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Consumers and the New Age Media.

It’s a lot like drugs

By Hugh, Jasmine, Tash, Julia and Chris

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Which ways consumer media habits are changing

– 60.9% of people are using the internet more than other forms of media. Example: Television

– Drug use in children is up 39%

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How does brand development differ from direct response

• Brittany will not be giving anyone a direct response in this state, although the response could be quite humorous, eg “this shit is off the richter”

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They differ by

• Familiarity

• Positive Imagery

• Completed Transaction

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Define major brand concepts

• Brand awareness, Brand recognition, brand recall, brand image, favourableness, strength and uniqueness.

• This is a bit like Amy Whinehouse. When you say her name you instantly associate her with drugs

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Different types of techniques used by marketers to build and reinforce

brands online• The too

• The different types of techniques that are used are interactive branding tools:

• Personalisation, co creation of content, purchase process stream lining, customerisation, dynamic pricing and developing brand community

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This relates to different types of drugs for different people

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Customer acquisition techniques online and offline

• Advertising• Promotion• Events and PR• Affiliate Programs• Portal deals• Viral marketing

• Email promotions• Online ads• Seach engine ads• Chat rooms• Social networking

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Drug dealers use these techniques to obtain their customer

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Major online advertising techniques

• Interactive sites• Films and

comics/animations• Banner Ads• Buttons• Rectangles• Pop ups• Skyscrapers

This is an advertisement for Vat 19 rum. Not really.

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Pop Ups

• The term pop up, if you pop your going to be up…..wayyyyyy up. Coincidence I think not.

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What is ad serving?

• The delivery of ads by a server to an end users computer on which the ads are then displayed by a browser and or cached. Ad serving performed by a Web publisher or a third party ad server. Ads can be embedded in the page or served separately.

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The drug dealer serving their happy customers.

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The two techniques used to improve the targeting of online ads

• Contextual advertising– Aimed at the specific individual

• Behavioural advertising – Based on their web browsing behaviour

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Different drugs for different people

• Heroine for the•Heroine for the individual junkie

•Marijuana for the communal stoner.

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