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New Cool Star Science with Spitzer

John Stauffer

Spitzer Science Center


CSW13 - Hamburg

July 8, 2004

Stauffer-2CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

The Spitzer Observatory


Assembled SIRTF Observatory atLockheed-Martin, Sunnyvale.

Key Characteristics:Aperture – 85 cm

Wavelength Range - 3-to-180umTelescope Temperature – 5.5K

Mass – 870kgHeight – 4m

Launched on 25 August 2003. All systems performing well.

Liquid Helium to last ~5 years, with several more years of partial capabilities

1-2 orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity and performance

Completes NASA’s Great Observatories Provides corner-stone science for

NASA’s Origins Theme, especially JWST


SIRTF in the Solar OrbitFrom Launch to L+62 months

Stauffer-4CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

SIRTF Focal Plane InstrumentsIntegrated at Ball Aerospace Boulder, May, 2001

MIPSImaging 5’x5’24µm: ~0.1 mJy70 µm:~2 mJy160µm: ~4 mJy[1σ in 100 sec]

Spectroscopy50-100 µm R~20

G.Rieke, U Arizona/BATC

IRACImaging 5’x5’3.5 µm: ~2 µJy4.6 µm : ~2 µJy5.8 µm : ~10 µJy8 µm : ~10 µJy[1σ in 100 sec]


IRSSpectroscopy5 to 40µm R~100~0.1 to 0.3 mJy

10 to 40µm R~600~1 to 3 mJy[1σ in 500 sec]

J.R. HouckCornell/BATC

Stauffer-5CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

What Data Have Been Obtained by Spitzer?

First 3 months in orbit – “In Orbit Checkout” and “Science Verification”. Includes Early Release Observations and “First Look Survey”.

Since December ’03, “normal operations” – but targets limited to:– Guaranteed time observers (GTO’s). These are the

instrument builders and members of the Science Working Group. Data have a one year proprietary period.

– “Legacy Science” Teams – six teams, each awarded 350-850 hours of time in order to pursue a single science theme. Data are non-proprietary.

See http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/approvdprog/ for details.

Spitzer Space Telescope

Cool Star Science being done by GTO’s

• Photometry and spectroscopy of known MLT dwarfs

• Search for very low mass companions to nearby stars (various samples)

• Deep IRAC imaging of nearby star forming regions for BD’s

• IRAC and MIPS imaging of star forming regions for population

and structure purposes

• PMS disk evolution (ages 1 to 15 Myr) – all three instruments

• Debris disk evolution for A stars (ages 10 Myr to 1 Gyr) – IRAC and MIPS

• IRAC and MIPS imaging of the Pleiades

• IRAC and MIPS imaging of Orion

• Mass loss in globular cluster giants

• Detailed observations of Vega, Fomalhaut, Beta Pic and Epsilon Eridani

Spitzer Space Telescope

The Spitzer Legacy Science Program• Mark Dickinson (STScI) & 38 Co-Investigators @ 13 institutions

“GOODS: Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey”647 hours (IRAC, MIPS)

• Carol Lonsdale (IPAC/Caltech) & 19 Co-Is @ 9 institutions“SWIRE: SIRTF Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Survey”851 hours (IRAC, MIPS)

• Robert Kennicutt (U. Arizona) & 14 Co-Is @ 7 institutions“SINGS: SIRTF Nearby Galaxies Survey”512 hours (IRAC, MIPS, IRS)

• Ed Churchwell (U. Wisconsin) & 13 Co-Is @ 6 institutions“The SIRTF Galactic Plane Survey (GLIMPSE)”400 hours (IRAC)

• Neal Evans (U. Texas) & 10 Co-Is @ 8 institutions“From Molecular Cores to Planets (Cores to Disks)”400 hours (IRAC, MIPS, IRS)

• Michael Meyer (U. Arizona) & 18 Co-Is @ 12 institutions“The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (FEPS)”350 hours (IRAC, MIPS, IRS)

Spitzer Space Telescope

Recent and Near-Term Future Events• Archive opened May 11, 2004

– First Look Survey data sets

– Legacy data sets, as they are obtained and as we manage to get the data processed

• GO-1 Cycle review results announced late May 2004. First GO observations were obtained a few days ago.

