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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Each country partner

must complete the following sections based on guidance within your own

country. Please include any visual/diagrammatic explanations, web addresses

and references. Please answer the following questions according to your

national situation in guidance!

National Report on Guidance in

Group Settings NAVIGUIDE LLP-LDV-TOI-11-AT-0010

Project manager: Marta Kędzia

Authors: Jarosław Puta



Due on: November 20, 2011

Page 2: National Report on Guidance in Group Settings POLAND J ... · Country Report on Guidance in Group Settings in POLAND 2 Employment agencies are mainly all job agencies, HR agencies,

International Methods` Database for Vocational Orientation in Group Settings

Country Report on Guidance in Group Settings in POLAND


1. Guidance in General

Please explain how guidance takes place in your country.

Who provides the guidance services?

Who do they target?

Are there specialised services?

Are there National policy objectives?

What is positive/negative about Guidance in your country?

Every individual has the right to be assisted by various institutions providing

services of professional development. These institutions are both public

institutions located in the department of education and work and private

institutions operating in the open market, providing services in the field of

vocational guidance for different customer groups.

Law of 20 April 2004 on the promotion of employment and labour market

institutions (Ustawa z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004 r. o promocji zatrudnienia i

instytucjach rynku pracy) empowers the following institutions to offer guidance

services and apply guidance tools:

“Art. 6. 1. Labour market institutions that realize the tasks enumerated in

the Law are:

- public employment services;

- Voluntary Labour Brigades (Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy);

- employment agencies;

- training institutions;

- institutions of social dialogue;

- institutions of local partnership.” 1

Public employment services are: county and regional employment offices,

Minister of Labour and his office as well as voivodship offices.

1 Ustawa z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004 o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy (Dz. U. z dnia 1 maja 2004 r.), rozdz. 3, art. 6

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Employment agencies are mainly all job agencies, HR agencies, vocational

guidance agencies and temporary work agencies.

Training institutions include: state schools, non-state schools, universities and

non-school education facilities.

Institutions of social dialogue are employers’ associations, associations of the

unemployed and nongovernmental organisations.

Law of 17 November 2010 on the rules of providing and organising

psychological and pedagogical aid in public kindergartens, schools and

institutions (Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji w sprawie zasad udzielania i

organizacji pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w publicznych przedszkolach,

szkołach i placówkach, Dz. U. 2010 nr 228 poz. 1487) states as follows:

Ҥ 4.2. Psychological and pedagogical aid in kindergartens, schools and

institutions is being provided by teachers, tutors and specialists realising the

tasks of psychological and pedagogical aid, especially psychologists,

pedagogues, speech therapists and vocational counsellors (…)”

Ҥ 31.1. The tasks of vocational counsellor consist of:

1) systematic diagnosis of the students need for educational and vocational

information and providing aid in education and career planning;

2) gathering, updating and providing educational and vocational information

adequate for the particular schooling level;

3) conducting classes preparing the students for aware career planning and

choosing a professional role;

4) coordinating the informative and consultative activity performed by the

school and the institution;

5) cooperating with teachers in creating and providing the continuity of

activity in the area of vocational and educational counselling.”

In the department of national education the tasks of vocational guidance are

also being realised by psychological counselling offices. At the moment there

are 598 offices functioning and 26 of them are specialist offices aiming at

providing career guidance to youth. They use various diagnostic methods for

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identifying psychophysical predispositions of the pupils. The other psychological

offices provide vocational counselling services for children and youths and

support parents and teachers in the process of raising and educating children

and youths. Many educational institutions, such as the Lifelong Learning

Centres (Centra Edukacji Ustawicznej) and Vocational Education Centres

(Centra Edukacji Zawodowej) employ vocational counsellors who help students

to select the appropriate training course.

In the non-public sector there are vocational guidance agencies and non-

governmental organisations and associations which include vocational guidance

in their action programmes.

In Poland there are no private companies that specialize in providing paid

services in the field of vocational guidance. However, there are commercial

firms offering personnel consulting services associated with the selection of

qualified workers for employers.

Vocational guidance in Poland is carried out within institutions of three

ministries as well as in the non-public sector.

