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This Month's Autoship: Hot Apple Pie Table of Contents

Hot Apple Pie: Watch out! This smells so much like hot baked apple pie that your family will think you are always baking!

p.02 New “Let It Snow” Graces My Table!p.02 Raise Your Kids To Be Part of Your Business!p.03 I Leveraged My Retailing With $4,000+ Fundraiser!p.04 People (Leads) Are Everywhere!p.05 Those Retail Profits Are Icing on The Cake!!!p.06 The POWER of GIFTING!p.07 Filled Up My Tank AND My Wallet!p.07 I Love my Dermal Renu!p.08 Craft Fair Despite Bad Weatherp.09 Mia Bella's Wins Over Another Customer!p.09 Distributors On The Go!p.10 Never Pre-Judge Anyone!p.10 Make The Time To Claim What Is Yours!p.11 Congratulations to this Month's Rank Advancementsp.11 Personal Volume Club for Novemberp.15 Top Sponsoring Distributors for Novemberp.16 November 2013: Top 10 Retailersp.16 Top 15 Selling Candles in December 2012p.16 Next Month's Autoship

New “Let It Snow” Graces My Table!

“I can not believe how pretty the Let it Snow candle looks with my dishes. Of course its also perfect winter scent. Thank you!”

Susan Graves

Raise Your Kids To Be Part of Your Business!

Raise your kids to be INVOLVED with your business... if you believe in your business! Jordan started doing home parties with me when she was 11 and is now one of the leaders of my personally sponsored. I know she's building a business that will allow her to live her dreams and am so proud of her and the future she is building!

Paige is 12 and is hosting her 1st Booth - Show this Saturday. Jordan and I both will be assisting her to guide and coach and offer support but she's hired a 'friend' to work by the hour to be her assistant. Today, after school we went shopping for the ribbon and accessories to add Holiday Pizzazz to her booth and products. She's so excited.

Kathy Schneider

I Leveraged My Retailing With $4,000+ Fundraiser!

We have been talking about November and December being great months for retailing our products. AND they are. BUT I also want to put a plug in for fundraising. I did a fundraiser in November and another one in December. So while I was extremely busy building our marketing system and completing the training our team is now using, I didn't have time to retail myself. BUT that doesn't mean I wasn't "selling" product. During this busy retail season, I have 300 items going into other people's homes, many will be gifts. I couldn't have sold 300 Mia Bella's Candles and Bella Bars myself. Leverage, leverage is the name of the game - whether through recruiting or selling through fundraisers. It's so exciting that Scent-Sations offers us the ability to earn income, with so little effort, in so many ways!

This month 28 5th grade students sold over $4,000 in retail sales. This is off-setting the cost for them to attend a conservation camp that the class will be taking as part of their studies.

Cathy Mahady

People (Leads) Are Everywhere!

I always laugh just a little when people say “I don’t know anyone!” Not knowing anyone is not a reason to quit or even hesitate to start a business. Finding people to talk to is one of the few things you must master in this industry and it’s probably the easiest one at that. You won’t always introduce the product or opportunity right away but adding people to your list should be an everyday action.

People are everywhere! However, you won’t find them in your living room in front of the TV. You will find them while going about life or making a point to meet new people on purpose. While it’s a no brainer to meet someone at the bank, in the grocery line, or while eating at your favorite restaurant; I like to meet people on purpose. Meeting people on purpose requires some research! What activities are happening in my area? Who is teaching a skill I have a desire to learn? I recently decided to take a free crochet class. Through this activity, I’m learning a new skill and meeting new people. These new friends I now have something in common with and might introduce our products or opportunity to some or all of them. The owner where the class is taking place (local coffee shop) is allowing me to have a free candle drawing for two weeks. The free class is every Saturday through Winter. You never know what might come from doing a little hooking. (Crochet humor)

Last weekend I took my kids through a Miracle on Main event where churches teamed up with the small businesses to share an activity with kids. My family walked into about 10 businesses where we met new people. From this activity, I’m sending a fundraiser packet to a small growing church. My children enjoyed the afternoon of candy canes, making crafts, and even sitting on a donkey. Yes, I mixed business with pleasure!

Where do I find these activities? The answer is multiple places! I have found some events on facebook, in newspaper ads, through eventbrite, and the library to name a few. My favorite way to meet people is to learn something new like crocheting. Here are a few I have on my calendar for the next 30-45 days. Do you think I’ll find candle lovers or business partners at any of these? I won’t know unless I go!

