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Page 1: Neighborhood microclimates and vulnerability to heat stress€¦ · severe heat stress. (2) Higher summertime tempera-ture and corresponding health risks will be asso-ciated with


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Social Science & Medicine 63 (2006) 2847–2863


Neighborhood microclimates and vulnerability to heat stress

Sharon L. Harlana,�, Anthony J. Brazela, Lela Prashada,William L. Stefanovb, Larissa Larsenc

aArizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USAbImage Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA

cUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Available online 25 September 2006


Human exposure to excessively warm weather, especially in cities, is an increasingly important public health problem.

This study examined heat-related health inequalities within one city in order to understand the relationships between the

microclimates of urban neighborhoods, population characteristics, thermal environments that regulate microclimates, and

the resources people possess to cope with climatic conditions. A simulation model was used to estimate an outdoor human

thermal comfort index (HTCI) as a function of local climate variables collected in 8 diverse city neighborhoods during the

summer of 2003 in Phoenix, USA. HTCI is an indicator of heat stress, a condition that can cause illness and death. There

were statistically significant differences in temperatures and HTCI between the neighborhoods during the entire summer,

which increased during a heat wave period. Lower socioeconomic and ethnic minority groups were more likely to live in

warmer neighborhoods with greater exposure to heat stress. High settlement density, sparse vegetation, and having no

open space in the neighborhood were significantly correlated with higher temperatures and HTCI. People in warmer

neighborhoods were more vulnerable to heat exposure because they had fewer social and material resources to cope with

extreme heat. Urban heat island reduction policies should specifically target vulnerable residential areas and take into

account equitable distribution and preservation of environmental resources.

r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: USA; Health inequalities; Climate; Neighborhood environment; Environmental justice


Exposure to excessively warm weather is a globalthreat to human health and well-being (Patz,Campbell-Lendrum, Holloway, & Foley, 2005).Heat-related deaths are a chronic problem in arid

e front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


ing author. Tel.: +1480 727 6780;


esses: [email protected] (S.L. Harlan),

u (A.J. Brazel), [email protected]

[email protected] (W.L. Stefanov),

.edu (L. Larsen).

climates (CDC, 2005). Summer heat waves, spora-dic periods of elevated temperatures outside thenormal range of climate variability, occur through-out the world and are projected to become morefrequent and intense in the future (Meehl & Tebaldi,2004). More deaths, in fact, are attributed to heat intemperate climates than in warm climates becausepeople in temperate zones are less acclimated tohigh temperatures (Kalkstein & Davis, 1989;Kalkstein & Green, 1997). Climatically diversecities, such as Toronto, Canada and Sao Paolo,Brazil report excess mortality attributable to


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extreme heat (Patz et al., 2005; Smoyer, Rainham, &Hewko, 2000). Notable recent events include theheat waves of 2003, which killed an estimated35,000 Europeans in 2 weeks (Larsen, 2003) andmore than 1900 people in India (IFRC, 2003); the1995 Chicago, IL heat wave, which claimed over700 lives (Semenza et al., 1996); and the summer of1980, in which 10,000 US deaths were attributed toextreme temperatures (Sheridan & Kalkstein, 2004).In addition to elevated mortality, serious illnesses,such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, cardiovascu-lar, and respiratory problems, rise during thewarmest spells of the year (ICLEI, 1998; Semenza,McCullough, Flanders, McGeehin, & Lumpkin,1999). Deaths and illnesses from air pollutants andinfectious diseases also increase during extremelywarm weather (Easterling et al., 2000; Patz et al.,2005).

The highest morbidity and mortality associatedwith extreme heat appear to occur in cities and tofall disproportionately upon marginalized groups:the poor, minorities, and elderly (CDC, 2004;ICLEI, 1998). This article examines heat-relatedhealth inequalities within one city in order tounderstand the relationships between the micro-climates of urban neighborhoods, population char-acteristics, thermal environments that regulatemicroclimates, and the resources people possess tocope with climatic conditions. We demonstrate thatthere are significant differences among urbanneighborhoods in temperature and exposure to heatstress, and we investigate three important questionsregarding potential heat-related health disparities:(1) Are socially and economically marginalizedpopulations more likely to live in heat-stressedneighborhoods? (2) How are environmental proper-ties of neighborhoods related to spatial inequalitiesin temperature and exposure to heat stress? (3)What resources do people have to cope with the riskfactors associated with extreme heat? In otherwords, are marginalized groups at greater risk forheat-related illness and death because they live inwarmer places and have fewer social and materialresources to mitigate the effects of extreme heat?

Environment and risks of heat-related illness

Establishing who is most at risk for heat-relatedillness and death and how to reduce their exposureis a complex public health problem involving acombination of physiological variables and socialand ecological variables related to spatial location.

The elderly, young children, and people withchronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases arephysically more susceptible than healthy youngadults to the dangers of prolonged exposure toexcessive heat (McGeehin & Mirabelli, 2001). Socialisolation—living alone without regular contact withothers—is also a significant predictor of whosuccumbs to heat (Klinenberg, 2002; Semenzaet al., 1996). Low-income and minority groups havehigher health risks related to climatic conditions fora variety of social and economic reasons (CBCF,2004). But a large number of people are vulnerableto warm weather because they live in urban areaswhere summer temperatures are more extreme thanin suburban and rural communities. As Davis (1997,p. 35) wrote about deaths in the 1995 Chicago heatwave, the ‘‘unshaded asphalt jungles of our innercities’’ are a major public health hazard.

Although periodic heat waves increase healthproblems in cities, temperatures in urban centers arealso chronically higher than in adjacent outlyingareas due to the urban heat island (UHI) (Oke,1987, 1997). The UHI is created primarily by denseconcentrations of heat-absorbing, impervious build-ing materials that trap more heat during the day andrelease it more slowly at night than natural groundcover, such as soil and vegetation (Voogt, 2002).Thus urbanization elevates daytime temperaturesand affords residents no relief during the nighttimeat the warmest times of the year (Meehl & Tebaldi,2004). Projections show that the heat differentialbetween urban centers and surrounding areas willgrow wider in the future, increasing the relativehealth risks for poor and minority populations whoreside in cities (CBCF, 2004; New York Climate &Health Project, 2004).

