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PowerPoint Passage I
Public Holidays in the West
early in the new year. The main content is to hold a parade, a party, and other joyful activities.
Valentine’s Day
February 14, for lovers to express their love to each other.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
April Fool’s Day
the first day of April. People can make and tell white jokes to one another.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
Related Information
usually in early April. This is a religious festival. On the very Sunday morning, children are busy looking for the color eggs assumed to be given by the Easter rabbit.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
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Independence Day
July 4. It began from 1776. The celebration activities are mainly made up of a parade and making patriotic speeches.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
the evening of October 31. Dancing parties are held with people wearing fancy masks.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
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the first weekday after Christmas. Presents are given to those who deliver newspaper, milk or do other kinds of service to the family to express the thanks for their good service and help.
Public Holidays in the West
New Practical English 1
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The title of the song may be translated as “” or “”. It is a very sweet Christmas carol.
Silent Night, Holy Night
New Practical English 1
Santa Claus
Related Information
Patron saint of children. The legend first came from Holland and was brought to the US by Dutch immigrants. In America, Santa Claus is fat and jolly, with white hair and beard, and rides in the sky in a reindeer-drawn sleigh, delivering gifts to children at Christmas Eve.
New Practical English 1
New Practical English 1
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas
(Para. 1a) Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November is uniquely an American holiday which dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World. America has been blessed with rich land and rich natural resources. However, those early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, who taught them how to plant corns, and how to hunt wild deer. The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest, and people gave thanks to God and to their friends.
Passage I
New Practical English 1
(Para. 1b) A traditional Thanksgiving dinner usually includes turkey, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie --- all foods that early settlers and the Indians ate on the first Thanksgiving Day in 1621.
(Para. 2) Thanksgiving Day also marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in stores and shops of every kind. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year. Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve.
Passage I
New Practical English 1
(Para. 3a) Christmas is a family holiday. This feeling is expressed in the song “I’ll be home for Christmas.” The sweet melody of “Silent Night, Holy Night” often makes people far away from their family feel nostalgic. Those who cannot join the family will send a Christmas card home to express greetings of the season. At home family and friends gather to sing Christmas songs and play games.
Passage I
New Practical English 1
(Para. 3b) Children are kept busy with gifts they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus. Adults often talk over a cup of tea or coffee. Christmas dinner may be similar to Thanksgiving dinner; candy and fruitcake are especially associated with this holiday. Though Christmas is now celebrated widely the world over, it still maintains its “home, sweet home” flavor.
Passage I
means “specifically,solely”
1. (Para. 1) Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November is uniquely an American holiday which dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World.
English is one of the most important courses for the Chinese students which is compulsory in almost all the colleges and universities.
Difficult Sentences
Subjunctive Mood
2. (Para. 1) However, those early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, who taught them how to plant corns, and how to hunt wild deer.

I would like to say that without your help, I could not have completed the project on time.

New Practical English 1
3. (Para. 1) The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest, and people gave thanks to God and to their friends.

The most important part of the Spring Festival is a big family reunion, and many people will also be busy with preparing all kinds of delicious traditional food.
means “ spend and celebrate”
means “so early”
4. (Para. 2) Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve.
Some students have begun to prepare for the final examination, although most will wait until a few weeks before the tests.

New Practical English 1
5. (Para. 3) Children are kept busy with gifts they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus.

