+ All Categories

Mayor and Council ercarttWtoo, on the i IfittoA day of Hetombar. 1871. 1 win odjMicata to the fewest bidder oa SATURDAY, Noveai ber2S 1(71, at eleven o’clock A. I t , at tbe Council Haiti of Car­rollton, the contract for- constructing plank curbing on certain atrorta la the city of Carroll­ton, according to specific«*•*• on fife. wiih tke

Also, that in aeOordaaee with the Sasse resolu­tion, I win adindicato to to* loweettedder. attbe •amc time and place, tke eeatmet tor Conatrueting

Hons on fife with tke Secretary and CMtroilor of •aid city, at the aforesaid ball TOO Ckiwlfeafioa

8A S?S&&.m^Sd^SS^ **•nol8 td - Mayor ot Carrollton.

a laot Mdar kr to tm k r , the i alect a boot a of trpotoca to aarro

DumucT of louinia ha. nr tbs H a r m o r william b. Dubdkndoeff,

sixth.By the Governor.

J. W. h iu i t , polT 30t “


pinknum dp Ixraevanmm, Crrr H tu,l Sew Orleona, November 9, 1871. I

Nones is hereby i s m that it is thbintention of the COtancUof the city of Sew

.OrlMnato cauae Bouist atreet, from Tchoup-toulaa to Claiborne »t reets, and the aonth aide of Clai­borne atreet from Soniat to General Taylor atreet. to be • belled in aeaerdance with the provision* of aeetion twenty-fire of the amended city charter,

nol* lot JOBS COCKBBM. Administrator.

The late Antoine Rentter haring, by hia will, made hr public act before A. Bfceytona, notary, be­queathed a earn of money to “the orphan aaylnma in the city of Sew Orteavs, whether male or fr- male, and whatcrer their color or religtan;” hia teatameutary executor hereby notiflee Ml admin- iatratora of incorporated aaylnma. for arphana situated in thia city, to make known to the undersigned the namea ef the asylums under their administration, the reapectlre date* of their incorporation, and whether they held chertera to n the Legislature, or we»o incorporated by act poaaed before a notary public, and to specify their ̂present location.

Prompt attention to the abore is requested.• (1 1 SCHMIDT,Attorney far the testamentary extent or.

So. to Exchange {dace, between Customhouse

vMraHTMST o r u n w r u s i n s .City Hall, Sew. Orleans, November 9,1871.

TETOncS fat HKBKBT GIVES THAT IT 1H TH XT intention of tha Council of the eily of Se Orleans to cauae Bonn Clay avenue, foam 8 Charles avenue to Breataw street, to he shelled, accordance with the provisions ef aeetion twent fire of the amended car charter,

nol* lot JOBS COCKREM, Administrator.

% ui%DtTATEI

Mwhj * Doom* , N*. 110 Coatomhoue nfw t fM M f clever la bmfiiig,

(alvanizipg an4 gilding, judging by • speci- uaen ahawn mb yaahriay. Some table ware that lust s i(k vm not worth picking up off the floor, to-dby looks like the finest silver, uad ia good for u year’s use. If these tacte are raaaaabind, Jeweler* would not nuke •■eh immense profits ai they do.



*hk m a * umuciN 1My W h^ o f tibTfallowing denlere:

• w S B D h , dgpeuile the PoatoApe.A. fltaan, H«, M Kxohaag* Alley. •€ . C -K dlej, K o.» Commercial Pine*.C. •« ftttolfe, Ho. 61 Exchange Place. Smmm Pontdiaitnii

D w A M DUrirt; alao, at Depot feet df Imflzyetto Street, Pint Dietriet. ,

A.W.lmH(, eonMr of Love and IngliiSB ■ M b Third District.;;O toS88ul C ity Mew* Depot, No. 368 Canal

flfffltet, eottter ofUeefurd.


BY LOOM fTERB ItkROS., at 1# o>efeek, at H*to'XamrtiM atrmMiit c ' -

; iooal intelligence.: . — ? » * • >— ,

D m MOB Depart. — B u n s J « twenty years /did, deairthg to into •at nngel before the time kadgnedi, choae ■* extmoediaary plan to. attempt aelf- d*tr*ctto8-the third preeiact calaboose. She had beeatocksd up for some trifling or GtdlBarj. epaato bad la her dupei tfd tw» bu potttooua into atripfo i nbo oeMvestkd fatenaeode baiter. When ■boat to eonoMnaato the terrible JdUor Snllivnn appeared and iaaned a police writ of habeas esrpna, which stayed fiy-tbor pteneedlaga, aadK— o till Uvea to ba the head of t numerous family.

that Hr/ HUdr^aS not 0&&* it toe time, •■* .*»* ^ ^ ^ «Pol4;Aot hove toon wspwisihlo » the rehbaty. The thiof has been arreated and the proprietor ^ the

I home will undoubted dear himself of all eomplieify.

Charles Jldward - and William Warren were charged by Wi^B. Meyers, of the Canal street ferry office, with having

I stolen from the cargo of tbo steamer C. H | Dnrfee, on the secoad of October, two

boxes of tobacco, veined at about thirty- | flve dollars. Warren was dismissed and Howard aant before the Criminal Coart by Beoorder McArthur.

A Communication.—Captain Malone chief of the metropolitan detective*, writes on the following note:

(targe Wallace and James Mack, twoomrioa* thieves, are released on two hun-

dnad dollars bonds, in good time to work the State fair. They are two of a mob lately arrived here with a well known citi aaa. Tkeir friends say that the poliee can not keep them in iail—that they came-hero to work while toe city-is crowded with stranger*. The moment oae of these char acters ia arrested, persons calling them salvOs gentlemen abase the poliee for locking them ap, and threaten to bring the oflieer before the grand jury forao doing.

Daring a fight between Vincent Schrotter and George Frank, bakers, oa Adele street, last night, Barbara Frank interfered, when she was badly wounded on her bead. The two men were arreated.


