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NEBOSH IGC Past Questions & Suggested Answers.

Paper IGC1Management of Health and Safety



Outline the factors that might cause the safety culture within an organisation to decline. (8)



Factors would include lack of effective communication, such as failing to have regular meetings of a safety committee or not replacing safety representatives who may have left. A blame culture may have developed, maybe caused by key safety personnel who feel insecure in their authority and fear losing their jobs. Top management may be concerned with issues other than safety, for example, expansion of the business or deteriorating sales. There may have been a deterioration of monitoring methods such as safety tours. Accidents will demoralise and may even traumatise workers, undermining their confidence and motivation.There may also be a failure to implement corrective actions following accidents and incident investigations. If there is high staff turnover, there will be a decline in competence and difficulty in proper safety induction of new staff. External influences may have an effect. For example, economic downturn may lead to fears of job security and workers may break safety rules in order to speed production.



Outline four advantages and four disadvantages of using propaganda posters to communicate health and safety information to the workforce (8)ACT Pg 50



The advantages of posters include their attractiveness with colourful images and interesting text. They are flexible to use in terms of size and positioning. They can convey short, powerful verbal or visual messages. Their presence is a constant reminder of a safety message.Disadvantages include their cost, especially since they need to be changed regularly to maintain interest and attention. They are susceptible to damage and defacing. They may be seen as an easy option to convey information instead of suitable instruction and training. ‘Humour’ posters may appear to trivialise serious health and safety issues, whereas ‘shock’ posters may only offend the reader.



Explain the meaning of the term ‘motivation’ (2)Other than lack of motivation, outline six reasons why employees may fail to comply with safety procedures at work (6)



Motivation is the driving force behind the way that an individual strives to achieve a goal or objective. It is based on the satisfying of needs, which range from basics like food and warmth, to the higher goals such as ambition to succeed in a jobA number of reasons could be cited, such as: unrealistic work procedures which make targets impossible to achieve; There may be a lack of management commitment, so the employee feels that nothing they do ‘makes any difference’. Employees may be over-familiar with the job, leading to boredom. There may be negative peer pressure, where the group or team disapproves of an enthusiastic approach to work. Workers may suffer fatigue because of long hours or excessive overtime. Stress may be caused perhaps by workplace bullying. Workers may also experience distractions due to pressures outside work which affect their concentration and morale.



Explain the meaning of the term ‘perception’ (2)Outline ways in which employees’ perception of hazards might be improved (6)



Perception is the way in which people interpret information which is presented to them via their five senses.Perception may be improved by such things as improved training, awareness campaigns using posters, and using opinion surveys to identify employees misperceptions and consequent wrong behaviour. Perception may be improved by using signs and markings or colour coding to make hazards more obvious. It may be necessary to improve environmental factors such as lighting, noise and visibility. The layout of instrumentation should be improved to make information more logically related to the process.

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Most occupational accidents can be attributed in part to human error. Outline ways of reducing the likelihood of human error in the workplace (8)

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Some of the ways of reducing human error would be as follows. Employers should use skilled, competent and properly trained employees. Employee motivation should be improved by the setting of goals and incentives. Work should be varied by introducing job rotation. Fatigue can be reduced by ensuring adequate rest periods. Instructions and information should be made clear and relevant to the work involved. The logic and layout of a process should be designed to reduce the possibility of slips of action and lapses of memory. Workplace issues such as noise, heat, cold and lighting should be improved where possible. Work processes might be modified to increase automation of boring repetitive operations. It is important to include the possibility of human error in a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.

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Identify the factors to be considered to ensure the health and safety of persons who are required to work on their own away from the workplace (8)ACT Pg 71

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Factors must take into account the actual level of risk to the persons involved and should include as a basis of assessment: the type of work to be done and its attendant hazards and risks, the equipment to be used and the working environment. In addition special factors which become more important for these workers include: the competence and suitability of the worker, the methods and frequency of communication with the home base, and emergency and first aid arrangements.

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Outline duties placed on employees by ILO Conventions and Recommendations (8)

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Employees must take reasonable care for themselves and others who may be affected by their activities. Also, they must co-operate with their employer to enable him to comply with his duties.Employees shall not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or abuse anything provided in the interest of health safety or welfare.All employees are required to use equipment and ppe in accordance with the training and instruction they have received.They must inform the employer of work situations that they perceive as an immediate danger, as well as any shortcomings they recognise in existing health and safety arrangements.

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In relation to employee involvement in health and safety, explain the difference between ‘informing’ and ‘consulting’ (2)Outline the health and safety matters on which employers should consult their employees (6)

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(a) ‘Informing’ implies a one-way process – for example, the employer just gives an employee instructions for doing a job. ‘Consulting’ is a two way process in which the employer listens to and takes account of the views of employees or their representatives before making a decision.

