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Page 1: New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases · 2017-10-13 · Symposium 205 New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases October 21 – 22, 2016 KKL Luzern Lucerne, Switzerland

Symposium 205

New Treatment Targetsin Gut and Liver Diseases

October 21 – 22, 2016KKL LuzernLucerne, Switzerland








Organized by:

FALK FOUNDATION e.V.Leinenweberstr. 579108 FreiburgGermany

Congress DepartmentTelephone: +49 (0) 761/15 14-125Telefax: +49 (0) 761/15 14-359E-Mail: symposia@falk-foundation-symposia.orgwww.falk-foundation-symposia.org

CME credits 11

Awarded with

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Page 2: New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases · 2017-10-13 · Symposium 205 New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases October 21 – 22, 2016 KKL Luzern Lucerne, Switzerland


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Scientific Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Posters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

List of Speakers, Moderators and Scientific Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

11 credit hours (CME) have been awarded for the Symposium 205 by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) - European Board of Gastroenterology .

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Page 3: New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases · 2017-10-13 · Symposium 205 New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases October 21 – 22, 2016 KKL Luzern Lucerne, Switzerland



There is a rapid progress with respect to “New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases” in recent years . New compounds have changed the approach to hepatitis C therapy fundamentally . After years of disappointing clinical trials new drugs have been and will be introduced in IBD treatment . It is important for gastroenterologists to be up to date with respect to these developments . We think that the program of the Symposium 205 will provide you with the most comprehensive update on these topics .

Outstanding scientists, clinicians and speakers have confirmed their attendance . The meeting venue, the KKL in Lucerne and the landscape of the Vierwaldstädter lake in the center of Switzerland will provide a marvelous setting for the meeting . In contrast to the big conferences where sometimes the program is confusing and overflowing the con-densed information provided in our more informal meeting will certainly influence the participants’ clinical practice .

We hope that the program will be of interest for you and look forward to meet you in beautiful Lucerne .

On behalf of the scientific organizers

Prof . Dr . Dr . Gerhard Rogler, Zurich

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Page 4: New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases · 2017-10-13 · Symposium 205 New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Diseases October 21 – 22, 2016 KKL Luzern Lucerne, Switzerland


Symposium 205

New Treatment Targetsin Gut and Liver Diseases

October 21 – 22, 2016KKL LuzernLucerne, Switzerland

Registration:Thursday, October 20, 201616 .00 – 21 .00 hat the congress offi ce

Congress Venue:KKL LuzernEuropaplatz 16002 LucerneSwitzerland

The Symposium 205 is organizedby Falk Foundation e.V.

Scientifi c Organization:Prof . Dr . Dr . Gerhard RoglerDivision of Gastroenterology and HepatologyRämistrasse 1008091 ZurichSwitzerlandTelephone: +41 (0)44 225 94 77Telefax: +41 (0)44 225 94 97E-Mail: gerhard .rogler@usz .ch

Scientifi c Co-Organization:M . Allez, Paris (France)C . Fiocchi, Cleveland (USA)H . Herfarth, Chapel Hill (USA)B . Müllhaupt, Zurich (Switzerland)S . Vavricka, Zurich (Switzerland)

Offi cial Language:English

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Friday, October 21, 2016

8.00 Opening remarks G . Rogler, Zurich

Session I Viral Hepatitis

Chair: U . Beuers, Amsterdam; B . Müllhaupt, Zurich

8.10 The role of the innate and adaptive immune response C . Neumann- in chronic viral hepatitis Haefelin, Freiburg

8.35 Hepatitis B: Current challenges in diagnosis and treatment P . Lampertico, Milan

9.00 Hepatitis C: What are the remaining problems? B . Müllhaupt, Zurich

9.25 Hepatitis E: More than just a liver disease? H .R . Dalton, Truro

9.50 Coffee break with poster session

Session II Cholestatic liver disease

Chair: F . Lammert, Homburg; M . Trauner, Vienna

10.20 Molecular pathogenesis of cholestatic liver diseases B . Stieger, Zurich

10.45 Primary biliary cirrhosis: Current treatment options U . Beuers, Amsterdam

11.10 Primary sclerosing cholangitis and IgG4-related R .W . Chapman, sclerosing (autoimmune) cholangitis Oxford

11.35 Novel therapeutic options for primary biliary cholangitis P . Fickert, and primary sclerosing cholangitis Graz

12.00 Lunch break with poster session

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Session III Non-alcoholic and alcoholic liver disease