• First round of papers to appear in ApJS special issue– Posted to Web in June

– Formal publication date in September

• GO-2 Cycle call to be issued ~November 2004– Will include medium and large program segments

– As always, open to international community

Stauffer-9CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Spitzer’s Strengths

Peering into regions with large extinction (e.g. GMC cores)

Making maps of large areas of the sky quickly

Dusty things (disks; ISM; outflows)

Very cool objects (brown dwarfs)

Stauffer-10CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Stauffer-11CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Stauffer-12CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Stauffer-13CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Selected Spitzer “Cool Star” Science

Imaging and spectroscopy of star-forming regions

The Pleiades with IRAC and MIPS

Debris Disk Evolution of A Stars

Brown dwarf colors at IRAC wavelengths

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

Protostar models courtesy of Nuria Calvet

Disk models from D’Alessio et al. 2004

(SAO/IRAC YSO team – Megeath,Allen,Hartmann,Calvet etal)

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

IRAC colors were generated for models of stars with disks and protostars with infalling envelopes. (Allen et al 2004)

Squares: Star/Disk modelsLines:Protostar models

Spitzer Space Telescope

The Cepheus C Young Stellar Cluster

Contours: C18O emission (Ridge et al. 2003).


Circles: Protostars

Allen et al. 2004 – ApJ Supp. Special Issue

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

IRAC colors obtained toward four young stellar clusters show a population of sources with very red IRAC colors.

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

The colors cannot be the result of reddening, which makes the sources increasingly blue in the [5.8]-[8.0] color.30 AV vectors

The slope of reddening vector is dependent on the reddening law and the spectral shape of the source.

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

Squares: Star/Disk modelsLines:Protostar models

The model colors match well with the observed sources.

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Young Stellar Objects

Circles: ProtostarsSquares: star+disks

We have used the models to classify objects as Class II (stars with disks) or Class I (protostars). Megeath et al. 2004

Stauffer-21CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

IC 1396 – Optical Image(Reach et al. 2004, ApJ Supp. Special issue)

Elephant’s trunk nebula

Dark Globule in IC 1396

Stauffer-22CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Previously Known young stars in IC 1396 A

LkH 349a: T Tauri star

Spitzer: detected 3.6 to 8 µm, consistent with photosphere

LkH 349c: T Tauri star

Spitzer: detected @ all wavelengths

Strong infrared excess

LkH 349 is within a cavity in the head of the globule, possibly blown by 349a wind

Stauffer-23CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Keven Uchida, IRS/Cornell

Hi-Res, 10-20um

Lo-Res 5-38um

IRS Spectra of Reflection

Nebula: Starlight Meets Dust in the

Interstellar Medium

Most of theseSpectralFeatures are due toAromaticHydrocarbonMolecules

Stauffer-24CSW13, Hamburg July 2004



HD 205948

HD 205794

New YSOs & IR Excess

Stauffer-25CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

IRAC+MIPS color-color diagram

Stauffer-26CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

IRAC [3.6] [4.5] [8]


Star Formation in the HII Region W5 – Allen et al 2004

Stauffer-27CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Class II (T Tauri)

Class I (protostars)

Stauffer-28CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Class II (T Tauri)

Stauffer-29CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Class I (protostars)

Spitzer Space TelescopeOptical Image – HH 46/47

Embedded Protostar (A. Noriega-Crespo et al. 2004)

Spitzer Space Telescope

Spitzer Image of HH 46/47:Embedded Protostar + Molecular Outflows

3.6m blue 4.5m+5.8m 8.0m red

10 x 7 arcmin

A. Noriega-Crespo, J. Keene, P. Morris, S. Carey (SSC/Caltech), et. al

Spitzer Space Telescope

Spitzer Spectroscopy of HH 46/47:Composition and Chemistry

Spitzer Space Telescope





IRAS 04016+2610





5 10 15 20

Wavelength (m)

DG Tau B





8 IRAS 04239+2436



5 10 15 20

Wavelength (m)

IRAS 04181+2654B




l Fl (


0 erg


c-1 c



IRAS 04108+2803B






IRS Spectra of Class I PMS stars in Taurus – D. Watson et al. 2004, ApJ Supp. Special Issue

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRS spectra of TW Hya CTT’s – Uchida et al. 2004, ApJ Supp…

Stauffer-35CSW13, Hamburg July 2004


Data from UA/SAO combined program – E. Young, G. Rieke, J. Muzzerole, J. Stauffer et al.

Stauffer-36CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Pleiades A stars at 8 Microns

Most of the Pleiades A stars do not show extended emission at IRAC wavelengths (i.e. they look like the star at the bottom right). Three of them do show extended emission at 8 microns, however. These may just be the stars that happen to have dust streamers near to them. Or, function of spectral type (UV color)? Or, ?