(b) The employer must consult his employees on the following issues: the introduction of new measures which may affect health and safety; appointment of competent persons who are assisting the employer in meeting his duties; new technology which may affect health and safety; any information required under other Regulations, such as risk assessments and emergency procedures.

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Outline the practical means by which a manager could involve employees in the improvement of health and safety in the workplace (8)

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Practical ways could be: By involving employees in risk assessments, accident investigations and the development of safe systems and procedures; By encouraging hazard spotting and the reporting of defects; By setting up suggestion schemes and implementing suggestions which would improve health, safety or welfare;By encouraging personal development with training courses;By responding quickly to requests for repair of defective equipment;By supporting the work of safety committees and safety representatives; By inviting employees on safety inspections and tours; And lastly by encouraging experienced employees to look after new or inexperienced employees.

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In relation to risk assessments, explain the meaning of the term ‘suitable and sufficient’ (3)Outline the changes in circumstances that may require a risk assessment to be reviewed (5)

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a. A suitable and sufficient risk assessment should identify all significant hazards and risks, enable priorities to be set, identify suitable workplace precautions and risk control systems, be appropriate to the nature of the work, and be valid for a reasonable period of time.

b. Review may be required:- After changes in work process, method, location or materials;Before the introduction of new plant or technology;When new information becomes available on hazards or risks;If there are changes in personnel (e.g. young or disabled)When the results of reactive or active monitoring indicate deficiencies in control measures; After an accident or near miss;When there is a change in legislation, codes of practice or guidance.

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State two duties of employees with regard to the use and care of PPE (2)Outline the factors that could discourage employees from wearing PPE (6)

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a. Employees have a duty to use personal protective equipment (ppe) as instructed by their employer, report any loss or defect and return ppe after use to the accommodation provided.

b. Employees could be discouraged from wearing ppe by factors such as: peer pressure (‘nobody else bothers, I don’t want to look stupid’); Lack of insistence by management that ppe is worn every time it is needed; discomfort, perhaps made worse by hot conditions or heavy working; incompatibility with other ppe; lack of awareness of the danger of not wearing ppe; difficulty in finding or replacing items of ppe.

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Outline the factors to consider when carrying out a fire risk assessment (8)

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The factors to consider would be based under the following headings.The assessment of the probability of a fire breaking out and its possible magnitude, including possible ignition sources and the presence and quantity of material that would burn.Means of detection and raising the alarm, including siting and testing of detectors call-points and alarms and the means of contacting the emergency services.Fire fighting measures, such as siting, suitability and maintenance of fire fighting equipment, the training and ability of personnel to use extinguishers and the adequacy and maintenance of signs and emergency lighting.Evacuation of the premises, including the number of people to be evacuated, and particular groups at risk, the adequacy of escape routes and staff training in evacuation procedures.

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(a) Draw a flowchart to identify the main components of the health and safety management system described in the ILO OSH-2001 Standard (4)

(b) Outline TWO components of the health and safety management system identified in (a). (4)

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Policy: an organisation should set clear aims and objectives and communicate them to the employeesOrganising: Clearly defined responsibilities and lines of reporting should be identified. The promotion of health and safety should be a co-operative activity between the management and the workforce. Competency to work safely and manage safely should be ensured. Channels of consultation should be set up on matters of health and safety.Planning & Implementation: There should be a clear health and safety plan designed to achieve the goals set out in the Policy – including risk assessments and the design of controls.Evaluation: Active and reactive methods should be used, such as safety tours, inspections, sampling and surveysAction for Improvement to progress towards better health and safety performance and the effectiveness of the management system

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Outline the reasons why an organisation should monitor and review its health and safety performance (8)

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Pg. 234Among the reasons for monitoring and reviewing health and safety performance would be as follows. Monitoring and reviewing may be a legal requirement. It will identify substandard practices and conditions by means of audits, inspections and tours, sampling and surveying It will enable the employer to identify trends in different types of accidents and incidents. It will enable comparison of performance with previous years or initially bench-mark the organisation’s performance. It will identify appropriate improvements that could be made.It will give guidance for budgeting health and safety management.

It will provide information for statutory reporting in the case of companies quoted on the Stock Markets.

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Explain how accident data can be used to improve health and safety performance within an organisation (4)Outline two active monitoring methods that can be used when assessing an organisation’s health and safety performance (4)

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a) Accident data can be used to identify trends and problem areas in order that resources can be allocated and appropriate remedial actions taken. They can also be used to enable comparison with industry standards (bench-marking).

b) Safety inspections are formal workplace tours by a team including the senior management, safety adviser and employee representatives, usually using a prepared checklist.Safety Tours are informal tours of a supervisor’s area of responsibility, a chance to stop and talk to employees and show commitment.Safety Sampling takes a representative sample from a larger population to identify a trend. E.g. speeding or use of ppe.Safety Surveys generally focus on a particular safety aspect in one area, e.g. distribution and type of fire extinguisher or noise levels, to create a map or plan.

