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Grade 8 Vocabulary List (Nature of Science) science theory law (science) system physical science technology society hypothesis infer variable constant model critical data discovery deduction thought experiment correlational study rig (verb, science) rational irrational economics tentative subjective creative

** Need to write for each word: 1. Definition 2. Your own sentence

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The Nature of Science- Section 1

Why do Scientists do Thought Experiments? Thought experiments are important for showing things where it is impossible to find evidence. For example, Einstein used thought experiments to talk about the speed of light. As he could not travel or even measure how fast light travels. When we use a thought experiment to find out / guess new information, we call this a constructive thought experiment. But we can also, use thought experiments to prove something is wrong or false. These are destructive thought experiments.

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The Nature of Science- Section 2 ______________________________? The word science a complicated word. It can represent various elements and process of the natural world and also can overlap with many other happenings and aspects of other subjects and fields. Your textbook defines__________________ as: a way of learning more about the natural world. Also, a scientist is defined here as a person who studies and normally has expert knowledge on some area(s) within science. However, you may also find some different opinions on what science actually is or involves in this particular unit and in other future areas of study. So it is important to be critical. Despite the complex and the debate on understanding the nature of science, there are still a number of elements that are considered by most if not all to be fundamental parts of science. They are described as follows:

A. ______________________ – in general, scientists and citizens of science engage in (at least) two types of actions. 1. They _______________________ about things in the natural world. 2. They try to explain answers to their questions. And when they explain, they often try

to establish patterns and rules. In some cases, they develop theories. A ________________ is an attempt to explain a pattern that keeps happening in the real world. For example, they explain why gravity exists. As well, they also establish laws. A ________________ (in science) is a rule scientists make to explain something in nature. For example, they make the rule that if you throw something up it will fall back down because of gravity.

B. ___________________________ – it is also common for scientists to group similar

things together to help everyone understand them better. This grouping or collection of similar structures, cycles and processes is called a system. For example, scientists have created the digestive system to group together all the “things” involved in eating and breaking down food in your body.

It is also important to understand that many things in science are related to each other and/or other things. Things in one system interact with each other. All systems can make up other systems too.

C. _________________________ – People have also tried to group all the systems in science into 3 main areas :

1. ____________________- is the study of living systems and the ways they interact 2. ______________________ – is the study of Earth and space systems 3. ____________________ – is the study of systems related to matter and energy.

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D. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ Last, you should realize that science does not happen in isolation. Scientists do not work alone. Science is –very- connected to other parts of the world and society. For example, the textbooks describes the belief that science is done to create technology. Others can argue that sometimes technology is made to help understand science. There are also relationships between science and social elements. For example, social issues are often the reason why people do science. This interaction is a ____________________ one and often debated by many.

Again, although the above elements are very helpful in understanding what science is, the picture is complex. There are actually a variety of ways that science can be done or define as despite what you may think. This is the goal of Topic 2: helping you to understand the __________________________________

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_____________________________________ According to your textbook, there is a general pattern that most scientific investigations follow. They steps are outlined briefly as follows:

1. __________________________________ – Scientists usually see or have seen

something. Then, they ask a question about it.

2. _______________________________– Scientists than state a possible

explanation for what they have seen. Again according to the textbook, the hypothesis is a reasonable and educated statement that explains something you know and/or have observed.

3. _____________________________- Scientists than do various things. They might

make more observations to collect more information. They might build a __________________ They might make a ______________________ and then test out their hypothesis and prediction by experimenting.

One common way to experiment is through a controlled experiment. Here, scientists identify _____________________ which are factors they can change in their experiments. They often change one variable which is called the ________________________. Then, they usually observe how another variable gets affected (gets changed by changes in the first variable). This variable is called the _______________________. It is also important to keep other variables fixed. They are called _______________________________. And when experimenting , they often organize their findings by making a chart of their observations.

4. __________________________– Next, they compare their results with their earlier

observations and hypothesis.

5. ________________________________ – Then, they tell what they learned from

their investigation. We can also say, they try to infer something. When they do this, they also often go back and retest their hypothesis to make sure they inferred correctly. However, sometimes, they fund out that what they thought before is not correct. Then, they go back and gather new information, make new hypothesis and repeat everything again.

6. ______________________________– Scientists publish what they have learned

to others including the results of their investigations and the methods used. They often publish things in the form of journals , books and Internet sites.

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Other Notes- Another important aspect of the scientific method is ______________________. You will learn about this throughout your topic 2 and all other topics whenever some activity or experiments is potentially dangerous or harmful to you and/or others.

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Comparing and Being Critical of the Scientific Process In today’s activity, you should try to achieve the following two goals:

1. Understand the similarities and differences between the Scientific Process and the Inquiry process that you learned before

2. Begin to be critical of the Scientific Process given by the textbook Part 1 – Labels --> Use your textbook (see page 12 ) to write the correct labels for the Scientific Process on the left side. --> Use your knowledge of the Inquiry Process to write the correct labels for the Inquiry Process on the right side The Scientific Process (in your textbook)

The Inquiry Process (from Topic 1) Questioning

and Observing

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Part 2 – Questions

1. How are the two processes similar? ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Is there anything different about the two processes? Explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Is one process better than the other? If yes, how? Explain well. If no, explain also why well.

____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Models for Science A model is a representation of some object or event in order to understand the natural world. They are often used to help people to understand things that are difficult to see or hard to comprehend. For example, a model could show something that is too small to see with your eye.

Types of Models- There are 3 types of models-

A. Physical Models-

Any model that allows you to see and touch things is called a physical model. This kind of model then shows how different parts of something relate to each other. It can also show how things look when you change their positions or when they experience some force. A world globe is one example.

B. Computer Models- These models are created on a computer using some software. You can only view them. Computer models are good for events that take a long time see normal or to show motions and positions that would usually take a long time to calculate. So they speed things up. They can also be used to make predictions. A weather computer model is an example.

C. Idea Models-

An idea model is simply an idea or a concept to describe what you think of the natural world. So an idea model cannot be built in a physical sense. A model for Einstein’s theory of relativity (E=mc2) is an example.

Making and Using Models- Making a model is very similar to making an art sketch. You simply take descriptions from other sources and try to make something based on them. (Just like an artist takes a description of something from other sources to draw a picture). Usually, the more detail you can get, the more accurate your model will be. Models can be used in various ways once created including:

1. For communication – models can help people to make observations and ideas and then communicate them to other people. You don’t just talk about something. You talk while showing a model of the something. This makes it easier for others to understand.

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2. For testing predictions – after making a prediction, you can sometimes test it out by making a model. For example, engineers make wind tunnels to test predictions for airplanes and cars.

3. For Saving Time, Money and Lives – models are often cheaper, take less time to run and can done under safe conditions. For example, astronauts might ride in a model shuttle for practice. This I much safer and cheaper than riding a real rocket up into space.

Limitations of Models- Models are never perfect as they are built only on information that may even not be always complete. For instance, some models are built on things that we can only imagine and not see entirely. As a result, the model may be wrong or at least contain some wrong parts. People could also have wrong ideas when designing a model. For example, some people used to think that the Earth was in the centre of the universe because they did not have enough information about space and they cannot see everything in space. But even if models are not completely accurate or complete, at least they often give people ideas to build better models later and build upon their understandings. In time, knowledge can be developed.

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Let’s Learn Something More about Sources of (Scientific) Knowledge - In today’s activity you will learn something more about the nature of science. - In particular, you will be able to complete the blank for the following sentence.

Scientific Knowledge is not always ________________________________. (answer at the end of class)

Instructions- 1. As instructed, complete each part. (using book or computer) 2. Complete all steps and boxes for each part as described below. 3. At the end, fill in the blank to the statement above.

Part 1 – Google Step 1 – Choose two people in your group to read the short dialogue below.

A: Hey, _______________. What do you think of Google? B: I like using google. It is an easy and powerful way to get information from the Internet. A: I agree. I can almost find out anything I want to research for my science class. B: Yes. I don’t have to go to the library as much and I don’t have to carry as many heavy books around. A and B: Yes. Google we love you. Let’s do some research using google right now! Let’s learn about…. eggs!

Step 2 – i) On the computer, go to google.com ii) Type eggs ovaprima site (ovaprima is the name of site for scientific information) iii) Click News and see if you can find a passage, “Astounding Discovery in Sri Lanka” iv) Read the article and write a few ideas about it in the box below: Step 3 – i) On Internet, go to http://21cif.com/resources/materials/survey/four/evalexamples.htm ii) Go to line 7 and read the paragraph titled “What is the author’s expertise on the topic?” iii) Go to line 33 and read the first sentence of the paragraph titled, “Do other reliable (or unreliable) pages provide links to the author's page?) iv) Write few ideas about what you just read in the box below:

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Step 4 – Compare your ideas from your boxes. What conclusions can you make? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Part 2 – Wikipedia

Step 1 – Choose two people in your group to read the short dialogue below.

A: Hey, _______________. What do you think of Wikipedia? B: I love Wikepedia. It is always the first site I visit when I need to get some good ideas for a topic at school.. A: Yes. Everyone visits. It looks to be the most visited site in the world for information. You can tell by the number of hits. B: Yeah. There is usually so much information I can use. And I can always find other links to other sites if I need even more information. A and B: Yes. Wikpedia you are the best. Let’s learn more withWikipedia right now! Let’s learn about _______________. (you choose)

Step 2 – i) On the computer, go to Wikipedia.org ii) On search line, type a word(s) for what to you want to know about iv) Read some of the information given and write a few ideas about it in the box below: Step 3 – i) On the Internet, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=XPC-bNX9O_E#t=178 ii) Watch the video iv) Write few ideas about what you just listened to in the box below:

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Step 4 – Compare your ideas from your boxes. What conclusions can you make? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Part 3 – Books Step 1 – Choose two people in your group to read the short dialogue below.

