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Page 1: NATIONAL MISSION FOR CLEAN GANGA ESA-ESDDR.pdfGanga related activities under NGRBA Program (later which is included as one of the component of the Namami Gange programme) at the level

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No: T-17/2014/15/921/NMCG (IN-NMCG-119136-CS-QCBS)


1st Floor, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium,

India Gate, New Delhi-110002

T: +91 11 2307 2900-901

Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Environmental & Social Audit and

Preparation of Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDDR)

(Firms Selection)

Date: August 6, 2019

The Government of India has received a credit / loan from the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) toward the cost of the National Ganga River Basin Project in the five states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal and intends to apply part of the loan / credit proceeds for the Environmental & Social Audit of the project as well as preparation of Environment and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDDR) for the projects under Hybrid Annuity Mode.

The need for revamping the river conservation program was widely recognized in view of the shortcomings in the approach followed in the Ganga Action Plan (GAP). It was felt necessary that a new holistic approach based on river basin as the unit of planning and institutional redesign may be adopted. Accordingly, the Government of India has given Ganga the status of a National River and has constituted the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) on 20 February 2009 under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, is the implementing wing of NGRBA and its General Body is chaired by the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India. A Joint Secretary to the Government of India (GOI) level officer is the Director General. To implement the program in the states under the overall supervision of NMCG, there are State Program Management Groups (SPMGs), registered as societies in the respective states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and West Bengal while Jharkhand has a dedicated nodal cell. The SPMGs are also headed by senior IAS officers of the level of Secretary / Principal Secretary of the states.

NGRBA program believes that each of its investments will improve living standards and the environment of the River in and around project locations. NGRBA program is committed to implementing these activities in an environmentally sound, socially acceptable way. This has reflected its environmental and social commitments through its Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). All investments financed by NGRBA program should be in consonance with its ESMF.

NMCG now invites eligible consulting firms (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing the Environment and Social Audit Services for its various projects across Ganga Basin States. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:

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1. Consultants must have been registered before year 2013.

2. Annual Average Turnover for last (3) financial years (i.e. FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17 and FY 2017 – 2018) must be at least INR 10 Crores.

3. Have carried out similar assignments (environmental and social impact assessment or audit or due diligence) for at least five urban infrastructure projects or more in last 5 years. (5 marks for each project max 25 marks)

4. Have carried out at least two such assignments or more in projects sewerage and municipal wastewater treatment in last 5 years. (10 marks for each project, max 20 marks)

5. In-house Environmental Specialist; Gender Specialists; Social Development Specialists; and Community Consultation Specialists as per the qualification defined working at least for past 2 years in the organization (5 marks for each in house position, max 20 marks);

6. Experience of at least one project in the Ganga Basin States involving management or monitoring of environmental and social management activities in last 5 years. (3 Marks for project experience in each of the Ganga Basin States, Max 15 marks)

7. Experience of at least three projects in management and monitoring environmental and social management activities in projects financed by multilateral agencies such as World Bank, ADB, etc. in last 5 years. (5 Marks for each project, Max 15 marks)

8. Working experience in the concerned geographical area (5 marks)

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers of January 2011 and revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by 3:00 PM (New Delhi time) on or before 27th August 2019.

National Mission for Clean Ganga 1st Floor, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, India Gate, New Delhi - 110002. T: +91 11 2307 2900

Director General National Mission for Clean Ganga

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Terms of Reference for Environmental and Social Audit of NGRBA Program Investments

and Preparation of Environment and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDDR)

1. Project description

1.1 The Government of India (GoI) has given Ganga the status of a “National River”, and

constituted a National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) on 20.2.2009 under the

Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 with the objective to ensure effective abatement of

pollution and conservation of the river by adopting a river basin approach with comprehensive

planning and management.

1.2 Further, Government of India has launched “Namami Gange” programme in the year 2014.

The Namami Gange programme is an umbrella programme which covers the previously

sanctioned ongoing projects as well as the projects in new components with multi sector

mandate to address both water quality and water quantity issues. The programme aims at

integrating previous & currently ongoing initiatives by enhancing efficiency, extracting

synergies and supplementing them with more comprehensive & better coordinated

interventions. Namami Gange Programme has been segregated into two different


Component A: Pertains to ongoing projects of cleaning of river Ganga & its tributaries,

including World Bank Assisted NGRBA programme having remaining central liabilities.