Social Media Boot CampBeekeeping Kindergarten-The Importance of Bees! How to use Linked In? Soups & Stews 101 in the Kitchen with Annie (ongoing topic changes each


All of these are free workshops that will only require my time! I don’t know about you but even if I only make a new friend or gain knowledge in a new area then I have already won! Some activities you attend may be areas you are familiar with and will be able to share your knowledge on the subject. Take advantage of these situations, be the expert. People pay attention to those in the know. A new year is just around the corner, make it a goal to meet people on purpose!

Tracy Russell

Those Retail Profits Are Icing on The Cake!!!

One of my first goals with my business was to pay off, in full, ALL of my monthly business expenses, every.single.month, because I didn't want to create a debt situation with this new venture of mine. Now, I did start 'back in the day' of only one price point for the autoship program: $39.95 (and we got a new scent every month ... no idea what it smelled like until you opened the box. First month: Bay Leaf & Cloves), so you might think "well, it's not hard to pay off a $39.95 autoship on a monthly basis", and you're absolutely right. BUT, I started my business with a Fast Start Pack (I knew from the beginning that I was in this business to make money, and my upline told me that if you want to make money, you invest in the "Business Builder Pack"). So I had my work cut out for me right from day one.

I recognized that at the beginning, it would be my retail profits that covered my business expenses, it would take time for my commission cheque would cover those expenses for me. But in October of 2009, it was all retail. So I held my launch within weeks of signing up (as soon as my Fast Start Pack arrived). Now, there seems to be a pre-conceived notion that new distributors must host this massive business launch/party/gala. If you do that, that is fantastic! But I'm here to tell you that I was pretty sure I wouldn't have a massive launch. Although I had lived in this city for 2 years, I had only 2 friends (from "back home") here, no family, and with 2 very young children at home I had not met a lot of people. But I went ahead and invited everyone I could think of.

Three people came, plus my sponsor: a mom I'd met in mom n tot swim lessons; another mom I'd met at the local park; and a third mom I'd met at a home party of one of those childhood friends (you'll note neither of my "only" friends were able to make it, but I went ahead anyway, I had a Visa bill to pay!). I was SO nervous -- I forgot to put out the appetizers I'd prepared, and if it wasn't for Deb, nobody would've even received a drink; then I stumbled my way through my carefully prepared "script". Not exactly a gala event. But, in the end, one of those friends made a courtesy purchase that night (hasn't since); the second friend purchased and continues to make an annual purchase leading up to Christmas; and the third purchased a few things here and there, and did become an Associate to purchase our Dermal Renu products. Not much of an opening night.

Or was it?

You see, I collected a few other orders from those who couldn't make it (my launch party total was over $350). And by using the invitation to my launch as an announcement to my "world" about this new venture, there was interest in more purchases, more parties, and lo and behold, more business partners! Within 2 months, I had 2 more parties, and 3 of my friends had started their own Scent-Sations businesses (one of those three held her launch as soon as her Fast Start Pack arrived, and she sold the ENTIRE PACK that night!).

Since then, I've held many more "Business Launches"; especially when I didn't have a party booked in any given month, to ensure that I would, indeed, pay off that Visa! Now I use different names, like "Fall product Launch", and "End of Season Sale", and "Hostess Appreciation", and "St Patrick's Malarkey Party" (my personal favourite). You see, it really doesn't matter what you call it, or how you do it, or even if you serve refreshments. The KEY is to DO it; and by doing it, you promote your business. And before you know it, your monthly business expenses will be more than covered by your commission cheque, and those retail profits are just the cherry on top!

Tamara Keller


I recently dropped by an acquaintance’s place and noticed that he had a candle from Michael’s on his dining room table. I told him that I marketed a line of cleaner burning, specially scented candles and that, if he were agreeable, I would drop back with a catalogue.

When I did, I brought with me a Slate & Stone Baby Bella as an example, telling him it was particular favourite with men but that some women like it too. He sniffed it, said he liked it very much and asked how much it was? I said that he might have it for free to try and he accepted it with warm thanks.

Next time I dropped in, I asked him what he thought of it and he said he enjoyed it very much and that he’d like three more! He doesn’t want to get his own distributor number right now but seems to like the products so, when I deliver his order, I’ll throw in a Bella Bar and/or a car air freshener and keep following up and see what happens!

I was visiting with a computer teacher at conferences a few weeks back. I noticed she had a simmering pot from another company and during our conversation said "I see you like yummy scents" of course I couldn't really smell much but she responded "Yes, I do but don't enjoy the ones I just got! they don't seem to last or smelI, feel like I just wasted my money." Well, I suggest she experience Mia Bella. She said she would like to yet she would wait until her stash was done. After conferences. I went back into her office with a catalog, biz card and a 2 pack of melts. Told her to enjoy them and let me know what she thinks...fast forward 2 weeks...she just purchased over $140 worth of melts and a simmering pot.

