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Page 1: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Five National Championships ● College Football’s Winningest Program Since 1970 ● NCAA-Record 282 Consecutive Sellouts

Nebraska, Oklahoma Renew Rivalry in Big 12 Championship Game NebraskareturnstotheBig12ChampionshipGameforthefirsttimesince1999thisweekendastheHuskerstraveltoKansasCityforSaturdaynight’sgameatArrowheadStadium.Theopponentwillbeafamiliarfoeaslong-timerivalOklahomawillrepresenttheSouthDivisionandtheschoolswillmeetforthefirsttimeinthe11yearsoftheBig12ChampionshipGame.GametimeonSaturdaynightinKansasCityissetfor7:13p.m.,andthematchupwillbetelevisednationallybyABCSports. AfterplayinginthreeofthefirstfourBig12ChampionshipGamesfrom1996to1999,andwinningleaguecrownsin1997and1999,Nebraskahasbeenabsentfromthepastsixtitlegames.Oklahomameanwhilehasbeenafixtureinthegameinrecentyears.TheSoonersdidnotplayinthefirstfourBig12titlegames,buthasbeentheSouthrepresentativeinfiveofthepastsevenseasons,winningBig12titlesin2000,2002and2004. Bothteamsenterthematchupwithgoodmomentum.TheHuskerscompletedtheirregular-seasonwitha9-3overallrecordanda6-2markinleagueplay,thankstoathree-gamewinningstreaktoendtheregularseason.Nebraskacappedaperfect5-0runthroughtheNorthDivisionwitha37-14victoryoverColoradolastFridayatMemorialStadium. Oklahomadroppedto3-2afteranOct.7losstoTexasinDallas,buttheSoonershaverespondedwithsevenstraightwins,thesixth-longestwinstreakinthenation.TheSoonersearnedtheSouthDivisiontitlewitha27-21victoryatin-staterivalOklahomaStatelastSaturdayafternoon. Saturdaynight’sgamewillmarkthe24thtimethe“BattleoftheBigReds”willpitapairofnationallyrankedteams.TheHuskersenterthecontestranked19thbytheAssociatedPressand18thintheUSATodayCoachesPoll.Oklahomaislistedeighthinthisweek’sAPpollandisranked10thbythecoaches. Thewinner ofSaturdaynight’smatchupwill earn theBig 12Conference’s automatic berth in theBowlChampionshipSeriesandatriptotheJan.1TostitosFiestaBowlinGlendale,Ariz.

2006 NeBRASkA SChedule September2 . . . . LOUISIANA TECH (FSN). . . . . . . .W, 49-109 . . . . NICHOLLS STATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W, 56-716... atUSC(ABC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L,28-1023 . . . TROY (FSN PPV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W, 56-030 . . . KANSAS# (FSN) . . . . . . . . . .W, 39-32 (OT)October7.... atIowaState#(ABC) . . . . . . . . . . .W,28-1414... atKansasState#(FSNPPV). . . . . .W,21-321 . . . TEXAS# (ABC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L, 22-2028... atOklahomaState#(ABC) . . . . . . . L,41-29November4 . . . . MISSOURI# (ABC). . . . . . . . . . . . .W, 34-2011. . . atTexasA&M#(ABC) . . . . . . . . . . .W,28-2724 . . . COLORADO# (ABC) . . . . . . . . . . .W, 37-14December2 . . . . vs. Oklahoma, Big 12 Champ. Game (ABC) . . . . . Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City . .7 p.m.All times Central and subject to change# - Big 12 Conference Games


Nebraska Media Relations ● One Memorial Stadium ● lincoln, Ne 68588-0123 ● Phone: (402) 472-2263 ● Fax: (402) 472-2005

ThiS Week iN huSkeR FOOTBAllMonday, Nov. 2711:30a.m.-Noon......................................CoachCallahan,.............................. TwoPlayersonBig12TeleconferenceTuesday, Nov. 28Weekly Press Conference11a.m...................................................................... Lunch11:30-11:50a.m......................................PlayerinterviewsNoon......................................... HeadCoachBillCallahan12:20-1p.m.............................................PlayerInterviews3:45-6p.m....................Practice(Interviewsafterpractice)Wednesday, Nov. 293:30-5:45p.m...............Practice(Interviewsafterpractice)Thursday, Nov. 303:30-5:25p.m............Practice(CoachCallahanavailable)7p.m................ CoachesRadioShow(CoachElmassian)Friday, Dec. 111a.m................................DepartforKansasCityviabus3p.m......CoachCallahanpressconferenceatArrowheadSaturday, Dec. 27p.m.................................Nebraskavs.Oklahoma(ABC)...................ReturntoLincolnimmediatelyfollowinggame

BROAdCAST iNFORMATiONTelevision—ABC National MikePatrick–Play-by-Play ToddBlackledge–Analyst HollyRowe–Sideline

Radio—Husker Sports Network 51-Station Network JimRose—Play-by-Play AdrianFiala—Color RandyLee–Booth MattDavison—SidelineInternet:Huskers.comSatellite Radio:Sirius,ChannelTBA

Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMeFourth Appearance

Previous Appearances1996–Texas37,#3Nebraska27(St.Louis)1997–#2Nebraska54,#14TexasA&M15 (SanAntonio)1999–#3Nebraska22,#12Texas6 (SanAntonio)

Date:Saturday,Dec.2 Time:7:13p.m.Site:KansasCity,Mo.Stadium:ArrowheadStadiumSurface:NaturalGrass Capacity:79,451Rankings: NU(AP-19;Coaches-18);Oklahoma(AP-8;Coaches-10)Series Record: Oklahomaleads,42-37-3Last Meeting: Oklahoma31,Nebraska24 Oct.29,2005inLincoln


Nebraska (9-3, 6-2)

Oklahoma(10-2, 7-1)

GAMe 13–BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13–Big 12 Championship

Page 2

huskers Cap North division Title Run with Win over BuffsNebraskacappedaperfect run through theBig12NorthDivisionwitha37-14victoryoverColorado in



TheHuskersfacedafourthandsevenontheCU29lateinthesecondquarterwhenNUlinedupinanunconventionalformationandreservequarterbackJoe Ganz hitdefensiveendBarry Turner intheendzonefora29-yardtouchdown.NebraskaappearedpoisedtotakeatwoTDleadonthefirstdriveofthesecondhalf,butafumbleintheredzonestoppedNU’sscoringthreat.

Coloradoquicklyrespondedandscoredona45-yardtouchdownruntotiethegamewith11:51left inthethirdquarter.TherestofthegamewasallNebraskathanksinparttoNebraskacontinuingtoreachdeepintoitsplaybook.

QuarterbackZac Taylor connectedwithwideoutMaurice Purify onapairofkeythird-downconversionstoputNUdeepintoColoradoterritory.ThenTaylorwasinterferedwithonahalfbackpass,givingNebraskanewsetofdownsinsidethe20.TwoplayslaterBrandon Jackson surgedacrossthegoal linefromthe2,givingNebraskaa21-14edge.

TheHuskersheldColoradoon itsnextpossession, thendroveintoColoradoterritorybeforefacingafourthdown.Place-kickerJordan Congdon loftedapunttotheCU1,whereTurnermadeagreatplaytodowntheball.OneplaylaterdefensivestalwartsAdam Carriker andCorey McKeon teamedupforasafetyanda23-14NUlead.Followingthefreekick,NUkeptitsdrivealivecourtesyofafakepunt.Taylorcappedthedrivewithan18-yardscoringstriketoJacksonfora30-14NUlead.TheHuskersaddedalatetouchcownforthefinaladvantage,andtheirlargestvictoryovertheBuffsinLincolnsince1992.


Noting Game 12...Nebraska 37, Colorado 14ThevictorygaveNebraskaits35thnine-winseasoninthelast38yearsandthefirstsince2003. ThewinwasNebraska’sseventhstraightagainstBig12NorthDivisionopponents, includingwinsoverKansasStateandColoradotoendlastseason.Nebraska’s5-0recordintheNorthDivisionthisseasonistheHuskers’firstperfectdivisionalrecordsince1999. ThewinendedastreakoffourstraightroadvictoriesbythevisitingteamintheNebraska-Coloradoseries.Nebraska’s23-pointmarginofvictorywasitslargestoverColoradoinLincolnsincea24-7victoryin1994. Nebraskafinished6-1athomein2006,markingNU’sfirstsix-winhomeseasonsince2003andthe22ndtimein25yearsNebraskahaslostoneornohomegames. Thecrowdof85,800wasaMemorialStadiumrecord,betteringthecrowdof85,197againstMissourionNov.4.NUaveragedaschool-record85,044fanspergameathomein2006,breakingthepreviousmarkof77,878setin2000. NebraskaseniorquarterbackZac Taylor’s twotouchdownspassesgavehim24thisseason,extendinghisownschoolrecord,and43inhiscareer,tyingtheschoolrecordalsoheldbyTommieFrazier(1992to1995). Taylorhas2,789passingyardsthisseason,establishingaNebraskaseasonpassingyardsrecord,betteringhis2,653yardsayearago. JuniorwidereceiverTerrence Nunn caughtfourpasses,includinga15-yardtouchdownreceptioninthefirstquarter.Nunn’s four receptionsgivehim96career receptionsandmovedhimpastMattDavison (93)intosecondplaceontheNebraskacareerreceptionslist.Nunnhas37receptionsin2006,movinghimintothetop10onthesingle-seasonchart.Nunnisoneofonlytwoplayerswithtwoofthetop10single-seasonreceptioneffort inschoolhistory, joiningJohnnyRodgerswhoowns the top twoseasonreception totals inschoolhistory.I-backBrandon Jackson rushedacareer-high34timesfor142yards,pushinghisseasonrushingtotalto881andbecomingjustthesecondplayertorushfor100ormoreyardsagainstColoradothisseason.JacksonfinishedBig12playaveraging94.4yardsrushingpergameinconferencegamesonly.

Continued on page five

NATiONAl POllSAssociated Press (Nov. 26)No. Team (1st) Record Points 1. OhioState(65) 12-0 1,625 2. USC* 10-1 1,540 3. Michigan 11-1 1,504 4. Florida 11-1 1,441 5. LSU 10-2 1,303 6. Louisville 10-1 1,241 7. Wisconsin 11-1 1,212 8. Oklahoma* 10-2 1,095 Arkansas 10-2 1,09510. BoiseState 12-0 1,04411. Auburn 10-2 96612. NotreDame 10-2 90613. Rutgers 10-1 90614. VirginiaTech 10-2 77515. WestVirginia 9-2 66716. WakeForest 10-2 62117. Texas* 9-3 542 Tennessee 9-3 54219. Nebraska 9-3 40520. BrighamYoung 10-2 39421. California 8-3 36722. TexasA&M* 9-3 31823. GeorgiaTech 9-3 21024. Hawaii 10-2 17425. BostonCollege 9-3 91USA Today Coaches (Nov. 26)No. Team (1st) Record Points 1. OhioState(63) 12-0 1,575 2. USC* 10-1 1,491 3. Michigan 11-1 1,445 4. Florida 11-1 1,405 5. LSU 10-2 1,255 6. Wisconsin 11-1 1,221 7. Louisville 10-1 1,169 8. Arkansas 10-2 1,042 9. BoiseState 12-0 1,01810. Oklahoma* 10-2 99411. Auburn 10-2 98512. NotreDame 10-2 92813. Rutgers 10-1 77714. VirginiaTech 10-2 74415. WestVirginia 9-2 66816. WakeForest 10-2 60717. Texas* 9-3 59618. Nebraska 9-3 52319. Tennessee 9-3 43420. California 8-3 34321. BrighamYoung 10-2 33922. GeorgiaTech 9-3 25923. Hawaii 10-2 20324. TexasA&M* 9-3 20225. BostonCollege 9-3 138*-Denotes 2006 NU opponent

Huskers in the 2006 PollsDate A C H ResultsPre. 20 22 – def.LouisianaTech,49-109-5 21 21 – def.NichollsState,56-79-10 19 19 – losttoUSC,28-109-17 23 24 – def.Troy,56-09-24 21 21 21 def.Kansas,39-32(ot)10-1 22 22 21 def.IowaState,28-1410-8 21 20 19 def.KansasState,21-310-15 17 16 16 losttoTexas,22-2010-22 20 20 20 losttoOklahomaSt.,41-2910-29 RV RV RV def.Missouri,34-2011-5 RV 25 25 def.TexasA&M,28-2711-12 24 22 23 idle11-19 23 19 22 def.Colorado,37-1411-26 19 18A=Associated Press; C-Coaches; H-Harris

NU-Colorado Stat WrapTeam Stats CU NUFirstDowns 14 24Rushes-Yards 31-166 46-190Passes 11-23-0 20-30-0PassingYards 131 278TotalOffense 297 468Turnovers 0 23rdDownConversions5-13 8-15TimeofPossession 24:11 35:49SacksBy 1-8 4-40NU Rushing LeadersBrandonJackson–34carries,142yards,TDNU Passing LeaderZacTaylor–19-28-0,249yards,2TDNU Receiving LeadersBrandonJackson–6receptions,42yards,TDTerrenceNunn–4receptions,52yards,TDMauricePurify–3receptions,51yardsNU Defensive LeadersAdamCarriker–7tackles,3-19TFL, 2-18sacksCoreyMcKeon–6tackles,2-15TFL, 1-15sacks

Page 3: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

huskers.com Page 3

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13–Big 12 Championship

Scouting the Oklahoma SoonersOklahoma(10-2;7-1Big12)pushedthroughagreatdealofadversitythisseasononits

way towinning theBig12Southdivisionchampionship for the fifth time in the lastsevenyears.HeadCoachBobStoopshasguidedhissquadtosevenstraightwinsfollowinganearlyOctoberlosstoTexaswithoutstartailbackAdrianPeterson,whosufferedabrokencollarbonethefollowingweekagainstIowaState.TheSoonersalsowereforcedtochangequarterbacksduringfallcampfollowingthedismissalofsophomoreRhettBomar.






Oklahoma head Coach Bob StoopsHeadCoachBobStoops(Iowa,1983)ownsan85-18recordinhiseighthseasonatOklahoma.Stoops,who



Nebraska-Oklahoma Series...83rd MeetingNebraskaandOklahomarenewanold-timerivalrySaturdaybetweenformerBigEightConferencerivals.The


2006 Nebraska-Oklahoma Statistical Comparison Nebraska (9-3, 6-2 Big 12) Oklahoma (10-2, 7-1 Big 12)Category Avg. Big 12 Natl. Avg. Big 12 Natl.RushingOffense 183.25 4th 18th 188.67 3rd 14thPassingOffense 250.75 4th 18th 182.00 11th 80thTotalOffense 434.00 2nd 9th 370.67 8th 39thScoringOffense 33.92 3rd 9th 30.08 5th 23rdRushingDefense 126.92 6th 48th 99.00 2nd 19thPassDefense 219.83 7th 84th 174.08 2nd 27thPassEfficiencyDefense 116.62 4th 37th 102.38 1st 11thTotalDefense 346.75 8th 71st 273.08 1st 14thScoringDefense 18.17 4th 30th 16.00 1st 18thNetPunting 37.64 3rd 14th 37.17 6th 24thPuntReturns 8.38 8th 65th 8.50 7th 63rdKickoffReturns 17.35 11th 114th 24.45 4th 9thTurnoverMargin (+0.33) 4th T-38th (-0.33) 9th 79thSacks 2.17 7th 56th 1.67 10th T-84thTacklesForLoss 6.17 6th 45th 6.58 4th 28thSacksAllowed 2.08 7th T-64th 1.17 1st 10thbold indicates top-25 national ranking

2006 BiG 12 STANdiNGS RecordsTeam Overall Big12 ThisWeekNebraska 9-3 6-2 vs.OklahomaMissouri 8-4 4-4 EndofSeasonKansasState 7-5 4-4 EndofSeasonKansas 6-6 3-5 EndofSeasonColorado 2-10 2-6 EndofSeasonIowaState 4-8 1-7 EndofSeason

South DivisionOklahoma 10-2 7-1 vs.NebraskaTexas 9-3 6-2 EndofSeasonTexasA&M 9-3 5-3 EndofSeasonTexasTech 7-5 4-4 EndofSeasonOklahomaState 6-6 3-5 EndofSeasonBaylor 4-8 3-5 EndofSeason

2006 Nebraska Non-Conference OpponentsTeam Record ThisWeekLouisianaTech 3-9 atNewMexicoStateNichollsState 4-7 EndofSeasonUSC 10-1 vs.UCLATroy 6-5 atFloridaInt’l

2006 OklAhOMA SCheduleDate Opponent Result/Time9/2 UAB W,24-179/9 Washington W,37-209/16 atOregon L,33-349/23 MiddleTennessee W,59-010/7 vs.Texas(at Dallas) L,10-2810/14 IowaState W,34-910/21 Colorado W,24-310/28 atMissouri W,26-1011/4 atTexasA&M W,17-1611/11 TexasTech W,34-2411/18 atBaylor W,36-1011/25 atOklahomaState W,27-21

Nebraska-Oklahoma NotesNUdefensivelinecoachJohnBlakeservedasOUheadcoachpriortoBobStoops’arrivalin1999.HuskerquarterbackZacTaylor’sfather,SherwoodTaylor,playeddefensivebackforOklahoma,letteringfrom1977to1979whileservingasteamcaptainduringhissenioryear.TheSoonersheldonfora31-24winin2005,OU'ssecondstraightwinintheseries.TheHuskers andSoonerswent head-to-head for 71consecutive seasons (since1927) before the streakwassnappedin1998withthestartoftheBig12Conference.OU's 2000win endedNU's series-long seven-gamewinningstreak.FivetimestheSoonershavegivenNUitsonlyregular-seasonloss(1964,1966,1975,1979,1987);twiceNUhasgiventheSoonerstheironlyloss(1971,1978).AfterNUupsetNo.1Oklahomain1978,thetwoteamsmetagainintheOrangeBowl,withOUwinning31-24.The1971gamewasknownasthe“GameoftheCentury,”asNo.1NUedgedNo.2OU,35-31,inNorman.OneoftheteamshasbeenNo.1intheAPpollin13ofthelast51meetings,includingNUeighttimes.SincetheAPpollbeganin1936,theNU-OUgamehashadatleastonerankedteam57timesin67contests,withbothteamsrankedin23;theserieshasfeaturedatleastonetop-10teamin46games,twotop-10teamsin18.Inthe23gamesinwhichbothteamswereranked,thelower-rankedteamhaswon11.Thegame featuredat leastoneAP top-10 team in22straightgamesfrom1970to1990;in17of31gamessince1971,bothteamshavebeeninthetop10.One of the two teams has been ranked entering thecontestinallbutthreegamessince1948.Thewinningteamhashadtocomefrombehindin26ofthelast37games.

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13–Big 12 Championship

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Nebraska head Coach Bill CallahanBill CallahanisinhisthirdseasonastheheadcoachoftheNebraskafootballprogram







CallahanhadextensiveexperienceatthecollegiatelevelbeforetakingthejobatNebraska.Beforemovingintotheprofessionalranks,CallahanservedastheoffensivelinecoachatWisconsinforfiveseasonsandalsohadassistantcoachingstintsatIllinois,NorthernArizonaandSouthernIllinois.Overall,Callahanisinhis29thyearinthecoachingprofession.InadditiontohisnineyearsintheNationalFootballLeagueand15previousseasonsasacollegiateassistant,CallahanwasanassistantcoachfortwoseasonsintheIllinoisprepranksin1978and1979.CallahanhasMidwestroots,asheisanativeofChicago.Heearnedhisbachelor'sdegreefromIllinoisBenedictinein1978.HewasanNAIAhonorable-mentionAll-Americaselectionasaquarterbackineachofhisfinaltwoseasons.huskers Boast Championship Coaching Staff Callahanhasbuiltacoachingstaffwithchampionshipcredentials,bothonthecollegiateandprofessionallevel.Therewasjustonechangeonthecoachingstafffrom2005.FormerColoradooffensivecoordinatorShawnWatsonjoinedtheHuskerslastwinterandservesastheHuskers’tightendscoachandrecruitingcoordinator.WatsonandCallahanworkedtogetherattheUniversityofIllinoisintheearly1980s. WatsonwasthearchitectofaColoradooffensethathelpedtheBuffstofourBig12Northtitlesinthepastfiveyearsandaconferencechampionshipin2001.Watson’sstrongcoachingbackgrondaddstoanimpressivestaffthathashadsuccessatalllevels,bothonthefieldandontherecruitingtrail.Callahan'scoachingstaff features fourcoacheswhohaveeitherplayedorcoached in theSuperBowl.CallahanandOffensiveCoordinatorJayNorvellcoachedinSuperBowlXXXVIIwithOakland,andrunningbackscoachRandyJordanwasaplayeronthatteam.JohnBlakewaspartoftheDallasCowboysSuperBowlchampionshipteamsinboth1993and1995.InadditiontotheNFLsuccessofthecoaches,Callahan'sstaffhasahistoryofwinningchampionshipsatthecollegiate level. Membersof theNebraskacoachingstaffhavebeenpartof teamsthathavecapturedleaguetitles ineachof thefollowingconferences–AtlanticCoast,BigTen,Big12,Mid-American,MountainWest,Pac-10andWesternAthletic.Thestaff has recruiting ties innearlyeverypart of theUnitedStates.RecruitinganalystTomLemmingcompiledalistofthe10bestrecruitersincollegehistoryin2001.Callahanwasincludedonthelistalthoughhehadbeenoutofthecollegeranksforsixyearsatthattime.DefensivelinecoachJohnBlakewasrecognizedbyRivals.comasoneofthenation’stoprecruitersin2005.

Callahan has Busy Off-Season of Charity events SincehisarrivalatNebraska,Callahanhasimpresseduponhisplayerstheimportanceofawell-roundedexperienceincludingcommunityoutreachandinvolvement.Inthatarea,Callahanhasledbyexample.Callahancontinuestospendsignificanttimeintheoff-seasonwithcommunityevents,includingseveralCoachCallahanCharitiesfunctions. ThethirdFootball101forWomentookplaceinearlyJuneinLincoln,withmorethan1,100participantslearningmoreaboutthegameoffootball.ForthefirsttimetheeventtookplaceatNebraska’sHawksChampionshipCenter.Thedayincludeddemonstrationsonallpartsoffootball,aQ&AforumwithHuskerplayers,andtheeventagainconcludedwithparticipantsbreakingintobeginning,intermediateandadvancedgroupstolearnmoreabouttheX’sandO’softhegamefrommembersoftheHuskerstaff.TheFootball101eventraisedmorethan$50,000tobenefittheNationalBreastCancerFoundation. Callahanandhiswife,Valerie,alsospearheadedCoachCallahan’sFunRun/WalkforResourcesonSaturday,Aug.19.CoachCallahanwasthestarterfortheraceandalsoweclomedthewinnerstothefinishlineonStadiumDrive.TheeventraisedfundsforJuvenileDiabetesandtheUniversityLibraries. CallahanwasthefeaturedspeakerattheMake-a-WishFoundation’sRedTieDinnerinLincolninlateJuly,andwasthefeaturedspeakerattheSpecialOlympicsBreakfastofChampionslastspring.

The CAllAhAN FileCallahan Year-by-YearYear Record Pct. PostseasonNebraska2004 5-6 .455 None2005 8-4 .6672006 9-3 .750Totals 22-13 .629Oakland Raiders2002 13-6 .684 2-1; WonAFCChampionship,lostto TampaBayinSuperBowlXXXVII2003 4-12 .250 NoneNFLTotals17-18 .486 Oneplayoffappearance

From the Super Bowl to CampusFivecoacheshavetakenacollegiateheadcoachingjobafterpreviouslyguidingtheirteamtoaSuperBowlappearance.InadditiontoCallahan,BobbyRossisinhisthirdyearbackinthecollegeranks,aftertakingoveratArmyin2004.Coach NFL Team Super Bowls College (Year)BillCallahan Oakland XXXVII Nebraska(2004)BobbyRoss SanDiego XXIX Army(2004)BillWalsh SanFran. XVI,XIX,XXII Stanford(1992)ForrestGregg Cincinnati XVI SMU(1989)GeorgeAllen WashingtonVII LongBeachSt. (1990)

Huskers Under CallahanOverall.................................................................. 22-13 vs.APRankedTeams............................................ 3-4 vs.APTop10Teams............................................. 0-3 vs.UnrankedTeams............................................ 18-9 vs.Big12Teams................................................13-11 WhenRushingfor200ormoreyards.................... 6-3 WhenRushingfor300ormoreyards.................... 2-0 Whenpassingfor200ormoreyards...................11-8 Whenpassingfor300ormoreyards.................... 5-2 WhenNUplayerrushesfor100Yards.................11-4 WhenNUhastwo100-yardrushersinsamegame..... 3-0 WhenOpponenthas100Yd.Rusher.................... 2-7 WhenScoring35orMorePoints........................... 7-0 WhenHoldOpp.to10Pts.orless...................... 10-0 WhenNebraskascoresfirst................................ 17-2 WhenNebraskaleadsathalftime........................ 20-1 WhenNebraskatrailsathalftime..........................0-11 WhenNebraskaistiedathalftime......................... 2-1 Recordingamesdecidedby11pointsormore.. 13-8 Recordingamesdecidedby10orless................ 9-6 Recordingamesdecidedby7orless.................. 8-6 Recordingamesdecidedby3orless.................. 3-2 Recordinovertimegames..................................... 2-0

Nebraska Walk-on Tradition Thrives Under Callahan’s Leadership TheNebraskawalk-onprogramisaliveandwellundertheleadershipofHeadCoachBill Callahan. Sincetheconclusionofspringball,fournativeNebraskanswhooriginally joined theprogramaswalk-onshavebeenawarded scholarships.The group includes senior safetyBrandon Rigoni (Lincoln),seniorlinebackerAndy Kadavy (Seward), junior safety Ben Eisenhart (Culbertson) andsophomorereceiverTodd Peterson(GrandIsland). Thefourwalk-onswhowereawardedscholarshipspushedthetotalofformerwalk-onsCallahanhasputonscholarshipto17sincehisarrivalinJanuaryof2004.Ofthatgroup,13werenativeNebraskans.

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Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13–Big 12 Championship

NeBRASkA MediA RelATiONSMailing AddressOneMemorialStadiumP.O.Box880123Lincoln,NE68588-0123ShippingAddress:600StadiumDrivePhone......................................................... 402-472-2263FAX............................................................. 402-472-2005E-Mail........................................sportsinfo@huskers.comMedia Relations Football ContactsMedia Relations Director ............................ Keith MannPhone......................................................... 402-472-0237E-Mail.............................................kmann@huskers.comAssistant.................................................... Jerry TrickiePhone......................................................... 402-472-7779E-Mail............................................. [email protected] ......................................................Andy AndersonPhone......................................................... 402-472-0271E-Mail.......................................aanderson@huskers.comGraduate Assistant ............................... Sarah ShermanPhone......................................................... 402-472-7781E-Mail........................................ssherman@huskers.com


Weekly Football Press Conference NebraskaholdsitsregularweeklypressconferencesonTuesdaysthroughoutthe2006season. ThepressconferencesareheldintheDonBryantMediaFacilityonLevel6ofWestStadiumandwillbeginwithlunchat11a.m.VolleyballCoachJohnCookwilladdressthemediaat11:15a.m.,withselectedfootballplayersavailableat11:30a.m.HeadCoachBillCallahanwillspeaktothemediaatNoon,andselectedplayerswillbeavailablefollowingCallahan. Eachpressconferencewillbeavailableviateleconferenceand selected conferences will be carried on satellite.Quoteswill be transcribed and posted bymid-afternoononHuskers.com,whileeditedsoundbitesareavailableonNebraskaNet.com.TheteleconferencesarealsocarriedliveonHuskersNSide.com.Mediawishingtoparticipate intheteleconferenceshouldcontacttheMediaRelationsofficeat(402)472-2263formoreinformation.Thetoll-freenumberfortheteleconferenceis(877)229-1563andmediacanacquiretheweeklypasscodebycallingtheMediaRelationsoffice. MediawishingtospeaktorequestinterviewswithNebraskaplayersatTuesday’spress luncheonshould contactAndyAndersonorSarahShermanintheMediaRelationsOfficeby2p.m.onMonday.

Continued from page twoJacksoncaughtacareer-highsixpassesfor42yards,includingan18-yardtouchdownreceptionfromTaylor,markingJackson’ssecondTDreceptionoftheseason(49-yardervs.Texas).His41all-purposeattemptssetaNebraskarecord,bettering40attemptsbyLawrencePhillipsatIowaStateonNov.12,1994. The touchdown pass fromGanz to Turnermarked the fourth time in six gamesNebraska has scoreda touchdown on a trick play, and the third straight home game theHuskers scored in an unconventionalmanner. SeniordefensiveendAdam Carriker hadtwosacksfor18yardsinlosses,givinghimateam-leadingsixsacksthisseason.Carrikerhasfivesacksinthepastfourgamesandhas19.5careersacks,sixthontheNUcareerlist.Carrikerhadthreetacklesforlossinthegameandhas40careerTFL,fifthontheNebraskacharts.Carriker’sthirdTFLresultedinasafety. Thetacklefor lossbyCarrikerandCorey McKeon forasafetymarkedtheHuskers’firstsafetysinceaMcKeonsackatKansaslastseason. FreshmansafetyMajor Culbert partiallyblockedaColoradopuntinthefirstquarter,settinguptheHuskers’openingscoringdrive.Culbert’sblockedpuntwasNebraska’sfourthblockedkickoftheseason.NUblockedfieldgoalagainstTexasA&MandblockedextrapointsagainstTexasandOklahomaState.Nebraskahadsevenblockedkickslastseason. NebraskaconvertedfouroffiveRedZonetripsintotouchdownsagainstColorado.TheHuskersturnedtheballoveronathird-quarterRedZonetrip,markingtheonlytimein24tripsintotheRedZoneinconferencegamesthatNebraskadidnotscore.NUis41-of-46inallgamesintheRedZone.Nebraskascoredfirstforthe11thtimein12gamesthisseasonona15-yardtouchdownpassinthefirstquarter. Nebraskacontinuedtoperformwellonthirddowns.TheHuskersconverted8-of-15thirddownconversions,including4-of-6attemptsinthefirsthalf.NUwasalsoaperfect3-of-3onfourthdown. Thethird-quarter touchdownrunbyBrandonJacksonmarkedNebraska’sfirstpoints inthethirdquartersincetheKansasStategame.

huskers Set for Fourth Trip to Big 12 Title Game; First in Seven SeasonsNebraskareturnstotheBig12ChampionshipGameforthe

firsttimesincewinningthe1999Big12crown.TheHuskersappearedinBig12titlegamesin1996,1997and1999,buthavenotreturneduntilthisyear.Nebraska’sfourappearancesin theBig 12 title game tiesColorado for themost in theNorthDivision.Oklahomaismaking its league-leadingfifthappearanceinthetitlegame,allinthepastsevenyears. NebraskaandOklahomaaretwoofthreeteamstocapturetwoormoreBig12titlesinthefirst10yearsoftheleague.Oklahoma has three league crowns, while Nebraska andTexashaveeachcapturedtwoBig12titles.KansasState,TexasA&MandColoradoeachcapturedoneBig12crowninthefirst10yearsofBig12action.

A Closer look at the 2006 Nebraska Football ScheduleDate .......... Opponent .................. Time/Result .......TV ................ Series ................ Last Meeting (Site)/Notes Sept.2...... LouisianaTech...........W,49-10.............FSN............. NU,2-0.............. Nebraskarecords21ststraightseason-openingvictory;Taylor22-33,287,3TDSept.9......NichollsState.............W,56-7...............None............ NU,1-0.............. Taylorthrowscareer-high4TDpasses;NichollsState0-3,zeroyardspassingSept.16.... atUSC....................... L,28-10..............ABC............. USC,2-0-1......... Third-largestcrowdevertoseeNebraska(92,000)/Bradleyteam-high10tacklesSept.23.... Troy............................W,56-0...............FSNPPV..... NU,4-0.............. Huskerspitchfirstshutoutsince2003/NUrollsup597yards,mostsince2001Sept.30....Kansas.......................W,39-32(ot)......FSN............. NU,88-22-3....... NUwins19thstraightvs.KUinLincoln;Taylor395yards,4TD;NU5-0inOTOct.7........ atIowaState..............W,28-14.............ABC............. NU,83-16-2....... Huskersout-rushISU251-53;Glenn19-148-2TD,Jackson22-116-1TDOct.14......atKansasState..........W,21-3...............FSNPPV..... NU,74-15-2....... Huskerssnapfour-gameskidinManhattan;Rushingyards–NU190,KSU22Oct.21...... Texas.......................... L,22-20..............ABC............. UT,7-4............... UThitsgame-winningFGwith23secondsleft/Secondlosstotopfiveteamin‘06Oct.28......atOklahomaState..... L,41-29..............ABC............. NU,36-4-1......... Jackson21-182-2TDrushing;Carriker3TFL;OSUwins2ndstraightvs.NUinStillwaterNov.4.......Missouri......................W,34-20..............ABC............. NU,63-34-3....... Huskerswin15thstraightoverTigersinLincoln;Jackson32carries,111yardsNov.11...... atTexasA&M.............W,28-27.............ABC............. NU,10-2............ Taylorbreakscareerpassingrecord,guidesgame-winningtwo-minutedrillNov.24.....Colorado....................W,37-14.............ABC............. NU,46-17-2....... Taylor19-28,249yards,2TD/Jackson190all-purpose(41att.);Carriker2sacksBig 12 Championshp GameDec.2.......Oklahoma*................. 7p.m..................ABC............. OU,42-37-3....... Nebraskaappearedin1996,1997and1999;Leaguetitlesin1997and1999AlltimesCentralandsubjecttochange;*-ArrowheadStadium,KansasCity,Mo.

Big 12 History Division WinnersYear North South Big 12 Champ1996 Nebraska Texas Texas1997 Nebraska TexasA&M Nebraska1998 KansasSt. TexasA&M TexasA&M1999 Nebraska Texas Nebraska2000 KansasSt. Oklahoma Oklahoma2001 Colorado Texas Colorado2002 Colorado Oklahoma Oklahoma2003 KansasSt. Oklahoma KansasState2004 Colorado Oklahoma Oklahoma2005 Colorado Texas Texas2006 Nebraska Oklahoma

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huskers, Ou Set for First Meeting for Big 12 Crown WhentheBig12wasformed,NebraskaandOklahomanolongermatchedupeachseason.ItwasassumedthetwoteamswouldberegularfoesintheBig12ChampionshipGame,butsurprisinglyithastaken11yearsforthatmatchuptobecomeareality. NebraskaandOklahomanearlymetfortheBig12titleinboth2000and2001.In 2000,OklahomadefeatedNebraska31-14inNormaninOctoberenroutetoaperfectregularseason.NebraskawaspoisedforarematchinKansasCity,beforelosing29-28atKansasState,sendingtheWildcatstoArrowheadStadium.OklahomadefeatedKansasStateandwentontocapturethenationaltitle.In 2001,NebraskadefeatedOklahoma,20-10,inLincolnandbothteamswentintoThanksgivingweekendsetforarematchinDallas.However,NebraskalostatColorado,whileOklahomaStateupsettheSoonersinNorman,resultinginaColorado-TexasBig12ChampionshipGame. WhilethisisthefirstmeetingbetweenthetwoschoolsfortheBig12title,itisnotthefirstpostseasonmeetingbetweenNebraskaandOklahoma.In1978,NebraskaupsetNo.1Oklahomaintheregularseason,butlosttoMissourithefollowingweek,resultinginaHusker-SoonerrematchintheOrangeBowl(OU,31-24).

Nebraska-Ou has history of Playing for Conference Titles WhileSaturdaynight’sgamewillmarkthefirstBig12ChampionshipGamebetweenNebraskaandOklahoma,theteamsareusedtoplayingwithhighstakesontheline.NebraskafacedOklahomainthefinalconferenceregular-seasongamein42of46seasonsbetween1950andtheendoftheBigEightin1995,oftenwithaleaguetitleontheline.Between1962and1995,eitherNebraskaorOklahomacapturedatleastashareoftheBigEighttitleineveryseasonexcept1989and1990.ThewinnerofthegamerepresentedtheBigEightintheOrangeBowlin17ofthefinal19seasonsoftheleague.SincetheformationoftheBig12,theteamshavemetsixtimes,witheachteamwinningthreegames.Beforelastseason’sOklahomavictoryinLincoln,oneorbothoftheteamshadbeenrankedinthetopfiveatthetimeofthematchup.Inboth2000and2001,bothteamsenteredthegameundefeatedandrankedinthetopthreeintheAssociatedPresspoll.ThewinnerofeachofthosegamesadvancedtotheBCSNationalChampionshipGame.Nebraskahaswon43footballconferencechampionshipsoverall,includingeightunderCoachBobDevaneyand13underCoachTomOsborne.Oklahomahaswon35conferencechampionshipstoranksecondbehindNUamongconferenceschools.

huskers looking for Third Big 12 CrownNebraskais2-1initspreviousthreetripstotheBig12Championship

Game(1996,1997and1999).ANebraskavictorywouldtietheHuskerswithOklahoma for themostBig12crownssince the inceptionof theleague.Here’s a brief look atNebraska’s previous three trips to theconferencetitlegame.1996–Texas 37, #3 Nebraska 27 (St. Louis)–TexaspulledoneofthebiggestupsetsinBig12titlegamehistorywitha37-27winover the third-rankedHuskers.The losspreventedNebraska fromtheopportunitytocaptureathirdstraightnationalchampionshipandwasoneofjusttwoHuskerlossesfrom1994to1997.Nebraskatooka27-23leadwith10minutesremaininginthegame,butTexasscoredtwotouchdownsinthefinalnineminutestopulltheupset.TexasquarterbackJamesBrownpassedfor353yardsinthegametokeytheLonghorbnvictory.Nebraskaran30moreoffensiveplaysinthegameandheldtheballfornearly40minutes,butcouldnotovercomeUT’sexplosiveness.1997–#2 Nebraska 54, #14 Texas A&M 15 (San Antonio)–NebraskacontinueditsruntoathirdnationaltitleinfourseasonsbydominatingTexasA&Mfromstarttofinishina54-15victoryattheAlamodome.Nebraskabrokeinfront23-0earlyinthesecondquarterandled37-3atthehalf.TheHuskersrolledup335rushingyardsand536yardsoftotaloffense,whilelimitingtheAggiesto277yardsofoffense,includingjust13rushingyards.I-backAhmanGreenrushed34timesfor179yardsandthreetouchdowns.1999–#3 Nebraska 22, #12 Texas 6 (San Antonio)–Nebraskabecame thefirstschoolwith twoBig12crowns,usingadominantdefensiveperformancetodefeatTexas,22-6,inSanAntonio.ThegamewasthefirstrematchintheBig12titlegame,andavengedNebraska’sonlydefeatofthe1999campaign.TheHuskersbroketoa10-0leadafteronequarter,led15-0atthehalfandshutouttheLonghornsuntilUTscoredonadefensivetouchdownlateinthefourthquarter.NebraskaheldTexastojust178yardsoftotaloffense,includingnineyardsrushing.Nebraskahadsevensacksfor44yardsinlossesinthegame.I-backCorrellBuckhalterrushed20timesfor136yards,whilequarterbackEricCrouchscoredapairofrushingtouchdowns.

North division Sweep keys Nu Trip to kansas CityTheHuskers’NorthDivisioncrownislargelyduetotheirplaywithinthedivision.Datingbacktolastseason,



Huskers, Sooners in NCAA RankingsTop 25 National RankingsNebraskaTeamRushingOffense,183.2ypg(18th)PassingOffense,250.8ypg(18th)TotalOffense,434.0ypg(9th)ScoringOffense,33.9ppg(9th)NetPunting,37.6ypp(14th)PassingEfficiency,164.90rating(5th)IndividualZacTaylor,PassEfficiency,159.20rating(9th)OklahomaRushingOffense,188.7ypg(14th)ScoringOffense,30.1ppg(23rd)RushingDefense,99.0ypg(19th)PassEfficiencyDefense,102.38rating(11th)TotalDefense,273.1ypg(14th)ScoringDefense,16.0ppg(18th)NetPunting,37.2ypp(24th)KickoffReturns,24.5ypr(9th)PassEfficiency,145.03rating(25th)SacksAllowed,1.17pg(10th)IndividualPaulThompson,PassingEfficiency,145.78rating(23rd)GarrettHartley,FieldGoals,1.42pg(12th)GarrettHartley,Scoring,7.75ppg(22nd)

Nebraska Completes November to RememberNebraskaposteda3-0recordinthemonthofNovember.



NU to Make Second Appearance at Arrowhead ThismarksthefourthtimetheBig12ChampionshipgamehasbeencontestedatArrowheadStadium(also2000,2003and2004).Oklahomahasbeen involved ineachof thosegames,butNebraskahasnotplayedinArrowheadinaBig12titlegame. Saturdaynight’smatchupwillmarktheHuskers’secondgame at Arrowhead Stadium. In 1998, the Huskers metOklahomaStateinKansasCity,postinga24-17victorythankstoagoal-linestandattheendofthegame. Since1983,Nebraskaownsa15-6recordingamesinNFLstadiums,mostrecentlya24-17victoryatPittsburgh’sHeinzFieldin2004.Nebraskais8-1inregularseasongamesinthattimeand7-5inbowlgames. ABC Cameras Following Huskers NebraskawillplayitssixthconsecutivegameandeighthoftheseasononABCintheBig12ChampionshipGame. ThesixstraightABCappearancesmarksthelongeststreakinschoolhistoryononenetwork.NebraskaplayedfivestraightgamesonABCtoendthe1999regularseason,includingtheBig12titlegame.NebraskamadeeightappearancesonABCin1999,itsmostonasinglenetworkinaseason,amarkthathasbeentiedthisseason.

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2006 husker Offense Showing Balance, explosiveness and FlexibilityNebraskahasfeaturedexcellentbalanceandfirepoweronoffensein2006.TheHuskershavepostedfour



TheHuskers’2006offensehasshowntheexplosivenessandefficiencyHeadCoachBillCallahanisseekinginNebraska’sversionoftheWestCoastOffense.The597yardsoftotaloffenseagainstTroywerethemostbyNebraskainCallahan’sthreeseasonsasheadcoach,andthemostsincea688-yardeffortatBaylorin2001.NebraskahashadfourofitstopfiveoffensiveoutputsunderCallahanin2006.Nebraska's434.0averageintotaloffenseisitsbestinfiveseasonsandis113.7yardsbetterthanitstotaloffensiveoutputin2005.AgainstLouisianaTech,Nebraskatopped250yardsinbothrushingandpassingforthefirsttimeinadecade(Kansas,1996).IttookNebraskaexactlythreeweekstoaccomplishthefeatagain,astheHuskersrushedfor316yardsandpassedfor281yardsagainstTroy.TheHuskershaveproducedfouroftheirtopsevenrushingeffortsunderCallahanthisseason,with316yardsagainstTroy,261yardsagainstNichollsState,252vs.LouisianaTechand251yardsat IowaState.Beforethe316-yardoutburstagainstTroy,Nebraskalasttopped300yardsonthegroundagainstWesternIllinoisin2004.Nebraska’sback-to-back250-yardrushingeffortstoopentheseasonmarkedthefirsttimeNUhadtopped250yardsonthegroundinconsecutivegamessince2004(WesternIllinoisandSouthernMiss).Nebraskahastopped200yardsonthegroundfivetimesin2006,afterpostingaseason-highof182yardslastseason,amarkNebraskahastoppedeighttimesin2006.TheHuskers showed theability to rely on thepasswhenneeded.Nebraska threw for 395 yards, thesecond-mostinschoolhistory,ina39-32overtimewinoverKansas.Withanimpressiverunningattack,Nebraskahasshowntheabilitytocontroltheclock.NUhas held the ball more than 33:44 in eightgames this season, including 34:51 or betterinOctoberroadgamesatIowaState,KansasState and Oklahoma State. The Huskersare averaging 33:01 of possession time, afigure that ranks fifth nationally. Last seasonNebraskaaveraged29:56ofpossession timepergame.Nebraskahasrun66moreoffensiveplaysthanitsopponentsthisseason. TheHuskers are converting 48.2 percent(82-of-170) of their third-down conversions,including11-of-16againstLouisianaTech,11-of-17 against Missouri and 7-for-11 vs. Troy.Therateranks11thnationally.Nebraskarackedup30firstdownsineachofitsfirsttwogames,thefirsttimetheHuskershad back-to-back games with 30 first downssincethe2001season(TexasTech,Baylor).Ontheyear,Nebraskahas113firstdownsbyrush,125bypassand13bypenalty.Nebraskahasspreadthewealthonoffense.Seventeendifferentplayershavescoredtouchdowns,withsevendifferentplayersscoringTDsineachofthefirsttwogames.InwinsoverLouisianaTechandNichollsState,Nebraskatopped49pointsinconsecutivegamesforthefirst timesince2000,whenNebraskatopped49points in threestraightgamesatmid-season(IowaState,TexasTech,Baylor). TheHuskeroffenseleftanimpressiononTroyHeadCoachLarryBlakeneyfollowingthe56-0NUwin... “That is the best football team we have faced in a long time. I don’t know what they call that offense, if it is West Coast or East Coast or South Coast or Canadian or whatever, but it was very well-designed and gave us more than we could handle. Their style of play and their physical approach and their ability with Zac Taylor to throw the football down the field really gave us more than we could handle.”