A: Hey, _______________. What do you think of books? B: They are good. I always use them to study. If I read carefully, I can understand the content well. A: That is good. And of course we can study from textbooks to learn. Everyone does that! B: Yeah. I just finished making a summary on our science textbook’s last chapter. I learned a lot about science models. A and B: Yes. Books are so precious! Let’s learn more with our science textbook right now!

Step 2 – i) Open your science textbook and turn to page 30. ii) Look at Figure 28 in the top left corner. Read the text in the figure as best you can. iii) Write a few ideas about what you read in the figure below: Step 3 – i) Now read the first paragraph of pg 30 that is titled, “Evaluating Promotional Materials” ii) Write few ideas about what you just listened to in the box below: Step 4 – Compare your ideas from your boxes. What conclusions can you make? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Critical Thinking What is it? Critical thinking is self-guided technique where you attempt to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware that human thinking is not always correct when left unchecked. They strive to decrease wrongful or selfish thinking. They use the intellectual tools such as criticizing relating evaluating reflecting wondering

They work to improve the world of wrongful and especially harmful ideas

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and even supposed facts to contribute to a more rational, civilized society. How do we do it?

1. Examine a piece of knowledge, thought or data

2. Consider or pose a question. 3. Attempt to answer the question with

good detail in a critical way. (ie. when answering, criticize the piece, reflect on the piece, judge the piece, etc.)

4. Two types of ideas must be included: 1. content from the piece 2. ideas from outside of the piece (ex. our brains, our experiences, another person, another book etc.)

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Why do we need think critically?

1. We can understand pieces of knowledge and thought better

2. We and others can live better lives

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Critical Thinking Assignment 1. Read the following two

writing pieces and answer one question that follows for each piece.

For each question: 1. Write ½ page MINIMUM. 2. Included content from the writing piece. 3. Include ideas from outside the writing piece.

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The Discovery of DNA (From People and Discoveries site. To be used for viewing only) In the late nineteenth century, a German biochemist found the nucleic acids, long-chain polymers of nucleotides, were made up of sugar, phosphoric acid, and several nitrogen-containing bases. Later it was found that the sugar in nucleic acid can be ribose or deoxyribose, giving two forms: RNA and DNA. In 1943, American Oswald Avery proved that DNA carries genetic information. He even suggested DNA might actually be the gene. Most people at the time thought the gene would be protein, not nucleic acid, but by the late 1940s, DNA was largely accepted as the genetic molecule. Scientists still needed to figure out this molecule's structure to be sure, and to understand how it worked. In 1948, Linus Pauling discovered that many proteins take the shape of an alpha helix, spiraled like a spring coil. In 1950, biochemist Erwin Chargaff found that the arrangement of nitrogen bases in DNA varied widely, but the amount of certain bases always occurred in a one-to-one ratio. These discoveries were an important foundation for the later description of DNA. In the early 1950s, the race to discover DNA was on. At Cambridge University, graduate student Francis Crick and research fellow James Watson (b. 1928) had become interested, impressed especially by Pauling's work. Meanwhile at King's College in London, Maurice Wilkins (b. 1916) and Rosalind Franklin were also studying DNA. The Cambridge team's approach was to make physical models to narrow down the possibilities and eventually create an accurate picture of the molecule. The King's team took an experimental approach, looking particularly at x-ray diffraction images of DNA. In 1951, Watson attended a lecture by Franklin on her work to date. She had found that DNA can exist in two forms, depending on the relative humidity in the surrounding air. This had helped her deduce that the phosphate part of the molecule was on the outside. Watson returned to Cambridge with a rather muddy recollection of the facts Franklin had presented, though clearly critical of her lecture style and personal appearance. Based on this information, Watson and Crick made a failed model. It caused the head of their unit to tell them to stop DNA research. But the subject just kept coming up. Franklin, working mostly alone, found that her x-ray diffractions showed that the "wet" form of DNA (in the higher humidity) had all the characteristics of a helix. She suspected that all DNA was helical but did not want to announce this finding until she had sufficient evidence on the other form as well. Wilkins was frustrated. In January, 1953, he showed Franklin's results to Watson, apparently without her knowledge or consent. Crick later admitted, "I'm afraid we always used to adopt -- let's say, a patronizing attitude towards her." Watson and Crick took a crucial conceptual step, suggesting the molecule was made of two chains of nucleotides, each in a helix as Franklin had found, but one going up and the other going down. Crick had just learned of Chargaff's findings about base pairs in the summer of 1952. He added that to the model, so that matching base pairs interlocked in the middle of the double helix to keep the distance between the chains constant. Watson and Crick showed that each strand of the DNA molecule was a template for the other. During cell division the two strands separate and on each strand a new "other half" is built, just like the one before. This way DNA can reproduce itself without changing its structure -- except for occasional errors, or mutations. The structure so perfectly fit the experimental data that it was almost immediately accepted. DNA's discovery has been called the most important biological work of the last 100 years, and the field it opened may be the scientific frontier for the next 100. By 1962, when Watson, Crick, and Wilkins won the Nobel Prize for physiology/medicine, Franklin had died. The Nobel Prize only goes to living recipients, and can only be shared among three winners.

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1. Had Franklin been still alive in 1962, should she have been included in the prize? 2. Who discovered DNA in your opinion? 3. In 1953, Wilkins shared data with Watson. Is it okay to for scientists to share data like


The Theory of Evolution Darwin became famous for his theory of evolution. It is the widely held notion that all forms of life (from bacteria to birds to fish to human etc.) are related. Moreover, every living thing comes from the same ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers are all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with change". This means, more complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. Bascially over a long period of time, many random genetic mutations occur within one earlier organism's genetic code. Sometimes, the mutations were beneficial and the slightly different offspring did not only survive but was able live more easily. In the process, the altered living thing became the dominant life form and the earlier living thing eventually died off. Such a process where beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival is known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations get passed on to the next generation. Over more and more time, the beneficial mutations accumulate enough such that an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature) is formed. And this process can happen repeatedly to result in many different creatures being formed over time. Questions –

1. Should evolution be fact and not theory? 2. Is it really possible for one life form to change into another life form over time because of

mutations in the DNA? 3. What is wrong with evolution?

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The Nature of Science- Section 3 The Uncertainty of Science Scientific knowledge is fundamentally uncertain. We must further understand the following:

1. Science is uncertain because it is a human activity.

2. Science explanations seem less certain when they are based on indirect information

3. Scientific uncertainty can be reduced through collaboration with others.

Why is Science Uncertain?

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Information can be obtained that is non-sensory (ex. non-visual) because we cannot always sense (see, hear. Etc) everything that we would like to As a result, scientists can at best make only theories. (Review) A theory is an overarching explanation that has been well substantiated. Good examples of theories include evolution and cell theory (ie. all living things are composed of cells) An Important Consequence - Because science can be uncertain, it is important to understand the following: Any theory or other scientific knowledge can be refined or even replaced by an

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alternative theory in light of new and compelling evidence. Real Examples of Uncertainty - 1. Making a map of Yosemite National Park 2. Making a map of the Earth's interior 3. Exploring the surface of the Moon. 4. Exploring the surface of Venus. 5. Studying a cancer cell. 6. Learning the structure of an atom. 7. Finding out how DNA works. 8. Learning what causes a new disease. 9. How do we remember things?

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The Uncertainty of Science NOTE 2 As stated before, scientific knowledge can be uncertain because we do not always have all the information available to understand something. But there is another reason too: As humans, we sometimes fail to sense what really is. We make misconceptions. - We do not always see what we really should see (eg. optical illusions) - We do not always infer what is really true (eg. infer the correct idea from a reading) - We may be blinded by traditions, customs or even pride (ex. Rice is better

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than bread, humans are the most powerful living thing in the universe) Thus, it is important in science, to be critical of people’s senses, beliefs and assumptions. Again, use the critical thinking strategy to examine for misconceptions in science.

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Understanding Uncertainty in Science – Exercise on Common Misconceptions Directions –

1. Read the statement given for each question below. 2. Write your opinion for each statement. (ex. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Do you

have some other opinion). Be sure to write a few sentences to explain your opinion. 3. After you have given your opinion for ALL questions, complete the research parts. Using

the link provided (or another trustworthy source) find out what misconception people have / have had. Find out what is the accepted truth (for many but not all) at present for the statements.

1. The earth is closer to the sun in the summer. That is why it is hotter in the summer.

My Opinion - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Research- --> Go to http://newyorkscienceteacher.com/sci/pages/miscon/astr.php (write #9) --> Go to http://pwg.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp/outreach/sunearthmiscons.html (see 1st paragraph) Common Misconception of the Past / Present - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Current Accept Belief as of Now (By Many) - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

2. A rainbow is made of some material(s). My Opinion - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Research- --> Go to http://www.atmosphere.mpg.de/enid/tj.html (read all) Common Misconception of the Past / Present - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Current Accept Belief as of Now (By Many) - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ The continents of the world are fixed. (always in the same spot) My Opinion - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Research- -->Go to http://www.hokeg.dyndns.org/AITruth.htm(Read “The Most Ridiculous Thing) --> Go to http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/planets/earth/Continents.shtml (read all) Common Misconception of the Past / Present - ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Current Accept Belief as of Now (By Many) - _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

4. The speed of light is instantaneous. My Opinion - ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Research- --> Go to http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/d/d_02/d_02_cr/d_02_cr_vis/d_02_cr_vis.html(read paragraph 4) --> Go to http://library.thinkquest.org/25607/anatomyParts.php3 (read pupil paragraph) Common Misconception of the Past / Present - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Current Accept Belief as of Now (By Many) - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________ (Do your own!) My Opinion - ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Research- --> Go to Common Misconception of the Past / Present - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Current Accept Belief as of Now (By Many) - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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The Uncertainty of Science – Day 3 Activity

Instructions- --> Today, you will learn more about how science can be uncertain and also –why- it is important to be critical of science.

