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Page 1: Natural Areas Report - Andrews Forestandrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/pubs/pdf/pub2349.pdfMost people treasure old photographs for sentimental reasons. Others appreciate the historical


Natural Areas ReportVol. 9, No. 1

Spring 1997

Natural Areas News and Information Exchange

Windows into ChangeExtracting Environmental Data from Old Photographs

Most people treasure old photographs for sentimentalreasons. Others appreciate the historical value of earlyimages. But to many students of the natural environment,historical photographs offer a treasure trove of scientificinformation that is useful for a variety of research andmonitoring purposes. Among these are documentation ofspecies composition changes; analysis of landscapechanges such as the stability in woodland-grasslandboundaries; quantification of demographics of majorspecies; interpretation of geomorphic changes; and analy-

ses in change in archaeological sites. At the Desert Labo-ratory of the University of Arizona, we have one of thelargest repeat photography projects in the world with about3,200 documented camera stations and between 15,000 and20,000 cataloged negatives.

Repeat photography is particularly useful in providinghistorical data on environmental conditions. Most ecosys-tem studies suffer from a lack of baseline information onthe environmental condition before disturbances or initia-tion of land-use practices. Anecdotal information, such as

continued on page 2

Upstream view of the Gila River near Winkleman, Arizona

February 1928. Photo shows Gila River in an open floodplainwith a railroad line running on its west side. Floods possibly ashigh as 300,00 cfs once roared through this canyon, but by thistime, the river had been regulated by Coolidge Dam for severalyears.Photo by Charles Amsden, courtesy of the Southwest Museum

January 1994. Despite about 70 years of flow regulation, and alarge dam release during previous winter flooding, riparian vegeta-tion has increased. Much of the vegetation close to the channel isnon-native tamarisk, but native mesquites have increased signifi-cantly on the point bars which have aggraded by several meters.Photo by R.H. Webb, stake 3108, Desert Laboratory collection

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Repeat Photography and Monitoring:Using Old Photographs to Extract Environmental Datacontinued from page 1

diaries or General Land Office survey notes, is usefulbut must be interpreted carefully to remove observerbias. The major bias in repeat photography is what thephotographer chose to record, and that bias can beminimized by examining reasonably large numbers ofphotographs. A second bias is the resolution of theoriginal photograph, particularly in comparison with themodern match, but this bias can also be at least partiallyovercome by obtaining high-quality images.

Replicating old photographs is generally not asdifficult as finding the original views. Those of us whopractice repeat photography on a regional scale arearchive rats; some of our best friends work in places likethe National Archives, state historical societies, or in thespecial collections branches of university libraries.Currently, there is no way to search archives through theInternet, so finding old photographs is still an exercise indetective work. The personal touch is best, becausearchives seldom know exactly what they have in theirinventories, making visits to archives an important startto any repeat photography project. One of the mostessential and usually difficult tasks is to determine theexact date or approximate year of the photograph. Manyphotographic collections, particularly ones from specificphotographers, were donated with diaries or otherdocumentation, and these commonly are kept in aseparate location in the archives from the photographicmaterials.

Once appropriate images have been identified,some sort of hardcopy is necessary to match the photo-graph. The most critical step in repeat photography, andthe most important factor in how much information canbe obtained, is the acquisition of high quality images.Most archives offer 8x10 copy prints made from copynegatives, but these negatives may be several genera-tions removed from the original negatives. The maxi-mum resolution is obtained from a duplicate of theoriginal negative, assuming that the original negativestill exists. If the original cannot be found, the bestalternative is to have a copy negative made of an originalprint. Here is where it doubly pays to have an excellentrapport with archivists, because special permissionusually is required to obtain negatives of any sort.

The choice of camera system also strongly

affects the information content of repeat photography. Ifirmly believe in using large-format cameras because ofthe high resolution, which is particularly useful foridentifying plant species. The resolution of a good 4x5system is far greater than that of the best 35 mm cameras.An added bonus of the large-format systems is thecomposure area on the ground glass corresponds to theexact image recorded on the negative. Most of our workinvolves 4x5 film in cut-film holders, although occasion-ally we use 6x9 cm film in rollback holders; in eithercase, we rely on Polaroids to make sure the match is donecorrectly in the field. We always mount our cameras ontripods and record camera height, the view azimuth, andthe camera tilt, and we usually place a permanent markerunder the lens.

