+ All Categories
  • Saturday: Bible Study 4:00 pm

    Worship 5:00 pm

    Sunday: Bible Study 9:30 am

    Worship 10:30 am Website: trinitychurchandschool.com Church: 407-847-4204

    407-847-9293 - Fax

    School: 407-847-5377

    407-944-0805 - Fax Church Office - 8 am to 12 noon (Monday - Friday) School Office - 8 am to 4 pm (Monday - Friday)

    Pg 2 & 3 From Pastor Bob

    Pg 3 New Life Groups

    Pg 6 Birthday’s & Baptismal


    Pg 7 Noisy Offering

    Pg 7 Food Pantry

    Pg 8 Quilting

    Pg 9 Hilltoppers

    Pg 10 From the Principal

    Pg 11 Harvest Dinner

    Pg 12 & 13 Remembering Reverend

    William E. Hayman, Jr.

    Pg 14 Holden Vesper Services

    Pg 16 Pray for those serving in

    the military

    Pg 17 Poinsettia Form

    VOL. 55 No. 11 November 2016

    Tuesday, November 1st

    Wednesday, November 23rd

    Sunday, November 13th

    Friday, November 4th at Pr. Bob & Denise’s home

    Sunday, November 20th

    Wednesday’s November 30th, December 7th, 14th, & 21st

  • Trinity Lutheran Church & School

    Staff Robert Schmalzle, Pastor Peter Zieg, Pastor Emeritus Sheila Miles, Principal Vicki Miller, Office Administrator Jessica Anaya, Administrative Assistant Julyshams Claudio, Administrative Assistant Marlynn Estrada, School Receptionist Trevor Kyro, Director of Music Cindy Evans, Nursery Congregation Council (2016) Anne Burkett, Treasurer Sharon Cox, Service Tony Donnelly, President Cindy Evans, Witness Sheila Honeycutt, Learning Luanne Key, Learning Tim Romberg, Service Pr. Bob Schmalzle, Pastor Judy Smith, Secretary, Stewardship Greg Stout, Witness Joseph Stout, Stewardship Pat Wilson, Vice President School Board (2016) Sue Donnelly Liz Evans, President Vicki Miller, Secretary Aaron Schmalzle Jeannette Wize, Vice President Sheila Honeycutt, Council Liason Pr. Bob Schmalzle, Advisor School Teachers (2016-2017) Julyshams Claudio, Pre-K 3, Tiger Town Director Pam Aldrich, Pre-K 4 Susan Bain, Pre-K 4 Karen Jackman Kindergarten Susanne Hopper, 1st grade Yaelis Butterbaugh 2nd grade Cindy Sharman, 3rd grade Heather Sturner, 4th grade Laura Zieg, 5th grade Amanda Moratelli, 6th grade homeroom Cheryl Jenkins, 7th grade homeroom Kathy Lisi, 8th grade homeroom Benjamin Ortiz 9th grade homeroom Molly Harvey, Technology Tammy Owens, Music, Art Ian Miles, P.E. & Athletic Director Teacher Assistants Marla Renna, Pre-K Alicia Byrd, Teacher Assistant Tiger Town Alicia Byrd Karen Jacobs Marlynn Estrada Marla Renna


    From Pastor B


    As most of you know, we will be celebrating the

    Reformation on Saturday (29th) and Sunday (30th) in

    October. Robert Schaefer, our bishop, writes: “In a

    couple of weeks, many of our congregations will

    observe Reformation Sunday recalling the

    beginning of the reformation of the Western Church

    499 years ago now. We stand on the threshold

    of the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran

    Reformation. The conversation that Martin Luther

    started in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517, and the

    resulting debate about Christian teaching and

    practice led to changes that have shaped the

    course of Western Christianity for almost 500

    years. Luther’s teaching and the confessional

    movement of the 16th century continues to offer the

    promise of God’s love that makes possible a life of

    ‘living, daring confidence in God’s grace.’ A life

    that is freed by God’s grace in Christ to live

    lives of love and service of the neighbor.”

    Hope to see you in worship to celebrate the

    blessings of the Reformation!


    Trinity’s New Life Groups

    The deadline for the December issue of the Trinity Messenger is Monday morning, November 14th. Please submit all articles and information to the Church Office or you can e-mail Vicki at [email protected]. Thank you .

    CHURCH BIBLE STUDY THURSDAY - 8:30 am - The group meets at the Good Samaritan Village. SATURDAY - 4:00 pm - The group meets in the conference room. SUNDAY - 9:30 am - The group meets in the Family Life Center.