Stauffer-37CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Merope Region – IRAS 25micron and MIPS 24 micron images

IRAS 25 micron image of 5x5 degree region

of the Pleiades. Box is size of MIPS region.

MIPS 24 micron - 9’ x 15’ region south of Merope

Stauffer-38CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Merope Region at 24 Microns

Stauffer-39CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Merope and region south of Merope

IRAC Ch. 4 (8 microns) – PAH emission MIPS 24 Micron – thermal emission, warm dust

SSC - 40July 04 Hamburg CSW13

Small Portion of IRAC 1 Sq. Degree Map of the Pleiades

HHJ 8 – lower marked object. Just above HBML. I = 17.1, M(4.5mu) = 13.0

Upper object is field star with M(4.5mu) = 15.2 – indicating that the 24 seconds of integration time for this AOR allows detection of Pleiades brown dwarfs to well below the HBML.


(4.5 microns)

SSC - 41July 04 Hamburg CSW13

IRAC Ch. 2 (4.5 micron) – 300 second integration

The 3 named stars in this field are probable Pleiades late-type members with IRAC Ch. 2 mag ~ 13.5. The faintest stars in this field (5 sigma detections) have Ch. 2 mag ~ 17.0, or abs. mag ~ 11.5. BCAH2000 models predict Ch.2 mag = 11.1 for 10 M(Jup) bd at Pleiades age (T ~ 910 K).

The IRAC Pleiades deep survey will obtain 800 second integrations for 2400 sq. arcmin (2/3 sq. deg), which should allow identification of Pleiades members to at least 10 M(Jup) – sp. Type ~T5 at Pleiades age. That survey should begin in about six weeks.




Stauffer-42CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Evolutionary tracks at 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4 Msun. Constant age contours for

0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 Myr. Gray squares and open circles are known to have ages < 100 Myr. Grey triangles are 100 - 200 Myr, diamonds > 200 Myr.

Debris disk decay in the planetary zone: the stellar sample






0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

log (T/10,000)





0 - 0.10.1

G. Rieke et al. A Star Debris Disk Evolution Program

Stauffer-43CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

24 Micron Excess vs. Age for A-stars







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

age (MYr)


ss (


or o





Pattern of Excesses vs. AgeNo excess gives 1 in this measure

2 1 1

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Brown Dwarfs – SAO BD’s group (B. Patten, J. Stauffer, T. Henry, A. Burrows, J. Liebert, M. Marengo)

Brown dwarfs with effective temperatures <1000 K (the T or Methane dwarfs) are predicted to have low 3.6 m fluxes and high 4.5 m fluxes.

T-dwarf models courtesy ofAdam Burrows

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Brown Dwarfs

42 out of 80 M, L and T dwarfs observed, with spectral types ranging from M5 to T8

Circle: T-dwarfDiamond: L-dwarfTriangle: M-dwarf

Spitzer Space Telescope

IRAC Colors of Brown Dwarfs

Circle: T-dwarfDiamond: L-dwarfTriangle: M-dwarf

A strong dependence of the [3.6]-[4.5] color with spectral type is demonstrated by the IRAC data.Patten et al in prep.

Spitzer Space Telescope

The IRAC Galactic Zoo Circa June 1, 2004

Squares: Star/Disks Circles: Protostars Asterisks: Brown Dwarfs Diamonds: Planetary Nebulae Triangles: Outflow Knots

Stauffer-48CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Slide Title RCW49 – GLIMPSE Image




Stauffer-49CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

G320.09-0.60-3 Nebulae

Stauffer-50CSW13, Hamburg July 2004


Stauffer-51CSW13, Hamburg July 2004


Stauffer-52CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Spitzer Observations of Brown Dwarf DisksSpitzer Observations of Brown Dwarf Disks

K. L. Luhman (CfA)K. L. Luhman (CfA)

IC 348 IC 348

Spitzer IRACSpitzer IRAC

Stauffer-53CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Stauffer-54CSW13, Hamburg July 2004


Stauffer-55CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Pleiades at 24 microns

Stauffer-56CSW13, Hamburg July 2004

Class I (envelope) models

log = -14 to -12.5 g/cm3

L = 0.1, 1, 10, 100 Lsuninclination = 60 deg

Class II (disk) models

stellar Teff = 4000 KMdot = -9 to -6 Msun/yrinclination = 30, 60 deg

Allen et al. 2004, ApJS Spitzer Issue (astro-ph 0406003)

Av =30

IRAC color-color diagram

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