Epidemiological research on climate and health islargely focused on cities, and some of these studieshave evaluated individual or community character-istics that are markers of vulnerability (Currieroet al., 2002; O’Neill, Zanobetti, & Schwartz, 2003).Klinenberg’s (2002) analysis differentiated rates ofheat-related deaths during the 1995 Chicago heatwave according to where individuals lived within acity. He compared neighborhoods with differentrates of heat-related deaths in order to determine ifneighborhood-specific factors were implicated inhigher rates of mortality. He found that degradedneighborhood physical environments altered socialdynamics in ways that led to higher numbers of heat-related deaths and concluded that socio-ecologicalconditions in the Chicago neighborhoods where the

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most people died tended to isolate residents fromcrucial networks of social support. Smoyer’s (1998)study of St. Louis also found citywide patterns ofassociations between the spatial distributions ofneighborhood environmental quality, populationcharacteristics, and heat wave mortality rates.

Environmental justice (EJ) research, a literaturethat documents the unequal burdens of environ-mental hazards on marginalized populations(Pellow, 2000), provides the framework for ouranalysis. Although many EJ studies have focused onthe location of hazardous facilities, such as indus-trial plants, incinerators, and landfills (e.g., Bolinet al., 2002; Pellow, 2002), a related body ofresearch examines neighborhood socio-ecologicaleffects on health and disease (e.g., Corburn, Osleeb,& Porter, 2006; Cummins, Macintyre, Davidson, &Ellaway, 2005; Macintyre, Ellaway, & Cummins,2002). Studies of asthma have made an importantconceptual distinction between the presence of anenvironmental hazard (level of air pollution) andthe human health outcome of the hazard (asthmarates) (Brown et al., 2003; Grineski, 2006). In ourstudy, we measure both the presence of the climatehazard (neighborhood temperature) and outcome ofthe hazard, which is exposure to conditions thatcause heat-related illness measured by an index ofhuman thermal comfort. We also consider differ-ences in the vulnerability of residents in diverseneighborhoods to extreme climate conditions. Vul-nerability, an important concept in EJ research, isthe absence of resources to cope with the impact ofan environmental hazard (Grineski, 2006; Wisner,Blaikie, Cannon, & Davis, 2004).

We propose three hypotheses modeled on the EJapproach to answer our questions about climateand health: (1) Summertime temperature variationsbetween urban neighborhoods are substantial andin those neighborhoods with warmer microclimates,residents will experience increased health risks fromsevere heat stress. (2) Higher summertime tempera-ture and corresponding health risks will be asso-ciated with concentrations of marginal populationsand inferior neighborhood environmental charac-teristics. (3) People in warmer neighborhoods willhave fewer material and social resources to copewith or mitigate the effects of extreme heat.


This study is part of an interdisciplinary researchproject on human involvement in urban ecosystems

that examined relationships between the character-istics of people, places, and UHI spatial variabilityin Phoenix. Human–climate relationships wereinvestigated in the entire urbanized area of thePhoenix-Mesa Metropolitan Statistical Area (Jener-ette et al., in press) and in the eight specificneighborhoods that are the subject of this article.Phoenix is an important site in which to investigateclimate-related health issues because it has a semi-arid to arid climate that is similar to places wheremany of the world’s fastest-growing cities arelocated (Golden, 2004). Phoenix is intensely hot inthe summer—normal maximum summer tempera-tures are at least 38 1C (100.4 1F)—and Arizonaleads the US in deaths from heat exposure (CDC,2005). The city has an expanding UHI due to rapidpopulation growth and experiences heat wavesduring the summer months (Brazel, Selover, Vose,& Heisler, 2000). The summer in which our studytook place, 2003, was the city’s warmest on record(NOAA, 2003).

Briefly, we collected a suite of social andbiophysical variables for eight diverse neighbor-hoods in Phoenix. Human thermal comfort, ameasure of people’s exposure to conditions thatcause heat-related illness, was simulated using anenergy balance model with data from the sites. Weused a mixed methodologies approach (Tashakkori& Teddlie, 1998), combining quantitative data andinterviews with key informants in order to gain anuanced understanding of the social and ecologicaldynamics of the neighborhoods.

Data sources

Seven of the eight neighborhoods in this study areamong 206 sites in Maricopa County where fielddata are periodically collected by the CentralArizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological ResearchProject (CAP LTER) (Hope et al., 2003). Of thosesites, which are 30m2 plots, 46 were in residentialareas of the city of Phoenix. Placing census blockgroup boundaries around the Phoenix sites, weselected a sample of neighborhoods that varied onimportant social and physical characteristics rele-vant to this study: median income, ethnic composi-tion, age of housing stock, types of landscaping, andlocations in the urban core, suburban areas, and thefringe of new development. The eighth site waschosen to represent an important type of neighbor-hood that was missing from the CAP LTER sites—a predominantly white, upper-income, older, and

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highly vegetated neighborhood near the central city.These neighborhoods are arrayed along a 48-kmnorth-to-south arc that extends to the city limits(Fig. 1). Black Canyon Freeway, Historic Anglo

Phoenix, and Historic Mexican Phoenix are in theurban core; West Side and North Central aresuburban; and North Desert Ranch, New Tract

Development, and South Mountain Preserve are onthe fringe of urban development. Neighborhoodsdefined by census block groups yield socio-econom-ically homogeneous populations in small areas(approximately 0.65 km2) which can be matched tothe boundaries of other datasets assembled withgeographic coordinates.

Neighborhood population characteristics

We measured variation in the demographiccomposition of neighborhoods with populationcharacteristics typically used in studies of socialvulnerability to environmental hazards (Cutter,2003). The block group variables from the 2000US Census were: median income (US dollars),poverty rate (percent of population below the USgovernment federal poverty guideline), educationalattainment (percent with less than a high school

Fig. 1. Location of eight neighbo

diploma), ethnicity (percent Hispanic and Native-,African-, and Asian-American), and age (median,ages 5 and under, or ages 65 and older).