The following ministries are responsible for vocational guidance:

domain of education – Ministry of National Education (Ministerstwo

Edukacji Narodowej) – vocational guidance for children and studying


domain of labour – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Ministerstwo

Pracy i Polityki Społecznej) – vocational guidance for adults and for

youth, in particular for youth at risk of social exclusion. Department of

Labour Market (Departament Rynku Pracy) is responsible for all matters

related to vocational guidance and information.

domain of national defence – Ministry of National Defence (Ministerstwo

Obrony Narodowej) – vocational guidance for professional soldiers and

former professional soldiers. The Social Affairs Department

(Departament Stosunków Społecznych) is responsible for matters

relating to supervision and organisation of personnel reconversion in the

Ministry of National Defence.

Vocational counselling target groups can be distinguished as follows:

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students making a choice of their future educational path,

graduates of schools on different levels of education,

the unemployed and persons seeking work,

working persons endangered by the loss of employment.

Clients benefiting from vocational guidance are people experiencing a

number of problems related to vocational decisions in such situation as when


have limited work experience or do not possess it at all and want to

make a career choice for the first time,

made a choice of profession which they perceive to be wrong and want

to make a career choice once more,

possess professional experience but want or need to change profession

(consider such possibility due to external circumstances),

intend to develop their knowledge and professional skills,

Intend to start a business activity and expect an evaluation of the

project’s chance for success,

have vocational adjustment problems,

have deficits in job search skills.

The national policy objectives are as follows:

To make professional counselling services available at every stage of

human life

To equip pupils in rational career choice skills

To introduce during education the problems of economy and entering

into the labour market

To introduce vocational counselling into schools and institutions

To create a system of widely available vocational information and to

develop the quality and availability of counselling services

To ensure availability of reliable information and guidance regarding the

possibilities of education in the whole Europe and at every life stage

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When it comes to strong and weaker sides of guidance in Poland, Górczyński

(2010) mentions in his report the lack of co-operation between institutions

under the Ministry of National Education (Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej) and

the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki

Społecznej). Mutual cooperation of these two ministries is declarative in nature

and often does not translate into practice. This makes it difficult to work

especially for those involved in activities in the field of education and career

counselling in schools (e.g. in getting the information, tools, publications,

exchange of professional experience necessary for work of counsellors). He also

states that the Polish system of vocational guidance lacks the strong connection

with employers.

Moreover, vocational training provided by schools is often detached from the

labour market – this results with a growing group of unemployed graduates.

Bielecki (2010) claims in his report the number of vocational counsellors in

schools and psychological offices is still inadequately small. Moreover, the

author states that the schools’ level of awareness of the need of employing

vocational counsellors is insufficient. Also, the work of vocational counsellors

needs to be standardised (in order to maintain the quality of services).

2. Guidance Settings: Individualised and Group

How is guidance provided in your country?

What is the prevalence of group and individualised guidance?

What methods/techniques/tools are used for guidance in group settings?

Are these methods/techniques/tools also used in individualised settings?

If not, what makes them so effective in a group setting?

The main task of the education system with regard to vocational guidance is

to provide students with professional assistance which enables them to choose

further course of education and/or vocation in a well-considered manner, and

thus increases accuracy of educational and vocational decisions, as well as to

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provide students with access to information about educational trends and

opportunities and about the labour market.

Three acts regulate the process of providing guidance at schools and

educational institutions:

Act on the Education System (Ustawa o systemie oświaty) – obligates

the education system to provide a preparation of the pupils for the

choice of career and educational path;

Teacher’s Charter (Karta Nauczyciela) – regulates the rules of

determining the number of work hours of the job counsellor in schools

and institutions;

Regulation on the detailed rules of functioning of the public

psychological-pedagogical counselling offices, including the public

specialist counselling offices (Rozporządzenie w sprawie szczegółowych

zasad działania publicznych poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, w

tym publicznych poradni specjalistycznych);

Regulation on the rules of providing and organising psychological aid in

public kindergartens, schools and institutions (Rozporządzenie w sprawie

zasad udzielania i organizacji pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w

publicznych przedszkolach, szkołach i placówkach);