Chair: J . Hampe, Dresden; V . Ratziu, Paris

13.30 Novel insights into the pathogenesis of NASH M . Heikenwälder, Heidelberg

13.55 Emerging trends treatment of nonalcoholic A .J . Sanyal, steatohepatitis Richmond

14.20 Role of genetic factors in non-alcoholic and alcoholic F . Stickel, liver disease Zurich

14.45 Treatment of acute alcoholic hepatitis N . Lanthier, Brussels

15.10 Coffee break with poster session

Session IV Environmental triggers in inflammatory bowel diseases: What is evident?

Chair: M .F . Neurath, Erlangen; R .A . Raja Ali, Kuala Lumpur

15.40 Antibiotics: Do they cause later onset IBD? C .N . Bernstein, Winnipeg

16.00 The gut microbiota: Dysbiosis or infection? A . Macpherson, Bern

16.20 Breast feeding, air pollution, NSAIDs: A .N . Ananthakrishnan, Do they cause IBD? Boston

16.40 High altitude journey, flights and hypoxia: S .R . Vavricka, Any role for disease flares? Zurich

17.00 How to translate environmental factors into D . Iliopoulos, mechanisms of IBD? Los Angeles

17.20 State-of-the-Art Lecture: C . Fiocchi, New treatment options in IBD based on new insights Cleveland into disease pathophysiology

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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Session V Treatment decisions: Where is the place of new compounds in IBD treatment?

Chair: G .J . Mantzaris, Athens; A . Schoepfer, Lausanne

8.00 Anti-Integrins: Where is their place in Crohn’s disease S . Schreiber, and ulcerative colitis treatment algorithms? Kiel

8.25 Anti-IL12, anti-IL23, anti p19 and JAK inhibitors: S . Ghosh, Where do we stand? Birmingham

8.50 Therapy of ulcerative colitis with phosphatidylcholine: W . Stremmel, Underlying concept and clinical efficacy Heidelberg

9.15 Paradoxical inflammation – A new phenomenon of M .D . Long, biological therapy Chapel Hill

9.40 Coffee break with poster session

Session VI Some news about old friends

Chair: F . Seibold, Bern; B . Siegmund, Berlin

10.20 Methotrexate in ulcerative colitis H . Herfarth, Chapel Hill

10.45 5-ASA: Topical, oral or both? W . Kruis, Cologne

11.10 Thiopurines: When and how? J . Cosnes, Paris

11.35 Anti-TNFs: Originators and biosimilars P . Michetti, Lausanne

12.00 Lunch break with poster session

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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Session VII New treatment goals for IBD therapy

Chair: T . Hibi, Tokyo; J . Schölmerich, Frankfurt

13.00 Imaging-guided treatment – Which imaging should F .J . Magro Dias, be used? Porto

13.25 “Treat to target” – lessons learnt L . Peyrin-Biroulet, Nancy

13.50 Discontinuation of biologic treatments in IBD S . Ben Horin, Tel-Aviv

14.15 Long-term safety considerations of IBD therapies J .D . Lewis, Philadelphia

14.40 Stem cell transplantation: The ASTIC trial and beyond M . Allez, Paris

15.05 Presentation of poster awards G . Rogler, Zurich

15.20 Closing remarks G . Rogler, Zurich

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Poster SessionPosters will be exhibited on October 21–22, 2016 in the KKL Luzern . The authors will be in attendance during coffee and lunch breaks on both days .