Neighborhood thermal environments

At the regional scale, land-use patterns and landcover are the strongest drivers of urban tempera-tures. Many interactive thermodynamic propertiesof biophysical and built environments resultingfrom changes in these systems determine the spatialdistribution of the UHI (Grossman-Clarke, Zehn-der, Stefanov, Liu, & Zoldak, 2005). We measuredfour basic properties at the neighborhood scale:distance from the central city; population settlementdensity; amount of open space; and vegetationdensity (Brazel et al., 2000; Carlson and Arthur,2000; Karl, Diaz, & Kukla, 1988). Temperaturedecreases with distance from the central city becausethe core has higher population of density, less openspace, and less vegetative cover.

Linear distance from the geographic center ofPhoenix to centers of neighborhood block groupswere measured in ESRI ArcView 3.3. Populationdensity (number of people/km2) was from the 2000US Census. Percent open land within the block

rhoods in Phoenix, Arizona.

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groups was calculated from a land use classificationstudy (Knowles-Yanez et al., 1999; updated in2000). Parks and natural desert were classified asopen land. Vacant land surrounded by developmentwas not included because people do not use it forrecreation or spend time there.

The Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)(Huete, 1988) is a measure of vegetation densitycalculated from remotely sensed data acquired bythe Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus(ETM+) at approximately 10:00 am on May 21,2000 and processed in the Geological RemoteSensing Laboratory at Arizona State University.SAVI measures the reflectance of actively photo-synthesizing vegetation for each pixel (30m2),correcting for the high soil reflectance in the desert.To obtain SAVI for the neighborhoods, we aver-aged all pixels within the boundaries of eachblock group and scaled the values between 0 and1.0, with higher values indicating a greater concen-tration of vegetated ground cover. The pixel scaleobtained by Landsat ETM+ is relatively coarsefor small areas and thus obscures some of thedifferences in vegetation abundance between theneighborhoods.

Resources for coping with heat

Strong community networks signify social con-texts in which residents are likely to cooperate,trust, and seek help from neighbors, and thesecontacts can buffer the grinding effects of individualpoverty and isolation (Sampson, 1999). Klinenberg(2002) noted that neighborhoods with stronger tieshad better social support and lower mortality ratesduring Chicago’s 1995 heat wave. We measured thestrength of neighborhood social ties in a 2001telephone survey of 302 households in the eightneighborhoods. Responses to four questions werescored on four-point scales. How often (often,sometimes, seldom, never) do you or members ofyour household: visit informally with neighbors;invite neighbors over; help your neighbors. Howwell (very well, fairly well, not very well, not at all)do you feel you know your neighbors? High scoresrepresent stronger social ties. Each respondent’sscore on the summated index (a ¼ :87) was stan-dardized (z-sores) and averaged to compute aneighborhood score for social ties (Larsen et al.,2004).

Quality homes with features that mitigate ex-cessive heat are another resource to reduce climate

vulnerability, even in the warmest neighborhoods.We coded type of cooling system, presence orabsence of swimming pool, and reflectivity ofroofing material for a sample of detached housesin each neighborhood from the Maricopa CountyAssessor’s website. Not included in the databasewere mobile homes and multiple dwelling units,such as apartments, which provided a sizablefraction of housing in three of the lower andlower-middle income neighborhoods. The generallylower quality of mobiles and multi-family dwellingsin comparison to single-family houses means thatwe most likely under-estimated the exposure oflower-income and minority people, so any differ-ences we found pointed to an even larger resourcegap between socioeconomic and ethnic groups.

The total number of single family homes in 7neighborhoods ranged from 195 to 447. We selecteda systematic random sample of approximately 60homes from each one for which we coded thehousing quality variables. Since housing stock wasfairly homogeneous in most of these neighbor-hoods, we felt this was an adequate sample size tocapture variation. The majority of Black Canyon

Freeway residents lived in small or large apartmentbuildings, other multi-family structures, and mobilehomes and, therefore, we coded all single familyhomes in Black Canyon for which data wereavailable (n ¼ 47).

Most houses in Phoenix have either refrigeration(central air conditioning) or evaporative coolers asthe primary cooling system. Access to air condition-ing is the most effective method of preventing heatdeaths (Kilbourne, 2002; Rogot, Sorlie, & Back-lund, 1992). Evaporation is less effective, especiallyin the late summer humid conditions in Phoenix(Kalkstein & Kalkstein, 2004). A backyard swim-ming pool is also a beneficial way to ‘‘cool off.’’Construction materials with reflective surfaces thatabsorb less solar energy provide cooler indoorenvironments and reduce air conditioning loads inindividual homes (Taha, 1997). We coded threecommon types of roofing material in Phoenix forour sample homes. Based on degree of solarreflectivity (Parker & Sherwin, 1998; Reagan &Acklam, 1979), we assigned the following values:wooden shakes (highest reflectivity ¼ 3), concrete orclay tile (medium ¼ 2), and asphalt shingles androlls (lowest ¼ 1). The percentages of homes in eachneighborhood with central air conditioning andswimming pools were calculated along with aweighted mean value for roof type.

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Outdoor temperature and human thermal comfort

Neighborhood microclimate data were obtainedfrom a temperature/dew point logger system thatwas installed for at least 12 consecutive months inthe backyard of one residence in each of the eightneighborhoods with permission of the owners(referred to as HOBOs, http://www.onsetcomp.-com/index.html). We assessed the thermal andbiophysical environmental characteristics for eachneighborhood using high resolution remotely sensedand demographic data in an associated study(Stefanov, Prashad, Eisinger, Brazel, & Harlan,2004). The results of this study guided selection of arepresentative area within each neighborhood andwe then selected a yard with residential landscapingtypical of each neighborhood. HOBOs were set torecord temperature and humidity at 5-min intervals.In this analysis, we used temperatures recordedfrom June 1 through August 31, 2003 at 5:00 pm,an hour within the 10:00 am to 8:00 pm intervalwhen NOAA’s heat advisories/warnings may be ineffect. Many people are likely to be outdoors intheir neighborhoods at 5:00 pm as they returnfrom work or transition between daytime andevening activities. Davis, Knappenberger, Michaels,and Novicoff (2003) found that mortality ratesare closely related to afternoon high temperature.The subset of data for July 12 through 16, thelongest 2003 heat wave in Phoenix, was alsoused in the analysis to illustrate the differencebetween normal summer temperatures and heatwave conditions.

