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  • 8/3/2019 Nature Spirits


    NATURE SPIRITS Approx. 8 mins reading time

    There are many metaphysical processes at work within the physical world. There are the various

    energies associated with life as well as a myriad of wonderful non-physical beings who work with


    The astral realm exists immediately beyond the physical. It is a finer vibration than the physical and

    forces pour from it into the physical world, bringing life to matter. An etheric field exists between

    the astral and the physical. It contains areas of varying density and acts as a filter, allowing some

    types of astral energy to come through to the physical and restricting the flow of others as the

    Creation process requires. Other planes of existence extend beyond the astral plane, with each being

    of a finer vibration than the one before.

    Nature Spirits are metaphysical beings who inhabit and work with the energies of these non-physical

    worlds, bringing them to the physical in the ongoing work of Creation and evolution. They are

    involved in every aspect of life and in every natural process. Every part of the world is alive and

    nature spirits are to be found everywhere: in the depths of the oceans, within the Earth and in the

    highest reaches of the atmosphere. The surface of the earth abounds with an almost

    incomprehensible variety of beings, each type having its own special functions to perform. Life

    would not be possible without their activities.

    Nature spirits are form-makers and are part of a hierarchy of life that begins with the angels and isdirected down through the planes into manifestation in the physical world. We can think of nature

    spirits as the lower aspects of angelic energies, manifested into the lower planes. Viewing the

    hierarchy from a human linear viewpoint, we see the angels presiding over the work of many

    different types of nature spirits, from high to low. Angels transform the impulses of life from Soul,

    stepping it down through the planes so that it becomes available to all aspects of Creation. It is taken

    up and transformed by the various nature spirits as it reaches their level of existence.

    It is easily accepted that nature spirits are associated with rocks and plants; however, they are an

    essential part of all living things. Animals and humans beings are also made of the four elements;

    therefore they have nature spirits of earth, air, fire and water within them. These are a specialised

    type of nature spirit that functions very differently to those in the plant and mineral worlds. The

    thinking and attitudes of a human being automatically manage the activities of the nature spirits

    within his or her body.


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    Devas are a highly evolved type of nature spirit. To the human eye, many of them have a similar

    appearance to angels, although they are of the planes while angels have their origins in Soul.

    Although radiant, they do not emit the same type or quantity of light as angels. Devas have a

    presence at the astral level as well as on some of the planes above. Some devas are of a higher

    nature than others and are therefore able to work with the more refined substance of higher planes.

    The scope of their work crosses over with that of the angels to some extent as there is no cleardemarcation line, just a gradual blending of function. Devas receive and transform the forces

    emanated by the angels and pass them down through the lower planes and into the astral world

    ready to be worked by the smaller nature spirits.

    Devas have chakras, and the more chakras they have, the higher the nature of their work and the

    further their reach extends up through the planes. Their chakras emit light but without as much

    change and variation as the chakras of the angels. Their action is t ied more to the movement of the

    seasons of the physical world than that of the angels, so that their emanations tend to be more

    predictable, rhythmic and specific.

    Devas are usually associated with features of the landscape such as mountains, plains or clearly

    defined regions. They can be found presiding over areas of woodland or large cultivated areas such

    as botanical gardens or parkland areas. They direct the activities of all natural processes within their

    sphere of influence, emitting the appropriate formative impulses for the harmonious functioning of

    the natural formations and plants in their care.

    A deva has a highly evolved consciousness, being able to encompass all the processes of the planes

    they work with as well as the activities of the smaller nature spirits who work within their influence.

    They are highly aware of the activities of animals and people around them and respond with a

    brightening and quickening of energy to anyone admiring or enjoying the area they oversee. They

    recognise and acknowledge with a flare of energy the birds, animals or people who live in their area

    or visit regularly. On occasion they communicate mind-to-mind with human beings. The

    consciousness of a deva is unwaveringly bright, encompassing and joyful. They are quite impersonal,

    having no judgement or opinion of what goes on around them.

    Mother All

    A great devic being fulfils the role of Earth Mother, overseeing every physical and metaphysical

    process occurring on, in and around the Earth. Her dominion extends throughout every plane, her

    functions overlapping and mingling with the work of the angels. She receives transformed energy

    from them at every level of the planes, broadcasting it into the many specialised forms required for

    life. Her radiant chakras send piercing beams of Creative Light into every part of the Earth.

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    She has been known by many names. We choose to call her Mother All, as this is how she is known

    to many of the smaller nature spirits who revel in their love for her. They joyously broadcast the

    thought Love the Mother! Love the Mother! Love Mother All! These are not words as we think and

    form them, but impulses of love and joy arising from their very being. This emanation from their

    collective consciousness is one of the ways they condition and stimulate the ethers for the continual

    expression of life.

    Mother All is inseparable from the Earth. She has been a part of the planet Earth for as long as it has

    existed and will continue to govern it until its eventual end. The Earth itself, like all physical matter,

    evolves spiritually and Mother Alls work changes over the eons to suit the needs of the time. She

    emits the impulses that not only govern its current state, but activate within it the tendencies

    toward becoming more refined, elevated and spiritualised.

    Her emanations oversee all Earth processes. Her great consciousness encompasses every particle ofthe earth. Even the smallest events are known to her. She governs every process of birth, life and

    death. She wields the great archetypes of Creation that she receives directly from the angels,

    bringing them to life in the physical world. At the present level of the Earths development, she

    emanates balance through the rhythmic nature of the cycles and seasons and through the constant

    renewal of life. Every deva and nature spirit works at her direction, each being an aspect of her

    expression of life.

    Smaller Nature Spirits

    Everything in the physical world, including human beings, is made up of combinations of the four

    elements, earth, air, fire and water. Nothing is made completely of one element. All four elements

    are present in all things, even though one or two of the elements can predominate. Life can exist

    only when there is interaction. Nature spirits are associated with the four elements and are key

    components of their interaction.

    Rocks and soil, the oceans and the atmosphere exist in a comparatively thin layer at the surface of

    our planet, providing a habitat for plants, animals and human beings. The four elements existing

    within the Earth in the mineral kingdom are raised to a higher state of alertness as they interact

    within the physical forms of plants, animals and human beings. The smaller nature spirits areinseparable from the elements and are an essential part of this process.

    Some smaller nature spirits are made up of both astral and etheric material. These are radiant

    beings lit from within by astral and ethereal light. They transform astral forces in such a way as to

    vitalise and feed the etheric field as well as passing astral forces through the etheric for

    manifestation in the physical world.

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    Other less complex beings form from etheric material in response to the vitalising forces arriving

    from the astral realm. The astral forces stimulate the etheric material to gather together so as to

    form tiny beings whose existence and actions shape the etheric substance, weaving it so that the

    physical matter can form around their patterns. These little beings pulse into and out of form,

    appearing and disappearing into the etheric field. The time span of their existence in form can vary

    from a few seconds to several days, depending on the work required. Most have a collective

    consciousness and perform individual functions in concert with their fellows, the sum of their

    activities creating the effects needed by nature at the time. Their consciousness is mostly turned

    inward. They are aware mainly of the movement of the etheric streams that they work with and of

    the simple joy of their own activity.

    Nature spirits made from astral as well as etheric substance have a higher level of consciousness

    than those working just within the etheric. They have more awareness of the external world. It is

    possible for their consciousness to evolve to become individualised so that they become highly

    aware of their surroundings and of their interaction with the forces around them. These spirits do

    not have free will as people do, however they have conscious volition. They are able to respond with

    awareness of their own actions and purpose within the framework of their environment. Their every

    action is filled with joyful celebration.

    In appearance, many of the smaller nature spirits have human-like shape or certain human

    characteristics. This similarity exists because both human beings and nature spirits are formed from

    the same creative blueprint and the same sacred geometry. Nature spirits that exist in areas that can

    support human life tend to look most like human beings. In areas where people cannot live withoutsome form of life support or artificial environment, for example in the depths of the ocean or very

    deep under the Earth, their shapes vary. Some are wispy and fairly unformed, while others can have

    an appearance that is grotesque and unattractive to human perception. All, however, have

    identifiable features such as a head or limb-like appendages.