1. With your group you will visit three stations when instructed by your teacher. 2. At each station, one of your classmates will demonstrate something or just show you

something. 3. Listen carefully, as your classmate tells you something. He/she will also do science to

show you something amazing! 4. After, answer the two questions below for each station. 5. Last, answer the final question at the bottom.

Station # __________________ Answer the 2 questions –AFTER- your classmate has finished his/her show. Question 1 – What did you observe your classmate just do? Explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Question 2 – How do you feel about what you saw or heard? Write down your reaction below. Again, try to explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Station # _____________ Answer the 2 questions –AFTER- your classmate has finished his/her show. Question 1 – What did you observe your classmate just do? Explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Question 2 – How do you feel about what you saw or heard? Write down your reaction below. Again, try to explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Station # ___________ Answer the 2 questions –AFTER- your classmate has finished his/her show. Question 1 – What did you observe your classmate just do? Explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Question 2 – How do you feel about what you saw or heard? Write down your reaction below. Again, try to explain well. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Final Question- --> Did you know or expect this? Not every station classmate told you the truth! At least one of your classmates was lying! Which one was lying? Or were maybe two of them lying OR all three?! Write your opinion below. Again explain well! ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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The Uncertainty of Science – Note 3 ____________________________________ There is another reason why you should be skeptical of (not trust) science. Some people intentionally lie and commit other acts of fraud so that what they communicate is not always true and can be even harmful. . We can refer to this element of science as ________________________________________. There are also various ways scientists cheat and create science falsehoods such as incorrect data or false methods. Some of them could be harmful to others and society.

_________________________________- fabrication in general means publishing or

reporting misleading facts that are connected to your inquiry or other form of study. It includes falsifying data, falsifying evidence, falsifying data, falsifying evidence. It could also involve conjuring where you purposely use lab materials wrongfully to get the desired result. A good example is Dr. Woo Suk Hwang who forged false results to claim he made some achievements in human cloning when he had not.

________________________- plagiarism is the copying of others’ work and using it as

your own. On scientist might steal the results of another scientist to help aid him/here in his/her own inquiry that needs good results but he/she was unable to get on his/her own easily. A number of researchers have also been found to steal the work and results of their own students. Especially nowadays with the advancement of technology it is getting easier to steal ideas by hacking, computer cameras and illegal downloading.

________________________ – rigging means tweaking the situation or environment so

that more optimal (better) results occur. When you rig, you are not directly changing the result or method but your intentionally do the experiment only at the best time, or using the best materials or using the best machine etc. By doing so, your results will be better than normal on the average. Examples- science teachers might purposely choose to NOT to do a static electricity on a humid day but always do in the winter on a very dry day because the experiment will work better (but they do not tell the students about this). Drug designers choose the strongest patients instead of a wider population to test some new medicine.

______________________ – sometimes professors or scientific team leaders give all the

research work to their technicians and other assistants. Yet when they publish things, they may not acknowledge the work of their team and they take all the credit for themselves unfairly.

_________________________ – some scientists and citizen of scientists intentionally talk

their way out of bad results. Ie. They make their results look correct or supportive of their conclusions by talking nonsense. Yet many believe their nonsense because they are good at using hard concepts or procedures that may be difficult for others to understand and the others just trust them when should not.

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Cheating in Science, Part I: The Tragic Story of a Young Man’s Suicide

A story of ambition, suspected scientific fraud, and suicide. Published on October 5, 2010 by Peter Gray in Freedom to Learn

I begin with a true and tragic story. Many years ago I was a graduate student conducting research in one of the top biopsychology laboratories in the country. The lab chief was one of a handful of the world's most prominent research psychologists at that time, and many in the lab believed he was headed for a Nobel Prize. As is often the case, this lab head was not doing hands-on research

himself. He was busy writing articles and grant proposals and traveling around giving speeches. A fleet of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conducted the research. He would put his name on reports of research that he had helped to design but that others had conducted. He didn't even understand fully the equipment that was used in those experiments. A certain postdoctoral fellow in the lab--I'll call him Henry--was getting most of the fabulous results. At about the same time that I received my Ph.D. and took an assistant professorship at a more humble institution, Henry accepted an offer to become full professor at one of the most prestigious psychology departments in the country. The task of continuing the line of research he had been doing was then turned over to an excellent, conscientious graduate student in the lab he had left. That graduate student could not replicate any of Henry's famous findings. This led to repeated calls to Henry to come back and demonstrate how he got those fabulous results, to which there was no satisfactory response. With continued failures to replicate, and with continued defensiveness and evasiveness on the part of Henry, the suspicion grew, usually unstated, that Henry may have made up those findings. And then the tragedy happened. Henry committed suicide. What a shock that was to me. I can't say that I really liked Henry; his ambition was such that he rubbed those who were beneath him, including me, the wrong way. But I knew him and felt I understood him. He was a real flesh and blood person to me, and when I heard of his suicide I cried. I could see him as a frail person--despite his burly physique and blustering style--caught up in a drive toward self-advancement, in a lab that was rewarding the "right" findings and had little interest in the "wrong" ones. He was not, in truth, a scientist at all. He wasn't interested in the questions he was supposedly pursuing in the lab. When the foundation for his self-advancement was pulled out from under him he toppled; he could no longer see any purpose in living. I've been thinking lately about the whole question of cheating in science. It has been brought to mind, of course, by the recent media coverage of the Marc Hauser case at Harvard. Hauser is accused of fabricating data in at least some of his celebrated experiments on the cognitive abilities of monkeys. The Hauser case is reminiscent of another case of scientific fraud that also occurred in the Harvard Psychology Department. In the late-1990s, fast-rising Harvard psychologist Karen Ruggiero was found guilty of fabricating five experiments, which had been published in two articles, and of altering the data that appeared in a third article. Her career was destroyed.

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How common is scientific fraud? Nobody really knows. Defenders of science's purity often argue that such fraud is very rare, the product of a tiny number of "bad apples." But I doubt that. My suspicion is that the cases of fraud that are exposed are just the tip of the iceberg. I've heard people argue that it would be against anyone's self-interest to cheat in science because cheating will be caught when someone tries to replicate the experiment and fails. But, in truth, replication is rare in most areas of science. Most scientists want to do something new, and funding agencies rarely provide grants to repeat already published experiments. Even when replications are conducted and fail, there are almost always ways to explain the discrepancies without suggesting fraud. No experiment can possibly be an exact replication of a previous one. This is especially true in the behavioral sciences. The subjects are different (different people, or rats, or ant colonies), the time in history is different, the ambient conditions (temperature, barometric pressure, color of the walls) are different, and so on. Failure to replicate may well be taken to indicate that the original findings are not as "robust" as previously believed, but it is almost never taken as evidence of fraud. Even in the case of Henry, where every attempt was made to keep conditions exactly the same as those in the original experiments, the researchers continued to "explain" the failure, at least publicly, in terms of hypothetical changed conditions. They suggested in one article, for example, that the company from which they obtained the rats may have been breeding the animals in a way that had altered their behavioral reactions. My guess is that if Henry had remained alive and had been formally accused of fraud, nobody would have been able to prove it. Proof of fraud in science rarely if ever comes from failure to replicate. It comes, most often, when the perpetrator of the fraud becomes so brazen that he or she fabricates or alters data in ways that make the fraud obvious to others. Hauser was caught, apparently, because he began to pressure his graduate students to get the results he wanted, which led them to become whistleblowers, which, in turn, led to an investigation revealing that his recorded data did not match that in his published papers. A graduate student complaint also triggered the investigation that led to Karen Ruggiero's downfall. The student had asked Ruggiero for a copy of the original data for a certain experiment, and Ruggiero had refused. This led the student to suspect that the data might not exist, which led to the investigation. If Ruggiero had taken the trouble to produce a false paper record to "support" her falsified experiments, the investigation would not have happened. Some other scientists have been caught cheating because their fabricated data, quite literally, was too good to be true. There is always a certain degree of random variability in real data, and repeated data sets that have no or almost no variability are powerful evidence of fabrication. You have to be either very brazen or very stupid to get caught at cheating in science. Over the years a number of surveys have been conducted in which scientists were asked to report, on an anonymous questionnaire, on their own fraudulent behavior. A recent meta-analysis of those surveys reveals that, on average, about 2% of scientists admitted to fabricating or falsifying data, and 14% said that they had personal evidence of such behavior in one or more of their colleagues. The percentage admitting to fraud was highest among scientists doing pharmaceutical, clinical, and other medical research, which either means that researchers in those fields fabricate lab data more often or lie less often on questionnaires than do researchers in other fields. As the author of the meta-analysis, Daniele Fanelli, points out, the 2% figure is the lowest possible estimate of the percentage of scientists who have deliberately falsified data. No respondents would say that they had behaved fraudulently if they hadn't, but many, even on an

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anonymous questionnaire, might be expected to lie in the opposite direction. The meta-analysis also revealed that a full third of the respondents to the surveys admitted to more subtle forms of scientific cheating, such as failing to report data that contradicted their theories or dropping data points from analyses because of a "gut feeling" that they were inaccurate. The purpose of science is to discover truths. Cheating completely defeats the purpose. Why, then, do scientists cheat? In my next post I'm going to delve more deeply into this question and suggest that many so-called scientists are not, in their heads, really scientists. Instead, they are still students, going through one hoop after another to reach the next level. To them, cheating in science is just like cheating in school, and "Who doesn't do that?"