Regulation on types, organisation and activity of the public institutions

for lifelong learning and the public institutions for practical training,

including the public institutions for vocational training (Rozporządzenie w

sprawie rodzajów, organizacji oraz sposobu działania publicznych

placówek kształcenia ustawicznego i publicznych placówek kształcenia

praktycznego, w tym publicznych ośrodków dokształcania i doskonalenia


The governing body of a school or an institution defines a number of

teaching hours for vocational counsellors conducting activities related to

selection of course of education and career in order to support students in

making education- and profession-related decisions. Schools are obliged to

create intraschool vocational guidance systems at lower secondary schools,

general secondary schools, technical secondary schools and basic vocational

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schools. The tasks pertaining to vocational guidance and information are

implemented with the use of active work methods.

Career guidance for young people is also carried out free of charge by public

psychological and pedagogical counselling centres, Lifelong Learning Centres

(Centra Edukacji Ustawicznej) and Practical Training Centres (Centra Edukacji


In psychological counselling offices, the tasks of a job counsellor are as


performs diagnostic research (individual and group) allowing

identification of the students’ vocational predispositions and preferences,

and realises postdiagnostic tasks (counselling, pronouncing opinion,


leads group activities in the counselling office or in the educational


disseminates the knowledge from the field of educational and vocational

information and orientation among pupils, parents and teachers;

supports the educational skills of the teachers and the parents by

organising workshops, support groups and other educational activities;

cooperates closely with teachers from the assigned schools and

institutions in the field of deepening the diagnosis of needs and

methodological counselling;

designs and disseminates methodological materials for the use of pupils,

parents, teachers and counselling-related professionals.

In the years 2002-2004, as a part of the government's Graduates Vocational

Activation Program ‘First Job’ (Program aktywizacji zawodowej absolwentów

“Pierwsza Praca”), were taken the following initiatives:

creating Communal Information Centres (Gminne Centra Informacji)

aimed at activating young people and local communities and revitalising

local labour market by providing easy access to modern communication


creation and development of the Academic Career Offices (Akademickie

Biura Karier) providing assistance to students and alumni in career

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planning by facilitating the recognition of vocational predispositions,

gathering information on companies and employment opportunities,

obtaining job offers, gathering information on vocational and language

courses, scholarships and abroad studies,

creation of School Career Centres (Szkolne Ośrodki Kariery) in the lower

and upper secondary schools. The tasks of the centres are to collect and

share educational and vocational information, to counsel students and

parents, and to conduct activating group classes,

establishing a network of Mobile Centres of Vocational Information

(Mobilne Centra Informacji Zawodowej). The aim is enabling young

people to acquire the skills of active planning of professional

development and acquiring the knowledge necessary to enter the labour

market. The primary target group is young people living in remote rural

areas at risk of marginalization and social exclusion.

Supporting social and professional advancement is implemented by district

labour offices, in cooperation with the Centres of Information and Career

Planning (Centra Informacji i Planowania Kariery Zawodowej), through services

aimed at creating individual activity plans covering the objectives and

subsequent stages of careers, taking into account the labour market services

and instruments of the labour market supporting employment.

Vocational guidance and vocational information, in accordance with the Act

of 20 April 2004 (article 38) on employment promotion and labour market

institutions in the public employment service (Ustawa o promocji zatrudnienia i

instytucjach rynku pracy), aim to:

help the unemployed and job seekers in choosing the right profession

and place of employment, in particular by:

- providing information on occupations, job market, training and

education opportunities,

- giving advice through the use of methods facilitating the choice of

profession, changing qualifications, taking or changing job, including

identification of vocational interests and abilities,

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- directing to specialist psychological and medical examinations which

enable giving an opinion about the vocational usefulness for a job, a

profession or a training course,

- initiating, organising and conducting vocational group counselling,

help the employers in selecting candidates for hiring, in particular by

providing information and consulting.

Vocational guidance in the labour offices is performed in accordance with

these rules:

availability of counselling services for the unemployed, job seekers and


voluntariness of use of vocational guidance services;

equality in the use of vocational guidance services, regardless of gender,

age, disability, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, political

beliefs, faith and union membership;

freedom of choice of occupation and place of employment;

providing guidance services free of charge;

confidentiality and data protection of the unemployed and job seekers

using the services of vocational guidance.

