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Nested References

2 inner reference data types


What are the different Nested Ref. Data Types?

• Nested (inner) classes

• Nested (inner) Interfaces

What is a nested reference?

• A reference contained by another reference

• A reference contained by a method

• A reference with no name ->anonymous

• anonymous class.

Why do I need a nested reference?

• To create a temporary reference

• To isolate the reference name space

• To create a new reference organization

• To make use of new object-oriented designs

• To create a local reference

• Simplify interfaces (façade design pattern).

What are the different types of Nested classes?

• nested static class

• nested dynamic class

Nested static classes

• Can be instanced without instancing the containing class.

• Class Point3d{

• static class Float(){…}

• static class Double(){…}

• }

What kinds of access can I have for a static class?

• public – public ref organization

• default – package ref organization

• private – yes, you can have a private inner class!

• protected – accessible to subclasses of the outer class

A static inner class

public abstract class Point3d {public static class Float extends Point3d {

public Float(float x, float y, float z) { …}public static class Double extends Point3d {

public Double (double x, double y, double z) {...}}Point3d pf = new Point3d.Float(10,20,30);


Inner class instead of packages!

class java {

class awt {

class Frame {


class Component {




Making an Anonymous Inner class

interface Runnable {

public void run();


Thread t = new Thread(

new Runnable() {

public void run() { doStuffHere();



What can you build an anonymous class from?

• an interface.

• an abstract class.

• non-abstract class.

Example of an anonymous inner class from a non-abstract class.

• class Customer {• private String name = “j doe”;

• public String toString() { return name;}

• }• class Payroll {• Customer c = new Customer(){public

String toString() {return “hello world”;}• }

Example of an named inner class from a non-abstract class.

• class Customer {• private String name = “j doe”;

• public String toString() { return name;}

• }• class Payroll {• class Customer2 extends Customer{

• public String toString() {return “hello world”;}

• }

An anonymous Member class is sometimes called an anonymous

class• class OuterClass {

• class namedMember {

• }

• Runnable r = new Runnable() {• public void run() { // do stuff here

• }

• }

• }


• All anonymous classes are inner classes.

• Anonymous inner class = anonymous class.

• Convention is to call it an • anonymous inner class

Why not use a named class?

class Job implements Runnable {

public void run() { do Stuff Here...



Thread t = new Thread(new Job());

Ans: you only needed one new job. Like singleton

Make a 1000 classes....Local anonymous inner class

public static void main(String args[]){

for (int i=0; i < 1000; i++)

new Foo(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

This a unique class.....





• Few people say: local anonymous inner class.

• Typically call it anonymous inner class

Command Pattern

• A design pattern

• Have commands reside in the instance, so the instance knows how to run itself.

• new Job(2) {• public void doCommand() {...}

• }


class Print {

public static void printFunction(Fcn fcn) {

for (int x=0; x < 100; x++)




Fcn, The Interface

public interface Fcn {

double f(double x);


print.printFunction(new Fcn() {

double f(double x) {

return x*x;




• new RunButton(“ok”) {• public void run() {

• doesTheOKThing();

• }

• }

Using the Interface...for commands

class Commando {public Runnable getRunnable() { // factory pattern.

return new Runnable() { // anonymous local class

public void run() {


} // Commando c = new Commando();

} // Runnable r = c.getRunnable();



How do I use Commando?

• Commando c = new Commando();

• Thread t = new Thread(c.getRunnable());

• t.start(); //call back on the run method

Local inner class

• A class defined inside of a method

• Not accessible to outer classes

• Or the other methods in the same class!

Why do I need local inner classes?

• Factory pattern with an anonymous inner class!

• For example, a local anonymous inner class!!

This is pretty commonpublic Runnable getRunnable() {

new Runnable() {

public void run() {



Named Local Inner class

class RunnableThings {Runnable getARunThing() {

class Foo extends Job{} class Job implements Runnable {

public void run(){}}

return new Job(); }}

Nested Interface

public class Roach {

interface killable {

boolean isAlive();


class Colony implements killable {

boolean isAlive() {return true;}




• two kinds of nest ref data types:• interface

• local inner interface not permitted!

• member inner interface

• class• local inner class (named or anonymous)

• member inner class (named or anonymous)

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