Critical Thinking Questions-

1. Can you be understanding of Henry’s action in committing suicide? (ie. Was his suicide a reasonable act considering what had happened to him?)

2. Can you compare Henry’s suicide to anyone else? Do you know of anyone else who has committed suicide for a similar reason?

3. Daniel Fanelli states that at least 14 % of scientists have admitted to cheating or observing cheating and the actual number is probably higher. Why do you think scientists cheat? Is it okay?

4. Consider the last sentence, To them, cheating in science is just like cheating in school, and "Who doesn't do that?" Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not?

5. Another big problem in science and other school subjects is plagiarism. Write your opinion on plagiarism in science or other school subjects.

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Your title

page for

Science in

the Larger



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The Kayapo Indians’ Struggle in Brazil

By Ava Y. Goodale

The Kayapó get settled at a rally against a dam on the Xingu River, Brazil. Photo: International


The author’s visit among the Kayapo Indians left a lasting impression.

Summer 2003 with the Kayapo Indians of Brazil, a personal account: I was decorated, head to

toe, in paint. The city dust tried to fade the colors but I still remembered. I remembered

spending hours in the shade of Baycocaco’s house in a frozen stance as she moved her fingers

steadily, constantly, down my back. The coolness of the paint traced my body, exaggerated the

whiteness of my skin. I practiced a few Kayapo words in between strokes: ‘Mex Kumrex’

(beautiful/ good/ thank you), ‘Akatemae’ (good morning), ‘Wea-wea’ (butterfly). She smiled, revealing her aged set of teeth. We

laughed at my attempts but she encouraged me with a hand on my upper chest, a common Kayapo gesture of appreciation. She

painted vertical stripes with dots on my legs, turned my arms into the scaled pattern of a fish, and highlighted my cheekbones

with crosshatchings. She painted me Kayapo. Painted Kayapo on my belly. Painted Kayapo on my heart. The paint dried. My

skin pulled it down, fastened it, let it seep to the place where I hold it now — deep in my chest.

Who are the Kayapo Indians?

The tribe lives along the Xingu River in Brazil.

The Kayapo Indians are an indigenous tribe inhabiting land on both sides of the Xingu River in the state of Pará, Brazil on the

Central Brazilian Plateau. Nine Kayapo villages are scattered throughout the territory, creating a 28.4 million acre home for

more than 5,000 people.1 The dominant ecosystems are tropical rainforest and grassland in which the Kayapo hunt, fish, and

practice swidden agriculture (slash and burn). The Kayapo wear intricate beadwork and headdresses in ceremonies and

decorate their bodies with dye coming from the plants genipapo and urucu. The Kayapo refer to themselves as Mebêngokrê,

which means ‘the men from the water place.’

How is Kayapo culture at risk?

Their livelihood is threatened by pollution, land grabs, and dams.

Pollution: Outside the boundaries of the territory, acres of soybean and cattle characterize Brazil’s landscape. The

ecological stress from these practices is negatively affecting life for the Kayapo and others. Pollution is traveling from

the headwaters of the Xingu downriver to the reserve, contaminating water supplies and food resources.

Land Invasion: Parts of the east bank of the Middle Xingu called Kapôtnhinore are being illegally invaded and sold.

Over the last two years ranchers and others have sought out the land. Hostile relationships have formed, creating a

dangerous and volatile environment and also blocking river travel.

Hydroelectric Dams: The Brazilian government has revived a set of plans that will establish dams along the Xingu

River. The proposed project would displace Kayapo from their homes, cause a loss of sustenance for those living

downstream, disturb fish populations, and damage terrestrial ecosystems.

The history

The river tribes took action against damming in 1989.

In 1989 these issues reached a climax. The original plans for damming were exposed, revealing the damages that would occur

if such a project were to ensue. The proposals would

harm about 3,000 people who live along the Xingu

flood more than 1,600 square kilometers, 85% of which would be indigenous land

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create the world’s largest manmade lake2

The government terminated its plans due to indigenous action.

The Kayapo did not passively watch the scene unfold. They took action that would reverberate globally. In the town of

Altamira an intertribal, international, and integrated coalition, called The Peoples of the Xingu, was formed to demonstrate

against the dams. For five days the town was transformed into a traditional Kayapo village — homes filled with men, women,

and children, adorned in ceremonial dress for the New Corn Ceremony, performing their daily tasks. Over 600 Kayapo, 40

other indigenous Amazonian tribes, world media members, and non-government organizations (NGOs) representatives shook

the streets until the government pledged to listen. In addition to the demonstration, the Kayapo met with government officials

and sent chiefs to tour North America, Europe, and Japan.3

Through effective leadership and organization the Kayapo presented their culture to the world, showing their vigor and vitality.

The global community returned with a voice of support and respect, loud enough to urge the termination of the project. The

unprecedented victory gave hope and empowerment to the region and world.

Today’s challenge

Now the government has revived its plans.

14 years later the government has reopened the book on the Xingu. A second round of proposals are being reviewed and the

Kayapo plan a second round of defense.

Displaced Indians will not be compensated.

Electronorte, an electrical utilities company owned by the state, is spearheading this initiative to create the world’s

third largest dam.4 The first dam, the Belo Monte, will not be able to operate during the four-month long dry season,

making the system inefficient and dependent on the construction of additional dams.

A canal system has also been proposed that would be the largest canal project since the Panama Canal.

Funding for the proposal comes from Electronorte and private vendors like the Brazilian National Developmental


There will be no compensation to the people who would be displaced or harmed.5

Tribes are again organizing to fight.

November 2003 in Piaraçu, Brazil, 100 delegates from some 28 tribes met to reorganize a plan to halt the abuse of their land.6

The purpose of this meeting was to form a united front of opposition to the harmful developments that will affect all the people

who depend on the Xingu. This meeting was the precursor to a meeting that is planned for summer 2004 in Altamira, where

again the Kayapo and their friends will raise their voices.

As I walked through the streets of Redençao, the out-post city six hours outside the village, I considered my role in the Kayapo’s

struggle. Some of my paint was covered with Kayapo style cloths and jewelry. Some Brazilians in this area hate the Kayapo

and admire Americans. Every corner I turned, another confused look settled upon me. My superficially bronzed skin and

touring eyes revealed my home. I was a young American woman stitched in Kayapo. Every patch of my body sent a clear

message I was proud to post wide.

Conclusion: The Xingu River tribes need the support of people everywhere.

I now continue with this message: Kayapo Indian culture holds beauty that our world cannot afford to live without. Just as in

Redençao, I recognize the privileges I have and with that comes the responsibility to know where and how to apply that energy.

The Kayapo need help. The Brazilian government wants to dam the Xingu River that they depend on. Pollution and ranchers

encroach; logging and mining chip away. These are some of the challenges faced by the Kayapo Indians as modernity slowly

tries to sew itself into their fabric. The Kayapo are strong in leadership, creativity, spirit, and love but without global support

they may be overcome by the development’s impetus. Before we left the village, the Chief and his son came up to us and asked

for our help. Please hear their words.

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1. What is the main idea of this reading? What are the supporting ideas? Write a few sentences (1-2) for the main idea AND for EACH supporting idea.

2. How does this article related to Science? Try to identify as many ways as you can. Write a few sentences for each way as follows:

One way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A second way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A third way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. * After you finish, be ready to share your answers with one partner. ** Then, be read to share with your group or class. ** Continue to add ideas to you question 2 as follows: One way my classmate, ________’s article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. HW- Make a special web diagram as follows: 1. Write the word “Science is..” in a circle in the centre of a A4 paper. 2. Add rectangles around your circle from a distance. 3. Write some words from each blank in your question 2 list in your rectangles. 4. Explain underneat each rectangle using some of the explanations you added after

your words in the blanks in question 2. You may also include other ideas or details. ** See teacher’s diagram for a helpful illustration to do your HW.

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Light Pollution and Ecosystems

By Travis Longcore and Catherine Rich

Life on Earth has evolved for eons with predictable daily, monthly, and annual patterns of light and dark.

The physiology and ecology of species, the interactions between species, and functioning of ecosystems is

governed in part by light. In modern times, humans have developed and deployed extensive outdoor and

indoor electrical lighting. The outline of these lights is now visible from space.1 By disrupting natural

patterns of darkness, artificial light acts as a pollutant, with significant and adverse impacts to ecosystems.

Figure: Earth at Night

A composite image of the Earth at night in 1994-95. This image is actually a composite of hundreds of

pictures acquired by three of the four DMSP satellites, which operate in low-altitude polar orbits and have

the unique capability to detect low levels of visible-near infrared (VNIR) radiance at night. Image:

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Scientific Visualization Studio.

Is light pollution a modern problem?

Humans have long known that lights can be used to influence the behavior of other species. For example:

Birds can collide with tall lighted structures.

Early humans used the light of fire to keep predators at bay.

The philosopher Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) observed that moths were attracted to a flame.2

In modern times, lighthouses and light-ships confused birds during their nocturnal migration,

sometimes resulting in collision and demise. As early as the 1880s, scientists remarked, “the

destruction of birds by light-houses on the coast of the United States must amount to many

thousands annually.”3

Many observations have been made of birds killed in lighted areas, including the first street

lights,6 tall lighted structures, ceilometers (vertical lights used to measure the altitude of clouds at

airports), and television and radio towers (see review in Gauthreaux et al.7). Mortality of sea turtle hatchlings disoriented by lights has been recorded at least since the mid-

1900s and has motivated research and mitigation as well.4,5

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The constellation Orion, imaged at left from dark skies, and at right from the metropolis of Orem, UT,

with a population of about half a million people. Photos taken 8 January 2009 by Jeremy Stanley.

