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Page 1: Negative Numbers

By: Ms. Shelburne

Negative Numbers

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My name is Ms. Shelburne and I am a 6th grade math teacher. I graduated from North Central High School earning an honors di-ploma. I then received a major in secondary math education through Indiana University. When I’m not in the classroom, some activities I enjoy are jogging, spending time with friends and family, watching the t.v. show Friends, hiking, and just being outdoors. Throughout junior high and high school I discovered my passion for math. I have dedi-cated this book to my grandfather because he is one of the best mathematicians I’ve ever met.

Meet the AuthorAbout the Ebook

This Ebook is targeted at 6th grade students as it meets the follow-ing standard: MA.6.1.1 2000: Understand and apply the basic con-cept of negative numbers (e.g., on a number line, in counting, in tem-perature, in "owing").

How to use the interactive features:

Videos: Click on the videos in order to play or pause them.

Game: Click on the underlined text which will take you to the game.

Quiz: To start and pause the quiz, simply click on the quiz.

Page 3: Negative Numbers

1 Have you ever thought there may be more to your every day number line that you’ve not yet discovered? Of course you have the numbers you learned way back in kindergarten, the positive numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., but sometimes these numbers just won’t do the job.

What is a negative number?

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Let me introduce you to some friends of mine called negative num-bers. Negative numbers are less than zero and can be written us-ing a subtraction symbol in front of the number.

-7A negative number is the same distance from zero as its positive counterpart, but simply in the opposite, or “negative,” direction on the number line.

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2 A negative number is the same distance from zero as its positive counterpart, but simply in the opposite, or “negative,” direction on the number line.

How do I use negative numbers?

Page 6: Negative Numbers

When counting on the negative side of zero, the numbers are in the opposite direction as the positive side, but you still read it in order from left to right. For example, if you were counting from -5 to 5, you would say -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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Adding and subtracting is a little bit different. Let’s take a look at this video to help us learn about adding and subtracting negative numbers.

Are you starting to get the hang of it? Now that we know the basics, we can keep working to master these skills. Let’s play a game to practice some more.

Click here and the bus driver will take you to the game!

MOVIE 2.1 Negative numbers: The Matrix and Bat-man

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Let’s take a short quiz to test our knowledge so far. Pause the video after each question, write down your an-swers on a piece of paper, and turn your answers in to the teacher after you finish reading the Ebook.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

MOVIE 2.2 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur

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3 Counting, adding and subtracting negatives numbers are all fun, but why are these numbers so important?

Why are negative numbers important?

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Also, basic functions in math (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) have special rules when involving negative numbers, so it is important to become familiar with these properties.

By knowing how to use negative numbers we can solve a wider variety of problems involving a decrease, decline, or debt. Moreover, it is a continuation of the number line we use every-day. Most importantly, with a strong knowledge in negative num-bers, we can be confident as we continue on in our math educa-tion.

Well first of all, math problems throughout the rest of your school years involve negatives, so it’s important to have a firm knowledge of these numbers in order to move forward in math.

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4 Just how significant are these “important numbers” outside of the classroom, you ask?

When will I use negative numbers in real life?

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Well where do we even begin… In the winter, as you bundle up for the snow, take a look at the temperature. Thermometers have a temperature gauge that measures temperatures as cold as negative numbers as well as the positive or warmer tempera-tures.

Owing someone money, is another situation involving nega-tives. If you owe your brother $20, that means you are in debt and have  -$20.

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Have you ever wondered how to measure the distance of some-thing below sea level, such as a fish? As the picture illustrates, the sea level represents the origin, or the “zero” of the number line. Ele-vations above the sea level are designated positive measurements, while depth below the sea is represented with negative measure-ments.

In closing, let’s watch this short clip to learn about some more ways negative numbers are used in everyday life.

MOVIE 4.1 Negative Numbers, Where are they?

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The End

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Resources1.) Negative Numbers, Where are they?


2.) Speed Boat Game


3.) Number Line Image


4.) Numbers going in Opposite Directions Image


5.) Fish Under Water Image


6.) Freezing Thermometer Image


7.) Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers | The Matrix and Batman | PBSMathClub


Page 16: Negative Numbers

Resources8.) Number Collage Image


9.) Math Problem Image


10.) Bus Driver Image


11.) Negative Number Quiz PBSMathClub


12.) Dollar Sign Image


13.) Boy with A+ Paper Image


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Negative NumbersNegative Numbers, created by Ms. Shelburne, is an interac-tive Ebook that can be used to learn all about negatives. First, the Ebook introduces the audience to the concept of negative numbers.Then it explains how to use negative numbers in counting, adding, and subtracting through a video, game and quiz.Then, the Ebook reveals importance of understanding negative numbers for success in future math courses. Finally, through images and a video, the audience learns about how negative numbers are every-where in real life.

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