on


Workshop to be

organised by the PSC

for Consultant /

Partner to present

findings of the

national assessment

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Activities, tasks and outputs

Activity Tasks Output Method for








Identify water related development in sectors like highways, forestry, mining, housing, environment etc.

Report containing projects in water related sectors, methods used for adaptation to climate change and use of the methods to propose guidelines where they do not exist

PSC will appoint Consultant / Partner to work with WRC and NDPC to carry out assignment with the relevant stakeholders. Will include staff to be trained WP 6

Identify water components in their development assess how they can be adapted to withstand the disasters due to water security and climate change.

Prepare guidelines for screening such projects for investment analysis using outputs of WP 6

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