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Page 1: Natural Laws of Software Performance

Natural Laws of Software Performance

The changing face of performance optimization

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Who Am I?

• Kendall Miller• One of the Founders of Gibraltar Software– Small Independent Software Vendor Founded in 2008– Developers of VistaDB and Gibraltar– Engineers, not Sales People

• Enterprise Systems Architect & Developer since 1995• BSE in Computer Engineering, University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)• Twitter: @KendallMiller

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Traditional Performance Optimization

• Run suspect use cases and find hotspots

• Very Linear• Finds unexpected

framework performance issues

• Final Polishing Step

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Algorithms and Asymptotics

• Asymptotic (or ‘Big Oh’) Notation– Describes the growth rate of functions– Answers the question…

• Does execution time of A grow faster or slower than B?

• The rules of asymptotic notation say– A term of n^3 will tend to dominate a term of n^2– Therefore

• We can discount coefficients and lower order terms

– And so f(n) = 6n^2 + 2n + 3 + n^3– Can be expressed as O(n) = n^3

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You Can’t Optimize out of Trouble

10 100 1000 10000 100000 10000000







Performance: Add Versus AddRange


Number of Elements Added


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So Where Are We?

Laws• Immutable, invariant over time

Principles• Highly desirable, best practices evolving over


Tactics• Techniques embodying principles in a specific


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Moore’s Law

Components = Transistors

“The number of components in integrated circuits doubles every year”

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Processor Iron Triangle

Clock Speed





Manufacturing Process


d of L



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A Core Explosion

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Before you Leap into Optimizing…

• Algorithms are your first step– Cores are a constant multiplier, algorithms provide

exponential effect– Everything we talk about today is ignored in O(n)

• Parallel processing on cores can get you a quick boost trading cost for modest boost

• Other tricks can get you more (and get more out of parallel)

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Fork / Join Parallel Processing

• Split a problem into a number of independent problems

• Process each partition independently (potentially in parallel)

• Merge the results back together to get the final outcome (if necessary)

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Fork / Join Examples

• Multicore Processors• Server Farm• Web Server– Original Http servers literally forked a process for

each request

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Fork / Join in .NET

• System.Threading.ThreadPool• Parallel.ForEach• PLINQ• Parallel.Invoke

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Fork / Join Usage

• Tasks that can be broken into “large enough” chunks that are independent of each other– Little shared state required to process

• Tasks with a low Join cost

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• Partition a task based on stages of processing instead of data for processing

• Each stage of the pipeline processes independently (and typically concurrently)

• Stages are typically connected by queues– Producer (prev stage) & Consumer (next stage)

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Pipeline Examples

• Order Entry & Order Processing• Classic Microprocessor Design– Break the instruction processing into stages and

process one stage per clock cycle• GPU Design– Combines Fork/Join with Pipeline

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Pipeline Examples in .NET

• Not the ASP.NET processing Pipeline– No parallelism/multithreading/queueing

• Stream Processing• Map Reduce• BlockingCollection<T>• Gibraltar Agent

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Pipeline Usage

• Significant shared state between data elements prevents decoupling them

• Linear processing requirements within parts of the workflow

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Speculative Processing

• Isn’t there something you could be doing?• Do the work now when you can, throw the

results away if they aren’t useful

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Speculative Processing Examples

• Microprocessor Branch Prediction• Search Indexing

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Speculative Processing Usage

• Shift work from a future, performance critical operation to an earlier one.

• Either always valid (never has to be rolled back) or easy to roll back

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Latency – The Silent Killer

• The time for the first bit to get from here to there

Typical LAN: 0.4ms

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It’s the Law

• Speed of Light: 3x10^8 M/S• About 0.240 seconds to Geosynchronous orbit

and back• About 1 foot per nanosecond• 3GHz : 1/3rd ns period = 4 inches

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New York London

5500 KM

18 ms

TCP Socket Establish: 54ms

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L1 Cache


Local Storage (SSD)



3E+00 3E+01 3E+02 3E+03 3E+04 3E+05 3E+06 3E+07L1 Cache Memory Local Stor-

age (SSD)LAN Internet

Latency (ns) 2 40 50000 381000 18000000

Latency (ns)

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• Save results of earlier work nearby where they are handy to use again later

• Cheat: Don’t make the call• Cheat More: Apply in front of anything that’s

time consuming

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Why Caching?

• Apps ask a lot of repeating questions.– Stateless applications even more so

• Answers don’t change often• Authoritative information is expensive• Loading the world is impractical

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Caching in Hardware

• Processor L1 Cache (typically same core)• Processor L2 (shared by cores)• Processor L3 (between proc & main RAM)• Disk Controllers• Disk Drives• …

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.NET Caching Examples

• ASP.NET Output Cache• System.Web.Cache (ASP.NET only)• AppFabric Cache

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Go Asynchronous

• Delegate the latency to something that will notify you when it’s complete

• Do other useful stuff while waiting.– Otherwise you’re just being efficient, not faster

• Maximize throughput by scheduling more work than can be done if there weren’t stalls

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.NET Async Examples

• Standard Async IO Pattern• .NET 4 Task<T>• Combine with Queuing to maximize

throughput even without parallelization

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Visual Studio Async CTP

• async methods will compile to run asynchronously

• await forces method to stall execution until the async call completes before proceeding

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• Get your money’s worth out of every latency hit

• Tradeoff storage for duration

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General Batching Examples

• Shipping – Many packages on one truck• Train travel• TCP Sockets

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Batching in Code

• SQL Connection Pooling• HTTP Keep Alive• DataSet / Entity Collections• CSS Sprites

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Optimistic Messaging

• Assume it’s all going to work out and just keep sending

• Be ready to step back & go another way when it doesn’t work out

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Side Points

• Stateful interaction general increases the cost of latency

• Minimize Copying– It takes blocking time to copy data, introducing

latency• Your Mileage May Vary– Latency on a LAN can be dramatically affected by

hardware and configuration

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Critical Lessons Learned

• Algorithms, Algorithms, Algorithms

• Plan for Latency & Failure

• Explicitly Design for Parallelism

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Additional Information:

Websites– www.GibraltarSoftware.com– www.eSymmetrix.com

Follow Up– [email protected]– Twitter: kendallmiller

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