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Page 1: Navigating environmental issues

Navigating Environmental Issues: Beginning Livestock & Poultry


Thomas Bass, Montana State UniversityJill Heemstra, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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U.S. Senator Jon Tester• 3rd generation farmer,

butcher and teacher• 1500+ acres primarily in

organic wheat & barley• Big Sandy, MT: pop. 703

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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BELAAAgriculture’s Promise

U.S. Senator Jon Tester

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Environmental Concern• Primarily non-point source

water pollution– Collective run-off from an

area (picture depicts sediment from a large construction site)

– In animal ag: run-off could be from confinement areas, manure and feed storage, or land application areas…

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Environmental Concern• Livestock and poultry operations have the potential to contribute the following to waters of the U.S.: – Nutrients– Sediment– Pathogens – organic matter…

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Existing Regulations• Primarily water quality driven– Clean Water Act (CWA: USEPA, 1972, ‘77 & ’87)

– CAFO Permitting (next slide)• State rules and delegated authority– State enforces on behalf of federal government

• Local ordinances– zoning, setbacks,

air quality, other…

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Animal Feeding Operations

• Most detailed and descriptive rules apply to Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs & CAFOs)– Permitting: federal and/or state level

• Animals in confinement in area with no vegetation (or inside); feed delivered

• Permits are size based, but can be risk based (individual threat to water quality)

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Basis of Permit and Documentation

• Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)– “Nutrient and Manure Checkbook”– Document and supporting records that account

for fertilizer and manure: needs, inventory, use (land application) and export.

– Based on: soil tests, manure tests, yield goals and crop nutrient needs.

– Also documents other conservation practices!

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Benefits Beyond Compliance

• NMP or similar environmental plan can:– Allow for better use of on-site manure nutrients;

save on fertilizer purchases & improve soil– Reduce liability of spills/water pollution– Document/defend against

environmental accusation– Improve access to credit

and insurance

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Pasture and Range

• Little regulation exists• Many options for voluntary

conservation and stewardship• Poor management could

attract unwanted attention• Clean Water Act

can still apply

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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On the Horizon: Air and Emmissions• Green House Gasses (CH4, CO2, N2O…)• Particulate Matter (dust)• Odor and nuisance – least regulation/most

citizen complaints

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Value of Being a Good Neighbor

• Obtain the support of neighbors in face of other potential complaints

• Direct complaints to you, the producer, instead of a regulatory agency or local gov.

• Ideas: allow fishing in pond, seasonal gifts, newsletter, community involvement & charity

• Get to know ag and non-ag neighbors!

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Is agriculture being singled out?

• The clean water act is over 30 years old.– Addressed human waste and POTWs early– Addressed industries heavily in the 80’s– Addressing urban storm water– Agriculture is now experiencing more specific

regulation and monitoring, similar to what other industries have already been under

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Environmental Opportunity • Conventional agriculture with appropriate

environmental management• Diversified production, value added products, and

niche markets• Regional or local production,

processing and distribution• Special certifications:

organic, free range, grass fed… • Energy and new technology

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

Courtesy of: Missouri Beef Council

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• Help is available….– Extension– Young Farmer/Rancher Advisors– USDA-NRCS– Conservation Districts– Fellow Producers– Consultants

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Resources and Opportunities

• Local programs and events• Publications from land-grant universities,

agencies, associations and NGOs• Valid online resources!• National events and conferences• Farmer-to-Farmer• Specials programs (BELLA)

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Tools for a New Generation

• Technology offers new tools and enhances traditional communication and learning– 90% of young farmers and ranchers use a

computer for communication and learning– 73% participate in social networking online– 70% use online record keeping tools– 85% access agriculture news online

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

(2010 – Young Farmer Rancher Survey – American Farm Bureau)

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BELAA Project• Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture• Funding: 3 yrs – USDA-NIFA• Partners:

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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BELAA Project• New and Beginning Producer Specific…– Educational materials (publications & presentations) – Online tools– Webcasts and online social networking– Access to expertise– Live seminars at NYFEA events– Curriculum support for HS Ag Teachers– Environmental Leaders Program

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center

• Connect national experts with those advising producers

• On-demand access to our best science• Build on existing partner resources• Utilize emerging technologies to enhance

information transfer• Customer-driven approach

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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• Environmental Planning

• Feed Management

• Manure Nutrient Management

• Manure Treatment Technologies

• Pathogens

• Regulations

• Small Farms

• Manure Storage, Handling & Mortality

• Value and Economics of Manure


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Outputs: Webcasts

Video Streaming technology

Flash Player Technology (Adobe Connect)

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Outputs : Websitehttp://www.extension.org/animal+manure+management

• 130 pages of original content

• Archives web seminars

• National manure management resources at one location

• Research summaries

• Ask the Expert

• Calendar of state, regional and national events

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Outputs : Monthly Newsletter

First Issue in July 2006

1400 subscribers currently & growing

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LPE Learning Center• Since 2006, highly trusted and recognized by

audience• 62% rated LPE quality better than other

sources of environmental policy and management information sources, plus…• 37% rated quality equally as good as other sources

• Audience segments have reported use and real impact on education and practice

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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LPE Reaching a New Generation• Online learning lessons (virtual classroom)– Very high interest level among audience

• Networking• User generated content – Virtual tours– Research summaries

• Enhanced direct to producer information, especially new and beginning, or young farmers and ranchers

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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How can BELAA Serve You?

• Producer needs: specific topics within environmental management of animal agriculture?

• Methods of delivery: preferences?

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Becoming a Leader

• NYFEA Environmental Leaders Program– Sign up now; 2.5 year pilot project– Participate in education– Set a good example/implement practices– Share knowledge and experience• or practice advocacy• Associations and political office

– Receive recognition and reward– Become a voice for the future of agriculture

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Becoming a Leader

• Animal agriculture can be profitable;– environmental issues should not scare anyone from the

business!• You can develop and protect natural resources

while providing food, fiber and other services to the world.

• Join a commodity group, chamber of commerce, get involved in local politics, state and beyond…

• You must become your own advocate!

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Conclusion and Questions

Thank you for your time and your commitment to agriculture’s future!

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

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Contact Information

Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA)Agriculture’s Promise - Washington D.C. April 2010

• Jill Heemstra: – [email protected]

• Tommy Bass: – [email protected]

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