Interpretation of replicate photographs is both artand hard science. Sometimes all the information in areplicate pair is extracted with a glance: the changes, orlack thereof, are obvious. One example is the downslopemovement of trees into areas that formerly were grass-lands. In most cases, repeat photography uses the best ofobservational science, requiring considerable expertise toidentify subtle details or changes. Considerable knowl-edge and skill is required to reliably identify plant speciesfrom foliage or branching patterns, or to interpret subtlechanges in fluvial systems. We now utilize image-processing software for a variety of automated photo-graphic-interpretation tasks, including photo rectificationand analyses of image tonal quality.

The Desert Laboratory collection consists ofrepeat photography of the southwestern United States —principally Arizona and adjacent states — as well asMexico and Kenya. The largest single holding is ofGrand Canyon, which comprises about 1,300 camerastations. Currently we are working on an update of TheChanging Mile, a classic book by Hastings and Turner onenvironmental change in the Sonoran Desert; a repeatphotography project in Baja California, in cooperationwith the Mexican government; documentation of changein the Colorado River through Canyonlands NationalPark; and a regional-scale examination of the stability ofriparian systems in the southwestern United States.

Robert H. WebbU.S. Geological Survey, Desert LaboratoryTucson, Arizona

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Ranch scene in Munk Draw, Dos Cabeza Mountains, southeastern Arizona

Unknown date between 1901 and 1919. The photograph showsan open ephemeral stream channel adjacent to the ranch head-quarters, and relatively barren slopes with sparse shrubs andgrasses.Photo by J.A. Munk, courtesy of the Southwest Museum

June 1995. The ephemeral channel is hidden by dense riparianvegetation, all of which is native. Shrubs, including smallmesquite trees, have encroached on the hillslopes. (Similarincreases in both riparian vegetation and shrubs have occurredthroughout southern Arizona during the last century).Photo by D. Oldershaw, stake 3326, Desert Laboratory collection

Book ReviewRestoring Diversity: Strategies for Reintroduction of Endangered Plants

Edited by Donald A. Falk, Constance I. Millar, and Margaret Orwell. Island Press, 1996, 505p.

Reintroducing endangered plants back into theirnative habitat remains an uncertain endeavor. As theeditors of this volume point out, the basic biologicalunderstanding necessary for successfully reintroducingspecies and restoring natural communities is still poorlydeveloped, and "links between restoration and the mainbody of ecological theory have barely been forged". Thistimely book, the result of a national conference, is theculmination of a project by the Center for Plant Conservationto gather the most current thoughts of natural resourceprofessionals on the many aspects of endangered plantreintroduction.

The book opens with a discussion of the differentforms of rarity in plants, and situations which might bemost amenable to attempted reintroduction. However, asLynn Kutner and Larry Morse point out in chapter 2, eventhe best planned efforts might have limited long-termsuccess, if global climate change becomes a reality.Development, large-scale land conversion, and the intro-duction of exotic species are among many landscape-levelenvironmental changes that have restricted many rareplants to small patches within a highly fragmented andaltered landscape. The ability of these populations to

persist without corridors of habitat linking them to regionswith different climate is a concern.

The importance of and the difficulties inherent inchoosing or creating a viable environment in which to plantis underscored by the research findings described byRichard Primack (Chapter 9) on studies of experimentalintroductions. Primack and his associates introduced seedof several species into environments that appeared to matchthe site environments in which the plants naturally grew,and found that few introductions resulted in self-sustainingpopulations. This may be due to complex and subtlehabitat characteristics that are difficult to predict at thetime of planting.

A significant and valuable portion of this book isdevoted to reintroduction within a mitigation context.Chapters by Ann Howald and Joy Zedler document failures(and a few successes) of past mitigation attempts, provid-ing us with many ideas about how mitigation might beimproved. These accounts make the case that consistentlybetter results should be required before translocation isconsidered a viable conservation tool. Interestingly, asHowald points out, translocation is but one of severalmitigation strategies, and is often viewed as the absolute

continued on page 8

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4 Natural Areas News and Information Exchange

Resurveying Vegetation on Fishtail Mesa,Grand Canyon National Park

Few areas exist in the southern Colorado Plateau thathave not been heavily grazed. Those canyons and mesaswith walls too steep for livestock are also nearly inacces-sible to scientists wanting to analyze the condition ofungrazed land. This was the challenge faced by DonJameson, Range Conservationist for the Rocky MountainForest and Range Experiment Station, in 1958, when heand two colleagues helicoptered onto Fishtail Mesa, anungrazed 1,084-acre "island" plateau isolated from the"mainland" of northern Arizona and the nearby KaibabPlateau.