Types of light pollution

Light pollution is often not aesthetically pleasing.

Ecological light pollution has been identified as “artificial light that alters the natural patterns of

light and dark in ecosystems.”8

Astronomical light pollution, which is not the same as ecological light pollution, is light that

interferes with the view of the night sky.

The general term “light pollution” can also refer to light that is aesthetically disruptive.

This time exposure photo of New York City at night, with the Empire State Building at center, shows sky

glow, one form of light pollution. Photo taken in October 2004 by Charliebrown7034.

Light polluters

Light pollution includes sky glow, the reflected light in the sky from artificial lights.

Direct glare is a light that is directly visible to an observer at night.

Light measurement

Illumination is the amount of light energy incident on a particular area.

Luminance is the brightness of a light source against its surroundings.

Spectrum comprises the different wavelengths in any particular light.

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How does light pollution affect wildlife?

Loggerhead turtle hatchlings in Broward County, Florida making it to the ocean just after sunrise.

Artificial lighting on nesting beaches disrupts the ability of marine turtle hatchlings to find the sea, an

effect termed “hatchling disorientation.” Photo: Mary Wozny, Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation

Program; Sea Turtle Image Library.

Some marine animals, such as sea turtles, and insects are disoriented by night lights.


Light is necessary for some species to become familiar with their environments. It can also serve to

extend the activity period of species that are mainly active in the daytime. Known as the “night light

niche,”9 the increased activity time may benefit these species, but it comes at the expense of other species

with which they compete, or on which they prey. Unfortunately, light can also cause disorientation or act

as an unnatural stimulus. Sea turtle hatchlings are disoriented by lights along the beaches where females

lay their eggs4,5

(see review in Salmon10

). The attraction of insects to lights is another example of this

phenomenon, which results in the deaths of billions of insects each summer in Germany alone.11


Many reproductive activities are synchronized by light, or they require specific lighting conditions.

Fireflies use lights to attract mates—a communication that artificial lights make less visible.12


spawning of corals is highly synchronized with lunar cycles,13

which is a method of “predator swamping”

that maximizes the survival of the larvae. Other species, such as some insects and frogs, only mate in the

darkest part of the night, presumably to minimize the risk of predation.14

Animals, including humans, have an internal clock.

Circadian rhythms and physiology (functions)

Animals set their internal clocks based on light cues and light pollution can have weighty consequences.

Alterations of the natural pattern of light disrupts “circadian” cycles—a roughly twenty-four-hour cycle in

the biochemical, physiological, or behavioral processes of organisms. In many species, exposure to light

at night suppresses the production of the hormone melatonin. Light in the shorter wavelengths (e.g., blue)

is biologically active, and it is most effective at triggering such physiological changes in animals.15


humans, decreased concentration of melatonin is associated with increased risk of breast and prostate


For species that are normally active at night, such as salamanders,18

sugar gliders,19

and flying


encountering light can cause them to delay their nightly activities such as foraging. Light at

night can also influence the timing of physiological changes associated with migration.21


Interactions between species are affected by lighting conditions. For example, some lizards are successful

in establishing themselves in non-native environments because they have the ability to exploit artificial

night lighting successfully.22

Experimental research has shown the decline of one native gecko species in

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Hawaii when it was out-competed by another species in the presence of clustered insect distributions

caused by lights.23

Species can show strong preferences for activity during different light conditions. We

now know that changing the lighting could increase or decrease competition between species.

Some prey species function best at night.


As a general rule, additional light allows predators to find their prey. Some prey species, therefore,

evolved to be active only during the dark of night to avoid predators. This pattern is seen across many

groups of organisms, including seals that capture juvenile salmon under artificial lights,24


rodents that are exposed to predators in various environments,25

and snakes that reduce activity during the

full moon when they would be vulnerable to predation from owls.26

The exceptions to this rule are species

that seek safety from predators in numbers, such as flocks of birds27

or schools of fish.28

In these instances,

additional light may benefit the prey species because it heightens their communal awareness of their


How can light pollution be addressed? Light pollution requires changing human behavior.

Light pollution is simultaneously extremely simple and extremely difficult to remediate. It is simple

because once a light is switched off or redirected, the pollutant is gone from the system with no expensive

clean-up effort. Because remediation requires changing the behavior of billions of people and overcoming

their various prejudices and attitudes about darkness and artificial lighting at night, it is extraordinarily

difficult to control. Local and regional ordinances can educate the public, and such regulations have been

shown to address this challenge effectively.10

Efforts to mitigate the effects of light pollution on species

and habitats should consider five elements of lighting:

1. Need Is the light needed? The choice not to light may be appropriate in many circumstances—

especially in parks or wilderness areas where visitors are prepared for the darkness. In addition, under

many circumstances, removing existing lights is an option because they were not needed.

All light should only illuminate what’s necessary.

2. Direction All light should be directed where it is needed, and any light escaping in other directions

should be eliminated. To reduce sky glow this means using lights that are “full cut-off,” which is defined

as a light that emits virtually no light upward and very little light in the 10° angle below the horizon.

Depending on where the light is located, additional shielding may be necessary to keep light from spilling

into sensitive habitats such as a wetland or forest. Even lights that are directed downward may still cause

adverse effects for ecosystems.

3. Intensity Users should only install lights as bright as needed for a particular situation because the

influence of a light correlates with its intensity. If an existing light is shielded properly, often less light is

just as effective because it is all going where it is desired. For natural areas, intensity should be kept low

so that the contrasts between lit and unlit areas are minimized. This increases overall visibility by

allowing the human eye to keep some of its adaptation to the dark. When lights are very bright, the eye

adapts to this brightness and all else appears as dark shadows. When illumination is closer to ambient

conditions, the eye is actually able to see more that is not directly illuminated by the light.29

Not all lights should shine from dusk to dawn.

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4. Duration Not every light needs to be on from dusk to dawn. Lighting can be minimized by setting the

fixture to turn off after a certain hour (the Dutch government does this with some of its street lights,30

), or

by putting the light on a motion sensor so that it is only on when needed. Good practices such as turning

lights out when they are not needed could go a long way to minimizing light pollution on private property,

not to mention the benefits of reducing pollution from energy production and saving money.

5. Spectrum Although all light has some effects on wildlife and habitats, certain spectra are more

damaging. Full spectrum light, which has blue and ultraviolet wavelengths, should not be used. Even

though such lights allow people to see color at night, the presence of the blue light sends an

environmental signal that it is daytime. Ultraviolet light is highly attractive to insects and it should be

avoided as well. Longer wavelengths such as yellow and red appear to have fewer impacts in general,

although even longer wavelengths were shown to disrupt foraging of beach mice18

and the orientation of

some salamanders.31

In the laboratory, some migratory birds were unable to orient under red lights. The

research suggested that green should be used on offshore oil platforms to make it safer to migrate.32


1. What is the main idea of this reading? What are the supporting ideas? Write a few sentences (1-2) for the main idea AND for EACH supporting idea.

2. How does this article related to Science? Try to identify as many ways as you can. Write a few sentences for each way as follows: One way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A second way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A third way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. * After you finish, be ready to share your answers with one partner. ** Then, be read to share with your group or class. ** Continue to add ideas to you question 2 as follows: One way my classmate, ________’s article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. HW- Make a special web diagram as follows: 1. Write the word “Science is..” in a circle in the centre of a A4 paper. 2. Add rectangles around your circle from a distance. 3. Write some words from each blank in your question 2 list in your rectangles. 4. Explain underneat each rectangle using some of the explanations you added after

your words in the blanks in question 2. You may also include other ideas or details. ** See teacher’s diagram for a helpful illustration to do your HW.

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Searching for Nature's Medicines

By Mark J. Plotkin

Why is biodiversity important to an ethnobotanist?

We have no right to destroy species for profit.

Plotkin: In the field of ethnobotany, biodiversity is incredibly important for utilitarian purposes, the utility and the potential

utility of these species — both plants and animals. We are talking about usefulness not only to the local peoples that we are

working with and studying but potentially to ourselves as well, in other words, to global culture. But we should take a step

back from that and say that it is important to protect species and biodiversity not just for utilitarian purposes. Conservation

really should be a spiritual exercise first and foremost, a moral exercise. In other words, we don’t have the right to extinguish

species because of our own stupidity, greed, or ignorance. But when you are talking with hard-pressed development planners,

in the third world in particular, and this happens in Washington as well, dollar values can sometimes carry the day.

What medicines can be derived from nature?

Nature offers medicines, such as painkillers, that can be derived naturally or in combination with chemical synthetics.

Plotkin: Well, my new book, Medicine Quest, focuses on the medicines of the future that will be derived from natural products

being investigated today. I think the best way to predict the future, no matter what field you are in, is to look at the past and

present and try and define where we are going. The mistake that a lot of people make, particularly the general public, is that

they think, “well, we have got all this cool technology, who needs Mother Nature?” Put more crudely: in the age of the Internet

who needs fungi? But the fact of the matter is that, despite the fact that we have the most successful system of science,

medicine, and healing ever seen anywhere, there are certain things that western medicine cannot do. So, I think the drugs of the

future that come from nature are going to be for the treatment of pain first. Some very exciting things are in the pipeline and I

go into some detail in my book particularly about painkillers from cone snails, snake venom, and frog skin poison. We’re

looking at new treatments for cancer, from marine organisms in particular, and new antibiotics from natural sources. Antibiotics

are incredibly important. I’m increasingly convinced that the major threat to our species is from drug-resistant bacteria. The

source of almost all classes of antibiotics has been natural sources. I spoke recently with the head of microbiology at Harvard

Medical School and he pointed out that new technologies allow us to access 98% of the soil diversity. This was not accessible

using the old method of throwing something on a petri dish to see if it will grow. I predict that many of the new antibiotics of

the future will come from soil fungi, as was the case in the past. It’s important to note that this does not deny the importance of

synthetics or potential synthetics. The two hottest new leads for drug- resistant bacteria that hit the market in the last two years

are ones that come from Argentine soil fungi and the other from a synthetic chemical laboratory. So it’s not one or the other. It’s

natural products, synthetic chemistry, and semi-synthetic products as well.