1 . Down-regulation and gender discrepancy in the expression of programmed death 1 (PD-1) receptor and its ligand PD-L1 on peripheral T cell subsets in patients with alcoholic liver disease K . Adamczyk, B . Kasztelan-Szczerbinska, A . Surdacka, H . Cichoz-Lach, J . Rolinski, J . Onikijuk, A . Michalak, M . Szczerbinski (Lublin, PL)

2 . Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in Belarusian patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis A . Adamenka (Minsk, BY)

3 . TGF-β1 -509C/T and IL-10 -1080A/G gene polymorphisms and tumor-infiltrating DCs E . Aleksandrova, K . Ivanova, J . Ananiev, M .M . Ignatova, T . Vlaykova, M . Gulubova (Stara Zagora, BG)

4 . Crohn‘s and Ulcerative Colitis Questionnaire-8 (CUCQ-8), a valid and quick quality of life measure in IBD L . Alrubaiy, P . Dodds, H .A . Hutchings, J .G . Williams (Swansea, GB)

5 . Consenting patients for oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) L . Alrubaiy, S . Shwana (Swansea, Merthyr Tydfil, GB)

6 . Development and validation of a new disease severity index: The Inflammatory Bowel Disease index (IBDex©) L . Alrubaiy, P . Dodds, H .A . Hutchings, I .T . Russell, A . Watkins, J .G . Williams (Swansea, GB)

7 . Influence of steatosis on the activity of enzymes of mitochondrial electron transport chain of rat hepatocytes A .V . Antonenko, T .V . Beregova, D .O . Voieikova, L .I . Stepanova, M .M . Kondro, T .M . Falaleyeva, L .I . Ostapchenko (Kyiv, UA)

8 . Direct antiviral agent (DAA) treatment of chronic HCV infection results in rapid regression of transient elastography (FibroScan®) and validated fibrosis markers FIB4 and APRI J . Bachofner, P . Valli, A . Kröger, D . Braun, J . Fehr, B . Müllhaupt, J . Mertens (Zurich, CH)

9 . Bone status assessed by quantitative ultrasound in children with inflammatory bowel disease: A comparison with DXA K . Bak-Drabik, P . Adamczyk, A . Chobot, W . Pluskiewicz (Zabrze, PL)

10 . Pulmonary manifestation of colitis ulcerosa in a 14-year-old girl K . Bak-Drabik, A . Szczepanek, J . Porebska, E . Machura, A . Chobot, J . Kwiecien (Zabrze, PL)

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11 . Therapeutic assessment and management in hepatic posttraumatic status associated with intricate pathology and complications M .C . Bezna, C . Deliu, M . Bezna, C . Pitis (Craiova, RO)

12 . Current challenges of biological therapy in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis associated with metabolic syndrome M .C . Bezna, C . Deliu, M . Bezna, C . Pitis, G . Matusoiu (Craiova, RO)

13 . Ursodeoxycholic acid and therapeutic orientations in alcoholic liver disease associating bile acids and lipid perturbations M . Bezna, M . Balasoiu, C . Pitis, M .C . Bezna, A . Rusu (Craiova, RO)

14 . Efficiency of molecular therapy with sorafenib in reperfusion of portal vein thrombosis due to hepatocellular carcinoma M . Bezna, M . Balasoiu, M .C . Bezna, G . Matusoiu (Craiova, RO)

15 . New interferon-free therapy with targeted antivirals in chronic viral hepatitis C and possibilities of neuropsychiatric assessment M . Bezna, C . Deliu, M .C . Bezna, C . Pitis, G . Matusoiu (Craiova, RO)

16 . Implications and therapy of drug-induced cholestatic liver disease in patients associating C and B hepatic viruses M . Bezna, M . Balasoiu, M .C . Bezna, C . Deliu, S . Bezna (Craiova, RO)

17 . Burden of anaemia in upper GI bleeding in a secondary care hospital N . Bhala, D . McNulty, F . Evison, T . Read, N . Sharma, T . Iqbal (Birmingham, GB)

18 . The role for T cells in the pathogenesis of Crohn‘s disease-associated fistulae R .S . Bruckner, M . Spalinger, S . Lang, G . Rogler, M . Scharl (Zurich, CH)