    All the smaller nature spirits composed of etheric and astral material have energy centres rather

    than chakras. Many of them are winged, especially those associated with plants, air and fire. Those

    who are associated more closely with soil, rocks and water do not usually have wings.

    Perception of Nature Spirits

    We can learn to perceive the astral and etheric realms by learning to develop and extend the five

    physical senses. This can be achieved through a mixture of belief, dedication and practice. The most

    commonly known of these extended senses is clairvoyance, which is an extension of the sense of

    sight and clairaudience, which is an extension of hearing.

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    To perceive devas and beings that have a presence on planes higher than the astral, higher abilities

    are needed. In the beginning, intuition can be used combined with sensing and using the visionary

    inner eye of the mind. Knowing, a quality of Soul, can be used to perceive and know the higher

    realms with absolute clarity and certainty.

    Recognition and acknowledgement from human beings assists nature spirits in the growth of their

    consciousness and awareness. This is a way we can contribute to the spiritual evolution and

    elevation of our world. Many nature spirits bask in our admiration for their plants or the areas they

    tend. Even if a human being cannot see them, just knowing they are there gives them energy, life

    and power to work for the world.

    The material contained on this site provides only the merest glimpse into the world of nature spirits

    and angels. A comprehensive book is currently being written on these subjects, including 48 full

    colour illustrations. It will be entitled Spirits of Nature and Angels and can be previewed from the

    book page under the Wisdom menu.

    SPIRITS OF EARTH Approx. 14 mins reading time

    The Nature of Earth

    The element earth is the densest of the four elements. It has the ability to take on and maintain

    form. It is stable in nature, bringing order and structure to the creative impulses that are emanated

    from Soul.

    Archetypes exist within the realm of Soul and are broadcast constantly throughout creation by the

    angels. A lower version of the archetypes exist hidden deep within our planet, Earth. They also exist

    at a microcosmic level within every particle of matter. The enduring nature of the element earth

    allows the archetypes to be held in readiness within matter in a stable and accessible form. Within

    them are the patterns for every possible manifestation: for the chemical elements of matter, the

    mineral world and the interactions that result in plant, animal and human life-forms. In them alsoare the plans for every possibility that could ever occur in Creation, including physical and spiritual

    evolution. The pathway to complete consciousness of Soul and Spirit exists within every particle of

    matter. The angels pass down the impulses of the perfect archetypes from Soul and these stimulate

    and awaken the lower version held within matter. In time, as the Earth evolves spiritually, the

    archetypes within matter will perfectly match the original impulses from Soul and they will become


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    At the physical level, the archetypes are activated into life by the interaction of all four elements;

    however the earth nature of the archetypes is primarily activated by water, which is the closest

    element to earth in terms of density.

    Earth Spirits

    There are more types of nature spirits associated with earth than with any of the other elements.

    These extraordinary spirits exist in an enormous variety of sizes from enchanting tiny beings no

    bigger than a spark of light to great and magnificent mountain devas. They work with every aspect of

    solid matter. They are connected with the mineral world, with substances and structures deep

    within the Earth, with landscape features on the surface of the Earth, with plants of all types and

    with the cycles of the seasons.

    Nature spirits of the Earth work mainly with two processes, contraction and expansion. Some earth

    spirits are dedicated to only one of these processes while others work to harmonise the two.

    Contractive activities allow forces to be drawn together in a variety of ways while expansive

    activities allow differentiation, evolution and growth. The interaction of these two forces creates the

    foundation for all physical forms.

    The smaller nature spirits of earth are often known as the 'little folk', who are familiar to us from

    legend and fairy tales. These are the faeries, elves and gnomes who are an essential part of the

    Earth's function and who work on or close to the surface of the Earth.

    There are so many different types of nature spirits of earth that a small encyclopaedia would be

    needed to describe them all. Only a very small selection is described in these notes to give an idea of

    their diversity and functions.

    Minerals, Rocks and Underground Structures

    Specialised types of nature spirits work deep within the earth. Their purpose is to bring life and

    shape to the etheric of the subterranean world in preparation for its eventual emergence into the

    light of the surface world. Many of the processes of this area are very dense and crushing with

    powerful shaping forces at work. There are more spirits working with the contractive forces within

    the Earth than with those of expansion. Most of the underground nature spirits are made from

    etheric substance and work with the Earth's etheric field.

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    At the deepest levels are found great, dark, almost formless etheric creatures. They can be seen in

    various sizes from the size of a small house down to that of a dolphin. Their shapes and movements

    are whale-like, as they seem to roll and swim through their underground environment. Although

    most of their movements are slow and deliberate, from time to time they surge suddenly upward or

    dive down. They do not have eyes and are mostly unaware of their surroundings. They move from

    some kind of inner awareness of the moving streams within the Earth's etheric. They are nourishedby these forces and in turn shape and vitalise them through their movements.

    Deep within the crust of the earth can also be found groups of gnome-like embryonic creatures in

    various stages of development. Some are quite small, while others are the size of a ten year old

    child. Some are unformed with their features almost indistinguishable, while others show more

    detail. They are very ancient and are quite still as if waiting. They are unaware of their surroundings.

    In the distant future, by the time the surrounding rock has moved closer to the surface of the Earth,

    these creatures will be fully formed and awaken to the outside world. In the meantime, their

    presence brings a certain type of life to the Earth, even though they are not recognisably active.

    Closer to the surface of the Earth can be found small earth spirits whose appearance can at times be

    human-like but many of these seem only partially formed, with a head, shoulders and arms fading

    away to nothing below. These gnomes are formed from etheric material and wield etheric energy of

    a masculine nature, gathering it from the surrounding ethers. They exert their powers of will to

    compress it and emit it in sudden and vigorous pulses, pounding the surrounding rocks with it to

    concentrate and vitalise their energy. A higher form of these gnomes exists in a more fully

    developed state. Their shape is fully human-like. They are found in caves, cavities and cracks within

    the Earth. They are made from astral as well as etheric substance and draw certain astral forces to

    them to assist and vitalise their shaping work in the etheric realm. Observation of these creatures

    has inspired stories of gnomes or elves as miners.

    A variety of earth spirits are found associated with every type of rock. Gnomes of various kinds are

    associated with crystals and gems within the Earth. Deposits of metals have their own types of earth

    spirits with precious metals having the most evolved spirits of all.

    The Earth's Surface

    The Earth's surface is an area of vitality and interaction where the most varied and abundant

    physical expressions of life are found. The greatest number of earth spirits also live and work here,

    creating a feeling of intense industry combined with exuberance and rejoicing.

    Earth spirits in many sizes and shapes, mostly with human-like forms, dance, work and play on and

    near the surface of the Earth, activating the etheric material associated with topsoil, sand and rocks.

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    Many of these are little winged faerie-like creatures who are totally oblivious to the physical world.

    They are of various sizes, but the largest are no more than four hundred and fifty millimetres or

    eighteen inches in height. These sparkling little beings are mostly of a misty, transparent

    appearance, tinted with pinks, blues, greys and white. They can be seen dancing in rings and in other

    more complex patterns. They never stop moving, sometimes floating languidly and at other times

    dancing vigorously, with much jigging up and down. At times, they dance around and around in onespot for a while before moving off, still dancing. They are not restricted to a small territory, but can

    cover many kilometres as they dance. Although they appear to be individual in form, they are really

    an expression of a single purpose, working through a collective consciousness that has awareness

    only of the ethers they are working within and of their own unity. They do not choose where to go,

    but respond to fluctuations in density within the Earth's etheric that signal the availability of

    specialised astral energy. Occasionally they are joined by larger, more radiant faeries who are much

    more conscious of their surroundings. These are beings of the astral world that interact with the

    work of the etheric faeries, using it as a pattern through which to pour astral light into the world.

    Other beings condition the Earth's etheric in a simpler way. These do not work in groups and are far

    less mobile than the faeries. They do not have wings and are gnome-like in appearance. They arise

    from the etheric of the Earth, seeming to the observer to come out of the Earth itself. They are

    human-like in form, usually with elongated features and a drooping demeanour. They drift across

    the surface of the Earth in a seemingly random pattern wherever the etheric streams take them.