What are governments and organizations doing to preserve naturally-derived medical


Companies that bioprospect for natural products should compensate the local people who have used them in their culture.

Plotkin: I think that the whole concept of intellectual property rights boils down to a question of good manners. If you’re going

to compensate local or indigenous people, you want to do so in a culturally sensitive way. But you cannot say, “okay — we’ll

be back in twelve years and, if we have the cure for AIDS, you’ll be in the money.” These people have real needs now. And

those needs need to be addressed, whether its education or access to Western medicine or access to lawyers to gain title to their

traditional lands. This model is increasingly accepted but the problem is that there’s been so much noise about this that, I think,

it frightens some companies off that might be, and I emphasize might be, willing to do things the right way. You have a lot

more emphasis on bioprospecting for natural products that are not used by indigenous or local cultures because, frankly,

corporations don’t want the headaches of dealing with them.

Which issues are important to your organization, The Amazon Conservation Team?

The protection of indigenous knowledge will ensure that we learn about nature’s benefits.

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Plotkin: As I point out in my new book, the urgent need is to protect biodiversity and I would say, even more importantly, to

protect cultural diversity because it’s at that nexus where shaministic knowledge and western science interface. If you look at

the country of Suriname in Northeastern South America, where I have done much of my work, there are no indigenous people

living in 75% of the national parks. Most of them went extinct from these areas long before these parks were set up. Even if

there are species in the area that might help us treat or cure something like diabetes, how do we know what they are, what part

of the plants to use, what phase of the moon to harvest them in, and what is the dosage? That’s the loss we face when these

cultures disappear. Our concern is not the commercialization of natural products - we are a not-for-profit and do not do

bioprospecting. Our focus is to ensure that the traditional knowledge is passed from one generation to the next within the tribe.

We are interested in protecting biological and cultural diversity, not in commercial development. Our work entails everything

from sponsoring shaman’s apprentice programs to helping our tribal colleagues map their lands.

Does genetic engineering threaten the remaining natural resources?

We must approach genetic engineering cautiously since we have no idea of its impacts on the environment and our health.

Plotkin: Well, genetic engineering is like western medicine. The potential is great but the potential to harm has to be

recognized. I don’t think that genetic engineering is going to solve the world’s problems any more than I know that

ethnobotany is going to save the rain forests or that the next presidential election will solve all of our economic and poverty

problems in this country. The future may be great for genetic engineering but I want to make sure that it’s safe and effective

and I don’t want these crops tested on me, or my kids, or my grandkids. I want to make sure they don’t have ancillary

downstream negative effects on the environment before they’re out there. In some cases, it seems that the cart has been put

before the horse; we’re being told that these things are safe and the next thing you know the butterflies are dying off. No, I

want more conclusive scientific proof that this stuff is indeed harmless. The upside is very obvious but the downside is

becoming more evident and needs to be addressed before we start eating the stuff.

In addition, the jungle is a pretty robust place. I don’t really see anything taking over in the heart of the jungle and

outcompeting the jungle. I haven’t in 20 years. That is not to say I am Pollyannish about it. I just don’t think you could have

some Frankenstein or “frankenfood” that can get in there and make a mess of things. I’m more concerned about places like

Iowa or places with large plantations growing this stuff rather than places where it hasn’t really penetrated, for example, into

the rogue corners where I work.

Are there places in the world other than the Amazon, for example, the desert, where

nature’s medicines can be found?

Rain forests and coral reefs have incredible potential for natural medicines.

Plotkin: The hottest regions, in terms of immediate potential, would be rain forests and coral reefs. As I pointed out in my first

book [Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice: An Ethnobotanist Searches for New Medicines in the Amazon Rain Forest], the

rainforest is one for obvious reasons. My new book shows that coral reefs are drawing even more attention than the rainforest.

Now it’s interesting that you mention the desert because the organization that I run is the Amazon Conservation Team but one

of our major programs is in the Sonoran desert. It is headed by my good friend and colleague Gary Nabham. Although this is

one of the most difficult and challenging environments on the planet, local and indigenous people have figured out how to

ecolive from it. One of the ways they’ve been able to do that is by understanding the resources and managing them wisely.

Now if you were a plant and want to survive in the desert, you have to be tough and be able to protect yourself. These people’s

lives depend on knowing this ecosystem. Why not look to them to not only understand it but also to protect and even use it?

Can we find an organism in nature that will alleviate the threat of antibiotic resistance?

We desperately need to solve the antibiotic resistance crisis and nature may hold the key.

Plotkin: I really do believe we’re at a crisis point. There is a bug called Staph aureus that you may have heard of and there is a

bug that you may or may not have heard of called Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE). If VRE transfers its Vancomycin

resistance to Staph aureus, we are toast. It is going to melt the human species like a wax museum on fire. Doctors have gone

from concerned to worried to verging on frightened in some cases. These are quotes now; I’m not making this up. We

desperately need new drugs for drug-resistant Staph, drug resistant enterococcus, and all these other drug-resistant bacteria that

are out there, gram negative and gram positive.

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It’s interesting that you mention the word “organism” to treat this. We tend to think of antibiotics as things that come from

microbes. There is an even more exciting, or at least as exciting, development and that is the use of tiny tiny tiny viruses called

bacteriophages. Bacteriophages eat bacteria. They were developed in France and in Soviet Georgia in the 30’s and, guess what,

the Russians and Georgians have never stopped using this stuff. There is, in fact, evidence that Russian troops in Chechnya are

still using bacteriophages. Certainly the Soviet soldiers carried them into World War II so it is clear that these things can be

effective. There are several startup companies now in the U.S. and in parts of Europe investigating bacteriophages as a source

of new treatments for drug-resistant bacteria. They are claiming phenomenal rates of success. So it’s that mixture of nature and

science, which promises so much for the future.

Does nature have many more secrets for us to unravel?

Conclusion: Biodiversity education is very important since there is still much to discover in nature.

Plotkin: Yes and that is there’s so much to be learned from biodiversity. I run into kids that feel, “Oh well, the world is already

explored and there’s nothing left to do. Maybe we have to go to other planets to do this stuff.” They need to know that new

technologies make it possible to explore realms of our world, whether it’s deep-sea vents or soil fungi, in ways never before

possible. We need to get kids excited about science and biodiversity because, if they’re not, they will go into fields like the

computer sciences, thinking that’s where the action or money is. Bringing this knowledge not only to schoolchildren but also to

people who have an even shorter attention span, like Congress, is extremely important.

Questions- 1. What is the main idea of this reading? What are the supporting ideas? Write a few

sentences (1-2) for the main idea AND for EACH supporting idea.

2. How does this article related to Science? Try to identify as many ways as you can. Write a few sentences for each way as follows: One way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A second way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A third way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. * After you finish, be ready to share your answers with one partner. ** Then, be read to share with your group or class. ** Continue to add ideas to you question 2 as follows: One way my classmate, ________’s article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. HW- Make a special web diagram as follows: 1. Write the word “Science is..” in a circle in the centre of a A4 paper. 2. Add rectangles around your circle from a distance. 3. Write some words from each blank in your question 2 list in your rectangles. 4. Explain underneat each rectangle using some of the explanations you added after

your words in the blanks in question 2. You may also include other ideas or details. ** See teacher’s diagram for a helpful illustration to do your HW.

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A Case Study: Nanotechnology It’s a Small World Indeed Written by Kelli Hazzard Overview And you thought the Jetson’s and Star Trek were science fiction! Imagine being able to rearrange the atoms from your trash to make a steak or being able to turn coal into a diamond! Although these things may seem far-fetched they really point to the current and future frontiers of science. You may ask how such things are possible and the answer is Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NT). As the prefix implies, ‘nano’ refers to science and technology on a scale that is very, very small – less than 100 nanometers (to put it in perspective, a human hair measures about 80,000 nanometers in diameter!). More specifically, nanoscience is the study of phenomena and their effects on the properties of material at atomic, molecular and macromolecular levels, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale. Nanotechnologies (also referred to as molecular manufacturing) refers to the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems that exploit the effects by controlling shape and size and properties. Nanoscience and nanotechnology encompass a range of techniques rather than a single discipline, and stretch across the whole spectrum of science, touching medicine, physics, engineering and chemistry. “The dream of nanotechnology is to build things the way nature does, atom by atom and molecule by molecule (Bow, 2005).” The technology involves developing tiny electromechanical devices in order to manipulate material at the atomic level. The general idea is that everything is made up of atoms whose properties are based on how these atoms are arranged. For example, the air we breathe is composed primarily of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen and these elements can be found in countless physical products. Conceivably, nanoscience could determine the properties that would result from particular arrangements of atoms and then nanotechnology will take these fundamental atomic building blocks and physically rearrange them into different products, materials, and technologies. Nanocomputers (no bigger than bacteria) and nanomachines (nanites) could become molecular assemblers and dis-assemblers that build, repair, or tear down any physical or biological objects.“Nanotechnology is the way of ingeniously controlling the building of small and large structures, with intricate properties; it is the way of the future, a way of precise, controlled building, with incidentally, environmental benignness built in by design.” (Ronald Hoffmann Cornell University, Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner). Working on the nano scale is not a new concept. In 1959, physicist Richard Fenman, imagined an individual could write the whole of Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin. Feynman is credited as the first individual to imagine and write about the possibility of manipulating material at the scale of individual atoms and molecules. "The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom (Feynman, 1959)." However, the ability to achieve this ‘maneuvering’ wasn’t realized until more recently because of advances in microscopy such as the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) developed in 1981, optical tweezers, and electron beam techniques. There are two significant factors that make nano-materials so appealing and potentially powerful. One factor is that the smaller the object, the higher its surface-tovolume ratio (the reason why we have so many cells in our body!) and this makes nanoparticles more reactive, more powerful as catalysts, and more sensitive to sensors.