19 . Allopurinol and azathioprine co-therapy or thiopurine dose splitting – Shifting the shunters in the mercaptopurine pathway in a paediatric IBD (pIBD) population: A single centre experience S . Chadokufa, S . Sider, B . Huggett, A . Lozinsky Rolnik, N . Acton, N . Shah, F . Kiparissi (London, GB)

20 . New anticoagulant therapy for portal vein thrombosis in patients with liver cirrhosis I . Copaci, L . Micu, S . Ioanitescu, G . Chiriac, I . Lupescu (Bucharest, RO)

21 . TLR4 is still active in gp96-deficient macrophages J . Cosin-Roger, C . Stanzel, A . Terhalle, S . Lang, L . Wolfram, I . Frey-Wagner, M . Hausmann, M . Fried, M . Scharl, G . Rogler (Zurich, CH)

22 . Hypoxia positively regulates expression of the pH-sensing G-protein coupled receptor OGR1 (GPR68) C . de Valliere, J . Cosin-Roger, S . Simmen, H . Melhem, J . Zeitz, M . Madanchi, I . Tcymbarevich, M . Fried, G .A . Kullak-Ublick, S .R . Vavricka, B . Misselwitz, K . Seuwen, C .A . Wagner, J .J . Eloranta, G . Rogler, P .A . Ruiz (Zurich, Basel, CH)

23 . Influence of a high-fat diet consumption on the development of cholelithiasis R . del Pozo, M . Munoz, L . Mardones, K . Munoz, F . Rozas, S . Roa, M . Villagran, V . Ormazabal (Concepcion, CL)

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24 . Ultrasonography examination of the hand in inflammatory bowel disease C . Deliu, A . Genunche, O . Diaconu, D . Neagoe, C . Bezna (Craiova, RO)

25 . The association between age and risk of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma or death in patients with chronic hepatitis C C . Deliu, A . Genunche, O . Diaconu, C . Bezna, D . Neagoe, N . Deliu (Craiova, RO)

26 . Microvascular density analyzed with endothelial cell markers in colorectal cancer associated with Crohn‘s disease C . Deliu, A . Genunche, D . Neagoe, N . Deliu, O . Diaconu, C . Bezna (Craiova, RO)

27 . Asymmetric dimethylarginine levels and the severity of liver disease M . Dragicevic, I . Kosuta, E . Kruezi, A . Visnjic, A . Mrzljak, M . Vucic-Lovrencic (Zagreb, HR)

28 . Viekirax and Exviera treatment is associated with significant improvement of FIB4 and APRI scores in cirrhotic patients M . Dreczewski, S .A . Trzesniowska, B . Lorenc, P . Stalke, K . Sikorska (Gdansk, Gdynia, PL)

29 . Significant improvement of APRI and FIB4 scores in chronic hepatitis C patients successfully treated with PEG-interferon α with ribavirin M . Dreczewski, P . Stalke, B . Lorenc, K . Sikorska (Gdansk, Gdynia, PL)

30 . Mesenchymal stem cells are emerging curative option in hepatic fibrosis model of rats D .G . Duman, M .U . Ugurlu, T . Akkoc, N . Zibandeh, M . Banzragch, D . Genc, T . Akkoc (Istanbul, Kocaeli, TR)

31 . Mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus as second-line therapy in autoimmune hepatitis: An international multicentre study C . Efe, H . Hagström, H . Ytting, R .A . Bhanji, N .F . Müller, Q . Wang, T . Purnak, L . Muratori, M . Werner, H .-U . Marschall, P . Muratori, F . Gunsar, D . Klintman, A . Pares, A . Heurgue-Berlot, T .D . Schiano, M . Cengiz, M .M .-S . Tana, X . Ma, A .J . Montano-Loza, T . Berg, S . Hayme, S . Verma, F . Stolze Larsen, E . Ozaslan, M .A . Heneghan, E .M . Yoshida, S . Wahlin (Ankara, Izmir, TR; Stockholm, Umea, Göteborg, Lund, SE; Copenhagen, DK; Alberta, Vancouver, CA; Leipzig, DE; Shanghai, CN; Bologna, IT; Barcelona, ES; Reims, FR; New York, San Francisco, US; Brighton, London GB)

