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• As per research, ayurvedic products are found to be

very useful to treat hypertension troubles.

• Let’s see here some natural ayurvedic home remedies

for hypertension or high blood pressure.

• Meditation and yoga are two safe natural remedies

recommended to control high blood pressure troubles.

• Proper diet schedule plays a great role in maintaining

normal blood pressure level.

• Best recommended food items to be included for

maintaining blood pressure level include garlic, lemon,

parsley and bitter gourd.

• Including fresh fruits and vegetables in daily diet is a

safe remedy for hypertension troubles.

• If you like fruits, try including fruits like grapes, banana,

gooseberry and guava in diet.

• Excessive intake of salt rich food is a main cause

reported for hypertension troubles.

• If possible, try to reduce salt intake by controlling the

addition of salt in food recipes.

• If you are a non-vegetarian, try to limit the intake of

eggs and red meat in daily diet.

• If left unconsidered, it can induce several health

disorders in future life.

• Do you like coffee?

• If yes, it is advised to limit the intake of

caffeinated products.

• Drinking coffee increases the chance of getting

hypertension troubles.

• If possible, try to substitute coffee with alternate drinks

like green tea.

• How many of you do regular exercises?

• As per research, regular exercise is a natural remedy

recommended to lower high blood pressure troubles.

• It improves metabolic activities of body and lowers the

risk of hypertension troubles.

• Walking and jogging are two best natural remedies to

lower blood pressure troubles.

• Stress, a main cause of hypertension can be well-

controlled by healthy life.

• If you wish to remedy stress, try practicing yoga and

meditation regularly.

• If possible, do regular yoga exercises for at least thirty

minutes per day.

• Lack of sleep is another main cause reported for high

blood pressure troubles.

• If you are suffering from insomnia, try to consult with a

doctor as soon as possible.

• For best health advantage, it is recommended to sleep

for at least eight hours a day.

• Apart from stress, hypertension can also occur due to

emotional health issues like anger, tension and anxiety.

• If you are a regular smoker, avoid this habit.

• Smoking can induce several health issues like

hypertension and cancer on users.

• Practicing breathing exercise is a natural remedy

recommended to lower blood pressure troubles.

• It calms your mind and promotes sleep with no side


• If possible, it is recommended to practice breathing

exercise regularly.

• Stresx capsule, enriched with herbal ingredients

is a best recommended remedy to treat

hypertension troubles.

•This herbal product is a composition of stress

relieving herbs and nutrients.

• It won’t induce any side effect and can be used

by people under all age groups.

• If possible, try to use Stresx capsule twice or

thrice per day with milk and water.

• Also, never hesitate to follow a healthy lifestyle

devoid of smoking and drinking alcohol.

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