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In addition, as the size of matter is reduced, quantum effects become important and can significantly change a material’s optical, magnetic, or electrical properties. Nanotechnology is about having the tools to work on the molecular level in the same way we have tools to work at the macro-world level. Sounds Cool But, What Really is the Big Deal? Advances in nanotechnology could have applications in materials, electronics, information/communication technology, and medicine. Some individuals close to the technology believe this field is almost limitless in its potential and espouse it could reform society as we know it by:

Meeting global energy needs with clean energy solutions – ability to create ‘indestructible’ solar cells that could be painted on surfaces and production of fuel without pollution

Healing the environment – nanorobots could sweep the oceans, disassembling pollutants and decontaminating water, while other could scrub the air in a similar fashion and still others could restore forests and species

Increasing the health and longevity of human life – ability to develop nanorobots that can repair the body at the cellular level – AIDS, cancer, wrinkles, arthritis and even genetic diseases could be a thing of the past, drug development

Introduction of new materials and manufacturing - virtually anything allowed by the laws of nature could be manufactured without labor or polluting factories. “Smart materials” that are strong, light and with the ability to assemble and repair and restore themselves. Eric Drexler provides the image of a rocket engine that not only repairs itself but changes shape like muscle tissue as different requirements of thrust, force, and aerodynamics come into play. Disassemblers would include natural tools like enzymes, ions and free radicals

Maximizing the productivity of agriculture – food could be grown to feed the world that doesn’t require as much space or inputs (fertilizers, insecticides)

Making powerful information/communication technology available everywhere – size would be small and there would be no need for infrastructure therefore extremely small and powerful computers will be cheap and abundant, available to even the poorest people.

Enabling the development of space – because of the size, nanotechnology would be very cheap to send into space. Conceivably, advanced nano-devices could quickly prepare planets for human occupation by building structures, changing the composition of the atmosphere or performing other critical tasks; while nanomedicine could customize the human body for space travel and perhaps even for tolerating other atmospheres. Nanotechnology Today Although it will still be some time before nanotechnology revolutionizes a variety of applications and as predicted, our way of life, there have already been some significant advances:

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Discovery of new types of matter – fullerenes and carbon nanotubes o Fullerenes consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a ball-like lattice (Buckyballs) – these are among the strongest materials known and it was also discovered that these could be formed into immensely strong, hollow tubes called carbon nanotubes. This matter becomes even more appealing because they demonstrate excellent electrical and heat conductivity, not to mention being 100 times stronger than steel and 6 times lighter. These substances are envisioned as the structural components (the gears, etc) of nanomachines. Fullerenes are envisioned as miniature ‘ball bearings’ to lubricate surfaces, drug delivery vehicles and in electronic circuits.

A biomolecular motor has been created that consists of, inorganic nickel, polymerized protein propellers, and is powered by an ATPase enzyme. The fuel for the molecular motor’s motion is ATP. During hydrolysis of ATP to ADP, energy is released and this causes the motor to turn in a counterclockwise direction.

Single-molecule transistors have been created that increase the speed of microprocessor chips – we have moved from the age of microchips to nanochips. In November 2004, Infineon, a technology company unveiled a transistor made of a single carbon nanotube 18 nanometers long.

Nanoparticle research has generated products including a nanoparticle carrier able to cross the blood–brain barrier to deliver a chemotherapeutic for the treatment of brain tumours, and gold nanoparticle probes that detect DNA from biological warfareagents such as anthrax.

Nanomix delivered the first nanoelectronic product to market in May 2005. This product includes nanotube-based sensors for detecting hydrogen that will help protect refineries, chemical plants, and pipeline stations from leaks—these will be less expensive than current sensors, more specific, and can operate for a year on a watch battery. Nanomix also sells products that monitor breathing (CO2 levels) for the healthcare industry.

The University of Waterloo has added a new undergraduate nanotechnology engineering degree program for September 2005 – the first class will consist of 100 students

This is just the beginning… In addition, funding does not seem to be a problem for Nanotechnology. In Asia, Europe, and North America, governments are pouring nearly $5 billion (US) annually into research and development. The USA’s 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (passed in 2003) allocated nearly $3.7 billion to nanotechnology from 2005 to 2008 (which excludes a substantial defence-related expenditure).With the launch of its nanotechnology strategy in 2003, the UK Government pledged £45M per year from 2003 to 2009. Private corporations are driving a lot of the current research, especially given the National Science Foundation's prediction that nanotechnology could potentially grow into a $1-trillion industry annually by 2015. Some 1200 Nano-based companies have sprung up worldwide as of early 2005. Interestingly, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the NSF are two of the largest sources of funding for nanotechnology research and have an enormous influence on the direction of scientific research done in the United States. Applications ranging from capsules that can administer medicine to individual cells to more efficient electronics are being investigated and new potential uses for tiny tubes, particles and wires surface regularly.

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1. What is the main idea of this reading? What are the supporting ideas? Write a few sentences (1-2) for the main idea AND for EACH supporting idea.

2. How does this article related to Science? Try to identify as many ways as you can. Write a few sentences for each way as follows: One way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A second way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) A third way this article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. * After you finish, be ready to share your answers with one partner. ** Then, be read to share with your group or class. ** Continue to add ideas to you question 2 as follows: One way my classmate, ________’s article relates to science is ________________________. --> Then Explain more. (tell how or why, give examples or other details, etc.) ETC. HW- Make a special web diagram as follows: 5. Write the word “Science is..” in a circle in the centre of a A4 paper. 6. Add rectangles around your circle from a distance. 7. Write some words from each blank in your question 2 list in your rectangles. 8. Explain underneat each rectangle using some of the explanations you added after

your words in the blanks in question 2. You may also include other ideas or details. ** See teacher’s diagram for a helpful illustration to do your HW.

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The Nature of Science- Section 4 ______________________________________________________________ Is science isolated from the world? Do scientists work up high in a tower laboratory only to come out to announce a discovery? Many people would argue “______________________”. If fact there is a lot of evidence to show that science does NOT occur by itself. Rather, science is closely connected to at least three other important areas:

1. _________________________________- science is closely related to technology in so many ways. In some cases, scientists come up with many ideas that engineers can use to make products. In other cases the opposite happens, engineers (and other people) come to scientists to help them learn how to make a new technology that they desire. For example, scientists could discover a new material such as Velcro. Then, engineers can use the idea to make shoes with Velcro. On other hand, engineers may first want to make a better shoe so they could go to scientists and ask them to intentionally seek out a new and better material.

2. ____________________________- Science is greatly influenced by many issues and players (called stakeholders) in society. For example, scientists do not often do experiments for themselves. They do experiments to help their world. A government might ask scientists to find a cure to a disease because many people are dying. At the same time, scientists are influenced by the society. They often get money from universities and the government. Without such financial aid, they cannot do their work.

3. _____________________________- In particular these days, there may world crises and many of them are related to the environment including pollution, global warming and deforestation. Science has both caused many of these crises and has helped to stop them. For instance, scientists helped to create big inventions like the car and the airplane. Now, there is a lot of air pollution because of science. On the other hand, scientists are working to find safer ways to get energy such as by solar power or even energy from hydrogen. Such discoveries may ultimately save our environment.

_________________________- It is important to remember two more things:

1. The relationship between science and other areas is ____________________________. Science can influence other areas but also the other areas can influence science too.

2. The relationship between science and the other areas __________________________________ _____________________________________ depending on how science is used or affective. Therefore, we can use science to help the world or hurt it. Also, other factors of the world can help scientists to do science well or prevent them.

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Extra Review Questions – The Nature of Science

1. Describe well on example of a though experiment.

2. Describe various ways that people think critically?

3. Give some important supporting points to explain more about the uncertainty of science.

4. Give one example where science is uncertain.

5. Why do humans make misconceptions in science.

6. Why do some scientists intentionally talk their way out of bad results?

7. Describe another way scientists cheat.

8. Compare and contrast science and technology.

9. Write a critical thinking paragraph as follows. Give your opinion on one thing that bothers

or frustrates you and relates to science. Email him before Monday to receive feedback on

this answer.

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What are Case Studies and Stakeholders?

What is a Case Study? A case study is a puzzle or problem that has to be solved. Not only does it describe the problem well but it also presents different sides on the problem. Further, the case study does have any clear solution!

The Main Goal of a Case Study (Why are there no clear solutions?) The main goal of a case study is help the reader think about deeply about the case study and to explore possible solutions to the problem by him or herself. So when you read a case study, you should try identify possible sides and eventually determine which ones are most valuable. In the end, you should come to form a decision based on the problem.

What are Stakeholders? Many case studies reveal the different sides of their problem through people. In other words, in the case study, one or more people are shown to have an opinion (and reasons too!) for some view or belief relating to the problem and also a possible solution. In other words, they believe themselves to be impacted by the situation, either negatively or positively. They may also have some power or influence over the situation or in determining a solution. We call these people stakeholders.