    Some of these spirits hold their form only briefly before disappearing back into the etheric of the

    Earth. Others last for several days, drifting here and there.

    Other types of earth spirits of a more evolved nature can be seen running or leaping on or just above

    the ground. These are beings of astral and etheric and they are very aware of their surroundings,

    even though they do not very often choose to acknowledge or interact with physical people or

    animals. They have a very intense and purposeful demeanour. Some are as large as human beings,

    although most are smaller. They sometimes have a suggestion of wings, but these are wispy and

    more like short flares of energy from their backs than real wings. They sometimes also have antler or

    antenna-like protrusions from their heads, these being a manifestation of their alertness and

    attentiveness to their surroundings. Their purpose is to condition or enliven large areas of ground in

    preparation for the growth of plant life.

    Landscape Features and Large Areas

    Landscape features are governed by larger earth spirits having a much higher consciousness than

    any discussed so far. They are an intrinsic part of the shape and substance of the land features they

    are associated with. Devas are the most evolved and most highly conscious of these earth spirits, as

    can be seen in their brightness and the complexity of their activities. They govern the formative

    processes of the entire area in their care, issuing forth impulses of energy transformed from the

    astral realm and higher planes. These impulses direct the activities of every smaller nature spirit

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    associated within the deva's area of responsibility. Devas receive their impetus directly from the


    Devas have a central form surrounded by sweeps of energy that emanate from their chakras. The

    centre of consciousness is in the head, which emanates streams of activating energies. Devas areaware of everything that occurs within their sphere of influence. The central forms of devas can vary

    in height from approximately five metres (fifteen feet) to thirty-five metres (one hundred feet).

    Radiant auras surround them, extending for great distances from the inner form.

    Some individual mountains, groups of mountains or hills, mountain ranges, plains, canyons, valleys,

    large rock formations and cave systems have their own devas overseeing their functions. Larger

    areas often have more than one deva, usually working together.

    Smaller areas such as woodlands, forests, large gardens or parkland all have one or more devas

    caring for them. These are often smaller devas who are responsible for groupings of plants or areas

    where there are many of the same type of plant.

    The seashore is a specialised habitat with ample scope for all types of nature spirits. Many shorelines

    are presided over by large devic beings who are stationed over promontories, cliffs or larger rocky

    features. They invariably face out to sea and spread their influence over the many nature spirits

    working within the astral and etheric natures of sand, rocks, waves, seaweed and rock pools.

    Plants and Trees

    Plant life of many types is to be found in nearly every area of the earth. Associated with these is a

    most amazing array of earth spirits. These include many different types of elf and pixie-like beings as

    well as faeries of all types and sizes. Every part of each individual plant is formed, energised and

    cultivated by many of these small beings. Every activity is a joyous celebration of the l ife processes

    they work amongst. The different types of nature spirits all work together toward a single purpose.

    Many of the faeries and pixies operate from a collective consciousness, being in charge of single

    plants or sometimes groups of the same type of plant. Certain individuals are sometimes more

    highly evolved and have greater awareness of their surroundings. Most of the smaller plant faeries

    are either unaware of or not interested in anything beyond their own plants, while the pixies who

    tend the leaves and stems are more aware of the outer world, but only become interested in it when

    a human is aware of them.

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    With certain rare exceptions, faeries and pixies do not usually wear clothes as we do. Faeries,

    however, are often accompanied by wisps of floating energy that trail around them and suggest

    drapery. These energies are not separate manifestations created by them, but are actually a part of

    them just like their arms and legs. Pixies often seem to be wearing close-fitting clothing; however

    this appearance is usually caused by parts of their bodies being tinted with different colours

    according to the season and to their current work.

    The roots of plants are tended by a number of different types of pixie or elf-like beings. Some of

    these appear as tiny sparks that fly into and out of the soil, conditioning the roots in such a way as to

    encourage them to link with the soil and take up its nutrients. They do this by a type of magnetising

    of the water contained in the roots. Close clairvoyant examination reveals them to be perfectly

    formed tiny creatures with small gossamer wings.

    Other types of beings occupy tiny air spaces in the soil around the roots. Larger versions of these canbe seen amongst the roots of plants and trees that have been exposed by soil washing away. These

    earth spirits have long legs and arms and crouch in the little cavities and caves formed by the

    washaway and can sometimes be spotted peering out at the world. They sometimes come out of

    their dens and walk around with their backs hunched, looking out from under their eyebrows. Their

    demeanour is shy. They are associated with the soil, the roots and the forming and maintenance of

    the cavity itself.

    Another type of earth spirit associated with the wellbeing of the roots of plants is a gnome-like being

    with a large head, thin limbs and a gnarled appearance. He is related to the interactions of the roots

    with the soil as well as to the connections between earth and air. He has no wings and can be seen

    stomping about around the bases of plants, gathering and forming the etheric of the soil by his

    actions. He prepares the way for astral energies to enter the plants through the roots.

    Pixies with wings are responsible for drawing the etheric energies upward from the soil, creating a

    template for the astral forces to enter. These processes allow the sap to rise through the stems of

    plants and for leaves to form. The pixies cause this to occur by flying slowly up from the base of the

    plant in a spiralling motion around the stem. When they reach a node on the stem, the point where

    the stem branches to form leaves, they suddenly deviate from their path, accelerating rapidly and

    shooting out along the leaf stem. They burst from the tip of the leaf, spraying etheric and astral

    energy that invites the action of the air and sunlight into the leaf. Many pixies work with each plant,

    repeating these movements over and over until nightfall.

    Flowers are a highly specialised part of a plant, being able to transform higher energies than any

    other part. It has been said that flowers represent the Spirit on Earth. Specialised faeries are

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    associated with flowers. Some of these can be seen as tiny sparks that hover near the flower,

    drawing in life-force from the Sun and the air. They swell with vitality as they do this, before flying

    back into the flower where they release the energy in a rush of light. The flower glows from their

    ministrations. They remain within the flower for a short while, gathering in those forces that are a

    sort of energy waste product of the flower. They then fly out into the air again and discharge the

    wastes in a brilliant flash of light before beginning the process all over again.

    Other larger faeries of great beauty hover near the flowers. They can be seen leaning forward and

    appearing to breathe into the flowers. They stretch their arms out to the flowers, caressing the air

    that surrounds them. Beautiful colours come from them, particularly from their hands, mouths and

    faces, enveloping the flowers in every colour of the rainbow. These faeries have a high level of

    consciousness and belong to the higher astral realms. They receive the impulses for their work

    directly from the deva of the area their plants grow in.

    Most pixies and faeries of plants rest at night, folding themselves into the inner realms of the etheric

    and the astral plane. To human vision, they seem to disappear directly into the plants or to just fade

    from view. They reappear with the Sun the next day.

    Trees are tended by all the same types of nature spirits as any other plant, but as well there are two

    other types of earth spirit that are peculiar to trees. The first of these is a type of tree spirit that

    dwells within every tree. It is seen as a cloak of colour surrounding and interpenetrating the tree and

    reaching down to the ground. The colour does not extend very far beyond the tree and the

    consciousness of the spirit is turned inward, dwelling within the nature of the tree. These spirits

    have the potential to grow into fully conscious, individualised beings, very much like a small deva.

    During this evolutionary process, the spirits become more fully formed, developing a head and

    shoulders that extend above the tree. Chakras also develop. Their consciousness can then reach

    beyond the astral to the adjoining plane. When this occurs, the tree spirits become fully aware of

    their surroundings and extend their care and support to other trees and tree spirits in their area.

    They also become more consciously interactive with other nature spirits around them.

    Dryads are another type of tree spirit. They dwell deep within their trees and grow with them. They

    have a very feminine energy. As she evolves, the dryad becomes able to extend parts of herself

    beyond her tree, shifting herself until she seems to be looking out from within its bark and leaves. At

    this stage of her evolution, she appears to humankind to have a vaguely defined but hauntingly

    beautiful human face, shoulders and arms. These are the parts that can be seen within the tree or

    extending beyond its physical form. The rest of her form tapers away into drifts of pale energy with

    the appearance of drapery. A well-evolved dryad has a clearly formed body that is smooth and

    feminine in essence. It is still partly concealed by the drifting energies, adding to the feminine

    appearance. At her highest stage of evolution, she wears a crown of light and power that gives her

    the appearance of a faerie queen. She is then able to move considerable distances from her tree and

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    is very aware of human beings, being very interested in their feelings toward her tree. Dryads have a

    particular type of emanation and consciousness that is conducive to the growth of wisdom in human

    beings. For this reason we as a race are very attracted to trees and are nurtured spiritually in their



    Huge devic beings are associated with the changing of the seasons and with solstices and equinoxes.