    The following is a list of the New Life Group Leaders and the day they meet. Are you interested in joining a group? Find one that fits your schedule.

    Rhoda Carlstedt - 407-574-6672 - John Grp Jim & Judy Smith - 386-679-4980 Second Sunday of the month, 2:30 pm

    Bob Melzer & Jill Grignani - 407-962-9681 (Bob) - Andrew Grp - 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:00 pm

    Pat Wilson - 407-870-8475 - Bartholomew Grp Second Sunday of the month, 12 noon

    Charles & Elaine Thackston - 863-427-0035 - Paul Grp - 3rd Sunday of the month, 4:00 pm

    Al & Miriam Zella - 407-846-3361 - Matthias Grp Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm

    Mona Somers & Lois Deland- 407-846-9047 (Mona) 407-507-3066 (Lois) - Phillip Grp - (Meeting at Trinity the first Saturday of each month immediately following the 5 pm service.)

    Monica Folk - 407-870-8603 & Tim & Terri Romberg - 407-857-9649—Matthew Grp (Meeting at Trinity the first Sunday of each month immediately following the 10:30 am service.)

    Trinity will have a Christmas Party event on Sunday, December 18th, immediately following the 10:30 am worship service. Mark the date and watch for details in your weekly announcement sheets.




    Trinity Deacons

    Row 1: Bob Bergeson, Paul Braithwood, Monica Folk Row 2: Lois Deland, Mona Somers, Amy Vanderkin Row 3: Miriam Zella, Harry Humphrey, Tim Romberg

    In memory of Beth Barnard given by Bruce Barnard & family to Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

    A new confirmation class

    started on October 2nd, for

    students in 7th grade or above

    who have not been confirmed.

    If you are interested in having

    your child in this class, please

    contact Vicki at 407-847-4204 or

    by email at [email protected].

    The Shuttle Sponsor for the month of

    November is Frankee Saunders to

    the Glory of God.

    Daylight Savings

    Time ends on

    Sunday, November


    Set your clocks back on Saturday

    night, November 5th.


    Youth Group

    November 2 November 9

    November 16 November 23

    November 30

    Location: Youth Room Hours: 6 pm to 8 pm

    High School - Doug Lattman



    Trinity will be remembering those

    who have passed before us, this

    past year, on All Saints Day.

    There is a sign up sheet in the

    narthex for you to list their names.

    November 6, 2016

    Your friend and mine, Dee Mertz who has attended Trinity Lutheran Church for many years, mostly on Saturday nights, has moved. Recently Dee and her husband, Rodney moved to Ft. Wayne Indiana, to be near family. She shared with us that they now have an apartment, most of their “stuff” is in storage, and when she finishes unpacking the nine boxes that are in the apartment, they will declare themselves “moved in.” In the last 60 days, since they moved, other than unpacking, they have had the pleasure of meeting their first granddaughter and celebrated their grandson’s first birthday. We wish Dee & her husband the very best. If you’d like to keep in touch with Dee, her address is P.O. Box 8982, Ft. Wayne, IN 46898.

    Christmas Eve is just around the corner. We are in need of ushers for the four Christmas Eve services. If you are interested in helping out, please speak to Larry or Linda Whetsel before or after the 10:30 am service or email Vicki that you are interested at [email protected]. She will have the Whetsel’s contact you.


    1 Travon Cox

    Marty Folk

    Jon Robertson

    5 Justina Holstrum

    6 Elaine Thackston

    7 Peyton Sinagra

    8 Diane Chesley

    Beverly Day-Cunningham

    Timothy Horton

    Benjamin Kirkpatrick

    Betty Zipay

    9 Karen Milazzo

    Taylor Patton

    10 Charlotte Cash

    David Walters

    11 Joan Bonderud

    Ross Mitchell

    12 Johnny Shalla

    13 Rena Persram

    Matthew Somers

    14 Larry Hopper

    15 Adriana Marino

    17 Kurtis Dobbs

    Chick Sartini

    18 Joy Borgman

    Sandra Braithwood

    20 Barbara Wendland

    Mary Zella

    21 Sheila Miles

    22 Debbie Porpora

    Athena Swift

    Lucylle Zieg

    24 Michael Leininger

    25 Chad Kimmel

    26 Cynthia Sharman

    27 Jane Murawski

    28 Anthony Donnelly

    30 Carol Tudor

    1 Meg Barker Donna Freitag Janet Freitag Clara Humphrey Lawrence Humphrey Tricia Milazzo 2 Sharon Anderson Jessica Link 5 Luis Barreto-Anez Marilyn Ertman 7 Natasha Sartini Kirk Whetsel 9 Camila Porfilio 10 Drake Evans Nick Evans 12 Jon Robertson Kane Robertson 13 Reno Mostoller 14 Annabelle Cash 21 Shirley Hopper 23 William Kelley 25 Kathryn Goodridge Zachary Goodridge 29 Lori Clark 30 Gwenyth Lewis Happ