Data analysis

Differences between neighborhoods in humanphysiological response to climate were simulated byOUTCOMES–OUTdoor COMfort Expert System(Heisler & Wang, 2002). OUTCOMES incorporatesportions of a human-comfort model called COMFAby Brown and Gillespie (1995), which solves theenergy balance index as

EB ¼M þ S þ Ta þ C � E � T e,

where M is the internal metabolic heat, S theabsorbed solar radiation, Ta the absorbed thermalradiation, C the convective transfer, E the evapora-tive transfer, and Te the thermal radiation emittedfrom the person.

The OUTCOMES index (herein called HumanThermal Comfort Index, HTCI) is based on the

energy balance of a hypothetical person given theweather data from a site and the site’s surroundingsolar and thermal radiative environmental fluxes.Model inputs are air temperature, humidity, windspeed, solar radiation, pre-specified shading objects,reflectivity of the ground and nearby objects, the skyview, tree and building cover of the site, andclothing and human activity (Heisler & Wang,2002; Hartz, Brazel, & Heisler, 2006). We inputthese parameters from the HOBOs and other datafrom our sites for the dates and time discussedabove, and we assumed that a person was at restand wearing a t-shirt and shorts, which wouldmaximize human comfort in the summer. If theestimated energy balance is near 0 (750W/m2)most people will feel comfortable. Larger positivevalues equate with people feeling increasingly toohot (and conversely, negative values equate withpeople feeling increasingly too cold).

To establish benchmarks for HTCI that arerelated to the likelihood of a person experiencingheat stress, we quantified the relationship betweenestimated HTCI in our study and NOAA’s NationalWeather Service Heat Index, the most frequentlyused indicator of probable human physical reactionto weather conditions (Watts & Kalkstein, 2004).The Heat Index is calculated from a model based onextensive biometric studies that measure the appar-ent temperature (AT), or how people actually feeloutdoors based on the combination of air tempera-ture with relative humidity (Steadman, 1984).NOAA’s Heat Index also uses energy balanceprinciples to model human comfort but Watts andKalkstein (2004) have noted that it does not includeall the relevant weather variables that affect howpeople feel. As noted above, OUTCOMES explicitlyincorporates these inputs from the local environ-ment near the person.

Table 1 shows HTCI values calculated by OUT-COMES corresponding to NOAA’s Heat Index.The AT thresholds that trigger heat stress fromprolonged exposure vary widely across geographicregions because people respond to relative changesin weather as well as to absolute conditions (Watts& Kalkstein, 2004). Kalkstein and Davis (1989)estimated that 38 1C is the threshold temperature forthe southern US. Phoenix is a southwestern citywhere residents are accustomed to heat and, there-fore, we suggest that 40 1C (104 1F) on NOAA’sHeat Index (the ‘‘danger’’ zone) is an approximatethreshold for severe heat stress in Phoenix. Thiscorresponds to 200 on the HTCI (Table 1).

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Table 1

Relationship between OUTCOMES Human Thermal Comfort Index (HTCI) and NOAA’s Heat Indexa

OUTCOMES NOAA’s National Weather Service

HTCI (W/m2) Heat Index (apparent temperature)b Label Heat disorders

65–120 26.7–31.7 1C Caution Fatigue possible; discomfort

121–200 32.2–40.0 1C Extreme caution Sunstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion


201–339 40.6–53.9 1C Danger Sunstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion

likely and heatstroke possible

340 or higher 54.4 1C or higher Extreme danger Sunstroke and heatstroke highly likely

aThe corresponding relationship between NOAA’s Heat Index and the OUTCOMES HTCI values were derived from data for the

typical meteorological year (representative days each month on an hourly basis) at the Sky Harbor International Airport weather station

in Phoenix (which were used to calculate the apparent temperature) and data from the neighborhood HOBOs, which were used with

OUTCOMES to simulate HTCI for the same dates and times. Apparent temperature was regressed onto HTCI, which yielded the

following predictive equation: HTCI ¼ 5.58 (apparent temperature)�381.62, R2 ¼ :86.bNOAA (2005).

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No heat index can predict how many people willactually get sick or die from heat exposure becausethe threshold temperature and individual physiol-ogy that trigger illness vary according to manyindividual and contextual factors (ICLEI, 1998).Climate researchers, however, have documented astrong relationship between NOAA’s Heat Indexand mortality rates in cities (Davis et al., 2003). Inthis analysis HTCI is the indicator of exposure toclimate conditions in neighborhoods that causeheat-related illness and death.

The associations between neighborhood HTCIand other variables are tested using one-wayANOVAs and Pearson correlations. In order tounderstand the neighborhoods as different inter-active social and ecological contexts in which peoplelive, we present case studies of three neighborhoods.These illustrate how social characteristics in advan-taged and disadvantaged neighborhoods are closelyrelated to the quality of the thermal environmentand to the degree of people’s exposure to heat stress.


Descriptive statistics for each variable by neigh-borhood are shown in Table 2. Neighborhoods arearranged from left to right in descending order ofmedian neighborhood income. Hispanics, mainly ofMexican origin, are the largest ethnic minority inPhoenix, comprising about 34 percent of the city’spopulation in 2000. Ethnic composition varieswidely among these sample neighborhoods, rangingfrom 89 percent to 9 percent Hispanic.

Neighborhood differences in human thermal comfort

In summer 2003 temperatures climbed to abovenormal values and set records in Phoenix. The dailyaverage temperature at 5:00 pm for the eightneighborhoods was 39.5 1C at 5:00 pm (Table 3).For the entire summer period, ANOVA showedthat neighborhood daily mean temperatures at 5:00pm were significantly different from each other(F ¼ 16:39, po:001). (We also found that 5:00 pmtemperatures generally characterize similar neigh-borhood differences for later in the evening.) Thedifference between the lowest (Historic Anglo

Phoenix) and highest average summer temperatures(Black Canyon Freeway) was 4 1C. During the 5-dayheat wave period in July, the ANOVA result fordaily 5:00 pm mean neighborhood temperaturedifferences was also significant (F ¼ 22:97,po:001). The mean temperature in Black Canyon

Freeway during the heat wave increased twice asmuch as Historic Anglo Phoenix (+6.41: +2.9 1C),indicating a larger disparity between the two at thewarmest time of the summer.