So stop stressing about how to work your biz and start getting the products in the homes of customers....they will fall in love with the quality and you will get the profit without much effort. Let the product do the talking, you just do the GIFTING!

Cheryl Hill

Filled Up My Tank AND My Wallet!

Have you ever gone to the gas station to fill up your tank and actually MADE MONEY while standing there? Haha! I did on Saturday. I saw the ladies next to me filling up gas cans and asked, "So, redeeming fuel credits? I just did the same thing." That got them chatting about how long the gas would last them. I mentioned that working from home, that full tank should last me about a month.

Of course, they had to know what I do for a living. I told them I show people how they can start their own home-based business and mentioned candles. They both freaked out! "Oh, my gosh! I love candles!" "I'm a candle freak!" I stuck the 2 candles I had with me, under their noses, and they each bought 1... $45 for 10 minutes worth of "work" (doing my regular errands). And, they both want more info about getting started with their own business! How easy was that!?

I love my Scent-Sations business and our Mia Bella's Gourmet Candle

Maggie Giamalvo

I Love my Dermal Renu!

My mom uses it too. Just yesterday in my Dr's office the receptionist who knows my mother asked if she was wearing makeup. My mother ALWAYS wears makeup. So she told her yes but also said she's using a new skin care line. The receptionist could not believe how glowing my mother looked. ;-) My mom who is 67 felt really good that day!

Deena Cannistraci

Craft Fair Despite Bad Weather

I attended a Craft Fair this past weekend, it's one I had set up at last year and did pretty good. This year they changed the days so that the first day would coincide with our First Friday event in town hoping to draw more people so I went down Friday about 4 to start setting up because it ran from 6pm to 9pm that night, was really worried because we had really nasty weather, some snow & ice.

That night there were only a few people who ventured out but it was really nice visiting with the other vendors & I had hopes that the next day would be better. The next day I went down at 9, it was from 9-5 Saturday, the first few hours were a little slow but I sold some stuff in spurts and again visiting with the vendors and making new contacts was great.

I had made up gift baskets & bags complete with a card to make it easy for people to just sign their name and boom instant present! Plus, I had made grab bags of assorted melts I had and gave a grab bag with each purchase along with a catalog and my info. The foot traffic that day was better then the night before but still not a lot of people due to the weather.

At the end of the day I was packing up and realized I had a lot more empty boxes going home then when I went down. :-) I sold $535.50 at this event and still have orders coming in so not to bad considering the weather! I'm looking forward to next year & hoping for better weather! :-)

Kawanee Arnold

Mia Bella's Wins Over Another Customer!

This is the response I got from a customer I sent a package to this week.

"THE BEST SMELLING CANDLES I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED.. BY FAR.. #1..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I would make a safe assumption that she really loved what I sent her.

Angela Montgomery

Distributors On The Go!

From Tracey Russell: “I noticed two new team members with PV above 400 and 500 for the month and asked them to share all they had been doing. Here is what they had to say about their new journey with Scent-Sations. “

“I joined Scent-Sations back in October. I told myself that November was going to be a big month for me and it was. Positive thinking, image and demeanor go a long way in sales, I make it work for me. I have my Mom and family members showing catalogs and spreading the word while I work my day job. Now, armed with personalized business cards, a complete understanding and confidence in my products and a bit more inventory than before, I'm sure to take December by storm.” “

Randy Hyatt, South Carolina

“My first month with Mia Bella has been awesome. I love the product, I have had nothing but encouragement and support from staff and my sponsor (Tracy Russell), but most of all I enjoy being able to offer friends, family and co- workers a premium product that I know I can stand behind.

When the email came out about increasing sales on our Mia Melts and simmer pots, I saw a great opportunity to expand my sales and client base. With only a few sample tarts and my catalog, I was able to pre sell 5 pots, 3 plug ins and get commitments on 4 others. These orders included a bag of melts, plus I also got orders for 5 classic jars.

I have a couple of prospective vendors in the works and looking forward to another great month in December.”

Terry Claytor

Never Pre-Judge Anyone!

Never NOT talk to someone because you think they "dont have the time/would not be interested" because you never know WHO they KNOW!

Tonight, at dinner, I found out my server has her degree in Marketing and worked her way up through a popular midwest cafeteria chain called, MCL. Moved to NC and is now having to work 2 jobs to make ends meet and is questioning everything down here.

