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Nazia Rehman

Nazia RehmanCOOKING

Nazia Rehman1Changed Font and Size slide 1I added a shape on slide 2 and changed the font and bullets. On slide 6 and 8 I cropped an image. On slide 5 I changed the alignment and the line spacing to 1.5. I used Word Art on Slides 61COOKINGIndian ChinesePunjabiItalian

Nazia Rehman2Types of spicesChilli powder



Cumin seedsSPICES


OnionsNazia Rehman3spicescoriandercinnamon

Nazia Rehman4CookingCooking is a good skill to have. We all love food. Using fresh ingredients to cook is healthy and you can create many dishes to your taste. If you are a single person at university cooking can help you lead a healthy life style. Enjoy your food, enjoy life!

Nazia Rehman5Indian

Samosa, kebab & curries Nazia Rehman6Chinese

Seafood & NoodlesNazia Rehman7Italian

Pasta and PizzasNazia Rehman8Punjabi

Curries & Naan breadNazia Rehman9I would like to add more recipes in my presentation so you can see different dishes from the different countries. Powerpoint is a great software to show my audience different types of cooking.In the future I would like to add sweet dishes and different methods of cooking such as barbequing, baking ,roasting and steaming.I have taken images from Google and I have researched the information I have written to meet the copyright requirements. The software I have used is legal, all the work I have produced is original. The music I have used is free with the software.9KalimbaMr. ScruffNinja Tuna, track 12008Electronic348081.66eng - Ninja Tune Records - Ninja Tune Records

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