    These great beings pass through the Earth and its atmosphere bringing with them the seeds of

    change appropriate to the time. These powerful spirits really belong to all the elements, but have a

    strong connection with the element of earth and are easily observed in their interactions with it.


    Although many nature spirits of earth are unaware of their surroundings, some have evolved to astate where they are aware of the outside world and very aware of humans and animals and take a

    keen interest in their activities.

    When pixies feel a human being's attention on them, they respond by strutting and showing

    themselves off, basking in the fact that they have been noticed. They can be very mischievous and

    will lead anyone who can communicate with them a merry dance in search of treasure or whatever

    they think will please.

    Some of the smaller gnomes and pixies are fascinated by any animals in their area, but especially pet

    cats and dogs. They feel the connection of human beings with these pets and this increases their

    interest. Some of them would very much like to have their own animals just as we do. Occasionally a

    nature spirit takes a dislike to a certain type of animal such as dogs and tries to drive them away. The

    types of nature spirit who interact in these ways are able to do so without interfering with their

    usual work with the Earth, as much of their activity is to do with shaping the ethers by simply

    maintaining their own shape. An example of this type is the nature spirit already described who can

    be seen crouching in cavities around the roots of trees and plants.

    Certain nature spirits of earth occasionally come inside houses. Those with higher awareness are

    very curious and seem to enjoy interacting with people and their possessions. They can sometimes

    be found in wardrobes, cupboards or pantries happily sitting amongst all sorts of odds and ends.

    They particularly like anything shiny or noisy.

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    Larger faeries who are made from astral as well as etheric substance are often able to move over a

    wide area and can become very attracted to people who are aware of them or can see them.

    Sometimes they will dance and beckon to entice the human viewing them further into their world.

    This is where stories of being stolen away by the faeries have come from. After studying and

    interacting with them for extended periods, one becomes aware of the pull of their enticements and

    can feel strange and disoriented coming back to the physical world. This is of little concern, however,as a person usually needs to be quite stable and sensible to be able to see these spirits in the first


    Sometimes nature spirits who exist in close proximity with human beings enjoy copying human

    clothing and actions. Their efforts can be very amusing as they combine items of clothing that are

    completely incongruous and seem very proud of their efforts.

    All nature spirits develop and grow through positive associations with people who know about them,believe in them or can see them. These are forms of validation that confirm their reality in the world

    and give them power. Greeting them or thanking them, even if we cannot see them, gives them the

    recognition and validation they need to grow. It is a great joy just to know about them and to have

    them in our world. Some time in the future, as the human race becomes more open, all people will

    be aware of them and the races of man and nature spirits will both benefit.

    The Nature of Air

    Air is the opposite of earth. The two elements are necessary to each other for balance. The static

    nature of earth is moderated by the ability of air to move in any direction, whilst the flightiness of air

    is stabilised by earth's stability.

    Air is one of the two lighter, upward-tending elements, the other being fire. Together they bring light

    and movement to the world.

    The qualities of air allow flight and inspiration. It is a very active element, having the ability topromote movement and change. Along with water, air helps to shape and activate the surface of the


    Air has the ability to move and shape water, its winds whipping the surface of the water into waves.

    Water carries within it the activated archetypal patterns i t has absorbed from earth and the

    whipping action stimulates the water to release these archetypes. They are taken up by the air

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    where they are further activated by light from the Sun. They are then distributed in every direction

    with the movement of the air.

    The versatility of air allows it to transform the energies of both day and night. During the daytime,

    air, through the work of its nature spirits processes and transforms sunlight and transmits it to theEarth. At night, the influences of the moon, the planets and the stars are transformed.

    Another important aspect of the functioning of air is its ability to transport energies, influences and

    metaphysical atmospheres on its currents. Although all the elements play a part in the production

    and distribution of influences, air is the most mobile and far-reaching. The energies of change

    especially are carried on the winds. A shift in atmosphere or circumstances is often presaged by a

    sudden stirring of wind.

    The Aquarian Age is just beginning. Aquarius is an air sign, so the air element has a very important

    task at the present time: that of transmitting the new Aquarian energies that are arriving in the

    world. Air also has a unifying and equalising effect, both of which are qualities of the Aquarian Age.

    Spirits of Air

    The element of air has fewer types of nature spirits associated with it than either earth or water, but

    more than fire. Air spirits are called Sylphs. They carry out their activities in response to impulses

    emitted by angels and devas who work specifically within and through the Earth's atmosphere.

    Prominent amongst these are the Angels of Light, who dwell within the air and are involved in every

    process related to the atmosphere, its layers and its structures, including climate and weather. They

    are involved with the transmission of both physical light and spiritual light, as these are two different

    expressions of the same principle.

    Angels and devas of the forces of Creation are also found in the atmosphere. Although these are not

    actually air spirits, they use air as an access point for all of the elements. The atmosphere is a

    physical and metaphysical representation of the interface that exists between the earthly nature of

    the physical world and the light of the Spirit and it is within this function that these angels and devas

    work. They begin their activity by connecting with the Angels of Light, working with light as an aspect

    of fire. They work down through the elements in order of density with air next, then water and

    finally, earth. The angels and devas of creative forces include spirits of sound, colour and music,

    these all being modes of Creation. They are all similar to sylphs in appearance and very brightly


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    Also found in the air are small, fairy-like beings with slender, human-shaped bodies and large,

    transparent wings like those of dragonflies. They live mainly in the air, but stay close to the surface

    of the land. They give an impression of femininity, although there are no feminine body features

    evident. They are associated with the breezes and winds as they pass through plants and trees.

    These enchanting little spirits do not belong to the fairy-like earth spirits, but are not wholly sylphs

    either. They exist between the two realms, but belong mostly to air.


    Sylphs are radiant, colourful beings, who range in size from almost microscopically small to over one

    metre or around four feet tall. The body is slender and elongated, coming to a tapering point in

    place of legs and feet. The head is crowned with radiating streams of energy overlaid by vertical lines

    of light that radiate upward and outward from the brow. These are linked by loops of energy that

    sparkle and scintillate. Elongated antennae, like those of a butterfly, can be seen to each side of the

    lacework of energy, barely discernible amid the glow of interweaving forces. There are an almost

    infinite variety of patterns to be seen, according to the type of sylph.

    The most prominent features are the wings, which sweep upward and back exhibiting a variety of

    colours according to the sylph's work at the time. Sylphs are primarily blues, greens, pinks, purple

    and lemon. They are never fiery or earthy in colour, being predominantly pastel tones. Their wings

    are wide at the base, joining with the body along almost its entire length. They sweep to a point

    above and behind the head. Some sylphs have ethereal arm-like sweeps of energy that arise from

    the shoulder area. These are often held in a raised position, so that they almost become a part of the

    wing structure. They move through the air or hover in an upright position, sometimes tilting slightly


    Sylphs have an intelligent, alert expression. Even when they are still they exhibit an unwavering

    intensity of focus. When moving, they periodically emit many-coloured explosions of light that have

    an activating and uplifting effect on everything around them. They radiate joy.

    Larger, more evolved sylphs have one or more chakras, while the smaller, less evolved ones have

    glowing energy centres at the head and chest.

    Sylphs sometimes seem to appear as if from nowhere. This usually occurs at the point of interaction

    with other elements, such as near flames or close to the surface of land or water. They can also

    move at great speeds, sometimes seeming to human perception to disappear and rematerialise

    some distance away as they journey through the inner realms. At times, too, their attention is so

    focused on the impulses they are receiving from the higher realms that they are unable to maintain

    form here and fade from view.

