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'Cll\'1: l!<GREOIENTS '·-"'Il'"' Sul(al< -)'(lrll•• CAS « 1758-99-f 99 O'i' mt!!R INORE!lll!N''~ I !J'i mr.~t JO()<i-


Si lL\1rJ:l ooo:10rit:nr'.t: ~eli(I,!Kll ~ur= aalgu~ !)M'Jq\JC. !iit lat.7.p\i,Qut: r. nsu:d er.dc:tdk (If yon donM ~andtbe lebe!. ftnd uwr.tonr ttl ~\$)1111\ \11n VOtl in ckUil)

1\]"'["El'.'TlOftl Thi' ~ ror.ta:Jn~ -:~k:ti111 t'rYJ\tnl It'! the Stt~ ul Catirorm• t<1 CIU'!e CMoer


certl1ted lo ANSI/NSF 60

for Organic Use

NET WT. 50 LBS. (22.68 Kgt

If in eyes



lfoutm orclolbiDg


• Hold B)"e opm and rillle slowly llld geotJy with water for 15-20 111im81 .

• Remove Q(JI) !ell I. after lhe rm;~ s UTIOIJfe5, lben cxmtin110 rinis!ng ey

• OIJ I e p<ritOU conlro CCI ar doctor for lrealmelll advmt.

IJSER Mn'I'YRECOMMINDATIONS • U..llloiiM ... biDdl bdn llliD& driDtilll. ..... pm, llliDg IDblooo, or using

tile lloiJet. • Ueen 1'C'II10Ye eloltd if · geDI k Then wa~h

lhoroqgbly llld put 011 Clem e!otb:.iog • U.. d remove PPE ~ly after b811ing thu prodllct. AI 1100111$ possible

tho ly 8Dd Into cl · . W thr 0\ll.!lde of gloves l!eftm' n:IIKI\'ing

DIREC110N8 FOR USE flit VIOl on of fedml law to product [n a mtm~ ialloaaistall with its label an . Do not IJIP.Iy dti product ilia way that will co.oiael wcnm or other pmons, eitber dim:lly or throUJdl dtift: Onl)' ~bJmdlersmaybein lhe&n:adul:418!1J1PIIcatlon. Foranyrequimncmlll specific for yourS tale or Tribe, llOIISilll !til! qeney re$p01l!ible fOr pesticide regulation

AGRICUL11JRAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use lhia prod.uct only ill iiCOOI dei£t t¥i lh itJ l!bef.ina and With lbe Worlcn Protection Standsrd, (4()CFR Petl70) 1biJ lmldard COOIIIIlll l1l(j1limneDB for the protection of llgricuJru.ral wortcn on fums, fortsts, ounenes, and~ lll.ld hendlers ofagricullurlll pesticrdes It coo ~ fOf tnuning. decantaminaion notification nnd emergency i~nce.. It also ll01ItB.bu specific instruction.slll.ld cxoepti0111 pertaining the $bltemeots on this label tbout penorul JITOtrr:liOD equipm.en1 (PPC). aod reatrlcled-c:ntry period. Thb requnwnents in thiJ box only apply ID ~Uta oflhb product that a:recoVIl!fd by the Worlcer Protection StandaJd. Do no1 eotu or allow worker CllltJy into uested a:reas during n:slncted entry intenrnl of 48 bounl. PPB required for early enuy to treated mu tbat Is permitted by lllc Worlcer Protection Stendard lhat involve:t COiltatt wilb 110yth.ing that lw been tmrted, such as pl.!lllll, soil or wnter is: Coveralls. shoes p!u.~ socb, cbem.ica! resistam gloves mJide waterprOOf material . uch a.s polyetbyJcm: or polyvinyl chloride IIDd goggl or face hidd.