The stock market included among its haages yesterday a tumble in Levee stock,

when, aa baa often happened before, every oak became sellers; with what result, every

. . . . _ i one aeqaaiated with the laws of trade mustWocxded.—̂ . police officer found Han- I know. It was not developed what cause

nak Arnold in * yard comer of Tehenpitoa I led to the apprehension until the clou of AsMs stieow. with ber head badly I the day, when the news became general

akhthod, tbe being enable to tell who -had I that a party upon whose visit to the city wounded her. Ills supposed that the part-1 everything in the way ef a new arrange- mer of h a jeya in the aoaaalter,,but be was | neat was popularly supposed to depend,net found.,

Antoine Wendt was yesterday morning found dead in an unoccupied building cor* aer of Tehoapitoalae and Sixth streets. As I theta wwro no signs-af-visisace abentbim,

Isry retansed a verdict that |

suddenly left, leaving the over-suspicions to ■appose that the new contract itself had fallen through, and that “tbe dog was deed, Selling is contagious. Shares were sbskea in the faces of every one at t3, and many of them bought to fill orders or to “cover shorts.” Toward night time the stock was

, . said to grow better, being held at |31Ste, Galvanized.—Silverjpg and gilding has I bat eves this rallying point bad to be Bur­

kean brought to p l : perfection that imitat I tendered, and at the Board -last evening aeptetty as reality. Messu* | only f2 87tt was asked for it.- Sneb panicky

Cedobal Cotmi -̂Jiufye Abell.—Little Loam Cartas, eight or tan yean old, was op to ho triad far manslaughter, in caosiag the death of another lad, Julian Laeeste. Accused was‘ .discharged on a nolle prosequi

Timothy Hays will be tried on the four­teenth of December, a necessary witness having returned.

Frits grader, who had pleaded guilty of toe erima i f castying a revolver, was fined five dollars.

Thomas F. Taylor, who pleaded guilty to aa asaaalt and battery oa Hypolito Boro.v* was seatoaoed to pay a fine of fire dollars or two days Parish-Prison.

Sallio Barrett, who- was found guilty of assaulting Fawsy Lewis, was fined two dol­lars sad fifty coats.

Daniel Cain was considered guilty by a jury of having beaten Fred Zoellner on the eighteenth of August. The jury did per­haps tbs best they could in giving as their verdict, “Guilty of the mercy of the court.” Notwithstanding this astonishing verdict, Jndge Abril considered the mercy of the court worth two dollars and fifty cents, or one day Parish Prison, to which Cain had no objection.. Ia the ease of P. F. Leshiaaky, convicted of murder, too mile taken by the defease for a new trial was eontonmd; Tgie .commit­tee of physicians ordered by the court to examine into tbe mind of Leshinsky has not reported yet.

Id the case of John Dwyer, convicted of manslaughter, on the charge of murder, in killing, on tbe twenty-fifth of September, 1870, Daniel McElvane, at Greenville, Jndge X. A. Dooley filed additional grounds for a* new trial to tooee filed by Mr. Houston, who was counsel of defense daring toe trial: 1. Absence of .channel at time of trial. 2- Verdiet vague aad not in accord to satisfy judgment. 3. Insanity or, uasoaadaeas of naiad of toe aeeased before and at tbe time of toahoaridde.

The ease was continued until next Satur­day.

The sentences of Philip and Joseph Ber­nard, who plss4ed guilty to an indictment of toe Grand Jury, charging them with as- aaaltiag Mr. Joseph Miller aa the twentieth of October, was postponed to Saturday next

stock ■ ■ this has now become, forbids the purchase of mere than 100 shares at a tame, aad estops all investment. That it is get tifig down toward Ship Island condition, is remarked, and what is to be done with this aew edition of the. Louisiana elephant re mains for toe Legislature to answer... Ammonia stock was held at s better figure. Salas made are not given to report Max lean Gulf Canal stock was talked about but none sold. It is stated that s catting np of the stock into shares of a hundred dollars each would facilitate operations, inasmuch as the present number mskeS'it heavy to bold aad balky to manipulate. Nothing is doing on the street in hank stock, an ap­pearance and an offer for sale being signs of depreciation. So these obligations are kept aloof.

The following sales ef Louisiana Levee Company stocktook {dace on the street: 100 and 200 mt $3 37H; 100, 200 sad 100 at 13 50; 200 at S3 25; 400 and 300 at #3.

The following proceedings took place at the Beard of Brokers last evening!

Asked. Bid.Jaflferaoa City Gaslight Company — — |H 00Sugar Sited Company............................14 00I ouisiana levee Company........ 28*14 2 soCarrollton Railroad................... 119 00 -----Bow Orleans City Railroad Com­

pany................................... — — 1*0 SoCanal and Claiborne Street Rail­

road Company..................... ........... 50 00New Orleans NationM Banking

Aaaociation..........................Crescent City Bank...................Mechanics and Traders' Bank__Canal tank..............................Hibernia Bank..........................Lafayette Bank.........................

Jackson Railroad first mortgagebonda.................................. —

Caaai aad Claiborne Railroad firstmortgage bonds..................... — —

City certificate of appropriation.-----City consolidated bonds............... — —City favor of railroad bonds....... — —City tea per cent bonds............... — —City improvement bonds.......... — —Ammonia Propelling Company.. . -----Pneumatic Propelling Company.. 2 00New Orleans Sanitary aad Fer­

tilising Company.................... >1 SONew Orleans Wrecking and

Salvage Company.. . . , ............ 80 00Mexk-an Gulf Ship Canal Com-


37 00 95 00 37 00 36 00

104 50 130 SO 4Z 00 1 11 >f

8283)f76)471 * Mb 60

14 001 so

63 50

110 00

Balia L ast Night.Members and friends of Mechanics’ Fire

Company No. 6 may pride themselves on tbe fine ball at Odd Fellow*' Hall last night. The party waa indeed pleasant, and from early ia the evening until early in the morn­ing there waa an absence of stiff formal­ity, each visitor seeming at ease. The ladies were splendidly attired and danced like fairies, all securing more gallants than they wished. The gentlemen were strictly atten­tive, while tbe committees forgot nothing that would please their guests.

