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JavaScript.nextNew features: classes, generators, iterators, etc.

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Table of Contents JavaScript History

The ECMAScript standard Using JavaScript.Next

Running JavaScript.Next in the browsers Chrome Harmony, Firefox Nightly

Compiling to JS5 – Traceur, Babel

ECMAScript 6 features Variables: var, let, const

OOP: classes, inheritance, super, get/set

Functions: generators, iterators, arrow functions, comprehensions, for-of

Table of Contents (2) ECMAScript 6 features:

Data Structures: set/weakset, map/weakmap

Async operations: built-in promises

Modules: imports, exports, compitability

Objects: computed properties, shorthand properties, Object.is(), Object.assign(), proxies

Others: templates, Math and Number extensions

JavaScript History

JavaScript History JavaScript is a front-end scripting language developed by Netscape for dynamic content Lightweight, but with limited

capabilities Can be used as object-oriented

language Embedded in your HTML page Interpreted by the Web browser

Client-side, mobile and desktop technology

Simple and flexible Powerful to manipulate the DOM


Using JavaScript.nextRunning JS next today

Using JavaScript.next

There are a few ways to use JavaScript.next today Enable tags in Chrome and Firefox

Compile to JavaScript 5 using Traceur or Babel

A compatibility table for ES6 support can be found at https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/

ES6 Variables

ES6 Variables ES6 introduces new ways to declare

variables: let – creates a scope variable

Accessible only in its scopefor(let number of [1, 2, 3, 4]){ console.log(number);}//accessing number here throws exception

const – creates a constant variable Its value is read-only and cannot be

changedconst MAX_VALUE = 16;MAX_VALUE = 15; // throws exception

ES6 VariablesLive Demo

for-of loop

For-of loop The for-of loop iterates over the

values Of an array

function* generator(maxValue){ for(let i = 0; i < maxValue; i+=1){ yield i; }}let iter = generator(10);for(let val of iter()){ console.log(val);}

let sum = 0;for(let number of [1, 2, 3]) sum+= number;

Of An iteratable object

For-of loopLive Demo

Templated String

Templated Strings in ES6

ES6 supports templated strings i.e. strings with placeholders:

let people = [new Person('Doncho', 'Minkov'), … ];for(let person of people){ log(`Fullname: ${person.fname} ${person.lname}`);}

Templates escape the strings

They do not call eval

Classes and Inheritance

The way of OOP in ES6

Classes and Inheritance in ES6

ES6 introduces classes and a way to create classical OOP

class Person extends Mammal{ constructor(fname, lname, age){ super(age); this._fname = fname; this._lname = lname; } get fullname() { //getter property of fullname } set fullname(newfullname) { //setter property of fullname } // more class members…}

Classes and Inheritance in ES6

ES6 introduces classes and a way to create classical OOP

class Person extends Mammal{ constructor(fname, lname, age){ super(age); this._fname = fname; this._lname = lname; } get fullname() { //getter property of fullname } set fullname(newfullname) { //setter property of fullname } // more class members…}

Constructor of the class

Classes and Inheritance in ES6

ES6 introduces classes and a way to create classical OOP

class Person extends Mammal{ constructor(fname, lname, age){ super(age); this._fname = fname; this._lname = lname; } get fullname() { //getter property of fullname } set fullname(newfullname) { //setter property of fullname } // more class members…}

Getters and setters

Constructor of the class

Classes and Inheritance in ES6

Live Demo

Arrow FunctionsAlso called LAMBDA expressions

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:

numbers.sort(function(a, b){ return b – a;});

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:

numbers.sort(function(a, b){ return b – a;});

numbers.sort((a, b) => b – a);


Arrow Functions

Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:

numbers.sort(function(a, b){ return b – a;});

numbers.sort((a, b) => b – a);

var fullnames = people.filter(function (person) { return person.age >= 18; }).map(function (person) { return person.fullname; });


Arrow Functions

Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:

numbers.sort(function(a, b){ return b – a;});

numbers.sort((a, b) => b – a);

var fullnames = people.filter(function (person) { return person.age >= 18; }).map(function (person) { return person.fullname; });

var fullnames2 = people.filter(p => p.age >= 18) .map(p => p.fullname);



Arrow FunctionsLive Demo

Object Literals

Object Literals ES6 adds a new feature (rule) to the way of defining properties: Instead of let name = 'Doncho

Minkov', age = 25;let person = { name: name, age: age};

We can do just:let name = 'Doncho Minkov';let person = { name, age};

Object LiteralsLive Demo

Destructuring Assignments

Destructuring Assignments

Destructuring assignments allow to set values to objects in an easier way: Destructuring assignments with

arrays:var [a,b] = [1,2]; //a = 1, b = 2var [x, , y] = [1, 2, 3] // x = 1, y = 3var [first, second, ...rest] = people;

Swap values:[x, y] = [y, x]

Result of method:

function get(){ return [1, 2, 3]; }var [x, y] = get();

Destructuring Assignments

Destructuring assignments allow to set values to objects in an easier way: Destructuring assignments with

objects:var person = { name: 'Doncho Minkov', address: { city: 'Sofia', street: 'Aleksander Malinov' }};

var {name, address: {city}} = person;

Destructuring Assignments

Live Demo

Maps and Sets

Maps and Sets ES6 supports maps and sets natively They do pretty much the same as

associative arrays, but in cleaner way:

let names = new Set();names.add('Doncho');names.add('Nikolay');names.add('Ivaylo');names.add('Evlogi'); names.add('Doncho'); // won't be added

Maps and SetsLive Demo

ES6 Modules

ES6 Modules ES6 supports modules

A way to write JavaScript in different files Each file has its own scope (not the

global) Each file decides what to export from its

module Export the objects you want from a


module.exports = { Person: Person, Mammal: Mammal}

To use the module in another file:

import classes from './persons'import {Mammal, Person} form '.persons'


ES6 ModulesLive Demo

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