NON AGRICVL11JRAL USE RIQ1JIREMENTS l'be reqtJ.irl:meu11n this box apply to= of Ibis produd tbst are NOT within the sc:ope of th WoOO:r l"roU!dioo Sll!ndard fur agricullllnll pcaticides (40 CFR Pa11 170) The WPS applies lllben !be ~ ir used to produte agrieul!wal plants on farm•, form. n~ca or green.ho Applicators ll!ld other hlllldlm wbo M:ndle this product for any use NOT ocrmed by liJ: Warlo:r Prolecfion StandMd (CPR 40 Part 170) mUSt wear long aloeve shirt, chemical resimnt gloves made of water· proof lll8k:rla.l IIUCh aa rubber or latex, shoe plus 110tla and pro!eCtiYe eyc:wCIII Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove con!aminated cl.othiDg II.Dd wash befun: reuse. Do not allow adults, childteo 01 pets to eut~

led lllltil~~pn~ys baveeamplectlydrled or if applied dry1mtil du.~t settles

DRUT MANAGEMENT vanety of faetnrr; mcludmg we~llheJ ~ondthons. (o:.g., wmd direction, wind speed. temperature, relative humidity and method.~

ppllcation (e.g ground apphcauon. amal. tr h~l. chomtgation) can influence pesticide drift The applicator must evAluate all facto~ and mak approJ~riatc adJustmrnts when apr lying th t ~ product Wlnd SJ>Hd: Do not apply at wmd reed!- greeter rh n I~ mph Orily apply thts produce tf the wmd di rt:etmn favors on-I.Uj!ct depo!lition (appmlltrntltt:ly ' I I 0 mph) and th= llfll no Sl!ti<:~IJ~e I IH! wiehrn 2SO feet d<mn\l~nd

ptrallln l•venl ns: If applym at wmd spetdl. lr than ' mph tht l pphc.atur must determine tf (a) condiiJOII\ oil tempemtu:re inverston utst, nr (h) stable tmusphcnc conditi n$ cxt~t 1 1 helow nozzl hetgltl Do no1 m ke , pphcall n. mto ~ ofternpcnture tnvmmns al stablr nt111n~phcnl condition_'

ropltt Slz.e: Apply only liS 1 m~ium 01 I!Nirst \ J11'3V I SA.E Standard 572) or a mean diametet of 300 mtcrons or greatCT for ~illllfng atOI'Illltf 11()'1.21 EqiiJpJDellt: All aerial and ground applicahon equipment mUS1 be properly maintained and calibrated usmg appropnatt carriers or rrurrogates A App : The boom length mtUt not ~coed 75% of tnt W111Jl1pan or 90% of lite roiUr bl d dtamcr~ Rel..asc product at the lowe&~ helgbt conststcm With efficacy and flight safe!} D<1 not release at a he1gbt grtatctth n I 0 feet above lhe crop CllliOPI' unli!SS a greater height is reqwn:d for ntl'('fBft ttalety Who:n apphetlioll'l an: made: with a em w.-ind. the swath must be dt placod downwind Tbt epplicetor mi.ISI compen<att' fN lh1~ dtsplscemcnl at the up end downwmd cdjlc of the apphcaiJon area by djustmg 1M path oflht airar&ft

OtMrSbl d Lour R u:J~ 111J Appllcalon. must follow all ~te and IOClll pe<hCTdc drift ~uu·tmo:nts re!larding applicaltnn of copper compounds Where Slate.~ ha\•e more S17ingo:nc regulations. tbey mu~ ~ oh ervcd

4.LG.4E ONTROL When USID8 Copper ulfatc to control alga.t , th~ are nuny faeiors tn COR.IIder such a. wore~ hardne . , tcmpl!faturc of th water, type&nd quantity ofvegetatJ n I() he ~on troll~ and the amount of water now. Algae eM ht conrro!lcd mme u tly and cfl'ecuvely if~ wilb Copper Sulfat " mad oon afkr lgae growth hilS 1U111ed Under such ctroulll.>l.!lm'.es. $mnll amoun of Copper Sulfntt! em effeetivcly cxmtrol algae in water However. if trutmml Is dela)•cd until large amounts of algar rue presmt lafl!,eT quanliliell of(;opptr ulfate wrll ~requtred Ccnrml of algae m water ~em( IS not oiWllys permanent Usually algae 1S morr difficult 1 control with Copper ulfste when wat..rlemporatures Me low The d~ rut for opPtt Sulfnl(' m based on a water c~ f 60 • For highrr. t.arger amounts of C.oppeT Sulfate ,.;u be rc:quti'W in hard lt'r. Normally, losger quruttiucs of ('.opper Sul~ Will be noquircd loJr.lJJ algae tn watCf that IS flO Will{! than In ! body OfslllgJWll watcT rf possible, Clll111il the flow of wAter before treatrnt'tlland hold dormant for about thn:c day allcrtn:atmcnt or unttl algae h3ve begun to dte. When prepann a Copper Sulfate solution in water. it is best that the m1xmg veQC:I be made of plastic or gla Meutl con1&111en: hnlld with plastic or peintcd or c:namelcd aJe pc:mnssibl!!. Gslvamnd con !Bitter$ are to be • n1ded It 1 best 10 treat Jgs on calm. sunny day when heavy mats of filamentary algae are mostlikcly to be floatu~g on the surf~~ce where u an be praytd directly. When tn doubr about tbotoncenlrlltton to be u.~ it i• recommended to ~•en with •lower torn:entnuon and W1)dually inCTt'aSe theconcelltnttton untiltbe aJgM IS lc! IJe<J