Jameson's intent was to compare the ungrazedcondition of Fishtail Mesa, a waterless pinyon-juniper-sagebrush community, with nearby grazed lands, and toestablish permanent transects that could be remeasured inthe future. The team found notable differences in vegeta-tion on Fishtail Mesa, particularly a greater abundance ofbig sagebrush and mutton grass, and less blue grama thanhad been recorded on grazed mainland sites. Jameson andcolleagues published their findings in the journal Ecologyin 1962, and although the study has been frequently citedin the literature of the region, the published version lackedmuch of the "metadata" necessary for resurveying the site.

Many years later, Nancy Brian, botanist at the GrandCanyon National Park, and Peter Rowlands, researchscientist for the Biological Resource Division, USGS,became interested in the Fishtail Mesa study as part of anenvironmental history they were preparing of the southern

Colorado Plateau. Fishtail Mesa, now part of the NationalPark, would provide an opportunity to survey a relict siteand to note nearly forty years of change.

After much searching through unpublished reportsand internal memos, Brian located Jameson's photographsof the study area, but his original field documentation waslost. So Brian searched out Jameson himself, and finallytracking him down, arranged for him to accompany her anda field crew of six to revisit his transect on Fishtail Mesa.

In May 1996, the crew helicoptered to the mesa toconduct the remeasurement, hauling in supplies for sixdays (including 600 pounds of water). Jameson helped tolocate the steel fence posts he had used to mark the elbs, ortransect lines, 38 years earlier. He explained details of hissampling methods as well as assumptions he had made thatwere not included in the published record. Jameson'sconsultation ensured that the remeasurements wouldconform to the 1958 survey.

The most striking thing Jameson noticed on his returnto Fishtail Mesa was the apparent lack of change. Theearlier survey had noted severe deer browsing in the area,there seemed to have been little recovery or regeneration ofshrubs. This observation was easily quantified, because inthe original survey Jameson had been careful to design amethodology to measure stable components of the site.The earlier survey had recorded basal intercepts of grassesand forbs, rather than the more ephemeral crown intercepts,along eight 800-foot transects. They recorded crown

April 1958

Fishtail Mesa, looking east toward Powell Plateau, at Elb (Transect) 8 April 1996

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Natural Areas News and Information Exchange 5

measurements of shrubs and boll diameter of trees. Parkerloop measurements, deer pellet counts, plot and scenicphotography, wildlife observations, and a soil profile andmap complemented the data set.

In considering the original study design, Jamesonreflected on advice he would offer those who may beestablishing a new long-term study.

It is important, says Jameson, to use statistical proce-dures that are appropriate to repeated measurement, and todefine those procedures before data are collected. Obvi-ously, the plots should be consistent with the statisticaldesign, and well-defined with permanent, retrievablemarkers. (One of Brian's resurvey team members recordedthe transect locations with a global positioning system andentered it into the park's GIS database.)

Finally, says Jameson, a thorough description of themethods and assumptions should be documented andarchived in a retrievable format. Although a publishedrecord of the survey is important, no journals are able toaccommodate the bulk of original data and supportingmethodology important to designing a compatible resur-vey. Yet, the availability of these records should befootnoted in the published report and archived where theycan be accessed in the future.

"Long-term studies make us feel good, but few areuseful," Jameson warns. Measurement fads change with

the development of new gadgets, making data collected atdifferent times nearly impossible to compare. Therefore,the statistical design of a long-term study must be adapt-able to changing technology and flexible enough to beapplied to new questions as they evolve.

Brian, Rowlands, and Jameson are now analyzing theresults from their remeasurements. They are reconcilingthe inevitable changes in taxonomy and standards ofmeasures in order to make the datasets comparable. Pre-liminary results include the recording of 90 plant species,with four new records for the park. Comparison with olderrecords suggests an increase in species diversity, butoverall very little change in total vegetation cover. Com-paratively high reproduction of pinyon pine and lowregeneration of juniper may indicate a "pinyon invasion."And scat tentatively identified as that of juvenile elksuggests movement of a recent invader in the KaibabPlateau.

Brian has filed voucher specimens of species recordedand documented a laundry list of methodology to allowfuture researchers the opportunity to retrace their steps.

"In another 50 years," says Nancy Brian, "I will be avery old lady, and someone will call me up and say, 'Do youwant to go to Fishtail Mesa?', and I will say, 'You bet!"