Why are there Stakeholders? Stakeholders can make the case study more personal and easier to explore. Through stakeholders, the reader can put him/herself in a person’s position and examine the person’s views more directly. In short, case studies and stakeholders can be powerful ways for you to learn more about an issue and the factors that surround it!!!

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CASE STUDY: Another Child Is Lead Poisoned Directions – Read the following case study with your class and then alone - Be ready to show your understanding of the main idea and any stakeholders involved

The Story

Yesterday, Jimmy Gritt, an 8 year-old boy passed away. Until a few months ago, Jimmy lived a normal life in Portland, Oregon like most children his age. He went to school, played with his friends on the weekend, did his HW and also played a lot of sports in his evening. He celebrate his birthday about 1 1/2 months ago where he had a huge birthday party inviting many of his friends to his house for party games and a huge meal. At the time, nothing appeared wrong. However, just before his birthday, a terrible incident head occurred that will forever leave a deep mark on the hearts of Jimmy’s family and all who love him. Last winter, Jimmy’s parents decided to renovate (upgrade)

their house. Walls were repainted and the bathtub was replaced. It was that point, his parent’s remembered their old house built in the early 1900s, also had a few leaky pipes. After watching an advertisement on tv, Jimmy’s father learned of local company called Zezel Waterworks that give great discounts on their work. So just before Jimmy’s birthday, workers from Zezel Waterworks were hired by Jimmy’s father and came to Jimmy’s house to install new water pipes throughout the house. The actual pipes installed were made of copper that is still the most common material. Over 80% of American homes use copper type. However, the problem was the solder. The workers used a lead solder to replace the pipes. In the process, the solder must have entered the water due to corrosion. In less than a week after their installation, Jimmy started to get sick. He lost his appetite and started to eat a lot less food. A few days later, he started to get regular headaches. He also could not focus very well in school. So the next day, his father took Jimmy to the doctor ’s. After brief examination, the doctor informed Jimmy’s father of some horrible and shocking news: Jimmy had developed a somewhat acute (severe) case of lead poisoning. For the next month, Jimmy underwent many forms of treatment. Including multiple treatments with different chelating agents. These substances can bind to lead in the body and neutralize it. However, the treatments were not enough and Jimmy passed away in great pain a little later. Jimmy’s parents have still not recovered from their loss and are staying with Jimmy’s grandparents in Florida. However, Jimmy’s uncle is furious and demands answers. He wants to know why the workers had used lead solder instead of something safer. Is there not some law than bans the use of lead solder? What kind of government is running the country? He plans on at least suing the president of Zezel Waterworks. He also wonders if Jimmy’s doctor could have done more to treat Jimmy. As well, many of Jimmy’s friends and their parents are scared too. They are making regular trips to the doctor. Remember? The birthday party had occurred right after the workers had finished installing the pipes.

The Real Facts (Retrieved from Corrosions Doctors, 2010)

Lead-contaminated drinking water is most often a problem in homes that are either very old or very new. Up through the early 1900s, it was common practice to use lead pipes for interior plumbing. Also lead piping was often used for the service connections that join residences to public water supplies. Copper pipes have replaced lead pipes in most residential plumbing. However, the use of lead solder with copper pipes is widespread. Experts regard this lead solder as the major cause of lead contamination of household water in U.S. homes today.

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Overview of Case Study Role Play Over the next few classes, you and your class will have the opportunity to learn more about other factors that may be involved in the lead poisoning of a child.

This task will also help you to identify other possible constraints that may affect the design of a toy such as yours.

General Idea of Role Play You will each be given a stakeholder to role play. You will explore possible opinions, beliefs and concerns your stake holder may have You will present your findings to other students for feedback by role playing your stake holder!

Role Play Steps

1. The teacher will put you in a small group. 2. The teacher will give your group one stakeholder

3. Each groups brainstorm possible opinions, beliefs and other concerns that

their stakeholder might have and also possible support for their ideas

Complete the Stakeholder Role Play Guided Preparation Handout 4. Search for knowledge to help your support your suggested ideas on the

Internet Write jot notes for some of the questions you formed in step 3

5. Formulate a detailed opinion for your stakeholder Complete the Formal Opinion Organizer Handout (will be given to you later upon completion of all earlier steps)

6. Present the opinion to members of other groups for debate and feedback.

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Stakeholder Role Play Guided Preparation Handout This handout will help you to: 1) Brainstorm possible ideas that your stakeholder might have 2) Identify possible ways to support your idea brainstorm 3) Identify possible sources to develop your idea support

Step 1: Complete. Case Study Topic: ___________________________________________________ My Stakeholder: ____________________________________________________

Step 2: Decide how your stakeholder may feel in the case study.

1. What is the main issue (problem) in the case study for your stakeholder? 2. Is your stakeholder upset about something? If yes, what is it? Why? 3. Is your stakeholder angry at someone? If yes, who is that someone and why? 4. What does your stakeholder want or hope will happen?

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Step 3: Brainstorm possible opinions, beliefs or concerns for your stakeholder.

Think carefully about what you wrote you Step 2)

Use the Helpful Expressions (right under) for possible ideas

You may also write other opinions that you think are possible and appropriate. Possible Opinions, Beliefs or Concerns for My Stakeholder (*write as many as you can!!) My stakeholder is angry/upset/worried/relieved/confused/happy……

My stakeholder thinks/feels/believes/opposes/is undecided…. (Helpful Expressions) My stakeholder wants/hopes that/wishes/suggests/advises/demands…. Example – My stakeholder is angry at the workers._____________________________. Idea 1 - ______________________________________________________________ Idea 2 - ______________________________________________________________ Idea 3 - ______________________________________________________________ Idea 4 - ______________________________________________________________

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Step 4: Brainstorm ways to explain more and support for your ideas. Brainstorm possible sources to develop your idea support Write Your Idea Again (copy from step 3)

Explain More Tell a reason, an example, who, what, how…etc.

Tell how to support I will tell why, how … I will show ….

I will explain …

Give a Possible Source I will use …

Ex. My stakeholder is angry at the workers.

The worker used lead soldering. It is bad for your health.

If will show why lead soldering is bad.

…an online encyclopedia to find more about soldering.

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Directions Using your Debate Preparation Handout, complete the following below 1. Write your debate topic and your group’s opinion on the space below. 2. Write down 2 or 3 reasons for your opinion using your jot notes and proper sentences. 3. Add other details to each reason to help support them. Don’t worry about using

sentences. 4. Get with your group. Share your reason and ideas to your group. 5. Write down any other reasons or ideas you hear from your group. 6. Decide on any other important ideas or strategies to be used for your debate!

DEBATE TOPIC : ____________________________________ My ROLE: ________________________________________

Your Group’s Opinion:_______________________________________

Reason 1 : __________________________________________________________ Details-

Reason 2 : __________________________________________________________ Details-

Reason 3 : __________________________________________________________ Details-

Reason 4 : __________________________________________________________ Details-

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General Opinion - Basic Expressions This class is “General Opinion”. Here, you practice how to express your general opinions.

Expression Set A – Giving and Receiving an Opinion- Basic

Here you practice the most basic but fundamental part of an argument (or debate): Giving and Receiving an Opinion. Learn and Use the following Expressions in the four steps below. Become an effective English speaker in creating your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing with another person’s opinion

STEP 1 – Ask for an Opinion- STEP 2 – Giving an Opinion

What do you think is….? What do you think about….? Which / Who do you think is better:

___ or ____? What is your opinion in this matter? Do you think / agree that …..? How do you feel about …? Examples: What do you think of women

smoking in the street? Who do you think is worse: forgetting to

wear your uniform pants or uniform coat?

I think … I personally feel that …. In my opinion, …. It seems to me that …. I would say …… Examples: I think women can smoke in the streets. It seems to me that forgetting to wear your uniform pants would be worse than forgetting to wear your coat…

STEP 3- Agreeing or Disagreeing


I agree with you 100%. I totally agree with you. I know exactly what you mean. I agree with your point. What you say makes sense to me



I don’t think I can agree with you. I disagree with you. You really think that? I can’t agree? Are you serious? I can’t believe what

I am hearing. My feelings are opposite yours.

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Example: I agree with you 100%. I also think that students should not have to wear uniforms.

I know exactly what you mean. I personally feel too that people should not be allowed to smoke in public.

Example: I disagree with you. I think wearing a uniform is actually a good idea.

Are you serious? People should not be forbidden to smoke in a public place. We live in a free country!


After you use an expression, DON’T STOP TALKING! Instead, keep going:. Tell why (or ask your partner why if they don’t begin to explain!) Give examples Share a story or experience Talk or ask questions about any other related matters

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Expression Set B – Other Expressions – For Agree and Disagree

1. Your agree very strongly

I agree with you 100 % I couldn’t agree with you more. I totally agree with you completely. That’s for sure!

I know exactly what you mean! You’ve taken the words right out of my mouth. I couldn’t say it any better.

2. You agree somewhat

I do see your point. That makes sense in some ways. I somewhat agree with you.

That might be true to a certain extent. I can follow you on that. I’ll buy most of that.

3. You are in the middle

I can’t say where I stand. One hand I agree. On the other hand, ….. I’m not sure what to say. I think …… However, I also think …. I have mixed feelings about what you said. In some ways, ……. In other ways …..

4. You disagree somewhat

I am not sure I can agree with you. Really? I don’t know about that. I may be wrong but I don’t think I can

quite agree with you.

Many might agree with you but I cannot. I think I can’t quite see it your way. I think …

5. You disagree totally

Really? Are you serious?! Are you kidding! I can’t believe what I

am hearing. I couldn’t disagree more. I’m sorry but I just have to disagree.

That could not be any farther from the truth. That’s ridiculous. I feel… My feelings are the complete

opposite. You got to be joking. I’m in total disagreement.

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