A. C.aiRllte water volam~ u foUowa: I Obtain surface area by measuring regular shaped po!l(!8 or mapptng irregular ponds or by use of a prevtoualy recorded

data or maps 2 Calc:ulat 1veragc depth by measuring depth in a regular pattem and lakin~ the mean of these readings or by use of

previOUSly recorded data 3. Multiply swface &re.~~ m :o;quaR: rce~ by nvm e depth rn feel to ob!Jitn cub1c fL-et of "'"ta volumt , os 4 Multiply sorfmce IUU m acres by n mge depth tn f«t to obtrun 1011!1 am feet ofwnter volume •For a body of watcr

that cont.a1ns fi h. nfy 112 of th &rea rna be treated at one time A Ret calculohng the tUea of the body of water a.s instriJctcd abnvc. divide thtS nwnber by 2. Use !Mt nwnberto calcul te wcnghl Clfwa.ter and amount of Copper ulfatc Pentahydtllte required to treat half of the body of we leT

Ca eight of wat r to M trearfd u foil I Mutnply volume en cubic feet by 62.44 kl obtru.o tota.l pounds of watet, or 2. Multiply vol~ in tla'C: feet by 2,720.000 c nbtalll total pounds of water

C. Cakultre a ount of Copper Salfate Ptn'-bydrat to add: To calcula the weight of Coppe-r Sulfate Penlnhydrate n~ to chi eve the de 1n:d concenlnlllon. multiply th weight of watt:r in pounds by the recommended concenlr.!tton Since the ruommendcd conrenllnuons are gtven tn perU per million (ppm), f~nt convm the value to a de<:imnl equivalent A value of I ppm is «JUtvalenl 0.00000 I liS a decimal vtlue Thus the IIIDOOJll of Copper Sulfatr. Penlllhydrate required to mt I acre-foot (2.720,0110 pounds) of water "1th I ppm of C'.opper Sulfate !'entAil draJe wouJd he 0 000001 x 2 .720,{l(J(F 2. 72 lbs Copper Sulfa te Pentabydrate

FOR SMALL PONDS: Poll w tht dtl't!Ctlons m "A" above Calculate Ute wosgbl of Ute water 1 be treated by muJIJplytng the volume in cubic feet by 62.44 to obtain total pounds of walcr. For I ppm nfCopper Sulfate PentAhydmte mullipl)' the pounds by 0 00000 I Tbe result i, pounds of Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate. The amount of Copper Sulfote PentAhydmle to treat a pond 100ft. by 100 fl hy 2 n detp. 100 x 100 X 2 20.000 fl3 20.000c:u ft X 62.44 lbs 1.248800 l~ofwat~ X 0.000001 = ! 2S pounds ofCoppe1 'ulfi te Penlnbydrat\:

Th:atmcnc ofalj!ae can result in oKygen h !Tom decomposition ofdaad algae Thi lo can cause risb suFfO<'.ahon. Therofoo: to minit111te thiS hazard. trt&t 113 to 1/2 of I he wate1 are4 In a s nglc opetabon end wail I 4 days between treatments Bej!in ll'e8tmi!TIIS along the shore and proctcd utward. in bands to allow fish to movr. into untrac~ water NOTR: lf trei!LCd water is to be used as a source ofpo1Able WI ICT. the metallic ~per residual must no t extbl:d I ppm (4 ppm Copper ulfale Pentabydrate).