    For the month of

    November we are

    collecting “Thanksgiving” food items for

    our Trinity School Pantry. Many of our

    school families are struggling and need

    help feeding their loved ones. We are

    collecting non-perishable food items

    that these families can prepare so they

    can celebrate Thanksgiving. So as you

    are shopping, please consider picking

    up stuffing, vegetables, potato’s,

    cranberry sauce or your other favorite

    traditional Thanksgiving items. . Please

    place your non-perishables in the

    grocery cart at the back of the church.

    Thank you in advance for your support!

    A big THANK YOU to all who have

    supported our School Pantry.

    Trinity School’s Food Pantry

    The Noisy Offering for the month of October and also November will be in support of the ELCA Good Gifts Program. We are hoping to buy a farm and a cow! (a Family Farm cost $715) As of the 4th weekend of October, we have collected $520.94 in Noisy Offering. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


    We have big news! We have decided to offer baby quilts for those friends and grandparents wanting something special for their babies to snuggle in. Also we are making some colorful throws to cover up while watching television this winter. They will be on display on our altar rail as well as the first row of chairs in the front of the church on the weekends of November 12 & 13 and November 19 & 20. Since we are not having a Christmas Festival, 50% of the profit of any sales we make, over those two weekends, will go to Trinity School and the other 50% will be put in the quilters fund to purchase material and items needed to create more quilts. The items not sold will be given to our usual charities; Red Cross, Florida Lutheran Federation and Help Now. Please we need your help to make this latest undertaking a success.

    Irene Sisson and

    Judie Peters Irene Sisson Judie Peters

    Our Quilting Leaders

    Trinity will have a Thanksgiving

    Eve service on Wednesday,

    November 23rd at 7 pm.

    It’s that time of year again. You can find an order form for Poinsettia plants on Pg 17 of your newsletter. You can tear this page

    off and use it or if you prefer, you can pick up a form in the narthex. Remember, PRINT, so that we can read the names you are listing. We’d hate to misspell anyone’s name. The deadline is Sunday, December 11th. The order will be called in on Monday morning, December 12th. Thank you!



    Hilltoppers November News

    Please join us for our November gathering

    at one of everybody’s favorite dining spots

    – the Red Lobster on West Vine Street.

    Besides indulging in a lovely lunch, we’ll

    engage in some “mixer games.” The first

    Tuesday in the month is November 1 and

    we’ll meet as usual at 12 Noon. Our October gathering was a delightful

    and spirit-building “Community of Faith”

    enhancing time. Several folks (who had

    been invited to share before hand) told

    stories of how the community of faith at

    Trinity has nurtured and uplifted them over

    the years. We’ll do some more of this in

    the future. In response to queries, we also shared

    updates on previous members of the

    Trinity family who are no longer with us or,

    indeed, are now in their heavenly home. Okay senior Lutherans, you know the drill,

    make your reservation so we can make a

    place at the table at Red Lobster for YOU.

    Don Peters: [email protected],


    Pastor Pete: [email protected], 407-854-

    04170 -PJZ

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]


    I can’t believe we have completed the first nine weeks of the school year already! During this time, we survived Hurricane Matthew, losing 2 days of school but fortunately God watched over us and everyone was safe with no

    property damage.

    In an attempt to encourage excellent character traits and to respect and be kind to each other, we are continuing the Random Acts of Kindness program. When a student or teacher sees another student helping or being kind to others they can nominate that student to receive a Random Act of Kindness Award. Every Wednesday during Chapel, one of the nominations is randomly selected and that student will receive a beautiful Trinity Spirit T.Shirt that they can wear at future Chapels or NUTS days, and certificates for a kid’s meal at Burger King and Popeye’s. It is amazing how helpful and kind our students are and if you ever pass through the Life Center, please stop by and read all the nominations. Also please take time to see all the amazing activities the

    students have been involved in, especially

    demonstrating how artistic they are.

    Once again students are involved in the Christmas Shoe Box Program in which they fill show boxes with gifts for children of various ages. The boxes will then be mailed overseas to needy children, these boxes quite often being the only gift they would receive. Approximately 200 boxes were collected by the students and staff last year and we hope to collect as many this year. Please know you are welcome to support this event or our food drive to make Thanksgiving food parcels for our needy families. Thank you for all your support

    at Trinity Lutheran School.