Tbe several gentlemen who composed tbe aetive committees for the fancy dress ball of Osyka Tribe No. 1, Independent Order ofBed Men, in. Turner Hall, were well posted

D ischarged.—Mr. H. C. Fenniman. ,be-1 in their .dutaee, as the lady visitors will fore Seconder Houghton on a charge of I testify. It was given for the benefit of the forgery, the prosecutor being Mr. Hodge, f widows’ and orphans’ relief fund, conse_ raa discharged, the court considering the I qaently many of the most Babstantial mem*

evidence insufficient t l warrant a com­ bers of the order attended with their fami. lice. Many of the young ladies were dressed in superb style, and enjoyed everydance.

The second annual ball given by the Rob­ert B. Lee Base Ball club, was successful in every particular, at Union Hall, corner of Magazine and Third streets. Those who were so fortunate as to participate will not

Theia to « tt i« in fo * ',:A

veteran aejta,. ,££ }t)^i|9tlUkbMp| liwt

TaOsday night, which • has, toon for, pcfiyri l moat satisfactory to himself, the' manage­ment aad tha pajblic. The appearance,of Mr. fbrreat here has oanaed a onddea rerioal ef tbe public taste foo tragedy; at leawt we judge ad from the manner in which the 8t Charles baa been nightly crowded with the very beat of society since the commence­ment of hia engagement.

He played Lear Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and certainly the character is well adapted to Mr. Fonest’s time of life. We doubt if he ever played it more effectively than he plays it now. He still retains commanding person, find walks stage with an air of true majesty. The tragedy of “Kiitg Lear” ranks as one of the heat of Sbakaapearofa drams-

Dr. Johnson remarks that “there ia per­haps no play which keeps 'the attention so strongly fixed, whioh so much agitates our .passions, and interests oar cnroeity.’r The language of the play ia strong and beautl fol, and must be uttered understandingly upon the stage, in order to give full effect to tbe poet's meaning, It ia in thia prin­cipally that Mr. Forrest excels. * By thorough understanding of the character he impersonates be shows, in a moat vivid and t -nthfoT Manner, all the passions that away the human mind. As Lear, he will stand unsurpassed in his day.

Oa Thursday Mr. Forrest appeared with equal effect aa I'tvyiniu*, in Knowles’ play of that name, the character abounds in noble traits, interspersed with deep passion, and it finds a truthful representative ia Mr. Forrest at a period of life when the facul ties of men are apt to fail them.

On Friday night Mr. Forrest appeared as Richelieu, in Bui war's justly celebrated play entitled “Richelieu, or the Coaspi racy.” What we saw of Mr. Forreat in thia character led aa to think bis persona­tion of it inferior to bio representadoaa of other characters not of that peenliar mold. Mr. Forrest, according to our notion, fails to invest thia character with that polished craft that is necessary to make the repre Mutation of the French cardinal complete

Last night Hr. Forrest appeared as Jack Code, in tbe play written expressly for him by B. T. Conrad, Esq., of Philadelphia, en titled “Jack Cade, or the Bondman Kent.” It was written with a view of affording Mr. Forrest a fall opportunity for display in his peculiar powers as an’actor, and for a long time his Jack Cade was con­sidered hia beat performance. “Metamora’ was another of tboro pieces ia which Mr. Forrest gained celebrity. His great talent ia beet oeeapied in tbe display oi the pas sions of rode life. His Jack Cade has been regarded as among his best efforts, and cer­tainly, to oar nojp, he is much better adapted to it than fat Richelieu or Hamitt.

According to announcement, Mr. Forrest will appear as Hamlet to-morrow evening.

Cash Btolexi—By frugal habits and hard labor 8nng-Too gathered eighty good cash dollars, and teeling proud, strayed into the vile alamo of Dryadea atreet. Three of tbo wont women oeeapied the space of half acurate In tabbing him—so quick that hia _ ______________pigtail took a double curl, it assuming the I taking a little rational amusement,appearance of a fashionable friz. The three anl| gentlemen danced with gracebags werQ arrested, and that is all. and eaM, while the toilets were really

Committee fob Trial.—Recorder Hough­ton has forwfirded the paperf ia the follow, iageuaestothe Criminal Court:

Henry Johnson, on oath of Mrs. L. R.Walkingshaw, for stealing money and clothing.’ He also goee down on the long charge on complaint of F. M. Malone.


Boys* Central High School.The annnal exhibition of the Boys’ Cen­

tral High School was held on Friday eve­ning, at No. 39 Burgundy street. The Rev. John Percival, principal of the school, an-

____ _ nounced the programme, which was openedNapoleon Armstrong for stealing a silver I ^ faster C. Oplatec, who read a composi

watch from A. Levy.Thomas Hanley for assaulting and bat­

tering Rosa Hawkins.

D ismissed.—John Warmnck and A. V . Kemp, the young men who were so full of fourth ot July that they couldn’t resist shooting their pistols at a camel belonging to the Empire City Circus, were yesterday released by Recorder Houghton, as no one appeared to prosecute.

The thief who attempted to forcibly enter the grocery of Mr. Piguet, corner of St. Ann and St. Claude streets, and was shot at by the proprietor, is supposed to be William Peterson, who is now lying in a grocery, comer of Love and Port streets.

Not so Bad.—We have reported that Mr. Miller was robbed of a gold watch and 'chain in Jo Albau’s coffeehouse, comer of Canal and Wells streets, recently, for which Mr. Jo was arreated. We are informed

tion entitled “Observation.” Master Frank followed with a well spoken declamation. Compositions were read by Masters Robert Hadden, Colfrey, Edmunds, Stem, Kewen, Ellis, Govan and Fletcher Campbell.

The exercises by the boys were concluded by Master Barnes with an original declama­tion, and the reading of a criticism on the previous exercises by Master Bartlett.