P CIFlC INSTRUCTIONS CONTROL ALGAE AND THE TAM ()GET() POND EDS, LEAFY SAGO, IN llUUGATION CONVEYAJIIC! SYSTEMS: Ust the onUnuou llpplieation method. scleaing proper eq~npmtlnt to supply Copper ulf-te Cryslalat 0.2!i to 05 pounds per hour lbr t3th cubic foot per second or flow for twelve bows of each 24 hours For the best control. begin <;:opper Sulfate ildditiom when water u (I.IS1 turned into system I be U'elted and continu throughout the irrij1abon seuon. Coppct

ulfat Qyslll becomes less effective for maru~ piiiJlt!i Copper Sulfat Crystal become$ less effective: as the b CIUbonate allcallnity tncteases Alld is ub$tanually ~ced hove ISO ppm IU CaCOJ Mechanical or nlher means may thm lx roquired til muovc excess growth

TO CO 0 ALGAE Uctl AS f1LAMENT US GRI!EN PlGMEI'rrfD Fl.AGELJ..ATES AND DIATOMS JN IR.RJGATION CONVEYANCE SY MS: Begm continuous addiboo when water •s first turned on utring sutt.lble equipment to un.ifonnly deliver 0.1 to 0.2 pounds of Copper Sulfate Crvsul pet' hour per cubic foot per second of flow for 12 of each 24 hours (note: Copper Sulrlne CJystaJ comes in several "free fTowinp' ' aystBI $tzeS but ~hould he aelcetod to match requ~en of your f~er.)

TO CONTROL ALGAE IN Rl FltLD : (l)(lmestic Blld Wlld). AppheatJon uld be made when algae fonned on the soil mrfa~ In the flooded field Applications are most effective when made pri01 to algae lca\mg the sotr surf111.1t llld nsmg to lhe sutface oftbe warer For a 3-lnch flood depth, apply Copfxr Sulfat~ at a rate of2 7211'1' ~acre nt the flm 5lgn of algae Apply Copper Sulfate crystals to lhe surfau of the water Of dissolve in wattr llld make: a <uiface sprny. For a 6-lnc:h flooi:led dipth. use 5.441bs. per acre. Adjust the rate IICCOI'ding to the average waier deolh, not to exceed the ma.ximum apphution rate of 4PJl.m of Copper UlfB!e (I ppm m alllc eopp!:r), which i equivalent to 10 SA I ofCQpper Sulfate per ere-fool of water: The mmunum ~trtstmel'ltmtcniall~ 14daya.

TO CONTROL TADPOLE SRRI IN RIC fiELDS: Aarllicauon hould be made to the flooded nee fields a.nytunc the pe 1 appeus from planting rime until the ste(ilings are well rooted and have: emerged through thll water. For a 3-incb flood depth, apply 6.15 poundS per am Fore flood depth of6 inche$, u:;c 13.6lbs per acre. Apply Coppef Sulfnle CI)'Sial to them~ of t&e water or dissolve in wate:r and make • sUTface pray. Adjust lbe ~ IC(()fdiog to lhe ev~ water d®tb. not 10 exceed the maximum sppUcal.lon rate of I 0 pprn of Copper ulfate (2.5 ppm JMUIIic roppaJ. which 1s cqmvtlentto 2'1.2 pounds of Copper Sulfe.te per ecre of weter

10 CONtROL ALGA£ fM'POUNDED WATER. LAKES, POND AND RESERVOrRS: There aro several methods by wh1cb 10 apply Copper Sulfate to lmpou.nded water !'rob ly the simplest and lhe most samfactory method Is to dissolve lhe Copper Su1f111e cry taTs m' ater and SJlBY the solution over lhe body of water. Copper Sulfate rnay be broadcast directly on lht water unace from boat A Slllllll pwnp mounted In the boat can easily be used for th11 JlUIPCI!C A speeial'¥ cquiwed air blower Cllll lx ~ to di.scha!J!C ~~ SIU C'f)'StAis ftt a specific rote oVI:f the surface of the water When U!ing this nielhOd. the wind direc:tton '' an unponant factor Do not use this method unless c:ompletely famillll.f with Ibis type of applu:ation Qlpper Sulfate ts also des•~ 10 ~ u:;cd a dry application from lfirplnnes. u.~ing a tiwlmum of 10.64 pounds I'Cr ael'e-foot ~ the ituation pmmt Comlc:r Sulfate may be awtied under the water by drngging burlap bll~ filled with ("~ Sulfate through t.hc W3ler by me811$ o( i boot. Cm hould be tAken that the course of the bOat is such as to cause~ diMnbution of th~: chemrca l In large lakes, it is custonwy for lhe boll 10 tre\'CI in pantllel hoes nbout 20 to 100 feet IJ)Irl Continue dtaggiug the burlap bags over lh trellted aru until the minimum dosage L achtev d and a li the cry&tal hlve been dissolved For all appl~li n tmthods described, begin treatment along the !horelioe and proceed outward until 113 to 112 of the totaliU'Ctl has lxtm treated No more than ~ of the W<~ta body may lx treated at one time The minimum ucatment interval i 14 day . lftht trealod wnter is 10 bt used IS 3 wee ofpntable Wltef, the metollk coppercnncentnltion must oot exceed I ppm (4 ppm Copper Sulfa~)