Configuration of guidance tools applied with regards to people in need of

the support from a vocational counsellor is established during the meeting with

the client on the basis of the analysis of his/her individual needs. Formal

aspects of counsellor’s activities, depending on the needs of the person

applying to the counsellor, are defined by the state regulations, especially

chapter 4, § 23 of the Regulation of 2 March 2007 (Rozporządzenie Ministra

Pracy i Polityki Społecznej w sprawie szczegółowych warunków prowadzenia

przez publiczne służby zatrudnienia usług rynku pracy)

Ҥ 23 1. Vocational counsellor, offering vocational information and guidance,

uses in particular the following:

1) vocational guidance methods and tools;

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2) self-developed programmes on vocational information and guidance;

3) standardised diagnostic tools for examining vocational interests,

predispositions and aptitudes;

4) databases of the unemployed or job searchers and of employers;

5) local, regional, national and international resources of professional

information, including data on professions, educational opportunities and

labour market;

6) address information of institutions specialising in solving the vocational

problems of the unemployed or people searching for a job;

7) information materials containing employment office’s resources.

2. Vocational counsellor applies only these methods and tools that he has been

trained to use and which he is authorised to use.

3. Selection of psychological tests is subject to individual assessment of the

vocational counsellor with psychological education, who, while applying these

tests, should respect tests’ copyrights and procedures of testing and result

interpretation appropriate to a specific test.“2

Resources and tools used in vocational guidance are:

standardised working methods, including among others: counselling

interview, Educational Method, Course of Inspiration, Spanish Method;

information about professions in traditional and multimedia forms such

as: Guide to occupations, Guide to professions evaluation from the

viewpoint of different kinds of disabilities, movies about occupations;

2 Rozporządzeniu Ministra Pracy i Polityki Społecznej z dnia 2 marca 2007 w sprawie szczegółowych

warunków prowadzenia przez publiczne służby zatrudnienia usług rynku prac (Dz. U. z dnia 16 marca 2007 r.), rozdz. 4

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psychological tests measuring occupational preferences and aptitudes,

such as tests of interests, talents, personality traits;

information on the labour market, including, among others information

about surplus and deficit occupations, current requirements of

employers, self-employment opportunities, etc.

guides for training and educational institutions.

Individual counselling plays a fundamental role in the multifunction

dimension of career guidance and involves:

help in deciding on the choice of profession, job, type of training;

providing information on occupations, occupational needs of the

environment and training opportunities;

identifying vocational predispositions to ensure the right choice of a

profession or the direction of training;

referring to specialist psychological and medical tests;

focusing on career guidance services aiming to equip the client in active

job search skills, conscious defining of themselves and their own

potential, and constructing of individual activity plans,

As a part of group guidance counsellors conduct workshops that prepare the

unemployed for a successful entry into the labour market. The workshops are

modular which means they form a cycle consisting of thematic parts developed

basing on the recommended methodology and taking into account the specific

needs of target groups. Trainings have an educational dimension and aim at:

development of awareness of opportunities and possibilities to cope with

the situation of job loss;

acquisition of skills of preparing application documents;

diagnosis and assessment of one’s abilities, personality traits, interests

and occupational preferences;

preparing for interviews and self-presentation;

increasing readiness to change;

increasing motivation for activity.

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An important element improving the efficiency of the training is maintaining

the similarity of problems experienced within the group and thus creating a

high level of cohesion.

3. National Stakeholders

Who are the key stakeholders in guidance in your country?

What do they invest (time, money, commitment energy etc., and what

outcome/ impact do they expect?