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    Although frequently silent, sylphs sometimes emit a high pitched sound like the whistling of the

    wind. In extreme, stormy conditions with sudden gusts, they make occasional deep, percussive

    sounds, like that of a strong wind striking a large, immovable object. When resting on a still day and

    drawing in the forces of the Sun, sylphs sometimes make a low, continuous, whooshing sound that

    rises and falls in pitch, swelling and subsiding in volume. This gives the impression that they are

    purring with contentment.

    Like undines, the spirits of water, sylphs draw in power from the sunlight and transform it within

    their bodies into a form that is appropriate to the Earth. The smaller sylphs draw in the aspects of

    sunlight that are beneficial to the etheric component of the atmosphere. After transforming it within

    them, they release it to further activate the etheric of the planet, bringing vitality to the air

    surrounding it and making it receptive to appropriate astral forces.

    Larger and more highly evolved sylphs work with the astral essence of sunlight, transforming it

    within them and making it available for the ongoing process of Creation. They do this at the direct

    bidding of devas who work within the atmosphere. As with all nature spirits, these larger and more

    evolved sylphs also emit impulses that stimulate and direct the smaller sylphs who work within the


    As they are inseparable from their element, air, sylphs are drawn to a particular place by the need of

    the air for their particular work and their own need to be in that spot to do it. A clairvoyant sees

    these places in the atmosphere as having different densities of etheric and astral material. Sylphs

    move from one place to another by placing themselves in the appropriate etheric streams and astral

    currents. The direction and strength of these are consistent with physical air movement.

    Sylphs are very mobile nature spirits, although they are also capable of periods of profound stillness

    that seems to human perception to be almost meditative in nature. When the physical air is moving,

    sylphs are usually on the move as well. Sometimes, even when it is windy, a sylph will find a

    sheltered spot close to the surface of the earth and hover there for some time. Avoidance is a

    concept unknown to nature spirits and they use these sheltered spots not to avoid the wind, but to

    partake of the conditions that prevail there as part of their expression and their work.

    On most days, sylphs can be seen hovering or drifting about, often with a bobbing motion. They

    maintain their upraised wing position to descend or go forward or back, but sweep the wings back

    and downward to ascend. In the hovering position, the wings often move back and forth with a

    gentle fanning motion. They do not flap their wings as a bird or insect would. Their progress through

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    the air is graceful, even when moving at great speeds. In turbulent or gusty conditions, they can

    sometimes be observed spinning briefly or spiralling up or down with the movement of the air.

    Sometimes sylphs are seen singly and sometimes in groups. The smaller the sylph, the more likely it

    is to be part of a group. At times a group of smaller and less evolved sylphs can be seen gatheredaround a larger and more developed one. The smaller ones bask in the aura of the larger sylph,

    receiving vitalising astral impulses from it that assist them in their work and stimulate their own

    evolution. Sylphs who have received energy of this type become more active and their capacity to

    transform light is enhanced.

    Sylphs within groups exchange energy with each other through flashing beams of coloured light.

    Sometimes these are vivid and narrow, as if the energy is concentrated and aimed. At other times it

    is sent out in shimmering sheets of colour that other sylphs in the group hurry to immerse

    themselves in. Energy exchange serves as a form of communication between sylphs, as the energybears the imprint or essence of the individual who emitted it. Beams of light are passed between

    sylphs of all stages of development, which is unusual in the world of nature spirits. This is a

    manifestation of the open and flexible nature of air. With all the other elements, the passing of

    energy usually occurs between spirits of equal development or from higher to lower.

    The greatest concentration of sylphs exists in the zone where oxygen concentration is high enough

    to sustain physical life. The higher reaches of the atmosphere are managed by the Angels of Light

    who spend considerable time there. In general, the more highly evolved the sylph, the higher in the

    atmosphere it can function. A sylph can work anywhere from the surface of the Earth up to the

    highest level its consciousness can reach.

    Less developed sylphs live closer to the surface of the earth or bodies of water. Some of these are

    only able to skim along the surface, whilst others are able to rise a short distance into the air for

    short periods of time. The lower the state of evolution of the sylph, the closer to the Earth they stay.

    Their development is also reflected in their shape and definition of form. At the lower end of the

    scale, the forms are poorly defined, consisting mainly of a rudimentary head with a wing-like shape

    sweeping back from it. These sylphs do not have an upright posture like the more evolved sylphs.

    They fly mainly in a horizontal position with the head at to the front. As they evolve further, their

    shapes become more clearly defined and their flying habit more vertical.

    The mobile nature of air allows sylphs to be extremely versatile. Unlike the nature spirits of earth

    and water, sylphs remain active at night. Just as they are stimulated by the Sun to process its light by

    day, so too they are affected by the moon and other celestial bodies at night. In response, they work

    to absorb, transform and distribute these more subtle types of light and energy. They work with the

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    ever-changing metaphysical influences that come to Earth from space. The various constellations,

    individual stars, planets and other phenomena of the heavens broadcast their own specific

    influences and the versatility of sylphs is called upon to translate these so that they can be used by

    the Earth.

    At night sylphs become more silvery in colour with tiny sparkling points of light gleaming here and

    there. Their bodies glow with a cool radiance, while thin streams of iridescence run outward along

    the wings in a myriad of colours. The nature of the influence they are transforming at any given time

    has a great effect on the range of colours and activity levels exhibited.

    Weather conditions are also accompanied by their own particular types of sylphs and as well, some

    already existing sylphs can change their appearances very quickly in keeping with changing

    conditions. An example of this can be seen when air and water interact in the form of storm clouds.

    Nearby sylphs are drawn to the clouds, the colours of the sylphs becoming darker and moremenacing the closer they approach. The etheric component of a storm is charged with a kind of

    vitality that is very attractive to sylphs and they take in the violence of the storm, exulting in its

    power. They fly repeatedly in and out of the storm clouds, circling at the storm front or just below

    the clouds, drawing in the charged etheric and dispersing it into the surrounding air when they

    emerge. Sylphs in these circumstances can become frenzied in their movements, and present an

    appearance that can be frightening to human observers.

    Many sylphs are very alert to their surroundings and actively seek contact with any devas or angels

    in their vicinity, even when the angels or devas do not work directly with air. For example, sylphs in

    an area frequently visit and hover near a healing angel who is permanently stationed at a hospital.

    On many occasions, these great beings acknowledge the sylphs with a touch.

    Sylphs of the Seasons

    Each season of the year brings its own special type of sylph that matches the nature of the air

    currents, breezes and winds of the time. Each type blows away the old influences of the past season

    to whatever degree is appropriate and broadcasts the patterns and stories of nature for the current

    one. The appearance of each mirrors the energy and atmosphere associated with its season. Sylphs

    of the seasons arrive to suit the appropriate energy conditions of nature, rather than according to adate or a time. Some years their arrival is earlier or later than others, depending on the physical and

    metaphysical conditions of the time.

    The sylphs of spring are filled with vitality and alertness. They can be seen in every pastel tone, with

    a predominance of soft orange, greens and pinks blending harmoniously together. The larger spring

    sylphs have more of the green shades, while the smaller ones have more of the pink and orange. The

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    forms of spring sylphs are delicate, with fine lines of energy running upward and outward through

    their wings. Tiny sparks of light spring from the edges of their wings, trailing behind them as they

    move within the balmy spring breezes. Crowns of energy rising from their heads are intricately

    divided with fine, feathery terminations. Flashes of fluorescent oranges and pinks glint along these

    lines of energy and spray into the air above. Rarely are spring sylphs seen alone. They are almost

    always in groups and can be found throughout the atmosphere. Spring sylphs engage in activitiesthat prepare the etheric of the Earth for the summer months, laying foundations for the summer

    sylphs to build upon.

    The sylphs of summer are more robust in appearance, with broader wings than the spring sylphs.

    They are also more brightly coloured. Their movements are more sudden and vigorous, though their

    periods of stillness are longer as well. Many sylphs work close to the surface of the Earth during the

    heat of summer. They can often be seen l ingering near brightly coloured flowers, shedding gentle

    showers of light into the air around them. They are stimulated by the colour emanations of the

    flowers. The light they emit conditions the air around the plants for the use of the smaller nature

    spirits of earth.