I’ve received several Christmas cards I believed to be given to me by my students.
means “be occupied with, be busy doing sth.”
This country is blessed with mild climate and rich land.
Bless me! ()
Very few people in this area survived the earthquake.
The old lady was so lucky that she survived the accident.
It’s difficult for these plants to survive the cold climate in the north.
continue to live or exist, remain alive after, live or exist longer than …
survive v.
Important Words
All the people are helping hunt for a missing child.
These students are hunting for a part-time job at the market.
go after wild animals; look for, try to find

We always observe birthdays at home.
All drivers should observe traffic laws strictly.
celebrate; obey
New Practical English 1
Don’t you think we should include some examples in this paragraph?
This book includes 20 chapters.
Her duties include putting the children to bed.
bring in, reckon, as part of the whole

include v.
Important Words
New Practical English 1
I find it very difficult for me to express how grateful I am for your kindness.
The heartfelt smile expresses her joy at the good news.
You should learn to express yourself in good English.
She expressed her determination in this letter.
show or make known by words, looks, action; clearly and definitely state
express v.
Important Words
Why don’t you join in our conversation?
put together, unite; come into the company

I don’t want to associate myself with that matter.
Don’t associate with these dishonest persons.
We always associate the Great Wall with China.
join or connect, be often in the company of ...

Important Words
Teachers should maintain close ties with the students.
You’d better maintain 30 miles an hour in this area.
The workers are busy maintaining the roads before winter comes.
How could the students maintain themselves only by doing part time jobs?
You should learn to maintain your rights as a citizen.
continue to keep up, retain
maintain v.
Important Words
Read and Think
Answer the following questions according to the text.
Its origin dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World.
New Practical English 1
How did the early settlers survive their first winter in the New World?
What does a traditional Thanksgiving dinner usually include?
Read and Think
It usually includes turkey, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.
New Practical English 1
Why is Christmas said to be a family holiday?
What do people do if they can’t join the family for Christmas?
Read and Think
Because it always has its “home, sweet home” flavor.
They will send a Christmas card home to express greetings of the season.
New Practical English 1
Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage.
The origin of Thanksgiving Day 1 _________ to the arrival of the first European settlers in America, which has been 2 ___________ favorable natural conditions. However, those early settlers would not have survived their first winter without the help of their Indian friends.
blessed with
dates back
Read and Complete
The first Thanksgiving Day 3 ____________ after the first harvest when people showed their gratitude to God and their friends. A Thanksgiving dinner usually 4 _______ traditional food such as turkey, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie that early settlers and the Indians 5 ___ on the first Thanksgiving Day in 1621.
was observed
Read and Complete
Now Thanksgiving Day is officially set on the fourth Thursday of November. The celebration also 6 ______ the beginning of the busiest Christmas shopping season in most stores and shops. Although most American households won’t 7 _______ a Christmas tree until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve, there are impatient shops and families that 8 ___________ that long.
put up
Read and Complete
Christmas is a holiday for family reunions. Nostalgia for home 9 ____________ in quite a number of Christmas songs such as “I’ll be home for Christmas.”and “Silent Night, 10 __________”. People who 11 ___________ their family for Christmas 12 _________ a Christmas card home to express their love and best wishes.
Holy Night
cannot join
is expressed
will send
Read and Complete
Parents will prepare gifts for their children, which are often 13 ________ to be brought to them by Santa Claus. Adults enjoy their leisure by 14___________ a cup of tea or coffee. Though Christmas is now becoming a popular international holiday it 15 ____________ its “home, sweet home” flavor.
still maintains
New Practical English 1
Complete each of the following statements by adding a clause to each sentence according to the passage.
1. Thanksgiving Day is a uniquely American holiday, _________________________________________________________________________.
2. However, those early settlers would not have survived their first bitterly cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, _______________ ____________________________________________.
which dates back to the arrival of the first European settlers in the New World
who taught them how to plant corn, and how to hunt wild deer
Read and Complete
3. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner usually includes turkey, corn, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie --- all foods ______________________________________________________________________ .
4. Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, _________________ _____________________________________________.
that early settlers and the Indians ate on the first Thanksgiving in 1621
Read and Complete
although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve
New Practical English 1
5. Those ________________________ will send a Christmas card home to express greetings of the season.
6. Children are kept busy with gifts ________________ ________________________________.
7. ______________________________________________ ____________, it still maintains its sweet home flavor.
who cannot join the family
they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus
Read and Complete
New Practical English 1
Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.
believe bless with talk responsible date back
express fail to maintain mark
observe put up similar to survive
1. This china vase __________ to the early Song dynasty.
2. The company has tried to ________ the high quality of their products.
3. The baby is the only person that ____________ the air crash.
dates back
New Practical English 1
4. People have different ideas as to who should be ____________ for the accident .
5. Gold is __________ copper in color.
6. Shall we _______ the tent near the river?
7. The couple often ______ understand each other.
8. It can __________ that there is no life on Mars.
New Practical English 1
9. China’s accession to WTO _______ a new era in her development.
10. Dragon Boat Festival ___________ on the 5th of May.
11. China ______________ a long history of civilization.
12. I still find it difficult to ________ myself in English.
13. I regard it a great enjoyment to _____ over a cup of tea with friends.
natural resources
This city is / has been blessed with beautiful scenery and rich natural resources.
New Practical English 1
Dragon-boat Festival
The first Dragon-boat Festival was observed after the death of Qu Yuan, and people showed their respect to this great man in a unique way.
be observed
A traditional Chinese birthday dinner usually includes chicken soup noodle.
New Practical English 1
wait until
prepare for …
Some Chinese families will even start to prepare for the new year this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Spring Festival.
Spring Festival
sweet melody
Their love for the country is expressed in the sweet melody “My Homeland”.
New Practical English 1
the host matches
The football fans who could not join the club in the host matches will never fail to watch each game on TV.
will never fail to
New Practical English 1
Though Guangdong dishes are popular the world over, many of them no longer maintain their special flavor.
Read and Simulate
Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.
1. America has been blessed with fertile land and rich natural resources.
China has been blessed with a long history and rich cultural heritage.