2006 huSkeR OFFeNSeNU’s Offensive Games under Callahan1. 597 yards vs. Troy, 20062. 584 yards vs. Louisiana Tech, 20063.581yardsvs.WesternIllinois,20044.511 yards vs. Kansas, 2006 511yardsvs.Baylor,20046. 498 yards vs. Nicholls State, 2006 NU’s Top Rushing Games under Callahan1.363yardsvs.WesternIllinois,20042. 316 yards vs. Troy, 20063.274yardsvs.SouthernMiss,20044. 261 yards vs. Nicholls State, 20065.256yardsvs.Missouri,20046. 252 yards vs. Louisiana Tech, 20067. 251 yards at Iowa State, 2006

Nebraska Total Offense StatsNebraskaisaveraging434.0yardspergameintotaloffenseto rankninthnationally. If the totalholdsup to theendoftheseason, itwouldmarkNebraska’sbest totaloffensiveoutput since2001whenNebraskaaveraged459.9 yardspergame.Infact,Nebraskahasaveragedmorethan400yardsoftotaloffensejusttwiceinthepasteightyears.Priorto1998,Nebraskaaveragedbetterthan400yardspergamefor24straightseasons.Year Total Offense1998 384.91999 392.22000 459.92001 451.22002 373.12003 345.02004 363.22005 320.32006 434.0

Nebraska Scoring Offense StatsTheHuskersrankninthnationallyinscoringoffenseat33.9pointspergame.Nebraskalastaveragedbetterthan30pointspergamein2001,whentheHuskersposted37.4pointspergame.Thatseasonwasthe24thstraightyeartheHuskershadaveragedatleast30pointsagame.Nebraskahasscored27ormorepointsin12of15gamesdatingbacktothefinalthreegamesofthe2005season.Year Scoring Offense2001 37.42002 27.42003 24.82004 25.02005 24.72006 33.9

Memorial Stadium FirepowerNebraska ranks ninth nationally in scoring offense at

33.9 points per game, thanks primarily to an impressiveoffensive output at home.NU averaged 50.0 points pergame in itsfirst fourhomegamesandaveraged41.6pergameathomein2006.Nebraska scored 14 points in each quarter againstNicholls State and Troy, and had a streak of 10 straightquartersathomewith14ormorepoints,includingthefinalquarteragainstLouisianaTechandthefirstquarteragainstKansas. NU scored at least one touchdown in 24 of 28quartersathomethisseason. Nebraska scored at least 49 points in three straighthomegamestoopentheseason.Thelast timeNebraskascored49ormorepointsinthreestraighthomegameswasin 1996,whenNUdefeatedBaylor (49-0), Kansas (63-7)andMissouri(51-7).ThismarksonlythethirdtimeinschoolhistoryNebraskahasscored49ormorepointsineachofitsfirstthreehomegames(1996,1974).


Charting the 2006 Husker OffenseCoachBillCallahanstressedtheimportanceofanimprovedrungamein2006.Nebraskahasresponded,averaging183.2yardspergameonthegroundtorankfourthintheBig12and18thinthenation.Game Rushes Rush Yds. Passes Pass Yds. TO TOPLT 48 252 36 332 2 35:05NSU 50 261 26 237 1 33:44USC 36 68 17 143 1 28:36Troy 46 316 23 281 1 36:14KU 32 116 33 395 3 26:31ISU 45 251 21 131 1 36:55KSU 43 190 22 166 0 34:51UT 24 38 40 302 3 25:24OSU 40 211 39 241 1 34:59MU 47 183 22 236 2 35:11A&M 38 123 35 267 1 32:52Colorado 46 190 30 278 2 35:49Pct. of Total Offense Via Rush:42.2%Pct. of Total Offense Via Pass:57.8%

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Quick Start huskers Jumping on Opponents early Nebraskahashadgreatsuccessearlyingames,outscoringtheopposition110-24inthefirstquarter,allowingonlytouchdownsbyUSC,TexasA&MandColoradoandafieldgoalbyTexas. AlargepartofthatfirstquartersuccesshascomeduringNebraska’sfirstdriveofthegame.TheHuskershavescoredontheirfirstdriveofthegameseventimesin12games,includingfourstraightgamesfromTroytoKansasState.NebraskaalsoscoredtouchdownsonitsopeningdrivesagainstNichollsStateandColorado,andkickedafieldgoalonitsinitialdriveatOklahomaState.IngamesagainstTroy,Kansas,IowaStateandKansasState,Nebraskalostthecointosseachweekandtheoppositiondeferred,givingthefootballtotheHuskers.Nebraskarespondedbydrivingforatouchdownanda7-0leadineachofthefourgames. Nebraskahadball-controldrivestoopenthegameagainstTroy(10plays,73yards,5:47),IowaState(10plays,80yards,5:27)andKansasState(9plays,80yards,3:54),whilestrikingquicklyagainstKansas(2plays,80yards,:50). TheTexasgameistheonlytimethisseasonNebraskadidnotscorefirst,buttheHuskersdidputatouchdownontheboardontheirseconddriveofthegame.NebraskakickedafieldgoalonitsseconddriveofthedayatMissouri,andscoredatouchdownonitsseconddriveatTexasA&M.

Nebraska looks to Continue Red Zone efficiency Nebraska is among the Big 12 and nation’s best offenses at converting Red Zone opportunities intotouchdowns.TheHuskershaveconverted41-of-46redzonetripsintoscores,including38touchdowns,20byrushand18bypass. TheHuskers’RedZonesuccessisevenmoreimpressiveinBig12Conferenceplay.NebraskawasperfectinitsfirstsevenleaguegamesintheRedZone,beforeathird-quarterfumbleagainstColoradoendingthestringat20straightconversions.NebraskaconvertedthreelaterRedZonetripsintotouchdownsandfinishedBig12Conferenceplay23-of-24intheRedZone,including20touchdowns. OklahomaleadstheBig12inRedZonesuccessat93.3percent(42-of-45).TheSoonersarealso23-of-24intheRedZoneinBig12games.

Quarterback Taylor leading husker Offense, Continuing to Re-Write Nu Passing Records SeniorquarterbackZac Taylor isthemanatthehelmofNebraska’soffense.The6-2,210-poundTaylorhadarecord-setting2005campaign,andhasestablishedhimselfasacontenderforBig12OffensivePlayeroftheYearhonors.TaylorcontinuedhisassaultontheNebraskapassingrecordbookagainstColorado.Taylor threw for two touchdownpassesagainst theBuffs,givinghim24 thisseason.His24TDpassessurpassed the previous season touchdown passes record of 20 byVince Ferragamo in 1976.Taylor hasthrown16touchdownpassesandjusttwointerceptionsinBig12games.The24touchdownpassesthisseasongiveTaylor43inhisNebraskacareer,tiedwithTommieFrazierfortheNUrecord.TaylorhasatleastoneTDpassineachofNebraska’slastninegames,andtwoineachoftheHuskers’pastfivegames.TaylorbecameNebraska’scareerpassingyardageleaderagainstTexasA&M.With267yardsagainsttheAggies,Taylormovedhiscareertotalto5,193yards,betteringthepreviousNUcareerrecordof5,035yards

Huskers on Watch ListsAdam Carriker, DE, Sr.LottTrophyWatchList(ImpactDefensivePlayer)LombardiAwardWatchListJordan Congdon, So., PKLouGrozaAwardWatchListKurt Mann, Sr., CLombardiAwardWatchListRimingtonTrophyWatchListCorey McKeon, Jr., LBButkusAwardWatchListJay Moore, Sr., DETedHendricksAwardMid-SeasonWatchListNate Swift, So., WRBiletnikoffAwardWatchListZac Taylor, Sr., QBManningAwardWatchListDaveyO’BrienAwardWatchList

Big 12 Conference POW NomineesGame Offense Defense Special TeamsLa. Tech Taylor Carriker noneNicholls Taylor Bradley noneUSC none Bradley TitchenerTroy Lucky Suh RigoniKansas Hardy Shanle noneIowa St. Glenn Ruud noneK-State Jackson Bradley WeschTexas Jackson Ruud TitchenerOkla. St. Jackson Carriker none Mizzou Taylor Ruud CongdonA&M Taylor Carriker TurnerColorado Taylor Carriker TurnerBold indicates winner

Nebraska Season PassingPlayer, Year Yards1. Zac Taylor, 2006 2,7892. Zac Taylor, 2005 2,6533.DaveHumm,1972 2,0744.VinceFerragamo,1976 2,0715.JoeDailey,2004 2,0246.JerryTagge,1971 2,0197.TomSorley,1978 1,5718.DaveHumm,1973 1,5269.TurnerGill,1983 1,51610.EricCrouch,2001 1,510

Nebraska Career PassingPlayer, Years Yards1. Zac Taylor, 2005-present 5,4422.DaveHumm,1972-74 5,0353.JerryTagge,1969-71 4,7044.EricCrouch,1998-2001 4,4815.TommieFrazier,1992-95 3,5216.TurnerGill,1980-83 3,3177.VinceFerragamo,1975-76 3,2248.JammalLord,2000-03 2,8489.SteveTaylor,1985-88 2,81510.ScottFrost,1996-97 2,677

Top Passing Games in NU History Rank, Player, Game Yards 1. Zac Taylor, 2005 vs. Iowa State 4312. Zac Taylor, 2006 vs. Kansas 395 3. Zac Taylor, 2005 at Colorado 3924.JoeDailey,2004vs.Baylor 3425.JoeDailey,2004vs.Colorado 306

Zac Taylor Game-by-Game in 2006Game Att. Comp. Yards TD INT Long La.Tech 33 22 287 3 1 31(Herian)Nicholls 23 19 202 4 0 42(Purify)USC 16 8 115 0 0 36(Herian)Troy 17 14 268 1 1 67(Nunn)Kansas 33 15 395 4 0 78(Hardy)IowaState 21 17 131 1 0 27(Purify)KansasSt. 21 12 149 1 0 32(Purify)Texas 28 15 277 2 1 63(Purify)Okla.State 39 21 241 2 0 27(Hardy)Missouri 21 13 208 2 0 47(Jackson)TexasA&M 35 21 267 2 1 42(Lucky)Colorado 28 19 249 2 0 57(Erickson)Totals 315 196 2,789 24 4 78Completion Pct.–62.2%(Note: NU season record for completion percentage is 63.03 %, Jerry Tagge, 1970)

Breakdown of Taylor’s pass distribution....Game Yards # of Receivers Leading Receiver (Yds) Leading Receiver (Catches)LouisianaTech 287 9 MattHerian(61) TerrenceNunn(5)NichollsState 202 9 MauricePurify(61) Herian(4)USC 115 4 Herian,B.Jackson(36) Jackson(4)Troy 268 7 Nunn(102) Nunn(4)Kansas 395 6 FrantzHardy(159) Purify(4)IowaState 131 9 Purify(35) MarlonLucky(3)KansasState 149 7 Purify(73) Purify(4)Texas 277 7 Purify,Nunn(84) Nunn(5)OklahomaState 241 7 Purify(65) Purify(6)Missouri 208 6 Jackson(61) Lucky(4)TexasA&M 267 8 ToddPeterson(82) Peterson(7)Colorado 249 8 DanErickson(57) Jackson(6)

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byDaveHummfrom1972to1974.Taylor’scareertotalnowstandsat5,442yards.Taylorpushedhisseasonpassingtotalto2,789yardswithhis249yardsagainstColorado,betteringhisownseasonrecordof2,653passingyardslastseason. Taylor’slatestrecordassaultiscontinuinganimpressive2006seasonandtwo-yearNebraskacareer.Taylorhascompleted62.2percentofhispassesin2006(196-of-315),upfrom55.1percentin2005.Taylorhas24touchdownsandfourinterceptions,andhispassefficiencyratingof159.20ranksninthinthecountry.HispassefficiencyratingagainstNichollsState(213.77)wastheeighth-bestinschoolhistory.Taylor has twice thrown for a career-high four touchdownpasses(NichollsState,Kansas),betteringthethreetouchdownpassesinhisprevioustwogames(LouisianaTech,Michigan).InNebraska’slast15gamesdatingbacktolastseason,Taylorhasthrownfor31touchdownsagainstjustsixinterceptions.Against Louisiana Tech, Taylor had a streak of 11 straightcompletions,includingeightstraightcompletionsfor98yardsinengineeringatwo-minutedrivebeforehalftime.AgainstNichollsState,Taylor’sfirstpassattemptfellincomplete,buthecompletedhisnext12passattemptsbeforeanincompletion.The12straightcompletions were three off the Nebraska school record. HeopenedtheTroygamebycompleting12of13passes.Taylor had a streak of 104 straight passes without aninterceptionendatTexasA&M,his thirdstreakof theseasonof80ormorepasseswithoutapick.Hehadastreakof83straightpasseswithoutaninterceptionendinthesecondquarteragainstTroy,andastreakof84consecutivewithoutapickendvs.Texas.Taylor’s 395-yard passing effort against Kansas was thesecond-highest total in Nebraska history, trailing only his 431yards against Iowa State in 2005. Taylor owns the top threesingle-game passing efforts in NU history. He has 15 careergameswith200ormorepassingyards(ninein2006),including13ofthepast17games.AgainstKansas,Taylorhad the three longestpassesofhisNUcareer,a78-yardstriketoFrantzHardyandapairof75-yardtouchdownpasses,oneeach toHardyandTerrenceNunn. Inthepastninegames,TaylorhassixoftheeightlongestpassesofhisNebraskacareerandhascompleted33passesof20yardsormore,includingfiveof60yardsormore.Taylorhascompletedpassesto13differentreceivers,andthrownTDpassesto10differentHuskers.Taylorhas433careerpasscompletions,aHuskerrecord,eclipsingthe353byHumm.Taylorhas totaled2,746yardsof totaloffense in12games in2006, just28yardsshyof theNUsingleseasonrecordof2,774setbyJammalLordin14gamesin2002.Taylorhas5,358yardsoftotaloffenseinhistwo-yearcareer,just118yardsshortofsecondplaceontheHuskercareercharts.

Lastseason,TaylorshatteredseveralgameandseasonpassingrecordsinhisfirstyearaftertransferringfromButlerCountyCommunityCollegeinKansas.AmongthetopaccomplishmentsforTaylorin2005were:Taylor's2,653passingyardsestablishedanNUsingle-seasonrecord,shatteringtheprevioussingle-seasonNUrecordof2,074yardsbyHummin1972.Taylor'spassingtotalmarkedjustthefifthtimeinschoolhistoryaquarterbackhadpassedformorethan2,000yardsinasingleseason.Hehasaddedthesixth2,000-yardseasonin2006.TaylorpostedwhatwereatthetimethetwohighestpassingoutputsinNUhistorywith431yardsvs.IowaStateand392yardsatColorado.Allfiveindividual300-yardpassingdaysinNUhistoryhavecomewithBillCallahanasheadcoach,includingthreebyTaylor.Taylor threw for twoormore touchdownpasses ineight of the season’s final ninegames, includingaseason-highthreeTDpassesagainstMichiganintheAlamoBowl.Taylorsetnumerousotherschoolrecords, includingmostpassattempts(55)andcompletions(36) inagamevs.IowaState,andmostpassattempts(430)andcompletions(237)inaseason.

Taylor One of Nation’s Best at Protecting the Football Taylorranksninthnationallyinpassingefficiency.TheloftyratingisdueinlargeparttoTaylor’sabilitytoprotectthefootball,havingthrownjustfourinterceptionsin315passattemptsthisseason.Taylorhasstreaksof104,84,and83passeswithoutaninterceptionin2006. Taylorisoneofthreequarterbacksnationallywithatleast300passattemptsandfourorfewerinterceptions,joiningHouston’sKevinKolbandSyracuse’sPerryPatterson. QBs with 300+Pass Attempts, 4 or Fewer INT Quarterback, School Attempts INT KevinKolb,Houston 362 3 Zac Taylor, Nebraska 315 4 PerryPatterson,Syracuse 300 4

Three Seniors Serving as 2006 Captains AtrioofHuskerseniorswereelectedbytheirteammatesascaptainsforthe2006Huskers.QuarterbackZac Taylor, defensive endAdam Carriker and safety/special teamsstandoutBrandon Rigoni jointheprestigiouslistofthosewhohaveservedascaptainsatNebraska. Taylor, a native of Norman, Okla., set a Nebraskasingle-seasonpassingrecordasajuniorlastseason.Taylorbecomes the secondmember of his family to serveasateamcaptainincollegefootball.Hisfather,Sherwood,wasastartingdefensivebackatOklahomainthelate1970sandservedasaSoonercaptain. CarrikerwasapreseasonAll-Americaselectionbyseveralmediaoutletsafterrecording9.5sacksasajuniorlastseason.AnativeofKennewick,Wash.,CarrikeristhefirstWashingtonnativetoserveasaNebraskacaptain. RigonicontinuesthetraditionofNUcaptainsfromLincoln.The2006seasonmarksthethirdtimeinthepastfouryearsNebraskahashadahometowncaptain.AtthestartoffallcampRigoniwasawardedascholarshipforhisseniorseason.

Husker Offense Hitting Home Runs NebraskaquarterbackZacTaylorthrewthreetouchdownpassesof75yardsormoreinNebraska’svictoryoverKansas.Taylorconnectedon78and75yardscorestoFrantzHardy,inadditiontoa75-yardscoringstriketoTerrenceNunnonthegame'ssecondplay.The78-yardpassplayisthesecond-longestintheBig12thisseasonandthe75-yardersaretiedforthird.Thethreelongtouchdownstrikesinasingle-gamewereanextremelyrarefeat. ThegamemarkedthefirsttimeNebraskahadeverhadthreepassesof75yardsormoreinasinglegameinschoolhistory.Infact,beforetheKansasgameNebraskahadneverhadmorethantwopassesof75yardsormoreinaseason. Thethreelongtouchdownpasseswerethreeofjust16passplaysof75yardsormoreinNebraskahistory. ResearchindicatesthefeatbyNebraskaisafirstintheBig12Conferenceandquiterareonthenationallevel.Kentuckyalso accomplished the feat againstGeorgia in 2000, andVirginiaTechturnedthetrickagainstSyracusein2002,butnootherschoolhasindicatedtheyhavehadthreepassesof75yardsormoreinthesamegame. Nebraskanowhas25passplaysof70yardsormoreinschoolhistory,withsevenofthosecominginBillCallahan's30gamesasHuskerheadcoach. Before2006,NUhadjustthreeseasonswithtwopassplaysof70yardsormore,withtwoofthosebeing2004and2005.

Third-Down Success Key for HuskersThe Nebraska offense has ranked among the nation’s


The defensive effort on third downs has been equallyimportant. The Huskers are third in the Big 12 and 30thnationally in stopping opponent third-down conversions,witha33.0percentconversionrate.


Nebraskawins overMissouri andTexasA&M showedtheimportanceofthirddownconversions.AgainstMizzou,Nebraskaconverted11-of-17thirddownconversions,whilelimitingtheTigerstojust3-of-13.Nebraskadominatedthefirsthalfdefensively in itswinatTexasA&M, in largepartbecause of theAggies’ 0-of-5 third-down performance. Inthesecondhalf,TexasA&Mscored17pointsandconvertedon5-of-9third-downattempts.

TheHuskeroffensewillbetestedagainstOklahoma,astheSoonersranksecondintheBig12and17thnationallyinthird-downdefense.Third Down SuccessNebraskaon3rddowns Opponentson3rddownsIn Nebraska’s nine wins66-127(52.0percent) 33-121(27.2percent)In Nebraska’s three losses16-43(37.2percent) 22-44(50percent)

Taylor’s Nebraska RecordsHereisalistofsomeofthecareerandseasonNebraska records held by Husker seniorquarterbackZac Taylor.

CareerPassingYards—5,442yardsin24games (oldrecord:5,035yards)PassCompletions—433(oldrecord:353)PassAttempts—745(oldrecord:637)PassingYardsperGame—226.8ypg (oldrecord:152.6ypg)Touchdowns(tied)—43,sharedwith TommieFrazier

SeasonPassingYards—2,789 (oldrecord:2,653byTaylorin2005)PassCompletions—237byTaylorin2005 (196thisseason)PassAttempts—430byTaylorin2005 (315thisseason)PassingYardsperGame—232.4ypg (oldrecord:221.1byTaylorin2005)LowestInterceptionPercentage—1.27% (4INTin315attempts,oldrecord:1.50)Touchdowns—24(oldrecord:20)

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Jackson is Chairman of Nebraska Running Back “Committee”NebraskajuniorI-backBrandon JacksonhasbrokenoutofNebraska’sI-backpackandintheprocessemerged




AgainstMissouri,Jacksoncarriedtheball32timesfor111yardsandatouchdownandadded61receivingyards for172all-purposeyards. Inconferencegames,Jacksonranks third inall-purposeyardspergame,averaging136.4yardspergame.

Aweekpriortohiseffortinthe34-20winoverMissouri,JacksonhadastrongperformanceatOklahomaState,running21timesforacareer-high182yardsandtwotouchdowns.Jacksonhadfourcarriesof20yardsormoreinthecontest,andalsocaughtthreepassesoutofthebackfield.JacksonfinishedthemonthofOctoberwith66carriesfor430yards,anaverageof6.5yardspercarry.Hepostedhisfirsttwo100-yardrushinggameswith116yardson22carriesatIowaStateandthe182yardsatOklahomaState.Jacksonalsorushedfor92yardsatKansasStateandhad162all-purposeyardsagainstTexas,includinga49-yardtouchdownreception.The182yardsbyJacksonatOklahomaStatewerethemostbyaHuskersinceCoryRossranfor194yardsagainstMissouriin2004,aspanof24games.Jacksonpushedhiscareerrushingtotalpast1,000yardsatOklahomaState,becomingthe55thHuskertoeclipse1,000careerrushingyards.Hecurrentlyhas1,323careeryards,39thonNU’scareerchart.Jacksonhastotaledateam-high881on168carrieswithsevenrushingtouchdowns.Jacksonneeds119yardsinNebraska’sfinaltwogamestorecordthe28th,1,000-yardrushingseasoninschoolhistory.Jacksonalsohas26receptionsfor291yardsandtwotouchdownsoutofthebackfield. Jackson hadastandoutfreshmanyearin2004whenherushedfor390yards,butwasslowedbyinjurylastseason,andcarriedthefootballjust18times.

husker i-Back “Committee” Continuing to distribute the FootballEnteringthe2006seasonbothHeadCoachBillCallahanandrunningbackscoachRandyJordanregularly

indicatedNebraskawouldutilizethetalentsofallfourofitsI-backsandoperatewithuseofa“committee.”AlthoughBrandon Jacksonhasreceivedthemajorityofthecarriesinrecentweeks,allofthebackscontinuetoproduceintheHuskeroffense.



The four250-yard-plus rushingeffortsareallamong the topseven inBillCallahan’s threeseasons. In2005,Nebraskaaveragedlessthan100yardsontheground,anditstoprushingeffortwas182yardsatBaylor.Nebraskahasproducedeightrushingeffortsofmorethan182yardsin2006.Additionally,Nebraskahas26rushingtouchdownsin2006.Ayearago,Nebraskarushedfor10touchdowns.

InadditiontoJackson,threeotherbackshaveplayedalargeroleinNebraska’sgroundgame.SophomoreMarlon Lucky, anativeofNorthHollywood,Calif.,startedthefirstfivegamesandhas640rushingyardson116carries.Luckyproducedhisfirstcareer100-yardrushinggameagainstNichollsStatewith18carriesfor103yardsandatouchdown,thenhadacareer-best156yardsonjust10carriesagainstTroy.Luckyhadthreetouchdownrunsofatleast34yardsagainsttheTrojans,andearnedBig12OffensivePlayer-of-the-Weekhonors.The15.6yardsper-carryaveragewasthebestforaHuskerwithatleast10carriesinagamesinceDamonBenningregistered173yardson10carriesagainstPacificin1995. LuckyaddedhisfourthTDrunoflongerthan34yardswitha40-yardscamperatKansasState,andhassixrushingtouchdowns.Luckyalsohas24catchesfor272yardsoutofthebackfield,andhadatleastonecatchinthefirst11games,includingacareer-highfouragainstMissouriandTexasA&M.Hehad46yardsreceivingagainstMissouriandacareer-high56againstTexasA&M,includingacareer-long42-yardreception.Luckyhad136all-purposeyardsinthewinovertheAggies,andhas1,025all-purposeyardsthisseason. SophomoreCody GlennisNebraska’spowerback,butshowedhiscompleteabilityagainstIowaState.The6-0,230-poundGlennsetcareerhighswith19carries for148yardsandtwotouchdownsagainst theCyclones,includingthethreelongestrunsofhiscareer.Glenn’spreviouscareerrushinghighwasateam-high88yardsintheopeneragainstLouisianaTech.

Charting the Husker Backs in 2006Game Lucky Glenn Jackson Wilson TotalLT 13-79-1 13-88-1 3-36-1 15-47-0 44-250-3NSU 18-103-1 11-47-2 7-29-0 9-79-1 45-258-4USC 10-27-0 0-0-0 2-1-0 19-46-0 31-74-0Troy 10-156-3 INJ 11-60-1 19-106-2 40-322-6KU 13-40-0 7-33-1 4-28-0 4-33-0 28-134-1ISU 0-0-0 19-148-222-116-1 0-0-0 41-264-3KSU 12-71-1 10-22-0 16-92-0 0-0-0 38-185-1UT 3-5-0 4-6-0 7-40-0 2-(-1)-0 16-50-0OSU 9-42-0 1-1-0 21-182-2 1-3-0 32-228-2MU 12-44-0 DNP 32-111-1 DNP 44-155-1A&M 12-52-1 6-25-2 9-44-0 2-8-0 29-129-2CU 4-21-0 INJ 34-142-1 3-16-1 41-179-2Totals 116-640-6 71-370-6 168-881-7 74-337-4 429-2,228-25Avg. Carries per game:35.8Avg. yards per game:185.7;Avg. per carry:5.2Receiving: Lucky24-272-0;Jackson26-291-2

Husker 100-Yard Rushing Games in 2006BrandonJackson,182yardsatOSU(21carries,2TDs)MarlonLucky,156yardsvs.Troy(10carries,3TDs)CodyGlenn,148yardsatIowaState(19carries,2TDs)BrandonJackson,142yardsvs.Colorado(34carries,TD)BrandonJackson,116yardsatIowaState(22carries,TD)BrandonJackson,111yardsvs.Missouri(32carries,TD)KennyWilson,106yardsvs.Troy(19carries,2TDs)MarlonLucky,103yardsvs.NichollsState(18carries,TD)

Did you Know?Nebraska’swinoverTroymarkedonlythefourthtimein

schoolhistoryNebraskahashadtwo100-yardrushersanda100-yardreceiverinthesamegame.Marlon Lucky(156)andKenny Wilson(106)providedtherushingoutput,whileTerrence Nunn(102)toppedthecenturymarkinreceiving.Thepreviousthreetimesthishasoccurredwere:1995 vs. Arizona St.:ClintonChilds(143rushing),DamonBenning(111rushing),ClesterJohnson(129receiving)1985 vs. Kansas: Tom Rathman (159 rushing), DougDuBose(109rushing),VonSheppard(129receiving)1983 vs. Minnesota:MikeRozier(196rushing),TurnerGill(100rushing),IrvingFryar(138receiving)

Saturday Night Lights Nebraska’sgamewithTexasonOct.21endedastreakoffivestraightnightgamesforthe2006Huskers,thelongestinschoolhistory.TheOct.14winatKansasStateconcludedastreakofprime-timegames that also includedmatchupsagainstUSC(ABC),Troy(FSNPPV),Kansas(FSN)andIowaState(ABC). Nebraska’spreviousrecordforconsecutivenightgameswasfourstraighttoopenthe2002season.ThemostnightgamesNebraskahasplayedinaseasonissix.Nebraskawilltiethatmarkthisweekendwithitsprime-timeappearanceintheBig12ChampionshipGame. NebraskahasmadethemostofitsnightappearancesatMemorialStadiumpostinga24-2all-timerecordatnightinLincoln.NU’slonesetbacksweretoapairoftop10teams–No.4Washingtonin1991andseventh-rankedTexasin2002. TheHuskers’dominanceatnighthasbeenimpressive,as21ofthe24homenightwinshavebeenby13pointsormore,includinga56-0shutoutofTroyonSept.23.

NU Renews Homecoming Winning Tradition Nebraska’s 34-20 victory over Missouri resumedNebraska’sHomecomingsuccess.TheHuskershavewon37 of their last 38 Homecoming games, dropping only a34-31decisiontoTexasTechlastseason.TheHuskersare72-20-4all-timeonHomecomingandhavewon17oftheirlast21Homecomingcontestsby17pointsormore.Nebraskais12-5-1all-timeagainstMissourionHomecoming.

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Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13–Big 12 ChampionshipGlennleadstheteamwitheightrushingtouchdowns,themostbyaHuskersince2003,andthemostbyaNebraska running back sinceDahrranDiedrick had16 in 2001.Glennhas two touchdownseachagainstNichollsState,IowaStateandTexasA&Mandscoredthegame-winningTDinovertimeagainstKansas.Hehas71carriesfor340yards.JuniorKenny Wilson joinedtheHuskersasahighlytoutedjuniorcollegeprospect.Wilsonhas74carriesfor337yardsandfourtouchdowns.Hehadhisfirstcareer100-yardgamewith106yardson19carriesagainstTroy.

InNebraska’swinatIowaState,GlennandJacksonproducedNebraska’sseconddouble100-yardeffortinthreeweeks.The100-yardrushingeffortsmarkedthefirsttimeaNebraskarunningbackhadtoppedthecenturymark inaBig12gamesinceCoryRossatOklahomain2004.Itwasthefirst timesincethe2003contestatMissourithatNebraskahadapairof100-yardrushersinthesameconferencegame.


Purify emerging as a Game-Changing Receiver JuniorMaurice Purify arrivedatNebraskawithallthephysicaltoolstobeago-to-receiverfortheHuskers.The6-4,210-pounderhasbecomejustthatduringconferenceplay,rankingamongtheBig12’smostdangerousreceivingoptions. Purify has establishedhimself as a candidate for all-leaguehonorswith a strongperformanceduring conferenceplay.TheEureka,Calif.,nativehas30receptionsforateam-high584yards(19.5ypr)thisseason,andleadstheteamwithseventouchdownreceptions.PurifyhassteppeduphisplaysincethestartofBig12action,totaling25catchesfor450yards,includingacareer-highsixcatchesatOklahomaStateandfour-receptioneffortsagainstKansasandKansasState. Purifyregisteredhismostmemorablecatchof theseasonatTexasA&M,snaringanine-yardtouchdownpasswith21secondsremaining to give theHuskers a 28-27 victory.The touchdowncatchwashissixthinBig12Conferenceplay.Hehascaughtatleastonetouchdownpassinfourofthepastfivegames. After aTD catch againstNicholls State, Purify had a 27-yardtouchdownreceptionwiththreesecondsleftinthefirsthalfatIowaState,givingNUa21-7edge.HeaddedhissecondTDinconferenceplayonacareer-long63-yardTDcatchagainstTexas, thenaddedTDcatchesof22and5yardsinNebraska’slossatOklahomaState.Henabbedhissixthtouchdownoftheseasononaleapingseven-yardgrabinthesecondquarteragainstMissouri,beforehiscatchatA&M. Purifyhas13receptionsof20yardsorlonger,includingfourtouchdowngrabs.Purifyhaspickedupafirstdownortouchdownon26ofhis30receptionsin2006. AlsoabasketballstandoutatSanFranciscoCityCollege,Purifyshowedhisall-aroundskillsagainstMissouri.Inthefirstquarter,Purifyloftedaperfect28-yardtouchdownpasstoTerrenceNunninthebackoftheendzoneonareversepass,givingNUa10-0lead.InBig12gamesonly,Purify’ssixtouchdownreceptionsarefifthintheconference.Purify’sseventouchdownreceptionsaretiedforfifthontheNUsingle-seasoncharts.

Veteran Receiving Tandem Posting Another Strong SeasonInadditiontoPurify,quarterbackZacTaylor’sfavoritewideouttargetsareTerrence Nunn andNate Swift–a



Both players are quicklymoving up the career passreceptions list.Nunnhad fourcatchesagainstColorado topushhiscareertotalto96receptions,secondontheall-timeNUlist,threeaheadofMattDavison.Swift,onlyasophomore,movedintothetop20onthelistrecentlyandhis63careercatchesaretiedfor13thonthecareerlist.

Nunn’s top two yardage outputs were 102 yards onfour catchesagainstTroyand98 yardson three catches,includingacareer-long75-yardtouchdown,againstKansas.HehasaddedtouchdownsagainstMissouriandColorado,andhas1,265careerreceivingyards,goodforthirdontheNUcharts.

Four Backs Making Push for 500-Yard ClubBrandonJackson’semergencehaslessenedthechance

of four backs reaching the 500-yard mark, however thatdoesremainapossibility.AllfouroftheNebraskabacksarewithin163yardsofcrackingthe500-yardbarrier.BrandonJackson(881)andMarlonLucky(640)havealreadytoppedthe500-yardmark.

Nebraska has long been one of college football’sdominant rushing teams, winning 15NCAA team rushingtitles.Despitethatrushingprowess,theHuskershavehadjustoneseasonintheirhistorywithfourbackstoppingthe500-yardbarrier.

In1979fourHuskershadbetween544and1,110yards,including...Junior I-back Jarvis Redwine (1,100 yards), senior I-backI.M. Hipp (585yards),juniorfullbackAndra Franklin (583yards)andjuniorI-backCraig Johnson (544yards).Behind their combined rushing efforts, Nebraska rankedthirdnationallyaveraging345.1yardspergame. In 1982,Nebraska nearly duplicated the featwith fourplayers rushing for 497 yards or more, including I-backsMike Rozier, Roger Craig andJeff Smith andquarterbackTurner Gill.

Nebraska Season ReceptionsPlayer, Year Receptions1.JohnnyRodgers,1972 552.JohnnyRodgers,1971 533. Nate Swift, 2005 454. Terrence Nunn, 2005 43 CoryRoss,2005 436.JeffKinney,1969 417.IrvingFryar,1983 408.BobRevelle,1972 389. Terrence Nunn, 2006 37 WilsonThomas,2001 37

Nebraska Career ReceptionsPlayer, Years Receptions1.JohnnyRodgers,1970-72 1432. Terrence Nunn, 2004-present 963.MattDavison,1997-2000 934.JeffKinney,1969-71 845.GuyIngles,1968-70 746.TimSmith,1977-79 727.CoryRoss,2002-05 718.WilsonThomas,1999-2002 689.IrvingFryar,1981-83 6710.TomPenney,1966-68 6611.ToddBrown,1980-82 65 Matt Herian, 2002-present 6513.RossPilkington,2002-04 63 Nate Swift, 2005-present 6315.AbdulMuhammad,1991-94 61 JerryList,1970-72 61 DennisRichnafsky,1965-67 6118.TraceyWistrom,1998-2001 5819.BobbyThomas,1974-76 56 ChuckMalito,1974-76 56

Nebraska Career Receiving YardsPlayer, Years Yards1.JohnnyRodgers,1970-72 2,4792.MattDavison,1997-2000 1,4563. Terrence Nunn, 2004-present 1,2654. Matt Herian, 2002-present 1,243 4.IrvingFryar,1981-83 1,1966.GuyIngles,1968-70 1,1577.TraceyWistrom,1998-2001 1,1508.ToddBrown,1980-82 1,0929.TimSmith,1977-79 1,08910.BobbyThomas,1974-76 1,083 JonBostick,1989-91 1,083

Consecutive Games with a ReceptionJuniorTerrence Nunn hascaughtapassin25straightgamesenteringtheBig12titlegame.The25-gamestreakisthesecond-longestinschoolhistory.Here'salookatthelongeststreaksinschoolhistory.Player Years GamesJohnnyRodgers 1970-72 37*Terrence Nunn 2004-present 25JuniorMiller 1977-79 20MattDavison 1998-99 20*–Rodgers caught a pass in every game of hisNebraskacareer.

Maurice Purify Game-by-Game Game Rec. Yds. Avg. TD LongLa. Tech 1 28 28.0 0 28Nicholls 2 61 30.5 1 42USC 0 0 0 0 0Troy 2 45 22.5 0 30Kansas 4 91 22.8 0 36Iowa State 2 35 17.5 1 27Kansas St. 4 73 18.3 0 32Texas 2 84 42.0 1 63Okla. St. 6 65 10.8 2 22Missouri 2 25 12.5 1 18Texas A&M 2 30 15.0 1 21Colorado 3 51 17.0 0 31Totals 30 584 19.5 7 63

NU Single-Season TD Receptions Player, Year TD Catches 1. JohnnyRodgers,1971 11 2. JohnnyRodgers,1972 8 FrostyAnderson,1973 8 IrvingFryar,1983 85. Maurice Purify, 2006 7 Terrence Nunn, 2005 7 Nate Swift, 2005 7 fiveotherstiedat 7

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NeBRASkA FOOTBAll NOTABleS Fivenationalchampionships (1970,1971,1994,1995,1997) 43conferencechampionships ThreeHeismantrophies,eightOutlandtrophies, fourLombardiawards 106All-Americans Nation-leading85academicAll-Americans NCAA-record282consecutiveselloutsin MemorialStadium 803all-timevictories–fourthinNCAA 43all-timebowlappearances–fifthinNCAA 127-13homerecordinlast20seasons(since1986)

NU Streaks...The Huskers have...won96straightwhenrushingfor400yards won120consecutivegameswhenholding theopponentto10orfewerpoints(227-5-1all-time)scoredin137consecutivegamesscoredin248straighthomegamesshutoutopponents103times

Husker Records ReportCategory ............................................................. RecordAll-time......................................................... 803-324-40 Home....................................................... 483-130-20 MemorialStadium............................ 358-107-13 Since1962................................................ 437-101-5 Away........................................................ 320-193-20 Road(oncampus)............................ 281-156-17 NeutralSites(includesbowls)................ 39-37-3WhenScoring35+Points....................................... 314-2vs.Big12Teams........................................... 457-162-16 InBig12Action(since‘96)............................... 64-27 Home........................................................... 36-8 Away.......................................................... 25-18 Neutral........................................................... 3-1Bowls...................................................................... 22-21OnABC.................................................................. 83-39OnFieldTurf............................................................ 51-14InOvertime................................................................. 5-0AtNight............................................................... 65-21-3vs.RankedTeams...All-Time............................................................. 93-101-3 Home............................................................. 43-34-0 Away.............................................................. 29-52-3 Neutral........................................................... 21-15-0 asNo.1Team................................................. 46-7-1In282ConsecutiveSelloutStreak...Overall ................................................................ 248-34 vs.RankedTeams............................................ 39-21

NU Continues OT Mastery in Win over KansasNebraskausedovertime towin itsBig 12Conference

openerforthesecondstraightyeardefeatingKansas,39-32,onSept.30 inLincoln.Thevictory improvedNebraska to5-0all-timeinovertimecontests,andcontinuedremarkablesuccessfortheHuskersinextrasessions.NebraskaandMichiganaretheonlyteamswithatleastfiveovertimevictoriestohaveperfectrecordsinextraplay.Michiganisalso5-0.InadditiontowinsoverIowaStateandKansasthepasttwo seasons, Nebraska also defeated Missouri (1997),Colorado (1999) and Notre Dame (2000) on the road inovertime.Nebraskahasscoredtouchdownsonallsixofitsovertimepossessions,whileallowingjustonetouchdowninovertimeplay(ISUlastseasoninfirstovertime).

In2005,SwiftandNunnwerethemostproductivesingle-seasonpasscatchingduoinNebraskahistory.Swiftdidnotcatchapassinthefirstthreegamesof2005,butexplodedatthestartofconferenceplay.HehadfivereceptionsagainstIowaState,thenhadconsecutivenine-receptioneffortsagainstMissouriandOklahoma.Hefinishedtheyearwith45receptionsfor641yardsandseventouchdowns,allHuskerfreshmanrecords.His45catcheswerethemostbyaplayerin33seasonsandthethird-mosteverbyaHusker.Swifthadcaughtatleasttwopassesin10straightgamesbeforebeingheldwithoutcatchesbyNichollsStateandUSC.Nunncaughtat leastonepassinall12gamesofhissophomoreseasonin2005, includingninegameswiththreeormorereceptions.EnteringtheBig12Championshipgamehehascaughtatleastonepassin25straightgames,thesecond-longeststreakinNebraskahistory.ThelasttimeNunndidnothaveareceptionwasduringhisfreshmanseasonatOklahoma.LikeSwift,NunnalsocaughtseventouchdownpassesfromTaylorin2005,includingapairofTDreceptionsintheAlamoBowl.Overall,Nunnhad43catchestotieforfourthontheNUsingle-seasonreceptionslistwithformerteammateCoryRoss.The2005seasonmarkedthefirsttimeinschoolhistoryNebraskahadthreeplayerswith40ormorecatchesinasingleseason.

effective Tight end Corps Gives Passing Game Another dimensionSeniortightendMatt Herian hasmadeahealthyreturntothefieldin2006.The6-5,245-poundHerianmissed



HehadfourreceptionsagainstNichollsState,andhistwocatchesatIowaStatemovedhimpastJerryList’s61catchesfrom1968to1970.Herian’sreceptionstotalof65istiedfor11th-bestamongallHuskers,andjustonecatchfromthetop10.Herianistheleaderofagroupoffourtightendswhohavemadetheirpresencefeltin2006.FollowingHerian’sfirst-quartertouchdowncatchintheopeneragainstLouisianaTech,threeofhistightendteammatesgotintotheactinthesecondhalfasjuniorsJ.B. PhillipsandJosh Mueller,andsophomoreHunter Teafatillerallreachedtheendzone.

Thetightendoutburstwasquitenotable...ThefourtouchdownsagainstLouisianaTechtiedaNebraskasingle-gamerecordfortouchdownsbyatightend(also4atMissouriin1987).Thegamemarkedthefirsttimeinschoolhistoryfourdifferenttightendscaughttouchdownpasses.NebraskatightendsdidnothaveaTDcatchin2005.TheprevioustouchdowncatchbyaHuskertightendwasbyHerianinthesecondgameofthe2004seasonagainstSouthernMiss.Thefourtightendscombinedforeightreceptionsfor108yardsandfourtouchdownsintheopenerandhave33 catches for 315 yardsandnine touchdowns in 2006.AtKansasState,Teafatiller (17 yards) andMueller(3yards)eachhada touchdowngrab,givingeachofNU’s four tightendstwotouchdowncatchesthisseason.TeafatilleraddedhisthirdtouchdownoftheseasonagainstMissouri,a17-yarderinthesecondquarter.Teafatillerhasscoredatouchdownonthreeofhisfourcareerreceptions.

Senior Bookends Carriker, Moore leading 2006 Blackshirt defense Nebraskaledthenationinsacksandtacklesforlossin2005,registering50sacksand140tacklesforloss.ThatefforthelpedtheHuskersfinishinthetop30nationallyintotaldefense,rushingdefense,scoringdefenseandpassefficiencydefense.

The leaders ofNebraska’s sackattackare dominantsenior defensive endsAdam Carriker andJay Moore,whosetthetonefor2006byeachrecordingfirst-quartersacksagainstLouisianaTech.


Carrikerhasplayedhisbest footballof theseason inrecentweeks, beginningwith a strong performance atOklahomaState.CarrikerhasfivesacksinthepastfourgamesandleadsNebraskawithsixsacksthisseasonand15tacklesforloss.

CarrikerdominatedthefirsthalfatOklahomaState.Hefinishedthegamewithsixtackles,threetacklesfor loss(16yards),apairofsacksfor10yards,apassbreakup,ablockedextrapointandaquarterbackhurry.