    Autumn sylphs are coloured in many shades of blue, deep green and yellow. Their colours are denser

    than those of the spring and summer sylphs, with more definition and contrast in the details of their

    forms. The crowns are spiked and radiant with golden light. Although all types of sylphs clear away

    old influences in preparation for the new, autumn sylphs do this with particular strength and

    purpose. Just as autumn winds cause dry leaves to fall from trees, the autumn sylphs clear away any

    lingering influences of spring and summer and in this way establish the forces of autumn as well as

    prepare for winter. Like the summer sylphs, autumn sylphs often work close to the surface of the

    Earth, spreading golden-yellow light over trees and plants.

    The sylphs of winter have fine, elongated forms with fragile-seeming wings that are finely feathered

    and spiked at the edges. They are coloured with many shades of blue and purple, with streaks of

    light and dark shades juxtaposed, providing sharp contrasts of colour. Dark blue and silvery energies

    radiate all around them in concentric spheres of colour, while emanations of frosty, silvery light

    spray in bursts from their crowns. Winter sylphs have the most contrasting and sharply defined

    appearance of all the seasonal sylphs. They can be found throughout the atmosphere, spreading

    their wintry light all around them.


    Many of the smaller sylphs have limited consciousness and are mostly unaware of the outside world.

    Occasionally a smaller sylph has awareness of the outer world, as do some of the medium sized ones

    and all the larger ones. Those who are aware of human beings will sometimes play around them,

    particularly on windy days. They do this even when the humans are unaware of their presence. They

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    experience great joy when someone can perceive them. Sylphs particularly like being around

    children who are often joyful and noisy on windy days, unlike adults who often react against windy

    weather and close down.

    Smaller sylphs often play with cats and dogs, but seem to be particularly drawn to cats. In windyweather, especially when cats run or pounce, small sylphs can frequently be seen hanging from the

    cat's tail, its whiskers and ears or from the back legs. They also interact with lambs and other young

    creatures that gambol and play. Sometimes the sylphs are quite aware of the animal, but at other

    times, they are just responding to its activity. They are drawn to certain types of movement because

    of the way it impacts upon the surrounding air, creating different types of turbulence. Activities and

    emotions also imprint themselves on the etheric of the air, although air cannot hold these imprints

    as effectively as water can.

    A new type of sylph has been seen occasionally since 2004. These are the largest sylphs so farobserved. They are predominantly varying shades of purple and are well over one metre or around

    four feet tall. Their numbers seem to be growing, although they are still very rare. It is thought that

    this unusual sylph is associated with the Aquarian Age, which is just beginning. It is expected that

    their numbers will increase markedly over the next two thousand years. Their function seems to be

    one of interpreting the metaphysical aspects of air in new ways and bringing new forces through

    from the astral realms. They emit a short musical note of crystalline purity whose effect resonates

    through the astral realm, clearing the way for the new age.

    The purple sylphs have a high level of consciousness and are very connected to all that goes on in

    their environment. Their faces radiate an acute intelligence. They turn their heads with great

    attentiveness to look at any person who believes in nature spirits or can see them. They will go out

    of their normal path to make contact with such a person even to the point of approaching a window

    to look in, an action which would be highly unusual for any other type of sylph.

    SPIRITS OF FIRE Approx. 11 mins reading time

    The Nature of Fire

    The activities of all the elements are instigated and regulated through the action of fire. Fire is the

    first step in every process. It provides the initial spark for all life, from the spark of conception of a

    baby to the spark of inspiration for an idea. Every process begins with fire.

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    The abilities to flare or subside are qualities of fire. This allows variation in any process so that

    activity can be appropriate to its time and place.

    Fire is the least dense of all the elements, being a light, upward-tending element like air. Fire

    stimulates air, working through the balance of gases in the atmosphere and bringing it to a state ofactivity so that it can support life.

    The opposite of fire is water. Fire counters the tendency of water to remain still by bringing the

    vitality of movement to it.

    Fire also has the ability to consume and transform. Through burning, materials are drastically

    changed. The old form is consumed in the flames and a new form remains. All change, therefore,

    uses fire in some degree. Everything from physical growth to spiritual evolution depends on aspectsof fire. Fire has the ability to cleanse and purify and to invigorate and vitalise, allowing new life.

    The Sun is essential for life on this planet. It emits heat and light. Air moderates the heat and

    harmful rays from the Sun, so that life on Earth can be sustained. The resulting warmth is a physical

    and metaphysical aspect of heat. It is nurturing and sustaining. Metaphysically, warmth and life are

    practically identical. Warmth works through the element earth predominantly, countering the

    inherent darkness and coldness of the earth element and allowing it to become a fertile womb.

    Warmth from the Sun also moderates and stabilises the forces of contraction and expansion that are

    key functions of the element, earth.

    Light works through air to reach the other elements. Metaphysically, it brings vitality to air and

    encourages physical and spiritual evolution. Everything of a progressive, expansive and uplifting

    nature arises from light at work in the world.

    Fire Spirits

    Fire has the least number and variety of types of nature spirits associated with it of all the elements.

    Fire spirits are associated with the element fire in all its forms as well as with the spark of life within

    all things. Their activities call forth the fire archetypes from within the Sun and within the Earth and

    express them at the Earth's surface within the atmosphere. As with nature spirits of all types, they

    do their work through the materials of various metaphysical realms: the etheric field and the astral

    and higher planes.

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    At the very highest levels, a range of angels and devas work with the fires of Creation, bringing the

    essence of the original archetype down through the planes from Soul. These are the angels and

    devas of the forces of Creation. They are not specifically related to fire, as they work through all the

    elements in turn, however they begin their activities with fire and it plays a very important part in all

    their work. These great spirits initially work with fire through air. They connect with the Angels of

    Light in the atmosphere, working with light as an aspect of fire. The angels and devas of creative

    forces include spirits of sound, colour and music, these all being modes of Creation.

    The smaller spirits of fire work with activating etheric and astral substance. Their work is twofold.

    They vitalise the etheric field generally so as to make it receptive to astral forces. They also increase

    activity and change the density of various parts of the etheric so as to lay down a framework for the

    nature spirits of the other elements to work with. Astral forces in the environment of these changed

    areas are also activated in preparation for invigorating the matter of the physical plane and

    expressing all forms of fire. These spirits have energy centres at the chest and the head.

    Nature spirits of fire include salamanders, larger spirits associated with tectonic and volcanic activity

    and solar spirits.

    An interesting feature of salamanders is that they are never seen to move backwards, whereas the

    nature spirits of the other three elements all do so at times.

    Solar Spirits

    A great solar angel resides within the Sun, presiding over every aspect of its function. His aura

    reaches out throughout the Solar System, affecting everything within it. Just as the Sun's

    gravitational field, its heat and solar winds extend throughout the Solar System, so too do this

    angel's metaphysical effects. He is so immense that it is very difficult for a human being to perceive

    him, even with the inner eye of metaphysical vision. One tends to register him as a light so bright

    that no detail is apparent. This light source is seen shining behind the many and various angels,

    devas and fire spirits who are a part of the Sun's function. He oversees every fire function within the

    Solar System.

    Smaller, but still enormous, highly evolved solar devas protrude from the orb of the Sun, extending

    from its surface in every direction like petals surrounding a great sunflower. They have the

    appearance of barely seen figures of light almost completely concealed within shifting veils of

    plasma-like substance. The lower parts of their forms are immersed within the Sun's fire. Flames

    wrap all around them, moving to alternately hide and reveal their heads, which are crowned with

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    light. These are powerful, radiant centres of consciousness that beam light from eyes made of fire.

    These great spirits reach from the astral world up through the planes to the highest levels,

    transforming spiritual light down through the planes at the instigation of the solar angel who stands

    behind them.

    Even smaller devas bask within the light of the larger devas. These are located here and there

    around the Sun, springing into states of increased activity when solar flares or sunspots form.