Greece has been blessed with beautiful myths and fairy stories.
Binhai has been blessed with tourist resources and pleasant weather.
New Practical English 1
Read and Simulate
2. However, those early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors.
However, we would not have succeeded in the campaign without the support from all the volunteers.

However, the player would not have made the goal without the cooperation of his teammates.
However, many people would not have survived the flood without the help given by the PLA men.
New Practical English 1
Read and Simulate
3. The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest.
The first modern Olympics were observed in 1792.

The first Teacher’s Day was observed in the early 1980s in China.
The first United Nations Day was observed after World War II.
New Practical English 1
Read and Simulate
4. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year.
The period after Christmas is the most relaxing of the year for many people.

The hour after midnight is the darkest time of the day.
The time after the final examinations is the most relaxing of the busy term.
New Practical English 1
5. This feeling is expressed in the song “I’ll be home for Christmas”.
This idea is expressed in the speech “I have a dream”.

This desire is expressed in the article/essay “Three days to see”.
This mood is expressed in the poem “Moonlight”.
Read and Simulate
Read and Simulate
6. Children are kept busy with gifts they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus.
Teachers are kept busy with papers they believe to be valued by students.

Parents are kept busy with duties they believe to be offered by nature.
Housewives are kept busy with chores they believe to be imposed upon them by society.
New Practical English 1
7. The usual Christmas dinner is similar to Thanksgiving dinner.
The fashionable birthday party today in China is similar to those in the West.

The general way of practicing yoga is similar to that for practicing tai-ji.
The traditional track races are similar to the modern ones.
Read and Simulate
New Practical English 1
8. Though Christmas is now celebrated widely the world over, it still maintains its “home, sweet home” flavor.
Though yoga is now a popular practice almost the world over, it still maintains its strong mysterious flavor.