The key stakeholders interested in national guidance area are: Ministry of

National Education (Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej), Ministry of Science and

Higher Education (Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego), Ministry of

Labour and Social Policy and Department of Labour Market (Ministerstwo Pracy i

Polityki Społecznej, Departament Rynku Pracy), National Centre For Supporting

Vocational and Continuing Education (Krajowy Ośrodek Wspierania Edukacji

Zawodowej i Ustawicznej), Voluntary Labour Brigades (Ochotniczy Hufiec

Pracy), Main Methodical Centre for Vocational Information (Centralny Ośrodek

Metodyczny Informacji Zawodowej), School Career Centers (Szkolny Ośrodek

Kariery), Centres for Information and Career Planning (Centrum Informacji i

Planowania Kariery Zawodowej), Voivodeship and Poviat Labour Offices

(Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy, Powiatowy Urząd Pracy), Municipal Information

Centres (Gminne Centrum Informacji), Academic Career Offices (Akademickie

Biuro Karier), Military Centre of Vocational Activation (Wojskowe Centrum

Aktywizacji Zawodowej), Universities, secondary schools, psychological and

pedagogical counselling offices, training institutions, employers.

The mentioned institutions and organisations invest a range of resources –

time, money, commitment, energy, etc., and expect a higher level of self-

awareness and career planning competences on both individual and national


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4. Qualification and further training of guidance staff

In general what types of qualifications do guidance practitioners have?

Is there a minimum qualification required?

Is there specific training provided for career counsellors?

Are there further education/training courses provided for guidance


Is there a continuous Professional Development (CPD) process in place?

If so how does this work.)

To ensure high quality of vocational counsellors’ services, the necessary

qualifications of a teacher-vocational counsellor have been specified in the

Ordinance of the Minister of National Education of 12 March 2009 on the

detailed requirements concerning teacher qualifications and on the definition of

schools and cases when teacher with no higher education degrees or teaching

qualifications can be employed. Depending on the school or institution type,

first (B.A.) or second (M.A.) degree studies in vocational counselling or first

(B.A.) or second (M.A.) degree studies of any kind and postgraduate studies in

vocational counselling, and having pedagogic preparation are required.

Generally there are 5 systems of teaching counsellors:

- Full time studies.

- Continuing studies (while working).

- Extramural studies.

- Short courses, lasting a few days, raising qualifications.

- Supervision and support of more experienced counsellors.” 3

To be a vocational counsellor in the labour offices, a person is required to

have higher education. The preferred study areas are: psychology, pedagogy or

sociology. Over 50% of counsellors possesses psychological education, and the

3 http://www.sdsiz.pl/index.php/publikacje/161-doradztwo-zawodowe-w-krajach-unii-europejskiej

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rest (over 40%) – pedagogical or sociological (data for 2007, Doradztwo i

poradnictwo zawodowe w Polsce).

The character of a vocational counsellor’s work, engaged in employment

services, requires interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Since 1997, there is a

possibility of gaining education in the field of vocational guidance at the

university level. Modular university training programs for counsellors are based

on four levels:

3-year bachelor's degree in vocational counselling – after completing the

graduate is a licensed vocational counsellor and may start master's

degree studies with a specialisation in pedagogy of vocational


5-year master's degree in psychology, specialisation in psychology of

vocational counselling;

2 or 3 semester post-graduate studies in the field of vocational guidance

for persons with higher education

5. Existing Networks for Career Counsellors and Trainers

Are there any fora/way for guidance practitioners to exchange

information or to share good practice e.g. regular peer meetings,

conferences, seminars, workshops etc.?

If yes, is this a formal or informal process?

The Association of School and Vocational Counsellors of the Republic of

Poland (Stowarzyszenie Doradców Szkolnych i Zawodowych

Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej)


The Association of School and Vocational Counsellors of the Republic of

Poland is a non-governmental social organisation. It started its substantive

activity in 1991, and its founders were psychologists and teachers employed in

psychological and pedagogical counselling centres and in employment offices.

The Association, as a non-profit organisation professionally dealing with the

issues of career orientation and counselling, wishes to actively and

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pragmatically contribute to the trend of changes that affects our country,

shaping and influencing our most precious asset – human resources.

Currently, members of the Association are experts dealing with career

guidance in various institutions and sectors (e.g. career advisors, school

advisors, job advisors, psychologists, teachers, sociologists and academic

teachers) who have considerable achievements and numerous works to their


The Association is organising annual conferences on vocational counselling.

This year, the 21st edition took place.