Component B: Pertains to new initiatives to be undertaken in 5 major sectors i.e.

Infrastructure Development (Sewage Treatment, River Front Development, and Industrial

Waste Water Treatment & Solid Waste Management), Institutional Development,

Ecological Sustainability, Research & Development and Communication & Public


1.3 The Government of India has taken a loan assistance of the World Bank for the Mission Clean

Ganga related activities under NGRBA Program (later which is included as one of the

component of the Namami Gange programme) at the level of institutional development,

operational and implementation support and in four sectors, namely, wastewater collection

and treatment, industrial pollution control, solid waste management and riverfront


1.4 National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), a registered society under the Societies

Registration Act, 1860, is the implementing wing of Namami Gange and there are State

Program Management Groups (SPMGs), registered as societies in the respective states,

namely in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal while Jharkhand has a

dedicated nodal cell.


The Namami programme will be implemented in the Ganga Basin in India. The overall

technical assistance and program development under the proposed project will focus on the

entire Ganga Basin; however specific sub-project investments under this project will focus on

critical stretches of five basin states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West

Bengal in India.

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A comprehensive, basin-level, and multi-sectoral approach has been adopted, with support

for investments in wastewater, solid waste and river front management, industrial effluent

management, address non-point source of pollution and maintaining ecological flows and

assessment of biodiversity and afforestation and public participation. Under Namami Gange

programme many such projects are being implemented and details of the same may be seen

in www.nmcg.nic.in.

The portfolio of investments under the NGRBA program includes the following:

Sewerage and sanitation systems/sewage treatment plants (new/up gradation)

Solid Waste Management

Industrial Pollution Control Initiatives

River front Management initiatives

NGRBA program believes that each of its investments will improve living standards and the

environment of the River in and around project locations. NGRBA program is committed to

implementing these activities in an environmentally sound, socially acceptable way. This has

reflected its environmental and social commitments through its Environmental and Social

Management Framework (ESMF). All investments financed by NGRBA program should be in

consonance with its ESMF.

These investments in the first phase of program is spread across several cities and/or towns

within Ganga main stem states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West

Bengal and may be extended to entire Ganga river basin comprising of 11 states in the later


2. Objectives of E&S Audit

The objective of the E&S Audit will be

To review of the implementation of environmental and social management framework of the NGRBA program;

To audit the compliance of the environmental and social management measures of approved investments, which are in preparation and in implementation.

3. Objectives of ESDDR

The objective of the ESDDR will be to:

To prepare a due diligence report in order to describe the baseline environment and social conditions with the help of screening checklist and define the category of the scheme (High/low etc.);

Identify the Valued Environmental Components (VECs) and Social Issues if any associated with the projects;

Possible mitigation measures to be taken and requirements of detailed study (e.g. preparation of RAP, EIA, Environmental Clearance) and Requirements of permissions

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4. Scope of Work

4.1 Scope of Work for E&S Audit:

The scope of work includes annual audit for ESMF implementation both for the projects under

implementation and under preparation. A detailed list of projects under preparation and

implementation is enclosed in Appendix-I. The tasks for annual audit for ESMF is given below:

Task 1: Review the implementation of environmental and social management framework

(ESMF) of the NGRBA Program

The audit will review the implementation of environmental and social management framework

of NGRBA (both for EAP and Non-EAP sub-projects) in terms of (i) screening of sub-projects (ii)

environmental and social categorization of investments (ii)_ preparation of environmental and

social management plans for the respective sub-projects as per the agreed ESMF for the

NGRBA program. This would entail reviewing the individual sub-projects from April 2011

through March, 2015, on the above aspects and other requirements of the ESMF.

Task 2: Auditing the compliance of the Approved Investments:

The audit process will check the compliance of environmental and social aspects during

construction, operation and maintenance of investments approved by NMCG under NGRBA

program, across all categories and different sub-project locations. The audit will review the

adequacy of the ESMP (including RAP, where relevant), its implementation by the contractor,

ESMP supervision by the executing agency, overall monitoring by NMCG / SPMG, reporting

practices and recommend suitable measures to include/improve overall implementation of

ESMP in the respective projects. The best practices and possible environmental and social

enhancement measures with respect to the audited investments will also be documented. The

audit parameters shall be defined in line with the agreed ESMF. In case any gap is identified,

Consultant shall prepare an action plan for corrective measures.