The young ladies of the lower and upper high schools then gave some select songs, and Governor llabn and Rev. Mr. Matlack delivered addresses. A dance followed, and was kept up to a late hour.

Mr. Percival's assistants are Mr. John Seaman, professor of mathematics, Mr. J. C. Calhoun, professor of langnages, Dr. ffa>ll, profeasor of sciences, and Jules Lam­bert, professor of French.

Hercules waa a model husband; rather than stay oat lata at night, he invariably carried hia club home with him.

AcsSwr a t Music.“Fortunio and his Seven Gifted Servants,

was successfully played at Ibis establish meat four nights of last week, by the Gates Comic Opera Company, Mrs. James A Oates appearing as Hon. Mite Jffprtma, as­suming the name and arms ot Fortunio by the royal fairy lieenM.

The piece was presented with new scenery, machinery, costumes, etc., and a caste of characters that would be hard to surpass Tbe voeal aad instrumental music was of the choicest kind, and Mrs. Oates, Mr. Drew, Mr. Crane, and Mr. Allen sang and acted in the true spirit of first-class artists,

On Friday evening Mrs. Oates took benefit, npon which occasion was preMnted Buckstone’o beautiful musical drama “The Child of the Regiment” and the laugh able farce called “An Alarming Sacrifice.’ In tbe musical drama Mrs. Oates appeared as Josephine, the child of. the regiment, and sung with bewitching effect her famous song “Good-bye, 8weetbeart.” During the eve ning were introduced the principal gems from Offenbach’s “Grand Duchess” and Grand Trio from Attila.”Last evening was preMnted tbe musical

comedy entitled “The King’s Secret, or tbe Little Share.” Mrs. Oates appeared as Carlo, an orphan, and Atmodeur, Mr. Drew as Ferdinand, king of Spain; Mr. Crane as Gil Vargue, usher of the black rod and tutor to Don Raphael; Mr. Allen as Don Ra phael (TEstunego; Mr. Maflin as Count Me dora; Mr. Jones aa Fra Antonio, the grand inquisitor and counselor to the king, Mrs Allen aa Isabella, queen of Spain, and Miss Cooper as Caeilda, sister to Carlo. The comedy was preceded by the very laugh­able farce entitled “An Alarming Sacrifice,” aad both were played as only the Oates Opera Company can play them.

We are glad to learn that Mrs. Oates has been prevailed npon to prolong her stay in our city another week, and that to-morrow night the beautiful historical, musical ex travaganza, entitled “Field of the Cloth of Gold,” will be preMnted with astonishing effect.

ThoM of oar people who are fond of good musio, good singing, good dancing, and plenty of fun, must not miss seeing the Oates Comie Opera Company during the coming week, as their engagement will not extend beyond that.

Vaaan Men's Christian Association.A special meeting of this association will

be held next Tuesday evening, at half-past seven o'clock, at the rooms, No. 82 Camp street. See advertisement.

8 t Stephen’s Church.Tbe laying of the corner stone of St. Ste­

phen’s Church, at the interaection of St. Charles and Napoleon avenues, will take place to-day. The procession will move at two o'clock.

If you feel melancholy and have nothing to build a hope on, just purchase a ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery and see how your spirits will go up. The very thought ot drawing a prize will drive away the blues and give yon courage to continue the battle of life. There are daily drawings and single number drawings. The next single number drawing takes place on the second of De­cember. There are over four hundred prizes in this drawing, ranging from fifty thousand dollars down to two hundred dollars. It is true there is a small risk for a large gain, but the man who wins the fifty thousand dollar prize will never regret having bought a ticket. _

Ladies would do well to inspect the new arrivals in dress goods at O’Donnell, Wem- mett & Co’s., 643 and 645 Magazine street’ corner of Jackson, in Dr. Wade’s new build­ing. _______ __________

The ron of the rajah ot Etawah has been Mntenced to thirteen years’ rigorous im­prisonment and three thousand rupees fine for hanging np a native man and woman by the heels and flogging them till the man died.

Tbe oeranofaies at tbe laying of the cor­ner atone of Temple Siaai, at the eorner ef Triton walk and Cnrondriet atreet, will take place to-day, commencing at twelve o’clock. The following will be the promi- ment participants in tbe exercise*: Rev. J. K. Gutheim, of Temple Epaannel, New York; Rev. H., 8. Jacobs, of Caroadelet street synagogue. New Orleans; Rev. J. L. Leucht, of Rampart street synagogue, New Orleans; M. W. Grand Master of Masone of the State of LoaMane, Samuel Manning Todd, Esq.; the officers (ff the Grand Lodge and brethren.

In trod no tion (Iphigenia), Gluck, hy the orchestra.

Prayer, by the Rev. H. 8. Jacobs.Choral,. Mendelssohn.

In merer. Lord, incline thine ear,To Zion’s faithful band,

• In love and graoe ear prayer hear.Reveal Thy mighty hand

Revest once more ee'eettsl light.O’er Salem’s holy tents.

Dispel the clouds aad sad the night.Let troth pervade all lands.

' - To truth he laid thia corner stone,Be reared the missive walls,

To Thee Most High and only Oae,Be arched these sacred hell*.

[TFlae’s Hymns.Address by tbe president of the temple,

M. Frank, Esq.Oration by the Rev. J. K. Gutheim.Chorus (Creation), Haydn.

"The Heavens *»e telling the gliry ef the Lord,And the expanse telletb of the work* of hia hands.’1

Address, by the Rer.T. L. Leucht, on de­livering the corner stone into the hands of the Grand Master.

Musio (Marche aux Flambeaux), Meyer­beer.

MA8ONIC CEREMONIES.Ode, by the brass band, choir and

tra:Let notes of gladness tell,

Thoughts that each boaom sffell,The work began t

Hope’* Jovona thoughts we bring.While to our Hgarenly King.Friends now united smg,

Hearts joined as One.Where laid the corner stana.Ever in kindneaa known

Be raau'a best good!Though years sha 1 pass away,Though human works decay,Kver bv Heaven's own ra;

Be truth renewed 1

Mar, in proportion* true,Rieingtograteful view.

