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How to effectively use presentation software to enhance learning

Create a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrates knowledge of the 2007 ISTE NETS-S and the performance indicators (for Technologically Literate students) for a specific grade range.

Use the ISTE NETS-S performance indicators to match your project to a grade level

Include the title of the lesson (which should allude to the objective of the lesson) and the grade level you are addressingInclude a hyerplink, either to text or a graphic, to the ISTE NETS for studentsYour nameMake it visual pleasing!

Go to the Profiles for Technology Literate Students Choose a grade range that you may want to teach and select 4 (out of 10) of the performance indicators to discuss. Each performance indicator will get its own slide Place the performance indicator in the heading (include the NETS-S reference numbers) and discuss how this might be accomplished in YOUR classroom. Include a relevant graphic image to your slide

As future teachers, you might not know exactly how to create a lesson plan to present; however, you should at least have some idea of an activity that you could do, even if it isn’t exactly realistic or doable.

Use the NETS-S implementation wiki for some awesome lesson ideas

Dream big!!

Remember to save as you go!! Ensure you have a copy in class on

due date for short, small-group presentations

Save a copy on your mass storage device or upload to webCT!!

Need a tutorial? Go to youtube and search for the version of PowerPoint you are using!!

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