Adam Carriker Game-by-Game Game UT AT TT Sacks TFL QBHLa. Tech 1 2 3 1-7 2-7 2Nicholls 2 4 6 0-0 1-1 0USC 0 2 2 0-0 0-0 0Troy 2 1 3 0-0 1-3 2Kansas 3 5 8 0-0 3-3 1Iowa State 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 2Kansas St. 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 3Texas 2 3 5 0-0 0-0 1Okla. St. 5 1 6 2-10 3-16 1Missouri 2 0 2 0-0 0-0 0Texas A&M 1 5 6 1-1 2-3 0Colorado 3 4 7 2-18 3-19 0Totals 21 27 48 6-36 15-52 12

Jay Moore Game-by-Game Game UT AT TT Sacks TFL QBHLa. Tech 2 0 2 1-10 2-12 1Nicholls 2 2 4 0-0 1-4 1USC 1 0 1 0-0 0-0 1Troy 1 0 1 1-6 1-6 0Kansas 1 4 5 0-0 0-0 0Iowa State 2 3 5 0-0 1-3 0Kansas St. 2 0 2 1-13 1-13 1Texas 2 2 4 1-4 3-8 1Okla. St. 1 1 2 0-0 1-1 0Missouri 3 3 6 0-0 3-8 1Texas A&M 1 2 3 0-0 1-1 0Colorado 0 1 1 0-0 0-0 0Totals 18 18 36 4-33 14-56 6

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BlACkShiRTS By The NuMBeRS2006 Sacks Game-by-Game Game Sacks Yds. TFL YardsLa. Tech 2 17 4 20Nicholls 0 0 6 17USC 1 7 4 11Troy 4 36 11 58Kansas 0 0 8 12Iowa State 1 9 6 23Kansas St. 4 35 10 51Texas 3 19 8 27Okla. St. 2 10 4 18Missouri 1 13 4 22Texas A&M 3 14 7 27Colorado 4 40 5 41Total 25 200 77 327

2006 Husker Takeaways Game Fumb. INT TotalLa. Tech 2 1 3Nicholls 3 0 3USC 0 0 0Troy 2 1 3Kansas 1 3 4Iowa State 0 1 1Kansas St.0 2 2Texas 1 0 1Okla. St. 1 1 2Missouri 1 2 3Texas A&M 0 0 0Colorado 0 0 0Totals 11 10 21

2006 Blackshirts Against the PassGame Passes Yds. TD Long SacksLa. Tech 32-13-1 238 1 56 2-17Nicholls 3-0-0 0 0 0 0-0USC 37-25-0 257 3 21 1-7Troy 24-15-1 92 0 25 4-36Kansas 54-27-3 405 2 46 0-0Iowa St. 39-18-1 262 1 29 1-9K-State 47-23-2 272 0 30 4-35Texas 40-25-0 220 2 55 3-19Okla. St. 21-13-1 229 2 55 2-10Missouri 38-20-2 244 2 49 1-13Tx. A&M 19-32-0 288 0 47 3-14Colorado 11-23-0 131 1 31 4-40Yards per Game–219.8;Yards per Attempt–6.8Pass Efficiency Defense Rating–116.61

2006 Blackshirts Against the RunGame Att. Yds. TD LongLa. Tech 21 67 0 19Nicholls 47 187 1 49USC 31 142 1 26Troy 27 48 0 17Kansas 40 169 2 41Iowa St. 24 53 1 17K-State 18 22 0 38Texas 34 128 0 27Okla. St. 41 267 3 56Missouri 32 119 0 24Tx. A&M 27 155 3 57Colorado 31 166 1 45Yards per Game–126.9Yards per Attempt–4.1





InadditiontoMooreandCarriker,Nebraskahasothersackthreats.SeniorseniornosetackleOla Dagundurohas3.5sackstorankthirdontheteamalongwithredshirtfreshmandefensivetackleNdamukong Suh whoalso3.5sacksfor37yards.Dagunduro,SuhandseniordefensivetackleBarry Cryer aretiedforthirdontheteamwitheighttacklesforloss.

Veteran linebacking Corps Tackling OpponentsInadditiontoastrongfrontfouranchoredbyMooreandCarriker,


TheHuskersfeaturedreturningstartersatallthreelinebackerspotsfor2006–seniorSamlinebackerStewart Bradley, juniorMikelinebackerCorey McKeon andjuniorWilllinebackerBo Ruud. Thetriohad99,98and97careertackles,respectively,entering2006,andhavestartedacombined72gamesintheircareer.

Thethreeplayersarecontinuing torackup impressive tacklenumbersin2006,rankingasthreeofNebraska’stopfivetacklers.Bradleypostedhisthirdcareerdouble-figuretacklegame

witha team-high10stopsatKansasState,matchinghis totalatUSCfourweeksearlier.Bradleyhasforcedapairoffumbles(USC,Texas)andhasateam-leadingthreefumblerecoveries(2vs.NichollsState,OklahomaState).The6-4,250-poundBradleyleadstheteamwith67tackles,includingfivetacklesforloss.McKeonburstontothescenelastyearwithateam-leading

98 tackles, including 22 tackles for loss, the second-most inNebraskahistory.Afteropeningwithapairoffour-tackleefforts,McKeonhadninetackleseachagainstUSCandKansasandisfifthontheteamwith55tackles,whilealsoforcingandrecoveringafumble.McKeonhasbeenslowedbyanankleinjuryinrecentweeksandmissedtheMissourigame,butreturnedtothestartinglineupagainstTexasA&M.Ruud had a season-high nine tackles at USC and Iowa

StateandaddedeightstopsagainstTexas.Heranksfourthonthe teamwith60 tackles, includingseven tackles for lossandsacksagainstMissouriandTexas.

RuudhadoneofthebestgamesofhiscareeragainstMissouri,leadingtheteamwithseventackles, includinga13-yardsack.Healsointerceptedhissecondpassoftheseason(thirdcareer)andforcedandrecoveredafumble.Hehasnowforcedateam-high three fumbles this season. Ruud’s performance againstMissouriearnedhimBig12Player-of-the-Weekhonors for thesecondtimeinhiscareer(2005vs.Maine).

Bradleybroke into the top50onNebraska’scareer tackleslistatOklahomaState,andRuudmadethelistagainstMissouri,andMcKeoncrackedthechartagainstColorado.

Juniors Steve Octavien and Lance Brandenburgh giveNebraska five linebackers with significant game experience.Octavienmissed four straight games before returning againstTexas,andherespondedwithacareer-high10tackles,includingtwotacklesforloss.Brandenburghhas38tacklesthisseason,andstartedinplaceoftheinjuredMcKeonagainstMissouri.

NU ‘Backers Game-by-GameStewart BradleyGame UT AT TT Sacks TFLLa. Tech 2 1 3 0-0 0-0Nicholls 2 2 4 0-0 0-0USC 3 7 10 0-0 1-1Troy 1 3 4 0-0 1-8Kansas 5 3 8 0-0 1-1Iowa State 3 2 5 0-0 0-0Kansas St.6 4 10 0-0 1-2Texas 6 1 7 0-0 0-0Okla. St. 3 1 4 0-0 0-0Missouri 0 2 2 0-0 0-0Texas A&M 3 4 7 0-0 1-1Colorado 1 2 3 0-0 0-0Totals 35 32 67 0-0 5-13*-Threefumblerecoveries(NULBrecord2vs.NichollsSt.)

Corey McKeonGame UT AT TT Sacks TFLLa. Tech 2 2 4 0-0 0-0Nicholls 3 1 4 0-0 1-2USC 4 5 9 0-0 0-0Troy 1 3 4 0-0 0-0Kansas 3 6 9 0-0 0-0Iowa State 4 2 6 0-0 1-4Kansas St. 1 0 1 0-0 0-0Texas 1 1 2 0-0 0-0Okla. St. 3 1 4 0-0 0-0Missouri Injured-DidNotPlayTexas A&M 0 6 6 0-0 2-3Colorado 4 2 6 1-15 2-15Totals 26 29 55 1-15 6-24

Bo RuudGame UT AT TT Sacks TFLLa. Tech 0 0 0 0-0 0-0Nicholls 1 4 5 0-0 0-0USC 4 5 9 0-0 0-0Troy 2 2 4 0-0 0-0Kansas 2 4 6 0-0 1-1Iowa State 4 5 9 0-0 2-4Kansas St. 2 1 3 0-0 1-3Texas 7 1 8 1-10 2-10Okla. St. 2 0 2 0-0 0-0Missouri 5 2 7 1-13 1-13Texas A&M 3 3 6 0-0 0-0Colorado 0 1 1 0-0 0-0Totals 29 25 54 2-23 7-31*-TwoINTs,threefumblescaused(NULBrecord2vs.NichollsSt.)

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Callahan's huskers Continue to Perform in ClassroomNebraskahascontinueditstraditionofexcellenceintheclassroomunderHeadCoachBillCallahan.In2005,

Kurt Mannand Dane ToddwerethelatestHuskerstoearnCoSIDAfirst-teamacademicAll-Americahonors.Mann,atwo-yearstarteratcenter,carrieda3.97grade-pointaverageinmechanizedsystemsmanagement



Huskers Lead Big 12 in First-Team Academic All-Conference Selections Aconference-leading15Nebraskafootballplayerswerenamedfirst-teamAcademicAll-Big12,theleagueofficeannouncedlastweek.Overall,22Huskersreceivedeitherfirst-orsecond-teamrecognitionbytheBig12. LeadingthewayforNebraskawasseniorfullbackDane Todd,whowasoneoftwoplayershonoredforhavingacumulative4.0grade-pointaverage.ToddisastrongcandidatetobenamedanAcademicAll-Americanforthesecondconsecutiveyearlaterthismonth. ToddisoneoffiveHuskerswhowerenamedfirst-teamAcademicAll-Big12forthethirdtimeintheircareers.AlsonamedtothefirstteamforthethirdtimewereseniorcenterKurt Mann,seniorfreesafetyBrandon Rigoni,seniorfreesafetyAndrew ShanleandjuniortightendJ.B. Phillips.Makingtheirsecondcareerappearanceon theacademicsquadwere junior linebackerLance Brandenburghandsophomorewide receiverTodd Peterson. Todd Leads Four Huskers Receiving Academic All-District Honors ToddwasnamedtotheESPNtheMagazineAcademicAll-DistrictVIIfirstteamonThursday,Nov.9,placinghimontheballotforAcademicAll-Americahonors.VotingforAcademicAll-AmericawilloccurattheendofNovemberwiththeteamannouncedinearlyDecember. ThreeotherHuskerswerenamedtothesecond-teamAcademicAll-DistrictVIIteam.ThosseplayersincludedjuniortightendJ.B. Phillips (3.73GPA,marketing), whowasselectedtothesecond-teamall-districtteamforthesecondstraightyear,sophomoreoffensiveguardAndy Christensen (3.56GPA,constructionmanagement)andseniorsafetyBrandon Rigoni (3.79GPA,psychology). Four Husker Seniors Playing 2006 Season as Graduate Students KurtMannandDaneToddareamongagroupoffourHuskerseniorswhoareplayingthe2006seasonasgraduatestudents.SeniorsafetyAndrewShanleandseniorcornerbackIsaiahFluellenalsopickeduptheirdegreesduringUNL’sspringcommencementceremonies,completingtheirundergraduateworkinfouryears. Thefourplayerswillhavealotofcompanybythetimebowlseasonrollsaround.AmongNebraska’s18-memberseniorclass,12playersarescheduledtoearntheirdegreesbytheconclusionofthefallsemester.Inaddition,juniortightendJ.B.PhillipswillcompletehisdegreeworkinDecember,pickinguphisdegreein31/2years. Nebraska Continues to Lead Big 12 in Exhausted Eligibility Graduation Rate TheUniversity of Nebraska is the Big 12 leader in exhausted eligibility graduation rates for the fourthconsecutiveyear.Nebraskaboastsanimpressive94percentrate,apercentagepointhigherthanlastyear’smarkof93percent.Theexhaustedeligibilityratesurveysthegraduationrateofscholarshipstudent-athletesin10incomingfreshmanclasseswhocompletetheireligibilityattheUniversity.Nebraska’sexhaustedeligibilityratehasincreasedfrom87to94percentinthepastsixyearsandhasimproved22percentagepointssincetheinceptionoftheratein1991-92. Thecurrentexhaustedeligibilityrateincludesmembersofincomingclassesfrom1990-91through1999-2000.Duringthattime,424of453Nebraskascholarshipstudent-athleteswhocompletedtheireligibilityearnedtheirundergraduatedegree. Nebraska’s94percentrateisthreepointshigherthanBaylor,whichwassecondintheconferenceat91percent.Thenationalaverageforexhaustedeligibilityis85percentforDivisionIschools. Nebraska Leads Big 12 Conference in 2006 Graduation Success Rate Report NebraskatoppedtheBig12andrankedamongthenationalleadersintheGraduationSuccessRateforfootballasreleasedbytheNCAAinlateSeptember.Nebraska’s88percentGSRwastopsintheBig12Conferenceandwellaheadofthenationalaverageof65percent.AmongteamsrankedintheAssociatedPressPolltheweekofSept.24,Nebraska’sGSRscorewassecondonlytoNotreDame,andtheHuskerswereoneofjustthreeprogramswithaGSRbetterthan80percent.


Todd Named to AFCA Good Works Team; Finalist for Wuerffel Trophy NebraskaseniorfullbackDane Toddwasoneofjust11DivisionI-AplayersnamedonSept.13tothe2006AmericanFootballCoachesAssociationGoodWorksTeam®. Toddisthenation-leading11thHuskertoreceivethehonorsincetheteam'sinceptionin1992. ToddhasvolunteeredhistimewithAmericanEducationWeek,"SchoolisCool"Week,theDadsofKidswithDisabilities,theUNLShadowingProgram,SafeQuartersFriendshipHomeFundDrive,HuskerHauntedHoops,BreakfastofChampions,NebraskaDanceMarathonforChildren’sMiracleNetwork,andtheRelayforLifeandHealthyKidsDay. Thetwo11-manteams,aDivisionI-AteamandacombinedteamfromDivisionsI-AA,II,IIIandtheNAIA,honorplayersfortheirdedicationandcommitmenttocommunityservice.NominationsaresubmittedtotheAFCAbythecollegesportsinformationdepartments. A graduate student who completed his undergraduateworkwitha4.0grade-pointaverage,ToddwasalsorecentlynominatedforaNationalFootballFoundationPostgraduateScholarship. Toddhasalsobeennamedasoneof11finalistsforthe2006 Wuerffel Trophy. The award is named after formerFloridaHeismanTrophywinningquarterbackDannyWuerffelandispresentedtotheplayerwhobestcombinesexemplarycommunityservicewithathleticandacademicachievement. ThismarksthesecondstraightyearthatToddhasbeennamedafinalistfortheaward.ThewinnerwillbeannouncedinearlyDecember.

NU Extends Run of Success in Season Openers Nebraskaextendedthenation’slongestwinningstreakinseasonopenerswithits49-10victoryoverLouisianaTechonSept.2.TheHuskershavenowbeenonthewinningendineachoftheirlast21seasonopeners,datingbacktoa17-13losstoFloridaStatein1985. LouisianaTechisthesecondteam(alsoUtahState)totwicebeavictiminNebraska’sseason-openingwinstreak.NebraskaalsodefeatedtheBulldogsinthe1998opener. Thisyearmarkedoneof14timesinthepast21yearsNebraskahasscored40ormorepointsinaseasonopener.Inthatsameperiod,theHuskershavelimitedtheoppositionto14pointsorless14times. TheHuskers’21-gamewinstreakinseasonopenersisfourbetterthanthe17straightseason-openingwinsbybothKansasStateandFlorida.TheHuskershavewoneachoftheirlast21seasonopenersby10ormorepoints,andownan86-26-5all-timerecordinseasonopeners. Since1973,NUis29-4-1inseasonopeners, including24-2atMemorialStadium,withlossesonlytoFloridaState(1985)andWashingtonState(1977).Inall-timehomeopen-ersNUis95-17-5,including67-14-3atMemorialStadium.TheHuskersare31-2intheirlast33homeopeners.

Nebraska Looks to Add to All-America Tradition in 2006 InadditiontopacingallDivisionIschoolsinacademicAll-Americans,Nebraskaownsalongtraditionofbeingamongthenation’sleadersinAll-Americansonthefield.Nebraska’smost recent first-teamAll-Americanscame in2003,whenpunterKyleLarsonandfreesafetyJoshBullockswereeachpicked as first-teamAll-Americans. Larson andBullocksadded toNebraska’s long list ofAll-Americans, beginningwithtackleVicHalliganin1914. TheHuskershavehadatleastonefirst-teamAll-Americanin all but four (1991, 1998, 2004, 2005) of the past 36years.Overall,Nebraskahasseen92differentplayersearnfirst-teamAll-Americahonorsfromatleastonerecognizedsourcewith14winningdoublehonorsforatotalof106first-teamawards.NebraskahaditsmostAll-AmericansinoneseasonwhensixHuskersearnedfirst-teamhonors in the1971nationalchampionshipcampaign.TheoffensivelineisNebraska’smosthonoredposition,with26playersearning31first-teamAll-Americacertificates.

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Huskers Pace Big 12 Conference in Academic Awards NebraskahadaBig-12leading22playersnamedtothefirst-teamacademicAll-Big12teamlastfall.FifteenHuskerswerenamedtothefirstteam,whileanothersevenplayersearnedsecond-teamhonors. Duringthefall2005semester,Nebraskaplaced31playersontheBig12Commissioner'sFallAcademicHonorRoll,includingsixstudent-athleteswhohadperfect4.0grade-pointaveragesforthesemester.Duringthespring,38Huskerswerenamedtothehonorroll,withsixplayersrecording4.0GPAsforthespringsemester.Thehonorrollrecognizesallstudent-athleteswhoearneda3.0grade-pointaverageorbetterintheprevioussemester.

Nebraska Honored by AFCA for Football Graduation Rate TheHusker football programwasoneof29schools fromacross thenationhonored this springby theAmericanFootballCoachesAssociationwiththe2006AcademicAchievementAward. The29schoolsthatwerehonoredachievedagraduationrateof70percentorbetterforthe2000-01incomingfreshmanclass.ThisyearmarkedthesixthstraightyearNebraskahasreceivedthehonorandthe10thtimesince1994Nebraskahasbeenrecognized.

Nebraska the Newest Member of 800-Win Club NebraskajoinedMichigan(860),NotreDame(821)andTexas(809)inthe800-winclubwithitsOct.14victoryatKansasState.TheOct.21matchupbetweenNebraskaandTexasmarkedjustthethird-evermeetingincollegefootballbetween teamswith800winsatgame time.MichiganandNotreDame’smeetingsin2005and2006bothfeaturedprogramswithmorethan800victories. Nebraskaisinits117thseasonofcollegefootballin2006,andisthefourth-winningestprogramintermsofvictories.TheHuskersownan803-324-40all-timerecordin1,167games(.705)in117yearsoffootball.SincethefirstseasonofNebraskafootballin1890,Huskerteamshavewon11ormoregames12times,includingseventimessince1993.Nebraskahaswon12ormoregamesseven times, including threeseasonswith13wins (1971,1994,1997).Nebraska(702),Michigan(705),Alabama(728)andNotreDame(736)were theonlyprogramstowin700gamesinthe1900s.

Nebraska–College Football’s Winningest Program Since 1970 ThebulkofNebraska’sfootballsuccesshascomesince1962whenBobDevaneyarrivedfromWyomingandresurrectedtheHuskerprogram.Devaneycappedhiscareerwithconsecutivenationaltitlesin1970and1971,startinganunbelievablerunof10-plusvictoryseasons,andconferenceandnationalchampionships. Inthepast37seasons(including2006),beginningwith1970,Nebraskahaspostedaremarkable369victories,anaverageof10winsperseason.TheHuskers’overallrecordinthattimeperiodis369-83-5foran.813winningpercentagein457games. Inthattimespan,Nebraskahaseasilyestablisheditselfasthenation’swinningestprogram,posting27morevictoriesthansecond-placeMichigan,followedbyOhioState(334),Oklahoma(332),andPennState(327).Nebraskahaswon10gamesormore24timessince1962,including21timessince1970.TheHuskershavefinishedtheregularseasonundefeatedanduntiedseventimessince1965,andplayedin13nationaltitlegames(foroneofthetwoteams)andwonthenationaltitlefivetimessince1970.Nebraskawasthefirstteamincollegefootballhistorytowin100ormoregamesinconsecutivedecades,rankingfirstinthe1980s(103-20,.837)andsecondinthe1990s(108-16-1,.868).Nebraskanarrowlymissed100victoriesinthe1970swith98wins,andpostedanation-leading309winsfrom1970to1999.

huskers 2006 Schedule includes 2005 Title Game Participants Nebraskahasfacedachallengingschedulein2006,withOklahomatheninthbowl-eligibleteamtheHuskerswillface.Inthenon-conferencetheHuskersfacedtheirfirstrankedopponentoftheseason,squaringoffagainstNo.4USContheroad.OnOct.21,Nebraskafacedoffwithfifth-rankedTexasatMemorialStadium,thefirsttop-fivefoetovisitMemorialStadiumsinceNo.2Oklahomain2001.ThisseasonmarkedthefirsttimeNebraskahasfacedapairoftop-fiveteamsinthesameseasonsince2001,whenNUplayedthesecond-rankedSoonersandNo.1MiamiintheRoseBowl. Nebraska is the theonly team in thenation that facedbothof last year’snational championshipgameparticipants.TheTrojansandLonghornsaretwoofseven2006Huskeropponentsthatwonsevenormoregameslastseasonandoneofsix2005bowlteamsonNebraska’sschedule. AmongNebraska2006opponentsUSC,Troy,Kansas,KansasState,Texas,OklahomaState,Missouri,TexasA&M,andOklahomaarebowleligible.

Heisman Winner Rozier Part of 2006 College Football Hall of Fame Class FormerHuskergreatMike Rozier isoneof13membersofthe2006CollegeFootballHallofFameDivisionI-Aclass.The1983HeismanTrophywinnerRozierholdsNebraskarecordsforseasonrushingyards(2,148)andcareerrushingyards(4,780). RozierwillbeinductedintotheCollegeFootballHallofFameonDec.5attheWaldorf-AstoriainNewYork.Rozierwillbecomethe13thHuskerplayertobeinductedintotheHallandthefirstsinceJohnnyRodgersin2000.Inadditionto13players,NebraskaalsohassixformerheadcoacheswhoareintheCollegeFootballHallofFame. Rozierwashonored inLincolnathalftimeof theTexasgame.Joining theMemorialStadiumrecordcrowd topaytributetoRozierwerefellowHuskerHallofFamemembersForrest Behm, RichGlover, Johnny Rodgers and TomOsborne.

Nebraska College Football Hall of Fame MembersPlayersEdWeir,Tackle,1923-25,(Inductedin1951)GeorgeSauer,Fullback,1931-33(1954)GuyChamberlin,End,1913-15(1962)ClarenceSwanson,End,1918-21(1973)SamFrancis,Fullback,1934-36(1977)BobbyReynolds,Halfback,1950-52(1984)ForrestBehm,Tackle,1938-40(1988)WayneMeylan,MiddleGuard,1965-67(1991)BobBrown,Guard,1962-63(1993)RichGlover,MiddleGuard,1970-72(1995)DaveRimington,Center,1979-82(1997)JohnnyRodgers,Wingback,1970-72(2000)MikeRozier,I-Back,1981-83(2006)CoachesFieldingYost,1898(1951)DanaX.Bible,1929-36(1951)“Biff”Jones,1937-41(1954)E.N.Robinson,1896-97(1955)BobDevaney,1962-72(1981)TomOsborne,1973-97(1998)

Huskers Among Leaders in AP National Titles NotreDameleadsthenationbywinningeightAssociatedPressnationaltitlessince1936,withOklahoma(7),Alabama(6),Miami(5),USC(5),Nebraska(4)andMinnesota(4)nextinline.WhiletheHuskerswereawardedthenationaltitlebythecoachesin1997,NUfinishedsecondtoMichiganintheAPpoll. In1970,NebraskawasawardedtheAPnationaltitle,butnotthecoaches(Texaswasfirst,OhioStatesecondandNUthird)asthefinalpollwasreleasedbeforethebowlgameswereplayed.Inthecoachespoll(since1950),NebraskaistiedforfourthwithMiamiandTexaswithfourtitles,behindAlabama andOklahomawith six apiece, andUSCwithfive.

Winningest Progams Since 1970School Victories1. Nebraska 3692.Michigan 3423.OhioState 3344.Oklahoma 3325.PennState 327

All-Time VictoriesSchool Wins1.Michigan 8602.NotreDame 8213.Texas 8094. Nebraska 8035.OhioState 786

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Huskers Set for 44th Bowl Appearance in 2006 Nebraskareturnedtothepostseasonin2005,andmadethemostofits43rdall-timebowlappearancewitha32-28victoryoverMichiganintheAlamoBowl.TheAlamoBowlwasNebraska’s36thbowlappearanceinthepast37seasons,andcameaftertheHuskers’streakof35straightbowlappearancesendedin2004. Nebraska’s 43 all-time bowl appearances rank fifthnationally, trailing Alabama, Texas, Tennessee and USC.TheHuskerspushedtheirall-timebowlrecordoverthe.500markat22-21followingthewinoverMichigan.Nebraskahaswoneightofitspast11bowlgamesdatingbacktothe1994season.ThisseasonwillmarkNebraska’s44thall-timebowlappearance.

All-Time Bowl AppearancesSchool Bowls1.Alabama 532.Tennessee 45 Texas 454.USC 445. Nebraska 43

NU Continues Success in League Openers TheHuskers’league-openingwinoverKansascontinuedatraditionofopeningconferenceplayonapositivenote.TheHuskershavewon31oftheirpast32conferenceopenerssince1975,withtheonlyblemisha2002lossatIowaState.ThewinwasalsoNebraska’s29thstraightvictoryinhomeconferenceopeners. Nebraskaisnow91-18-2all-timeinconferenceopeners,includinga41-6-1mark inLincoln.Since the inceptionoftheBig12Conference,Nebraskais10-1inleagueopeners.Nebraska’swinatIowaStatewastheHuskers’secondstraightwininaBig12roadopener,followingavictoryatBaylorlastseason.

Huskers' Top 10 Home CrowdsNo. Attend. Opponent Date1. 85,800 Colorado (W, 37-14) Nov. 24, 20062. 85,197 Missouri (W, 34-20) Nov. 4, 20063. 85,187 Texas (L, 22-20) Oct. 21, 20064. 85,181 La. Tech (W, 49-10) Sept. 2, 20065. 85,069 Kansas (W, 39-32, ot) Sept. 30, 20066. 84,799 Troy (W, 56-0) Sept. 23, 20067. 84,076 Nicholls State (W, 56-7) Sept. 9, 20068. 78,268 Texas(L,27-24) Nov.2,20029. 78,176 UtahState(W,44-13) Sept.7,200210. 78,118 NotreDame(W,27-10) Sept.8,2001

Largest Crowds To See Nebraska PlayNo. Opponent Attend.1. atPennState,Sept.14,2002 110,7532. Miami(RoseBowl),Jan.3,2002 93,7813. Stanford(RoseBowl),Jan.1,1941 92,000 at USC, Sept. 16, 2006 92,0005. vs. Colorado, Nov. 24, 2006 85,8006. atPennState,Sept.25,1982 85,3047. vs. Missouri, Nov. 4, 2006 85,1978. vs. Texas, Oct. 21, 2006 85,1879. vs. Louisiana Tech, Sept. 2, 2006 85,18110. vs. Kansas, Sept. 30, 2006 85,069

huskers enjoying New home in 2006 TheNebraskafootballprogrammovedintoitsnewhomeinthesummerof2006.AfterbeinghousedintheSouthStadiumformorethanthreedecades,theHuskersmovedintotheTomandNancyOsborneAthleticComplexbeforethestartoftrainingcampinearlyAugust.Amongthefeaturesinthenewfacilityare...The Charles and Romona Myers Performance Center...LocatedonthefirstflooroftheOsborneComplex,theMyersPerformanceCenterincludesastate-of-theartathleticmedicinefacility,aspaciousandsparklingnewstrengthcomplexandanewlockerroomandequipmentroomfortheHuskers. New football offices...TheNebraskafootballofficesarehousedonthesecondflooroftheOsborneComplexandprovidetheHuskerstaffandplayerswiththeneededtoolstoprepareatachampionshiplevel. ThechangeinlocationledtoasignificantchangeinNebraska’spre-gameroutine.TheHuskers’famous“TunnelWalk”nowconcludeswiththeteamenteringthefieldfromtheNorthwestCornerofTomOsborneField.AfterapathofredFieldTurfleadstheHuskerstothefield,Nebraskaentersafterlargebronzegatesareopened.ThegatesfeatureimagesofsixofthegreatestHuskersfromthe1890stothe1960s,andareguardedeachweekbytwomilitarymembers. Thefootballprogrambenefittedinnumerouswaysfromtheproject,andNebraskafansalsohaveseveralnewfeaturesavailable.New HuskerVision screens... MemorialStadiumfeaturesthreenewHuskerVisionscreensforthe2006season.HighabovetheNorthendofMemorialStadiumisamassive33x117-footscreen.Inadditiontovideo,thelargeHuskerVisionscreenwillfeatureascoreboard,statisticsandticker.TwonewHuskerVisionscreenswerealsoplacedontheSoutheastandSouthwesttowersallowingfansinthenorthendofthestadiumgreatviewinganglesoftheHuskerVisionscreens.More Husker fans...6,500seatswereaddedintheNorthStadium,inaddtionto13newskysuitesontheseventhflooroftheOsborneAthleticComplexandnewandimprovedhandicappedseating.Nebraskareceivedmorethan15,000requestsforthe6,500seatsinlessthanthreeweeks.NebraskasetaMemorialStadiumrecordwith85,800fansfortheColoradogame.Improved fan amenities...AllticketholdersatMemorialStadiumwillbenefitfromanewlargeconcourseintheNorthStadium.TheconcoursenowconnectstheEast,WestandNorthstadiums.NewgateswerealsoaddedontheNorthend,aidinginenteringandexitingMemorialStadium.

Bigger Memorial Stadium Continues to Be Packed Nebraska’sgameagainstColoradowasthe282ndconsecutiveselloutatMemorialStadium,anongoingNCAArecord.TheselloutstreakdatesbacktoaNov.3,1962,gameagainstMissouriinBobDevaney’sfirstseasonasNebraskaheadcoach. Nebraska’s282consecutiveselloutseasilyoutdistanceNotreDame,whichrankssecondnationallywith191consecutivesellouts.Nebraskahashadremarkablesuccessduringtheselloutstreak,postinga248-34recordduringthe282sellouts.Themarkincludesa39-21recordagainstrankedteams.Nebraskais5-0inthefivemilestoneselloutsduringthatperiod(50th,100th,150th,200thand250thsellouts),includinga24-7winoverNo.2ColoradoonOct.29,1994(No.200)anda44-13victoryoverUtahStateonSept.7,2002(No.250). AlthoughselloutshavebecomecommonplaceinLincoln,thereareafewmorefolksdressedinredpackingMemorialStadiumthisseason.CapacityatMemorialStadiumis81,067,withtheadditionof6,500newseatsintheNorthStadium.TheColoradogamefeaturedastadiumrecordcrowdof85,800,thefifth-largestcrowdtoseeNebraskaplay.(seeleftmargin) Nebraskahadplayedbefore10crowdsofmorethan82,000fansinschoolhistoryenteringthe2006season,buthasplayedinfrontofninecrowdsof82,000ormorein2006.Thecrowdof92,000attheLosAngelesColiseumonSept.16wasthesecond-largestcrowdNebraskahasplayedinfrontofintheregularseason.

Nebraska Owns dominant edge at Memorial Stadium NebraskahasrewardedtheloyalityofitsfanswithincrediblesuccessatMemorialStadiumthroughtheyears.Nebraskafinished6-1athomein2006,andhaswonatleastsixhomegamesin18ofthepast20seasons.Nebraskais116-11athomeinthelast18seasons(since1989),includingapairoflossesagainstteamsthatwentontowinthenationalchampionship–Coloradoin1990andWashingtonin1991. Since1986,onlysevenschoolshaveleftMemorialStadiumwithavictory.DuringNebraska’srunofsuccessathomeinthepast25years,Nebraskahashadthreehomewinningstreaksof20ormoregames.Nebraskahadaschool-record47-gamehomewinningstreakfrom1991to1998,a26-gamehomestreakfrom1998to2002anda21-gamewinstreakintheearly1980s. Nebraskahasnotbeenshutoutathomesincea12-0losstoKansasStatein1968(248games),andhasposted40unbeatenanduntiedhomeseasons.TheHuskersare483-130-20(.779,633games,117years)inLincoln,358-107-13(.763,478games,84years)inMemorialStadium(since1923).

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huskers in the National Football league Nebraskahasalong-standingtraditionof placing largenumbersof players intheNFL.AsofthestartofNFLtrainingcamps, the Huskers had 41 playerslistedonrosters.Whenfinalrostersweredetermined,Nebraskahad31playersonactiverostersandoneplayeronapracticesquad.Nebraska’s31playersonactiverostersledtheBig12Conference,onemorethanTexasandtwomorethanOklahoma. IncludedinthegroupofplayersonNFLrostersarefourplayerswhowereselectedinthe2006NFLDraft–safetyDanielBullocks(2ndround,Detroit),punterSamKoch(6th,Baltimore),defensive linemanLeKevinSmith (6th,NewEngland)anddefensivelinemanTitusAdams(7th,N.Y.Jets),whoisonthepracticesquad.Inaddition,runningbackCoryRoss,anon-draftedfreeagentisontheRavens’openingdayroster. Koch’s rosterspotgivesNebraska twopuntersand twoplace-kickersintheNFL,withthecombinedfourkickersthemostofanyschoolinthecountry.Nebraska’smostexperiencedNFLveteranisKansasCityChiefsAll-ProoffensiveguardWillShields,whoisinhis14thNFLcampaignin2006.AfulllistingofNebraska’splayersintheNFLisincludedintheleftmargin.Huskers on NFL RostersAtlantaDemorrioWilliams(LB,3rdseason)BaltimoreSamKoch(P,Rookie)CoryRoss(KR/PR,Rookie)BuffaloChrisKelsay(DE,4thseason)CarolinaMikeMinter(FS,10thseason)MikeRucker(DE,8thseason)ChicagoMikeBrown(SS,7thseason)CincinnatiKyleLarson(P,3rdseason)ClevelandRalphBrown(CB,7thseason)DetroitDanielBullocks(FS,Rookie)DominicRaiola(C,6thseason)CorySchlesinger(FB,12thseason)Green BayAhmanGreen(RB,9thseason)HoustonKrisBrown(PK,8thseason)ZachWiegert(OT,12thseason)Kansas CityWillShields(OG,14thseason)New EnglandRussHochstein(C/G,6thseason)LeKevinSmith(DT,Rookie)New OrleansJoshBullocks(FS,2ndseason)DeJuanGroce(CB,4thseason)ScottShanle(LB,4thseason)OaklandAdamTreu(C,10thseason)FabianWashington(CB,2ndseason)PhiladelphiaCorrellBuckhalter(RB,6thseason)San DiegoRyonBingham(DT,3rdseason)CarlosPolk(LB,6thseason)SeattleJoshBrown(PK,4thseason)GrantWistrom(DE,9thseason)Tampa BayBarrettRuud(LB,2ndseason)TennesseeKyleVandenBosch(DE,6thseason)Practice SquadNew York JetsTitusAdams(DT,1stseason)

Misc. 2006 Notes...Louisiana TechNebraskaextendedthenation’slongestwinningstreakinseasonopenerswithits49-10victory.TheHuskershavenowbeenonthewinningendineachoftheirlast21seasonopeners,datingbacktoa17-13losstoFloridaStatein1985.LouisianaTechwasthesecondteam(alsoUtahState)totwicebeavictiminNebraska’sseason-openingwinstreak.NebraskaalsodefeatedtheBulldogsinthe1998opener.TheHuskers’21-gamewinstreakinseasonopenersisfourbetterthanthe17straightseason-openingwinsbybothKansasStateandFlorida.Nicholls StateNichollsState did not complete a pass,marking the 10th time in school historyNebraska has held anopponentwithoutapasscompletion,andthefirsttimesince1992againstOklahomaState.USCThelossatUSCmarkedthefirsttimeunderBillCallahanthatNebraskahaslostwhenscoringfirst inagame.NUis11-1insuchgamesunderCallahan.The28pointsscoredbyUSCwerethefewestbytheTrojanssincealsoscoring28pointsagainstOregonStateinNovemberof2004(19games).Italsoendedastreakof15straightgameswith30ormorepointsandastreakof10straighthomegameswith38ormorepoints.TroyNebraska’ashutoutwasitsfirstsincea28-0shutoutofIowaStatein2003.NUhadtwoshutoutsthatseason,alsoblankingTroy30-0.The56-0victorywasNU’smostlopsidedwinsincea59-0winoverBaylorin2000.Nebraska’s406yardsoftotaloffenseinthefirsthalfwasthemostinahalfunderCoachBillCallahan,andNU’smostinthefirsthalfofagamesincerollingup416yardsinthefirsthalfofa59-02000winoverBaylor.NebraskalimitedTroyto140yardsofoffense,thefewestbyaNebraskaopponentsinceallowingjust84yardsagainstBaylorin2000.KansasNebraskarecordedits31stwininitslast32conferenceopeners,andits29thstraightwininaconferencehomeopener.SeniorsafetyAndrew Shanle interceptedtwopassesinthefirstquarter.Shanle’stwointerceptionsmarkedthefirsttimeaHuskerhashadtwointerceptionsinagamesinceJoshBullockshadtwointerceptionsagainstOklahomaStatein2003.ShanlehadpickedoffhisfirstcareerpasslastweekagainstTroy.Kansas’94playswerethemosteverbyaHuskeropponent,toppingthe92playsthatOklahomaranagainstNebraskain1948.KU’s405passingyardsalsoranksixthall-timeagainstaHuskeropponent.Iowa StateCody Glenn(148)andBrandon Jackson(116)eachtopped100yardsrushinginthegame.The100-yardrushinggamesmarkedthefirsttimeaHuskerhasrushedfor100yardsinaBig12gamesinceCoryRossrushed30timesfor130yardsatOklahomain2004.Itwasthefirsttimesincethe2003contestatMissourithattheHuskershavehadapairof100-yardrushersinthesameconferencegame.Kansas StateNebraska’s3-0Big12startwasitsfirstsince2001.Thevictoryendedafour-gameNebraskalosingstreakagainstKansasStateinManhattan,sinceanNUwinin1996.Nebraska’sback-to-backroadvictoriesatIowaStateandKansasStatemarkedthefirsttimeNebraskahaswonBig12roadgamesinconsecutiveweekssince2000winsatISUandTexasTech.Nebraska'svictorymarkedthe800thwininthehistoryoftheprogram.TheHuskersbecomethefourthprogramtowin800games,joiningMichigan(855),NotreDame(816)andTexas(806).TexasThelossendedastreakoffourstraightNebraskavictoriesatMemorialStadiumagainsttop-fiveopponents.Theprevioustop-fiveteamtowinatMemorialStadiumwasfourth-rankedWashingtonin1991.TheHuskieswentontowinthenationalchampionshipthatseason.NUscored20pointsagainstTexas,endingastreakofeightstraighthomegameswithatleast24points.Thecrowdof85,187wasaMemorialStadiumrecord,eclipsing the85,181 fans for theSept.2seasonopeneragainstLouisianaTech.Oklahoma StateThelossmarkedthefirsttimeNebraskahaslostwhenleadingathalftimeinBillCallahan’sthreeseasonsasheadcoach.BrandonJackson’s182yardsonthegroundwerethemostbyaHuskersinceCoryRossposted194yardsagainstMissourionOct.30,2004.MissouriThevictorymarkedNebraska’s15thstraightwinoverMissouriinLincoln,datingbacktoa35-31losstotheTigersin1978.Duringthe15-gamewinstreak,Nebraskahaswon12ofthegamesbydoubledigits.Nebraska’swinmarkedits37thwininitslast38Homecomingcontests,withtheonlysetbacka34-31losstoTexasTechin2005.Nebraska’s27pointsinthefirsthalfwereitsmostpointsinahalfinaBig12gamesincescoring31inthefirsthalfagainstBaylorin2004.Nebraskascored24pointsinthefirsthalfatMissourilastseason,butwasscorelessinthesecondhalf.Texas A&MThewingavetheHuskersthreeBig12roadvictories,theirmostsincealsorecordingthreein2001.SophomorerunningbackCody Glenn rushedfortwotouchdowns,givinghimateam-higheightrushingtouchdowns this season.Glenn’s eight rushing touchdowns are themost in a season by aHusker sincequarterback Jammal Lord ran for 10 touchdowns in 2003.Glenn’s eight touchdownsmark themost by aNebraskaI-backsinceDahrranDiedrickranfor16touchdownsin2001.

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Nebraska Starters in depthOffense (*-indicates letters earned)Position–Player Yr. Ht./Wt. Worth Noting TE–MattHerian*** Sr. 6-5/245 Seniorhasreturnedtolineupwith12catches,150yardsandtwoTDs OwnsNebraskatightendreceivingyardageandreceptionsrecordsLT–ChrisPatrick* Jr. 6-4/290 Tenaciousplayerhasstarted12careergames;ConvertedDELT–LydonMurtha* So. 6-7/315 Madefifthcareerstartandsecondof2006againstColoradoLG–GregAustin*** Sr. 6-1/295 Versatilitytoplaybothguardspotsandcenter;18careerstarts; HoustonnativehasmissedfourofpastsixgameswithinjuriesLG–AndyChristensen So. 6-3/300 NebraskanativehasstartedfourgamesinAustin’splaceC–BrettByford Jr. 6-3/300 AlabamanativetookoverstartingroleagainstNichollsStatewith KurtMannsidelinedwithillnessRG–MikeHuff* So. 6-4/305 Powerfulsophomorehasstarted11of12gamesthisseasonRG–JacobHickman Fr. 6-4/280 First-yearHuskermadefirstcareerstartagainstMissouriRT–MattSlauson* So. 6-5/335 Startedfirst11gamesbeforebeingsidelinedwithinjuryvs.Colorado; Alsomadethreestartsin2005;VersatilitytoalsoplayguardWR(X)–NateSwift* So. 6-2/195 NUfroshrecordsforcatches(45),TDcatches(7)andreceivingyards(641)in2005 Averagesbetterthan17yardspercatch;Two20-pluscatchesvs.MizzouWR(X)–MauricePurify Jr. 6-4/210 Seventouchdownreceptions;Alsoplayedbasketballinjuniorcollege WR(Z)–TerrenceNunn** Jr. 6-0/185 RankssecondonNUcareerreceptions(96)list;thirdinreceivingyards; Caught43passesand7TDsin‘05;Atleastonecatchin25straightgamesFB–DaneTodd*** Sr. 5-11/235 Strongleadblockerandsolidreceivingthreat;1stcareerTDvs.Nicholls First-teamacademicAll-American;4.0GPAIB–BrandonJackson** Jr. 5-11/210 Hasstartedpasteightgamesandtotaled727yardson141carries; 182yardsatOSUwascareer-high;mostbyaHuskerin24gamesIB–MarlonLucky* So. 6-0/210 10carries,156yards,3TDvs.Troy;Big12OffensivePOWvs.Troy Has24receptionsoutofbackfield;Atleastonecatchin11of12gamesQB–ZacTaylor* Sr. 6-2/210 FirstonNebraskacareerpassinglist(5,442yards); Ownsthetopthreepassingdaysinschoolhistory;43careerTDpasses

Defense (*-indicates letters earned)Position–Player Yr. Ht./Wt. Worth Noting OEND–JayMoore** Sr. 6-4/280 Startedall24gamesthepasttwoseasons; Had14TFLasajuniorandanother14in2006;35careerTFLDT–BarryCryer* Sr. 6-2/280 Bringsaquick,athleticpassrushthreattoHuskerfrontfour; ParentsofNewOrleansnativetemporarilyre-locatedtoLincolnin2005NT–OlaDagunduro* Sr. 6-2/300 Powerfulinteriorplayerwhohadtwosacksin2005andhas3.5in2006BEND–AdamCarriker*** Sr. 6-6/295 PreseasonAAhasasackin12of24gamessincestartof‘05 Careertotalsof44QBhurriesand40TFL;Twosacksvs.OSUandCUSAM–StewartBradley*** Sr. 6-4/250 Utahnativehasreturnedfromseason-endingkneeinjuryin2005; Leadsteamintackles(67)andfumblerecoveries(3;2vs.NichollsSt.)MIKE–CoreyMcKeon* Jr. 6-1/225 LedNebraskawith98tacklesand22TFLin2005;55tacklesthisseason Second-teamAll-Big12performerasasophomoreWILL–BoRuud** Jr. 6-3/235 Started10gamesin2005;Olderbrother,Barrett,isNU’sall-timetackleleader Hasateam-highthreefumblescaused;AlsotwoINTsin2006SCB–AndreJones Jr. 6-0/195 TransfertookoverpositioninfallcampafterinjurytoZackBowman; PlayedbrieflyinSECatKentuckyin2003SS–TierreGreen** Jr. 6-1/200 Shiftedtosafetyin2006afterplayingcornerin2005;thirdonteam with61tackles;FirstcareerinterceptionatOklahomaStateFS–AndrewShanle*** Sr. 6-1/210 Fifth-yearseniorhasearnedstartingpositionin2006; FirstcareerINTvs.Troy;Twopicksvs.KU,firsttimebyaHuskersince‘03WCB–CortneyGrixby** Jr. 5-9/170 Startedall12gamesin‘05andtotaled10passbreakups; 1stcareerINTatISU;10PBU,fumblecausedandfumblerecoveredin‘06Out (Injury)CB–ZackaryBowman* Sr. 6-2/195 2005PBUleaderwaslostinpreseasontokneeinjurySpecial Teams (*-indicates letters earned)Position–Player Yr. Ht./Wt. Worth Noting PK–JordanCongdon* So. 5-11/175 First-teamfreshmanAll-Americanin2005;NUrecord19FGin2005 PATstreakendedat70straightwithmissatOSUP–DanTitchener So. 6-0/200 Averaging39.7yardson54punts;just13puntshavebeenreturnedLS–LaneKelly*** Sr. 6-4/270 Fourth-yearlongsnapperhasbeenoutrecentlywithaleginjuryT.J.O’Leary So. 6-1/245 HasfilledinrecentlywithKellybattlingaleginjuryKOR–MarlonLucky Jr. 6-0/220 Hassixkickoffreturnsthisseason;32-yardervs.MissouriBrandonJackson** Jr. 5-11/210 17.3yardsperreturn;Inleaguegamesrankssecondinall-purposeyardsPR–CortneyGrixby** Jr. 5-9/170 2005regularpuntreturnerreturnedtoroleagainstOklahomaState; forcedoutofearly-seasonpuntreturndutieswiththumbinjury

huSkeR SPORTS NeTWORkNebraska Football on the Air Nebraska again boasts one of the nation’s mostcomprehensiveradionetworkswith51networkstationsforthe2006footballseason.Thenetworkincludes36stationsinthestateofNebraska,and15out-statestations,representing10additionalstates.