Margaret HerringEditor, Natural Areas Report

Natural Areas Association 24th Annual ConferenceAugust 27-30

Mark these dates to attend the 24thAnnual Natural Areas Association Confer-ence in Portland, Oregon. The theme of theconference, "Bridging Natural and SocialLandscapes" will challenge us to find areasof common ground, to form linkages be-tween the natural and the cutural/socioeco-nomic values of landscapes. WilliamRobbins, Distinguished Professor of Historyat Oregon State University, will open theconference. The plenary session followswith a reexamination of the role of naturalareas in today's world.

A partial list of sessions and symposiaincludes:

Native American perspectives on natural areamanagement

What is natural?: an interdisciplinaryroundtable

Portland, OregonUrban and rural use and perceptions of

natural areasRole of natural areas in ecosystem level

managementNew and unplanned uses of native speciesSocial and ecological implications of grazing:

domestic & wildInvertebrates and natural area managementFire ecology - public perspectives and use

If you would like to receive a copy ofthe registration information and you are not amember of the Natural Areas Association,please write:

Natural Areas Association1997 Conference InformationPO Box 23712Tigard, OR 97281-3712

or email [email protected]

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6 Natural Areas News and Information Exchange

Using Repeat Photography to MeasureLandscape Change

Repeat photography dates back to 1888 and 1889when Professor Sebastian Finsterwalder initiated repeatedphotogrammetric surveys of glaciers in the eastern Alps.Since that time repeat photography has been widelyutilized by geographers, geologists, botanists, biologistsand others to document landscape changes. Over the pastthirty years I have utilized this technique to interpretvegetative changes in the Great Basin, Northern Rockiesand more recently in the Sierra Nevada.

Retake of historical photographs is a proven meansof documenting vegetation change. However, whetheroriginal photographs are reliable indicators of conditions atthe time of Euro-American settlement is being debated inthe scientific community. Concern focuses on the emphasisof pre-settlement forests, grasslands and woodlands as abenchmark, or standard, of landscape health. Some criticsmaintain that many old photographs were made during aperiod of extreme disturbance and thus are not a reliablereflection of pre-settlement vegetation. This argument isoften true, for instance in heavily impacted localities suchas mining camps, but other areas had received little impactat the time historic photographs were taken. These latterphotographs can be a valuable aid in providing insight onthe appearance of pre-settlement vegetation. By retakingmany pre-1900 photographs over a wide area one can gain

insight on how the landscape appeared in the past and howit has changed.

Those interested in locating historical photographsthat have potential for repeat photography can find them atuniversities, museums, historical societies, public libraries,government agencies and in private collections. Taken byprofessionals and amateurs, these scenes record scenicviews, land surveys, geological features, railroad construc-tion, mining, settlements, logging, and people. A keycriteria in selection is the age of the photograph, depictionof a vegetation on the land, and the presence of landscapefeatures that permit exact relocation of the scene.

Many scenes have little or no information and nodistinctive features to aid location. Others contain promi-nent land features that allow identification of the generalvicinity of the photograph. Sometimes people familiarwith the scenes in question can provide critical knowledgefor location. One can then locate the original camera pointby lining up identifying features. This procedure can befrustrating when regrowth of trees and shrubs obscure theoriginal view. In these instances, it is necessary to movethe camera to an alternate camera point. This is oftennecessary in forested regions. Sometimes climbing aladder or a tree or use of a helicopter allows a semblance ofre-location.

Southwest view of Slaughterhouse Canyon, Lake Tahoe, Nevada1873. Open slopes adjacent to railroad had been logged, whilethe patchy appearance of stands in canyon bottomand and indistance suggest that they had not been entered. Fuelwoodstacked above flume in foreground awaits transport.photo by C.E. Watkins; courtesy, Huntington Library and Art Center

1993 (120 years later). This photo was taken from a rockoutcrop above the highway since the original camera point(below motor home) is densely forested by Jeffery pine. Manytrees have died during the recent Tahoe Basin bark beetle outbreak.photo by G.E. Gruel!

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Analytical techniques used in evaluating vegetationchanges include field inspection of the photographedlocation to identify primary historical vegetation, includingtree ages, stumps, and snags. It is also important to iden-tify past disturbance including fire, livestock grazing,logging, and mining. Historical literature such as Govern-ment Land Office (GLD) maps and notes, journals ofexplorers and pioneers, and relevant scientific research aidinterpretations of vegetation condition past and present.