The wore aaeend 1 ■ >, Long may it lately stand.

Untouched by ruthlea* band,TUI, at Heaven’s last command.

All time shall end.Prayer, by tbe Grand Chaplain.Laying of tbe eorner stone ny 8. M. Todd,

Esq., G. M., assisted by the Grand Lodge anu brethren.

Anthem by the brass band, choir and orchestra.

Placed in form, the corner atone True end trusty, brother* own,Come and bring iu thought alneere,Banda to help and hearts to shear.

Marked with love, the Master'* will Kindly proved the work of »kill— Beauteous form* in grace shall rise,’Heath the arch of favoring skies.Join we now an offering true,While our homage we renew;Bear to Him whose praise we sing Thank* that from each boaom spring.

When on earth our work i* o’er,Be a dearer life in store!Each in form, in heart upright.Taught by truth’s unernag light.

Closing prayer by the Grand Chaplain Grand chorus (Psalm 100) by Charles Frey. Oh. be joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands—Serve the Lord with joy, come before Hia pretence

with triumphant long.Kuow that the Lord is God indeed: it ia Be that

ha* made u*. and His are we, i l l people, and the flock of His pasture.

Enter His gate* with thauksgiviag. Bis courts with praise, give thanks unto Him, ales# Hia name.

For the Lord ia giaeious, to eternity eudareth His kindness, and unto the latest generations Hia truth.

Music (Raymond) Ambr. Thomas.Board of Trustees of Temple of Sinai—

M. Frank, president; Jul. Weis, first vice

Sresident; L. Alc-us, second vice president;leniy Abraham, treasurer; Ferdinand

Marks, secretary: M. M. Simpson, Leopold Loeb, S. Forcbeimer, J. L. Haas, S. Kauf- mann, M. Dinkelspiel.

Committee of Arrangements—8. Marx, J. Gundershelmer, Ferd. Goldsmith, Leon Haas, Jr., Leon Meyer, M. L. Navra, Wash­ington Marks, Isaac Stern, JoMph Simon, P. Klopman.

Henning’s Grocery House.The name of W. H. Henning, now of No.> Camp street, is becoming familiar aa

household words to many of the hoiueholds of New Orleans. And it is not surprising that this is so. He supplies a large portion of the city with tbe choicest wines, liquors, and family groceries. His long experience in his line of business has enabled him to make such selections as to satisfy old and win new customers. His purchases are made with excellent judgment, his prices are low, the quality of hia goods first class, his salesmen are courteous, and orders are promptly filled. Go to Henning, No. 75 Camp street, for family groceries.

Dr. J . R. Walker.—Perrons requiring the Mrvices of a skillful and soientific den­tist would do well to call upon Dr. J . R. Walker, whose office is at the corner of Napoleon avenue and ColiMum street. Tbe doctor is one of thoM enlightened profes­sional men who never Iom an opportunity of acquiring the latest discoveries in his particular branch of science. During the last summer he visited all the great cities of the North and East and conferred with the leading men of his profession, and now we will venture to say that there ia not one diMovery which lbte research has made that is unknown to him. In charge of Dr. Walker’s laboratory is Dr. Henry Stein- metz, who is so well known and highly es- teemed as a chemist and metallurgist all over the Union. An elegant and accomplished gentleman, as well as a master in his pro­fession, Dr. Walker could not possibly have a better associate.

TUMDATBTKEraG*th« tvrentySrai J g urt, at half past Severn Weloek, a t tbe rsatna, Mo. toCkanpstreet, foe the pnrpsss of dwisisf of patting tbe association on a as ciafbasis. All interestedMelnvitodto___

noI9 2t - ■—1 ■ - Raaaeilag Secretary.

O il'm Fer-iS»ST!*f;3hfiS8*»a?7s::pan; ate hereby aatifted thaw aa electian for nine directors «• serve Us the towing yaar will be Md.attheofflcer* tt*vember 20,1871, hetaeOu the P. M.

112 19J. C. GOLDING,

Nattce.—Calc alien Bntphnr Mining Cwnpany, New Orleans, November 15,1871.—The Stockholders of tbe Calcasieu Sulphur Mining Company are hereby notified that a seventh installment, of ten dollars per share, oh all tbs ordinary stack of the Company, has been cal'ed bp tbo Beard of Direct- tor*, aud made parable on the TWENTIETH IN­STANT at the office of the Conii-any. No. 3k Carun- delet atreet. ALEXANDER BONNEVAL,

nois 1st Secretary.Metropolitan Laaa, Savlaua aad Fledge

Bank, Bew Orleans, November 10,1871.—Notice ic hereby given that an election will bo held by tbe stockholders of this Bank, at the banking bouse, on MONDAY, tha eleventh day of December, 1871, between the hour* of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M., for nine Directors to serve for the ensning year,

noil eodlm T.D. VAR BORN, Cashier.OOce M ataal Aid aad Baaevalcat Lire

Insurance Association Of Louisiana, No. MO Caron- dolet street. New Orleans, November 8, 187].—A majority of the members of thia aaaociation not having attend* d the meeting called on the thirtieth of October, to vote on the proposed amendments to tbe charter, another meeting will be held for that purpose on MONDAY. November 20, 1K71, be. tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.

noflid___________R. W. YOCNG. Secretary.Special Notice te Heteiw aad families

We have seemed on eomrignmeat a let ot tbe cele­brated CHINBMH FIRE LIGHTER, warranted to kindle a lire wi’hout the uae of wo* d. For ecosi omy In time and money they are unsurpassed. They are much superior to anything of tbe kind aver offered, and we guarantee satisfaction ia every

Me. Special rates offered to the trade.W. G. WILMOT fc CO.,

not 1m Coal Merchants No. 166 Poydraa street.M etropelltaa L ess, Maviaaa aad Fledge

