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Discover CubeNew Empirical Study of Alternative Traffic Equilibrium Algorithms
Zhong Zhou & Matthew Martimo
Empirical Studies
Background & Motivation
Traffic Assignment Problems
Traffic Assignment is a process of allocating the given origin-destination (OD) trip table to the transportation network under certain rules
User Equilibrium (UE) Principle: “No traveler can improve his or her travel cost by unilaterally changing routes” (Wardrop, 1952)
(All of the used paths have equal and minimum travel times; all of the unused paths have equal or higher travel times)
Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
Basic Idea:
Find a new solution by using line search
The linearized subproblem can be efficiently solved by AON assignment
Memory efficiency (only link variables need to be stored)
Slow convergence near the optimal point, take long time to reach high precision
Zig-zagging effect that means the flow may not stable
Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
Basic Idea:
Find a new solution by using line search
Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
High Level of Convergence is Important
A Relative Gap of 0.01 % (0.0001) is required to assure that the assignment is sufficiently converged to achieve stable link flows. (Boyce, et al., 2004)
Traditional FW suffers from slow converge speed to desired precision level ( e.g., relative gap < 0.0001)
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Overview of Different Traffic Assignment Algorithms
Link-based Algorithm
Path-based Algorithm
Origin-based Algorithm
Decision variable
Link flow
Path flow
Convergence speed
Fast converge at the beginning, but maybe hard to reach high accuracy
Main categories
Frank-Wolfe algorithm (Frank and Wolfe, 1956) Improved FW algorithms (Powell and Sheffi, 1982; Fukushima, 1984;Weintraub et al., 1985;LeBlanc et al., 1985; Lupi, 1986; Florian et al., 1987;Arezki, 1987;Arezki and Van Vliet, 1990;Daneva, 2003) Restricted Simplicial Decomposition (RSD) algorithm (Hearn et al., 1985) Nonlinear Simplicial Decomposition (NSD) (Larsson and Patriksson, 1997)
Disaggregate Simplicial Decomposition (DSD) algorithms (Larsson and Patriksson, 1992) Gradient Projection (GP) algorithm (Jayakrishnan et al., 1994;Sun et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2002) Gradient Projection method (Rosen , 1960; Florian et al., 2008)
Origin-based Algorithm (OBA) (Bar-Gera, 1999,2002) Improved Origin-based Algorithm (NOB) (Nie, 2008) Algorithm B (Dial, 1999, 2006) Traffic Assignment by Paired Alternative S egments (TAPAS) (Bar-Gera and Luzon, 2007)
The latest Conjugate/Bi-conjugate FW algorithms appear comparable with origin-based algorithm in speed and accuracy
Gradient Projection algorithm shows more advantages than DSD in small to medium size networks
Algorithm B and TAPAS show better performance than Bar-Gera’s origin-based algorithm
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New Assignment Algorithms in CUBE Voyager
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Improved Frank-Wolfe algorithms
Improved FWs
Powell and Sheffi (1982)
Fukushima(1984); Arezki (1987)
Point of sight is a convex combination of previous FW points (normally 2 points) Point of sight is a convex combination of previous FW points, such that search direction of current iteration is orthogonal to the previous FW direction
PARTAN (Parallel Tangent) (Leblanc et al., 1985; Florian et al., 1987; Arezki and Vliet, 1990)
Extra (PARTAN) step is taken between the FW iteration steps (2 line searches)
Lupi (1986)
Current search direction is a convex combination of the FW direction and previous search direction, such that the current and previous search direction are orthogonal
Conjugate/Bi-Conjugate FW (Daneva, 2003)
Point of sight is a convex combination of previous CFW point(s) and current FW point, such that the search direction is conjugate to the previous search direction(s) (i.e., previous (Bi-)CFW direction)
Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
New Link-based Assignment Algorithms in Voyager
Basic Idea:
Only one line search step has to be performed in order to find the new solution (same as FW)
At each iteration, only three (four) vectors in memory to find a new conjugate search direction
Conjugate FW & Bi-Conjugate FW (Daneva, 2003)
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Good Features
Able to keep consistence with existing practice
Full functionality as that provided by the traditional FW assignment procedure without need to modify anything (network, input data etc.)
Multiple user classes, Turning penalties, Junction Modeling
Select link analysis and similar analysis
Distributed computing, Etc.
Maintain ‘proportionality’ very well in select link analysis based on our preliminary tests
New Link-based Assignment Algorithms in Voyager (Cont.)
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New Path-based Assignment Algorithms in Voyager
Firstly introduced to transportation field by Jayakrishnan et al. (1994).
Based on Goldstein-Levitin-Polyak gradient projection method formulated by Bertsekas (1976) for general nonlinear multi-commodity problem
Extensively used in computer communication networks for optimal flow routing
Basic Idea
In contrast to FW, which finds auxiliary solutions that are vertices (extreme points) of the feasible region, GP uses a transformed objective function and makes successive moves in the direction of negative gradient, scaled by the approximation of the second derivative Hessian
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New Path-based Assignment Algorithms in Voyager
The memory restriction for tracking the paths has been relaxed considerably in recent years due to rapid advances in computing environment
Unique Link Flow Solution
Select Link, Select Zone, …
New Empirical Studies
Testing Environments
Computing Platform
64 bit Intel Platform with Vista 64
Two Xeon E5335 2GHz Quad Core Processors and 8GB of RAM
Chicago Regional Network
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# of Iteration
CPU Time
Effect of Distributed Computing
2 Cores
Effect of Distributed Computing
2 Cores
Convergence Analysis on the New Path Based Algorithm
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Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
# of Iteration
CPU Time
Select Link Analysis
Using North Ave Bridge
L=8032-8037 && L=8037-8752 && L=8752-8753 && L=8753-6380 && L=6380-6389 && L=6389-10344
Not using North Ave Bridge
L=8032-8749 && L=8749-8750 && L=8750-8751 && L=8751-8994 && L=8994-8993 && L=8993-10344
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Conjugate FW with Relative Gap = 1e-4
Number of OD
OD Flow Proportion
Flow Distribution
Proportionality under Relative Gap 1e-4
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Converge faster to small relative gap than traditional FW algorithm
Memory efficiency (require similar memory as FW algorithm)
Consistent with existing practice
Keep all available abilities as that provided by FW algorithm (select link analysis, distributed computing, etc.)
Maintain ‘proportionality’ in select link analysis based on our preliminary tests
Los Angeles - Discover Cube Workshop
Conclusions (Cont.)
Converge much quickly to desired precision level than FW algorithms
Loss of detail and proportionality in results
More research and enhancement are undergoing, and more tests are needed
Will be available soon in new release of Cube Voyager
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Professor David Boyce, Hillel Bar-Gera and Yu Nie
for their research and helpful discussions!
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