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Identify eight measures that can be used to monitor an organisation’s health and safety performance

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There are several indicators that an organisation can use to assess different aspects. Reactive performance measures include accident and ill-health statistics, incidents of reported near-misses and dangerous occurrences, actions taken by the enforcement authorities, and insurance claims. Active measurements, on the other hand, might include the results of inspection, safety surveys, the quality and extent of risk assessments, safety audit reports and the results of health surveillance.

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Outline the ways in which the health and safety culture of an organisation might be improved (8)

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The safety culture could be improved by using variety of methods.For example the employer could establish a sound health and safety policy and implement it consistently and energetically. The management team should set the right atmosphere by their own commitment to the safety and health of those who work for them.Employees should be consulted and involved in health and safety arrangements, for example by appointing employee representatives and setting up an effective safety committee.The employer should provide training and supervision to ensure that workers understand the risks and controls associated with their work, and are reminded to observe safe working practices.In addition, as far as he is reasonably able, the employer should provide pleasant and comfortable working conditions with good welfare facilities.

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Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’. (2)State the duties of employers to fulfil their duty of care to employees.(6)

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The phrase describes a standard of duty. It allows the employer to balance the cost of a control measure in terms of the time effort and money required to implement and maintain it, against reduction in risks to health and safety that the measure will achieve. If the cost grossly outweighs the improvement in safety the employer is entitled to reject it.

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Duties are:• To provide and maintain safe plant and systems of work• To ensure the safe use, storage, handling and transport

of articles and substances• To provide and maintain a safe workplace including safe

access and egress• To provide information, instruction, training and

supervision for employees• To provide a safe working environment with adequate

welfare facilities• To prepare a policy and revise it as necessary and bring

it to the attention of employees• To consult with appointed safety representatives and

form a safety committee when required to do so.

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In relation to a workplace fire risk assessment, outline the issues that should be taken into account when assessing the means of escape. (8)

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Issues which should be taken into account include physical aspects of the means of escape. The widths of travel routes and the travel distance to a place of safety should be considered. The means of protecting personnel against smoke should be identified. The adequacy of safe condition signs and lighting should be considered, as should be the effectiveness of doors to protect against fire spread (e.g. by self-closing measures and resistance to fire). Other issues to consider would be the number of people likely to use an escape route. The presence of visitors should be take into account, who would be unfamiliar with the workplace, and of persons with impaired mobility, who may find it difficult to escape unaided.The suitability and location of fire fighting equipment and also the adequacy of assembly points should be assessed.

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Outline the advantages and disadvantages of carrying out a health and safety audit of an organisation’s activities by:

i. An internal auditor (4)ii. An external auditor (4)

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The possible advantages of using an internal auditor would include familiarity with the workplace, its tasks and processes, and an awareness of what might be practicable for the industry. The auditor would also know the members of the workforce and be aware of their knowledge and capabilities. DisadvantagesAn internal auditor might not have the necessary auditing skills or training, and may not be up to date with relevant legislation and best practice for the organisation. The auditor may be susceptible to pressure from management and the workforce and also have time constraints put on him.


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AdvantagesAn external auditor would be more likely to possess the necessary skills and professional status. He would not be inhibited from criticising management or workforce where necessary. The auditor, if selected carefully, would be more likely to know the current standards and legislation relevant to the organisation. He would be able to view the organisation with a ‘fresh pair of eyes’.DisadvantagesHowever, he may be disadvantaged because of being unfamiliar with the workplace and staff, may be treated with hostility because he is an outsider, and may suggest unrealistic or expensive improvements.

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Identify FOUR active and FOUR reactive means by which an organisation can monitor its health and safety performance (8)

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Active monitoring methods include:Safety audits, which should involve comprehensive and independent studies of all aspects of an organisation’s health and safety performance, set against stated objectives;Safety surveys, which focus on a particular activity such as manual handling, training or employee attitudes;Safety sampling, where specific areas of occupational health and safety are targeted.Safety Tours, involving unscheduled workplace inspections to check on issues such as housekeeping and the wearing of PPE.Health surveillance, designed to check the effectiveness of control measures by measuring for example the hearing of employees.


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Reactive monitoring methods include:The analysis of statistics on accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses and cases of occupational ill-health;The assessment of the cost of these events, such as damage to property and lost working time;Reviewing the number and contents of enforcement actions;Reviewing the costs of civil claims pursued by injured employees against the organisation.