Task 3: Reporting

1. To review the status report submitted by the consultant on the implementation of ESMP (including RAP, where relevant) and the process adopted by design consultants in identification and mitigation measures while preparing the DPRs.

2. To report on the adequacy and timely submission of the Quarterly Progress Reports including the process involved in addressing the risk management.

Task 4: Audit Report

The findings of the review and audit should be summarized in a tabular form and will include

compliance, non-compliance, best practices and enhancement measures along with the name

of the agency responsible for each of the above. In case of non-compliances, the consultants

need to (i) prepare an action plan; (ii) undertake a follow up visit after an agreed time frame

(depending on the type of corrective measures) for the agency responsible to take corrective


Task 1 to 4 is applicable for all the projects under implementation. For projects under

preparation only Task 1 will be applicable.

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4.2 Scope of Work for ESDDR:

Approximately 20 ESDDR reports need to be prepared; list of the projects will be provided

during the RFP stage

The ESDDR shall comprise of (i) a description of the sub-project and its components (ii) an

environmental and social profile of the sub-project areas and the proposed project facilities

(iii) an Environmental and Social Screening and categorization of the sub-project as

outlined in Section 4.3 of Environmental and Social Management Framework of NGRBA /

Namami Gange Program (iv) an analysis of environmental and social issues associated with

the project and (v) Environmental and Social Management Action Plan (ESMAP) out lining

various regulatory clearances, preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), other actions, and management measures to be

implemented by the SPV / PPP Concessionaire / operator and various other participating

agencies in line with the requirements of ESMF for a particular safeguard category of


5. Duration of assignment (E&S Audit) – 3 months in each year and firm will be hired for E&S audit initially for a period of one year extendable upto 3 years.

6. Duration of assignment (ESDDR) – 2 months

7. Deliverables (E&S Audit) – Consultant shall conduct E&S Audit for all the three years (initially for one year extendable till 3 years), the duration of E&S Audit exercise for each year would be 3 months as mentioned below:

Inception Report in two weeks

Draft Report in two months after inception and

Follow up action and submission of Final audit report Report in three months from submission of inception report

8. Deliverables (ESDDR) - Consultant shall complete the ESDDR task on Year-I only, Further the duration of ESDDR would be 2 months as mentioned below:

Submission of Screening Report in two weeks

Draft ESDDR Report one month from submission of screening report;

Final Report in two months from the screening report

9. Team Composition

The team for conducting the proposed annual Audit is given below:

S.No. Description Qualification1 Minimum

Nos. Required

1. In house Environmental al Specialist

(M.Tech in Environmental Engineering/M.Sc in Environmental Science/Master’s in Environment Management) with at least 10


1 All the educational qualification of the experts/specialists proposed must be secured through regular courses

(i.e. full time) from a reputed university.

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S.No. Description Qualification1 Minimum

Nos. Required

years of overall and at least 5 years of experience in conducting or implementing Environment Assessment and Environment Management Plan for Sewerage & Sanitation/Large scale water supply/Urban Infrastructure projects for multilateral funding agencies such as World Bank, ADB, etc.

2. In house Social Development Specialist

Master’s degree in Social Sciences. At least 10 years of demonstrated experience in designing and implementing social assessment programs in conducting or implementing social assessment and RAPs for large scale projects involving among others waste water treatment, solid waste management, cultural heritage aspects, etc. The specialist should have working experience on issues pertaining to vulnerable community; religion and gender. Should also have wide experience of handling large scale database of individual households. The specialist should also be fully conversant with the safeguard policies of the World Bank and National Policies and Regulations governing land acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation; and tribal welfare


3. In house Gender Specialist

Gender Specialist with Master’s Degree in social sciences, development, or a relative discipline with minimum eight years of experience in gender analysis and programming with demonstrated experience working on projects promoting women empowerment