Bank, New Orleans, October 31, 1871.—The Stock­holders of this bank are hereby notified that an in­stallment of ten per cent npon the capital stock has been called for by the Board of Directors, par­able at the banking house on or before the first of December, 1871. T. D. TAN HORN,

nol eodlm Cashier.Batebelor’o H air Dye.—This superb hair

dye is the best iu the world—pertectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints or disagreeable odor. The genuine William A. Batchelor’s hair dve produces immedi­ately a splendid black or natutal brown; leaves the hair clean, soft, beautiful; does not con­tain a particle of leader any injurious compound. Hold by all druggists. Factory, No. 18 Bond street, New York. JylSly

POLITICAL NOTICES.Hall a f tke Second W ard Radical R e.

publican Mother Clnb, November 19, 7871.—The members of this clnb are hereby notified to attend a meeting of tbe club on TUESDAY, the twenty- first iustant, at 7)j o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for delevates to the Parish Committee. C. F. GLAUDIN, President.

P. R. Bkchtki. Secret arv. no!9 2tH all at the Fifth W ard Radical Repub­

lican Mother Club, New Orleans, November 18, 1871—The members of this club, and all Repub­lican* of tbe ward, are hereby notified to attend a meeting of the club, on TUESDAY EVENING, the twenty-first instant, at the elub room, corner of Robertson street and Caronde'st walk, at half naat seven o'clock, for the purpose of electing three delegates to the Parish Executive Committee.

J. C. KUEBLEE, President.J. R MsTHiar, Secretary. no!9 2t*

A F ine Residence in the Sixth District for Rent.—The fashionable people appear to be going up town further every year. Since the construction of the horse car rail­roads on Magazine, Prytania and St. Charles streets, the Garden Distriet has been ex­tended nearly up to Carrollton. In the ancient faubourg Bloomingdale there is now for rent a charming new raised cottage, in first class condition throughout. It is situ­ated a few hundred feet from St. Charles avenue, on State street. The latter has recently been shelled. To a small family this is a splendid chance for a comfortable, pleasant home. Full particulars may be obtained of Mr. C. B. Fish, at the office of the Register of Conveyances, comer of Royal and Conti streets.

The Orleans'House, under the excellent general management of Captain Gus Rich­ards, is one of the model establishments of the city. Hosts of people last season en­joyed the hospitalities of Captain Richards on the model steamer that plied from Har­vey’s canal to Grand Isle, and they en­joyed the trip to Barataria bay, just as they will enjoy frequent visits to the Orleans House. Captain Gus was educated to do everything well which he undertook, and he has, thus far, succeeded.

Guibel’s Shoe Store.—This is the head, quarters of all the ladies of the Garden District—-the shop store of Mr. tiimbel, op. posite the Magazine market. He sells as­tonishingly low, and his goods are the beat. No person who buys there once fails to go then again—the more they know of Gimble tbe better they like him.

F in e W ard Radical Repablicaa M atherClnb.—In accordance with the call issued by the late parish committee, notice is hereby given that

election will be held in tbe First Ward for three delegates to tbe new parish committee, on THURSDAY’, the twenty-third instant, at the hall corner of Tehoupitoulas and Thalia streets.

Bv order of the President.no!9 It- A. FRILOT. Secretary.Headqaartens Seventh W ard Radical

Republican Mother Clnb, New Orleans, November 17, 1S7L—Tbe members of the above club are berebv notified to attend a meeting of the club on THURSDAY EVENING, November 23, Instant, for the purpose of electing three delegate* to the parish committee, as per order of the Parish Executive Committee.

HENRY L. KEY. President. William H. Gdrkx. Secretary. * nol9 23*

"H all a f tha M ath W ard Radical k fapublican Mother Clnb, New Orleans, 'November 19, 1871.—The officers and members of this clnb are hereby astified that a meeting will be beld at the Wigwam on Congress street, on WEDNESDAY, De­cember 6,1871, for the purpose of electing officers and three delegates to ihe Parish Bxecntive Com­mittee. All Republicans of the ward are invited to attend. W. C. KINSELLA, President.

Chahlks Lochbxunxbh, Secretary. no)9Hall a f the Sixth W ant Radical f ie -

?>nblican Mother Club, New Orleans, Npv 871.—Tbe members of thia club, and all „

ans of the ward, are hereby notified thattion will be held at the elubroom. No. 220 D__ __street, on THURSDAY EVENING, the twenty-third instant, from 5 to 8 P. M.. for the purpose el elect­ing two delegates to tbe Parish Executive, Com­mittee. All Republican voters of the Sixth Ward are invited to participate.

F. P. BENEDICT, President. Alfred Capla, Secretary. upl8 2t *

SEALED PROPOSALS FOB THB 8A1 city of Six Wharf Banda wi

eeived at this office until SATURDAY, instant, at eleven o'clork A, M.

The right Is reserved by the and all proposals.

JOHN & WALTON.nolo 9t Administrator of Finanee.


Proposals fa r the Cast Iron Corale* a f the Failed States Caatarehaaae, Mew Or­leans, Laatalana.

Ornca or HrmuimnazT, October 16,1871.

SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BB RECEIVED AT the office of the Superintendent until It M., No­

vember 15,1871, for furn sbing, delivering, Rtttng and putting in plaoe the entire cast iron cornice of tiie Custvnihcuse at New Orleans, Louisiana, aa exhibited by the drawings and specifications, copies of which’may be had oa application at this office.

The whole to be east of Nil 2 gray mottled iron, clean, smooth and Itee from all defects and flaws

Scaffolding and derrieks wdl be furnished to tha contractor without cost. Niue’j per cent of the amount due will be paid on tbe com pie tion of the cornice to each front, the balance on tha comple­tion of the contract.

