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Page 1: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Natural Gas Natural Gas Drilling in PADrilling in PA

Edwina Cunningham-HillEdwina Cunningham-Hill

Emanuel SachseEmanuel Sachse

Claire NooneClaire Noone

Page 2: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Two Opposing Interest groups




Page 3: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Gas Drilling Companies Argue That:

- They Will create jobs Drilling.

- Drilling is a good way to boost local economies struck by the economic crisis. (Local communities in these areas will grow exponentially.)

- Gas Drilling will make the U.S. less dependent on foreign oil and coal.

-Natural gas isn’t perfect but has no huge consequences for the environment that can’t be fixed.

Page 4: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Evidence Of Drilling Companies

The total gross value of methane available is estimated at $1.46 trillion and drilling it all can create over a million jobs. (a huge economy boost)

At least 1/8th of the methane’s value will go directly to landowners. (stimulating the local economy)

The U.S. has twice the amount of Natural Gas, Saudi Arabia has in Oil. Using it would give for Independence from other countries.

USA’s Supply of Underground Natural Gas

Page 5: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Environmental Organizations and Environmentalists Argue

That:- The hazardous chemicals in the hydraulics of the drilling machines could leak into surrounding (ground-)water.

- Natural Gas is always at high risk for explosions and are put in residential areas.

- The safety measures taken aren’t executed well enough

- Drilling harms the environment and that renewable energy should be pursued instead.

Page 6: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Evidence Of Environmentalists

2009, Louisiana, 17 cows found dead after drinking contaminated water. -> Chesapeake Energy was fined $22,000 per cow.

Storage tanks are often located near residential areas. Explosions have happened and are probable to continue to happen.

Forests are cleared for drilling. Chemical runoff from fracking has been spilled in some places. Natural habitats of wildlife are destroyed.

Residents in some areas of drilling have found their water to be flammable due to the leaking of gas into their well water.

Page 7: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

What is Natural Gas Drilling?What is Natural Gas Drilling?

• Hydrofracking (Hydrolic Fracturing): a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth's surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure: used especially to extract natural gas or oil.

Page 8: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

– Republicans: Agree– Democrats: Agree

Primary concerns include human and environmental exposure to:•Radioactivity that is a physical characteristic of Marcellus shale. •The hazardous cocktail of hydro-fracking chemicals injected into the ground. •Air pollution from diesel engines, compressor stations, and flaring. •Brine that is 5x saltier than seawater that can damage freshwater streams and lakes, as well as corrode infrastructure. •Hazardous liquid and solid waste that is stored on-site, transported on public roads, and disposed of at municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants.

Page 9: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.


• Pro: Business to PA• Con: Non-renewable gas—the companies will

leave and jobs will disappear• Pro: Gross Value: 1.46 trillion doll-hairs• Con: Pollutes water resources • Pro: Land-owners: receive 2.5 million dollars per

well from drillers for using their land and poop.• Con: No tax to help with Environmental issues

Page 10: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Recent Developments

• Republican Senator was in the house Nov. 17th voting on Marcellus shell

• Democratic Senator Dittian video.

Page 11: Natural Gas Drilling in PA Edwina Cunningham-Hill Emanuel Sachse Claire Noone.

Political Parties

• Republican:

• Democrat:

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