    Smaller nature spirits of fire are called salamanders and these are present in and on the Sun in vast

    numbers. Their sizes vary greatly, with some being minute and others quite huge. They are golden

    yellow in colour, with touches of brilliant orange. They have little definite form, having mainly a head

    with glowing, intelligent eyes and a suggestion of arms or wings. The lower parts of the body tail

    away in an elongated curving trail or coil of energy. The absence of form in these spirits is not an

    indication of a low state of evolution as it would be if this characteristic was present in an Earthnature spirit. Instead it is a reflection of the nature of the Sun, where all is in constant movement

    and there is little form evident.

    The salamanders swim with undulating movements through the material of the Sun, following the

    patterns of the etheric and astral currents that flow within and around it. Frequently they spring

    clear of the densest part of the burning surface gases, moving in graceful arcs. They do not pause in

    their flight, but immediately dive back into the flames to disappear from view. Salamanders appear

    and disappear constantly, so that any part of the Sun that one observes seems to be alive with their


    Subterranean Heat and Volcanic Fire

    Great heat exists deep beneath the surface of the Earth, sufficiently hot for rock to be in a liquid

    state known as magma. Salamanders in a range of sizes exist within the molten rock.

    Like all fire spirits, those of the molten underground world move swiftly. Earth spirits at these depths

    respond to the metaphysical aspects of the enormous pressure with very slow rolling movements;

    however it has no impact on the salamanders who dive easily back and forth as if through air.

    The appearance of these salamanders is not pleasant to the human eye, as their features are

    somewhat like those humankind associates with devils and demons. Although there is no evil in

    them, they belong to an environment that is foreign to human beings and in which they could not

    survive. Hence, they seem repellent.

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    The fire spirits of the underground are very similar to the salamanders of the Sun in their

    fundamental shapes; however, the details of their appearance are very different. Where those of the

    Sun are wispy and ethereal in appearance, those of molten rock are very definitely formed, a

    product of their close association with earth.

    Like all fire spirits, those of the underground have heads, which function as centres of consciousness.

    Spikes arise from their head, sometimes one, sometimes many, and these curve back from the head

    a little like horns. Their features are pointed with glowing eyes. Their entire forms are coloured in

    combinations of black and red, with some of the red so dark as to be almost indiscernible from the

    black. Brighter fiery red highlights flicker through their forms. Sweeps of fiery energy spring from

    their shoulders suggesting arms. These are barely discernible from the rest of the form. They are

    held swept back against the form. Some of these spirits also have wings, which are clearly shaped

    like those of a bat. They are mainly held streamlined back against the form also, but sometimes they

    are extended a little and retracted in a repetitive, pulsing motion as they move through the molten

    rock. The lower parts of their forms, as with all fire spirits, taper away in elongated curving trails of

    energy that flex and coil as they move.

    Spirits of this type exist wherever there is molten rock, whether it is deep within the Earth or closer

    to the surface in the magma reservoirs associated with volcanic activity. The closer to the surface the

    magma is, the less dense in appearance and less clearly defined are the forms of its salamanders.

    Volcanoes whether active or dormant all have large devas associated with them. These highly

    evolved nature spirits are usually situated directly over the volcano, with their lower aspects

    anchored into the mountain. They are made up of radiant sheets and beams of energy that wrap the

    central figure in shifting fiery colours. Great sweeps of energy form wings that are held aloft during

    the day and lowered to wrap the body at night, responding to the energy of the Sun. They have

    great chakras that radiate power in every direction as they process light from higher planes. Radiant

    crowns of light rise from their heads, pulsing with golden light and shooting sparks of power


    The devas of active volcanoes exhibit all the colours usually associated with fire. When a volcano hasbeen dormant for some time, fiery colours are still evident in the deva's form, however when there

    is regrowth of vegetation on the slopes of the volcano, the deva reflects this with the inclusion of

    greens and deeper yellows. Often the curling, geometric archetypes for new plant life can be dimly

    seen inside the deva's form, as if being incubated there.

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    An angel of Creative Fire usually presides over groups of volcanoes and their devas. He governs the

    creative processes that occur with the earth-building associated with volcanic activity. Volcanism

    and all forms of seismic activity are very chaotic processes. The angel brings down creative light from

    the higher planes, transforming it in his powerful chakras. The angel's awareness reaches deep into

    the earth, directing the transformed light. He uses it to awaken the inherent wisdom within the

    Earth and bring order to the processes occurring there. The work of the angel ensures that new lifein all its forms arises from the extreme and rather destructive activity.

    Salamanders of the Surface World

    Fire at the surface of the Earth is associated with flames and anywhere there is a flame, there are

    one or more salamanders. It does not matter how small the flame is or what material it is burning.

    Salamanders exist in the flame of a match, in the burning tip of a cigarette and in raging bushfires or

    forest fires.

    The salamanders working at the surface of the Earth are the smaller nature spirits of flame who

    work with etheric and astral forces, bringing life and alertness to the element of fire.

    Small, stable individual flames like that of a burning candle have single salamanders that stand erect

    within the flame. These are larger than the flame, extending above it around half the height of the

    flame again. Their bright auras extend in concentric spheres of light around them. They have quite

    clearly defined pointed heads and their faces exhibit sharp, upward-tilting features. Their

    expressions show a kind of wild glee. Wings of fiery light curve upward, closely framing the head.

    Tiny tongues of flame-like energy lick upward from the edges and tips of the wings. The lower part of

    the form is anchored within the source of the flame, while the top part moves freely with a graceful,

    swaying motion, elongating or shortening in harmony with the movement and flickering of the


    In larger fires with multiple flames, such as in a hearth, a single larger salamander can usually be

    seen within and extending above the flames. In shape it is very like the salamander of a candle

    flame. If the fire is burning evenly, it is positioned in the centre of it. When the fire is burning more

    strongly on one side than the other, the salamander is situated over the more strongly burning part.

    In addition to this principal salamander, a number of smaller figures can be seen diving amongst the

    flames. From time to time, they leap out of the flames into the heated air above, then plunge back

    into the fire. The more vigorously the fire burns, the more active are the salamanders. In colour they

    very closely resemble the colours seen in the flames with faint hints of violets and blues rippling

    fleetingly through them. Their colour can vary somewhat depending on the chemical composition of

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    the fuel being burnt. These salamanders are transparent and blend very well with their environment.

    In shape, they resemble the salamanders of the Sun.

    Huge fires such as bushfires and forest fires have many salamanders. A large fire that has been

    burning for some time often has very large fire spirits accompanying it. These are of the upright typealready described and can be up to twice as tall as the height of the physical flames. They are

    centred within the hottest and largest part of the fire and move with the fire front. These spirits are

    identical to their smaller relatives in everything but size. They move with the fire front, their auras

    extending well ahead of the fire. This creates a metaphysical environment that makes it possible for

    the fire to keep burning and to spread. Elongated tongues of energy can extend from the aura for

    great distances depending on conditions, sometimes for over twenty- five kilometres or fifteen and a

    half miles.

    Mobile smaller salamanders dive and spin through the wildly flickering flames, just as they do in ahearth fire. The only difference is size, with these salamanders being larger, a little over a metre or

    around four feet tall.

    During large fires, a type of nature spirit can often be seen spinning and rolling along ahead of the

    fire front, close to or just above the ground. These are wind-fire spirits. They are predominantly fire

    spirits; however they also have in them the essence of air. Bushfires and forest fires create their own

    wind and these spirits are a part of this. The windier the conditions, the higher into the air and the

    further they are able to go. These are the precursors to fire spreading and new fires starting. They

    travel ahead of the main fire within the aura of the large fire spirits, conditioning the etheric of the

    area so as to encourage sparks to ignite the countryside.

    Wind-fire spirits initially seem to be spherical in shape, with an uneven surface. These are around

    ten centimetres or four inches in diameter. They are made of a mixture of smoky blue and purple

    energies that arise from the centre and radiate outwards. The colours have a smudged, blended

    appearance. Concealed at the centre of this sphere is a mass of fiery orange energy in a state of

    concentrated vitality.

    When these embryonic spirits coincide with the presence of a physical spark, the spark ignites and

    the wind-fire form springs open at the point of combustion. The outer purple and blue energy

    flattens to form a flat disk of energy with orange light at its centre. Instantaneously the vitalised

    energy within the sphere leaps into form as a perfectly shaped small upright salamander. As the fire

    catches, the disk is quickly absorbed and the salamander grows with the fire.