I asked her at the end, "are you keeping your options open?" before I could finish she said, "absolutely what do you have in mind?" I exchanged info with her, sent her the business presentation and told her to write ALL QUESTIONS AND MARKETING IDEAS DOWN for our dinner meeting on Wednesday!!

Ladies and Gents.... the time is NOW to focus on 2014 being YOUR YEAR!!!! STOP making EXCUSES and just DO IT! Step by step, little by little, and you will see change and experience excitement!

Cheryl Klinker

Make The Time To Claim What Is Yours!

I met a really nice lady who is 85 and full of life. We got to talking about my candles i(in the candle aisle) of course and then she started telling me her Direct Sales stories. She used to sell Home Interior as well as Mary Kay she asked me questions like what were my obstacles of making my dream come true I told her my biggest lately seems to be time and health.

This is what she told me... she worked as an insurance agent and sold to higher end folks. She learned their story knew their family and knew their income. She had a group of women and men at the courthouse in her hometown who bought Insurance (big policies from her) so the next day she happened to be off from her insurance job. She dressed up got her make up on and was ready to go to the courthouse and wait for those same women to get to work that she sold the policies too. She told them her name what she sold and booked... 10 SHOWS!

She only had 10 facial kits (I am assuming this is what they did years ago) BUT she didn't let anything get in her way. She said that leap of courage, that time, that investment for more kits earned her the BIGGEST confidence ever! Then she said the biggest pay check ever. See, it takes that one bit of courage that ONE step to take it to the next level. DONT be your worst enemy you've got this it's YOUR business GO FOR IT! She did! she also asked me

if I had time to see others succeed. I asked what she meant and this is what she said, "Honey if you don't make time to claim what's yours you will be congratulating someone else who made time to succeed and follow their dream!" WOW that hit home.

Jennifer Moore

Congratulations to this Month's RankAdvancements

Maryellen & Domenick Camorote – Diamond+ Distributor

Adrienne Fletcher– Diamond DistributorLois Owens– Diamond Distributor

Annette Murphy– Diamond DistributorFloyd Jordan – Diamond Distributor

Personal Volume Club for November

Each month we will feature the names of each distributor who has a personal volume of $200 or more.