4. In house Community Consultation Specialist

Master’s degree in Social Sciences. At least 7 years of experience in preparation of social impact assessments and mitigation/ management strategies and the planning and implementation of community consultation programs large scale river clean-up projects involving among others waste water treatment, solid waste management, cultural heritage aspects, etc. Should also have wide experience of handling consultations with multiple stakeholders in both urban and rural areas


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List of Projects under Operation/Implementation:

S. No. Project Name State

1. Interception and Diversion (I&D) Works and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) (12.5 MLD) Works at Muni Ki Reti Dhalwala


2. I&D Works and 26 MLD STP at Lakkarghat Rishikesh Uttarakhand

3. STP of 68 MLD at Jagjeetpur Haridwar and 14 MLD at Sarai Haridwar under Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM)


4. 14 MLD Capacity STP at Salori, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh

5. Sewerage System in Sewerage District C &Allahpur, Allahabad

Uttar Pradesh

6. Sewerage System in Sewerage District A, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh

7. Sewerage & non-Sewerage scheme for pollution abatement of river Ganga at District A, Allahabad

Uttar Pradesh

8. Sewerage System in Sewerage District E, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh

9. Sewerage Works in Narora, Bulandsahar Uttar Pradesh

10. Sewerage Works in Anupsahar, Bulandsahar Uttar Pradesh

11. Sewerage works in sewerage district B, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh

12. Sewer Network in District E of Allahabad -Part 2 Uttar Pradesh

13. 50 MLD STP at Ramanna Varanasi (HAM) Uttar Pradesh

14. Mathura Sewerage Scheme, Mathura (HAM) Uttar Pradesh

15. Sewerage works in sewerage district-1, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh

16. Sewerage & Sewage Treatment plant (12 MLD) in Sahibganj


17. Sewerage & Sewage Treatment plant (3.5 MLD) in Rajmahal


18. Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Plant in Halisahar West Bengal

19. Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant in Budge Budge West Bengal

20. Sewerage and STP scheme at Barrackpore West Bengal

21. Sewerage and STP scheme in Howrah-Bally-Kamarhati-Baranagar (HAM)

West Bengal

22. Ganga River Front Development at Patna (Bihar) Bihar

23. 43 MLD STP in Beur Bihar

24. Sewerage Network in Beur Zone Bihar

25. 37 MLD STP in Karmalichak Bihar

26. Sewerage Network in Karmalichak Zone Bihar

27. 60 MLD STP and adjoining network in Saidpur Bihar

28. Sewerage Network in Saidpur Bihar

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S. No. Project Name State

29. 60 MLD STP in Pahari Bihar

30. Sewerage Network in Pahari Zone V Bihar

31. Sewerage Network in Pahari Zone IVA (S) Bihar

32. Sewerage and STP scheme at Buxar Bihar

33. I&D and STP scheme in Barh Bihar

34. I&D and STP scheme in Sultangank Bihar

35. I&D and STP scheme in Naugachia Bihar

Tentative list of Projects under Preparation:

S. No. Project Name State

1. Interception, Diversion and Treatment Works for Naini (District G) Phaphamau (District F) and Jhunsi Area District : Allahabad (under Hybrid annuity based PPP model-Namami Gange Programme) STP-42 MLD Naini, 16 MLD Jhusi and 14 MLD Phahphamau

Uttar Pradesh

2. Pollution Abatement Works for River Kalikat Meerut under Meerut Municipality (Interception & Diversion with STP )-214 MLD

Uttar Pradesh

3. Interception & Diversion with Rehabilitation of sewerage scheme at Agra

Uttar Pradesh

4. Sewerage Scheme and STP works in Digha and Kankarbagh Scheme with a total 150 MLD STP and 438km sewerage network under HAM


5. I&D and STP (45 MLD) works in Bhagalpur Bihar

6. I&D and STP works (32 MLD) in Chhapra Bihar

7. I&D and STP works in Danapur (25 MLD) , Phulwarishariff (13 MLD) and Fatuha town


8. Sewerage and STP works in Munger (30 MLD and 174.75 km Netwrok)


9. Sewerage and STP works in Begusarai (17 MLD and 114 km network)

10. I&D and STP works in Durgapur, Asansol and Bardhaman town (225 MLD)

West Bengal

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Format for Letter of Application

[On the Letter head of the Applicant (Lead Member in case of Consortium)]



National Mission for Clean Ganga

1st Floor, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium,

India Gate, New Delhi - 110002.