Repeat photography is particularly effective indocumenting vegetation change in mountainous regionswhere potential vegetation consists of trees and shrubs.For example, an expansive view from an elevated positionshowing landscape including riparian vegetation is a primecandidate for repeat photography. Within such settings, themore significant vegetation changes are often those causedby introduction or removal of livestock, fire, logging, ormining. Scenes in extensive semi-arid valleys with littlevariation in topography are not only difficult to re-locate,but usually show few obvious changes.

A new repeat photography study, titled SierraNevada Forests Past and Present: 145 Years of Photo-graphic Record, by G. E. Gruell, will soon be published byCooperative Extention University of California. It includeseighty-four paired photographs situated in four broadvegetation zones: Oak Woodlands and Pine Forest, MixedConifer Forests, Eastside Pine Forests, and Red Fir andLodgepole Pine Forests. The study addresses three majorquestions: (1) What did the forests and woodlands of theSierra Nevada look like during the early stages of Euro-American settlement? (2) what changes in vegetation

occurred between 1850 and the 1990s? (3) and how havehuman activities and natural events acted as agents ofchange?

Interpretation of the paired photos demonstrate thatprofound changes have occurred in the spatial and temporaldistribution of Sierra Nevada vegetation over the past 150years irrespective of any logging. Before 1850, fire playeda major role in determining vegetation characteristics. Ashift from open forests dominated by large trees to densestands and thickets of smaller trees has resulted in: (1)heavy infestations of insects and disease, (2) loss ofproductive understory plants, (3) accumulation of deadmaterial on the forest floor, (4) conversion of shrubfields toconifers, (5) reduction in the availability of nutrients, (6)displacement of riparian hardwood vegetation by conifers,(7) decline and loss of mountain meadows.

Interpretation of the paired photographs suggests thatchanges in vegetation composition and structure have hadprofound implications for wildland ecosystems by reducingour ability to prevent catastrophic wildfire, and to sustainablymanage wildlife habitat, livestock forage, wood products,scenic values, recreation opportunities, and water yield.

Repeat photography is a proven means of document-ing vegetation change in the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere.A vast number of historical photographs with potential forrepeat photography are deposited in various collectionsacross the nation and provide a valuable source of long-term data.

George E. GruellResearch Wildlife BiologistUS Forest Service, retired

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Looking west across Mink Creek in southeastern Idaho

July 1907. Juniper on distant slopes is restricted to rock scree onsouth exposures where they are protected from frequent pre-settlement fires. Dark shrubs are bitterbrush that are closelygrazed. Note dominance of herbs in foreground.Photo by Professor Tourney, courtesy Douglas Turner

September 1982 (75 years later). In the absence of fire, juniperhas markedly increased by spreading to deeper soils. Bitterbrushhas also increased in density and size. Arrow points to expansionof aspen, chokecherry, and other shrubs. Foreground shows thegeneral increase in woody vegetation. Photo by G. E. Gruell

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(continued from page 3)

last resort by resource professionals. Many local government agencies whohave the last say in development decisions often operate by different criteria.The need to document past experience, and to use this documentation to educatescientists and policy makers alike is apparent.

Defining success is not an easy prospect given the limited time scale overwhich many past projects have been evaluated and the current lack of informa-tion on what to expect. As Bruce Pavlik mentions, '`our current inability toconstruct a robust definition of success is due largely to our past unwillingnessto document failure". Pavlik presents a thoughtful framework for defining andmeasuring success based on abundance, extent, resilience, and persistence ofreintroduced populations.

While practitioners of reintroduction and restoration may find somechapters of this book to be a bit theoretical, academics and practitioners alikewill discover much useful information within these pages. Reintroducing plantsfor the purpose of biodiversity conservation is a relatively new endeavor,particularly considering the long time scales often necessary to gauge successand develop ideas and lessons from what went wrong. Such information is justnow becoming available, and it is a bonus to have much of it compiled here inone book.

Eric KnappDept. Agronomy and Range ScienceCenter for Population BiologyUniversity of California, Davis

Natural Areas ReportEditors: Margaret Herring

Sarah Greene

Natural Areas Report is publishedthree times a year for scientists andmanagers working in natural areasthroughout the country. This issuewas supported by the USDA ForestService Pacific Southwest ResearchStation natural area program. Sendideas, letters, and comments to:

Natural Areas ReportPacific Northwest Research Station

3200 Jefferson WayCorvallis, OR 97330

541-750-7360Printed on recycled paper

Natural Areas ReportU.S. Department of AgriculturePacific Northwest Research Station333 SW First StreetPO Box 3890Portland, Oregon 97208

Official BusinessPenalty for Private Use, $300

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