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a) Outline the benefits to an organisation of having a health and safety committee.

b) Outline the reasons why a health and safety committee might prove to be ineffective in practice

c) Identify a range of methods that an employer can use to provide health and safety information directly to individual workers.

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a) Benefits would include:demonstrates management commitment and in some countries compliance with a legal requirement to consult with employees.Facilitates consultation and communicationProvides a record of discussions that have taken place and may help to enhance a positive safety culture.

b) Reasons why the committee may be ineffective:Lack of management commitment – frequent absence of managers from meetings.No clear terms of reference for the committee’s functionNo agenda or no minutes producedAn uneven balance between management and worker representationWeak chairing of the meetingsMeetings cancelled or infrequentTrivial topics for discussionNo access to health and safety expertise

c) Methods would include:Notice boards, team briefings, training sessions, news letters, safety tours, inclusion of information in wage packets, posters, one-to-one briefing

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List the variety of training methods a trainer could use to improve the effectiveness of a training session (6)

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• Video• Case studies• Group exercises• Role play• Practical exercises• Quizzes

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a) Explain the meaning of the term hierarchy of control. (2)b) Outline, with examples, the standard hierarchy that should be

applied with respect to controlling health and safety risks in the workplace (6)

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a) A list of measures to control risks, which are applied in the order of effectiveness or importance.

b) Eliminate the hazard – e.g.Substitute with something less hazardous – e.g.Isolation – e.g. enclosures, barriers or worker segregationEngineering controls – e.g. guarding, l.e.v., reduced voltage systemsProcedures and IITSPPEDisciplineHygiene and Welfare

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Outline the factors to be taken into account to ensure an effective witness interview following a workplace accident (8)

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Effective witness interviews will be ensured if the following factors are considered:

Record the details of interviewer, witness, any other persons present, the place, date and time of the interview

Record all significant facts and comments from the witnessConduct the interview in private, ensuring no interruptionsInterview only one witness at a timeReassure the witness that the purpose of the interview is to gather information, not

apportion blameSet a relaxed open atmosphere to put the witness at easeChoose a venue for the interview which will not intimidate the witness.Use a checklist of prepared questions to help the interviewer’s memoryUse open questions where possible to draw information from the witnessUse plans, drawings records and photographs to help the witness to remember and

describe the eventsSummarise the substance of the interview and obtain the witness’s agreement to your

summaryExpress your appreciation of the witness’s help.Invite the witness to contact you with any other information they may haveTell the witness what the next stage of the investigation will be.

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Describe how an inspection report should be structured and presented in order to make it more effective and to increase the likelihood of action being taken by management (8)

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The writer should bear the reader of the report in mind. Managers will require concise information with clear findings, priorities (with justification), costings (in terms of time, effort and money) and action points.

A simple structure for the report would consist of:Introduction and backgroundThis includes the title page, which should identify the writer and the subject. It should contain a

brief explanation of subject and scope of the report and the reason for its issue.SummaryA summary provides the busy manager with an overview of the main findings and most important

actions recommended.Main BodyThis contains the detailed facts and findings, arranged in a logical readable order. The style should

be in plain English, and the writer should check carefully for any inaccuracy or inconsistency in the detail of, for example, tables and graphs. Any overlooked errors will discredit the value of the report.

RecommendationsThese should be laid out in consistence with the main body. Recommendations should be

itemised, with clear actions, time frames and allocation of responsibility. Here may be added the approximate cost of the recommendations. Priority should be given to the most urgent issues. The reader may be referred to an Appendix for further detail.

ConclusionsThe final section should remind the reader of the main points, urging action where required, and

offering further support and help

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(a) Outline the strengths of using a checklist to complete a health and safety inspection of a workplace (5)

(b) Outline how safety inspections may be used to improve safety performance within an organisation (3)

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(a) A checklist identifies the standards of conditions, equipment and behaviour that should be present in the workplaceSubstandard issues can be more easily highlightedA scoring system can be used to indicate the seriousness of deficiencies and hence the priority of required action.The checklist can be tailored to the specific activities and equipment in a work area.It ensures that the inspection team do not overlook important factors or concentrate to narrowly on some issues to the exclusion of more serious deficiencies.

(b) The workplace safety inspection is an active monitoring process which identifies the safety status and what improvements may be necessary. It is particularly useful in identifying workplace hazards and whether they are satisfactorily controlled.It will have a positive effect on the safety culture of the organisation, when the management is seen to be committed to it, and the workforce is consulted and included in the inspection. Regularly practiced, it will provide a record of improvement or deterioration which can quickly identified and acted on as necessary

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