The gmel'll of algae lilted below arc commonly found in tmpouodcd Wlll::r,lake$, poll&, nd rom•otn in the Unltod State:.. U the lowc:r recommcndc:d rate or Copper ulfate in soft warm (I~ than SO ppm methyl ot8llge lllkalin ty) and bighn COIICCD!rllion in bard warc:r (above 50 ppt.11 alblinlty) NOT'£: Do not use concentration of 1.6 ppm \:Oppel ulfm (0.4 ppm melllllic copper) or mo~ wb= fllh arc fll=l Coooentl'lti0113 or 4 ppm Coooer Sulfm (I ppm roo:allic copper) m permitted Ill Yt'Atms $\JCh 115 rice fields whct"e fi b m t present AIM)'f> con ull State Fis:b and Gme Ag.eney befotupplyiog this product lo municipal warm

I'ROUUCfCONO!NTRATIO, : 'l.to~ppm ~folpp I toi~J.~" nuo~fJm rolJNiis PRODl!CTIACR£ FOOT: . 67 to 1.3 1..319 2.6 Uro • 3.910 •

ORGANISM Anabam~ Cyllndrospennum N05t01: Calotbm: ~MoShycuc A.~ Oacillatoris Phormidum Symploa~

lu~ orcml A~h&nirommon Plestoneme 0 oeotrklua OompllosphacnA Polyeysru R.ivuWta

Chlorophyceae Clcst~ BotrylltOCCW Cblordla Ankistrodesmllf (Green) HydrodK:tyon Cladopbora Croc fcCZIID Cbanl

Rt~ Corla$1Tum Oesm di Nitella l lothn• DrfpamlldiJ Oolenkfnl~ Scendederous

&lerOillmphia ~ Olcooywb~ elia Mitro5p001 Pi!hipb(n Tribonema s Zygnema Tel:r'Hdtoll

Diatomac:elle Asttnooell

~ Aclulaalberl

(Diatoms·• F~19ri• ~8 M~ Nav11:ule ~.

Protozoa Dinobryon Odlm~domonal; (FiagellaleS)

~ens E:: HleaJIIOcoccus Plndorina

Volvox Pcridinlum Mlli01110B11$e

CONTROL OF ALGA A BACT!RIALO IN IMMING POO To trool 1111d prevenlllgae and odol'li, apply I mblespoon o Copper Sui fAre Filla CTy!tals fm e~"ety thousand plloJIJ of pool water Thjs will resull in a concenlr8tion of 1 0 ppm ofdnsolvcd copper. Prior to applicati011, tbepH oftbe pool sbwld be 7.2-7.6 01 o!ve the Copper ulfntc Fine Crystal• in w in a plulie container and pour the solution into the pool around the edge o the pool . Nevendd CO!IJICI' ' ulfal Fine Cry!tlll while winuning Auoon lulion dJ In pool , you may reenttr the pool

Ustna a copptr teJt lal (lh 1~ may be purchased IIIIJIY pool rupply Store) cbeclt ooppet level every 2 AI apply a m.amtenMte ~g of v, rablespoon per tbo d gsllore of pool water to main in a 0 7 to I .0 ppm COIIO!Iltl'a1ion. Do 1101 exceed a 1.0 ppm copper contenlr8tion Prior to appli~Mn, th pH of the Jl(JOhhould be 7.2-7.6 Di h• dlo~ 1 Clf Copper ulf&te F1~ Cryslals in a plastic OOtiJ.Ii and pour the lu ·on into !he pool111'01111d thf' cd of pool