Bidden will state the earliest time within which they will complete theeonttaet If awarded to theat

All tbo bids rnnst be made on tbe printed fores, to be obtained at tbit office, and be accompanied by a penal bond of 025,000, that tbe bidder will accept abd perform tbe contract if awarded bim, tbe suffi­ciency of the security to be approved bv the United State* District Jndge or the clerk of the United States Court.

Tbe right to reject any and all bid* received is reserved.

Proposals most le inclosed in a sealed envelop, indorsed ‘'Proposals for tiaat Iron Cornice to the Customhouse, New Orleans, Louisians, sod aT dressed to COLONEL J. F. MORSE.

ocl7 28t . Superintendent.

NOTICE.Uxitbd States Patsst Orricn, 1

Washington, It C., October 24,1871. j

ON THB PETITION OF FREDERIC COOK, OF Washington, Louiaia’.a. praying for the ex­

tension of a patent granted to nim on tbe second day of March, 1858, for au huprovemenffin metallic ties for cotton bales, it is ordered that tbe testi­mony in the case be closed on tbe thirtieth day of January next, that the time for filiug arguments ana tbe examiner’s report be limited to the ninth day of February next, and that said petition be heard on the fourteenth day of February next.

An v person may oppose thia extension.nul law 3t M 1). LEGGETT, Commissioner.

PET ITION.New Oklraxs, September 23,1871.

TO THE HONORABLE THE MAYOR AND Council of tbe City of New Orleans—Gentle­

men: Tbe undersigned petitioners owning property fronting on Philip attest, between Carondelet and Liberty streets, do respectfully petition your honorable body to cause the said atreet to be

'ned between Franklin and White streets, 1 itructed by a briok wall belonging to a Jewish

that congregation.

ipened between Franklin and White streets, new ibstructed by a briok wall belonging to a Jewish

burial ground, which ground ia uo longer used by “hat congregation.

Hoping yonr honorable body will grant us this • - - - idevour petition, we will as in duty bound ever pray.

Name*.John Holthons..........................8. Field.....................................O. Talier............... i .................

KoU......................................Agnes Ober.............................. .Catherine Honasiver.................Mrs Brown,....... .....................Mr. Hart...................................Visa Mackinrith.......................Mrs. John Foots..............1'.........George Scliawb...... ...........T. Owick............................ .

Mfa.B.Winti............................Mr. Hase...................................Hr. Franko............... »..............llr. Mulvey.,............................W. Rosinstrater.........................O. Stoll.....................................J. Bossier..................................G. Luse.............................. .

ocl law 8t

Headquarter* Fenrteenth W ard RadicalRepublican Club, New Orieaus, November 16,1871.— The members of the above club are hereby notified to attend a meeting of tbe club on TUESDAY, tbe twenty-first instant, for the purpose of electing one delegate to the Parish Committee.

M. BROWN, President. C.wsar Gm-ox, Assistant Secretary. nol7Hall Radical Repablicaa .Mother l lab.

Fifteenth Ward, New oi lcans, Novemb-r 15,1871.— Notice 1s hereby given that an election of two dele­gates to tbe newPhrish Committee will take place at the meeting of this club, ou THURSDAY' EVE­NING, November 23, 1871, as per order of the Parish Executive Committee.

BENJAMIN BUCHANAN, President. C. P. Ames, M. D., Secretary. nol7Notice.—The

Ward Charles Mother Club accordance with president of the

members of the Thirteenth Sumner Radical Republican

are hereby notified that in call issued by tbe

Republican Parish Execu­tive Committee, pursuant to resolution of said

on Lyon street, near Laurel, at eight o'clock, for tiie purpose of clectiii!{ two delegates to rep­resent the Thirteenth Ward iu the new Parish Ex­ecutive Convent ion,

J. B. GAUDET, President.W illiam Bai'dvit, Recording Secretary.no!5 td*Rooms Tenth W ard Radical Republican

Club, New Orleans. Noveni her 11, 1871—The notice appearing in the New Orleans Republican of this date, signed by W. H. Burroughs. Esq., secretary, convening the Tenth Ward Radical Republican Club, on Wednesday, November 15, 1871, having been published under a misapprehension of the requirements of the Parish Executive Committee,

' nng’ one week’s notice of the elections for

S ites to Baid committee; it is therefore or- that the members of the Tenth Ward Radi­

cal Republican Club meet at their club room, For­rest’s church, coiner of 8t. Marv and Fulton streets, on MONDAY, November 2u. lVn, at 7 P. M., for the purpose of electing officer* of the club aad delegates to 1 be new parish committee.


First Vice President and Acting President.


Redemption at 8-iff to a d s a f IStt’J .Tubas cut PsFiBTVKXT,)

Washington, D. CL, Fepteatber 1,(18̂ 1. !

By virtue of thb authority <G(vb0 byan act of Congtesa approved Aur 14, 1870,

entitled "An act to authorize the reftUaing of the national debt.” I hereby give notice ttrak the prin­cipal and accrued interest of tbe bonds herein- below designated, known aa five-twenty bonds, Will be paid at tbe Treasury of tha United States, qatbe; city of Washington, On or after the first 'toy of DhCEMBER next, and that the interest on said bonds will cease on that day. That is to say, coupon bonds known as the first series, act of February 25,1862, dated Mqy 1, 1862, juunbered aa follows: ‘n





Sixth District Court for tbo parish of Orleans, N<f 2812.

PfIHS CREDITORS OF L. RAYMOND DELRIEU JL are hereby notified to appear before O. Morel,

M* for tfip m e appliciati They are fur­

ther natiflod that ia the ntaaut ____ _______feedings against hia property and person are stayed ”

By order of the Ccfirt;J. F. DICK, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk’* Office, Vow Orleans, November 17. 197L

Esq., notary paUic of this city, on the seemtd day of December, 1871, at 10 o’clock A. M., for top pur pose of taking into consideration the appllciation of sold L. R. Delrieu, for n respite, limy are for

asutime nil jodtcinl pro

SFOOESSIOJ H0TI0E8.Sareeosion at Jaeab Klees—Na.J 38 ,814 .