    Sheila Miles, Principal


    The flower chart for 2017 is now hanging in the hallway (conference room end) for you to sign up to sponsor the flowers for a specific weekend. What are the procedures: Cost: $25 to sponsor the flowers Payment: You can use a flower envelope located in the narthex or a regular offering envelope in one of the pews (just mark “flowers” on the envelope). Drop your payment at least one weekend before the date you are signed up for, in the offering plate. What are the flowers for: You can email Vicki at [email protected] with what your flowers are for or write it on the envelope you are using to pay for the flowers. (in honor of, in memory of, in celebration of…)

    Trinity’s Harvest Dinner will take place on Sunday, November 20th immediately following the 10:30 am worship service, in the Family Life Center. Trinity will provide the meat and you supply the sides as follows: (last names starting with) A to F bring appetizers G to P bring salads & side dishes Q to Z bring desserts

    (Please bring your side dish to serve at least 6 people.)

    There is a sign up sheet in the narthex. It is important to sign up so that we know how much meat to purchase.


    The Reverend William E. Hayman, Jr.

    Bill, also known as “Sonny” to his family, joined the church triumphant on October 18, 2016 after a 2-year battle with gastric cancer. He was 66 years old. He was a faithful child of God and a native of Wilmington, Delaware. He was the oldest of 10 children born to Virginia and William Sr., who are both deceased. He was devoted to his wife, Marge, and lived in Verandah Lakes at Stevens Plantation, in Saint Cloud, FL. He was the loving father of two daughters, Kecia and Linda, and a very proud grandfather to Larry and Layla. His love for God and his love for his family were the primary driving forces of his life. Bill was at peace in his garden – be it flowers, vegetables or simply landscaping. He was an avid Disney fan from the theme parks to the movies and everything in between. Disney cruises were his favorite vacations. Finally, he was dedicated to learning all about his ancestry and amassed quite a collection of documents that traced his lineage back to the 1650’s. In 1968, Bill graduated from Wilmington High School and was honored for scholastic achieve-ment and athletic performance. In 1973, Bill graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education. He was a linebacker for the Fighting Blue Hens and played on the 1969 and 1970 NCAA College Division I East Football Championship teams. After graduating from the University of Delaware he became an elementary school teacher and taught mentally challenged students in the Wilmington Public Schools. When he was not teaching, Bill used his talents as the director of the Zion Lutheran Neighborhood House outreach and witness program; he developed his own youth services corporation, Camp Sonny, Inc., which specialized in bringing enrichment programs to disadvantaged youth in the city of Wilmington. His involvement in the community led to him being honored as a finalist in the 1983 and 1984 annual recognition of the Outstanding Young Man of Wilmington, Delaware. Before entering the seminary, Bill was recruited to be a Boy Scouts of America executive serving scouting as a community service director and an urban relations specialist. Bill graduated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia in 1989. His journey as a minister of the gospel led him to the following congregations: Messiah Lutheran Church,

    Continued on Page 13


    Philadelphia, PA, where he served for three years; a one year interim at St. John Lutheran Church also in Philadelphia; eight years as pastor at the Lutheran Church of the Living Word, in Columbia, Maryland and nine years at St. Timothy’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dundalk, Maryland. During his many years as Pastor, he served on various committees within the church and the community. Bill retired from full-time ministry in 2010, when he and Marge fulfilled their dream to become Floridians and enjoy their slice of paradise. Bill is survived by his wife of 29 years Marge, his two daughters, Kecia (Matthew) and Linda (Ramon) and his two grandchildren, Larry and Layla. In addition, he is survived by his siblings, Esther of Glendale, WI; Edward of Tampa, FL; Dale (Colette) of Newark, DE; Jeffrey (Cynthia) of Milwaukee, WI; Wade (Sue) of Dover, DE. He was loved and will be missed by a whole host of family, friends, and colleagues in ministry. In addition to his parents, Bill was pre-deceased by siblings: Debora, Linda, Allen and Zachary. A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, November, 19, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 3016 W. Vine Street, Kissimmee, Florida 34741. Memorial Contributions may be made in his name to the American Cancer Society or to Trinity Lutheran Church in Kissimmee, Florida.

    Continued from Page 12


    Trinity’s Youth will again host the Holden Vesper services for Advent.