T: +91 11 2307 2900

Ref: Expression of Interest (EoI) for Environmental & Social Audit and Preparation of Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDDR).

Dear Sir,

Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of …………………….……………. (Hereinafter referred to

as “the Applicant”), and having gone through and fully understood all of the eligibility and qualification

requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby apply for Expression of Interest for the

captioned project.

We are enclosing our Application for Qualification in one (1) original and one (1) copy, with the details

as per the requirements of the EOI Document, for your evaluation.

Yours faithfully,


(Signature of Authorised Signatory)

(Name, Title and Address)

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Format for Details of Applicant

S. No. Particulars Details to be filled in

1 Name of applicant with full address

2 Telephone No.

3 Fax No.

4 Email

5 Year of Incorporation. (Copy of incorporation/registration certificate to be attached)

6 Name and address of the person holding the Power of Attorney.

7 (i) Place of Business.

(ii) Date of Registration.

8 GST Registration Number (copy to be attached).

9 Are you presently debarred / blacklisted by any Government Department /Public Sector Undertaking /Any Employer? (If Yes, please furnish details)

10 Name and details (Tel ./ Mobile / E mail) of Authorized Signatory

Note: In case of a Consortium the information above should be provided for all the members of the consortium.

It is certified that the information given above is TRUE to the best of our knowledge. The organization

shall stand liable for any information given above which is later found to be FALSE.

Place: Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date: Name & Designation with Stamp

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A. List of Similar Assignments* completed in Last 5 Years

S. No. Year Name of consultancy assignment with location

Name of the Funding Agency

Duration of the Assignment

Short Description of Consultancy assignment

Name and address of Owner/Client

Fees for the Assignment

Any other Relevant information

*Similar assignments refer to assignments related to environmental and social impact assessment or audit or Environment and Social Due Diligence Reports

Note: The list of assignments mentioned should be substantiated with documentary evidence such as work orders/relevant pages of the contract agreement/project

completion certificates in a sequential manner.

It is certified that the information given above is TRUE to the best of our knowledge. The organization shall stand liable for any information given above which is

later found to be FALSE.

Place: Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date: Name & Designation with Stamp

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Format for Financial Strength of the Applicant

S. No. Financial Year Turnover (Rs. in Crores)

1 2015-16

2 2016-17

3 2017-18


- The Applicant should provide the Financial Capability based on its own financial statements. Financial

Capability of the Applicant's parent company or its subsidiary or any associate company will not be

considered for computation of the Financial Capability of the Applicant.

- In case of a Consortium, provide relevant details of all members in the subsequent row. In case the

Applicant is a Consortium, for the purpose of evaluation on financial parameters, financial parameters of

the Lead Member only shall considered.

- Copy of audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for the respective three financial years must be

submitted along with summary as cover page on bidder’s letter head.

It is certified that the information given above is TRUE to the best of our knowledge. The organization

shall stand liable for any information given above which is later found to be FALSE.

Place: Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date: Name & Designation with Stamp

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Details of Subject Matter Experts Working as on Date

S. No.

Name of the official Qualification Sector/Skill

Duration of working with

the Entity

Total Years of Experience in the concerned sector


Subject Matter Specialist should be from the concerned disciplines as specified in the Terms of Reference.

It is certified that the information given above is TRUE to the best of our knowledge. The organization

shall stand liable for any information given above which is later found to be FALSE.

Place: Signature of the Authorised Signatory

Date: Name & Designation with Stamp

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(On a Stamp Paper of relevant value)

1. I/ We hereby certify that my/our firm/Company/Society/Trust has not been debarred/

blacklisted by any State Government/Government of India/Govt. Departments and/or agencies

such as UN/bilateral/ multi-lateral funding/partner agencies and corporate including CPSEs, at

any time for services of any description. We undertake that, in the event of us or any of our

promoters/directors being blacklisted / barred at any time post the date of this declaration, we

shall intimate NMCG of such blacklisting. We further confirm that we are aware that our

Proposal for the captioned Project would be liable for rejection in case any material

misrepresentation is made or discovered with regard to the requirements of the EoI Document

at any stage of the bidding process.