The Association of Career and Personal Counsellors (Stowarzyszenie

Doradców Zawodowych i Personalnych)


The aim of the Association is to support the development of career and

personal counselling (entry compliant with the application for the entity

registration in the National Court Register):

1. Supporting career and personal counselling;

2. Preventing unemployment;

3. Helping people looking for job and at risk of unemployment;

4. Helping the unemployed in professional activation;

5. Protecting the rights, dignity and interests of the members of the


6. Multilateral promotion of business activity in terms of the widely-

understood career and personal counselling;

7. Concern for a impeccable level of ethics and professionalism if the

members and creating appropriate conditions for raising this level;

8. Creating Career Resource Centres;

9. Lobbing for the professional group of career and personal advisors.

National Forum for Lifelong Guidance Policy (Narodowe Forum

Doradztwa Kariery)


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National Forum for Lifelong Guidance Policy is an association which

comprises guidance counsellors, and persons connected with the guidance in


The main objectives pursued by the Forum are:

1. Creating a platform of contact, integration and exchange of experiences

between professional advisors and all persons associated with

consulting services in Poland;

2. Supporting the development of vocational guidance by providing

modern methods, tools and publications for the counsellors, trainings,

workshops and conferences for guidance counsellors;

3. Popularization of the idea of career counselling and awareness of its

importance in building a modern labour market, and to combat


4. Cooperation with local government and government institutions, in the

development of vocational guidance in Poland, and to combat

unemployment - cooperation, among others, with the Offices of the

Marshals of Regional Voivodeships (Urząd Marszałkowski), the

Commission of Education, Science and Sport of the Senate of the

Republic of Poland (Komisja Nauki, Edukacji i Sportu Senatu RP), the

Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Ministerstwo Nauki i

Szkolnictwa Wyższego);

5. Cooperation and exchange of experiences with other EU countries in the

European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network as well as participation in

an international projects such as the "School and World of Work".

Moreover, the Student Learned Society of Personnel and Vocational

Counselling (Studenckie Koło Naukowe Doradztwa Zawodowego i Personalnego)

is organising annually a nationwide Student Scientific Conference. In 2011, the

society organised the conference for the 5th time.

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6. Existing Methods e.g. handbooks, databases, resources etc.

How do guidance practitioners access information on new methods and

resources in guidance?

Are there online platforms that assist practitioners in gaining new

information and sharing good practice?

How effective are they?

Do you have any idea of their usage? What is good about them / what is

not so good about them?

In order to improve the functioning of vocational guidance services,

informative and methodological materials for vocational counsellors are

published, seminars and training on issues identified by counsellors are

organized, and international cooperation is undertaken within the

implementation of EU projects and programs.

Institutions of public employment services providing guidance are equipped

in a unified information resource. These resources include: the classification of

professions and specialties, folders of information on occupations, flyers for

events, movies about professions, guides on

occupations (546 occupations characteristics) and catalogues, brochures,


Counsellors have also access to computer programs, also available in the

Internet, which are databases of vocational characteristics, information on

educational and training institutions and local occupational information that are

being input by the counsellors form the whole country.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is publishing informative-methodological

handbooks for vocational counsellors (Zeszyty informacyjno-metodyczne

doradcy zawodowego). So far, 48 issues have been published.

National Centre For Supporting Vocational And Continuing Education

(Krajowy Ośrodek Wspierania Edukacji Zawodowej i Ustawicznej) is publishing

handbooks directed at vocational counselors and makes them accessible on its

website (www.koweziu.edu.pl).

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Within the project Euroguidance books, articles and a bulletin concerning the

topic of vocational guidance are being published


Besides the websites of the three key institutions mentioned in the former

chapter, there are some other on-line websites dedicated to exchanging

experience between counsellors like for example:

- http://www.koweziu.edu.pl/edukator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=478&Itemid=1

National Centre For Supporting Vocational And Continuing Education


- http://www.cm.ecorys.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=154&Itemid=103

Methodical Center for Vocational Counsellors (Centrum Metodyczne Ecorys

Polska) – a branch of the company Ecorys working commercially;

- www.euroguidance.pl

Euroguidance – a multinational European network associating 51 centers and

135 people from 32 countries.