    Your help is needed! We need people who can sing, dance, make banners, prepare food, be greeters, run powerpoint, work lights, video record, and pray for those who are producing, participating, and attending these services. As you can see, we have a need for all different skills and are hoping that you will join us in preparing for Advent. The practices for the Advent Vesper services will be on the following Wednesday dates: November 2nd November 9th November 16th and possibly November 23rd

    (Practice time is 6:59 pm until about 7:45 pm) The Advent Vesper services will be held on the following Wednesday dates: November 30th December 7th December 14h December 21st

    (The service time is 6:59 pm and will last approximately 20-30 minutes.) For those who would like to socialize and have some pizza we will be in the Family Life Center from 6:00pm to 6:49. The Social Time from 6:00 comprises of having some pizza, playing pool, cards, Jinga, shoot hoops, hang out, do homework, etc. After practices we have a few minutes of a voluntary Faith/Inspiration time for about 6 -12 minutes. All are welcome to stay for this time, if they so desire to participate. If you need a ride and need to carpool, chat w/ us, as we have people who carpool/ride share.

    If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, insights, issues, suggestions; please contact Douglas Lattman via e-mail [email protected] or via text or voice phone, 407-989-9244 (sms or voice) .

    mailto:[email protected]



    November we will pray for the following Trinity


    November 6 – Tim, Terri, & Matthew Romberg;

    Barbara Romney; Frances Rosa; Brian, Amie,

    Spencer, & Ashlyn Ross; Faye Rud

    November 13 - Marie Russo; Steve & Mary Beth

    Salisbury; Devin Sanchez; Evanny & Eryelle Santos;

    Chick, Lynda, & Natasha Sartini

    November 20 – Jan Sauer; Frances Saunders;

    David Scharfenberg; Douglas, Michelle, Kiersten, &

    Kyle Scharfenberg; Aaron & Joelle Schmalzle

    November 27 - Pr. Bob & Denise Schmalzle; Nevin

    Schmick; Janet Schreiber; Arthur Schroeder;

    Marlene Swartz


    Joe Brenner

    Ray Halpin

    Clara Humphrey

    Larry Humphrey

    Laura Jerstad

    Jan Johnson

    Virginia King

    Milton Persram

    Joyce Pielmeier

    Betty Watkins

    Arlene Vorse



    Pastor Bob Schmalzle

    ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

    Synodical Bishop Robert Schaefer

    Trinity’s families in transition

    New Life Groups and their leaders

    Trinity’s church & school leaders

    Our members’ businesses

    Peace where there is conflict

    Our church staff, teachers & students

    Federal, State & Local Gov’t leaders

    Kissimmee Police & Fire Dept.

    Unemployed & Underemployed

    Fran Balcom

    Julie Freet

    Clara Humphrey

    Larry Humphrey

    Virginia King

    Kathryn Linklater

    Elroy Milliner


    PO2 Brian Bentley, U.S. Navy The Rev. Chris Conklin, Chaplin, U.S. Air Force SGT Andrew Coutts, U.S. Marine PFC Levi Cowart, U.S. Army Cpt. Eric Deitrick, U.S. Army National Guard PVT Dylan Gray, U.S. Army CTMSA Timothy Horton, U.S. Navy PFC Tyler Horton, U.S. Army SrA Logan Jenkins, U.S. Air Force SSG Corey Latsha, Special Ops, U.S. Army CPN. Aaron Lynch, U.S. Air Force SGT Ildefonzo Moran, U.S. Army Airman 1st Class AOAN Allan Paradis, U.S. Air Force SSG. Mark Radius, U.S. Army AO3 John N. Shalla SrA Matthew Somers, U.S. Air Force Chief Petty Officer, Matthew Venis, Navy Counselor CW2 Scott Walter, U.S. Army

    SrA Matthew Somers

    CW2 Scott Walter

    SrA Logan Jenkins

    Scrip is a program where Trinity benefits when you purchase gift cards through us. You pay the same price for the gift card that you would have paid for it if you purchased it from a specific store or restaurant. The benefit for Trinity is that a discount is given by the vendor which goes to support Trinity School and scholarships. Scrip forms are available in the narthex. Contact Vicki in the church office if you have any questions. 407-847-4204

    Are you planning on purchasing GIFT CARDS for family members for the

    Christmas holiday? If so, get them from Trinity! We’ll place an order on Monday, December 5th and have them to you the next week in plenty of time for the holiday. This will be the last order until the new year.


  • Trinity Messenger

    Trinity Lutheran Church & School 3016 West Vine Street Kissimmee, FL 34741-3798


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    Orlando, FL

    Permit No. 40019

    The Newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church and School

    A congregation of the Florida Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

    Trinity Lutheran School offers a distinctive Christian Education for children age three through grade eight

    “Trinity Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered fellowship fed by God’s Word, united with Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.”

    November 2016


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