Nebraska Stations Ainsworth,KBRB-AM........................................................... 1400Alliance,KCOW-AM............................................................. 1400Aurora,KRGY-FM.................................................................. 97.3Beatrice,KWBE-AM............................................................. 1450BrokenBow,KCNI-AM/KBBN-FM................................ 1280/98.3Chadron,KCSR-AM............................................................... 610FallsCity,KTNC-AM/KLZA-FM.................................. 1230/101.3Fremont,KHUB-AM/KFMT-FM................................... 1340/105.5GrandIsland,KRGI-AM........................................................ 1430Hastings,KLIQ-FM................................................................ 94.5Holdrege,KUVR-AM/KMTY-FM................................... 1380/97.7Kearney,KGFW-AM/KQKY-FM.................................. 1340/105.9Lexington,KRVN-AM............................................................. 880Lincoln,KLIN-AM/KFGE-FM........................................ 1400/98.1McCook,KSWN-FM.............................................................. 93.9Norfolk,KNEN-FM................................................................ 94.7NorthPlatte,KODY-AM/KXNP-FM............................. 1240/103.5Ogallala,KOGA-AM............................................................... 930Omaha,KFAB-AM/KHUS-FM........................................1110/93.3Scottsbluff,KNEB-AM/FM.............................................. 960/94.1Sidney,KSID-AM/FM.................................................... 1340/98.7Valentine,KVSH-AM.............................................................. 940Wayne,KTCH-FM................................................................ 1590WestPoint,KTIC-AM/KWPN-FM................................. 840/107.9York,KAWL-AM.................................................................... 1370

Out-of-State Stations*Arkansas–Rogers,KURM-AM................................................ 790Colorado–Loveland,KXST-AM............................................. 1570Iowa–SiouxCity,KMNS-AM................................................... 620Kansas–Wellington-Wichita,KWME-FM............................... 93.5Minnesota–Minneapolis/St.Paul,WMGT-AM...................... 1220Missouri–Joplin,KOCR-AM.................................................. 1310KansasCity/Independence,KCTE-AM/WHB-AM......... 1510/810Nevada–LasVegas,KSHP-AM............................................ 1400SouthDakota–RapidCity,KTOQ-AM................................... 1340SiouxFalls,KSOO-AM..........................................................1140Winner,KWYR-AM............................................................... 1260Yankton,KYNT-AM/KKYA-FM...................................... 1450/93.1Washington–Seattle,KKNW-AM...........................................1150*-Husker football games can also be heard on Sirius Satellite Radio.

The Coach Callahan Show CoachCallahan'sone-hourweeklyTVshow,The Coach Callahan Show,withhostJimRose,willbecarriedonthesestations; WOWT(Omaha,11:05p.m.,Sunday) KOLN/KGIN/UPN(Lincoln/GrandIsland, 10:35p.m.,Sunday) FSNMidwest(Noon,Tuesday) KNOP(NorthPlatte,checklocallistings) KPTHFox44(SiouxCity,Iowa,checklocallistings) TimeWarnerCable(Lincoln,checklocallistings) CoxCable(Omaha,checklocallistings) CharterMedia(GrandIsland,checklocallistings) GreatPlainsCable(NENebraska,checklocallistings) LakesTelevisionNet.(SpiritLake,Iowa,checklocallistings) KXOC(OklahomaCity,checklocallistings) ComcastEntertainmentTelevision (Denver,checklocallistings)

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Nebraska-Oklahoma Series historySeries InformationGames: 82Standing: Oklahomaleads,42-37-3At Lincoln: Nebraskaleads,21-18-2At Memorial Stadium:Nebraskaleads,19-17-2At Norman: Oklahomaleads,22-16-0At Owen Field: Oklahomaleads,22-15-0At Neutral Sites: Oklahomaleads,2-0-1Current win streak (start): Oklahoma,twogames(2004)

Series Results RankDate Site NU/OU Result Score11/23/1912 Lincoln / W 13-910/25/1919 Omaha / T 7-710/29/1921 Lincoln / W 44-010/28/1922 Norman / W 39-710/23/1923 Lincoln / W 24-010/11/1924 Norman / L 7-1410/31/1925 Lincoln / W 12-011/10/1928 Norman / W 44-611/16/1929 Lincoln / T 13-1310/11/1930 Norman / L 7-2010/10/1931 Lincoln / W 13-011/19/1932 Norman / W 5-010/28/1933 Lincoln / W 16-710/20/1934 Norman / W 6-010/26/1935 Lincoln / W 19-010/24/1936 Norman 15/ W 14-010/16/1937 Lincoln / T 0-010/22/1938 Norman /14 L 0-1411/25/1939 Lincoln /14 W 13-711/2/1940 Norman 12/ W 13-011/29/1941 Lincoln / W 7-610/24/1942 Norman / W 7-011/27/1943 Lincoln / L 7-2612/2/1944 OklahomaCity / L 12-319/29/1945 Lincoln / L 0-2011/23/1946 Norman /18 L 6-2711/22/1947 Lincoln / L 13-1411/13/1948 Norman /9 L 14-4110/22/1949 Lincoln /4 L 0-4811/25/1950 Norman 16/1 L 35-4911/24/1951 Lincoln /12 L 0-2711/22/1952 Norman /5 L 13-3411/21/1953 Lincoln /4 L 7-3011/20/1954 Norman /3 L 7-5511/19/1955 Lincoln /1 L 0-4111/24/1956 Norman /1 L 6-5411/23/1957 Lincoln /6 L 7-3211/22/1958 Norman /4 L 7-4010/31/1959 Lincoln /19 W 25-2111/19/1960 Norman / W 17-1411/25/1961 Lincoln / L 14-2111/24/1962 Norman /10 L 6-3411/23/1963 Lincoln 10/6 W 29-2011/21/1964 Norman 4/ L 7-1711/25/1965 Lincoln 3/ W 21-911/24/1966 Norman 4/ L 9-1011/25/1967 Lincoln /5 L 14-2111/23/1968 Norman /14 L 0-4711/22/1969 Norman 16/ W 44-1411/21/1970 Lincoln 3/ W 28-2111/25/1971 Norman 1/2 W 35-3111/23/1972 Lincoln 5/4 L 14-1711/23/1973 Norman 10/3 L 0-2711/23/1974 Lincoln 6/1 L 14-2811/22/1975 Norman 2/7 L 10-3511/26/1976 Lincoln 10/8 L 17-20

11/25/1977 Norman 11/3 L 7-3811/11/1978 Lincoln 4/1 W 17-141/1/1979 Miami* 6/4 L 24-3111/24/1979 Norman 3/8 L 14-1711/22/1980 Lincoln 4/9 L 17-2111/21/1981 Norman 5/ W 37-1411/26/1982 Lincoln 3/11 W 28-2411/26/1983 Norman 1/ W 28-2111/17/1984 Lincoln 1/4 L 7-1711/23/1985 Norman 2/5 L 7-2711/22/1986 Lincoln 5/3 L 17-2011/21/1987 Lincoln 1/2 L 7-1711/19/1988 Norman 7/9 W 7-311/18/1989 Lincoln 6/ W 42-2511/23/1990 Norman 10/ L 10-4511/29/1991 Lincoln 11/19 W 19-1411/27/1992 Norman 12/ W 33-911/26/1993 Lincoln 2/16 W 21-711/25/1994 Norman 1/ W 13-311/24/1995 Lincoln 1/ W 37-011/2/1996 Norman 5/ W 73-2111/1/1997 Lincoln 1/ W 69-710/28/2000 Norman 1/3 L 14-3110/27/2001 Lincoln 3/2 W 20-1011/13/2004 Norman /2 L 3-3010/29/2005 Lincoln / L 24-31*OrangeBowl

Series Scoring Total AverageNebraska 1,356 16.5Oklahoma 1,583 19.3

Highest NU score: 73in1996(73-21)Widest NU margin: 62in1997(69-7)Highest OU score:55in1954(55-7)Widest OU margin:48in1949(48-0),1954(55-7),1956(54-6)Highest-scoring game: 94pointsin1996(NU73-21)Scoreless tie: 1937Longest NU win streak: 7games,1991-97Longest NU unbeaten streak:7games,1931-37,1991-97Longest OU win streak: 16games,1943-58Shutouts by (last time): NU12(1995),OU8(1973)

Series Notes TheSoonersheldonfora31-24winin2005,OU'ssecondstraightwinintheseries...the2005meetingmarkedthefirsttimesince1961thatbothteamsenteredthegameunranked...bothteamsfinishedthe2005seasonrankedinthetop25...theHuskersandSoonerswenthead-to-headfor71consecutiveseasons(since1927)beforethestreakwassnappedin1998withthestartofthetwo-year,North-SouthrotationsintheBig12...NUenteredthe2000gamerankedNo.1forthefourthtime in fivemeetings...OU's2000winendedNU's series-longseven-gamewinningstreak...NUhadwonsixstraightinLincolnbeforetheSooners'31-24winin2005...NUwas16-3-3inthefirst22games(1912-42),with11shutouts;OUwas22-4-0from1943to1968...fivetimestheSoonershavegivenNU itsonly regular-season loss (1964,1966,1975,1979,1987);twiceNUhasgiventheSoonerstheironlyloss(1971,1978)...afterNUupsetNo.1Oklahomain1978,thetwoteamsmetagainintheOrangeBowl,withOUwinning31-24...the 1971 gamewas known as the “Gameof theCentury,”asNo.1NUedgedNo.2OU,35-31,inNorman...in1987,theNo.2SoonersbeattheNo.1Huskers,17-7...oneoftheteamshasbeenNo.1intheAPpollin13ofthelast51meetings,includingNUeighttimes...NUenteredthe1993contestrankedfirstintheUSAToday/CNNCoachespollandOUwasfirstintheBCSstandingsin2001...sincetheAPpollbeganin1936,theNU-OUgamehashadatleastonerankedteam57timesin67contests,withbothteamsranked in 23; the serieshas featured at least one top-10teamin46games,twotop-10teamsin18...inthe23gamesinwhichbothteamswereranked,thelower-rankedteamhaswon11...anunrankedteamhasupsetarankedteamfouradditionaltimes...thegamefeaturedatleastoneAPtop-10teamin22straightgamesfrom1970to1990; in17of31gamessince1971,both teamshavebeen in the top10...oneofthetwoteamshasbeenrankedenteringthecontestinallbutthreegamessince1948...NUhasentered32ofthelast34OUcontestsnationallyranked,includinga14-gamestretchfrom1978to1990wheretheHuskersenteredeachcontest in the top10...since1979NUhasbeenranked inthetopfivegoingintothegame16times...thewinningteamhashadtocomefrombehindin26ofthelast37games...Nebraska’sbiggest-everupsetwinwas25-21in1959,endingOU’s36-gamewinstreak,and74-gameconferenceunbeatenstreak...NUrecordedall-timewinNos.200(1925)and300(1942)vs.theSooners;andNU’s500thall-timegamewasvs.OU in 1949...Oklahoma’s 1986winwas theSooners’600thall-time...TomOsbornepostedhis250thcareerwinagainstOUin1997...the1923gamewasthefirstplayedinNU’sMemorialStadium...OUwas0-9-3initsfirst12gamesinLincoln...Osbornefinished13-13againstOUandhandedBarrySwitzerhislastregular-seasonlossin1988(7-3).

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2006 Nebraska RostersAlphabetical *-IndicatesLettersEarned No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Yr. Hometown (High School/College) 7 Adams,Jordan S 6-2 205 Jr. Santee,Calif.(WestHills/GrossmontCollege) 95 Allen,Pierre DL 6-5 225 Fr. Denver,Colo.(ThomasJefferson) 65 *** Austin,Greg OL 6-1 295 Sr. Cypress,Texas(Cypress-Fairbanks) 66 Barrett,Cruz OL 6-4 320 Fr. DaytonaBeach,Fla.(Mainland) 56 Baumgartner,Justin LS 6-2 240 So. Cheyenne,Wyo.(ChadronState/LaramieCountyCC) 52 Benzel,Bryan LS 6-2 260 RFr. Alliance,Neb. 57 Bergland,Dennis DT 6-1 305 Fr. Plattsmouth,Neb. 14 * Bowman,Zackary CB 6-2 195 Sr. Anchorage,Alaska(Bartlett/N.M.Military) 34 *** Bradley,Stewart LB 6-4 250 Sr. SaltLakeCity,Utah(Highland) 40 ** Brandenburgh,Lance LB 6-1 230 Jr. OverlandPark,Kan.(St.ThomasAquinas) 1 Brooks,Chris WR 6-2 200 So. St.Louis,Mo.(HazelwoodEast) 21 * Brothers,Titus DB 5-11 195 Jr. SanAntonio,Texas(Judson) 59 Byford,Brett OL 6-3 300 Jr. Hartselle,Ala. 82 Cammack,Wes WR 5-11 185 RFr. DeWitt,Neb.(TriCounty) 90 *** Carriker,Adam DE 6-6 295 Sr. Kennewick,Wash. 62 Christensen,Andy OL 6-3 300 So. Bennington,Neb. 29 * Congdon,Jordan PK 5-11 175 So. SanDiego,Calif.(St.Augustine) 45 Covey,Nick LB 6-2 235 RFr. Glendale,Ariz.(MountainRidge) 94 * Cryer,Barry DL 6-2 280 Sr. Marrero,La.(JohnEhret/DodgeCityCC) 6 Culbert,Major DB 6-0 200 Fr. HarborCity,Calif.(NathanielNarbonne) 54 * Dagunduro,Ola DL 6-2 300 Sr. Inglewood,Calif.(ComptonCC) 15 Davis,Beau QB 6-4 185 So. Venice,Calif. 52 * Dillard,Phillip LB 6-1 245 So. Tulsa,Okla.(Jenks) 94 Egger,Zach PK 5-11 180 Fr. WoodRiver,Neb. 46 * Eisenhart,Ben DB 5-11 200 Jr. Culbertson,Neb. 26 * Erickson,Dan WR 6-1 195 Jr. Omaha,Neb.(Papillion-LaVista) 47 Farino,Paul FB 6-0 270 RFr. EastMeadow,N.Y.(KellenbergMemorial) 28 *** Fluellen,Isaiah CB 6-0 190 Sr. Ramstein,Germany(RamsteinAmerica) 27 Ford,Ryan DB 5-11 170 RFr. Winfield,Ala. 12 Ganz,Joe QB 6-1 200 So. PalosHeights,Ill.(AmosAlonzoStagg) 39 Glassman,Dan TE 6-4 245 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(CreightonPrep) 34 * Glenn,Cody IB 6-0 230 So. Rusk,Texas 42 Gould,Brandon DB 5-11 165 So. LakeOzark,Mo.(SchooloftheOsage/LindenwoodUniv.) 30 ** Green,Tierre S 6-1 200 Jr. Omaha,Neb.(Benson) 2 ** Grixby,Cortney CB 5-9 170 Jr. Omaha,Neb.(Central) 75 Haines,Victory OL 6-7 290 Jr. Logan,Utah(SnowCollege) 7 * Hardy,Frantz WR 6-1 180 Jr. Miami,Fla.(BookerT.Washington/ButlerCo.CC) 80 Harvey,David DE 6-4 245 RFr. LaPlata,Md.(McDonough) 90 Henery,Alex PK/P 6-2 170 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(Burke) 9 Henry,Will WR 6-5 195 Fr. ElPaso,Texas(J.M.Hanks) 11 *** Herian,Matt TE 6-5 245 Sr. Pierce,Neb. 67 Hickman,Jacob OL 6-4 280 Fr. Bakersfield,Calif.(Centennial) 8 Hildebrand,Brian QB 6-2 195 So. Corona,Calif.(Corona/OregonSt./Mt.SanAntonioCC) 86 Hill,Sean TE 6-3 250 Jr. Lisle,Ill.(NapervilleNorth) 4 Holt,Menelik WR 6-4 215 Fr. SanDiego,Calif.(St.Augustine) 61 * Huff,Mike OL 6-4 305 So. Ralston,Neb. 32 ** Jackson,Brandon IB 5-11 210 Jr. HornLake,Miss. 91 Jensen,Seth DL 6-3 275 Fr. FortMorgan,Colo. 71 Jepson,Zach DT 6-2 240 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(MillardWest) 96 Johnson,Brandon Dl 6-3 315 Jr. Chicago,Ill.(Marshall/ComptonCC/GracelandUniv.) 25 Jones,Andre CB 6-0 195 Jr. FortWaltonBeach,Fla.(Choctawhatchee/FresnoCityCC/Kentucky) 73 Jones,D.J. OL 6-5 315 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(Central) 47 * Kadavy,Andy LB 6-0 220 Sr. Seward,Neb. 5 Keller,Sam QB 6-4 230 Sr. Danville,Calif.(SanRamonValley) 92 *** Kelly,Lane LS 6-4 270 Sr. Omaha,Neb.(CreightonPrep) 19 Kester,Tyler P/DB 6-1 200 Jr. Clearwater,Neb. 30 Kitzul,Patrick WR 6-1 190 Fr. Driftwood,Texas(DrippingSprings) 40 Koehler,Colton FB 6-1 225 RFr. Harvard,Neb.(NebraskaWesleyan) 36 * Lawson,Thomas IB/FB 6-0 230 So. Parker,Colo.(Ponderosa) 74 * Lingenfelter,Newton OL 6-5 280 Sr. Plainview,Neb. 20 * Lucky,Marlon IB 6-0 210 So. NorthHollywood,Calif. 89 * Luhrs,Kevin DL 6-1 260 Jr. Omaha,Neb.(CreightonPrep) 35 Makovicka,Justin FB 6-1 225 Fr. Ulysses,Neb.(EastButler) 50 ** Mann,Kurt C 6-4 290 Sr. GrandIsland,Neb.

Numerical Roster No. Name .............................................Position 1 ChrisBrooks..........................................WR 2 ** CortneyGrixby........................................CB 3 RickeyThenarse.....................................DB 4 MenelikHolt...........................................WR 4 AdamWatson........................................... S 5 SamKeller..............................................QB 6 MajorCulbert..........................................DB 7 JordanAdams.......................................... S 7 * FrantzHardy..........................................WR 8 *** AndrewShanle......................................... S 8 BrianHildebrand.....................................QB 9 WillHenry..............................................WR 9 BryanWilson..........................................CB 11 *** MattHerian............................................. TE 12 JoeGanz................................................QB 13 * CoreyMcKeon........................................ LB 13 * ZacTaylor...............................................QB 14 * ZackaryBowman....................................CB 15 BeauDavis.............................................QB 15 SteveOctavien....................................... LB 16 MauricePurify........................................WR 17 * ToddPeterson.......................................WR 18 TyrellSpain.............................................CB 19 TylerKester.............................................. P 20 * MarlonLucky........................................... IB 21 * TitusBrothers.........................................DB 22 AnthonyWest.........................................DB 23 CoreyYoung...........................................DB 24 ** BrandonRigoni....................................... FS 25 AndreJones...........................................CB 26 * DanErickson.........................................WR 27 RyanFord...............................................DB 27 KennyWilson........................................... IB 28 *** IsaiahFluellen........................................CB 29 * JordanCongdon..................................... PK 30 ** TierreGreen............................................. S 30 PatrickKitzul..........................................WR 32 ** BrandonJackson..................................... IB 33 MattO'Hanlon.........................................DB 34 *** StewartBradley...................................... LB 34 * CodyGlenn.............................................. IB 35 JustinMakovicka.................................... FB 36 * ThomasLawson................................. IB/FB 37 * JakeWesch............................................ PK 38 KyleMoore............................................. LB 39 DanGlassman........................................ TE 40 ** LanceBrandenburgh.............................. LB 40 ColtonKoehler........................................ FB 41 *** DaneTodd.............................................. FB 42 MattSenske............................................ FB 42 BrandonGould.......................................DB 43 * TySteinkuhler......................................... DL 44 MikeMcNeill........................................... TE 44 ** JayMoore...............................................DE 45 NickCovey............................................. LB 45 WillOtto.................................................. FB 46 * BenEisenhart.........................................DB 46 BenTasa................................................ TE 47 * AndyKadavy.......................................... LB 47 PaulFarino............................................. FB 48 AndySand.............................................. FB

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Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13–Big 12 Championship No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Yr. Hometown (High School/College) 63 Martin,Ben DE 6-4 265 Fr. Lincoln,Neb.(Southwest) 55 McBride,Nathan LS 6-1 205 RFr. Scottsdale,Ariz.(Chaparral) 78 McEwen,Robbie LS 6-0 235 Jr. NorthPlatte,Neb.(Chatfield/DrakeUniv.) 13 * McKeon,Corey LB 6-1 225 Jr. Naperville,Ill.(North) 58 McNeil,Andy LB 6-1 235 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(Skutt) 44 McNeill,Mike TE 6-4 215 Fr. Kirkwood,Mo. 44 ** Moore,Jay DE 6-4 280 Sr. Elkhorn,Neb. 38 Moore,Kyle LB 6-2 220 Fr. Elkhorn,Neb. 81 ** Mueller,Josh TE 6-5 265 Jr. Columbus,Neb.(Lakeview) 76 * Murtha,Lydon OL 6-7 315 So. Hutchinson,Minn. 77 Nicks,Carl OL 6-5 325 Jr. Salinas,Calif.(NorthSalinas/HartnellJC/NewMexicoSt.) 83 ** Nunn,Terrence WR 6-0 185 Jr. Houston,Texas(CypressFalls) 33 O’Hanlon,Matt DB 5-11 200 So. Bellevue,Neb.(BellevueEast) 82 O'Leary,T.J. LS 6-1 245 So. Omaha,Neb.(MillardNorth/NewMexicoState) 50 O’Shea,Mark LB 5-11 235 Sr. Dallas,Texas(JesuitCollegePrep/Iona) 15 Octavien,Steve LB 6-0 235 Jr. Naples,Fla.(Lely/W.R.HarperCollege) 45 Otto,Will FB 5-11 235 Sr. Fullerton,Calif.(Troy/FullertonCollege) 54 * Patrick,Chris OL 6-4 290 Jr. Ithaca,Mich. 17 * Peterson,Todd WR 6-4 210 So. GrandIsland,Neb.(CentralCatholic) 85 ** Phillips,J.B. TE 6-3 245 Jr. Colleyville,Texas(Heritage) 69 Picou,Jordan OL 6-2 300 Jr. Rialto,Calif.(Eisenhower/Mt.SanAntonioCC) 98 * Potter,Zach DE 6-7 280 So. Omaha,Neb.(CreightonPrep) 86 Poulosky,Andy DE 6-2 260 Jr. Ponca,Neb. 16 Purify,Maurice WR 6-4 210 Jr. Eureka,Calif.(SanFranciscoCityCollege) 85 Rice,Thomas DE 6-1 240 Jr. Lincoln,Neb.(East) 24 ** Rigoni,Brandon FS 5-6 185 Sr. Lincoln,Neb.(Southeast) 79 Roark,Chad OL 6-2 290 Fr. Ada,Okla.(Oklahoma) 55 Roark,Craig DL 6-2 295 RFr. Ada,Okla. 84 Rucker,Xavier WR 5-6 160 Fr. Minneapolis,Minn.(BreckSchool) 51 ** Ruud,Bo LB 6-3 235 Jr. Lincoln,Neb.(Southeast) 48 Sand,Andy FB 6-2 225 Jr. Lincoln,Neb.(Southeast) 42 Senske,Matt FB 6-3 235 Jr. Bellevue,Neb.(East) 8 *** Shanle,Andrew S 6-1 210 Sr. St.Edward,Neb. 88 * Sievers,Clayton LB 6-4 240 So. Elkhorn,Neb. 70 * Slauson,Matt OL 6-5 335 So. ColoradoSprings,Colo.(AirForcePrep) 97 Smith,Mike DL 6-6 265 Fr. LasVegas,Nev.(PaloVerde) 18 Spain,Tyrell CB 6-3 190 Jr. SanDiego,Calif.(Hoover/MesaCollege) 43 * Steinkuhler,Ty DL 6-3 280 So. Lincoln,Neb.(Southwest) 91 Such,Michael P 6-2 205 Fr. Allen,Texas 93 Suh,Ndamukong DL 6-4 305 RFr. Portland,Ore.(Grant) 84 Sullivan,Tony DE 6-3 230 Jr. Wahoo,Neb.(BishopNeumann) 87 * Swift,Nate WR 6-2 195 So. Hutchinson,Minn. 46 Tasa,Ben TE 6-4 210 Fr. Humphrey,Neb.(St.Francis) 13 * Taylor,Zac QB 6-2 210 Sr. Norman,Okla.(WakeForest/ButlerCountyCC) 89 * Teafatiller,Hunter TE 6-3 220 So. Kingsburg,Calif.(SanJoaquinMemorial) 3 Thenarse,Rickey DB 6-0 185 Fr. LosAngeles,Calif.(Jordan) 97 Titchener,Dan P 6-0 200 So. Cheyenne,Wyo.(East) 41 *** Todd,Dane FB 5-11 235 Sr. Lincoln,Neb.(Southeast) 99 * Turner,Barry DE 6-3 250 So. Antioch,Tenn.(BrentwoodAcademy) 4 Watson,Adam S 6-0 185 Fr. Lincoln,Neb.(Niwot[Colo.]) 37 * Wesch,Jake PK 6-1 200 So. NorthBend,Neb. 22 West,Anthony DB 6-0 195 Fr. SanDiego,Calif.(PointLoma) 68 Williams,Keith OL 6-5 310 Fr. Florissant,Mo.(McClureNorth) 9 Wilson,Bryan CB 6-1 200 Jr. GranadaHills,Calif.(PierceCollege) 27 Wilson,Kenny IB 6-0 220 Jr. Liberal,Kan.(ButlerCountyCC) 53 Wortman,Tyler LB 6-3 230 So. GrandIsland,Neb.(CentralCatholic) 23 Young,Corey CB 6-0 195 Fr. Omaha,Neb.(MillardNorth) 49 Young,Dreu TE 6-4 215 Fr. Cozad,Neb.

Coaching StaffHead Coach:BillCallahan,22-13,thirdseasonatNebraskaDefensive Coordinator/Linebackers:KevinCosgrove;Offensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks:JayNorvellDefensive Line:JohnBlake;Safeties/Special Teams Coordinator:BillBusch;TE/Recruiting Coordinator:ShawnWatsonCornerbacks:PhilElmassian;Receivers:TedGilmore;Running Backs:RandyJordan; Offensive Line:DennisWagner;Grad. Ass’t/Offense:KeithHeckendorf;Grad. Ass’t/Defense:JonOsterhout;Associate A.D./Football:TimCassidy;Head Strength Coach:DaveKennedy

No. Name .............................................Position 49 DreuYoung............................................ TE 50 ** KurtMann.................................................C 50 MarkO'Shea........................................... LB 51 ** BoRuud.................................................. LB 52 * PhillipDillard........................................... LB 52 BryanBenzel.......................................... LS 53 TylerWortman........................................ LB 54 * OlaDagunduro....................................... DL 54 * ChrisPatrick...........................................OL 55 NathanMcBride...................................... LS 55 CraigRoark............................................ DL 56 JustinBaumgartner................................ LS 57 DennisBergland.....................................DT 58 AndyMcNeil........................................... LB 59 BrettByford.............................................OL 61 * MikeHuff................................................OL 62 AndyChristensen...................................OL 63 BenMartin..............................................DE 65 *** GregAustin.............................................OL 66 CruzBarrett............................................OL 67 JacobHickman.......................................OL 68 KeithWilliams.........................................OL 69 JordanPicou...........................................OL 70 * MattSlauson...........................................OL 71 ZachJepson...........................................DT 73 D.J.Jones...............................................OL 74 * NewtonLingenfelter................................OL 75 VictoryHaines........................................OL 76 * LydonMurtha..........................................OL 77 CarlNicks...............................................OL 78 RobbieMcEwen..................................... LS 79 ChadRoark............................................OL 80 DavidHarvey..........................................DE 81 ** JoshMueller........................................... TE 82 WesCammack......................................WR 82 T.J.O'Leary............................................ LS 83 ** TerrenceNunn.......................................WR 84 TonySullivan..........................................DE 84 XavierRucker........................................WR 85 ** J.B.Phillips............................................. TE 85 ThomasRice..........................................DE 86 SeanHill................................................. TE 86 AndyPoulosky........................................DE 87 * NateSwift..............................................WR 88 * ClaytonSievers...................................... LB 89 * KevinLuhrs.............................................DE 89 * HunterTeafatiller.................................... TE 90 *** AdamCarriker.........................................DE 90 AlexHenery.............................................. P 91 SethJensen............................................ DL 91 MichaelSuch............................................ P 92 *** LaneKelly............................................... LS 93 NdamukongSuh..................................... DL 94 * BarryCryer............................................. DL 94 ZachEgger............................................. PK 95 PierreAllen............................................. DL 96 BrandonJohnson................................... DL 97 MikeSmith.............................................. DL 97 DanTitchener........................................... P 98 * ZachPotter.............................................DE 99 * BarryTurner...........................................DE

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OFFeNSeTE (Y): 11 Matt Herian*** (6-5, 245, Sr., Pierce, Neb.) 85 J.B. Phillips** (6-3, 245, Jr., Colleyville, Texas) 81 JoshMueller**(6-5,265,Jr.,Columbus,Neb.)

LT: 54 ChrisPatrick*(6-4,290,Jr.,Ithaca,Mich.) 76 LydonMurtha*(6-7,315,So.,Hutchinson,Minn.) LG: 65 Greg Austin*** (6-1, 295, Sr., Cypress, Texas) 62 AndyChristensen(6-3,300,So.,Bennington,Neb.)

C: 59 BrettByford(6-3,300,Jr.,Hartselle,Ala.) 50 Kurt Mann** (6-4, 290, Sr., Grand Island, Neb.)

RG: 61 MikeHuff*(6-4,305,So.,Ralston,Neb.) 67 JacobHickman(6-4,280,Fr.,Bakersfield,Calif.)

RT: 70 MattSlauson*(6-5,335,So.,ColoradoSprings,Colo.) 77 CarlNicks(6-5,325,Jr.,Salinas,Calif.)

WR (X):87 Nate Swift* (6-2, 195, So., Hutchinson, Minn.) 7 FrantzHardy*(6-1,180,Jr.)/16MauricePurify(6-4,210,Jr.) WR (Z): 83 Terrence Nunn** (6-0, 185, Jr., Houston, Texas) 17 ToddPeterson*(6-4,210,So.,GrandIsland,Neb.)

FB: 41 Dane Todd*** (5-11, 235, Sr., Lincoln, Neb.) 42 MattSenske(6-3,235,Jr.,Bellevue,Neb.) IB: 20 MarlonLucky*(6-0,210,So.)/34CodyGlenn*(6-0,230,So.) 32 BrandonJackson**(5-11,210,Jr.)/27KennyWilson(6-0,220,Jr.) QB: 13 Zac Taylor* (6-2, 210, Sr., Norman, Okla.) 12 JoeGanz(6-1,200,So.,PalosHeights,Ill.) 15 BeauDavis(6-4,185,So.,Venice,Calif.)

key:*indicateslettersearned;returning starters are in boldfaceNew depth chart will be released each Tuesday

deFeNSeO END: 44 Jay Moore** (6-4, 280, Sr., Elkhorn, Neb.) 99 BarryTurner*(6-3,250,So.,Antioch,Tenn.) DT: 94 BarryCryer*(6-2,280,Sr.,Marrero,La.) 43 TySteinkuhler*(6-3,280,So.,Lincoln,Neb.) NT: 54 OlaDagunduro*(6-2,300,Sr.,Inglewood,Calif.) 93 NdamukongSuh(6-4,305,RFr.,Portland,Ore.)

B END: 90 Adam Carriker*** (6-6, 295, Sr., Kennewick, Wash.) 98 ZachPotter*(6-7,280,So.,Omaha,Neb.)

SAM: 34 Stewart Bradley*** (6-4, 250, Sr., Salt Lake City, Utah) 88 ClaytonSievers*(6-4,240,So.,Elkhorn,Neb.)

MIKE: 13 Corey McKeon* (6-1, 225, Jr., Naperville, Ill.) 40 LanceBrandenburgh**(6-1,230,Jr.,OverlandPark,Kan.)

WILL: 51 Bo Ruud** (6-3, 235, Jr., Lincoln, Neb.) 15 SteveOctavien(6-0,235,Jr.,Naples,Fla.)

S CB: 25 AndreJones(6-0,195,Jr.,FortWaltonBeach,Fla.) 3 RickeyThenarse(6-0,185,Fr.,LosAngeles,Calif.)SS: 30 TierreGreen**(6-1,200,Jr.,Omaha,Neb.) 6 MajorCulbert(6-0,200,Fr.)/46BenEisenhart*(5-11,200,Jr.)

FS: 8 AndrewShanle***(6-1,210,Sr.,St.Edward,Neb.) 9 BryanWilson(6-1,200,Jr.,GranadaHills,Calif.)

W CB: 2 Cortney Grixby** (5-9, 170, Jr., Omaha, Neb.) 23 CoreyYoung(6-0,195,Fr.,Omaha,Neb.)

SPeCiAliSTSPK: 29 Jordan Congdon* (5-11, 175, So. San Diego, Calif.) 90 AlexHenery(6-2,170,Fr.,Omaha,Neb.)

KO: 37 JakeWesch*(6-1,200,So.,NorthBend,Neb.) 29 Jordan Congdon* (5-11, 175, So. San Diego, Calif.)

P: 97 DanTitchener(6-0,200,So.,Cheyenne,Wyo.) 91 MichaelSuch(6-2,205,Fr.,Allen,Texas)

LS: 82 T.J.O’Leary(6-1,245,So.,Omaha,Neb.) 92 Lane Kelly*** (6-4, 270, Sr., Omaha, Neb.)

KOR: 32 BrandonJackson(5-11,210,Jr.)/20MarlonLucky*(6-0,210,So.) 27 KennyWilson(6-0,220,Jr.)/7FrantzHardy*(6-1,180,Jr.)PR: 2 Cortney Grixby** (5-9, 170, Jr., Omaha, Neb.) 87 NateSwift*(6-2,195,So.,Hutchinson,Minn.) H: 37 JakeWesch*(6-1,200,So.,NorthBend,Neb.) 87 NateSwift*(6-2,195,So.,Hutchinson,Minn.)

2006 Nebraska depth Chart–ColoradoCareer StartsOffense CareerName, Position StartsMattHerian,Sr.,TE................30TerrenceNunn,Jr.,WR..........27KurtMann,Sr.,C....................24ZacTaylor,Sr.,QB..................24J.B.Phillips,Jr.,TE.................22GregAustin,Sr.,OG...............18MattSlauson,Soph.,OT........14ChrisPatrick,Jr.,OT..............12MikeHuff,Soph.,OG.............11BrettByford,Jr.,C..................11BrandonJackson,Jr.,IB.........10DaneTodd,Sr.,FB.................10NateSwift,Soph.,WR..............9MarlonLucky,Soph.,IB............5JoshMueller,Jr.,TE.................5LydonMurtha,Soph.,OT.........5AndyChristensen,Soph.,OG..4ToddPeterson,Soph.,WR.......3FrantzHardy,Jr.,WR...............3MauricePurify,Jr.,WR.............3HunterTeafatiller,Soph.,TE.....2JacobHickman,Fr.,OG...........1CarlNicks,Jr.,OT....................1

Defense CareerName, Position StartsAdamCarriker,Sr.,DE...........32JayMoore,Sr.,DE.................29StewartBradley,Sr.,LB..........27CortneyGrixby,Jr.,CB...........26CoreyMcKeon,Jr.,LB............23TierreGreen,Jr.,SS...............22BoRuud,Jr.,LB.....................22OlaDagunduro,Sr.,NT..........12BarryCryer,Sr.,DT................12AndreJones,Jr.,CB...............12AndrewShanle,Sr.,FS..........12IsaiahFluellen,Sr.,CB*............7ZackaryBowman,Sr.,CB........5ClaytonSievers,Soph.,DE**...3LanceBrandenburgh,Jr.,LB....2PhillipDillard,Soph.,LB...........1SteveOctavien,Jr.,LB.............1*-StartedatWR;**-StartedatTE

Kickers CareerName, Position StartsJordanCongdon,So.,PK.......24DanTitchener,So.,P..............12

Pronunciation GuideOlaDagunduro..... Dog-un-duroPhilElmassian..... Ell-MAY-shunTierreGreen..................Tee-AIRMenelik Holt...........men-uh-leakAndyKadavy..........KAD-uh-veeKevinLuhrs.................... lew-ersCoreyMcKeon...... Mick-CUE-inJordanPicou.................pea-cueAndyPoulosky....... pole-ow-skiBoRuud.......................... RUDEAndrewShanle...........SHAN-leeTySteinkuhler.....STEIN-coolerNdamukong Suh....................... .............. En-dom-ah-kenSueRickeyThenarse..... tuh-NARSE

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Game 13

Corey McKeon #13MIKE Linebacker | Junior | 6-1 | 225Naperville, Ill.

2006 Butkus Award Candidate2006 Preseason First-Team All-Big 12 (Athlon, Lindy’s)2006 Chuck Bednarik Award Watch List2006 Preseason Second-Team All-Big 12 (Lindy’s)

Corey McKeon serves as a physical presence for a strong linebacking corps that ranks among the Big 12’s best. One year after bursting onto the scene as the Huskers’ leading tackler, McKeon earned preseason recognition as an All-Big 12 candidate from several publications, including Athlon and Lindy’s. A year ago, McKeon led the Huskers with 98 tackles and set the Huskers’ single-season position record with 22 tackles for loss.

The Naperville, Ill., native was instrumental in a pair of strong Husker defensive efforts in the first two weeks of the season. While NU shut down the run against Louisiana Tech, allowing only 67 yards rushing, the squad denied Nicholls State from completing a pass the following week for the first time against an opponent since Oklahoma State in 1992. McKeon recorded four tackles, including three solo stops and a tackle-for-loss, while also recovering a fumble against the Colonels.

He was part of a strong performance by the Husker linebacking corps against USC. NU’s starting linebackers combined to make 28 tackles, with McKeon accounting for nine stops. McKeon and the Huskers rebounded from the loss to USC with a dominating performance against Troy featuring NU’s first shutout in nearly three years. The 6-1, 225-pound McKeon collected four tackles while the Blackshirts held the Trojans to only 140 yards total offense.

McKeon put together one of his best games this season to help Nebraska over Kansas in overtime. He tied a season high and led the Huskers with nine tackles while adding a pass breakup and quarterback hurry. He also forced a key second-quarter fumble to stop a strong Jayhawk drive at the Nebraska 2-yard line. McKeon followed the next week with another strong effort by making six tackles, including his second TFL this season, while helping the Blackshirts limit Iowa State to only 53 yards rushing. NU earned its second straight road victory the following week at Kansas State, as the Huskers gave up only a field goal while allowing an opponent season-low 22 yards rushing.

McKeon made his 20th consecutive start and pushed the Huskers to a near-upset of No. 5 Texas despite playing with an injured ankle suffered against Kansas State. While he missed the Missouri game two weeks later, he returned to the field to help Nebraska clinch the Big 12 North title with six stops, including a season-high two TFLs, against Texas A&M. With his health continuing to improve, McKeon recorded a pair of TFLs for the second straight week, including his first sack of the year and a shared TFL for a safety with teammate Adam Carriker, during NU’s home win over Colorado.

McKeon Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—McKeon made four tackles, including two solo stops, as the NU defense limited the Bulldogs to only 67 yards rushing.Nicholls State—McKeon made four tackles (three solo), including one tackle for loss, and recovered a fumble. He helped the Husker defense deny an opponent a pass completion for the first time since Oklahoma State in 1992.USC—McKeon made nine tackles, including four solo stops, against the Trojans as NU’s starting linebackers combined for 28 tackles.Troy—McKeon registered four tackles and his first pass breakup of the season to help NU claim its first shutout in nearly three years.Kansas—McKeon led the Huskers with nine tackles and added a pass breakup and quarterback hurry. He also forced a key second-quarter fumble to stop a Kansas drive at the Nebraska 2-yard line.Iowa State—McKeon made six stops to help lead a dominating performance by the Blackshirts over ISU. He added one tackle for loss and a quarterback hurry as NU limited the Cyclones to only 53 yards rushing.Kansas State—McKeon made one solo stop before leaving in the third quarter with an injured ankle.Texas—McKeon made two tackles in his 20th consecutive start despite playing with an injured ankle suffered the week before against Kansas State.Oklahoma State—McKeon made four tackles, including three solo stops.Missouri—McKeon did not play while continuing to nurse an injured ankle he suffered at KSU.Texas A&M—McKeon returned to the field with six stop, including a season-high two tackles for loss.Colorado—McKeon registered multiple TFLs for the second straight week, including his first sack of the season and a shared TFL for a safety with teammate Adam Carriker, while making six tackles.

Career StatisticsDefense ( -------Tackles------ ) Fum. QB Year G/S UT AT TT TFL Sacks C-R BK PBU PI Hry.2003 Redshirt2004 1/0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 1 02005 12/12 61 37 98 22-89 7-51 1-1 0 8 3 112006 11/11 26 29 55 6-24 1-15 1-1 0 2 0 2Totals 24/23 87 66 153 28-113 8-66 2-2 0 10 4 13

Interceptions–1-5 vs. Western Illinois, 2004; 1-30 (TD) vs. Wake Forest; 1-19 vs. Kansas, 1-0; vs. Kansas State, 2005

Single-Game Bests: Tackles–11, vs. Iowa State, 2005Solo Tackles–9 vs. Iowa State, vs. Michigan, 2005Tackles for Loss–5-23 vs. Iowa State, 2005 (school linebacker record)Sacks–2, vs. Wake Forest, vs. Iowa State, 2005QB Hurries–3 vs. Iowa State, 2005Passes Broken Up–2 vs. Kansas State, 2005

2006 Game-by-Game Tackles Sacks Fumbles Game UT AT TT TFL No.-Yds FF-FR PBU QBH INTLa. Tech 2 2 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0Nicholls 3 1 4 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 0USC 4 5 9 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0Troy 1 3 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0KU 3 6 9 0-0 0-0 1-0 1 1 0ISU 4 2 6 1-4 0-0 0-0 0 1 0KSU 1 0 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0UT 1 1 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0OSU 3 1 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0MU Did Not Play (Injured)A&M 0 6 6 2-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0CU 4 2 6 2-15 1-15 0-0 0 0 0

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Game 13

Zac Taylor #13Quarterback | Senior | 6-2 | 210Norman, Okla.

2006 Maxwell Award Watch List2006 Davey O’Brien Award Watch List2006 Manning Award Watch List2006 Preseason Second-Team All-Big 12 (Lindy’s)Team CaptainNU all-time leader in pass attempts (745), completions (433), yardage (5,442) and TDs (43)NU single-season record for passing yardage (2,789) and touchdowns (24)ABC Player of the Game (Texas A&M)

Following a successful first season at the helm of Nebraska’s West Coast Offense, quarterback Zac Taylor is one of the nation’s top signal callers as a senior, ranking ninth nationally and second in the Big 12 Conference in passing efficiency. He is also one of the most successful quarterbacks in NU history, as he owns nearly all of the school’s single-season and career passing records. Taylor has proved this season that he is capable of limiting mistakes with three streaks of more than 80 pass attempts without an interception. He was voted a captain during fall camp by his teammates, along with fellow seniors Adam Carriker and Brandon Rigoni.

A native of Norman, Okla., Taylor has reached several milestones in only his second season at Nebraska and moved up in the record books past great Husker names such as Turner Gill, Tommie Frazier, Vince Ferragamo and Dave Humm. He broke long-standing Husker career passing marks for attempts, completions and yardage while directing one of the nation’s most potent offenses. Taylor tied former Husker great Tommie Frazier’s career touchdown pass record in the regular-season finale against Colorado. He saved his best season for last, as he also has rewrote his own single-season NU record for passing yardage that he previously set as a junior.

Taylor Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Taylor completed 22-of-33 passes for 287 yards and tied his career high with three touchdowns, his 10th straight game with a scoring pass. He also moved up three spots to seventh on NU’s career passing list.Nicholls State—Taylor registered the best game of his career by recording the eighth-best day in Husker history in terms of passing efficiency. He completed 19-of-23 attempts for 202 yards and a career-high four touchdowns with no interceptions. Taylor also became just the seventh Husker to surpass 3,000 yards passing.USC—Taylor went 8-of-16 through the air for 115 yards with no interceptions, moving him past Vince Ferragamo into sixth place on Nebraska’s all-time passing yardage list (3,257). He also scored Nebraska’s lone touchdown on a naked bootleg run on fourth down to cut the USC lead to 21-10 early in the fourth quarter.