32 . Can polyphenol compounds be recognized as novel therapeutic targets in NAFLD? T . Falalyeyeva, N . Kobyliak, P . Bodnar, T . Beregova, L . Ostapchenko (Kyiv, UA)

33 . Proteomic analysis of serum from patients with irritable bowel syndrome M . Gazouli, A . Tsigaridas, I . Papanikolaou, A . Papadopoulou, G .T . Tsangaris, N . Viazis, G . Karamanolis, D . Karamanolis (Athens, GR)

34 . Obesity as independent risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with HCV infection and chronic alcohol consumption A . Genunche-Dumitrescu, D . Badea, M . Badea, P . Mitrut, D . Neagoe, C . Deliu, A . Badea (Craiova, RO)

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35 . The lifestyle changes and the probiotics in association with usual therapies in the treatment of the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in obese patients A . Genunche-Dumitrescu, D . Badea, M . Badea, P . Mitrut, C . Deliu, O . Diaconu, A . Badea (Craiova, RO)

36 . Prevalence and antibiotic treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with Crohn‘s disease V . Gerova, V . Nakov, L . Tankova, P . Penchev, R . Nakov (Sofia, BG)

37 . Prevalence of autoimmune diseases associated with coeliac disease O . Gharbi, M . Yakoubi, H . Kchir, S . Nsibi, R . Zgolli, N . Maamouri, H . Chaabouni, N . Ben Mami (Tunis, TN)

38 . Liver steatosis as one of the predictors of „non-response“ to antiviral therapy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus O . Golovchenko (Vinnytsa, UA)

39 . Serotonin- and ghrelin-positive mast cells in human intestine in Crohn‘s disease M . Gulubova, K . Ivanova, M .M . Ignatova, J . Ananiev (Stara Zagora, BG)

40 . The prevalence of alexithymia in inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis C .W .P . Hopkins, C .D . Moulton (Reading, London, GB)

41 . Cardiovascular disease cases in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Results of 7-year experience D . Janelidze, N . Omanidze (Kyiv, UA)

42 . The predictive value of ferritin in older patients in the diagnosis of colon cancer F . Karakaya, C . Kalkan, D . Turan, A . Caliskan Kartal, I . Soykan (Ankara, TR)

43 . Systemic immune dysregulation has an impact on patients‘ prognosis in the course of alcoholic liver injury B . Kasztelan-Szczerbinska, A . Surdacka, H . Cichoz-Lach, J . Rolinski, K . Adamczyk, J . Onikijuk, A . Michalak, M . Szczerbinski (Lublin, PL)

44 . Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Lessons learnt in the South East Coast UK-Royal Surrey County Hospital C . Kelly, M . Pericleous, T . Dhillon, I . Bagwan, A . Ala (Guildford, GB)

45 . Helicobacter pylori infection influence on depression level in patients with functional dyspepsia N . Kharchenko, I . Lopukh, D . Janelidze (Kyiv, UA)

46 . Clinical features of isolated acute ischemic proctitis mimicking ulcerative proctitis J .K . Kim, Y .S . Choi, H .J . Park, M .-J . Kim (Seoul, KR)

47 . The effectiveness of treatment of patients with luminal form Crohn‘s disease mesenchymal stromal cells of the bone marrow: 7 years of observation O . Knyazev, A . Kagramanova, N . Fadeeva, A . Lishchinskaya, O . Boldyreva, I . Ruchkina, A . Konoplyannikov, A . Parfenov, A . Babayan (Moscow, Obninsk, RU)

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48 . Combination therapy of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells and azathioprine not affect the clinical course luminal Crohn‘s disease O . Knyazev, A . Kagramanova, A . Lishchinskaya, A . Babayan, N . Fadeeva, O . Boldyreva, A . Konoplyannikov, A . Parfenov (Moscow, Obninsk, RU)

49 . Supplementation of probiotic strains with nutraceuticals differentially affects manifestation of experimental NAFLD N . Kobyliak, T . Falalyeyeva, P . Bodnar, T . Beregova, L . Ostapchenko (Kyiv, UA)