Read and Simulate
Though paper cutting is now a popular art form almost the world over, it still maintains its oriental flavor.
Though the CEO is now a well-known figure almost the world over, he still maintains his simple life style.
New Practical English 1
Related Information
Intensive Study
Related Information
There are many Mexican immigrants in America. Most of them speak Spanish as their mother tongue. Mexican people are very warm-hearted and hospitable. They are also well-known for their special cuisines.
When I Was in America
(Para.1) For most people the holiday season is a time of joy and family reunions. For me, it is a time of mixed emotions --- for I have been away from my family and friends in Iran while studying in the United States. Rather than lock myself in my loneliness, I have tried each Christmas to learn a little more about the culture of the country and know more about my American friends.
Passage II
New Practical English 1
(Para.2) A tie-clasp I still wear reminds me repeatedly of the Christmas of 1989, which was quite memorable. All my classmates had eagerly looked forward to the holiday time. I had no vacation because I was short of money. My check from home had not arrived on schedule because of the crush of holiday mail.
Passage II
New Practical English 1
(Para.3) One day I walked to the campus to pick up my mail at the International Students office. But the all important check still had not arrived. Maria, a Mexican-American student, who worked as a temporary secretary in the department when others left for their holidays, must have seen me as I left the mailbox with disappointment showing on my face. She invited me to spend Christmas Eve with her family. I accepted all too gladly.
Passage II
New Practical English 1
(Para.4) Maria’s family was not rich. They lived in a modest small house. Maria introduced me to her parents, her aunt and her sister, who welcomed me warmly. Maria’s father could only speak Spanish, so he talked to me while Maria’s sister acting as interpreter. The kind look in his eyes and his relaxed behavior made me feel right at home.
Passage II
New Practical English 1
(Para.5) The dinner was very elaborate. Each dish had a special feature, sauce and blend of seasonings. Maria’s aunt ate while standing at a corner of the small, old table. I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that I was occupying her place, but her gesture expressed the sincere hospitality with which Maria’s whole family received me. After dinner, Maria chose a small package from under the Christmas tree and handed it to me. Inside I found the tie-clasp I still use to this day.
Passage II
New Practical English 1
Para.6 Looking at the tie-clasp, I knew I would always regard it as a memento of an unforgettable evening of good friendship during a hard and lonely period of my life.
Passage II

1. (Para. 1) Rather than lock myself in my loneliness, I have tried each Christmas to learn a little more about the culture of the country and know more about my American friends.

Rather than make money, he came to the country all the way to help sick children each Children’s Day.
Difficult Sentences
New Practical English 1
2. (Para. 2) A tie-clasp I still wear reminds me repeatedly of the Christmas of 1989, which was quite memorable.
A map I always carry in my bag helps me repeatedly with directions, which is really valuable for a person without much sense of directions like me.

Difficult Sentences
New Practical English 1
3. (Para. 3) Maria, a Mexican-American student, who worked as a temporary secretary in the department when others left for their holidays, must have seen me as I left the mailbox with disappointment showing on my face.

Li Xin, an American-Chinese girl, who stayed in the room as a baby-sitter, must have noticed my two little brothers as they hung their empty socks on the fireplace with great expectation.
New Practical English 1
V+O+OC Structure
4. (Para. 4) The kind look in his eyes and his relaxed behavior made me feel right at home.

He said he was quite satisfied. But his long face made me feel just the opposite.
Difficult Sentences

5. (Para. 5) I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that I was occupying her place, but her gesture expressed the sincere hospitality with which Maria’s whole family received me.

He shouted at the top of his voice, knowing that the crowds could hardly hear him; but their cheering revealed such warmth with which they welcomed him as a hero.

New Practical English 1
6. (Para. 6) Looking at the tie-clasp, I knew I would always regard it as a memento of an unforgettable evening of good friendship during a hard and lonely period of my life.

Reading the words again and again, she realized she would use them as her motto of life in the fierce struggle against her disease.