Most pool ahoclc produc~ may tw: LlSCd Wllh lh product Ounog heavy~. •hoek pool ooce a :k and • filter clanfi Capper Sulfftte Fine Ctyst.31! is a very ssmple and easy way tu ID1IlD • your poo warer looking ayst~~l cletlr yeer 1001111 wi very littk mainltnanee When ILitid 1U directed Copper Sulf8te Fine C~ 1T1 y be 1 for all poo ( I your poll! professional on plastet or firushed concrtte pool• bdbn: 8ddlng}.

(Opnonal Clauru:fTh Pool MIUDtenanoe formula: 15 !rlmple to use; Has no chlonl.ll: 11'-. May be used wrtb .,y type of filter }'51 em; Controls algae and b!tterial odors; Has very li ll ie effe<:l on pH; Unlike Olbe:r proclucb Q)pper Sui6!J Fine Crya2s will

not evapoBJe OUI or yow water; Compan lr v.ith most pool cbcmseal5.

FR ~TERSNAILCONTRO To kill p~JU~t$$ caunn11 "sW1111Dler& itch" 1( is nccessary 10 lcilllbe venouupccies ofh~ snad~wllb a maximum 1.' ppm Copper

ulli!te Fme Cry!mls {0.375 ppm m&lli ~pper). !Da body ofwalllrcoolllinini fu.h, onlyhalfoflbearee mey betteatcd MODal Use the section CALCULATIONS FOR AMOUNT OF WA'I'ER AND COPPER SULFATE Pmll'AtfYDRATB TO BE USED to calculate the 11t110unr of C'.opper Sulfate Peutahydrate trys18lt you will oecd to applyiO the ma to be treated Apply Copper Sulfate arys1.al.t to !he surface of lhe walerordi tv rn watt:u.od makusurfacespray. Keep IM'irm:neratrnd IIW~toek out oftbe pond for S day followtog treatment; doubling thlJ period in very soft watefs Do 001 make m~ then two epplkatloos per ya:r In the ease when: only ha.lf oftbe pond u be•aa treated. it counts as half en llpJlliCII.tion In tltl' 'llllt nfl'lew YOfl! llOflllCr 1s collSlderod a reltricll!d use pffiltide for mn.il cnntrol



Plant roots can penetrate through small CBCb and poorly sealed joints of .wer line&. U 1101 controlled, tbese 11111111 100111 will continue 10 grow larger in number causing breakage, reduced Oow and eventually flow stoppage. This is an etTectlve means ID conlrol root& in midential and commercial sewers