The 5:00 pm HTCI values estimated by OUT-COMES were elevated far above the outdoorcomfort level for residents of all neighborhoodsduring the whole summer and especially during theheat wave period (Table 3). For the entire periodthese scores fell into the ‘‘extreme caution’’ rangewhere people are likely to feel extremely hot andprolonged outdoor exposure can result in sunstroke,heat cramps, and heat exhaustion. As with airtemperature, ANOVA results indicated significant

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Table 2

Population, thermal environment, and resources for coping with heat in eight Phoenix neighborhoods

Neighborhoods South


























Median income $107,230 $82,704 $77,404 $59,375 $55,417 $43,245 $32,625 $25,785

% in poverty 1.6 3.1 9.8 5.3 4.0 7.0 27.3 43.8


Less than high school 1.8 4.0 4.9 8.3 20.8 7.7 63.9 55.2

College graduate 23.5 29.1 41.7 4.6 3.0 11.3 1.3 0


% minority 14.7 9.3 25.8 15.5 19.5 20.1 88.6 90.9


Median age 34 33 38 37 33 36 25 23

% ages 5 and under 9.6 13.8 14.4 9.8 7.0 8.4 18.7 10.4

% ages 65 and over 1.9 5.2 5.8 15.6 6.2 21.4 0.8 6.8

Thermal environment


Distance from city center (km) 15.5 33.5 2.6 24.6 22.7 11.4 5.0 6.6

Settlement density

Population/km2 720 314 1575 966 1988 2119 3083 8687

Land use

% open space 18.0 12.0 10.0 0 0 3.0 0 0

Land cover

Vegetation abundance (SAVI) .474 .479 .569 .470 .483 .491 .502 .479

Coping resources

Social ties index .30 .30 .50 �.17 .09 .23 �.04 �.64

% air conditioned 100.0 100.0 98.0 100.0 86.0 78.0 28.0 6.0

% swimming pools 57.0 59.0 48.0 14.0 32.0 12.0 4.0 4.0

Roof reflectivity 2.00 1.81 1.59 1.88 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.04

% asphalt (low ¼ 1) — 24.1 48.1 12.1 98.2 100.0 100.0 95.7

% tile (medium ¼ 2) 100.0 67.2 25.9 87.9 1.7 — — 4.3

% wood (high ¼ 3) — 7.0 16.7 — — — — —

% other (mixed ¼ na) — 1.7 9.3 — — — — —

Sources: US Census 2000 block group data; CAP LTER Land Use Study; Landsat ETM+, Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory,

Arizona State University, May 21, 2000; Maricopa County Assessor.

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HTCI differences between neighborhoods for theentire summer (F ¼ 17:16, po:001). The 5:00 pmsummer average marked a 39-point HTCI inter-neighborhood difference, with the warmer placesapproaching the 200 ‘‘danger’’ threshold (seeTable 1, 40 1C on NOAA’s Heat Index). Duringthe July heat wave, HTCI values passed the thresholdof the ‘‘danger’’ zone for seven of eight neighbor-hoods, and the range of mean differences between theneighborhoods increased to 73 points (F ¼ 5:94,pp:001). Historic Anglo Phoenix offered its residentsa singular advantage: during the heat wave the 5:00pm HTCI was lower than in some of the otherneighborhoods during normal summer days.

The last column of Table 3 shows the percentageof all hours during the 24-h/92-day summer periodwith 5:00 pm temperatures that passed the HTCI200-point ‘‘danger’’ threshold. In the two neighbor-hoods with the lowest mean temperatures, only 4–6percent of hours were classified above the threshold,but in Black Canyon and New Tract, the twoneighborhoods with the highest mean temperatures,1 of every 5 h (or 20 percent) was classified in thedanger zone. Based on the analysis in this section,our first hypothesis was supported: there werestatistically significant differences in temperatureand exposure to heat stress among these neighbor-hoods.

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Table 3

Average air temperature (C) and Human Thermal Comfort Index (HTCI), summer 2003 at 5 pm in eight Phoenix neighborhoods

Neighborhood Mean (sd) air

temp summer

2003 5:00 pma

Mean (sd) air

temp heat

wave 2003

5:00 pmb

Increase in air

temp during

heat wave

Mean (sd)

HTCI summer

2003 5:00 pm

Mean (sd)

HTCI heat

wave 2003

5:00 pm

Increase in

HTCI during

heat wave

Pct summer

2003 hours


Historic Anglo


37.3 (2.5) 40.2 (3.1) 2.9 158 (26) 186 (35) 28 4.2

North Desert


38.4 (3.0) 43.3 (2.7) 4.9 166 (31) 215 (37) 49 5.9

West Side


39.0 (3.2) 43.7 (2.7) 4.7 175 (33) 220 (37) 45 11.0




39.3 (2.8) 44.4 (2.6) 5.1 176 (29) 226 (35) 50 15.9

North Central


39.5 (2.7) 44.5 (3.1) 5.0 178 (28) 226 (44) 48 18.4




40.6 (2.8) 45.6 (2.9) 5.0 196 (31) 245 (37) 49 14.8

New Tract


40.9 (3.0) 45.5 (3.1) 4.6 193 (32) 238 (44) 45 22.2

Black Canyon


41.3 (3.3) 47.7 (3.4) 6.4 197 (33) 259 (42) 62 19.8

Mean: All 39.5 (3.4) 44.4 (2.3) 4.8 180 (36) 227 (28) 47 14.0



4.0 7.5 3.5 39 73 44 18.2

ANOVA F ¼ 16.39��� F ¼ 22.98��� F ¼ 17.16��� F ¼ 5.94���

Sources: HOBO climate weather stations and OUTCOMES.���po.001.aSummer dates were June 1–August 31, 2003. Neighborhoods ordered from lowest to highest mean summer temperature at 5:00 pm.bHeat wave dates were July 12–16.