Troy—Taylor completed 14-of-17 passes for 268 yards and a touchdown while leading the Huskers to another efficient performance featuring nearly 600 yards of total offense. He moved past Turner Gill and Tommie Frazier into fourth place on NU’s career passing list with 3,525 yards.Kansas—Taylor led NU to an overtime win with the No. 2 passing total in school history. He threw for 395 yards and tied a career high with four touchdown passes, three of which surpassed his previous career long by going for 75 yards or more. He hooked up with Frantz Hardy for a long of 78 yards. Taylor’s average of 26.33 yards per completion marked a single-game school record.Iowa State—Taylor became only the fourth player in Nebraska history to pass for 4,000 career yards while completing 17-of-21 attempts for 131 yards against Iowa State. He threw his lone touchdown pass on a 27-yard connection with Maurice Purify with three seconds remaining in the first half to put NU up 21-7.Kansas State—Taylor completed 12-of-21 attempts for 149 yards and a touchdown while leading NU to its fifth straight Big 12 victory. He also notched a career-long 24-yard rush on a naked bootleg that helped set up NU’s second touchdown of the game.Texas—Taylor set NU’s career completions record while moving within four yards of Eric Crouch for third place on the career passing yardage chart. He completed 15-of-28 attempts for 277 yards and two touchdowns to fuel the Huskers’ near-upset of No. 5 Texas.Oklahoma State—Taylor completed 21-of-39 attempts for 241 yards to eclipse 2,000 yards passing for the second straight year. He moved into second place on NU’s career passing chart, while moving within two scoring passes of the NU single-season record. Missouri—Taylor connected on 13-of-21 attempts for 208 yards and two scores to tie Vince Ferragamo’s NU single-season record of 20 touchdown passes. He also moved up to second on the single-season yardage list, trailing his own 2005 school-record total by only 380 yards.Texas A&M—Taylor led the Huskers on a game-winning drive with under two minutes left capped by a nine-yard touchdown pass to Maurice Purify that clinched the Big 12 North title. Taylor also broke the Huskers’ all-time career passing record with 267 yards during the win, as well as the single-season touchdown passes mark with two scores.Colorado—Taylor tied Tommie Frazier’s NU career record for touchdown passes with a pair of scoring strikes. Taylor also broke his own single-season passing record set last year with 249 yards on 19-of-28 passing to up his season total to 2,789 yards.

Career StatisticsPassing Year G Att. Cmp. Int. Pct. Yds. Y/A Y/G LP TD Eff.R.2005 12/12 430 237 12 .551 2,653 6.2 221.1 73 19 115.942006 12/12 315 196 4 .622 2,789 8.9 232.4 78 24 159.20Totals 24/24 745 433 16 .581 5,442 7.3 226.8 78 43 134.23Rushing: 118-(-70)-2 TD; long-24 vs. Kansas State, 2006

Single-Game Bests: Pass Attempts–55 vs. Iowa State, 2005 (school record)Pass Completions–36 vs. Iowa State, 2005 (school record)Passing Yards–431 vs. Iowa State, 2005 (school record)Passing Touchdowns–4, vs. Nicholls State, vs. Kansas, 2006Long Pass–78 yards to Frantz Hardy vs. Kansas, 2006Rushing Yards–30 vs. Baylor, 2005 Total Offense–433 vs. Iowa State, 2005 (school record)

2006 Game-by-Game Passing Rushing Total OffenseGame A-C-I Yds. .Pct TD No. Yds. TD Att. Yds.La. Tech 33-22-1 287 .667 3 2 9 0 35 289Nicholls 23-19-0 202 .826 4 3 -3 0 26 199USC 16-8-0 115 .500 0 5 -6 1 21 109Troy 17-14-1 268 .824 1 3 8 0 20 276KU 33-15-0 395 .455 4 2 -12 0 35 383ISU 21-17-0 131 .810 1 4 -13 0 25 118KSU 21-12-0 149 .571 1 5 5 0 26 154UT 28-15-1 277 .536 2 7 -25 0 35 252OSU 39-21-0 241 .538 2 7 -20 0 46 221MU 21-13-0 208 .619 2 1 7 0 22 215A&M 35-21-1 267 .625 2 8 -4 0 43 263CU 28-19-0 249 .679 2 2 11 0 30 260

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Maurice Purify #16Wide Receiver | Junior 6-4 | 210 | Eureka, Calif.

Tied for No. 5 on NU's single-season TD receptions list (7)

Maurice Purify has become a focal point of the Nebraska offense in his first season in Lincoln, as he has been involved more and more by the week in the Huskers’ offensive game plan. The 6-4, 210-pound Purify has quickly become one of Nebraska’s big-play threats at wide receiver, while still continuing to learn the intricacies of Head Coach Bill Callahan’s West Coast offensive system.

Purify leads the team with seven touchdown receptions and 584 yards receiving and ranks second among all Huskers in receptions. He also averages an impressive 19.5 yards per catch. Twenty-six of his 30 receptions have gone for first downs, while he has recorded 13 catches of more than 20 yards in 2006. Purify has made at least four receptions three times this season, while he has notched personal bests of 91 yards and two scoring receptions.

The Eureka, Calif., native has become a threat to go the distance on any catch he makes, as three of his five scores have been for more than 27 yards. His 27-yard touchdown at Iowa State with only three seconds remaining in the first half staked the Huskers to a comfortable 21-7 lead. Purify put together a solid performance against No. 5 Texas that included a 63-yard touchdown on NU’s second possession, while he later added a 21-yard reception that was a key play in helping the Huskers take a late fourth-quarter lead on the Longhorns. His latest outing against Oklahoma State featured career-high totals of six catches and two touchdowns with 65 yards receiving.

Purify accounted for two more scores the following week to help the Huskers bounce back from a two-game losing streak. He opened the scoring with a 28-yard touchdown pass to Terrence Nunn on his first career pass attempt, while he later added a scoring reception of his own on a seven-yard jump ball from Zac Taylor where he outleaped a Tiger defender.

With a nine-yard catch for the winning touchdown the following week against Texas A&M, Purify helped the Huskers clinch the Big 12 North Division title in addition to moving into a tie for fifth place on the school’s all-time single-season touchdown receptions list. The score marked his fifth touchdown in four games.

Purify Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Purify made one reception in his first game at NU on a 28-yard catch.Nicholls State—Purify scored his first career touchdown on a 42-yard reception in the third quarter. He totaled two catches for 61 yards.USC—Purify played, but did not make a reception against the Trojans.Troy—Purify totaled two receptions for 45 yards, including a 30-yard catch.Kansas—Purify had four receptions for 91 yards, including a 36-yard catch.Iowa State—Purify made two catches for 35 yards and scored his second career touchdown on a 27-yard reception with only three seconds remaining in the first half.Kansas State—Purify recorded four receptions for 73 yards, including a game-long 32-yard catchTexas—Purify opened the scoring for the Huskers with a 63-yard reception on NU’s second drive of the game. He later added a 19-yard catch to total 84 yards receiving.Oklahoma State—Purify continued his surge as a playmaker for the Huskers with a career-high six receptions for 65 yards and a pair of touchdowns. Missouri—Purify completed his first career pass for a 28-yard touchdown, while he caught another score among two receptions for 21 yards.Texas A&M—Purify hauled in the winning touchdown pass from Zac Taylor with only 21 seconds remaining, moving him into a tie for fifth place on NU’s single-season touchdown receptions list. He totaled two catches for 30 yards overall during the win.Colorado—Purify made three receptions for 51 yards, including a 31-yard reception on a critical third-down play in the third quarter with the scored tied at 14-14.

Career StatisticsReceiving Year G/S No. Yds. Y/R Y/G Long TDs2006 12/3 30 584 19.5 48.7 63 vs. Texas 7Totals 12/3 30 584 19.5 48.7 63 vs. Texas 7

Passing: 1-for-1; 28 yards; 1 touchdown

Single-Game Bests: Receptions–6 vs. Oklahoma State, 2006Receiving Yards–91 vs. Kansas, 2006Long Reception–63 vs. Texas, 2006Touchdowns–2 vs. Oklahoma State, 2006Touchdown Pass–1 vs Missouri, 2006

2006 Game-by-GameGame Rec. Yds. Long TDLa. Tech 1 28 28 0Nicholls 2 61 42 1USC 0 0 0 0Troy 2 45 30 0KU 4 91 36 0ISU 2 35 27 1KSU 4 73 32 0UT 2 84 63 1OSU 6 65 22 2MU 2 21 14 1A&M 2 30 21 1CU 3 51 31 0

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Brandon Jackson #32I-Back | Junior | 5-11 | 210Horn Lake, Miss.

NU single-game record for all-purpose attempts (41)ABC Player of the Game (Texas, Oklahoma State, Missouri

and Colorado)

Brandon Jackson is the experienced leader of Nebraska’s I-back-by-committee group that has helped the Huskers rank among the nation’s top 20 teams in rushing average at more than 180 yards per game. He is a complete back who not only possesses the speed to turn the corner, but also the power to run between the tackles. He also has become a reliable receiving target out of the backfield.

The Horn Lake, Miss., native has started each of the Huskers’ last eight games and leads the squad in rushing with a career-high 881 yards. He finished the regular season third in Big 12 games only in both rushing (94.4 ypg) and all-purpose (136.4 ypg) average. Jackson has posted four 100-yard rushing efforts over the last seven games, and he also has given the Huskers an added dimension in the passing game with 26 receptions for 291 yards out of the backfield. Jackson capped his regular season with a Nebraska single-game record 41 all-purpose attempts against Colorado to help make his bid for first-team All-Conference honors.

Jackson had his first 100-yard game this season during his first start at Iowa State, while he recorded a career-high 77 yards receiving against Texas, including a 49-yard score. He then produced NU’s top rushing effort of the season with a career-high 182 yards and two touchdowns on only 21 carries (8.7 ypc) at Oklahoma State. Jackson then helped Nebraska gain control of the Big 12’s North Division the following week against Missouri, toting the ball a career-high 32 times for 111 yards. He also caught three passes for 61 yards—a 20.3 yard per reception average. Jackson capped the reguar season with 142 yards rushing, including career highs of 34 rushing attempts and six receptions, during the win against Colorado.

Jackson Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Jackson rushed three times for 36 yards, including a 25-yard touchdown, in the Huskers’ season-opening win.Nicholls State—Jackson ran for 29 yards on seven carries and added his first three career receptions for 25 yards.USC—Jackson led the Husker passing game with a career-high four receptions for 36 yards.Troy—Jackson earned a then-season-high 11 carries for 60 yards and a score.Kansas—Jackson made his first start of the season and rushed for 28 yards.Iowa State—Jackson took over as NU’s feature I-back and rushed for a then-career-high 116 yards on 22 carries with a touchdown.Kansas State—Jackson led the Huskers with 92 yards rushing which chipping in two receptions for 14 yards.Texas—Jackson sparked Nebraska’s upset bid with a tremendous score on a catch and run that covered 49 yards in the fourth quarter. He totaled two receptions overall for a career-high 77 yards, while also adding 40 yards rushing on seven carries.Oklahoma State—Jackson recorded his finest career effort with 182 yards rushing on only 21 carries (8.7 average), including a career-best two touchdowns. He added three receptions for 24 yards.Missouri—Jackson helped NU gain control of the Big 12’s North Division with a career-high 32 carries for 111 yards and a touchdown. The performance marked his third 100-yard rushing effort in five games. He also caught three passes for 61 yards—a 20.3 yard per reception average.Texas A&M—Jackson rushed for 44 yards on nine carries and added 12 yards on two receptions while making his seventh consecutive start.Colorado—Jackson set the NU single-game record for all-purpose attempts with 41. He rushed a career-high 34 times for 142 yards and one touchdown while also hauling in a career-best six receptions for 42 yards and another score. Jackson became only the second player to rush for more than 100 yards against the Buffs in 2006.

Career StatisticsRushing Year G/S Att. Gain Loss Net Y/A Y/G Long TDs2004 10/0 85 396 6 390 4.6 39.0 24 vs. Baylor 62005 9/2 18 56 4 52 2.9 5.8 10 at Colorado 02006 12/8 168 913 32 881 5.2 73.4 48 vs. KSU 7Totals 31/10 271 1365 42 1323 4.9 42.7 48 vs. KSU 13

Receiving Year No. Yds. Y/R Y/G Long TDs2004 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 02005 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 02006 26 291 11.2 24.3 49 vs. Texas 2Totals 26 291 11.2 9.4 49 vs. Texas 2 Single-Game HighsRushing Attempts–34 vs. Colorado, 2006Rushing Yards–182 vs. Oklahoma State, 2006Long Rush–48 vs. Kansas State, 2006Rushing TDs–2, four times, most recently vs. Oklahoma State, 2006Receptions–6, vs. Colorado, 2006Receiving Yards–77, vs. Texas, 2006Long Reception–49, vs. Texas, 2006Receiving TDs–1, vs. Texas, vs. Colorado, 2006All Purpose Attempts–41, vs. Colorado, 2006 (School Record)All-Purpose Yards–206, vs. Oklahoma State, 2006

2006 Game-by-Game Rushing Receiving Game Att. Yds. Y/A Lng TDs Rec. Yds. Y/R Lng TDsLa Tech 3 36 12.0 25 1 0 0 0.0 0 0Nicholls 7 29 4.1 8 0 3 25 8.3 14 0USC 2 1 0.5 5 0 4 36 9.0 22 0Troy 11 60 5.5 26 1 0 0 0.0 0 0KU 4 28 7.0 13 0 0 0 0.0 0 0ISU 22 116 5.3 21 1 1 0 0.0 0 0KSU 16 92 5.8 48 0 2 14 7.0 10 0UT 7 40 5.7 18 0 2 77 38.5 49 1OSU 21 182 8.7 28 2 3 24 8.0 12 0MU 32 111 3.5 13 1 3 61 20.3 47 0A&M 9 44 4.9 17 0 2 12 6.0 7 0CU 34 142 4.2 31 1 6 42 7.0 18 1

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Game 13

Stewart Bradley #34SAM Linebacker | Senior | 6-4 | 250Salt Lake City, Utah

Stewart Bradley, a three-year starter at SAM linebacker, is a member of a strong Husker linebacking corps that ranks among the nation’s best in 2006. He returned for his senior season after missing the final seven games of his junior campaign due to a knee injury. Bradley is in the midst of his finest season, as he leads the Blackshirts this season with 67 tackles and three fumble recoveries, while he also is one of two Huskers to have forced at least two fumbles. He has added five tackles for loss this season. The versatile Bradley also regularly draws pass coverage assignments in Nebraska’s 4-3 defensive scheme.

Bradley has helped the Husker defense rank fourth in the conference in scoring defense (18.17). He has made at least three tackles in 11 of 12 games this season, while leading the Huskers twice in stops. Twice (against USC and Kansas State) this season he has reached double-digits in tackles, with his eight solo stops against KSU marking a career high. He added eight tackles during Nebraska’s overtime victory over Kansas. His 10 tackles against Kansas State helped limit the Wildcats to an NU opponent season-low 22 yards rushing, the fourth time this season that NU has allowed less than 100 yards on the ground. He added his team-leading third fumble recovery of the season against Oklahoma State.

Bradley Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Bradley made three tackles, including two solo stops, while adding a quarterback hurry in the Huskers’ season-opening win.Nicholls State—Bradley collected four tackles and his first two fumble recoveries to help the Blackshirts deny an opponent a pass completion for the first time since Oklahoma State in 1992.USC—Bradley led the Huskers wth 10 stops, including one tackle for loss, while also forcing his second career fumble.Troy—Bradley had four tackles, including one for loss, while helping NU claim its first shutout in nearly three years against the Trojans.Kansas—Bradley recorded eight tackles, one for a loss, and added his second quarterback hurry of the season during NU’s overtime win over the Jayhawks.Iowa State—Bradley made five tackles, including three solo stops.Kansas State—Bradley tied a season-high with 10 tackles, while setting a career high with eight solo stops. He also made a tackle for loss for the fourth time in five weeks.Texas—Bradley registered six tackles, including five solo stops, while adding a quarterback hurry during the Huskers’ near-upset of the No. 5 Longhorns.Oklahoma State—Bradley made four stops, including three solo tackles, in addition to recovering his third fumble of the season.Missouri—Bradley recorded two assisted tackles while often assigned to pass coverage duties against the Tigers.Texas A&M—Bradley made seven tackles, including a tackle for loss, to help the Huskers clinch the Big 12 North Division title.Colorado—Bradley registered three tackles, including one solo stop.

Career StatisticsDefense ( -------Tackles------ ) Fum. QB Int.Year G/S UT AT TT TFL Sacks C-R BK PBU PI Hry. Csd.2002 Redshirted2003 13/0 4 2 6 3-4 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 4 02004 11/10 38 29 67 11-26 0-0 1-0 0 2 0 5 02005 5/5 11 15 26 5-27 3-25 0-0 0 0 1 7 02006 12/12 34 32 67 4-12 0-0 1-3 0 1 0 5 0Totals 41/27 87 78 166 23-69 3-25 2-3 0 3 1 21 0

Single-Game HighsTackles–12 vs. Kansas, 2004Solo Tackles–8 vs. Kansas State, 2006Tackles for Loss–3-9 at Kansas State, 2004, 3-17 vs. Maine, 2005Sacks–2-16 vs. Maine, 2005 Touchdown–43-yard interception return vs. Wake Forest, 2005

2006 Game-by-Game Tackles Sacks Fumbles Game UT AT TT TFL No.-Yds FF-FR PBU QBH INTLa. Tech 2 1 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0Nicholls 2 2 4 0-0 0-0 0-2 1 0 0USC 3 7 10 1-1 0-0 1-0 0 0 0Troy 1 3 4 1-8 0-0 0-0 0 0 0KU 5 3 8 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0ISU 3 2 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0KSU 8 2 10 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 2 0UT 5 1 6 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0OSU 3 1 4 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 0MU 0 2 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0A&M 3 4 7 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0CU 1 2 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0

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Jay Moore #44Open End | Senior | 6-4 | 280Elkhorn, Neb.

No. 10 on NU's career tackles for loss list (35)

Jay Moore is one half of Nebraska’s impressive starting defensive end tandem. He is in his senior season following two quietly outstanding years as a starter. He has the size and strength not only to defend the run, but also the athletic ability to rush the passer. Moore ranks second only to Adam Carriker in sacks (4.0) and tackles for loss (14) in 2006.

Moore opened his senior campaign strong in the first quarter against Louisiana Tech, recording a sack against quarterback Zac Champion on the Bulldogs’ second drive of the game to force a third-and-long situation that resulted in a punt. He finished the game with two TFLs and one quarterback hurry. The Huskers’ early season success continued in the win against Nicholls State, when NU denied the Colonels from completing a pass, marking the first time a Nebraska opponent has failed to complete a pass since Oklahoma State in 1992.

The Elkhorn, Neb., native helped the Huskers rebound from their first loss of the season with a sack on his only tackle against Troy. Moore’s effort helped NU claim its first shutout in nearly three years. His solid stretch continued through the Kansas and Iowa State games, as he notched a season-high five tackles during both wins. He helped the Blackshirts limit Iowa State to only 53 yards rushing.

Moore tied a career high with his third sack of the season coming among two solo tackles against Kansas State. His efforts helped fuel a dominating Husker defensive performance that included limiting KSU to an NU opponent season-low 22 yards rushing. One week later, Moore recorded one of his finest career performances by tying a career high with three TFLs, including one sack, during Nebraska’s narrow loss to No. 5 Texas, which featured one of the nation’s best offensive line units.

Moore continued on pace for the best season of his career with one of his finest single-game efforts against Missouri. He tied career highs with six tackles and three TFLs while helping the Huskers rebound from a sub-par defensive effort against Oklahoma State. Moore moved into a tie for 10th place on Nebraska’s career list with the performance, and later grabbed sole possession with one TFL among three stops during NU’s Big 12 North Division-clinching win against Texas A&M.

Moore Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Moore notched two tackles for loss, including one sack, in addition to a quarterback hurry.Nicholls State—Moore made four tackles, including two solo stops and a tackle for loss, and a quarterback hurry while helping the Husker defense deny an opponent a pass completion for the first time since Oklahoma State in 1992.USC—Moore made one solo stop and added a pass breakup and a hurry against the Trojans.Troy—Moore recorded a sack on his only tackle of the game, as he helped NU claim its first shutout in nearly three years against the Trojans.Kansas—Moore made five tackles, including one solo stop, against the Jayhawks, while recording a sack on a KU two-point conversion attempt in the fourth quarter.Iowa State—Moore tied his season high with five stops and added a tackle for loss.Kansas State—Moore tied a career-high with his third sack of the season among two solo stops, while helping limit KSU to an NU opponent season-low 22 yards rushing.Texas—Moore made three TFLs among his four tackles, including his team-leading fourth sack. He also added one pass breakup and a quarterback hurry.Oklahoma State—Moore made one tackle for loss among his two stops.Missouri—Moore tied career highs with six tackles and three TFLs against the Tigers while also adding a quarterback hurry.Texas A&M—Moore moved into sole possession of 10th place on NU’s all-time TFL chart with one of his three stops coming for a loss, as the Huskers clinched the Big 12 North Division title against the Aggies.Colorado—Moore made one tackle in the win over the Buffaloes.

Career StatisticsDefense ( -------Tackles------ ) Fum. QB Year G/S UT AT TT TFL Sacks C-R BK PBU PI Hry.2002 Redshirted2003 0/0 0 0 0 0-0 0.0-0 0-0 0 0 0 02004 11/4 11 10 21 7-25 3.0-16 1-2 0 2 0 82005 12/12 19 18 37 14-50 3.0-25 3-1 0 3 1 112006 12/12 18 18 33 14-56 4.0-33 0-0 0 2 0 5Totals 35/28 48 46 91 35-131 10.0-74 4-3 0 7 1 24

Single-Game Bests: Tackles–6, vs. Kansas, 2004; vs. Missouri, 2006Solo Tackles–4 vs. Pittsburgh, 2005Tackles for Loss–3, four times, most recently vs. Missouri, 2006Sacks–1, 10 times, most recently vs. Texas, 2006Quarterback Hurries–3 vs. Missouri, 2004

2006 Game-by-Game Tackles Sacks Fumbles Game UT AT TT TFL No.-Yds FF-FR PBU QBH INTLa. Tech 2 0 2 2-12 1-10 0-0 0 1 0Nicholls 2 2 4 1-4 0-0 0-0 0 1 0USC 1 0 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0Troy 1 0 1 1-6 1-6 0-0 0 0 0KU 1 4 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0ISU 2 3 5 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0KSU 2 0 2 1-13 1-13 0-0 0 1 0UT 2 2 4 3-8 1-4 0-0 1 1 0OSU 1 1 2 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0MU 3 3 6 3-8 0-0 0-0 0 1 0A&M 1 2 3 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0CU 0 1 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13

Terrence Nunn #83Wide Receiver/Punt Returner | Junior 6-0 | 185 | Houston, Texas

2006 Preseason First-Team All-Big 12 (Lindy's)2006 Preseason First-Team All-Big 12 Punt Returner (Athlon)No. 2 on NU’s all-time receptions list (96)No. 3 on NU’s all-time receiving yardage list (1,213)25 consecutive games with a reception (second-longest in NU history)

Terrence Nunn ranks as a dangerous threat for Nebraska in 2006 as a go-to wide receiver. He is continuing to flourish in his junior season as quarterback Zac Taylor and the Husker offense continue to grow. Quietly putting together another fine season, Nunn leads NU in catches (37) and is second to teammate Maurice Purify for both receiving yardage (552) and touchdowns (three).

The Huskers have seen Nunn quickly ascend up the program’s all-time receiving charts in only his third year. After starting the season ranked 15th on NU’s all-time receptions list and outside the top 25 for receiving yardage, the Houston, Texas, native has risen to second and third in the respective categories. He became only the 13th Husker to break the 1,000-yard mark for career yardage early in the season, while his current streak of 25 consecutive games with a reception ranks second in school history only to Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Rodgers.

Nunn Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Nunn led the Huskers with five receptions in the season opener for 54 yards. He also returned three punts for 10 yards.Nicholls State—Nunn caught three passes for 22 yards. He helped set the Husker offense up with good field position several times on solid punt returns, notching a 13.6 yards per return average, including a season-high 27-yard return.USC—Nunn made two receptions for 31 yards. He added an electrifying 31-yard punt return to help set up the Huskers’ first-quarter field goal.Troy—Nunn experienced a career day by catching four passes for a career-high 102 yards, including a personal-best 67-yard reception in the second quarter. He moved past Cory Ross and Tim Smith into fifth on NU’s all-time receptions list, while extending his streak of games with a catch to 17, the fourth-best string in school history.

Kansas—Nunn became only the 13th Husker to eclipse the 1,000-yard receiving mark with three catches for 98 yards that included a career-long 75-yard touchdown reception on NU’s second play from scrimmage. He also moved into fourth place on the all-time receptions list and extended his streak of games with a catch to 18.Iowa State—Nunn recorded a catch for the 19th straight game to move within one of Junior Miller and Matt Davison for the third-longest streak in school history. He totaled two receptions for 11 yards during the road win over ISU.Kansas State—Nunn extended his consecutive games with a reception streak to 20 on an 18-yard catch in the second quarter, tying for the second-longest streak in NU history, while he moved ahead of Junior Miller into 12th on the all-time receiving yardage chart.Texas—Nunn made a team-high five catches to move into a tie with Jeff Kinney for third place on NU’s all-time receptions list with 84. He also jumped from 12th to seventh (1,133) on the career receiving yardage list with 84 yards through the air, while extending his consecutive games with a reception streak to 21, the second-longest in NU history.Oklahoma State—Nunn hauled in three catches for 17 yards to extend his consecutive games with a reception streak to 22. He also tied Tracey Wistrom for sixth on NU’s all-time receiving yardage list with 1,150 yards.Missouri—Nunn recorded his second touchdown of the season on a 28-yard pass from Maurice Purify during a fake end-around play in the first quarter. Nunn totaled two receptions for 35 yards to run his consecutive games with a catch streak to 23.Texas A&M—Nunn made three catches for 28 yards, extending his consecutive games with a reception streak to 24. He also moved past Irving Fryar into fourth place on NU’s career receiving yardage list.Colorado—Nunn caught four passes for 52 yards and added his third touchdown of the season on NU’s opening drive of the game. He moved into second place on the career receptions (96) list past Matt Davison and into third place on the career yardage list (1,265) ahead of teammate Matt Herian. Nunn also extended his consecutive games with a reception streak to 25.

Career StatisticsReceiving Year G/S No. Yds. Y/R Y/G Long TDs2004 11/6 16 218 13.6 19.8 55 at Kansas State 02005 12/12 43 495 11.5 41.2 52 vs. Michigan 72006 12/8 37 552 14.9 46.0 75 vs. Kansas 3Totals 35/26 96 1,265 13.2 36.1 75 vs. Kansas 10

Punt Returns: 27-368-0 (13.6 avg) overall; 16-293-0 (18.3 avg) in 2005; 18-153-0 (8.5 avg) in 2006Rushing: 4-46-0; 2-23-0 in 2004; 2-23-0 in 2005

Single-Game Bests: Receptions–8 vs. Iowa State, 2005Receiving Yards–102 vs. Troy, 2006Long Reception–67 vs. Troy, 2006Long Rush–21 vs. Western Illinois, 2004Long Punt Return–62 vs. Maine, Pittsburgh, 2005

2006 Game-by-Game Receiving Punt ReturnsGame Rec. Yds. Long TD No. Yds. Avg. Long TDLa. Tech 5 54 18 0 3 10 3.3 12 0Nicholls 3 22 9 0 5 68 13.6 27 0USC 2 31 21 0 3 27 9.0 31 0Troy 4 102 67 0 2 2 1.0 3 0KU 3 98 75 1 1 29 29.0 29 0ISU 2 11 6 0 2 11 5.5 8 0KSU 1 18 15 0 2 6 3.0 8 0UT 5 84 23 0 0 0 0.0 0 0OSU 3 17 10 0 0 0 0.0 0 0MU 2 35 28 1 0 0 0.0 0 0A&M 3 28 12 0 0 0 0.0 0 0CU 4 52 19 1 0 0 0.0 0 0

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13

Adam Carriker #90Base End | Senior | 6-6 | 295Kennewick, Wash.

2006 Preseason All-American (Playboy, Athlon, Lindy's)2006 Preseason First-Team All-Big 12 (Athlon, Lindy's)2006 Preseason Second-Team All-Big 12 (Sporting News)2006 Lombardi, Nagurski, Bednarik and Lott Trophy Watch ListsNo. 5 on NU’s career tackles for loss list (40)No. 6 on NU’s career sacks list (19.5)

Adam Carriker is in the midst of a dominant senior year in 2006 after establishing himself as one of the nation’s top defensive ends last season. His unique combination of size, speed, strength and agility allows him to be an effective weapon to apply pressure to the quarterback and stop the run while taking on multiple blockers from his base end position. He leads the Huskers this season with six sacks, 15 tackles for loss and 12 quarterback hurries.

Carriker’s productive stint at Nebraska has seen him move into the program’s career top-10 lists for both sacks and TFLs. He is one of only five players in Husker history with 40 TFLs, while his 19.5 sacks rank sixth and only three shy of former NU great Broderick Thomas. The Kennewick, Wash., native experienced a very strong finish to the regular season, as he notched five of his sacks and more than half (eight) of his TFLs in the final four games. He tied a single-game career-high with two sacks twice during that stretch, against Oklahoma State and Colorado.

Carriker Game-by-Game in 2006Louisiana Tech—Carriker notched three tackles, two for loss, one sack and a pair of quarterback hurries.Nicholls State—Carriker tied for the team lead with six tackles, including one for a loss, while helping the Husker defense deny an opponent a pass completion for the first time since Oklahoma State in 1992.USC—Carriker made two assisted tackles and recorded a pass breakup.Troy—Carriker had one tackle for loss among his three stops, while registering a pass breakup and two quarterback hurries.Kansas—Carriker notched season bests of eight tackles and three tackles for loss. He added a quarterback hurry.Iowa State—Carriker recorded a pair of quarterback hurries in the win over ISU.Kansas State—Carriker did not register a tackle during the win over KSU, but he did help the Blackshirts hold the Wildcats to an NU opponent season-low 22 yards rushing.Texas—Carriker made five tackles, including a pair of solo stops, during NU’s near-upset of the No. 5 Longhorns.Oklahoma State—Carriker experienced one of his finest games to date this season, totaling two sacks and three TFLs on six tackles. He moved into a tie for sixth on NU’s career sacks list, while jumping into ninth place on the school TFL chart. In addition to his day in the OSU backfield, he also blocked his first career kick on a second-quarter point-after attempt.Missouri—Carriker came down with his first career interception after breaking up a pass at the line of scrimmage. He added two solo tackles during the win.Texas A&M—Carriker made two TFL and a sack of A&M quarterback Stephen McGhee on the final play of the game to help NU clinch the Big 12 North Division title. Carriker moved into sole possession of sixth on the career sacks list and into eighth on the TFL chart.Colorado—Carriker had one of his finest games of the season, collecting seven tackles and three TFLs, including a career-high-tying two sacks. He moved from eighth into fifth on NU’s career TFL chart during the win. Carriker also was the leading tackler on a third-quarter safety that gave NU a nine-point lead over the Buffs.

Career StatisticsDefense ( -------Tackles------ ) Fum. QB Year G/S UT AT TT TFL Sacks C-R BK PBU PI Hry.2002 Redshirted2003 9/0 2 1 3 1-9 1-9 0-0 0 0 0 32004 10/8 19 17 36 7-23 3-18 0-0 0 0 0 72005 12/12 26 17 43 17-96 9.5-84 0-1 0 3 0 212006 12/12 21 27 48 15-52 6-36 0-0 1 3 1 12Totals 43/32 68 62 130 40-180 19.5-147 0-1 1 6 1 43

Single-Game Bests: Tackles–9 at Kansas State, 2004Solo Tackles–4, five times, most recently at Kansas, 2005Sacks–2, four times, most recently vs. Colorado, 2006Tackles for Loss–4-26 vs. Pittsburgh, 2005QB Hurries–5, vs. Kansas State, 2005Interceptions–1, vs. Missouri, 2006

2006 Game-by-Game Tackles Sacks Fumbles Game UT AT TT TFL No.-Yds FF-FR PBU QBH INTLa. Tech 1 2 3 2-7 1-7 0-0 0 2 0Nicholls 2 4 6 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0USC 0 2 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0Troy 2 1 3 1-3 0-0 0-0 1 2 0KU 3 5 8 3-3 0-0 0-0 0 1 0ISU 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 0KSU 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 3 0UT 2 3 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0OSU 5 1 6 3-16 2-10 0-0 1 1 0MU 2 0 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 1A&M 1 5 6 2-3 1-1 0-0 0 0 0CU 3 4 7 3-19 2-18 0-0 0 0 0

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13

Cody Glenn #34I-Back | Sophomore | 6-0 | 230Rusk, Texas

Cody Glenn has been a physical addition to Nebraska’s I-back-by-committee system in his second season as a Husker. The 6-0, 230-pound Glenn is a powerful runner who has shown glimpses of potential to become a complete back in NU’s West Coast offensive system.

Glenn has appeared in nine of 12 games and ranks third among his Husker I-back teammates this season in rushing with 370 yards and a 5.2 yards per carry average. His eight touchdowns lead the team and are the most by a Husker I-back since Dahrran Diedrick scored 15 in 2001. Glenn recorded his first career 100-yard performance against Iowa State with a career-high 148 yards and a pair of scores, while he added two touchdowns on six carries against Texas A&M, his third game of the season with two scores.

2006 Game-by-Game Rushing Receiving Game Att. Yds. Y/A Lng TDs Rec. Yds. Y/R Lng TDsLa Tech 13 88 6.8 18 1 0 0 0.0 0 0Nicholls 11 47 4.3 15 2 0 0 0.0 0 0USC 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0Troy Did Not Play (Injured)KU 7 33 4.7 11 1 0 0 0.0 0 0ISU 19 148 7.8 36 2 0 0 0.0 0 0KSU 10 22 2.2 9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0UT 4 6 1.5 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0OSU 1 1 1.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0MU Did Not PlayA&M 6 25 4.2 8 2 0 0 0.0 0 0CU Did Not Play (Injured)

Marlon Lucky #20I-Back | Sophomore | 6-0 | 210North Hollywood, Calif.

Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week (9/25)

Marlon Lucky, who started the season’s first five games, gives the Huskers a dangerous multi-dimensional threat out of the backfield in only his second season in Lincoln. He has shown the speed to break away from defenders while also providing NU with another dangerous receiving option.

Lucky currently leads all Huskers with a 5.5 yards per carry average and ranks second in rushing with 640 yards. His six touchdowns on the ground rank third on the team, while his 24 receptions place him only behind starter Brandon Jackson among NU’s I-back committee. Additionally, Lucky has made at least one reception in 11 of 12 games this season. His efforts have helped turn Nebraska into one of college football’s most potent offenses this season, as the squad ranks among the top 18 nationally in rushing, passing, total offense and scoring average. Lucky became NU’s second back this season to eclipse the 1,000-yard barrier for all-purpose yardage during the regular season finale against Colorado.

The North Hollywood, Calif., native has recorded two 100-yard rushing games this season, including a career-high 156 yards against Troy featuring three touchdowns that earned him Big 12 Offensive Player-of-the-Week honors. Through the air, Lucky posted back-to-back outstanding efforts with at least three catches and 46 yards receiving against both Oklahoma State and Missouri. His four receptions against the Tigers marked a career high. Lucky matched the total a week later in the Big 12 North Division-clinching win at Texas A&M, when he paced the Huskers with 52 yards rushing and added a career-long 42-yard reception that led to Nebraska’s third touchdown of the first half. He totaled 136 all-purpose yards during the game.

2006 Game-by-Game Rushing Receiving Game Att. Yds. Y/A Lng TDs Rec. Yds. Y/R Lng TDsLa Tech 13 79 6.1 13 1 3 42 14.0 19 0Nicholls 18 103 5.7 12 1 1 13 13.0 13 0USC 10 27 2.7 9 0 1 12 12.0 12 0Troy 10 156 15.6 51 3 1 2 2.0 2 0KU 13 40 3.1 6 0 2 16 8.0 13 0ISU 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 28 9.3 15 0KSU 12 71 5.9 40 1 1 4 4.0 4 0UT 3 5 1.7 2 0 1 6 6.0 6 0OSU 9 42 4.7 17 0 3 47 15.7 21 0MU 12 44 3.7 8 0 4 46 11.5 26 0A&M 12 52 4.3 15 0 4 56 14.0 42 0CU 4 21 5.3 9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0

Career StatisticsRushing Year G/S Att. Gain Loss Net Y/A Y/G Long TDs2005 12/0 43 139 10 129 3.0 10.8 11, twice 02006 12/5 116 666 26 640 5.5 53.3 51, vs. Troy 6Totals 24/5 159 805 36 769 4.8 32.0 51, vs. Troy 6Kickoff Returns: 19-383-0, 20.2 averageSingle-Game Bests: Rushing Attempts–18 vs. Nicholls State, 2006Rushing Yards–156 vs. Troy, 2006Long Rush–51 vs. Troy, 2006Rushing Touchdowns–3 vs. Troy, 2006Receptions–4, vs. Missouri, vs. Texas A&M, 2006Receiving Yards–47 vs. Oklahoma State, 2006Long Reception–42 vs. Texas A&M, 2006Touchdown Passes–1 vs. Texas, 2006Long Kickoff Return–57 vs. Kansas, 2005

Kenny Wilson #27I-Back | Junior | 6-0 | 220Liberal, Kan.

Kenny Wilson is the newcomer to Nebraska’s I-back-by-committee group in his first season from Butler County (Kan.) Community College. He possesses tremendous speed and has been valuable to the Huskers both in the backfield and on kickoff returns this year.

Wilson has received carries in nine of 12 games to date and ranks fourth on the team with 337 yards rushing. The Liberal, Kan., native has scored four touchdowns on the ground, including two against Troy, when he rushed for a career-high 106 yards on 19 carries. He broke a six-game scoreless streak with a seven-yard touchdown as the game clock wound down in the regular season finale against Colorado.

2006 Game-by-Game Rushing Receiving Game Att. Yds. Y/A Lng TDs Rec. Yds. Y/R Lng TDsLa Tech 15 47 3.1 9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0Nicholls 9 79 8.8 30 1 0 0 0.0 0 0USC 19 46 2.4 10 0 0 0 0.0 0 0Troy 19 106 5.6 21 2 0 0 0.0 0 0KU 4 33 8.2 24 0 0 0 0.0 0 0ISU 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0KSU 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0UT 2 -1 -0.5 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0OSU 1 3 3.0 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0MU Did Not PlayA&M 2 8 4.0 10 0 0 0 0.0 0 0CU 3 16 5.3 7 1 0 0 0.0 0 0

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

2006 Nebraska ResultsDate Opponent Score Overall Conference Time AttendSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH W 49-10 1-0-0 0-0-0 3:04 85181Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE W 56-7 2-0-0 0-0-0 2:48 84076Sept. 16, 2006 at USC L 10-28 2-1-0 0-0-0 3:05 92000Sept. 23, 2006 TROY W 56-0 3-1-0 0-0-0 2:44 84799* Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS WOT 39-32 4-1-0 1-0-0 3:52 85069* Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State W 28-14 5-1-0 2-0-0 3:12 55338* Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State W 21-3 6-1-0 3-0-0 3:00 50723* Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS L 20-22 6-2-0 3-1-0 3:24 85187* Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State L 29-41 6-3-0 3-2-0 3:24 40108* Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI W 34-20 7-3-0 4-2-0 3:07 85197* Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M W 28-27 8-3-0 5-2-0 3:25 83336* Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO W 37-14 9-3-0 6-2-0 3:23 85800* indicates conference game

Team StatisticsTEAM STATISTICS NU OPPSCORING 407 218 Points Per Game 33.9 18.2FIRST DOWNS 251 211 Rushing 113 75 Passing 125 127 Penalty 13 9RUSHING YARDAGE 2199 1523 Yards gained rushing 2484 1863 Yards lost rushing 285 340 Rushing Attempts 495 373 Average Per Rush 4.4 4.1 Average Per Game 183.2 126.9 TDs Rushing 26 12PASSING YARDAGE 3009 2638 Att-Comp-Int 334-207-4 390-209-11 Average Per Pass 9.0 6.8 Average Per Catch 14.5 12.6 Average Per Game 250.8 219.8 TDs Passing 30 14TOTAL OFFENSE 5208 4161 Total Plays 829 763 Average Per Play 6.3 5.5 Average Per Game 434.0 346.8KICK RETURNS: #-YARDS 23-399 57-988PUNT RETURNS: #-YARDS 32-268 13-70INT RETURNS: #-YARDS 11-113 4-27KICK RETURN AVERAGE 17.3 17.3PUNT RETURN AVERAGE 8.4 5.4INT RETURN AVERAGE 10.3 6.8FUMBLES-LOST 21-14 28-11PENALTIES-YARDS 65-545 68-513 Average Per Game 45.4 42.8PUNTS-YARDS 55-2180 68-2748 Average Per Punt 39.6 40.4 Net punt average 37.6 35.6TIME OF POSSESSION/GAME 33:01 26:593RD-DOWN CONVERSIONS 82/170 55/165 3rd-Down Pct 48% 33%4TH-DOWN CONVERSIONS 13/18 9/22 4th-Down Pct 72% 41%SACKS BY-YARDS 25-200 25-184MISC YARDS 18 31TOUCHDOWNS SCORED 56 27FIELD GOALS-ATTEMPTS 5-7 11-16PAT-ATTEMPTS 52-53 21-24ATTENDANCE 595309 321505 Games/Avg Per Game 7/85044 5/64301 Neutral Site Games 0/0

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT TotalNebraska 110 121 49 120 7 407Opponents 24 76 36 82 0 218

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

RUSHING GP Att Gain Loss Net Avg TD Long Avg/GJackson, Brandon 12 168 913 32 881 5.2 7 48 73.4Lucky, Marlon 12 116 666 26 640 5.5 6 51 53.3Glenn, Cody 9 71 375 5 370 5.2 8 36 41.1Wilson, Kenny 11 74 354 17 337 4.6 4 30 30.6Nunn, Terrence 12 3 21 0 21 7.0 0 18 1.8Hardy, Frantz 12 3 16 2 14 4.7 0 13 1.2Green, Tierre 12 1 7 0 7 7.0 0 7 0.6Purify, Maurice 12 1 1 0 1 1.0 0 1 0.1Ganz, Joe 4 3 10 20 -10 -3.3 0 10 -2.5TEAM 7 6 0 19 -19 -3.2 0 0 -2.7Taylor, Zac 12 49 121 164 -43 -0.9 1 24 -3.6Total.......... 12 495 2484 285 2199 4.4 26 51 183.2Opponents...... 12 373 1863 340 1523 4.1 12 57 126.9

PASSING G Effic Att-Cmp-Int Pct Yds TD Lng Avg/GTaylor, Zac 12 159.20 315-196-4 62.2 2789 24 78 232.4Ganz, Joe 4 208.83 13-7-0 53.8 122 3 31 30.5Lucky, Marlon 12 320.00 2-1-0 50.0 25 1 25 2.1Wesch, Jake 9 572.80 1-1-0 100.0 17 1 17 1.9Purify, Maurice 12 665.20 1-1-0 100.0 28 1 28 2.3TEAM 7 0.00 1-0-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0Titchener, Dan 12 335.20 1-1-0 100.0 28 0 28 2.3Total.......... 12 164.90 334-207-4 62.0 3009 30 78 250.8Opponents...... 12 116.61 390-209-11 53.6 2638 14 56 219.8

RECEIVING G No. Yds Avg TD Long Avg/GNunn, Terrence 12 37 552 14.9 3 75 46.0Purify, Maurice 12 30 584 19.5 7 63 48.7Jackson, Brandon 12 26 291 11.2 2 49 24.2Lucky, Marlon 12 24 272 11.3 0 42 22.7Swift, Nate 12 18 312 17.3 1 49 26.0Peterson, Todd 12 17 235 13.8 2 31 19.6Hardy, Frantz 12 14 317 22.6 3 78 26.4Herian, Matt 12 12 150 12.5 2 36 12.5Phillips, J.B. 12 12 75 6.2 2 10 6.2Mueller, Josh 12 5 26 5.2 2 8 2.2Teafatiller, Hunter 12 4 64 16.0 3 29 5.3Erickson, Dan 12 3 80 26.7 0 57 6.7Senske, Matt 4 2 13 6.5 1 12 3.2Todd, Dane 12 2 9 4.5 1 8 0.8Turner, Barry 12 1 29 29.0 1 29 2.4Total.......... 12 207 3009 14.5 30 78 250.8Opponents...... 12 209 2638 12.6 14 56 219.8

PUNT RETURNS No. Yds Avg TD LongNunn, Terrence 18 153 8.5 0 31Grixby, Cortney 9 66 7.3 0 16Swift, Nate 3 50 16.7 0 33TEAM 1 0 0.0 0 0Bradley, Stewart 1 -1 -1.0 0 0Total.......... 32 268 8.4 0 33Opponents...... 13 70 5.4 0 16

INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg TD LongShanle, Andrew 3 19 6.3 0 19Ruud, Bo 2 54 27.0 0 40Grixby, Cortney 1 3 3.0 0 3Thenarse, Rickey 1 25 25.0 0 25Green, Tierre 1 15 15.0 0 15Suh, Ndamukong 1 0 0.0 0 0Jones, Andre 1 0 0.0 0 0Carriker, Adam 1 -3 -3.0 0 0Total.......... 11 113 10.3 0 40Opponents...... 4 27 6.8 0 16

KICK RETURNS No. Yds Avg TD LongJackson, Brandon 7 121 17.3 0 24Lucky, Marlon 6 113 18.8 0 32Hardy, Frantz 3 49 16.3 0 22Green, Tierre 3 59 19.7 0 23Wilson, Kenny 2 42 21.0 0 27Phillips, J.B. 1 15 15.0 0 15Peterson, Todd 1 0 0.0 0 0Total.......... 23 399 17.3 0 32Opponents...... 57 988 17.3 0 78

FUMBLE RETURNS No. Yds Avg TD LongRigoni, Brandon 1 11 11.0 0 11Ruud, Bo 1 7 7.0 0 7Total.......... 2 18 9.0 0 11Opponents...... 2 21 10.5 1 19

FIELD GOALS FGM-FGA Pct 01-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-99 Lg BlkCongdon, Jordan 5-7 71.4 0-0 2-2 2-3 1-2 0-0 40 0

FG SEQUENCE Nebraska OPPONENTSLouisiana Tech - (23)Nicholls State 37 -USC (38) -Troy - -Kansas (21) (31),(35)Iowa State - -Kansas State - 54, (53)Texas - (22),39,31,(22),(22)Oklahoma State (26),42 -Missouri (40),(33) (26),(54)Texas A&M - (37),(20),42Colorado - 55Numbers in (parentheses) indicate field goal was made.

PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long TB FC I20 BlkdTitchener, Dan 54 2145 39.7 58 2 23 18 0Congdon, Jordan 1 35 35.0 35 0 0 1 0Total.......... 55 2180 39.6 58 2 23 19 0Opponents...... 68 2748 40.4 60 3 8 15 1

KICKOFFS No. Yds Avg TB OB Retn Net YdLnCongdon, Jordan 42 2351 56.0 4 1 Wesch, Jake 29 1773 61.1 8 0 Alegria, Jordan 1 59 59.0 0 0 Total.......... 72 4183 58.1 12 1 988 41.0 23Opponents...... 48 2843 59.2 22 1 399 41.8 23

Individual Statistics

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

|---------- PATs ----------|SCORING TD FGs Kick Rush Rcv Pass DXP Saf PtsCongdon, Jordan 0 5-7 52-53 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 67Jackson, Brandon 9 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 54Glenn, Cody 8 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 48Purify, Maurice 7 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 42Lucky, Marlon 6 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 36Wilson, Kenny 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 24Nunn, Terrence 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 18Hardy, Frantz 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 18Teafatiller, Hunter 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 18Herian, Matt 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 12Phillips, J.B. 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 12Peterson, Todd 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 12Mueller, Josh 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 12Swift, Nate 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0-0 0 0 8Todd, Dane 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 6Turner, Barry 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 6Taylor, Zac 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1-2 0 0 6Senske, Matt 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 6TEAM 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 1 2Wesch, Jake 0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0-0 0 0 0Rigoni, Brandon 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0 0Total.......... 56 5-7 52-53 0-1 1 1-2 0 1 407Opponents...... 27 11-16 21-24 0-1 1 1-2 0 0 218

TOTAL OFFENSE G Plays Rush Pass Total Avg/GTaylor, Zac 12 364 -43 2789 2746 228.8Jackson, Brandon 12 168 881 0 881 73.4Lucky, Marlon 12 118 640 25 665 55.4Glenn, Cody 9 71 370 0 370 41.1Wilson, Kenny 11 74 337 0 337 30.6Ganz, Joe 4 16 -10 122 112 28.0Purify, Maurice 12 2 1 28 29 2.4Titchener, Dan 12 1 0 28 28 2.3Nunn, Terrence 12 3 21 0 21 1.8Wesch, Jake 9 1 0 17 17 1.9Hardy, Frantz 12 3 14 0 14 1.2Green, Tierre 12 1 7 0 7 0.6TEAM 7 7 -19 0 -19 -2.7Total.......... 12 829 2199 3009 5208 434.0Opponents...... 12 763 1523 2638 4161 346.8

Individual StatisticsALL PURPOSE G Rush Rec PR KOR IR Tot Avg/GJackson, Brandon 12 881 291 0 121 0 1293 107.8Lucky, Marlon 12 640 272 0 113 0 1025 85.4Nunn, Terrence 12 21 552 153 0 0 726 60.5Purify, Maurice 12 1 584 0 0 0 585 48.8Hardy, Frantz 12 14 317 0 49 0 380 31.7Wilson, Kenny 11 337 0 0 42 0 379 34.5Glenn, Cody 9 370 0 0 0 0 370 41.1Swift, Nate 12 0 312 50 0 0 362 30.2Peterson, Todd 12 0 235 0 0 0 235 19.6Herian, Matt 12 0 150 0 0 0 150 12.5Phillips, J.B. 12 0 75 0 15 0 90 7.5Green, Tierre 12 7 0 0 59 15 81 6.8Erickson, Dan 12 0 80 0 0 0 80 6.7Grixby, Cortney 12 0 0 66 0 3 69 5.8Teafatiller, Hunter 12 0 64 0 0 0 64 5.3Ruud, Bo 12 0 0 0 0 54 54 4.5Turner, Barry 12 0 29 0 0 0 29 2.4Mueller, Josh 12 0 26 0 0 0 26 2.2Thenarse, Rickey 12 0 0 0 0 25 25 2.1Shanle, Andrew 12 0 0 0 0 19 19 1.6Senske, Matt 4 0 13 0 0 0 13 3.2Todd, Dane 12 0 9 0 0 0 9 0.8Bradley, Stewart 12 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -0.1Carriker, Adam 12 0 0 0 0 -3 -3 -0.2Ganz, Joe 4 -10 0 0 0 0 -10 -2.5TEAM 7 -19 0 0 0 0 -19 -2.7Taylor, Zac 12 -43 0 0 0 0 -43 -3.6Total.......... 12 2199 3009 268 399 113 5988 499.0Opponents...... 12 1523 2638 70 988 27 5246 437.2

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

Defensive Statistics |-------Tackles-------| |-Sacks-| |---Pass Def---| |-Fumbles-| Blkd DEFENSIVE LEADERS GP Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds No-Yards Int-Yds BrUp QBH Rcv-Yds FF Kick Saf34 Bradley, Stewart 12 35 32 67 5-12 . . 1 5 3-0 2 . .25 Jones, Andre 12 41 21 62 1-1 . 1-0 7 . . . . .30 Green, Tierre 12 34 27 61 1-1 . 1-15 2 . 1-0 . . .51 Ruud, Bo 12 32 28 60 7-31 2.0-23 2-54 2 3 1-7 3 . .13 McKeon, Corey 11 26 29 55 6-24 1.0-15 . 2 2 1-0 1 . .8 Shanle, Andrew 12 36 14 50 . . 3-19 4 4 1-0 . . .90 Carriker, Adam 12 21 27 48 15-52 6.0-36 1--3 3 11 . . 1 .2 Grixby, Cortney 12 32 11 43 2-3 . 1-3 10 . 1-0 1 . .40 Brandenburgh, Lance 12 17 21 38 3-7 0.5-1 . . . . 1 . .44 Moore, Jay 12 17 19 36 14-56 4.0-33 . 3 5 . . . .15 Octavien, Steve 7 16 10 26 3-6 . . 2 1 . 1 . .94 Cryer, Barry 12 14 11 25 8-31 2.5-18 . 3 1 . 1 . .54 Dagunduro, Ola 12 10 12 22 8-29 3.5-25 . . 2 . . 1 .43 Steinkuhler, Ty 12 14 6 20 2-5 0.5-1 . . . . 1 . .93 Suh, Ndamukong 12 12 6 18 8-45 3.5-37 1-0 . 2 . 1 . .99 Turner, Barry 12 11 6 17 4-12 1.5-11 . 1 6 1-0 . 1 .46 Eisenhart, Ben 12 9 4 13 2-6 . . . . . . . .26 Erickson, Dan 12 6 6 12 . . . . . . . . .23 Young, Corey 10 9 3 12 . . . . . . . . .6 Culbert, Major 10 5 5 10 . . . . . . . 1 .3 Thenarse, Rickey 12 5 3 8 . . 1-25 1 . . 1 . .33 O’Hanlon, Matt 11 1 7 8 . . . . . . . . .24 Rigoni, Brandon 12 4 2 6 . . . . . 1-11 . . .47 Kadavy, Andy 11 3 3 6 . . . . . . . . .17 Peterson, Todd 12 3 2 5 . . . . . . . . .9 Wilson, Bryan 12 3 1 4 1-1 . . . 1 1-0 . . .52 Dillard, Phillip 1 3 1 4 . . . . . . . . .37 Wesch, Jake 9 2 1 3 . . . . . . . . .98 Potter, Zach 12 2 1 3 . . . . . . . . .86 Poulosky, Andy 7 1 1 2 1-3 . . . 1 . . . .61 Huff, Mike 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .59 Byford, Brett 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .18 Spain, Tyrell 9 . 1 1 . . . . . . . . .21 Brothers, Titus 2 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .41 Todd, Dane 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .96 Johnson, Brandon 6 . 1 1 . . . . . . . . .88 Sievers, Clayton 7 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .29 Congdon, Jordan 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .7 Hardy, Frantz 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .16 Purify, Maurice 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .13 Taylor, Zac 12 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . .TM TEAM 7 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Total.......... 12 433 322 755 91-325 25-200 11-113 41 44 11-18 13 4 1 Opponents...... 12 - - - - 25-184 4-27 37 10 14-31 17 . .

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

RUSHING No-Yds/TD TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUJackson, Brandon 168-881/7 3-36/1 7-29/0 2-1/0 11-60/1 4-28/0 22-116/1 16-92/0 7-40/0 21-182/2 32-111/1 9-44/0 34-142/1Lucky, Marlon 116-640/6 13-79/1 18-103/1 10-27/0 10-156/3 13-40/0 - 12-71/1 3-5/0 9-42/0 12-44/0 12-52/0 4-21/0Glenn, Cody 71-370/8 13-88/1 11-47/2 - DNP 7-33/1 19-148/2 10-22/0 4-6/0 1-1/0 DNP 6-25/2 DNPWilson, Kenny 74-337/4 15-47/0 9-79/1 19-46/0 19-106/2 4-33/0 - - 2--1/0 1-3/0 DNP 2-8/0 3-16/1Nunn, Terrence 3-21/0 - - - 1-0/0 - - - - - 2-21/0 - -Hardy, Frantz 3-14/0 - - - - 1--2/0 - - 1-13/0 1-3/0 - - -Green, Tierre 1-7/0 - - - - - - - - - - - 1-7/0Purify, Maurice 1-1/0 - - - - - - - - - - - 1-1/0Ganz, Joe 3--10/0 - 1-10/0 DNP 1--12/0 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 1--8/0TEAM 6--19/0 2--7/0 1--4/0 DNP 1--2/0 1--4/0 DNP DNP DNP - DNP 1--2/0 -Taylor, Zac 49--43/1 2-9/0 3--3/0 5--6/1 3-8/0 2--12/0 4--13/0 5-5/0 7--25/0 7--20/0 1-7/0 8--4/0 2-11/0

RECEIVING No-Yds/TD TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUPurify, Maurice 30-584/7 1-28/0 2-61/1 - 2-45/0 4-91/0 2-35/1 4-73/0 2-84/1 6-65/2 2-21/1 2-30/1 3-51/0Nunn, Terrence 37-552/3 5-54/0 3-22/0 2-31/0 4-102/0 3-98/1 2-11/0 1-18/0 5-84/0 3-17/0 2-35/1 3-28/0 4-52/1Hardy, Frantz 14-317/3 2-24/0 1-14/1 - 1-16/0 3-159/2 2-8/0 - - 3-52/0 - 1-26/0 1-18/0Swift, Nate 18-312/1 3-46/0 - - 3-79/0 2-25/0 1-4/0 2-29/0 1-25/1 1-8/0 2-56/0 1-17/0 2-23/0Jackson, Brandon 26-291/2 - 3-25/0 4-36/0 - - 1-0/0 2-14/0 2-77/1 3-24/0 3-61/0 2-12/0 6-42/1Lucky, Marlon 24-272/0 3-42/0 1-13/0 1-12/0 1-2/0 2-16/0 3-28/0 1-4/0 1-6/0 3-47/0 4-46/0 4-56/0 -Peterson, Todd 17-235/2 2-30/0 1-31/0 1-28/0 - 1-6/1 2-25/0 - 1-5/0 2-28/0 - 7-82/1 -Herian, Matt 12-150/2 3-61/1 4-38/1 1-36/0 - - 2-6/0 - 2-9/0 - - - -Erickson, Dan 3-80/0 - 1-7/0 - - - - - - - - 1-16/0 1-57/0Phillips, J.B. 12-75/2 2-8/1 3-17/0 - 2-16/1 - 2-14/0 1-8/0 2-12/0 - - - -Teafatiller, Hunter 4-64/3 1-29/1 - - - - - 1-17/1 - - 1-17/1 - 1-1/0Turner, Barry 1-29/1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1-29/1Mueller, Josh 5-26/2 2-10/1 - - 1-8/0 - - 1-3/1 - - - - 1-5/0Senske, Matt 2-13/1 - - DNP 2-13/1 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP - DNPTodd, Dane 2-9/1 - 2-9/1 - - - - - - - - - -

PASSINGTaylor, Zac Att Comp Int Pct Yards TD Long Sack Yds EfficLouisiana Tech 33 22 1 66.7 287 3 31 0 0 163.7Nicholls State 23 19 0 82.6 202 4 42 1 5 213.8USC 16 8 0 50.0 115 0 36 1 11 110.4Troy 17 14 1 82.4 268 1 67 0 0 222.4Kansas 33 15 0 45.5 395 4 78 2 12 186.0Iowa State 21 17 0 81.0 131 1 27 2 21 149.1Kansas State 21 12 0 57.1 149 1 32 4 19 132.5Texas 28 15 1 53.6 277 2 63 4 29 153.1Oklahoma State 39 21 0 53.8 241 2 27 5 46 122.7Missouri 21 13 0 61.9 208 2 47 0 0 176.5Texas A&M 35 21 1 60.0 267 2 42 4 21 137.2Colorado 28 19 0 67.9 249 2 57 0 0 166.1TOTALS 315 196 4 62.2 2789 24 78 23 164 159.2 Ganz, Joe Att Comp Int Pct Yards TD Long Sack Yds EfficLouisiana Tech 3 2 0 66.7 45 1 29 0 0 302.7Nicholls State 3 2 0 66.7 35 0 31 0 0 164.7Troy 6 2 0 33.3 13 1 12 1 12 106.5Colorado 1 1 0 100.0 29 1 29 1 8 673.6TOTALS 13 7 0 53.8 122 3 31 2 20 208.8

PUNT RETURNS No-Yds TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUNunn, Terrence 18-153 3-10 5-68 3-27 2-2 1-29 2-11 2-6 - - - - -Grixby, Cortney 9-66 - - - - 1-9 - - - 2-27 3-24 2-6 1-0Swift, Nate 3-50 - 2-49 - - - - - 1-1 - - - -TEAM 1-0 - 1-0 DNP - - DNP DNP DNP - DNP - -Bradley, Stewart 1--1 1--1 - - - - - - - - - - -

KICK RETURNS No-Yds TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUJackson, Brandon 7-121 - - 1-15 - 1-17 1-24 - 2-45 - - 1-14 1-6Lucky, Marlon 6-113 - - - - - - - 1-10 - 3-61 1-28 1-14Green, Tierre 3-59 1-14 1-23 1-22 - - - - - - - - -Hardy, Frantz 3-49 - - - - - - - - 3-49 - - -Wilson, Kenny 2-42 - - - 1-27 - - 1-15 - - DNP - -Phillips, J.B. 1-15 - - - - - - - - - - - 1-15Peterson, Todd 1-0 - - - - - 1-0 - - - - - -

Individual Game By Game

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

Individual Defense Game By GameTOTAL TACKLES UA-A TOT TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUBradley, Stewart 35-32 67 2-1 2-2 3-7 1-3 5-3 3-2 6-4 6-1 3-1 0-2 3-4 1-2Jones, Andre 41-21 62 0-1 0-1 5-2 2-1 5-2 7-0 4-3 5-2 4-1 1-3 3-1 5-4Green, Tierre 34-27 61 2-2 5-0 1-4 2-5 4-3 2-2 3-1 4-3 4-1 5-1 2-2 0-3Ruud, Bo 32-28 60 - 1-4 4-5 2-2 2-4 4-5 2-1 7-1 2-0 5-2 3-3 0-1McKeon, Corey 26-29 55 2-2 3-1 4-5 1-3 3-6 4-2 1-0 1-1 3-1 DNP 0-6 4-2Shanle, Andrew 36-14 50 2-2 2-1 0-1 2-2 6-0 2-0 2-0 4-2 8-1 5-1 2-4 1-0Carriker, Adam 21-27 48 1-2 2-4 0-2 2-1 3-5 - - 2-3 5-1 2-0 1-5 3-4Grixby, Cortney 32-11 43 5-1 1-0 4-3 3-0 4-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 5-0 3-2 3-3 1-1Brandenburgh, Lance 17-21 38 - - 4-0 0-1 3-2 0-2 1-3 4-3 2-2 2-3 1-4 0-1Moore, Jay 17-19 36 2-0 2-2 1-0 1-0 1-4 2-3 1-1 2-2 1-1 3-3 1-2 0-1Octavien, Steve 16-10 26 2-0 2-4 1-0 DNP DNP DNP DNP 7-3 - DNP 2-0 2-3Cryer, Barry 14-11 25 - 1-1 2-0 0-2 4-3 2-2 1-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 - 2-0Dagunduro, Ola 10-12 22 0-1 - 2-0 2-0 1-1 0-1 2-0 0-2 1-2 1-2 0-2 1-1Steinkuhler, Ty 14-6 20 1-0 1-1 4-0 4-1 - - 0-1 0-1 - 1-0 0-1 3-1Suh, Ndamukong 12-6 18 0-1 2-1 1-0 2-1 0-1 1-1 3-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 -Turner, Barry 11-6 17 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-2 - 1-0 - 2-0 2-1 -Eisenhart, Ben 9-4 13 1-1 3-1 - - 1-0 1-0 0-1 - 1-1 1-0 1-0 -Young, Corey 9-3 12 DNP 1-2 1-0 2-0 0-1 2-0 - - 2-0 DNP - 1-0Erickson, Dan 6-6 12 1-3 0-1 1-0 1-1 2-0 - - - - 1-0 - 0-1Culbert, Major 5-5 10 - 0-1 DNP - 0-1 - 1-0 - DNP 4-2 - 0-1Thenarse, Rickey 5-3 8 - 0-1 - 1-0 1-0 - - - 0-1 - - 3-1O’Hanlon, Matt 1-7 8 0-3 0-2 - 0-1 - - 0-1 - - - DNP 1-0Rigoni, Brandon 4-2 6 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 - - - - - - 1-1 -Kadavy, Andy 3-3 6 - 0-1 - 1-0 - - - DNP - 0-1 1-0 1-1Peterson, Todd 3-2 5 - - - - - - 1-0 2-0 0-1 - 0-1 -Dillard, Phillip 3-1 4 3-1 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNPWilson, Bryan 3-1 4 - 1-0 - - - - 1-1 - 1-0 - - -Potter, Zach 2-1 3 - 1-0 - - - - - - 1-0 - 0-1 -Wesch, Jake 2-1 3 - - DNP - DNP DNP - - 1-0 1-1 - -Poulosky, Andy 1-1 2 - 0-1 DNP 1-0 DNP - - DNP - DNP DNP 0-0Todd, Dane 1-0 1 - - - - - - 1-0 - - - - -Brothers, Titus 1-0 1 1-0 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP - DNP DNP DNP DNPSpain, Tyrell 0-1 1 - 0-1 DNP - - - - - - - DNP DNPHardy, Frantz 1-0 1 - - - - - - - 1-0 - - - -Taylor, Zac 1-0 1 1-0 - - - - - - - - - - -Byford, Brett 1-0 1 - - - - 1-0 - - - - - - -Johnson, Brandon 0-1 1 DNP 0-1 DNP - DNP DNP - - - DNP DNP -Huff, Mike 1-0 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1-0 -Sievers, Clayton 1-0 1 - - - DNP DNP DNP DNP - DNP - 1-0 -Congdon, Jordan 1-0 1 - - - - - - 1-0 - - - - -Purify, Maurice 1-0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1-0

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

Individual Defense Game By GameINT. RETURNS No-Yds TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUShanle, Andrew 3-19 - - - 1-0 2-19 - - - - - - -Ruud, Bo 2-54 1-14 - - - - - - - - 1-40 - -Green, Tierre 1-15 - - - - - - - - 1-15 - - -Suh, Ndamukong 1-0 - - - - - - 1-0 - - - - -Jones, Andre 1-0 - - - - 1-0 - - - - - - -Carriker, Adam 1--3 - - - - - - - - - 1--3 - -Grixby, Cortney 1-3 - - - - - 1-3 - - - - - -Thenarse, Rickey 1-25 - - - - - - 1-25 - - - - -

FUMBLE RETURNS No-Yds TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU CURigoni, Brandon 1-11 - - - 1-11 - - - - - - -Ruud, Bo 1-7 - - - - - - - - - 1-7 -

SACKS UA-A TOT TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUCarriker, Adam 6-0 6.0 1.0-7 - - - - - - - 2.0-10 - 1.0-1 2.0-18Moore, Jay 4-0 4.0 1.0-10 - - 1.0-6 - - 1.0-13 1.0-4 - - - -Dagunduro, Ola 3-1 3.5 - - - 1.0-10 - - 1.0-6 - - - 0.5-2 1.0-7Suh, Ndamukong 3-1 3.5 - - 1.0-7 1.5-16 - - 1.0-14 - - - - -Cryer, Barry 2-1 2.5 - - - 0.5-4 - 1.0-9 - 1.0-5 - - - -Ruud, Bo 2-0 2.0 - - - - - - - 1.0-10 - 1.0-13 - -Turner, Barry 1-1 1.5 - - - - - - - - - - 1.5-11 -McKeon, Corey 1-0 1.0 - - - - - - - - - DNP - 1.0-15Steinkuhler, Ty 0-1 0.5 - - - - - - 0.5-1 - - - - -Brandenburgh, Lance 0-1 0.5 - - - - - - 0.5-1 - - - - -

TACKLES FOR LOSS UA-A TOT TECH NICH USC TROY KU ISU KSU UT OSU MU A&M CUCarriker, Adam 11-4 15 2-7 1-1 - 1-3 3-3 - - - 3-16 - 2-3 3-19Moore, Jay 9-5 14 2-12 1-4 - 1-6 - 1-3 1-13 3-8 1-1 3-8 1-1 -Cryer, Barry 6-2 8 - 1-4 - 1-4 2-4 1-9 1-4 1-5 - 1-1 - -Suh, Ndamukong 6-2 8 1-1 - 1-7 3-19 - 1-2 2-16 - - - - -Dagunduro, Ola 5-3 8 - - - 2-11 - - 2-8 1-0 1-1 - 1-2 1-7Ruud, Bo 4-3 7 - - - - 1-1 2-4 1-3 2-10 - 1-13 - -McKeon, Corey 3-3 6 - 1-2 - - - 1-4 - - - DNP 2-3 2-15Bradley, Stewart 2-3 5 - - 1-1 1-8 1-1 - 1-1 - - - 1-1 -Turner, Barry 1-3 4 - - 1-0 - - 1-1 - - - - 2-11 -Octavien, Steve 3-0 3 - - - DNP DNP DNP DNP 2-3 - DNP 1-3 -Brandenburgh, Lance 2-1 3 - - 1-3 - - - 2-4 - - - - -Steinkuhler, Ty 1-1 2 - - - 1-4 - - 1-1 - - - - -Eisenhart, Ben 2-0 2 - 2-6 - - - - - - - - - -Grixby, Cortney 1-1 2 - - - - - - - - - - 2-3 -Poulosky, Andy 1-0 1 - - DNP 1-3 DNP - - DNP - DNP DNP DNPJones, Andre 0-1 1 - - - - - - - 1-1 - - - -Green, Tierre 0-1 1 - - - - 1-1 - - - - - - -Wilson, Bryan 0-1 1 - - - - - - 1-1 - - - - -

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska Team Game By Game |---RUSHING---| |--RECEIVING--| |-------PASSING-------| |--KICK RET--| |--PUNT RET--| AllDate Opponent No. Yds TD Lg No. Yds TD Lg Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Lg No Yds TD Lg No Yds TD Lg PurpSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 48 252 3 25 24 332 4 31 36-24-1 332 4 31 1 14 0 14 4 9 0 12 621Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 50 261 4 30 21 237 4 42 26-21-0 237 4 42 1 23 0 23 8 117 0 33 638Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 36 68 1 10 9 143 0 36 17-9-0 143 0 36 2 37 0 22 3 27 0 31 275Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 46 316 6 51 16 281 2 67 23-16-1 281 2 67 1 27 0 27 2 2 0 3 626Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 32 116 1 24 15 395 4 78 33-15-0 395 4 78 1 17 0 17 2 38 0 29 585Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 45 251 3 36 17 131 1 27 21-17-0 131 1 27 2 24 0 24 2 11 0 8 420Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 43 190 1 48 13 166 2 32 22-13-0 166 2 32 1 15 0 15 2 6 0 8 402Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 24 38 0 18 16 302 3 63 29-16-1 302 3 63 3 55 0 24 1 1 0 1 396Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 40 211 2 28 21 241 2 27 39-21-0 241 2 27 3 49 0 22 2 27 0 16 543Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 47 183 1 18 14 236 3 47 22-14-0 236 3 47 3 61 0 32 3 24 0 12 541Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 38 123 2 17 21 267 2 42 36-21-1 267 2 42 2 42 0 28 2 6 0 4 438Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 46 190 2 31 20 278 3 57 30-20-0 278 3 57 3 35 0 15 1 0 0 0 503 Totals 495 2199 26 51 207 3009 30 78 334-207-4 3009 30 78 23 399 0 32 32 268 0 33 5988 Opponent 373 1523 12 57 209 2638 14 56 390-209-11 2638 14 56 57 988 0 78 13 70 0 16 5246

|---------TACKLES---------| |-SACKS-| |-FUMBLE-| Pass Blkd |-Kicks------XPTS-|Date Opponent Solo Ast Total TFL-Yds No-Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds QBH Brk Kick Att-Mad Run Rcv Saf Pts Sept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 28 22 50 5-20 2.0-17 1 2-0 1-14 7 1 0 7-7 0 0 0 49Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 31 36 67 6-17 0.0-0 1 3-0 0-0 3 2 0 8-8 0 0 0 56Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 40 30 70 4-11 1.0-7 1 0-0 0-0 0 5 0 1-1 0 0 0 10Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 32 24 56 11-58 4.0-36 2 2-11 1-0 3 2 0 8-8 0 0 0 56Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 47 36 83 8-10 0.0-0 1 1-0 3-19 4 5 0 4-4 0 1 0 39Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 32 22 54 7-23 1.0-9 0 0-0 1-3 5 3 0 4-4 0 0 0 28Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 33 18 51 12-51 4.0-35 0 0-0 2-25 9 4 0 3-3 0 0 0 21Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 48 26 74 10-27 3.0-19 4 1-0 0-0 3 6 1 2-2 0 0 0 20Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 46 14 60 5-18 2.0-10 1 1-0 1-15 0 3 1 3-2 0 0 0 29Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 38 24 62 5-22 1.0-13 1 1-7 2-37 3 2 0 4-4 0 0 0 34Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 28 42 70 12-27 3.0-14 0 0-0 0-0 0 6 1 4-4 0 0 0 28Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 30 28 58 6-41 4.0-40 1 0-0 0-0 4 2 1 5-5 0 0 1 37 Totals 433 322 755 91-325 25.0-200 13 11-18 11-113 44 41 4 53-52 0 1 1 407 Opponent 448 464 912 71-255 25.0-184 17 14-31 4-27 10 37 0 24-21 0 1 0 218

|---------------------PUNTING---------------------| |--FIELD GOALS--| |------KICKOFFS------|Date Opponent No Yds Avg Long Blkd TB FC 50+ I20 Att-Made Lg Blkd No Yds Avg TB OBSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 3 127 42.3 53 0 1 0 1 1 0-0 0 0 8 457 57.1 0 0Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 1 41 41.0 41 0 0 1 0 1 1-0 0 0 9 474 52.7 0 0Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 5 193 38.6 50 0 0 1 1 1 1-1 38 0 3 188 62.7 0 0Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 2 72 36.0 37 0 0 1 0 0 0-0 0 0 9 518 57.6 1 0Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 7 269 38.4 51 0 0 5 1 3 1-1 21 0 6 352 58.7 0 0Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 6 246 41.0 48 0 0 4 0 2 0-0 0 0 5 294 58.8 2 0Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 8 305 38.1 48 0 1 2 0 4 0-0 0 0 4 244 61.0 1 0Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 6 244 40.7 50 0 0 5 1 4 0-0 0 0 4 233 58.2 1 0Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 5 206 41.2 58 0 0 1 1 0 2-1 26 0 6 297 49.5 0 1Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 2 73 36.5 41 0 0 1 0 1 2-2 40 0 7 432 61.7 3 0Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 6 248 41.3 47 0 0 1 0 1 0-0 0 0 5 313 62.6 3 0Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 4 156 39.0 43 0 0 1 0 1 0-0 0 0 6 381 63.5 1 0 Totals 55 2180 39.6 58 0 2 23 5 19 7-5 40 0 72 4183 58.1 12 1 Opponent 68 2748 40.4 60 1 3 8 10 15 16-11 54 1 48 2843 59.2 22 1

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

Opponent Team Game By Game |---RUSHING---| |--RECEIVING--| |-------PASSING-------| |--KICK RET--| |--PUNT RET--| AllDate Opponent No. Yds TD Lg No. Yds TD Lg Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Lg No Yds TD Lg No Yds TD Lg PurpSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 21 67 0 19 13 238 1 56 32-13-1 238 1 56 8 141 0 29 2 16 0 13 469Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 47 187 1 49 0 0 0 0 3-0-0 0 0 0 7 86 0 26 0 0 0 0 273Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 31 142 1 26 25 257 3 21 37-25-0 257 3 21 3 43 0 17 1 4 0 4 446Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 27 48 0 17 15 92 0 25 24-15-1 92 0 25 8 109 0 34 1 -1 0 0 246Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 40 169 2 41 27 405 2 46 54-27-3 405 2 46 6 91 0 27 0 0 0 0 665Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 24 53 1 17 18 262 1 29 39-18-1 262 1 29 3 35 0 19 1 16 0 16 366Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 18 22 0 38 23 272 0 30 47-23-2 272 0 30 3 68 0 30 2 12 0 7 374Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 34 128 0 27 25 220 2 55 40-25-0 220 2 55 3 119 0 78 0 0 0 0 473Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 41 267 3 56 13 229 2 55 21-13-1 229 2 55 5 112 0 39 1 6 0 6 614Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 32 119 0 24 20 244 2 49 38-20-2 244 2 49 4 59 0 17 0 0 0 0 422Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 27 155 3 57 19 288 0 47 32-19-0 288 0 47 2 36 0 21 3 15 0 8 510Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 31 166 1 45 11 131 1 31 23-11-0 131 1 31 5 89 0 25 2 2 0 2 388 Opponent totals 373 1523 12 57 209 2638 14 56 390-209-11 2638 14 56 57 988 0 78 13 70 0 16 5246 Nebraska 495 2199 26 51 207 3009 30 78 334-207-4 3009 30 78 23 399 0 32 32 268 0 33 5988

|---------TACKLES---------| |-SACKS-| |-FUMBLE-| Pass Blkd |-Kicks------XPTS-|Date Opponent Solo Ast Total TFL-Yds No-Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds QBH Brk Kick Att-Mad Run Rcv Saf PtsSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 37 54 91 2-3 0.0-0 2 1-0 1-7 0 5 0 1-1 0 0 0 10Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 41 56 97 1-5 1.0-5 0 1-0 0-0 0 0 0 1-1 0 0 0 7Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 35 24 59 7-22 1.0-11 1 1-0 0-0 0 2 0 4-4 0 0 0 28Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 39 34 73 2-15 1.0-12 0 0-0 1--2 2 2 0 0-0 0 0 0 0Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 29 28 57 4-16 2.0-12 3 3-2 0-0 3 8 0 3-2 0 0 0 32Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 39 46 85 6-26 2.0-21 2 1-0 0-0 2 1 0 2-2 0 0 0 14Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 40 32 72 16-38 4.0-19 2 0-0 0-0 0 3 0 0-0 0 0 0 3Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 28 20 48 8-33 4.0-29 2 2-0 1-6 0 2 0 2-1 0 0 0 22Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 49 22 71 7-55 5.0-46 1 1-19 0-0 1 4 0 6-5 0 0 0 41Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 49 30 79 5-6 0.0-0 2 2-0 0-0 1 1 0 2-2 0 0 0 20Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 17 80 97 7-24 4.0-21 0 0-0 1-16 0 6 0 1-1 0 1 0 27Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 45 38 83 6-12 1.0-8 2 2-10 0-0 1 3 0 2-2 0 0 0 14 Opponent totals 448 464 912 71-255 25.0-184 17 14-31 4-27 10 37 0 24-21 0 1 0 218 Nebraska 433 322 755 91-325 25.0-200 13 11-18 11-113 44 41 4 53-52 0 1 1 407

|---------------------PUNTING---------------------| |--FIELD GOALS--| |------KICKOFFS------|Date Opponent No Yds Avg Long Blkd TB FC 50+ I20 Att-Made Lg Blkd No Yds Avg TB OBSept. 2, 2006 LOUISIANA TECH 7 224 32.0 46 0 0 0 0 1 1-1 23 0 3 133 44.3 0 0Sept. 9, 2006 NICHOLLS STATE 8 311 38.9 47 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 2 107 53.5 0 0Sept. 16, 2006 at USC 4 167 41.8 51 0 0 0 1 1 0-0 0 0 5 317 63.4 3 0Sept. 23, 2006 TROY 8 325 40.6 52 0 0 1 1 2 0-0 0 0 1 65 65.0 0 0 Sept. 30, 2006 KANSAS 6 265 44.2 60 0 1 0 2 2 2-2 35 0 6 392 65.3 5 0Oct. 7, 2006 at Iowa State 5 216 43.2 46 0 0 1 0 1 0-0 0 0 2 122 61.0 1 0Oct. 14, 2006 at Kansas State 7 283 40.4 55 0 1 3 1 1 2-1 53 0 2 123 61.5 1 0Oct. 21, 2006 TEXAS 5 215 43.0 53 0 0 1 1 2 5-3 22 0 6 278 46.3 2 1Oct. 28, 2006 at Oklahoma State 3 112 37.3 51 0 0 1 1 1 0-0 0 0 7 455 65.0 4 0Nov. 4, 2006 MISSOURI 4 156 39.0 46 0 0 0 0 1 2-2 54 0 4 252 63.0 1 0Nov. 11, 2006 at Texas A&M 5 223 44.6 57 0 1 0 2 2 3-2 37 1 6 383 63.8 4 0Nov. 24, 2006 COLORADO 6 251 41.8 59 1 0 1 1 1 1-0 0 0 4 216 54.0 1 0 Opponent totals 68 2748 40.4 60 1 3 8 10 15 16-11 54 1 48 2843 59.2 22 1 Nebraska 55 2180 39.6 58 0 2 23 5 19 7-5 40 0 72 4183 58.1 12 1

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

Team ComparisonOpponent Score 1st Downs Rushing Passing Pass Yds Plays Tot Yds Ret Yds Pen Yds T/OLOUISIANA TECH 49-10 30/13 48-252/21-67 36-24-1/32-13-1 332/238 84/53 584/305 37/164 45/25 2/3 NICHOLLS STATE 56-7 30/7 50-261/47-187 26-21-0/3-0-0 237/0 76/50 498/187 140/86 20/46 1/3USC 10-28 10/26 36-68/31-142 17-9-0/37-25-0 143/257 53/68 211/399 64/47 51/46 1/0TROY 56-0 25/10 46-316/27-48 23-16-1/24-15-1 281/92 69/51 597/140 40/106 65/80 1/3KANSAS 39-32 16/26 32-116/40-169 33-15-0/54-27-3 395/405 65/94 511/574 74/93 35/25 3/4Iowa State 28-14 17/18 45-251/24-53 21-17-0/39-18-1 131/262 66/63 382/315 38/51 70/45 1/1Kansas State 21-3 16/17 43-190/18-22 22-13-0/47-23-2 166/272 65/65 356/294 46/80 20/35 0/2TEXAS 20-22 15/21 24-38/34-128 29-16-1/40-25-0 302/220 53/74 340/348 56/125 67/42 3/1Oklahoma State 29-41 29/25 40-211/41-267 39-21-0/21-13-1 241/229 79/62 452/496 91/137 40/42 1/2MISSOURI 34-20 20/21 47-183/32-119 22-14-0/38-20-2 236/244 69/70 419/363 129/59 19/15 2/3Texas A&M 28-27 19/13 38-123/27-155 36-21-1/32-19-0 267/288 74/59 390/443 48/67 43/38 1/0COLORADO 37-14 24/14 46-190/31-166 30-20-0/23-11-0 278/131 76/54 468/297 35/101 70/74 2/0Totals 407-218 251/211 495-2199/373-1523 334-207-4/390-209-11 3009/2638 829/763 5208/4161 798/1116 545/513 18/22Note: Game totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category

Opponent 3rd Down 4th Down Time Poss Margin Yds/Rush Yds/Pass Yds/Play PuntingLOUISIANA TECH 11-16/5-14 1-2/0-0 35:05/24:55 10:10 5.2/3.2 9.2/7.4 7.0/5.8 3-42.3/7-32.0NICHOLLS STATE 7-12/3-13 2-3/1-2 33:44/26:16 7:28 5.2/4.0 9.1/0.0 6.6/3.7 1-41.0/8-38.9USC 5-14/9-15 2-3/1-2 28:36/31:24 -2:48 1.9/4.6 8.4/6.9 4.0/5.9 5-38.6/4-41.8TROY 7-11/1-11 1-1/1-2 36:14/23:46 12:28 6.9/1.8 12.2/3.8 8.7/2.7 2-36.0/8-40.6KANSAS 3-12/6-18 0-0/1-2 26:31/33:29 -6:58 3.6/4.2 12.0/7.5 7.9/6.1 7-38.4/6-44.2Iowa State 5-12/4-12 0-0/0-3 36:55/23:05 13:50 5.6/2.2 6.2/6.7 5.8/5.0 6-41.0/5-43.2Kansas State 7-17/1-13 2-2/2-4 34:51/25:09 9:42 4.4/1.2 7.5/5.8 5.5/4.5 8-38.1/7-40.4TEXAS 4-13/7-18 0-0/0-0 25:24/34:36 -9:12 1.6/3.8 10.4/5.5 6.4/4.7 6-40.7/5-43.0Oklahoma State 7-16/6-11 1-1/0-1 34:59/25:01 9:58 5.3/6.5 6.2/10.9 5.7/8.0 5-41.2/3-37.3MISSOURI 11-17/3-13 0-1/3-4 35:11/24:49 10:22 3.9/3.7 10.7/6.4 6.1/5.2 2-36.5/4-39.0Texas A&M 7-15/5-14 1-2/0-1 32:52/27:08 5:44 3.2/5.7 7.4/9.0 5.3/7.5 6-41.3/5-44.6COLORADO 8-15/5-13 3-3/0-1 35:49/24:11 11:38 4.1/5.4 9.3/5.7 6.2/5.5 4-39.0/6-41.8Totals 82-170/55-165 13-18/9-22 396:11/323:49 72:22 4.4/4.1 9.0/6.8 6.3/5.5 55-39.6/68-40.4Note: Game totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category

Nebraska Red Zone ChartNEBRASKA INSIDE OPPONENTS RED-ZONE Times Times Total Rush Pass FGs ------- Failed to score inside RZ --------Date Opponent Score In RZ Scored Pts TDs TDs TDs Made FGA Downs Int Fumb Half Game Sept. 2 Louisiana Tech W, 49-10 7 5 35 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Sept. 9 Nicholls State W, 56-7 8 7 49 7 4 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sept. 16 at USC L, 10-28 1 1 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sept. 23 Troy W, 56-0 6 5 35 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0*Sept. 30 Kansas W, 39-32 3 3 17 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0*Oct. 7 at Iowa State W, 28-14 3 3 21 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Oct. 14 at Kansas State W, 21-3 2 2 14 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Oct. 21 Texas L, 20-22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Oct. 28 at Oklahoma State L, 29-41 3 3 16 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 4 Missouri W, 34-20 4 4 24 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 11 at Texas A&M W, 28-27 4 4 28 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 24 Colorado W, 37-14 5 4 28 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 46 41 274 38 20 18 3 1 0 1 2 1 0 41 of 46 (89.1%)

OPPONENTS INSIDE NEBRASKA RED-ZONE Times Times Total Rush Pass FGs ------- Failed to score inside RZ --------Date Opponent Score In RZ Scored Pts TDs TDs TDs Made FGA Downs Int Fumb Half GameSept. 2 Louisiana Tech W, 49-10 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Sept. 9 Nicholls State W, 56-7 1 1 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Sept. 16 at USC L, 10-28 5 4 28 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Sept. 23 Troy W, 56-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Sept. 30 Kansas W, 39-32 8 5 25 3 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0*Oct. 7 at Iowa State W, 28-14 4 2 14 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0*Oct. 14 at Kansas State W, 21-3 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0*Oct. 21 Texas L, 20-22 5 4 15 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0*Oct. 28 at Oklahoma State L, 29-41 4 4 27 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 4 Missouri W, 34-20 3 3 17 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 11 at Texas A&M W, 28-27 3 3 14 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0*Nov. 24 Colorado W, 37-14 1 1 7 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 29 160 19 9 10 10 1 4 1 1 1 0 29 of 37 (78.4%)

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

Miscellaneous Numbers

NEBRASKA LONG PLAYSYards Opponent Play Result78 Kansas Pass (Hardy from Taylor) Touchdown75 Kansas Pass (Hardy from Taylor) Touchdown75 Kansas Pass (Nunn from Taylor) Touchdown67 Troy Pass (Nunn from Taylor) 1st-1063 Texas Pass (Purify from Taylor) Touchdown57 Colorado Pass (Erickson from Taylor) 1st-1051 Troy Rush (Lucky) Touchdown49 Texas Pass (Jackson from Taylor) Touchdown49 Troy Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-G48 Kansas St. Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-1047 Missouri Pass (B. Jackson from Taylor) 1st-1045 Troy Rush (Lucky) Touchdown42 Texas A&M Pass (Lucky from Taylor) 1st-G42 Nicholls Pass (Purify from Taylor) Touchdown40 Missouri Int. return (Ruud) 1st-1040 Kansas St. Rush (Lucky) Touchdown36 Iowa State Rush (Glenn) 1st-1036 Kansas Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1036 Troy Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1036 USC Pass (Herian from Taylor) 1st-G34 Missouri Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-G34 Troy Rush (Lucky) Touchdown33 Nicholls Punt return (Swift) 1st-1032 Missouri KO return (Lucky) 1st-1032 Kansas St. Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1031 Colorado Rush (Jackson) 1st-1031 Colorado Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1031 USC Punt return (Nunn) 1st-1031 Nicholls Pass (Peterson from Ganz) 1st-1031 La. Tech Pass (Herian from Taylor) 1st-1030 Nicholls Rush (K. Wilson) 1st-1029 Colorado Pass (Turner from Ganz) Touchdown29 La. Tech Pass (Teafatiller from Ganz) Touchdown28 Texas A&M KO return (Lucky) 1st-1028 Missouri Pass (Nunn from Purify) Touchdown28 Oklahoma St. Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-1028 Texas Pass (Jackson from Taylor) 1st-1028 Iowa State Rush (Glenn) 1st-1028 Troy Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-1028 USC Pass (Peterson from Titchener) 1st-1028 La. Tech Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1027 Oklahoma St. Pass (Hardy from Taylor) 1st-1027 Iowa State Pass (Purify from Taylor) Touchdown27 Troy KO return (K. Wilson) 1st-1027 Nicholls Punt return (Nunn) 1st-1026 Texas A&M Pass (Hardy from Taylor) 1st-1026 Missouri Pass (Lucky from Taylor) 1st-10