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    All salamanders of fire burning at the surface of the Earth emit crackling and popping sounds from

    time to time, very like the sounds of physical fire. It is quite difficult to tune into these clairaudiently,

    as there is no strong feeling of direction with the sounds. They seem very distant, as if coming from

    another place.


    Salamanders are highly aware of their surroundings, but they do not purposely interact with people

    or animals. They are completely impersonal and so there is no reason for them to interact. They

    simply perform their functions with vigour and joy.

    The Nature of Water

    All four elements; earth, air, fire and water, work together in a variety of ways that depend on

    similarities and differences between the individual elements. Water is the opposite of fire and the

    two are necessary to each other for balance. One could not exist without the other. Fire provides the

    warmth and movement that water lacks, whilst water dampens and controls the flaring, extreme

    activity of fire.

    Water is the element that is most like earth, being next to it in density. It is a heavy, downward-

    settling element like earth. (In contrast, fire and air are light, upward-moving elements.) Despite the

    similarity, water also has useful differences that work well in conjunction with some of the

    characteristics of earth, countering earth's solid, static nature with its ability to flow, permeate and

    dissolve solids. Water brings a type of movement to earth. This is not the vigorous activity of fire, but

    a gentler form of movement. It can be seen physically in the way water can weather and erode

    earth, carrying particles along with it.

    Metaphysically, water has the ability to hold vibrations, patterns or templates clearly, accurately and

    for prolonged periods of time. This ability is balanced by water's ability to cleanse itself of forces that

    are not in accord with the templates it is holding. These abilities can be temporarily affected by

    manmade pollutants or those arising from natural causes such as volcanoes, tsunamis or violent


    Water plays an important part in activating the archetypes that are held within earth. Because water

    rests on or permeates the Earth, the closest possible contact is made between the two. This

    closeness allows the archetypes or templates for life to be transferred into the water where they are

    raised to a state of alertness by the specialised quickening action of the water. They are then passed

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    back to the Earth and to the other elements in an energised form that makes life possible. This

    process is like the germination of a seed. A seed is a solid, like earth. It contains within it the

    blueprint for life just as earth holds the archetypal patterns. The life within a seed is unable to be

    released, however, until it is moistened and activated by water. Once this is done, it is able to grow,

    interacting with earth, air, fire and water during the life of the plant. Water activates the archetypal

    patterns within earth so that they become available to interact with the other elements.

    The activating qualities of water come from its affinity with the creative forces of the astral plane.

    Impulses are transmitted from the angels through the planes, including the astral. These impulses

    pass readily into the astral counterpart of water and they are distributed from here through the

    etheric and into the physical world by the appropriate water spirits. As water has the ability to

    release these forces in stages, physical life is activated and awakened in ways that perfectly match

    the physical environment, including season, weather and temperature.

    Water Spirits

    Only the element of earth has greater number and variety of nature spirits than water. All water has

    its associated nature spirits, even if it is only present in the form of dampness or water vapour.

    Certain large devic beings are associated with bodies of water and sometimes with significant

    features such as lakes, rapids and waterfalls. These devas are not specifically water spirits, as they

    really belong to all the elements, having a particular affinity with earth. They work extensively with

    water, however, when it plays an important part in the landscape

    As with all the other elements, nature spirits of water have a variety of forms and functions, with the

    larger spirits usually having greater consciousness and presiding over the smaller spirits who are less

    outwardly aware. Some work within the etheric field of water, whilst others have both astral and

    etheric forms and work mainly to shape and draw in astral energies. They bring life and growth to

    their element, enabling its physical manifestation to adhere as closely to the original archetypes as


    Many of the nature spirits of freshwater are different in appearance from those of ocean water, with

    those existing at the surface being the most similar.

    Sunlight has the ability to penetrate both water and air to considerable depths. Undines, like sylphs,

    the spirits of air, draw in power from the sunlight, transforming it within their forms and releasing it

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    into the etheric of the water they are a part of. This force activates the etheric of the planet, bringing

    vitality to its life-giving waters.

    At night, all water spirits become still and appear to fade into the surrounding water, or into nearby

    wet rocks or earth. It is as if they are slipping between the layers of the metaphysical worlds and outof sight. Even spirits of the deep where light does not penetrate follow this pattern. Earth's energies

    are radiated outward during the day and drawn inward at night and all of nature responds to this


    The Oceans

    The oceans of Earth are a great creative cauldron in which physical and metaphysical life is brewed.

    All water is indelibly imprinted by its contact with the earth archetypes and as rivers and rainwater

    flow into the oceans, these impulses accumulate and become very concentrated. They are sustained

    and kept stable by the metaphysical components of the mineral salts that are so plentiful in

    seawater. The oceans therefore contain strong evolutionary forces, maintaining within their etheric

    and astral fields the essence of all life that has already been and the promise of all life that is still to


    Physical life began in the oceans, with single-celled organisms eventually evolving into more complex

    life-forms. In time, life spread from the oceans to take up residence on every part of the globe.

    The oceans are complex environments, with the deepest ocean trench being nearly 11,000 metres

    deep, just over 36,000 feet. Pressure here is extreme, about a thousand times that at the surface

    and no light can penetrate. The oceans have many zones with different physical and metaphysical

    life-forms existing at every level. The nature spirits of water found at the surface are very different

    from those in the depths.

    Spiritual evolution is mirrored in the varying depths of the ocean, from the deepest, densest, darkest

    waters near the ocean floor to the light and bright surface waters. This is a parallel of the gradual

    refining and raising of dense, coarse matter into spiritual light. Physical life-forms tend to be

    primitive and ancient close to the bottom of the ocean and more refined and developed at the

    surface. Metaphysically, forces within the ocean surge upward, coming from darkness toward light.

    The work of the water spirits of the oceans are an intrinsic part of this process.

    The oceans have a profound effect on living creatures on the Earth, even if they live far away from

    them. The bodies of animals and human beings contain a great volume of water as well as many

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    minerals, just like seawater. Plants also have these characteristics in varying degrees. These

    characteristics link them all with the evolutionary nature of the oceans from which life emerged. The

    etheric associated with the water within animals, humans and plants, resonates in harmony with the

    etheric of the oceans, maintaining the connection. When the tide comes in, its influence does not

    stop at the high water mark. It continues to ripple throughout the etheric of the land and through all

    the creatures, people and plants in its path. It proceeds at the same pace as the tide was moving andis not diminished by distance. This carries with it the stimulus to continue to evolve, both physically

    and spiritually. Being mindful of these influences that are available enables human beings to utilise

    them to the fullest. The rhythm of the waves also resets inner timing, bringing humankind more into

    harmony with the planet and with the Spirit that governs it.

    Water Spirits of the Oceans

    The greatest number and variety of water spirits exists in the oceans of the world, far more than in

    freshwater. The ocean is a complex environment that provides many different types of conditions

    and the opportunity for diverse expressions of life. The least evolved of the water spirits are found at

    the bottom of the oceans and the most evolved at the surface, with every stage of development in


    Just as many physical deep sea fish appear grotesque to human perception, having gaping jaws,

    pointed teeth and strange protuberances, nature spirits of the etheric ocean depths are grotesque

    to the human eye. Most are either very dark in colour or completely colourless, and are almost

    indistinguishable against their etheric environment. These form, disappear and reform frequently.

    Many have shapes that are amoeba-like and shifting. Crab-like arms also occasionally emerge,

    grasping briefly at the surrounding etheric material before being reabsorbed into the main form.Some of the creatures are more elongated and move horizontally, being blunt at the front and

    tapering at the back. They are difficult to track with the inner eye. From time to time, demonic fish-

    like faces emerge momentarily at the front end of these forms, only to disappear again just as

    quickly. The etheric field of water is normally sensitised by light filtering down from above. As this

    does not happen in the depths of the ocean, the etheric is very dense and less sensitive to the

    archetypal impulses from within the Earth. This makes it difficult for the etheric material to hold

    form for any length of time. Areas of less dense etheric material exist within these creatures,

    appearing as dim lights.

    These creatures of the deep are not evil, even though they can appear so to our physical perception.

    They are simply unevolved and time will remedy this. They are a natural

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