S.L. Harlan et al. / Social Science & Medicine 63 (2006) 2847–2863 2855

Neighborhoods and human thermal comfort

The correlations in Table 4 show that neighbor-hoods with lower median incomes, lower educa-tional attainment, higher poverty rates, and moreminorities had significantly higher HTCI scores.The very young and the elderly, however, were notmore likely to live in neighborhoods with higherHTCI scores. Although median age was negativelycorrelated with HTCI, this is attributable to the factthat two predominately Mexican-American neigh-borhoods with high HTCI scores, Black Canyon

and Historic Mexican Phoenix, had much largeryoung adult populations than other neighborhoods(Table 2).

There was no association between neighborhooddistance from the urban center and HTCI (see alsoTable 2 and Fig. 1). Both the warmest, mostuncomfortable neighborhood and the coolest, mostcomfortable one were located in the urban core. Theurban fringe contained neighborhoods with large

HTCI differences as well. Much more importantthan distance in determining temperature andresidents’ exposure to heat was the spatial andecological configuration of the neighborhoods.Places that were less densely settled with some openspace and more abundant vegetation were morecomfortable environments in the summertime.The correlation between vegetation (SAVI) andHTCI was statistically significant for the eight sites(Table 4). This is primarily because SAVI identifiedHistoric Anglo Phoenix as the ‘‘greenest’’ neighbor-hood, an important point to which we return below.The relationship between SAVI and HTCI wasstronger during the heat wave. Our second hypoth-esis was supported: lower-income and minoritypopulations were exposed to higher temperaturesand the corresponding health risks associatedwith more crowded and less green neighborhoodenvironments.

Resources for coping with extreme heat wereseverely limited in the neighborhoods with higher

Page 10: Neighborhood microclimates and vulnerability to heat stress€¦ · severe heat stress. (2) Higher summertime tempera-ture and corresponding health risks will be asso-ciated with


Table 4

Correlation of human thermal comfort Index (HTCI) with population characteristics, thermal environment characteristics, and coping

resources in eight Phoenix neighborhoods

Neighborhoods Mean (sd) Min/max Correlation with

mean HTCI

summer 2003

5:00 pm

Correlation with

mean HTCI heat

wave 2003 5:00 pm


Median income $60,473 ($27,436) $25,785/$107,230 �.68�� �.65��

% below poverty line 12.3 (15.3) 1.6/43.8 .64�� .63��

% less than high school 20.8 (24.7) 1.8/63.9 .73�� .73��

% minority 31.8 (34.8) 9.3/90.9 .69�� .65��

Median age 32.3 (5.6) 22.5/37.7 �.66�� �.74��

% ages 5 and under 11.5 (3.8) 9.6/18.7 .06 .14

% ages 65 and over 8.0 (7.0) 1.9/21.4 .07 �.03

Thermal environment

Distance from city center (km) 15.3 (10.9) 2.6/33.5 �.18 �.07

Population/km2 2434 (2676) 314/8687 .58� .64��

% open space .05 (.07) 0/.18 �.65�� �.53�

Vegetation abundance (SAVI) .493 (.032) .47/.57 �.54� �.63��

Coping resources

Social ties index .06 (.36) �.64/.50 �.85�� �.88��

% houses with air conditioning 74.5 (36.8) 6.0/100 �.71� �.68��

% houses with swimming pools 28.8 (23.4) 4.0/59.0 �.83��� �.73��

Mean roof reflectivity 1.4 (.45) 1.0/2.0 �.36 �.36

Sources: US Census 2000 block group data; CAP LTER Land Use Study, Landsat ETM+, Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory,

Arizona State University, May 21, 2000; Maricopa County Assessor.�po.10.��po.05.���po.01 (one-tailed tests).

S.L. Harlan et al. / Social Science & Medicine 63 (2006) 2847–28632856

HTCI (Table 4). Social ties, the percentage of homeswith central air conditioning, and with private poolswere negatively correlated with the heat index. Inour sample, 100 percent of the homes in upper-income and newer middle-income neighborhoods aswell as the majority of homes in older middle classneighborhoods had central air conditioning. Almostall houses in the low-income Hispanic neighbor-hoods were without it (Table 2). Although everysecond house in the upper-income neighborhoodshad a backyard swimming pool, most middle-income families and virtually all lower-incomefamilies did not. (Some people may have installedwindow refrigeration units or used communitypools that were not recorded in the Assessor’sdatabase.) The correlation with roof reflectivity wasin the expected direction but it was not significantlycorrelated with HTCI. Our last hypothesis wassupported: residents in the most heat-stressedneighborhoods had inferior resources to cope withextreme heat.

Case studies of neighborhood environments and

vulnerability to heat

The area with the highest HTCI value is thearchetypical poor inner-city neighborhood withnearly three times the population density asthe next most densely inhabited neighborhood inour sample. Black Canyon Freeway abuts anInterstate highway, and it is noisy, dusty, andcrowded. It serves as a landing spot for many newarrivals from Mexico, virtually all of whom rent (orreside with family and friends who rent) a wideassortment of apartments in large buildings ordetached and semi-detached houses built from the1920s through the 1980s. The average length ofresidence in Black Canyon is about 1.5 years, whichmay be the reason they have by far the lowest levelof social ties (z-score ¼ �.64) among the eightneighborhoods. Residents have low educationalattainment, low income, and many speak onlySpanish.

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Fig. 2. (a) Aerial photograph of Black Canyon Freeway

neighborhood, 2000 (Interstate highway extends along the left-

hand side of the image), (b) map of average pixel values for the

Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) in Black Canyon Free-

way, May 21, 2000, 10:00 am.