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THB PARISH ot Orleans.—Whereas, Magdalena Klein, widow

of Jacob Klees, has petitioned the eoart for letters ol administration on the estate of the Into Jacob Klees, deceased, intestate: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cauae within tea day* why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted.

By order af the oeurt.no!8 21 25____________M. O. TRACY, Clerk.

Sacceestan *1 Au^trer K. J , K gdsrf—N*.4,88V

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice ia hereby given to the

creditors of thia estate, and to ail other persona herein interested, to show canoe within ten day* tram the present notHUatlon, if aav they have or can, why tbs. acoonat presented by the widow of the deceased, and natural tutrix of . hia minor children, and aa such administering tlds estate, should net be homologated and approved, and the - funds distributed ia accordance therewith.

By order of the Cent.nol2 1519 M. O. TRACY. Clerk.

Sscc n s lse o f Tha— e Harikh*

ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAtNBT THB : succession of the late Thomas Smith are re­

quested to present the anas to the undersigned.ROBERT J. KKR,

Attorney for the excutors, No. ISO Common street, noil 2) 28

£ necrosis* o f Charles Mosaic*.

Notice of executor*.—'those who have .ciaima against said auoceosion are hereby

notified to make themselves known to tbe under­signed, and to present an account sf tbeir respec­tive claims, and the title* by wgieli they are estab­lished. G. oa FRR1ET,

JOHN O. MOHkoSU- * 1518 21________Testamentary Executor*.

M*cceaaU* a f M ary R . DeUa-Na. 84 ,88# .

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOB TBB FABI8H of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to the>

creditors of this estate and to all other persons, berei 1 interested to show cauae within teu daya. from the present notification, if any they have or can. why the account presented hy toe admin­istrator of this estate should uot be homokmatedh. and approve^ and the fond* distributed inao- cordanee therewith.

By order of the court.. ‘no!2 U 19 ’ _________ R O . TRACT. Clerk.

1 to J0699, inclusive, of.............................1 to 43572, inclusive, of.............................1 to40011, inclusive, of........................1 to 74104, inclusive. Of....................___

And registered bond* of the same act—1 to 595, inclusive, of....... it ....................1 to 4103, inclusive, o f............................1 to 1399, inclusive, pf............................. .1 to 89«>6, inclusive, of..............................1 to 2665, inclusive, of....... ................1 to 2906, inclusive, of-.«.....,

T £5o 100500



Croat** *f U. A. Uskea—No. 29 .8*1 .

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THB PARISH of Orleans.—Where**, C. S. LeGanfour do Tilly

has petitioned the court for lottera of administra­tion on the estate of the late C. A. Cohen, deceased, intestate: Notice ia hereby given to all whom it may concern, to show cause within ten days, why the prayer ot too said petitioner -'toiild not be granted.

By order ot the Court.noi* i« » __________ M. O. TRACT. Clerk.

Hncerosto* a t Kile* Amro, Deranged Wifeof P. J. Ames—No. 34.712,

Second dihtkict court f<* thb, — •as,—Notice ia hereby given to to* credit-

1 estate and to all oilier .persona heroin to show cause within ten day* from to*

of Orleans—N or* of tbisinterested to 1 ____present notification, if auv tlu-v have or ean, wfay the aeooant presented by P. B. Kouke, administra­tor of this estate, should not be bomniogated ana approved, and the fluids distributed in accordance

erewlth.By order of the Court. a y 1 8 2j M. O. TRACY. Clerk.

a t Zable.■M t a PiRRONR Ravish claim* against tbetitt. Aueototon ef RusM*Table are requested to jjPfrefuUtbci* to the uudtrstgut <1 or his attorneys.

CASPAR Alt'll,Adiuiii'S’rator.

• COTTON & LEVY,Attorneys, No. 14 Exchange place.



.......... 1 .<KM

.......... 5.00C......... ......................................................... 1*1,000

The amount outstanding (efobraced iu the num­bers as above) is one hundred million ($100,000,000) dollars. 1

Coupon bond* of the tot of February 25. 1862, were issued in four distinct series, Build* of the first series (embracing those described above) do not bear the aeries designation npon them, while those of the second, third and fourth series are distinctly marked on tbo face of the bonds

United Steaes securities forwarded for redemp­tion should be addressed to tlie'*‘Loau Division,” Secretary's office. J. F HARTLEY.

se6 lot lawD 5t eowW Acting Secretary.


New Orleans.

WAS BROUGHT TO Pound, corner of

streets—One (1) Don Colored

•tar on forehead.Which, if not claimed

expense* thereon paid, tion, at said pound, on 1871,

»V. J4

SECONI^fiTTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISHof Orleans—Notice is lieteby given to the

creditors of this estate, ami to all other persona herein interested, t > show cause within ten days from the present notification, if anv they haveior can, wliy the account presented by the adminis­trator of ihis estate should not be homologated aud approved, and the funds distributed #1 ac­cordance therewith.

By order of the court.mtiAM 22_______ M. O TRACY. Clerk.

MaeroORton a f F . M n u n eaa ie r—> 's . 5 4 ,9 3 9 ,

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAtUsH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to the

creditors of this estate, aud to ail other other per­sons herein iutereated, to show cause within ten days from the present notification, if any they have or can, why the account presented by M. o Tracy, clerk, and Hduiiuistrator of this estate* should not lie homologated and unproved, and the funds distributed in accordance therewith.

M. O. TRACT. Clerk.S ierrssioa n f Jacob Stein—N*. 3 4 ,1 7 6 :

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THB FARUM of Orleans.—Xotiee ia hereby give* to too and-

tion of this estate, and to all other pen— > herein Iutereated to show cause within dayo from the present notification, if any they ha— or can, why toe final account presented bv t-a - Frank, administrator of this estate, abatedaretes homologated and approved, aad D to S a f to a tributeJln ocoerdauce therewith, ana toe mid ad-oinistrator discharged. *F • t a r of too Court. aylOKH M, 0. m C T , Clqjfe,

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