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Page 1: Network Projects sales sheet


protectinfometrics by

• Network Maintenance ensures components are operating well so that your network can work properly

• Network Maintenance will prevent major interruptions to ensure business continuity

• Network Maintenance increases the reliability and lifespan of equipment

• Having a dedicated technician allows comfort as they become dedicated to your company, goals, programs and timelines

• Consult with our sales team to select the Network Maintenance package that will work for you

prevent. protect. be proactive .

InfoMetrics Incorporated1325 Princess Avenue. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 0R4204.578.5691 1.866.846.3391 [email protected]


Data Support and Recovery

Solutions you can trust. Support

and Services you can count on.

Avoid the loss of important data by

allowing InfoMetrics to establish a

backup solution for you. There are

many steps you can take to protect

your data is secure from tape/DVD

back-up drives to mirrored drives to

off-site data replication. We will help

you find the right type of back up

medium and establish a backup

schedule for you. InfoMetrics also

provides emergency support in the

event of data loss and corruption.

Contract clients have guaranteed

response time based on their package

level and noncontract clients can call

us to see how we can be of assistance.

Rely on the experience and security of

InfoMetrics Incorporated. We provide

customers with a high standard

produce and consistent quality of

service. As a provider of computing

solutions since 1997, InfoMetrics is

made up of a team of diversified

professionals. Let us help you protect

your network by select ing a

preventative maintenance program

that will work for you.

B e n e f i t s o f P r e v e n t a t i v e Maintenance• Keeps a l l s y s tems cur rent ,

preventing conflicts between software and hardware

• Ensure business continuity with reduced network downtime

• Ensure that firewall and antivirus programs are working correctly

• Increased reliability and lifespan of equipment

• Timely routine repairs mean less large repairs and secondary failures

• Having a dedicated technician allows comfort as they become dedicated to your company, goals, programs and timelines.

• Along with purchased hourly packages, you receive monthly maintenance reports which include work orders of what procedures had taken place and the solution.

• InfoMetrics has access to the industry's top supporting technical companies including Microsoft.

Ensuring the cleanliness of network components is an integral part of maintaining a healthy network. Dust extraction can remove build up from the power supply and other components which can reduce heat buildup. By ensuring proper care of your network components you can prevent your system from overheating and keep it working properly.

Network Component Care

Be Proactive. Prevent. Protect your


Dedicated Technician Support

In order for your network to run well,

all components must work properly.

InfoMetrics preventative maintenance

packages take care of components

such as computers, PDAs, servers,

devices (hubs, switches, routers etc.)

sof tware and other network

connected hardware devices to ensure

business continuity through network

support. Consult with our sales team

to select a maintenance package that

will fit your needs.

Preventative maintenance for your

computer network is important as it

w i l l p revent ma jo r bus ines s

interruptions before they arise. Our

technicians are familiar with the

hardware and software programs you

use and our maintenance programs

dedicate technicians to support you.

Your technician will familiarize

themselves with your network and be

able to troubleshoot day-to-day

problems remotely or onsite as they


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