S.L. Harlan et al. / Social Science & Medicine 63 (2006) 2847–2863 2857

An aerial photograph shows the proximity of thefreeway, a source of anthropogenic heat fromasphalt pavement and high vehicular traffic(Fig. 2a). Although there are some yards with grassand trees in the neighborhood, public alleys, non-landscaped yards, and vacant lots with exposed soilare prevalent. Fig. 2b is a map of the average SAVIvalue per pixel, in which darker shades indicatemore abundant vegetation. It shows many areas ofsparse vegetation in Black Canyon Freeway. Thisneighborhood is bordered by commercial land useand other dense residential development. There isno park or other green public space within theneighborhood, although at the time of the study, asmall playground for children had recently beencompleted nearby. Almost no detached homes haveair conditioning and, although most people lived inapartments that had central air installed, a neigh-borhood activist told us that it is often broken. Shealso said:

I know that it’s cooler to sleep outside thaninside. And so a lot of families will be sleepingoutside in the hot summery. The fire depart-ment will come over and bring cases of water andfans and those sorts of things to facilitatefamilies.

Historic Anglo Phoenix is 4 km from Black

Canyon Freeway and even closer to downtown,but it has the lowest HTCI value and is also theopposite of Black Canyon Freeway in almost everyrespect. Historic Anglo Phoenix contains some ofthe oldest homes in Phoenix (1920–1940) and,although the homes and lots are small by currentupper-income standards, they have been renovatedand are highly sought after by professionals whoenjoy the convenience of a downtown location andthe prestige of living in a historic preservationneighborhood near the largest green park in the city.

Residents live on palm tree-lined streets withsingle family houses that have grassy yards supple-mented with shade trees, citrus, and dense tropicalplantings (Fig. 3a). This neighborhood is ‘‘floodirrigated,’’ a formerly common but increasingly rarepractice of opening city water mains to saturatelawns. A green park in the neighborhood providesopen space in addition to the adjacent city park.The abundant greenery is evident in Fig. 3b, whichshows high SAVI values everywhere but in thenorthwest corner of the neighborhood. The abun-dant greenery, which is a controlling influence onmicroclimates and is especially important during

heat waves, was carefully cultivated by residents. Inaddition, residents have many resources to mitigatesummer heat, including an active neighborhoodassociation and the highest social ties in the sample(z-score ¼ .50). An officer in the association offeredthis appraisal of local heat control:

I have air conditioning and swamp [evaporative]coolers. My house is really well-insulated. In thewinter it doesn’t get below 64 1F [17.7 1C] and in

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Fig. 3. (a) Aerial photograph of Historic Anglo Phoenix neighborhood, 2000, (b) map of average pixel values for the Soil-Adjusted

Vegetation Index (SAVI) in Historic Anglo Phoenix, May 21, 2000, 10:00 am.

S.L. Harlan et al. / Social Science & Medicine 63 (2006) 2847–28632858

the summer it’s 81 or 82 1F [27.2 or 27.7 1C]inside. The porch makes a big difference and Ihave fansy. The irrigation [flood lawn irriga-tion] has a cooling effect. When there’s a breeze,the sprinklers create evaporative cooling. Theirrigation and sprinklers in the park keep cool-ness in. There’s a lot of shadey The older housesstay cooler because they’re thick plaster withbrick walls.

The middle-income New Tract Development

neighborhood is located on the northern edge ofthe city. In contrast to the open spaces of wealthierurban fringe neighborhoods, New Tract Develop-

ment represents middle class life in the newerhousing developments. Despite its distance fromthe central city, it is the second warmest neighbor-hood in the sample and its HTCI and percentof summer hours above the ‘‘Danger’’ zone forheat stress are similar to Black Canyon Freeway

(Table 3).The ecological configuration of New Tract Devel-

opment gives strong clues about why it is so hot. Theaerial photo shows how closely spaced the homesare in the recently-built subdivisions where ourHOBO measured the temperature (Fig. 4a). New

Tract Development has the lowest lot to house sizeratio of any neighborhood in the sample; it has 2

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mobile home parks and is 3 times more denselysettled than North Desert Ranch, an upper-incomefringe neighborhood. Nearly half the land use inthe block group is classified as ‘‘vacant’’ (as opposedto ‘‘open’’) because it is surrounded by densedevelopment and not in active use. (The hilly, rockybutte that divides the neighborhood would bedifficult—and hence more expensive—to buildupon.)

New Tract Development and Black Canyon Free-

way are the only neighborhoods that do not eitherhave a park within their boundaries or share aborder with a grassy park or native desert. Vegeta-tion in this area is desert scrub and nearly 80 percentof the front yards are ‘‘xeriscaped,’’ a type of desert

Fig. 4. (a). Aerial photograph of New Tract Development neighborho

Vegetation Index (SAVI) in New Tract Development, May 21, 2000, 1

landscaping with crushed granite ground cover anddrought-tolerant plants. The SAVI map in Fig. 4bindicates the overall sparse vegetation: most of thegreenery in the neighborhood is in the schoolyard(southwest corner) and even the vacant land hasmore vegetation than the yards. With a great deal ofexposed rocky ground cover and dense housing,New Tract Development would be expected to retainsolar heat during the day. Social ties in thisneighborhood are second lowest (z-score ¼ �.17)and there are few swimming pools (14 percent), butmost New Tract Development residents have someresources for mitigating outdoor heat: they live inrelatively new homes with air conditioning and tileroofs.

od, 2000, (b) map of average pixel values for the Soil-Adjusted

0:00 am.

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This study used multi-disciplinary data to addressan important public health problem that is underintense scrutiny by international and governmentalagencies seeking to reduce illness, mortality, andother costs of extreme heat experienced by cities inall types of climate regimes (ICLEI, 1998). Wefound significant 2003 summertime temperaturevariations among Phoenix neighborhoods. Simu-lated estimates of exposure to heat stress showedthat the warmer neighborhoods more often ex-ceeded the ‘‘danger’’ threshold in summer 2003.Unequal exposure was a chronic summer problemas well as an acute problem during a heat wavewhen differences in the heat index increasedsignificantly.

In answering our first research question, we founda pattern of positive correlations between heat stressexposure and percentages of poor and minorityinhabitants. Higher-income, predominately whiteneighborhoods were more comfortable places thanlower-income, predominately Hispanic neighbor-hoods, and middle-income neighborhoods variedwidely in HTCI values.