New Practical English 1
Many students go home for a family reunion on the Mid-autumn Festival.
They had a happy reunion on the fiftieth anniversary of their university.
meeting with family members or old friends, etc. after separation
reunion n.
Important Words
New Practical English 1
She told the story in a voice touched with deep emotion.
His argument relies too much on emotion rather than on reason.
excited state of mind or strong feelings

emotion n.
Important Words
She sang to herself to rid her of the loneliness.
state of feeling sad or melancholy caused by lacking of companions ,
loneliness n.
He read the words repeatedly to lock them in memory.
Whatever she says, she’d say it repeatedly.
again and again
repeatedly adv.
New Practical English 1
There was a frightful crush at the gate of the cinema.
The crush proved a danger with few emergency exits in the hall.
crowd of people or things gathered together
crush v.
Important Words
The hut was used as a temporary office.
Don’t worry. The bumping of the airplane is only temporary.
lasting for a short time only ,
temporary adj.
He suffered terrible disappointment when she failed to come.
To the children’s disappointment, it rained the whole night before the picnic.
the state of mind of failing to get what is expected
disappointment n.
disappoint vt.
disappointed adj.
Important Words
The well-known scholar lives in a rather modest little house.
not large in size or amount ,
modest adj.
ways of behaving oneself ,
behavior n.
Important Words
This tomato sauce goes very well with fried chicken.
Give each one a small saucer to put the sauce in.
liquid preparation served with some kind of food to give a flavor ,
sauce n.
Important Words
This kind of fish only needs light seasoning.
something used to give flavor to food
New Practical English 1
movement of hand or head to indicate an idea or feeling ,
gesture n.
Can you make out what his gesture means?
Important Words
The hostess’ hospitality put us at ease.
friendly and generous reception of guests
Important Words
This dictionary is a memento of my English teacher.
The painting brush is now kept in the museum as a memento of the artist.
something that serves to remind one of a person or event
Important Words
This failure is an unforgettable lesson for me.
that cannot be forgotten ,
Important Words
Read and Judge
Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.
1. The author of the passage used to be an overseas student in America.
2. Unlike most other people, the author had a miserable Christmas.
3. The author tried his best not to be overwhelmed by his loneliness.
4. The Christmas of 1989 was an unforgettable event for the author.
New Practical English 1
5. The author didn’t look forward to the holiday since he didn’t have much money to enjoy it.
6. His check was probably delayed because of the crush of holiday mail.
7. Maria was a secretary at the university while the author studied there.
8. There was only enough room for five seats at the table in Maria’s home.
9. Maria’s father did not talk because he couldn’t speak English.
10. The author appreciated the tie-clasp because it conveyed the kindness of Maria’s family.
Read and Rewrite
Rewrite part of the story about the author’s visit to Maria’s family (Para. 4 & 5) in the third person.
New Practical English 1
Maria’s family was not rich. They lived in a modest small house. Maria introduced the author to her parents, her aunt and her sister, who welcomed him warmly. Maria’s father could only speak Spanish, so he talked to him while Maria’s sister was acting as interpreter. The kind look in his eyes and his relaxed behavior made the author feel right at home.
New Practical English 1
The dinner was very rich. Each dish had a special feature, sauce and blend of seasonings. Maria’s aunt ate while standing at a corner of the small, old table. The author felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that he was occupying her place, but her gesture expressed the hospitality with which Maria’s whole family received him. After dinner, Maria chose a small package from under the Christmas tree and handed it to the author. Inside he found the tie clasp, which he still used to this day.
New Practical English 1
2. A tie-clasp I still wear reminds me repeatedly of the Christmas of 1989, which was quite memorable for me.
Read and Translate
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. Rather than lock myself in my loneliness, I have tried each Christmas to learn a little more about the culture of the country and know more about my American friends.

New Practical English 1
4. I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that I was occupying her place, but this gesture conveyed told me the sincere hospitality with which I was treated by Maria’s whole family.
Read and Translate
3. Maria, a Mexican-American student, who worked as a temporary secretary in the department when others left for their holidays, must have seen me as I left the mailbox with disappointment showing on my face.

New Practical English 1
Read and Translate
5. Looking at the tie-clasp, I knew I would always regard it as a memento of an unforgettable evening of good friendship during a hard and lonely period of my life.

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