LONG SEASON PLAYS (20 OR MORE YARDS) Husker Long Plays Opponent Long Plays Rush Pass Return Total Rush Pass Return Total La. Tech 1 4 0 5 0 3 3 6Nicholls St. 1 2 3 6 1 0 1 2at USC 0 4 2 6 1 2 0 3Troy 5 5 1 11 0 1 2 3Kansas 1 6 0 7 1 5 2 8at Iowa St. 4 1 1 6 0 5 0 5 at Kansas St. 3 2 1 6 1 4 2 7Texas 0 7 2 9 1 1 2 4at Oklahoma St. 4 4 1 9 2 3 3 8Missouri 0 5 2 7 1 2 0 3 at Texas A&M 0 4 1 5 3 4 0 7Colorado 1 3 0 4 2 1 1 4Totals 20 47 14 81 13 31 16 60

26 Troy Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-1025 Texas Pass (Swift from Lucky) Touchdown25 Kansas St. Int return (Thenarse) 1st-1025 Kansas Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1025 La. Tech Rush (B. Jackson) Touchdown24 Oklahoma St. Rush (B. Jackson) Touchdown24 Oklahoma St. Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-G24 Texas KO return (B. Jackson) 1st-1024 Kansas St. Rush (Taylor) 1st-G 24 Iowa State KO return (B. Jackson) 1st-1024 Kansas Rush (Wilson) 1st-1023 Texas Pass (Nunn from Taylor) 1st-1023 Nicholls KO return (Green) 1st-1022 Texas A&M Pass (Peterson from Taylor) 1st-1022 Misosuri Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-1022 Oklahoma St. Pass (Purify from Taylor) Touchdown22 Oklahoma St. KO return (Hardy) 1st-1022 Kansas St. Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1022 USC KO return (Green) 1st-1022 USC Pass (B. Jackson from Taylor) 1st-1021 Texas A&M Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1021 Oklahoma St. Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-1021 Oklahoma St. Pass (Lucky from Taylor) 1st-1021 Oklahoma St. Pass (Lucky from Taylor) 1st-1021 Texas Pass (Purify from Taylor) 1st-1021 Texas KO return (B. Jackson) 1st-1021 Iowa State Rush (B. Jackson) 1st-1021 Iowa State Rush (Glenn) 1st-1021 Kansas Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-G21 Troy Rush (K. Wilson) 1st-G21 Troy Pass (Nunn from Taylor) 1st-1021 La. Tech Pass (Swift from Taylor) 1st-1021 USC Pass (Nunn from Taylor) 1st-1020 Texas Pass (Nunn from Taylor) 1st-10

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

DRIVE SUPERLATIVES Nebraska OpponentMost Yards (Result) 98 vs. Kansas (touchdown) 95 (touchdown) KansasMost Plays (Result) 14 vs. La. Tech (fumble) 18 (touchdown) MissouriMost Time (Result) 6:24 vs. CU (touchdown) 8:06 (field goal) Texas

GAME-OPENING DRIVES [----- Nebraska ----- ] [----- Opponent ----- ]Opponent Pts. 1st Dwn Yds Pts. 1st Dwn Yds La. Tech 0 0 4 0 3 (-9)Nicholls St. 7 4 53 0 1 22at USC 0 0 8 0 2 39Troy 7 4 73 0 1 15Kansas 7 1 80 0 0 9at Iowa St. 7 3 80 0 1 25at Kansas St. 7 3 80 0 0 0 Texas 0 1 4 3 0 4at Oklahoma St. 3 4 66 0 0 (-2)Missouri 0 1 8 0 0 2at Texas A&M 0 0 9 0 1 23Colorado 7 3 58 0 1 12Totals 45 24 513 3 10 140

SECOND HALF-OPENING DRIVES [----- Nebraska ----- ] [----- Opponent ----- ]Opponent Pts. 1st Dwn Yds Pts. 1st Dwn Yds La. Tech 7 3 72 0 1 20Nicholls St. 7 5 77 0 0 8at USC 0 0 (-5) 0 0 (-5)Troy 7 2 75 0 1 18Kansas 0 0 (-6) 0 0 7at Iowa St. 0 0 11 0 3 32at Kansas St. 0 0 (-1) 0 1 22Texas 0 1 25 0 1 16at Oklahoma St. 0 3 55 0 3 41Missouri 0 3 42 7 3 62at Texas A&M 0 1 31 0 2 38Colorado 0 1 61 7 3 71Totals 21 19 437 14 18 330

OPPONENT LONG PLAYSYards Opponent Play Result78 Texas KO return (Cosby) 1st-G56 Oklahoma St. Rush (Reid) 1st-1057 Texas A&M Rush (McGee) Touchdown56 La. Tech Pass (Wheeler from Champion) 1st-1055 Oklahoma St. Pass (Woods from Reid) 1st-1055 Texas Pass (Sweed from McCoy) Touchdown53 Texas A&M Rush (Goodson) 1st-1049 Missouri Pass (Alexander from Daniel) 1sts-1049 Nicholls Rush (Thorne) 1st-G47 Texas A&M Pass (Franks from McGee) 1st-1046 Kansas Pass (Murph from Barmann) 1st-1045 Colorado Rush (Holliday) Touchdown45 Oklahoma St. Pass (Bowman from Reid) Touchdown44 Colorado Rush (Charles) 1st-1044 Texas A&M Pass (Schroeder from Lane) 1st-G41 Kansas Rush (Cornish) 1st-G40 Kansas Pass (Fine from Barmann) 1st-G40 Kansas Pass (Lamb from Barmann) 1st-1039 Oklahoma St. KO return (Perrish) 1st-1039 La. Tech Pass (Holland from Champion) Touchdown38 Kansas St. Rush (Gonzalez) 1st-1035 La. Tech Pass (Holland from Champion) 1st-1034 Troy KO return (Cattouse) 1st-1033 Texas A&M Pass (Riley from McGee) 1st-1031 Colorado Pass (Crawford from Jackson) 1st-1030 Kansas St. Pass (Gonzalez from Freeman) 1st-1030 Kansas St. KO return (McKinney) 1st-1030 Kansas Pass (Fields from Barmann) 1st-1029 Iowa State Pass (Sumrall from Meyer) 1st-1029 La. Tech KO return (W. Brown) 1st-1028 Texas KO return (Young) 1st-1027 Iowa State Pass (Blythe from Meyer) 1st-1027 Kansas KO return (Herford) 1st-1026 Oklahoma St. KO return (Perrish) 1st-1026 Oklahoma St. KO return (Perrish) 1st-1026 Kansas Pass (Murph from Barmann) Touchdown26 Troy KO return (McKelvin) 1st-1026 USC Rush (Moody) 2nd-426 Nicholls KO return (Moore) 1st-1026 La. Tech KO return (W. Brown) 1st-1025 Colorado KO return (Washington) 1st-1025 Texas A&M Pass (Bennett from McGee) 1st-1025 Troy Pass (Banks from Haugabook) 1st-1024 Missouri Rush (Temple) 1st-1024 Kansas St. KO return (McKinney) 1st-10 24 Iowa State Pass (Nickel from Meyer) 1st-1023 Missouri Pass (Franklin from Daniel) 1st-1023 Iowa State Pass (Davis from Meyer) 1st-1023 Iowa State Pass (Flynn from Meyer) 1st-1023 Kansas KO return (Herford) 1st-1022 Texas A&M Rush (Goodson) Touchdown22 Oklahoma St. Pass (Bowman from Reid) 1st-1022 Kansas St. Pass (Moreira from Freeman) 1st-1022 La. Tech KO return (Riser) 1st-1021 Texas Rush (Young) 1st-1021 Kansas St. Pass (Moreira from Freeman) 1st-1021 USC Pass (Jarrett from Booty) 1st-G20 Oklahoma St. Rush (Savage) Touchdown20 Kansas St. Pass (Wilson from Freeman) 1st-1020 USC Pass (Smith from Booty) 1st-10

Miscellaneous Numbers

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

NEBRASKA POINTS OFF TURNOVERSGame TOs Gained TDs FG-FGA Pts. (NU Fumbles/Lost, INT)La. Tech 3 (4/2 F/L, 1 Int) 2 0-0 14 (3/1 F/L, 1 Int) Nicholls St. 3 (7/3 F/L, 0 Int) 1 0-0 7 (1/1 F/L, 0 Int)at USC 0 (1/0 F/L, 0 Int) 0 0-0 0 (2/1 F/L, 0 Int)Troy 3 (6/2 F/L, 1 Int) 2 0-0 14 (0/0 F/L, 1 Int)Kansas 4 (1/1 F/L, 3 Int) 2 0-0 14 (4/3 F/L, 0 Int) at Iowa St. 1 (0/0 F/L, 1 Int) 0 0-0 0 (2/1 F/L, 0 Int)at Kansas St. 2 (0/0 F/L, 2 Int) 0 0-0 0 (2/0 F/L, 0 Int)Texas 1 (5/1 F/L, 0 Int) 0 0-0 0 (2/2 F/L, 1 Int) at Oklahoma St. 2 (2/1 F/L, 1 Int) 2 0-0 13 (1/1 F/L, 0 Int)Missouri 3 (1/1 F/L, 2 Int) 2 0-0 14 (2/2 F/L, 0 Int)at Texas A&M 0 (0/0 F/L, 0 Int) 0 0-0 0 (0/0 F/L, 1 Int)Colorado 0 (1/0 F/L, 0 Int) 0 0-0 0 (2/2 F/L, 0 Int)Totals 22 (28/11 F/L, 11 Int) 11 0-0 76 (21/14 F/L, 4 Int) Opponents 18 (21/14 F/L, 4 Int) 6 2-3 48 (28/11 F/L, 11 Int)

STARTING FIELD POSITION NU Avg. Start Opp. Avg. Start NU AdvantageLa. Tech 38.3 (498/13) 24.0 (312/13) +14.3Nicholls St. 45.1 (586/13) 24.1 (313/13) +21.0at USC 27.7 (277/10) 29.5 (295/10) -1.8Troy 36.0 (432/12) 22.6 (271/12) +13.4Kansas 30.4 (516/17) 31.8 (542/17) -1.4at Iowa St. 25.2 (302/12) 30.6 (367/12) -5.4at Kansas St. 30.9 (402/13) 22.3 (267/12) +8.6Texas 25.7 (360/14) 37.4 (486/13) -11.7at Oklahoma St. 23.7 (308/13) 36.2 (471/13) -12.5Missouri 40.9 (491/12) 25.6 (307/12) +15.3at Texas A&M 22.3 (298/13) 33.1 (431/13) -10.8Colorado 30.0 (360/12) 23.3 (280/12) +6.7Totals 31.4 (4,830/154) 28.6 (4,342/152) +2.8

Miscellaneous NumbersPENALTY NUMBERS NU Pen.-Yds. Opp. Pen.-Yds.La. Tech 5-45 (9.0) 5-25 (5.0)Nicholls St. 3-20 (6.7) 6-46 (7.7)at USC 5-51 (10.1) 7-46 (6.6)Troy 8-65 (8.1) 10-80 (8.0)Kansas 5-25 (5.0) 5-35 (7.0)at Iowa St. 7-70 (10.0) 6-45 (7.5)at Kansas St. 2-20 (10.0) 5-50 (10.0)Texas 5-42 (8.4) 7-67 (9.6)at Oklahoma St. 5-40 (8.0) 5-42 (8.4)Missouri 3-19 (6.3) 2-15 (7.5)at Texas A&M 5-43 (8.6) 4-38 (9.5)Colorado 10-70 (7.0) 8-74 (9.3)Totals (Avg/Penalty) 63-510 (8.1) 70-564 (8.1)Avg/G 5.3-42.5 5.8-47.0

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

NEBRASKA SCORING DRIVES [-----Drive-----] DriveOpponent Plays Yds Time Score Qtr./Time Start PlayLa. Tech 8 65 3:22 TD 1st/1:54 5:16 Herian 13 rec. (Taylor)La. Tech 12 74 5:10 TD 2nd/5:54 11:04 Lucky 13 runLa. Tech 11 78 2:24 TD 2nd/0:07 2:31 Glenn 1 runLa. Tech 6 72 2:25 TD 3rd/12:31 14:56 Phillips 6 rec. (Taylor) La. Tech 7 67 2:52 TD 4th/11:56 14:48 Mueller 6 rec. (Taylor)La. Tech 5 64 1:26 TD 4th/7:49 9:15 Jackson 25 runLa. Tech 6 49 3:21 TD 4th/3:14 6:35 Teafatiller 29 rec. (Ganz)Nicholls State 11 53 4:27 TD 1st/8:02 12:29 Glenn 1 runNicholls State 11 51 5:21 TD 1st/0:28 5:49 Todd 1 rec. (Taylor)Nicholls State 3 39 1:20 TD 2nd/12:54 14:14 Herian 19 rec. (Taylor)Nicholls State 11 45 1:36 TD 2nd/0:23 1:59 Lucky 1 runNicholls State 9 77 4:42 TD 3rd/10:07 14:49 Hardy 14 rec. (Taylor)Nicholls State 1 42 0:28 TD 3rd/7:36 8:04 Purify 42 rec. (Taylor)Nicholls State 5 76 2:24 TD 4th/11:03 13:27 Wilson 14 runNicholls State 5 49 1:54 TD 4th/5:07 7:01 Glenn 7 runUSC 4 2 0:59 FG 1st/3:23 4:22 Congdon 38 FGUSC 9 74 3:32 TD 4th/12:44 1:16 Taylor 1 runTroy 10 73 5:47 TD 1st/9:13 15:00 Lucky 34 runTroy 5 72 2:54 TD 1st/4:30 7:24 Phillips 6 rec. (Taylor)Troy 2 81 0:56 TD 2nd/11:34 12:30 Lucky 45 runTroy 12 71 5:42 TD 2nd/3:09 8:51 Wilson 3 runTroy 5 75 2:54 TD 3rd/9:31 12:25 Lucky 51 runTroy 3 4 1:47 TD 3rd/6:21 8:08 Senske 1 rec. (Ganz)Troy 4 25 1:06 TD 4th/13:39 14:45 Jackson 8 runTroy 11 67 5:25 TD 4th/6:45 12:10 Wilson 8 runKansas 2 80 0:58 TD 1st/14:02 15:00 Nunn 75 rec. (Taylor)Kansas 1 6 0:27 TD 1st/10:20 10:47 Peterson 6 rec. (Taylor)Kansas 11 92 4:27 FG 1st/0:23 4:50 Congdon 21 FGKansas 3 98 1:32 TD 2nd/6:51 8:23 Hardy 78 rec. (Taylor) Kansas 4 80 2:12 TD 3rd/4:13 6:25 Hardy 75 rec. (Taylor)Kansas 3 25 0:00 TD OT/0:00 0:00 Glenn 1 runIowa State 10 80 5:27 TD 1st/9:33 15:00 Glenn 3 runIowa State 11 68 5:52 TD 2nd/8:07 13:59 Jackson 1 runIowa State 7 60 1:12 TD 2nd/0:03 1:15 Purify 27 rec. (Taylor)Iowa State 9 78 5:13 TD 4th/1:33 6:46 Glenn 5 runKansas State 9 80 3:54 TD 1st/11:06 15:00 Teafatiller 17 rec. (Wesch)Kansas State 10 80 4:47 TD 2nd/11:02 0:49 Mueller 3 rec. (Taylor)Kansas State 2 72 0:45 TD 3rd/8:55 9:40 Lucky 40 runTexas 3 66 1:51 TD 1st/5:58 7:49 Purify 63 rec. (TaylorTexas 5 80 2:43 TD 3rd/2:31 14:48 Jackson 49 rec. (Taylor)Texas 4 65 1:28 TD 4th/4:54 6:22 Swift 25 rec. (Lucky)Oklahoma St. 10 66 4:39 FG 1st/8:22 13:01 Congdon 26 FGOklahoma St. 8 51 4:42 TD 1st/0:33 5:15 Jackson 2 runOklahoma St. 5 61 2:57 TD 2nd/10:43 13:40 Jackson 24 runOklahoma St. 7 78 3:17 TD 2nd/0:56 4:13 Purify 22 rec. (Taylor)Oklahoma St. 12 80 3:09 TD 4th/0:07 3:16 Purify 5 rec. (Taylor)Missouri 10 66 4:53 FG 1st/4:53 9:46 Congdon 26 FGMissouri 4 58 1:30 TD 1st/1:30 3:00 Nunn 28 pass (Purify)Missouri 6 22 2:15 TD 2nd/13:44 0:59 Purify 7 pass (Taylor)Missouri 1 17 0:29 TD 2nd/5:04 5:33 Teafatiller 17 pass (Taylor)Missouri 6 33 2:34 FG 2nd/1:18 3:52 Congdon 33 FGMissouri 13 85 6:00 TD 4th/14:36 5:36 Jackson 2 runTexas A&M 11 66 4:02 TD 1st/5:58 10:00 Glenn 2 runTexas A&M 9 52 3:48 TD 2nd/14:54 3:42 Glenn 6 runTexas A&M 4 54 1:08 TD 2nd/11:00 12:08 Peterson 4 pass (Taylor)Texas A&M 11 75 1:36 TD 4th/0:21 1:57 Purify 9 pass (Taylor)Colorado 10 58 6:24 TD 1st/5:08 11:32 Nunn 15 rec. (Taylor)Colorado 7 63 2:18 TD 2nd/4:14 6:32 Turner 29 rec. (Ganz)Colorado 8 65 3:09 TD 3rd/4:49 7:58 Jackson 2 runColorado 10 59 3:56 TD 4th/10:16 14:12 Jackson 18 rec. (Taylor)Colorado 9 60 4:14 TD 4th/0:23 4:37 Wilson 7 run

Miscellaneous Numbers

OPPONENT SCORING DRIVES [-----Drive-----] DriveOpponent Plays Yds Time Score Qtr./Time Start PlayLa. Tech 12 80 5:33 FG 2nd/11:11 1:44 Horwedel 23 FGLa. Tech 8 67 3:09 TD 2nd/2:36 5:45 Holland 39 rec. (ZC)Nicholls 2 50 0:30 TD 4th/13:33 14:03 Cole 1 runUSC 9 83 3:23 TD 1st/0:00 3:23 Jarrett 12 rec. (JDB)USC 11 71 6:00 TD 2nd/2:52 8:52 Smith 3 rec. (JDB)USC 4 31 1:55 TD 3rd/12:05 14:00 Jarrett 5 rec. (JDB)USC 14 81 6:17 TD 4th/6:27 12:44 Washington 7 runKansas 7 95 3:26 TD 2nd/11:45 0:11 McAnderson 1 runKansas 12 56 1:33 FG 2nd/0:00 1:33 Webb 31 FGKansas 1 8 0:13 TD 3rd/12:01 12:14 Cornish 8 runKansas 9 43 2:50 FG 3rd/5:47 8:37 Webb 35 FGKansas 11 88 5:25 TD 4th/6:32 11:57 Fine 1 rec. (AB)Kansas 11 81 3:19 TD 4th/0:46 4:05 Murph 25 rec. (AB)Iowa State 11 43 4:49 TD 2nd/14:10 3:59 Meyer 1 runIowa State 7 74 1:19 TD 4th/0:06 1:25 Blythe 13 rec. (BM)Kansas State 12 44 4:11 FG 3rd/4:44 8:55 Snodgrass 53 FGTexas 4 4 1:58 FG 1st/13:02 15:00 Johnson 22 FGTexas 6 39 2:15 TD 2nd/6:43 8:58 Cosby 6 rec. (CM)Texas 1 55 0:27 TD 2nd/4:00 4:24 Sweed 55 rec. (CM)Texas 15 77 8:06 FG 4th/6:33 14:39 Johnson 22 FGTexas 8 39 1:54 FG 4th/0:23 2:17 Bailey 22 FGOklahoma St. 5 80 2:31 TD 2nd/8:12 10:43 Toston 16 rec. (BR)Oklahoma St. 4 50 1:10 TD 2nd/4:13 5:23 Savage 18 runOklahoma St. 1 45 0:41 TD 2nd/0:15 0:56 Bowman 45 rec. (BR)Oklahoma St. 4 76 1:35 TD 4th/14:34 1:09 Savage 20 runOklahoma St. 9 77 3:35 TD 4th/8:05 11:40 Crosslin 1 runOklahoma St. 0 0 0:00 TD 4th/3:16 3:16 Peterson 19 fumble ret.Missouri 9 70 3:37 FG 2nd/9:58 13:35 Wolfert 26 FGMissouri 6 45 1:06 FG 2nd/0:00 1:06 Wolfert 54 FGMissouri 10 62 3:25 TD 3rd/5:46 9:11 Rucker 6 rec. (CD)Missouri 18 80 6:20 TD 4th/8:10 14:30 Coffman 19 rec. (CD)Texas A&M 4 80 2:16 TD 1st/3:42 5:58 Goodson 22 runTexas A&M 8 37 2:40 FG 2nd/0:16 2:56 Neumann 37 FGTexas A&M 7 61 3:01 FG 3rd/0:16 3:17 Neumann 20 FGTexas A&M 3 58 1:11 TD 4th/12:51 14:02 McGee 57 runTexas A&M 6 85 2:29 TD 4th/9:57 7:28 Lane 1 runColorado 6 75 3:26 TD 1st/1:31 4:57 Greer 14 rec. (BJ)Colorado 4 71 1:34 TD 3rd/11:51 13:25 Holliday 45 run

SCORING DRIVES Scoring [---Time---] [--Plays--]Game Drives Total Avg. Total Avg. 5 or less 1-PlayLa. Tech 7 21:20 3:03 55 7.8 1 0Nicholls St. 8 22:12 2:47 56 7.0 4 1at USC 2 4:31 2:15 13 6.5 1 0Troy 8 26:52 3:22 52 6.5 5 0Kansas 6 9:36 1:36 24 4.0 5 1at Iowa St. 4 17:51 4:28 37 9.3 0 0at Kansas St. 3 8:46 2:55 21 7.0 1 0 Texas 3 7:02 2:21 12 4.0 3 0at Oklahoma St. 5 18:44 3:45 42 8.4 1 0Missouri 6 17:41 2:28 40 6.7 2 1at Texas A&M 4 10:34 2:39 35 8.8 1 0Colorado 5 20:01 4:01 44 8.8 0 0Totals 61 3:05:10 3:02 421 6.9 23 3Opponents 38 1:48:25 2:51 279 7.3 12 3

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

Individual Career/Season SuperlativesSEASON AND CAREER, MOST PASSING YARDS SEASON AND CAREER, LONGEST PASSPlayer 2006 Career 2006 CareerZac Taylor 395 vs. Kansas 431 vs. Iowa State, 2005 78 vs. Kansas (Hardy) 78 vs. Kansas (Hardy) Joe Ganz 45 vs. Louisiana Tech same 31 vs. Nicholls State (Peterson) sameBeau Davis none 12 vs. Texas Tech, 2004 none 12 vs. Texas Tech, 2004* indicates touchdown pass

SEASON AND CAREER, MOST RECEIVING YARDS SEASON AND CAREER, LONGEST CATCHPlayer 2006 Career 2006 CareerDan Erickson 57 vs. Colorado same 57 vs. Colorado (Taylor) sameFrantz Hardy 159 vs. Kansas same 78* vs. Kansas (Taylor) sameMatt Herian 61 vs. Louisiana Tech 110 vs. Troy State, 2003 36 vs. USC (Taylor) *80 vs. Colorado (Lord), 2002Brandon Jackson 77 vs. Texas same 49 vs. Texas (Taylor) sameMarlon Lucky 56 at Texas A&M same 42 vs. Texas A&M (Taylor) sameTerrence Nunn 102 vs. Troy same 75* vs. Kansas (Taylor) sameJosh Mueller 8 vs. Troy 18 vs. Kansas State, 2005 8 vs. Troy (Taylor) 18 vs. Kansas State (Taylor), 2005Todd Peterson 82 at Texas A&M same 31 vs. Nicholls State (Ganz) 38 at Colorado (Taylor)J.B. Phillips 17 vs. Louisiana Tech 28 vs. Kansas State, 2005 10 vs. Nicholls State, Troy (Taylor) 22 vs. Kansas State (Taylor), 2005Maurice Purify 91 vs. Kansas same 63* vs. Texas (Taylor) sameMatt Senske 13 vs. Troy same 12 vs. Troy sameNate Swift 79 vs. Troy 135 at Missouri, 2005 49 vs. Troy (Taylor) sameHunter Teafatiller 29 vs. Louisiana Tech same 29* vs. Louisiana Tech (Ganz) sameDane Todd 9 vs. Nicholls State same 8 vs. Nicholls State (Taylor) same*Indicates touchdown scored

SEASON AND CAREER, MOST RUSHING YARDS SEASON AND CAREER, LONGEST RUNPlayer 2006 Career 2006 CareerBeau Davis none -6 vs. Texas Tech, 2004 none -6 vs. Texas Tech, 2004Joe Ganz 10 vs. Nicholls State same 10 vs. Nicholls State sameCody Glenn 148 at Iowa State same 36 at Iowa State sameTierre Green 7 vs. Colorado 112 vs. Western Illinois, 2004 7 vs. Colorado *34 vs. Western Illinois, 2004Frantz Hardy 13 vs. Texas same 13 vs. Texas sameBrandon Jackson 182 at Oklahoma State same 48 at Kansas State sameMarlon Lucky 156 vs. Troy same 51* vs. Troy sameTerrence Nunn 21 vs. Missouri 21 vs. W. Illinois, 2004; Missouri, 2006 21 vs. Missouri 21 vs. W. Illinois, 2004; Missouri, 2006Zac Taylor 11 vs. Colorado 30 at Baylor, 2005 24 at Kansas State sameDane Todd none 4 vs. Troy State, 2003 none 4 vs. Troy State, 2003Kenny Wilson 106 vs. Troy same 30 vs. Nicholls State same*Indicates touchdown scored

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

NEBRASKA TOTALS HIGHS LOWSPoints Scored 56 (Nicholls State, Troy) 10 (at USC) First Downs 30 (Louisiana Tech, Nicholls State) 10 (at USC) Rushing Attempts 50 (Nicholls State) 24 (Texas)Rushing Yards 316 (Troy) 38 (Texas)Passes Attempted 39 (at Oklahoma State) 17 (at USC)Passes Completed 24 (Louisiana Tech) 9 (at USC)Had Intercepted 1 (Louisiana Tech, Troy, Texas, at Texas A&M) 0 (Nicholls St., at USC, Kansas, at Iowa St., at Kansas St., Missouri, Colorado)Passing Yards 395 (Kansas) 143 (at USC)Total Plays 84 (Louisiana Tech) 53 (at USC, Texas)Total Yards 597 (Troy) 211 (at USC)Possession Time 36:55 (at Iowa State) 25:24 (Texas)Fumbles 4 (Kansas) 0 (at Texas A&M) Fumbles Lost 3 (Kansas) 0 (at Kansas State, at Texas A&M)Turnovers 3 (Kansas, Texas) 0 (at Kansas State)Turnover Margin + 2 (Nicholls State, Troy, at Kansas State) - 2 (Texas, Colorado)Penalties 10 (Colorado) 2 (at Kansas State)Yards Penalized 70 (at Iowa State, Colorado) 19 (Missouri)Sacks By-Yards Lost 4-36 (Troy), 4-35 (at Kansas State), 4-40 (Colorado) 0-0 (Nicholls State, Kansas)Tackles for Loss-Yards 10-58 (Troy), 10-51 (at Kansas State) 4-11 (at USC); 4-22 (Missouri)

OPPONENT TOTALS HIGHS LOWS Points Scored 41 (at Oklahoma State) 0 (Troy)First Downs 26 (at USC, Kansas) 7 (Nicholls State)Rushing Attempts 47 (Nicholls State) 18 (at Kansas State)Rushing Yards 267 (at Oklahoma State) 22 (at Kansas State)Passes Attempted 54 (Kansas) 3 (Nicholls State)Passes Completed 27 (Kansas) 0 (Nicholls State)Had Intercepted 3 (Kansas) 0 (Nicholls State, at USC, Texas, Texas A&M, Colorado)Passing Yards 405 (Kansas) 0 (Nicholls State)Total Plays 94 (Kansas) 50 (Nicholls State)Total Yards 574 (Kansas) 140 (Troy)Possession Time 34:36 (Texas) 23:05 (at Iowa State)Fumbles 7 (Nicholls State) 0 (at Iowa State, at Kansas State)Fumbles Lost 3 (Nicholls State) 0 (at USC, at Iowa State, at Kansas State, Colorado)Turnovers 4 (Kansas) 0 (at Texas A&M, Colorado)Turnover Margin + 2 (Texas, Colorado) - 2 (Nicholls State, Troy, at Kansas State)Penalties 10 (Troy) 2 (Missouri)Yards Penalized 80 (Troy) 15 (Missouri)Sacks By-Yards Lost 5-46 (at Oklahoma State) 0-0 (Louisiana Tech); 0-0 (Missouri)Tackles for Loss-Yards Lost 12-38 (at Kansas State) 1-5 (Nicholls State)

NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL HIGHSMost Rushing Attempts .................................................34; Brandon Jackson vs. Colorado (142 yards)Most Net Rushing Yards ................................................182; Brandon Jackson at Oklahoma State (21 attempts)Most Rushing TDs .........................................................3; Marlon Lucky vs. TroyLongest TD Run .............................................................51; Marlon Lucky vs. TroyLongest Run, No TD .......................................................48; Brandon Jackson at Kansas StateMost Pass Attempts ......................................................39; Zac Taylor at Oklahoma State (21 completions)Most Completed Passes ................................................22; Zac Taylor vs. Louisiana Tech (33 attempts)Most Passing Yards.......................................................395; Zac Taylor vs. KansasLongest TD Pass ............................................................78; Zac Taylor to Frantz Hardy vs. KansasLongest Pass, No TD ......................................................67; Zac Taylor to Terrence Nunn vs. TroyMost Pass Receptions ...................................................7; Todd Peterson at Texas A&M (82 yards)Most Receiving Yards ....................................................159; Frantz Hardy vs. Kansas (3 receptions)Most TD Receptions .......................................................2; Frantz Hardy vs. Kansas (3 receptions); Maurice Purify at Oklahoma State (6 receptions)Most Total Offense Attempts .........................................46; Zac Taylor at Oklahoma State (39 pass, 7 rush)Most Total Offense Yards ..............................................383; Zac Taylor vs. Kansas (35 attempts)Most All Purpose Attempts ............................................41; Brandon Jackson vs. Colorado (34 run, 6 rec., 1 ret.) (SCHOOL RECORD)Most All Purpose Yards..................................................206; Brandon Jackson at Oklahoma State (182 rush, 0 ret., 24 rec.)Most Touchdowns Scored ..............................................3; Marlon Lucky vs. Troy (3 rushing)Most Field Goals Attempted...........................................2; Jordan Congdon at Oklahoma State (1 made); vs. Missouri (2 made)Most Field Goals Made ..................................................2; Jordan Congdon vs. Missouri (33 yards, 40 yards)Longest Field Goal Made ...............................................40; Jordan Congdon vs. MissouriLongest Field Goal Attempted........................................42; Jordan Congdon at Oklahoma State (missed)Most Interceptions.........................................................2; Andrew Shanle vs. KansasLongest Interception TD Return .....................................N/ALongest Interception Return, No TD ...............................40; Bo Ruud vs. MissouriLongest Fumble TD Return ............................................N/ALongest Fumble Return, No TD ......................................11; Brandon Rigoni vs. TroyLongest Punt Return, TD................................................NoneLongest Punt Return, No TD...........................................33; Nate Swift vs. Nicholls StateMost Punt Return Yardage ............................................67; Terrence Nunn vs. Nicholls State (5 returns)Longest Kickoff Return ..................................................32; Marlon Lucky vs. MissouriMost Kickoff Return Yardage .........................................61; Marlon Lucky vs. Missouri (3 returns)Most Punts ....................................................................8; Dan Titchener at Kansas State (38.1 avg.)Highest Punting Average ...............................................42.3; Dan Titchener vs. Louisiana Tech (3 punts, 127 yards)Longest Punt .................................................................58; Dan Titchener at Oklahoma State

Nebraska Statistical Highs and Lows

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Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL HIGHS....(CONTINUED)Most Total Tackles.........................................................10; Stewart Bradley at USC (3 UT, 7 AT); at Kansas State (8 UT, 2 AT); Steve Octavien vs. Texas (7 UT, 3 AT)Most Solo Tackles ..........................................................8; Stewart Bradley at Kansas State; Andrew Shanle at Oklahoma StateMost Tackles for Loss ....................................................3; Ndamakong Suh vs. Troy (19 yards); Adam Carriker vs. Kansas (3 yards); Jay Moore vs. Texas (8 yards); .............................................................................................. Adam Carriker at Oklahoma St. (16 yards); Jay Moore vs. Missouri (8 yards); Adam Carriker vs. Colorado (19 yards)Most Yards Lost.............................................................19; Ndamakong Suh vs. Troy (3 TFL); Adam Carriker vs. Colorado (3 TFL)Most Quarterback Sacks................................................2.0; Adam Carriker at Oklahoma State (10 yards); Adam Carriker vs. Colorado (18 yards)Most Yards Lost.............................................................18; Adam Carriker vs. Colorado (2.0 sacks)Most Pass Breakups ......................................................2; Andre Jones vs. Kansas; Cortney Grixby at Kansas State; Cortney Grixby vs. MissouriMost Blocked Field Goals...............................................1; Barry Turner vs. Texas A&MMost Blocked Punts .......................................................1; Major Culbert vs. ColoradoMost Blocked PAT ..........................................................1; Ola Dagunduro vs. Texas; Adam Carriker at Oklahoma State

OPPONENT INDIVIDUAL HIGHSMost Yards Rushing ......................................................145; Jon Cornish, Kansas (31 attempts)Most Rushing Attempts .................................................31; Jon Cornish, Kansas (145 yards)Most Yards Passing.......................................................405; Adam Barmann, Kansas (54 attempts) Most Passing Attempts .................................................54; Adam Barmann, Kansas (27 completions)Most Pass Completions .................................................27; Adam Barmann, Kansas (54 attempts)Most Pass Receptions ...................................................11; Dwayne Jarrett, USC (136 yards)Most Yards Receiving ....................................................139; Johnathan Holland, Louisiana Tech (7 receptions)

OPPONENT INDIVIDUAL LONGEST PLAYSRush..............................................................................57; Stephen McGee, Texas A&MPass ..............................................................................56; Zac Champion to Josh Wheeler, Louisiana TechField Goal ......................................................................54; Jeff Wolfert, MissouriPunt Return ...................................................................16; Ryan Baum, Iowa StateKickoff Return ...............................................................78; Quan Crosby, TexasFumble Return...............................................................19; Nathan Peterson, Oklahoma State (touchdown)Interception Return .......................................................16; Mark Dodge, Texas A&MPunt ..............................................................................60; Kyle Tucker, Kansas

Nebraska Starting LineupsHusker Offensive Starters Game-by-GameOpponent WRZ WRX TE LT LG C RG RT QB IB FB (WRX) PKLouisiana Tech Nunn Phillips^ Herian Patrick Austin Mann Huff Slauson Taylor Lucky Todd CongdonNicholls State Peterson Phillips^ Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Lucky Todd Congdonat USC Nunn Phillips^ Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Lucky Todd CongdonTroy Nunn Phillips^ Mueller Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Lucky Todd CongdonKansas Nunn Swift Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Lucky Jackson$ Congdonat Iowa State Nunn Phillips^ Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Jackson Todd Congdonat Kansas State Nunn Swift Herian Patrick Christensen Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Jackson Phillips^ CongdonTexas Nunn Teafatiller# Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Jackson Phillips# Congdonat Oklahoma St. Nunn Purify Herian Patrick Austin Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Jackson Todd CongdonMissouri Peterson Teafatiller# Mueller Murtha Christensen Byford Hickman Slauson Taylor Jackson Phillips# Congdonat Texas A&M Nunn Purify Herian Patrick Christensen Byford Huff Slauson Taylor Jackson Phillips^ CongdonColorado Phillips^ Purify Herian Murtha Christensen Byford Huff Nicks Taylor Jackson Todd Congdon^ - NU opened in two tight end formation # - NU opened in three tight end formation $ - NU opened in two I-back formation

Husker Defensive Starters Game-by-GameOpponent Open End NT DT Base End SAM MLB WILL Strong CB FS SS Weak CB PLouisiana Tech Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerNicholls State Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchenerat USC Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerTroy Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerKansas Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchenerat Iowa State Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchenerat Kansas State Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerTexas Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchenerat Oklahoma St. Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerMissouri Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley Brandenburgh Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchenerat Texas A&M Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby TitchenerColorado Moore Dagunduro Cryer Carriker Bradley McKeon Ruud A. Jones Shanle Green Grixby Titchener

ADDITIONAL PLAYER PARTICIPATION (GAMES): Alegria, Jordan (1); Brandenburgh, Lance (12); Brothers, Titus (2); Byford, Brett (12); Christensen, Andy (12); Culbert, Major (11); Davis, Beau (2); Dillard, Phillip (1); Eisenhart, Ben (12); Erickson, Dan (12); Ganz, Joe (4); Glenn, Cody (9); Fluellen, Isaiah (1); Hardy, Frantz (12); Hickman, Jacob (4); Hill, Sean (3); Holt, Menelik (6); Jackson, Brandon (12); Johnson, Brandon (6); Kadavy, Andy (10); Kelly, Lane (7); Kester, Tyler (1); Lingenfelter, Newton (3); Mueller, Josh (12); Murtha, Lydon (12); Nicks, Carl (9); O’Hanlon, Matt (12); O’Leary, T.J. (8); Octavien, Steve (7); Peterson, Todd (12); Potter, Zach (12); Poulosky, Andy (7); Purify, Maurice (12); Rigoni, Brandon (12); Senske, Matt (4); Sievers, Clayton (8); Spain, Tyrell (8); Steinkuhler, Ty (12); Suh, Ndamukong (12); Swift, Nate (12); Teafatiller, Hunter (12); Thenarse, Rickey (12); Tomerlin, Justin (3); Turner, Barry (12); Wesch, Jake (12-- 7 as holder); Wilson, Bryan (12); Wilson, Kenny (11); Young, Corey (10).

Nebraska Statistical Highs and Lows

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Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

SCORING SUMMARY1st 01:54 NU Herian 13 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)2nd 11:11 LTU Horwedel 23 yd field goal 05:54 NU Lucky 13 yd run (Congdon, Jordan kick) 02:36 LTU Holland 39 yd pass from Champion (Horwedel kick) 00:07 NU Glenn 1 yd run (Congdon kick)3rd 12:31 NU Phillips 6 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 4th 11:56 NU Mueller 6 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 07:49 NU Jackson 25 yd run (Congdon kick) 03:14 NU Teafatiller 29 yd pass from Ganz (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS TECH NUFIRST DOWNS 13 30RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 21-67 48-252PASSING YDS (NET) 238 332Passes Att-Comp-Int 32-13-1 36-24-1TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 53-305 84-584Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 2-16 4-9Kickoff Returns-Yards 8-141 1-14Interception Returns-Yards 1-7 1-14Punts (Number-Avg) 7-32.0 3-42.3Fumbles-Lost 4-2 3-1Penalties-Yards 5-25 5-45Possession Time 24:55 35:05Third-Down Conversions 5 of 14 11 of 16Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 1 of 2Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-1 5-7Sacks By: Number-Yards 0-0 2-17RUSHING: Louisiana Tech-Jackson, Patrick 9-43; Franklin, Freddie 6-35; Champion, Zac 6-minus 11. Nebraska-Glenn, Cody 13-88; Lucky, Marlon 13-79; Wilson, Kenny 15-47; Jackson, Brandon 3-36; Taylor, Zac 2-9; TEAM 2-minus 7. PASSING: Louisiana Tech-Champion, Zac 12-27-1-231; Mosley, Michael 1-5-0-7. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 22-33-1-287; Ganz, Joe 2-3-0-45. RECEIVING: Louisiana Tech-Holland, Johnathan 7-139; Wheeler, Josh 2-69; Newman, Eric 1-16; Franklin, Freddie 1-7; Carroll, Bryan 1-7; Jackson, Patrick 1-0. Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 5-54; Herian, Matt 3-61; Swift, Nate 3-46; Lucky, Marlon 3-42; Peterson, Todd 2-30; Hardy, Frantz 2-24; Mueller, Josh 2-10; Phillips, J.B. 2-8; Teafatiller, Hunter 1-29; Purify, Maurice 1-28. INTERCEPTIONS: Louisiana Tech-Smith, D’Anthony 1-7. Nebraska-Ruud, Bo 1-14. FUMBLES: Louisiana Tech-Champion, Zac 2-0; Franklin, Freddie 1-1; Wheeler, Josh 1-1. Nebraska-Wilson, Kenny 2-1; Nunn, Terrence 1-0. SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Louisiana Tech-None. Nebraska-Moore, Jay 1-10; Carriker, Adam 1-7. TACKLES (UA-A): Louisiana Tech-Harris, Quin 5-5. Nebraska-Grixby, Cortney 5-1.

Game 1 Nebraska 49, Louisiana Tech 10

Lincoln (Sept. 2) --- Nebraska rolled past Louisiana Tech, 49-10, in the season-opener in front of a school-record 85,181 fans. The victory marked NU’s 21st consecutive season-opening win, the longest streak in the nation.

Nebraska threw for 332 yards and rushed for 252 more in amassing 584 total yards, the most in the Bill Callahan era. Seven different players scored a touchdown, including four Huskers who found the end zone for the first time.

In the air, senior quarterback Zac Taylor tied a career high with three touchdown passes, with each scoring toss to a different Husker tight end.

On the ground, sophomore Cody Glenn paced the rushing attack, gaining 88 yards on 13 carries. Fellow sophomore Marlon Lucky added 79 yards on 13 carries and scored his first career touchdown.

The receiving corps was busy all afternoon as 10 different players caught at least one pass. Playing in his first game since the 2004 season, senior Matt Herian made three grabs for a team-high 61 yards. Herian also became Nebraska’s tight end career receiving yardage leader after his final catch.

Preseason All-American defensive end Adam Carriker opened the game in solid fashion for the Blackshirts, as his seven-yard sack ended the Bulldogs’ first drive.

The offenses took control of the game in the second quarter as Nebraska and Louisiana Tech combined to put points on the board in the final five possessions of the first half. NU scored on a touchdown on its final three possessions of the first half and found the end zone on four straight drives from the first to the third quarter.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALLouisiana Tech 0 10 0 0 10 Nebraska 7 14 7 21 49

SCORING SUMMARY1st 08:02 NU Glenn 1 yd run (Congdon kick) 00:28 NU Todd 1 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)2nd 12:54 NU Herian 19 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 00:23 NU Lucky 1 yd run (Congdon kick)3rd 10:07 NU Hardy 14 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 07:36 NU Purify 42 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)4th 13:33 NSU Cole 1 yd run (Romero kick) 11:03 NU Wilson 14 yd run (Congdon kick) 05:07 NU Glenn 7 yd run (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS NSU NUFIRST DOWNS 7 30RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 47-187 50-261PASSING YDS (NET) 0 237Passes Att-Comp-Int 3-0-0 26-21-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 50-187 76-498Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 0-0 8-117Kickoff Returns-Yards 7-86 1-23Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 8-38.9 1-41.0Fumbles-Lost 7-3 1-1Penalties-Yards 6-46 3-20Possession Time 26:16 33:44Third-Down Conversions 3 of 13 7 of 12Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 2 2 of 3Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-1 7-8Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-5 0-0RUSHING: Nicholls State-Thorne, Grant 3-65; McLendon, Micha 8-48; Morgan, Zack 8-27; Jones, Dwayne 7-19; Bunch, Chris 11-13; Cole, Broderick 5-12; Montgomery, Vin 4-9; TEAM 1-minus 6. Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 18-103; Wilson, Kenny 9-79; Glenn, Cody 11-47; Jackson, Brandon 7-29; Ganz, Joe 1-10; Taylor, Zac 3-minus 3; TEAM 1-minus 4. PASSING: Nicholls State-Bunch, Chris 0-3-0-0. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 19-23-0-202; Ganz, Joe 2-3-0-35. RECEIVING: Nicholls State-None. Nebraska-Herian, Matt 4-38; Jackson, Brandon 3-25; Nunn, Terrence 3-22; Phillips, J.B. 3-17; Purify, Maurice 2-61; Todd, Dane 2-9; Peterson, Todd 1-31; Hardy, Frantz 1-14; Lucky, Marlon 1-13; Erickson, Dan 1-7. INTERCEPTIONS: Nicholls State-None. Nebraska-None. FUMBLES: Nicholls State-Bunch, Chris 2-0; Montgomery, Vin 1-1; Morgan, Zack 1-1; McLendon, Michael 1-0; Brooks, Lester 1-0; TEAM 1-1. Nebraska-TEAM 1-1. SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nicholls State-Stone, Jordan 1-5. Nebraska-None. TACKLES (UA-A): Nicholls State-Edison, Toney 8-8. Nebraska-Carriker, Adam 2-4; Octavien, Steve 2-4.

Game 2 Nebraska 56, Nicholls State 7

Lincoln (Sept. 9) --- The No. 21 Nebraska football team rolled to a 56-7 win over Nicholls State in a steady rain in front of 84,076 fans.

The Huskers received impressive balance for the second straight game, both rushing and passing for more than 200 yards while putting up 14 points on the board each quarter.

Nebraska’s defense silenced Nicholls State through the air, holding the Colonels to no passing yards, the first time that has been achieved by the Blackshirts since grounding Oklahoma State in 1992.