There are also international projects for vocational advisors that Polish

organisations have participated in, for example:

- Leonardo da Vinci LLP - "GuideMe! Quality Measures for Guidance of Job-

Seekers in Group Settings"; www.guideme.at

- Leonardo da Vinci LLP - “Join In a Job! – New paths of qualification and

training for juvenile migrants by the means of cross cultural clearing and

counselling instruments”; http://join-in-a-job.eu/lang/1/

- Grundtvig LLP – “Parents as family vocational advisors for children” -


- Leonardo da Vinci LLP – “Parents as facilitator in choosing vocational

education for their children Training for school career counsellors

focused on co-operation with parents”;


- a transfer of CPT (Career Path Test) a former project "Developing an

effective tool for career path of secondary schools’ students to prevent

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unemployment and misemployment”

http://www.cpteu.com/about_project.php. A useful vocational diagnostic

tool for better matching students' predispositions and skills with the jobs

will be elaborated within that project.

7. Further comments

Have you any other comments that would be interesting to capture

regarding Guidance in your own country? Particularly in relation to group


According to a report made in 2008 by Regional Labour Office in Cracow

(Grodzki Urząd Pracy w Krakowie), these are the main expectations of the

guidance services beneficiaries:

getting a job;

receiving a ready “recipe”;

information about the local labour market;

preparing for effective activity in the labour market (editing application

documents, preparation for interviews, job search methods, starting a

business , recruitment of employees);

identifying occupational aptitudes and one’s resources;

knowledge about occupations and educational paths;

getting help in choosing the future direction of education;

customer-concentrated attitude;

availability of offered services.

The main needs of the guidance services beneficiaries were identified as


finding a job;

getting help in choosing the direction of education or additional training;

showing the possibilities of retraining;

presenting the institutions supporting the labour market;

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positive reinforcement / building a sense of self-value / emotional


preparing for effective activity in the labour market;

identifying occupational aptitudes and one’s resources;

the need for professional advice or consultation;

the need for human contact;

the need for support in decision making and solving problems;

obtaining information on the profession, salaries, schools, courses,

today's job market, job offers, starting a business, etc.

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8. Bibliography

See attached note for Bibliography layout/format

1. [author unmentioned] (2006). Sprawozdanie VI. Sprawozdania Polski z

wykonywania Europejskiej Karty Społecznej. Retrieved November 11,

2011, from http://www.mpips.gov.pl/spoleczne-prawa-czlowieka/rada-




2. [author unmentioned] (2007). Doradztwo i poradnictwo zawodowe w

Polsce. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from


3. [author unmentioned] (2008). Potrzeby i oczekiwania klientów/odbiorców

poradnictwa zawodowego. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from



4. [author unmentioned] (2007). Poradnictwo Zawodowe w Powiatowym

Urzędzie Pracy w Ciechanowie. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from


5. Pielok, C. (2007). Przeglad metod grupowego poradnictwa zawodowego.

Retrieved November 11, 2011, from http://www.doradca-



6. [author unmentioned] (2010). System poradnictwa zawodowego w Polsce.

Zeszyt Informacyjno-Metodyczny Doradcy Zawodowego nr 46. Retrieved

November 11, 2011, from

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International Methods` Database for Vocational Orientation in Group Settings

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7. Górczyński, M. (2010). Funkcjonowanie doradztwa zawodowego w Polsce

w aspekcie wybranych modeli europejskich. Retrieved November 13,

2011, from http://www.lcez.lublin.pl/pliki/struktura_doradztwa.doc

8. Kowalik, J. (2008). Metodyka poradnictwa indywidualnego i grupowego –

ćwiczenia. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from


9. Dzielnicka, E. (2008). Poradnictwo zawodowe w poradniach

psychologiczno-pedagogicznych. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from


10. Bielecki, J. (2010). Poradnictwo zawodowe w resorcie edukacji w Polsce.

Retrieved November 12, 2011, from www.ore.edu.pl under the link:








11. Osicka, G. Poradnictwo zawodowe w resorcie edukacji – stan i kierunki

rozwoju. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from


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