2. I/ We hereby declare that, no relevant information has been omitted/ withheld in the process of

furnishing the information with respect to this EoI.

3. We understood that NMCG is not bound to short-list / accept any proposal received in response

to this EoI.

4. I/We have read and examined this EoI document while submitting our response. Further, it is

understood that this EoI is only an exercise for possible selection for the future work(s); however,

it does not confer any right to any party submitting EoI for further consideration in the process

or work allotment.

5. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this proposal are true and

accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.

6. I/we understand that if we use any unfair means with regard to this EoI, our EoI/proposal shall

be liable for cancellation at any time.

Place: Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date: Name & Designation with Stamp


To be executed by Bidder or separately by all the Members in case of Consortium.

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Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal

(On Non – judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- or such equivalent

document duly attested by notary public)

Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of EoI

Know all men by these presents, We, …………………………… (name of the firm and address of the

registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and authorise Mr. /Ms (Name),

son / daughter / wife of ……………………………… and presently residing at ………………………………….., who is

presently employed with us / the Lead Member of our Consortium and holding the position of

………………………….., as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do

in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in

connection with or incidental to submission of our application for “Expression of Interest for

Environmental and Social Audit and Preparation of Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report

(ESDDR)”, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information/responses to

NMCG, representing us in all matters before NMCG, and generally dealing with NMCG in all matters

in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said Project.

We hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney

pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds

and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.


(Signature, name, designation and address)

Accepted Notarised


(Signature, name, designation and address of the Attorney)





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1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any,

laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so

required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required


2. Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents

and documents such as a board or shareholders resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the

person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the


3. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised

by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued.

However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from countries that have signed the Hague

Legislation Convention, 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a

conforming Appostille certificate.

4. In case the Proposal is signed by an authorised Director of the Bidder (Lead Member, in case of a

Consortium), a certified copy of the appropriate resolution/ document conveying such authority

may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.

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Format for Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium

(On Non – judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/- or such equivalent

document duly attested by notary public)

Whereas the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) on behalf of Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government

of India has invited applications from interested parties for “Environmental and Social Audit and

Preparation of Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDDR)” (the “Project”).

Whereas,________________, ____________ and ______________(collectively the “Consortium”)

the Members of the Consortium are interested in bidding for the Project in accordance with the terms

and conditions of the Expression of Interest (EOI) document and other connected documents in

respect of the Project, and

Whereas, it is necessary under the EOI document for the Members of the Consortium to designate

one of them as the Lead Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of

the Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s

bid for the Project who, acting jointly, would have all necessary power and authority to do all acts,

deeds and things on behalf of the Consortium, as may be necessary in connection the Consortium’s

bid for the Project.


We, M/s.____________ (Lead Member), having our registered office at_______________, M/s.

_____________having our registered office at___________, and M/s.________________, having our

registered office at _______________, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principles”) do

hereby designate, nominate, constitute, appoint and authorise M/s_______________, having its

registered office at__________________, being one of the Members of the Consortium, as the Lead

Member and true and lawful attorney of the Consortium (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”)

to do on our behalf and on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of the acts, deeds, or things as are

necessary or required or incidental to the Consortium’s bid for the Project, including submission of

Application, participating in conferences, responding to queries, submission of

information/documents and generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with NMCG, any

other Government Agency or any person, in connection with the Project until culmination of the

process of bidding and thereafter till the contract is entered into with NMCG.

We hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused to be done

by Lead Member, our said Attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and

things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us /


Dated this the ……….. Day of ……….. 2017.


(Signature, Name & Title)

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(Signature, Name & Title)


(Signature, Name & Title)





(To be executed by all the Members of the Consortium)


1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any,

laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so

required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

2. Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents

and documents such as a board or shareholders resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person

executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

3. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised

by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued.

However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from countries that have signed the Hague

Legislation Convention, 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a

conforming Appostille certificate.

4. In case the Proposal is signed by an authorised Director of the Bidder (Lead Member, in case of a

Consortium), a certified copy of the appropriate resolution/ document conveying such authority may

be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.

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