Nebraska scored on six of its first seven possessions. Senior quarterback Zac Taylor produced one of the most efficient and productive passing efforts by a Nebraska quarterback, connecting on 19-of-23 passes, including 12 straight completions in the first half, for 202 yards and four touchdowns in three quarters. Taylor’s 213.77 NCAA pass efficiency rating ranked as the eighth best day by a Husker in the Nebraska record books.

Sophomore I-back Marlon Lucky carried the load on the ground with the first 100-yard rushing day of his career with 18 carries for 103 yards and one touchdown. The big days from Taylor and Lucky helped NU achieve impressive offensive balance, as the Huskers rolled to 498 total yards, including 237 yards passing and 261 rushing yards.

Nicholls State avoided the shutout early in the fourth quarter as Grant Thorne galloped 49 yards to the NU 1 before Broderick Cole scored on the next play with 13:33 left.

Cody Glenn, who finished the day with 11 carries for 47 yards and two touchdowns, and Kenny Wilson who pitched in 79 yards and a touchdown on nine carries added fourth-quarter scores for the Huskers to produce the final margin.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNicholls State 0 0 0 7 7 Nebraska 14 14 14 14 56

Page 50: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

SCORING SUMMARY1st 03:23 NU Congdon 38 FG 00:00 USC Jarrett 12 pass from Booty (Danelo kick)2nd 02:52 USC Smith 3 pass from Booty (Danelo kick)3rd 12:05 USC Jarrett 5 pass from Booty (Danelo kick)4th 12:44 NU Taylor 1 run (Congdon kick) 06:27 USC Washington 7 run (Danelo kick)TEAM STATISTICS NU USCFIRST DOWNS 10 26RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 36-68 31-142PASSING YDS (NET) 143 257Passes Att-Comp-Int 17-9-0 37-25-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 53-211 68-399Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 3-27 1-4Kickoff Returns-Yards 2-37 3-43Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 5-38.6 4-41.8Fumbles-Lost 2-1 1-0Penalties-Yards 5-51 7-46Possession Time 28:36 31:24Third-Down Conversions 5 of 14 9 of 15Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 3 1 of 2Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-1 4-5Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-7 1-11RUSHING: Nebraska-Wilson, Kenny 19-46; Lucky, Marlon 10-27; Jackson, Brandon 2-1; Taylor, Zac 5-minus 6. USC-Moody, Emmanuel 9-70; Washington, C. 12-52; Gable, C.J. 6-22; Powdrell, Ryan 1-0; Booty, J.D. 3-minus 2. PASSING: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 8-16-0-115; Titchener, Dan 1-1-0-28. USC-Booty, J.D. 25-36-0-257; Turner, Patrick 0-1-0-0. RECEIVING: Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 4-36; Nunn, Terrence 2-31; Herian, Matt 1-36; Peterson, Todd 1-28; Lucky, Marlon 1-12. USC-Jarrett, Dwayne 11-136; Smith, Steve 6-53; McFoy, Chris 3-39; Davis, Fred 2-16; Reed, Desmond 2-13; Gable, C.J. 1-0. INTERCEPTIONS: Nebraska-None. USC-None. FUMBLES: Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 1-0; Taylor, Zac 1-1. USC-Booty, J.D. 1-0. SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nebraska-Suh, Ndamukong 1-7. USC-Williams, T. 1-11. TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Bradley, Stewart 3-7. USC-Maualuga, Rey 4-7.

Game 3 USC 28, Nebraska 10

Los Angeles (Sept. 16) --- The No. 19 Nebraska football team battled No. 4 USC to the end, but the Huskers came up short in a 28-10 loss at the Los Angeles Coliseum in front of a sellout crowd that included between 25,000 and 30,000 Big Red fans and an ABC national primetime television audience.

The Huskers showed that they planned to be in the game until the end by opening the scoring with a 38-yard Jordan Congdon field goal in the first quarter. The spark for Nebraska’s early 3-0 lead began one drive earlier, when punter Dan Titchener completed a 28-yard pass to wide receiver Todd Peterson on a fake punt to convert on fourth down and put NU in Trojan territory for the first time.

USC took a 7-3 lead on the last play of the first quarter as John David Booty hit Dwayne Jarrett with the first of two scoring connections on the night. Booty also hooked up with Steve Smith in the second quarter while compiling impressive numbers through the air. Booty finished hitting on 25-of-36 pass attempts for 257 yards and three scores. Jarrett led the Trojan receivers with 11 catches for 136 yards and two touchdowns, while Smith added six catches for 53 yards and a score.

Taylor cut the deficit to 21-10 after a nine-play, 74-yard scoring drive with his one-yard run with 12:44 left in the game. Chauncey Washington’s seven-yard run with 6:32 remaining in the game capped the scoring and secured the win for USC.

Taylor completed 8-of-16 passes for 115 yards, with no touchdowns and no interceptions. I-back Brandon Jackson led the Nebraska receiving unit with four catches for 36 yards, while tight end Matt Herian added one catch for 36 yards and Nunn picked up 31 yards on two catches.

On the ground, Kenny Wilson’s 46 yards on 19 totes led the Huskers, who managed 211 yards in total offense against USC, while the Trojans amassed 399 total yards.

Titchener led a solid performance by Nebraska’s special teams units, punting five times for a 38.6-yard average, including one punt of 50 yards and one downed inside the USC 20.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNebraska 3 0 0 7 10 USC 7 7 7 7 28

SCORING SUMMARY1st 09:13 NU Lucky 34 yd run (Congdon kick) 04:30 NU Phillips 6 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)2nd 11:34 NU Lucky 45 yd run (Congdon kick), 03:09 NU Wilson 3 yd run (Congdon kick)3rd 09:31 NU Lucky 51 yd run (Congdon kick) 06:21 NU Senske 1 yd pass from Ganz (Congdon kick)4th 13:39 NU Jackson 8 yd run (Congdon kick) 06:45 NU Wilson 8 yd run (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS TU NUFIRST DOWNS 10 25RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 27-48 46-316PASSING YDS (NET) 92 281Passes Att-Comp-Int 24-15-1 23-16-1TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 51-140 69-597Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 1-11Punt Returns-Yards 1--1 2-2Kickoff Returns-Yards 8-109 1-27Interception Returns-Yards 1--2 1-0Punts (Number-Avg) 8-40.6 2-36.0Fumbles-Lost 6-2 0-0Penalties-Yards 10-80 8-65Possession Time 23:46 36:14Third-Down Conversions 1 of 11 7 of 11Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 2 1 of 1Red-Zone Scores-Chances 0-0 5-6Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-12 4-36RUSHING: Troy-Allen, Josh 4-39; Cattouse, Kenny 5-25; Jones, Anthony 5-12; Banks, Gary 1-2; Wright, Jason 2-minus 6; Foster, Julian 3-minus 7; Haugabook, Omar 7-minus 17. Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 10-156; Wilson, Kenny 19-106; Jackson, Brandon 11-60; Taylor, Zac 3-8; Nunn, Terrence 1-0; TEAM 1-minus 2; Ganz, Joe 1-minus 12. PASSING: Troy-Haugabook, Omar 12-21-1-88; Foster, Julian 2-2-0-12; Banks, Gary 1-1-0-minus 8. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 14-17-1-268; Ganz, Joe 2-6-0-13. RECEIVING: Troy-Hampton, Smokey 4-16; Banks, Gary 2-30; Rutledge, Toris 2-13; Terry, Mykeal 1-10; East, Marlo 1-10; Williams, C. 1-9; Allen, Josh 1-9; Davis, Andrew 1-7; Jones, Anthony 1-minus 4; Haugabook, Omar 1-minus 8. Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 4-102; Swift, Nate 3-79; Purify, Maurice 2-45; Phillips, J.B. 2-16; Senske, Matt 2-13; Hardy, Frantz 1-16; Mueller, Josh 1-8; Lucky, Marlon 1-2. INTERCEPTIONS: Troy-Bray, Justin 1-minus 2. Nebraska-Shanle, Andrew 1-0. FUMBLES: Troy-Wright, Jason 2-1; McKelvin, L. 1-1; Foster, Julian 1-0; Mack, Elbert 1-0; Allen, Josh 1-0. Nebraska-None. SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Troy-Teal, Martin 1-12. Nebraska-Suh, Ndamukong 1.5-16; Dagunduro, Ola 1-10; Moore, Jay 1-6; Cryer, Barry 0.5-4.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Green, Tierre, 2-5. Troy-Condren 12-1.

Game 4 Nebraska 56, Troy 0

Lincoln (Sept. 23) --- The Nebraska offense generated nearly 600 yards total offense, including more than 400 in the first half alone, and the Blackshirts pitched their first shutout of the season as the Cornhuskers rolled to a 56-0 victory over Troy.

The No. 23 Huskers improved to 3-1 on the year with the victory in front of 84,799 fans in the NCAA-record 278th consecutive sellout at Memorial Stadium.

Sophomore I-back Marlon Lucky erupted for the best game of his young career with 10 carries for career highs of 156 yards and three touchdowns through Nebraska’s opening drive of the second half. Lucky’s big night included successive career-long runs of 34, 45 and 51 yards that all went for touchdowns, capped by his 51-yard burst up the middle on his final carry to give the Huskers a 35-0 lead.

While Lucky carried the load for Nebraska’s balanced West Coast offensive attack, senior quarterback Zac Taylor propelled the Huskers through the air, completing 14-of-17 passes for 268 yards and one touchdown. Taylor played just over one half, giving way to backup Joe Ganz after leading the Huskers on their fifth touchdown on the opening drive of the second half.

Junior wide receiver Terrence Nunn enjoyed a career night as well with his first 100-yard receiving game, including a 67-yard catch in the first half to push him past the century mark.

The Huskers finished the night with 597 yards of total offense, including 316 yards on the ground and 281 yards passing. The Blackshirts held Troy to just 140 total yards, including just 48 yards on the ground, with Ndamukong Suh leading the way with 1.5 sacks.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALTroy 0 0 0 0 0 Nebraska 14 14 14 14 56

Page 51: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

SCORING SUMMARY1st 14:02 NU Nunn 75 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 10:20 NU Peterson 6 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 00:23 NU Congdon 21 yd field goal2nd 11:45 KU McAnderson 1 yd run (Webb kick) 06:51 NU Hardy 78 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 00:00 KU Webb 31 yd field goal3rd 12:01 KU Cornish 8 yd run (TEAM kick failed) 05:47 KU Webb 35 yd field goal4th 06:32 KU Fine 1 yd pass from Barmann (Barmann pass failed) 04:13 NU Hardy 75 yd pass from Taylor (Swift pass from Taylor) 00:46 KU Murph 26 yd pass from Barmann (Webb kick)OT 15:00 NU Glenn 1 yd run (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS KU NUFIRST DOWNS 26 16RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 40-169 32-116PASSING YDS (NET) 405 395Passes Att-Comp-Int 54-27-3 33-15-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 94-574 65-511Fumble Returns-Yards 1-2 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 0-0 2-38Kickoff Returns-Yards 6-91 1-17Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 3-19Punts (Number-Avg) 6-44.2 7-38.4Fumbles-Lost 1-1 4-3Penalties-Yards 5-25 5-35Possession Time 33:29 26:31Third-Down Conversions 6 of 18 3 of 12Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 2 0 of 0Red-Zone Scores-Chances 5-8 3-3Sacks By: Number-Yards 2-12 0-0RUSHING: Kansas-Cornish, Jon 31-145; McAnderson, Brandon 5-19; Barmann, Adam 4-5. Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 13-40; Wilson, Kenny 4-33; Glenn, Cody 7-33; Jackson, Brandon 4-28; Hardy, Frantz 1-minus 2; TEAM 1-minus 4; Taylor, Zac 2-minus 12.PASSING: Kansas-Barmann, Adam 27-54-3-405. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 15-33-0-395.RECEIVING: Kansas-Murph, Brian 8-129; Fields, Dexton 8-108; Fine, Derek 5-84; Henry, Marcus 3-28; Lamb, Jonathan 1-40; McAnderson, Brandon 1-8; Cornish, Jon 1-8. Nebraska-Purify, Maurice 4-91; Hardy, Frantz 3-159; Nunn, Terrence 3-98; Swift, Nate 2-25; Lucky, Marlon 2-16; Peterson, Todd 1-6.INTERCEPTIONS: Kansas-None. Nebraska-Shanle, Andrew 2-19; Jones, Andre 1-0.FUMBLES: Kansas-Barmann, Adam 1-1. Nebraska-Glenn, Cody 1-1; Lucky, Marlon 1-1; Taylor, Zac 1-1; TEAM 1-0.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Kansas-McClinton, James 1-0; Brorsen, Russell 1-0. Nebraska-None.TACKLES (UA-A): Kansas-McClinton, James 4-3. Nebraska-McKeon, Corey 3-6.

Game 5 Nebraska 39, Kansas 32 (ot)

Lincoln (Sept. 30) --- The No. 21 Nebraska football team sprinted to a 17-0 lead at the end of the first quarter and held off visiting Kansas by scoring the only overtime touchdown in a 39-32 victory in Lincoln.

Playing in front of 85,069 fans in the NCAA-record 279th consecutive sellout at Memorial Stadium and an FSN national television audience, senior quarterback Zac Taylor threw for 395 yards and four touchdowns, including three scoring passes of 75 or more yards to lead the Huskers to victory.

The Norman, Okla., native hit former junior college teammate Frantz Hardy on a 78-yard scoring strike in the first half and a 75-yard touchdown pass midway through the fourth quarter to go along with a 75-yard touchdown pass to Terrence Nunn.

Hardy ended the game with a career-high 159 yards, the fourth-highest total in school history. Hardy became the first player in Nebraska history to post a pair of 150-yard receiving games in his career, as he also had 152 yards in his first career game against Maine in 2005.

Nebraska finished the night with 511 yards of total offense while Kansas finished the night with 574 total yards on 94 plays, the most ever by a Nebraska opponent. KU’s 32 points marked its second-highest total in series history, dating back to a 36-point effort in 1899.

While Kansas finished with major total yardage, the Blackshirts kept the Jayhawks in check by forcing four turnovers. Senior safety Andrew Shanle intercepted two of the first three passes that Adam Barmann threw for KU, while Andre Jones picked off another in the end zone to stop a Jayhawk drive. Barmann also fumbled inside the Husker 5 to end another golden scoring opportunity, but collected 405 yards on 27-of-54 passing in the comeback attempt.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 OT FINALKansas 0 10 9 13 0 32Nebraska 17 7 0 8 7 39

SCORING SUMMARY1st 9:33 NU Glenn 3 yd run (Congdon kick)2nd 14:10 ISU Meyer 1 yd run (Culbertson kick) 08:07 NU Jackson 1 yd run (Congdon kick) 00:03 NU Purify 27 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)4th 01:33 NU Glenn 5 yd run (Congdon kick) 00:06 ISU Blythe 13 yd pass from Meyer (Culbertson kick)

TEAM STATISTICS NU ISUFIRST DOWNS 17 18RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 45-251 24-53PASSING YDS (NET) 131 262Passes Att-Comp-Int 21-17-0 39-18-1TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 66-382 63-315Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 2-11 1-16Kickoff Returns-Yards 2-24 3-35Interception Returns-Yards 1-3 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 6-41.0 5-43.2Fumbles-Lost 2-1 0-0Penalties-Yards 7-70 6-45Possession Time 36:55 23:05Third-Down Conversions 5 of 12 4 of 12Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 0 of 3Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-3 2-4Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-9 2-21RUSHING: Nebraska-Glenn, Cody 19-148; Jackson, Brandon 22-116; Taylor, Zac 4-minus 13. Iowa State-Meyer,Bret 13-26; Hicks,Stevie 6-21; Kock,Ryan 3-9; Flynn,Austin 1-4; Sumrall,R.J. 1-minus 7.PASSING: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 17-21-0-131. Iowa State-Meyer,Bret 18-39-1-262.RECEIVING: Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 3-28; Purify, Maurice 2-35; Peterson, Todd 2-25; Phillips, J.B. 2-14; Nunn, Terrence 2-11; Hardy, Frantz 2-8; Herian, Matt 2-6; Swift, Nate 1-4; Jackson, Brandon 1-0. Iowa State-Blythe,Todd 6-96; Sumrall,R.J. 4-48; Davis,Jon 3-51; Flynn,Austin 3-37; Nickel,Walter 1-24; Hicks,Stevie 1-6.INTERCEPTIONS: Nebraska-Grixby, Cortney 1-3. Iowa State-None.FUMBLES: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 2-1. Iowa State-None.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nebraska-Cryer, Barry 1-9. Iowa State-Curvey,Brent 2-21.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Ruud, Bo 4-5. Iowa State-Bowen,Alvin 7-10.

Game 6 Nebraska 28, Iowa State 14

Ames, Iowa (Oct. 7) --- Sophomore I-back Cody Glenn and junior I-back Brandon Jackson each rushed for more than 100 yards and combined for three touchdowns to carry the No. 22 Nebraska football team to its first road win of the season in a 28-14 victory over Iowa State at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames.

Playing in front of an ABC regional television audience in prime time and a packed house that included thousands of Husker fans in Ames, Nebraska improved to 5-1 overall and 2-0 in the Big 12, while Iowa State slipped to 3-3 on the season and 0-2 in the league.

The Huskers produced 251 rushing yards, including career highs of 148 yards and two scores from Glenn and 116 yards and another score from Jackson. The duo gave NU its second double-100-yard rushing performance in the last three games and the first in conference play since 2003.

While Nebraska’s West Coast Offense rolled up 382 yards and dominated the time of possession by holding the ball for nearly 37 minutes, the Blackshirts surrendered just one touchdown on a short field in the first 59:54, before giving up an insignificant touchdown in prevent defense with six seconds left in the game. The Blackshirts limited ISU to just 53 rushing yards in a magnificent performance. Junior linebacker Bo Ruud led the defense with a team-high nine tackles, while defensive tackle Barry Cryer wreaked havoc up front with four tackles, including a nine-yard sack and a pass deflection.

The biggest stop for the Blackshirts came on ISU’s final drive of the first half, when the defense forced a three-and-out to give Taylor and the Huskers the ball back at their own 40 with 1:15 to play in the half.

Taylor immediately went to work, engineering a seven-play, 60-yard drive that culminated with a 27-yard touchdown pass to Purify for a 21-7 lead with three seconds left in the half. On the drive, Taylor completed 5-of-7 passes for all 60 yards through the air, including three receptions for 28 yards from Lucky.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNebraska 7 14 0 7 28 Iowa State 0 7 0 7 14

Page 52: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

SCORING SUMMARY1st 11:06 NU Teafatiller 17 pass from Wesch (Congdon)2nd 11:02 NU Mueller 3 pass from Taylor (Congdon)3rd 08:55 NU Lucky 40 run (Congdon) 04:44 KS Snodgrass 53 FGTEAM STATISTICS NU KSUFIRST DOWNS 16 17RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 43-190 18-22PASSING YDS (NET) 166 272Passes Att-Comp-Int 22-13-0 47-23-2TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 65-356 65-294Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 2-6 2-12Kickoff Returns-Yards 1-15 3-68Interception Returns-Yards 2-25 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 8-38.1 7-40.4Fumbles-Lost 2-0 0-0Penalties-Yards 2-20 5-35Possession Time 34:51 25:09Third-Down Conversions 7 of 17 1 of 13Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 2 2 of 4Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-2 1-2Sacks By: Number-Yards 4-35 4-19RUSHING: Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 16-92; Lucky, Marlon 12-71; Glenn, Cody 10-22; Taylor, Zac 5-5. Kansas State-Gonzalez,Daniel 1-38; Patton, Leon 12-13; Freeman, Josh 5-minus 29. PASSING: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 12-21-0-149; Wesch, Jake 1-1-0-17. Kansas State-Freeman, Josh 23-47-2-272.RECEIVING: Nebraska-Purify, Maurice 4-73; Swift, Nate 2-29; Jackson, Brandon 2-14; Nunn, Terrence 1-18; Teafatiller, Hunter 1-17; Phillips, J.B. 1-8; Lucky, Marlon 1-4; Mueller, Josh 1-3. Kansas State-Moreira, Jerm. 6-86; Gonzalez,Daniel 4-72; Norwood,Rashaad 4-48; Wilson, Cedric 4-47; Patton, Leon 2-16; Brown, Antonio 1-6; Raymer, Donald 1-0; Clayton, Thomas 1-minus 3. INTERCEPTIONS: Nebraska-Thenarse, Rickey 1-25; Suh, Ndamukong 1-0. Kansas State-None.FUMBLES: Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 2-0. Kansas State-None.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nebraska-Suh, Ndamukong 1-14; Moore, Jay 1-13; Dagunduro, Ola 1-6; Brandenburgh, Lance 0.5-1; Steinkuhler, Ty 0.5-1. Kansas State-Archer, Brandon 1-9; Garvin, Byron 1-7; Campbell, Ian 1-2; Watts, Marcus 1-0.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Bradley, Stewart 6-4. Kansas State-Diles, Zach 2-8.

Game 7 Nebraska 21, Kansas State 3

Manhattan, Kan. (Oct. 14) --- The No. 21 Nebraska football team controlled Kansas State from start to finish with a strong Blackshirt defense and a powerful running game on its way to a 21-3 win over the Wildcats at Bill Snyder Family Stadium.

With the victory, Nebraska improved to 6-1 on the season and 3-0 in the Big 12 Conference, while dropping KSU to 4-3 overall and 1-2 in the league. The win made NU bowl eligible for the 37th time in the past 38 seasons, while Nebraska also became just the fourth program in history to reach the 800-win plateau, joining Michigan, Notre Dame and Texas.

The Huskers, who ended a four-game losing streak in Manhattan to the Wildcats, set the tone on the game’s opening drive by marching 80 yards on nine plays to take a 7-0 lead. It was the fourth consecutive game that Nebraska scored on the opening drive.

Nebraska scored its first touchdown off a fake field-goal attempt as holder Jake Wesch tossed a scoring strike to tight end Hunter Teafatiller. NU followed with a second-quarter scoring pass from Zac Taylor to tight end Josh Mueller for a 14-0 halftime lead before the Huskers pushed across their final points of the night on a 40-yard Marlon Lucky touchdown run in the third period. KSU broke through on the Blackshirt defense with a 53-yard Jeff Snodgrass field goal in the third quarter to end the scoring.

Senior linebacker Stewart Bradley led Nebraska’s defense with 10 tackles, including six solos and one of NU’s 10 tackles for loss on the night. Defensive lineman Ndamukong Suh also wreaked havoc for the Huskers with three unassisted tackles, including two tackles for loss and a 14-yard sack. He added his first career interception in the fourth quarter. Freshman defensive back Rickey Thenarse also recorded his first career interception on KSU’s final offensive play of the game.

The Blackshirts held Kansas State to just 22 rushing yards and sacked freshman quarterback Josh Freeman four times for 35 yards on the night. Despite the pressure, Freeman had solid passing numbers as he connected on 23-of-47 attempts for 272 yards through the air.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNebraska 7 7 7 0 21 Kansas State 0 0 3 0 3

SCORING SUMMARY1st 13:02 UT Johnson 22 yd field goal 05:58 NU Purify 63 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)2nd 06:43 UT Cosby 6 yd pass from McCoy (Johnson kick blocked) 04:00 UT Sweed 55 yd pass from McCoy (Johnson kick)4th 14:48 NU Jackson 49 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 06:33 UT Johnson 22 yd field goal 04:54 NU Swift 25 yd pass from Lucky (Taylor pass failed) 00:23 UT Bailey 22 yd field goalTEAM STATISTICS UT NUFIRST DOWNS 21 15RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 34-128 24-38PASSING YDS (NET) 220 302Passes Att-Comp-Int 40-25-0 29-16-1TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 74-348 53-340Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 0-0 1-1Kickoff Returns-Yards 3-119 3-55Interception Returns-Yards 1-6 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 5-43.0 6-40.7Fumbles-Lost 5-1 2-2Penalties-Yards 5-42 7-67Possession Time 34:36 25:24Third-Down Conversions 7 of 18 4 of 13Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 0 of 0Red-Zone Scores-Chances 4-5 0-0Sacks By: Number-Yards 4-29 3-19RUSHING: Texas-Charles, Jamaal 9-63; Young, Selvin 14-50; McCoy, Colt 11-10; Sweed, Limas 0-5. Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 7-40; Hardy, Frantz 1-13; Glenn, Cody 4-6; Lucky, Marlon 3-5; Wilson, Kenny 2-minus 1; Taylor, Zac 7-minus 25.PASSING: Texas-McCoy, Colt 25-39-0-220; TEAM 0-1-0-0. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 15-28-1-277; Lucky, Marlon 1-1-0-25.RECEIVING: Texas-Sweed, Limas 8-119; Finley, Jermich 4-37; Pittman, Billy 4-24; Cosby, Quan 3-28; Young, Selvin 2-4; Shipley, Jordan 2-3; Charles, Jamaal 1-3; Ogbonnaya, Chri 1-2. Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 5-84; Purify, Maurice 2-84; Jackson, Brandon 2-77; Phillips, J.B. 2-12; Herian, Matt 2-9; Swift, Nate 1-25; Lucky, Marlon 1-6; Peterson, Todd 1-5.INTERCEPTIONS: Texas-Griffin, Michael 1-6. Nebraska-None.FUMBLES: Texas-McCoy, Colt 3-1; Cosby, Quan 1-0; Charles, Jamaal 1-0. Nebraska-Nunn, Terrence 1-1; Taylor, Zac 1-1.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Texas-Crowder, Tim 1-10; Lewis, Aaron 1-8; Orakpo, Brian 1-1; Marshall, Thomas 0.5-5; Miller, Roy 0.5-5. Nebraska-Ruud, Bo 1-10; Cryer, Barry 1-5; Moore, Jay 1-4.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Octavien, Steve, 7-3. Texas-Derry, Scott 4-4.

Game 8 Texas 22, Nebraska 20

Lincoln (Oct. 21) --- The No. 5 Texas Longhorns used three 22-yard field goals – including one by a walk-on kicker, Ryan Bailey, who was making his first career attempt with 23 seconds remaining – to escape Memorial Stadium with a 22-20 victory over No. 17 Nebraska.

The Longhorns looked to put a chill on the stadium-record crowd of 85,187 fans as Quan Cosby took the opening kickoff 78 yards to the Nebraska 9. But the Blackshirt defense made the first of several stands as it forced a field goal that put UT ahead, 3-0, less than two minutes into the contest.

NU responded minutes later as Zac Taylor hit Maurice Purify for a 63-yard scoring strike. UT then posted a pair of second-quarter scores to go into the intermission leading 16-7.

After a scoreless third period, Taylor and I-back Brandon Jackson got the Huskers back in the contest as Jackson took a screen pass 49 yards for the score on the first play of the fourth quarter. With less than five minutes left, NU took its first lead of the day on a 25-yard I-back pass from Marlon Lucky to Nate Swift for a 20-19 advantage.

Nebraska looked to ice the game after the Blackshirts forced a punt, but a Husker fumble gave the Longhorns one last chance at the win. UT drove inside the Husker 10 before Bailey connected on a 22-yard field goal on his first career attempt for the winning points.

The Blackshirts held the potent Longhorn offense to 348 yards total offense while NU produced 340 yards on 21 fewer plays. Linebackers Steve Octavien (10 total tackles, seven solos) and Bo Ruud (eight tackles) led the defense. Octavien and Ruud each forced a fumble and had a pass breakup, while Ruud added one of the Huskers’ three sacks on the day.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALTexas 3 13 0 6 22Nebraska 7 0 0 13 20

Page 53: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Nebraska vs. Oklahoma


Game 13 – Big 12 Championship

Nebraska Statistics

SCORING SUMMARY1st 08:22 NU Congdon 26 yd field goal 00:33 NU Jackson 2 yd run (Congdon kick)2nd 10:43 NU Jackson 24 yd run (Wesch rush fumbled) 08:12 OSU Toston 16 yd pass from Reid (Ricks kick blocked) 04:13 OSU Savage 18 yd run (Ricks kick) 00:56 NU Purify 22 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon) 00:15 OSU Bowman 45 yd pass from Reid (Ricks)4th 14:34 OSU Savage 20 yd run (Ricks kick) 08:05 OSU Crosslin 1 yd run (Ricks kick) 03:16 OSU Peterson 19 yd fumble recovery (Ricks kick) 00:07 NU Purify 5 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick failed)TEAM STATISTICS NU OSUFIRST DOWNS 29 25RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 40-211 41-267PASSING YDS (NET) 241 229Passes Att-Comp-Int 39-21-0 21-13-1TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 79-452 62-496Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 1-19Punt Returns-Yards 2-27 1-6Kickoff Returns-Yards 3-49 5-112Interception Returns-Yards 1-15 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 5-41.2 3-37.3Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1Penalties-Yards 5-40 5-42Possession Time 34:59 25:01Third-Down Conversions 7 of 16 6 of 11Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 1 0 of 1Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-3 4-4Sacks By: Number-Yards 2-10 5-46RUSHING: Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 21-182; Lucky, Marlon 9-42; Wilson, Kenny 1-3; Hardy, Frantz 1-3; Glenn, Cody 1-1; Taylor, Zac 7-minus 20. Oklahoma State-Savage,Dantrell 17-117; Toston,Keith 8-68; Reid,Bobby 8-61; Hamilton,Mike 5-16; Crosslin,Julius 2-3; Woods,Artrell 1-2.PASSING: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 21-39-0-241. Oklahoma State-Reid,Bobby 13-21-1-229.RECEIVING: Nebraska-Purify, Maurice 6-65; Hardy, Frantz 3-52; Lucky, Marlon 3-47; Jackson, Brandon 3-24; Nunn, Terrence 3-17; Peterson, Todd 2-28; Swift, Nate 1-8. Oklahoma State-Woods,D’Juan 4-87; Bowman,Adarius 3-86; Pettigrew,Brand 2-15; Toston,Keith 1-16; Price,Ricky 1-10; Waller,Justin 1-10; Parks,Anthony 1-5.INTERCEPTIONS: Nebraska-Green, Tierre 1-15. Oklahoma State-None.FUMBLES: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 1-1. Oklahoma State-Reid,Bobby 1-0; Savage,Dantrell 1-1.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nebraska-Carriker, Adam 2-10. Oklahoma State-Peterson,Nathan 2-21; McBean,Ryan 1-11; Fountain,Marque 1-8; Lavine,Patrick 1-6.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Shanle, Andrew 8-1. Oklahoma State-Lavine,Patrick 6-5.

Game 9 Oklahoma St. 41, Nebraska 29

Stillwater, Okla. (Oct. 28) --- Brandon Jackson rushed for a career-high 182 yards and two touchdowns on 21 carries, but three fourth-quarter touchdowns by Oklahoma State gave the Cowboys a 41-29 win over No. 20 Nebraska at Boone Pickens Stadium.

In a game that featured nearly 1,000 yards of total offense by both teams, Nebraska managed 452 total yards, including 241 yards passing by Zac Taylor, who completed 21-of-39 attempts with two touchdowns and no interceptions. The Husker offense also maintained control of the ball for 34:59.

Quarterback Bobby Reid led the OSU offense to 496 total yards by completing 13-of-21 passes for 229 yards and two scores, while Dantrell Savage led OSU with 117 rushing yards and two touchdowns on 17 carries.

Nebraska appeared to be in firm control of the game through the first 20 minutes on the strength of Jackson’s explosive rushing. Jackson added both of his scores in the first 20 minutes of the game, the second touchdown giving the Huskers a 16-0 lead.

But the Cowboys struck quickly and, after a 22-yard Taylor scoring pass to Maurice Purify, the Cowboys cut NU’s halftime lead to 23-20 on Reid’s 45-yard touchdown pass to Adarius Bowman. OSU then scored three touchdowns, including a defensive score off a fumble recovery, in the fourth quarter for the victory.

Defensive end Adam Carriker led the Blackshirts with 2.0 sacks, three TFLs, a pass break up and a blocked PAT. Carriker moved into the NU career top 10 for TFLs and moved into a tie for sixth place on the Huskers’ sack chart.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNebraska 10 13 0 6 29 Oklahoma State 0 20 0 21 41

SCORING SUMMARY1st 04:53 NU Congdon 40 yd field goal 01:30 NU Nunn 28 yd pass from Purify (Congdon kick)2nd 13:44 NU Purify 7 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 09:58 MU Wolfert 26 yd field goal 05:04 NU Teafatiller 17 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 01:18 NU Congdon 33 yd field goal 00:00 MU Wolfert 54 yd field goal3rd 05:46 MU Rucker 6 yd pass from Daniel (Wolfert kick)4th 14:36 NU Jackson 2 yd run (Congdon kick) 08:10 MU Coffman 19 yd pass from Daniel (Wolfert kick)TEAM STATISTICS MU NUFIRST DOWNS 21 20RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 32-119 47-183PASSING YDS (NET) 244 236Passes Att-Comp-Int 38-20-2 22-14-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 70-363 69-419Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 1-7Punt Returns-Yards 0-0 3-24Kickoff Returns-Yards 4-59 3-61Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 2-37Punts (Number-Avg) 4-39.0 2-36.5Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-2Penalties-Yards 2-15 3-19Possession Time 24:49 35:11Third-Down Conversions 3 of 13 11 of 17Fourth-Down Conversions 3 of 4 0 of 1Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-3 4-4Sacks By: Number-Yards 0-0 1-13RUSHING: Missouri-Temple, Tony 18-99; Daniel, Chase 9-13; Goldsmith, Earl 5-7. Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 32-111; Lucky, Marlon 12-44; Nunn, Terrence 2-21; Taylor, Zac 1-7.PASSING: Missouri-Daniel, Chase 20-38-2-244. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 13-21-0-208; Purify, Maurice 1-1-0-28.RECEIVING: Missouri-Alexander, Dana 4-84; Franklin, Will 4-50; Rucker, Martin 4-31; Coffman, Chase 2-36; Ekwerekwu, Brad 2-18; Perry, Jared 2-16; Ray, Jason 1-6; Saunders, Tommy 1-3. Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 4-46; Jackson, Brandon 3-61; Swift, Nate 2-56; Nunn, Terrence 2-35; Purify, Maurice 2-21; Teafatiller, Hunter 1-17.INTERCEPTIONS: Missouri-None. Nebraska-Carriker, Adam 1-minus 3; Ruud, Bo 1-40.FUMBLES: Missouri-Daniel, Chase 1-1. Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 2-2.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Missouri-None. Nebraska-Ruud, Bo 1-13.TACKLES (UA-A): Missouri-Harrington, Ded 8-2. Nebraska-Ruud, Bo 5-2.

Game 10 Nebraska 34, Missouri 20

Lincoln (Nov. 4) --- Senior quarterback Zac Taylor threw for 208 yards and two touchdowns, while junior I-back Brandon Jackson rushed for 111 yards and a score, as Nebraska improved its position for the Big 12 North Division title with an impressive 34-20 victory over No. 25 Missouri.

Taylor completed 13-of-21 passes with two first-half scores, including a seven-yard strike to Maurice Purify and a 17-yard pass to tight end Hunter Teafatiller. Taylor’s strong play helped Nebraska take sole possession of first place in the North Division in a battle between the division’s top two teams.

Jackson paced a balanced Husker rushing attack, as he reached the 100-yard plateau for the third time this season. Jackson carried a career-high 32 times, including a two-yard touchdown to give the Huskers a 34-13 lead with 14:36 remaining.

Playing in front of a Memorial Stadium record crowd of 85,197 and an ABC regional television audience, the Huskers seized the momentum by outscoring MU 10-0 in the first quarter before scoring a season-high 17 points in the second period. Sophomore place-kicker Jordan Congdon booted a pair of field goals, including a season-long 40-yarder to propel the Huskers to a 21-point halftime lead.

While Nebraska’s offense was putting points on the board, the Blackshirts were opportunistic on defense. Nebraska forced three turnovers, including picking off a pair of Chase Daniel passes, which the Huskers converted into touchdowns. Bo Ruud led the charge with a team-high seven tackles, including a 13-yard sack in the fourth quarter to stop a drive. Ruud added his second interception of the season and a 40-yard return while forcing and recovering a fumble that sealed the victory.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALMissouri 0 6 7 7 20Nebraska 10 17 0 7 34

Page 54: Nebraska Oklahoma Nu iN BiG 12 ChAMPiONShiP GAMe

Huskers.com Nebraska Statistics

Nebraska vs. OklahomaGame 13 – Big 12 Championship

SCORING SUMMARY1st 05:58 NU Glenn 2 yd run (Congdon kick) 03:42 TA Goodson 22 yd run (Neumann kick)2nd 14:54 NU Glenn 6 yd run (Congdon kick) 11:00 NU Peterson 4 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 00:16 TA Neumann 37 yd field goal3rd 00:16 TA Neumann 20 yd field goal4th 12:51 TA McGee 57 yd run (McGee rush failed) 07:28 TA Lane 1 yd run (Bennett pass from McGee) 00:21 NU Purify 9 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS NU A&MFIRST DOWNS 19 13RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 38-123 27-155PASSING YDS (NET) 267 288Passes Att-Comp-Int 36-21-1 32-19-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 74-390 59-443Fumble Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 2-6 3-15Kickoff Returns-Yards 2-42 2-36Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 1-16Punts (Number-Avg) 6-41.3 5-44.6Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0Penalties-Yards 5-43 4-38Possession Time 32:52 27:08Third-Down Conversions 7 of 15 5 of 14Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 2 0 of 1Red-Zone Scores-Chances 4-4 3-3Sacks By: Number-Yards 3-14 4-21RUSHING: Nebraska-Nebraska-Lucky, Marlon 12-52; Jackson, Brandon 9-44; Glenn, Cody 6-25; Wilson, Kenny 2-8; TEAM 1-minus 2; Taylor, Zac 8-minus 4. Texas A&M-Goodson, Mike 11-80; McGee, Stephen 8-58; Lane, Jorvorsk. 6-13; Alexander, Chr. 2-4. PASSING: Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 21-35-1-267; TEAM 0-1-0-0. Texas A&M-McGee, Stephen 18-31-0-244; Lane, Jorvorsk. 1-1-0-44.RECEIVING: Nebraska-Peterson, Todd 7-82; Lucky, Marlon 4-56; Nunn, Terrence 3-28; Purify, Maurice 2-30; Jackson, Brandon 2-12; Hardy, Frantz 1-26; Swift, Nate 1-17; Erickson, Dan 1-16. Texas A&M-Bennett, Martel 6-67; Schroeder, Chad 2-52; Franks, Kerry 2-46; Riley, L’Tyd. 2-39; Goodson, Mike 2-34; Alexander, Chr. 2-20; Brown, Pierre 2-18; Taylor, Earvin 1-12. INTERCEPTIONS: Nebraska-None. Texas A&M-Dodge, Mark 1-16.FUMBLES: Nebraska-None. Kansas State-None.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Nebraska-Turner, Barry 1.5-11; Carriker, Adam 1.0-1; Dagunduro, Ola 0.5-2. Texas A&M-Heard, Kellen 2.0-5; Warren, Justin 1.0-10; Bennett, Mich. 1.0-6.TACKLES (UA-A): Nebraska-Bradley, Stewart 3-4. Texas A&M-Dodge, Mark 1-16.

Game 11 Nebraska 28, Texas A&M 27

College Station, Texas (Nov. 11) ---Quarterback Zac Taylor hit Maurice Purify with a nine-yard touchdown pass with just 21 seconds left to give Nebraska the Big 12 North Division title with a 28-27 victory over No. 24 Texas A&M at Kyle Field. With the victory, Nebraska improved to 8-3 overall and 5-2 in the Big 12, while also clinching a berth in the Big 12 Conference Championship Game at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. Texas A&M slipped to 8-3 on the year and 4-3 in the league.

Taylor capped a record-breaking day with his pass to Purify to put the exclamation point on an 11-play, 75-yard drive in just 1:36 that stopped an impressive second-half comeback by the Aggies.

Taylor, who completed 21-of-35 passes for 267 yards with two touchdowns, became the Huskers’ career passing yardage leader with 5,193 yards in less than two full seasons, surpassing Dave Humm’s previous mark of 5,035 yards from 1972 to 1974. Taylor’s two touchdown passes also gave him 22 scoring strikes on the year, snapping Vince Ferragamo’s single-season record of 20 set in 1976.

A senior from Norman, Okla., Taylor guided the Huskers to a 21-7 lead early in the second quarter and a 21-13 lead at the end of three quarters, but a pair of Texas A&M fourth-quarter touchdowns gave the Aggies a 27-21 edge with 7:28 left.

The Huskers capitalized on their final chance in a big way. The 11-play scoring drive featured three first-down connections between Taylor and wide receiver Todd Peterson, including a fourth-down grab to keep the Huskers’ hopes alive. Peterson enjoyed his best game of the season with seven catches for 82 yards and a score.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALNebraska 7 14 0 7 28Texas A&M 7 3 3 14 27

SCORING SUMMARY1st 05:08 NU Nunn 15 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 01:31 CU Geer 14 yd pass from Jackson (Crosby kick)2nd 04:14 NU Turner 29 yd pass from Ganz (Congdon kick)3rd 11:51 CU Holliday 45 yd run (Crosby kick) 04:49 NU Jackson 2 yd run (Congdon kick)4th 14:22 NU TEAM safety 10:16 NU Jackson 18 yd pass from Taylor (Congdon kick) 00:23 NU Wilson 7 yd run (Congdon kick)TEAM STATISTICS CU NUFIRST DOWNS 14 24RUSHES-YARDS (NET) 31-166 46-190PASSING YDS (NET) 131 278Passes Att-Comp-Int 23-11-0 30-20-0TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS 54-297 76-468Fumble Returns-Yards 1-10 0-0Punt Returns-Yards 2-2 1-0Kickoff Returns-Yards 5-89 3-35Interception Returns-Yards 0-0 0-0Punts (Number-Avg) 6-41.8 4-39.0Fumbles-Lost 1-0 2-2Penalties-Yards 8-74 10-70Possession Time 24:11 35:49Third-Down Conversions 5 of 13 8 of 15Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 1 3 of 3Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-1 4-5Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-8 4-40RUSHING: Colorado-Holliday, Mell 8-67; Charles, Hugh 5-61; Ellis, Byron 6-22; Jackson,Bernard 12-16. Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 34-142; Lucky, Marlon 4-21; Wilson, Kenny 3-16; Taylor, Zac 2-11; Green, Tierre 1-7; Purify, Maurice 1-1; Ganz, Joe 1-minus 8.PASSING: Colorado-Jackson,Bernard 11-23-0-131. Nebraska-Taylor, Zac 19-28-0-249; Lucky, Marlon 0-1-0-0; Ganz, Joe 1-1-0-29.RECEIVING: Colorado-Crawford, Cody 5-79; Williams,Patric 2-13; Barnett, Alvin 2-10; Holz, Nick 1-15; Geer, Riar 1-14. Nebraska-Jackson, Brandon 6-42; Nunn, Terrence 4-52; Purify, Maurice 3-51; Swift, Nate 2-23; Erickson, Dan 1-57; Turner, Barry 1-29; Hardy, Frantz 1-18; Mueller, Josh 1-5; Teafatiller, Hunter 1-1.INTERCEPTIONS: Colorado-None. Nebraska-None.FUMBLES: Colorado-Washington,Terr 1-0. Nebraska-Wilson, Kenny 1-1; Jackson, Brandon 1-1.SACKS (Sacks-Yds): Colorado-Ligon, Alex 1-8. Nebraska-Carriker, Adam 2-18; McKeon, Corey 1-15; Dagunduro, Ola 1-7.TACKLES (UA-A): Colorado-Dizon, Jordon 8-9. Nebraska-Jones, Andre 5-4.

Game 12 Nebraska 37, Colorado 14

Lincoln (Nov. 24) --- Utilizing several trick plays on offense and special teams, No. 19 Nebraska ran past Colorado, 37-14, in the regular-season finale on the day after Thanksgiving.

Playing in front of a Memorial Stadium record crowd of 85,800 and an ABC national television audience, Nebraska improved to 9-3 on the season and completed a sweep of the Big 12 North to finish 6-2 in league play. Colorado fell to 2-10 on the year and 2-6 in conference action.

A crisp offensive set on the Huskers’ first drive of the game led to a 7-0 lead as quarterback Zac Taylor connected with Terrence Nunn on a 15-yard scoring pass. Taylor finished the day 19-of-28 through the air for 249 yards and a pair of touchdowns. Playing his last home game on Senior Day, Taylor erased the NU single-season passing record for the second time in as many yearsand tied the NU career mark for touchdown passes. Taylor now shares the mark with Tommie Frazier, who also had 43 scoring strikes in his career, and owns the top two season passing marks in program history, including 2,789 yards this season.

The Huskers used some trickery on their second score as backup quarterback Joe Ganz hit defensive end Barry Turner in the end zone for a 29-yard scoring pass off a fake field goal. After a quick CU scoring drive on its first possession of the third quarter tied the game at 14-14, NU took command behind I-back Brandon Jackson, who had a career-high 34 rushes and 142 yards on the ground. Jackson scored from two yards out to put NU ahead for good and added an 18-yard reception for a score in the fourth quarter.

Senior defensive end Adam Carriker led the Blackshirt defense as he added a pair of sacks and three TFLs. Carriker also teamed with linebacker Corey McKeon for a safety that gave NU a nine-point fourth quarter lead just one play after Turner downed a punt at the CU 1.

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1 2 3 4 FINALColorado 7 0 7 0 14Nebraska 7 7 7 16 37

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