$400 Club

Joseph Capuozzo Stacey Pfohl Kathleen Puckhaber Emilie Brodeur

Karen Deuschle Troy Clark Mardella Axe Curtiss Chesnut

Florida Timeshare Pro

Robert Shock jr William Moseley Jackie Tyldesley

Amanda Spisak Jean Morgan Shep & Jan Kuester Christine Pennino

Heather Findlay John Kusisto Amber Strong Marilyn Birt

Diane Middleton Rita Piche Donna Galbraith Lynn Siegrist

Blake Radetsky Kristi Rizo Cathy Mahady Dwight Klinker

Kelly Flanagan Audrey Jacobs Jessica Sumner Megan Winter

Saralee Sabo Lisa Alford Tom Ruzinok Cheryl Lott

Glori Ann Frazee Omayra Ortiz Diana Ross Amelia Zappa

Terry Claytor Kimberly Severance Daystar Boutique,Inc. Michelle Lentvorsky

Diane Villegas Gina Salemi Carolyn Manning Mary Ann Campbell

Amber Kirk Maryellen & Domenick Camorote

Evelyn Pardellas Vicki S Green

Leslie Bangamba Randy Hyatt II Robert Mutz Heidi Zanes

Roseann Boldin Lori Singewald Jo Brisson Lauren Maher

Jacquelyn Snell Barrick Garden Center

Chelsea White Carolyn McLain

Renee Day Marisol Montero Tamara Keller Tia Albertazzie

Candee Soennichsen Sharon Trachsel Julie McEwen Nikki Johnson

Jeffrey Folkes Rosado Sharon Pavey Tish Nida Phillip DeCouteau

Chanda Rochester Edith (Becky) Helton

$300 Club

Susan Cortes Ron King Free Enterprizes Inc Patti and Calvin Felix

Jennifer Mohrhard Tiny Miller Sharmon Noe-Ely Madeline Fessenden

Denise Caroline Carol Lotito Amy Ghirelli Divine Books Inc

Randall Henarie Rachael Stevens Dallanara Vargas Loretta Delaney

Tylyn Rawles Jonathan Regino Amanda Manning-Moses

Gloria Harbaugh

Lisa Rueb Pam McNulty Mildred Holland Doris Orvis

Vivian Winter Marie Woodward Shellie Grissom Sharon Brown

Brian Goodall Linda Moore Phyllis Gary Serenity Day Spa

Lisette Bouchard Edward Kopec Kristi Boyer Kawanee Arnold

Norma Pavilitz Edwin Green Dawn Fischer Diane Stilp

Doug Flickinger Lisa Hanson Angela Martin Jamie Tryan

Jimmy Morris Colleen Nickerson Jim Thornton And Marti McMahon

Kathy Schneider

Deanna Gagnon Donna Ebell Louise Cernuto

$200 Club

Nancy Fonte Jenny King Patricia Mauger Lourdes Garcia

Jacquie Jamieson Jessie Rudick Tracy Collins Audrey Davis

Kiyana Bailey Sharon Buchy Candy Bota Carrie Horton

Rhonda Marchie Renee Bechtold Patti Henne Randy Storrs

Robin Hidy Nancy Moose Melissa Erb Joette Mancuso

Nancy Wolff Rich Weidler Cheryl Hill Berta Jones

Tammie Perrie Pat Bergstedt Janet Seego Rebecca Froelich

Sandy Divine Beverly Geis Dona Thompson Wendy Simpson

Flicker Scents Sally Spletter Therese L. Martel Lana Teeples

Ruth Knaub Linda Groves Vicki Irlbeck Tammy Mayfield

Carol Baclig Emily Jensen Brenda Kasper Elle Hampton

Kimberly Fisher Christine Murphy Diane Otteson Michael Mahoney

Jane Bowker Cheryl Klinker Candace Norton Nancy Loftus

Roberta Young Missey Place Azure Howell Ginny Chamberlain

Rose Mary Yeo Janie Sanford Debra Dasher Christine Kash

Frances Avery Rebekah Crossman Cathryn Tuggle Angela Kaglea

Crystal Urquhart Robin Schubert Kelcey Lamm Paul's Perfect Touches

Renovisions, Inc. Sharon Farmer Chelsea Rissler Maria Ringler

Nicole Mayorga Sharon Golden Sheila Gostola Joann Carrese

Sharon Ford William Roberts Jr. Nicki Raisch Susan Garfield

Elizabeth Winslow Monica Dundorf Shirley Williams Leann Melendez

Julie Neuburger Jeffrey Brown Ronald Koch Edward Keller

Brandie Brownlee Pamelyn Kopp Janine Berard Deanne Smock

Katiria Velazquez Carol Zielinski Kori Abell Rebecca Tucker

Diana Franzi Vanessa Frock Peggy Lynn Ross Anita Casner

Shannen Elliott Alisha Clarkson Gail Garrison Enid Sutton

A Sweet Scent Jackie Luellman Sharlyn Knight Denise Donadio

Ed And Lisa Jones Nelly Figueroa Janine Stewart Sheryl Love-Johnson

Paula Bishop Cynthia Boice

Top Sponsoring Distributors for November

Cathy MahadyAlison Boers

A Gold Circle signifies that a distributorhas recruited at least 5 autoship membersin the previous month.

Ashley DavisTamara Keller

Vicki GreenChristine WoodsJoseph Natishak

Maryellen & Domenick Camorote

A Bronze Circle signifies that a distributorhas recruited at least 2 autoship membersin the previous month.

Cheryl HillChristina Henarie

A Silver Circle signifies that a distributorhas recruited at least 3 autoship membersin the previous month.

November 2013: Top 10 Retailers

1. Stacey Pfohl, TX2. Jean Morgan, DE3. Tom Ruzinok, IL4. Renee Day, KS CAN5. Jennifer Mohrhard, MO

6. Lynn Siegrist, AB CAN 7. Vicki Green, WA8. Carolyn McLain, AZ9. Jennifer Plut, NJ10. Julie Neuburger, GA

Top 15 Selling Candles in December 2012

1. Christmas Pine2. Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper3. Hot Apple Pie4. Home for Christmas5. Chili Vanilli6. Grandma's Kitchen7. French Vanilla8. Angel Wings

9. Snow Place Like Home10. Apple Cinnamon11. Sex on the Beach12. Mulberry Spice13. Creme Brulee14. Very Berry Christmas15. Spiced Cranberry

Next Month's Autoship

Moroccan Nights

Upcoming Autoship Scents

February – Fresh Laundry March - Lilac April – Bamboo Rain

May – Bugs No More June – Melon Margarita July – Cucumber Melon

August – Ordor No More September – Harvest Time October – Cinnamon Raisin Bun

November – Home for Christmas

December – Hot Apple Pie

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