With respect to our second question, our findingschallenged the idea that the heat island is a smoothurban-to-rural gradient in sprawling urban areas.Level of exposure to heat stress was highlycorrelated with place-specific measurements ofecological variables–vegetation density and openspace—regardless of neighborhood locations. Thisis an important fact about the spatial distribution ofthe UHI, its relationship to the socio-ecology ofneighborhoods, and its potential contributions toclimate-related health inequalities in cities. Esti-mates of local temperature variation and humanexposure to excessive heat in this study were farmore spatially specific than the standard practice ofreporting temperature from a single central weatherstation for a city, which may significantly over-estimate or under-estimate weather conditions indiverse parts of a region (e.g., Basu & Samet, 2002;Brazel et al., 2000).

The vulnerability of warmer neighborhoods wasexacerbated by residents’ lack of adequate socialand material resources to cope with extreme heat. Inanswer to our third question, social networks wereweakest in the warmest places. And contrary to theimpression of many Phoenicians and summervisitors, desert-living does not come with anentitlement to air conditioning and a swimming

pool. Warmer neighborhoods had fewer of theseamenities because of the age or price of their homes.A much higher percentage of roofs in the poorneighborhoods were ‘‘rolled’’ roofs, an asphaltproduct that is even inferior to shingles. In sum,our research supports the fundamental environ-mental justice hypothesis: risks incurred fromenvironmental hazards are greater for marginalizedpopulations.

The practical use of this study is to suggest thatreducing temperatures in vulnerable urban neigh-borhoods should be a priority driven by informedpolicy. Many cities and coalitions of cities, sup-ported by national and international organizations,such as the US Environmental Protection Agencyand the International Council for Local Environ-mental Initiatives, have initiated programs for heatisland mitigation using three principle strategies:increasing vegetation cover in public spaces, adopt-ing standards for reflective roofing and pavingmaterials, and lowering anthropogenic emissions(City of Phoenix, 2004; Rosenfeld, Akbari, Romm,& Pomerantz, 1998; Rosenfeld et al., 1995). Heat/Health Warning Systems initiated by NOAA havealso been instituted in Phoenix and many othercities (Sheridan & Kalkstein, 2004). More could bedone, however, to target heat reduction resourcesand heat warnings to the specific places where theyare most needed. Prime candidates for theseprograms are low-income inner-city neighborhoodsand the burgeoning number of middle class com-munities being built on the urban fringes ofdevelopment.

The poor, minority inner-city neighborhoods ofPhoenix, similar to those in many cities, lackadequate housing, shade, and green open space.There is little new construction, so changingbuilding requirements for new homes is not anoption to improve conditions in those neighbor-hoods. However, public expenditures to improve thequality of existing housing and provide shade, greenparks and community swimming pools would beeffective heat mitigation measures and wouldincrease the health and comfort of residents.

Neighborhoods built for the masses on the edgesof metropolitan areas ultimately will house manymore people than those in the inner-city. Theagricultural fields and desert fringe surroundingPhoenix, once the province of a few wealthysettlements in natural settings, is being carved intosmaller and smaller lots to house middle classfamilies. As New Tract Development illustrates,

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dense settlements built to accommodate growth anddemand for less expensive housing are enlarging thePhoenix UHI. Deforestation and heat island expan-sion are typical of many urban areas in the US thatare losing trees at a rapid rate to the populationpressure of urban sprawl (American Forests, 2005).In addition, the spread of development createslonger commutes to work and the increased trafficvolume is a major source of anthropogenic heat thatcontributes to the UHI (Grossman-Clarke et al.,2005). Thus the total climate implications of urbansprawl cannot be remedied only by stricter buildingcodes and heat-resistance materials. More holisticapproaches to regional planning are needed thatinclude alternative modes of transportation, man-dates for increasing tree cover to replace nativevegetation, and preservation of open space tomoderate temperatures in modest neighborhoodson the urban fringe.

One great challenge for creating climate healthequity in cities is the legacy of urban developmentthat has left poor and minority populations indeteriorated urban spaces where there are structuralconstraints on improving environmental conditions.The locations of neighborhoods near transportationroutes and industrial corridors result from historicalpatterns of enforced segregation, zoning regula-tions, and other municipal decisions, which are partof an on-going process of environmental inequalityformation (Pellow, 2000). In order to reversedecades of disadvantage, a planned municipal andregional strategy for facilitating neighborhoodsocial networks, granting greater community con-trol over adjacent land use, and enforcement ofenvironmental laws will be needed.

The second challenge is that future growth ofcities in arid regions may exceed the supply ofenvironmental resources necessary for humanhealth and comfort. Land and water are twoimportant resources for mitigating heat, but theyare being used up rapidly. Phoenix is in a long-termdrought, which is not uncommon in arid regionsaround the world. Although increasing tree coverand planting green open spaces are obviousresponses to the UHI in a temperate city, such asChicago, in arid climates the benefits of addingvegetation must be weighed against potential watershortages. Policies for UHI mitigation and theattendant health benefits of doing so must becarefully articulated with other urban environmen-tal issues, such as long-term land preservation,water supply, and air quality. The distribution of

these environmental amenities are justice issues thatscientists, health researchers, engineers, planners,and the public must consider in creating healthierplaces for all people to live.


This project was supported by grants from theNational Science Foundation’s (NSF) Biocomplex-ity in the Environment program (SES 0216281) andthe Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term EcologicalResearch project (DEB 97114833). SLH was alsosupported by a fellowship at the National Center forEcological Analysis and Synthesis, a Center fundedby NSF (DEB 9421535), the University of Califor-nia at Santa Barbara, and the State of California.We are grateful to research assistants N. Jones,D. Zeigler, M. Shen and D. Sherwood for help withdata collection and preparation and to studentparticipants in the Spring 2003 IGERT GraduateWorkshop on Neighborhood Ecosystems for theircontributions. E. Hackett, D. Jenerette, A. Kirby,T. Rex, S. Wolf, B. Bolin, A. Nelson, and D. Hopehelped to conceptualize this study. Special thanks toG. Heisler for providing us with a batch programfor the OUTCOMES models. Comments fromanonymous SS&M reviewers improved this article.


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