As a ~ve measure, apply directly into each junction or lllrmioalllllllbole by pouring a maximum of two pounds of this product every 6 1D 12 months. At time of reduced flow (IIOIIIe water is eueotill) add Ibis product U 0ow Ills DOt completely stopped. but hal a reduced Oow due to root muses, add tlris product in tbe oext Dllllbole abtwe the reduced flow -. For complete atopp1ge, penetrate tbe mua witb a rod to enable some flow before trea1n1ent. ROOT CON'IROL IN STORM RAINS: Apply When water flOW is ligblJfno WliiCT flow, m dsy Weather,llle I bole to produce a flow. Apply 2 pouncls of !his prodllcl by pou.riJlB dbecdy inlo dnlin. No more tbLU1 2 po s of product may be applied perdnin per year SEWER PUMPS AND FORCE MAINS: At lbe storage weD illlet, plaee a clod! baa containiJJa 2 lbs of !Iris ~ Repeat eYeiY six montl!a if nec:eaay. RESIDENTIAL OR ROUSEIIOLD SEWER SYS'mMS: Wbell 1 reduced Wlla' Oow is ftnt noticed, and root 8fOWlb is cbouPt to be lbe Clllle, tre1t wilb this product. It il impodlmt nor 10 wait Ulltil 1110pp11e OCC\D1 because 110111e water flow iiiiiiiCIIIIII)' to move Ibis product to lhe ll'ell of root JIOW!b. Ulltllly, within 3 to 4 weeks, after 10011 bave IClCUIIllllated IIUfRciem CqJper Sulfalll hlltabydnl8, tbe 1'00111 wiD die and begiD to &lcay llld Wlfr:r flow should increale. As the 1'00111"1> grow, follow-up beabuenll with this product may be requinld evmy 61110111bs. Applicatlom oll)' be mlldt each year in lbe spring after plam growtb begi or y or aaydme a ~ Wllter now, thought to be Clllllld by root powth, OCCUJJ. App y 1 pound of lh:ls emy sill mo to boulehold KWm. Add lbil product to lleiWI'IiDel bypouriue about ~ pouDd incrememl into tbe toilet bowl nenst tbe ..,_.tine lllld fhllb. Repeat lbil procea Ulltiii'IICOIIIIDtlll dose biB beaD added. Or remove c1eaoout pJua llld poar adire itiCOIDIIIellid quaity directly into tbeJ~~Wttlme. Replace 1M plus and fl.lt'h toihrt sevrnl tillll!&. Do not IIPPiyCQpper S.Uiflllr tlli'DIIsh · k or tub a il will corrode mel3l dram!. If sys:tmn ill equipped wilb aeptic t8Dk, Copper SuUile win precipitate iD tbe llepdc bilk lllld little wiD pasJ into tlR: ab3orptioo dJ1iD field. To treat draiD field pipes, llld 2 poaacll of Copper Sulfide once 1 ,_ to tbe dislributioo box locakd between tbe lleptic IIDk IIIII tbe drain field. lftbe didribudou 1m doea not bave 1D opeaiD& it would be advisable to illllalla clean out plug opening into tbe outlet pipe tiom tbe aepcic taak leldiD8 to lhe drain field fbr efl'ecdve 1'1101 cootrol ill tbe drain field pipes. *NOTI!: Do 1101 111e a sewer additive where prohibited by Stalll Law. StaleLawprobibita 1be 111e oflhl8 prodDctiDIIIIWW!Iylleml in tbe StateofCoouecticut Not l'orsaleor~~~eill Calif'omiaCOOIItiesofAlameda, Coi!IIICosta, Marin, N1p1, SaDFnmciiCO, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solaoo, and Soooma for root conlrol in sewera. Not l'or ale or 111e iD aeptic l)'llem8 iD tbe Sblle of Florida.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do nOI eootanmJ.te watc:r, food or teed by 11orage or di:i l'estic!de StOfllgt: Store in o cool a!ld dry place. Tfpaper . 111pcr or jug ill daulaged place iD 1 plutic baa- Sbovellll)' spills iOIO II plastic baJI and seal with UI,IJIL! l<eep pestic r originllf c:OailiDeJ'. Do not put CODCt:idllde 01' diJutioDI Of concentrate in food or di1.n.k conlalnm Pesticide DtSJ)OSal: Pesticide IVIISteS may bo baz:erdout I~ disposal of l!XCI!SS i~ rp!l)' nn or 1 violation orfedmJ Jaw. If these WUits CAm!OI be ditpo5ed or by use II(:C()nfiDJ to fDbeJ ~ CiOial:t }'mil St8U: Pesticide or .EIIv!!'011D1enlnl Control .Agency nr me HIU:8l'doUI w~ R~v~ 111. 1M BPA R r ofli~ frK guidance. Conta.iner Handling. Non-refillable ccn~. Do DOt reuse or R'ltill tbia ~-SuperSackandJ>eperBagt:CO!!JPI tely~roa_ppUcationequipme:nt.tbnlofferfor · 1fa illlbleordlspole of empty beg in uanitnry landfill or b)' I or ifl.llowcd bY &late and local · ' ~Y · If burned, 51#>' 0111 of moke. Plastic Jugs: niplc rinse container promptly aflef emptying. 1\iple rinse follows: rema&llng contcn into apjllic&Jion equipment or mix tank. Fllllhe conllilner V. fulr with and ~Shake for ilecood.l. Po ~ Into 8J191lcation equipment or. milt mok or stor for fttt\9 WJe 01' ~- Drain for ro leCOrldJ aJb=r flow begiTIJ It> drip. Repeat ihis p!'OCed~ rwo more lime$. TIJen off!l:l' for rcoye.Uog or recandltionillg. ifa\llli l!lble, or~ IIDd di!pole ofm a &anitary ltDdfill, or, If allowed by State ltlld Local aulboritl.es, by burning. Jrbtiining. y om o ( smote.



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