50 . Immunological status, endotoxemia and dysbiosis in patients with type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease K .O . Kondratiuk, P .N . Bodnar, N .I . Lisyany, L .N . Belska (Kyiv, UA)

51 . DIOS syndrome in an 11-month-old infant with cystic fibrosis B . Kordys-Darmolinska, H . Wos, S . Wiecek (Katowice, PL)

52 . Bile acids regulate intestinal wound healing by FXR-mediated inhibition of CFTR expression in human colonic epithelial cells N .K . Lajczak, M .S . Mroz, V . Saint-Criq, S .J . Keely (Dublin, IE)

53 . Bile acids regulate colonic epithelial defensin secretion: Implications for pathogenesis and therapy of inflammatory bowel disease N .K . Lajczak, V . Saint-Criq, M .S . Mroz, A . Perino, F . Murray, K . Schoonjans, S .J . Keely (Dublin, IE; Lausanne, CH)

54 . The potential of secreted molecules of human amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem/stromal cells in IBD therapy E . Legaki, M .G . Roubelakis, G .E . Theodoropoulos, A .H . Lazaris, G . Karamanolis, E . Marinos, M . Gazouli (Athens, GR)

55 . Condition of immune response to lipopolysaccharides of gut microbiota in chronic viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis B . Levitan, G . Levitan, T . Kasyanova (Astrakhan, RU)

56 . Initial infliximab treatment efficacy without previous conventional therapy in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis I . Litovchenko (Vinnytsia, UA)

57 . HDV/HBV/HCV coinfection as a diagnostic problem and therapeutic challenge B . Lorenc, K . Sikorska, P . Stalke, K .P . Bielawski, D . Zietkowski (Gdansk, PL)

58 . Co-morbidities in inflammatory bowel disease patients E .G . Malaeva, L .A . Kobruseva (Gomel, BY)

59 . Lactoferrin as a biomarker in liver cirrhosis patients with bacterial infections E .G . Malaeva (Gomel, BY)

60 . Treatment of small cell stomach MALT lymphoma M .M . Mallaev, A .A . Yusupbekov (Tashkent, UZ)

61 . Quality improvement project: Cost saving through switching 5-ASA (aminosalicylic acid) drugs in ulcerative colitis patients in clinical remission J . Man, S .R . Lou, T . Gibbons, S . de Rivaz, A . Gunasekera (London, Chertsey, GB)

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62 . The diabetic enteropathy treatment optimization in patients with type 2 diabetes in combination with the bacterial overgrowth syndrome A .S . Maslova, I .M . Skrypnyk, Y .A . Mandryka (Poltava, UA)

63 . Relationship between deviations in peripheral blood cell populations and selected clinical parameters in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis A . Michalak, H . Cichoz-Lach, E . Grywalska, A . Kowalik, J . Rolinski, B . Kasztelan-Szczerbinska, K . Adamczyk (Lublin, PL)

64 . The regulatory properties of ions in the control of life cycle of hepatocytes O . Mintser, D . Vatlitsov (Kyiv, UA)

65 . Survival of apoptosis-primed activated hepatic fibroblasts is Bcl-xL-dependent A . Moncsek, A . Weber, B . Müllhaupt, C . Fingas, J .C . Mertens (Zurich, CH; Essen, DE)

66 . Correlation between Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity, Lichtiger Index and fecal calprotectin in ulcerative colitis patients R . Nakov, V . Nakov, P . Penchev, L . Tankova, V . Gerova, T . Kundurzhiev (Sofia, BG)

67 . NAFLD treatment – Difficulties and expectations D . Neagoe, G . Ianosi, A . Amzolini, A . Farmazon, M . Popescu, C . Deliu (Craiova, RO)

68 . Outcomes from colonoscopic surveillance in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis T . Partington, J . Skinner, A . Barnabas (London, GB)

69 . How useful are colonoscopic surveillance protocols in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and colitis? T . Partington, J . Skinner, A . Barnabas (London, GB)

70 . Azathioprine drug management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease K . Pavlovska, M . Slaninka Miceska, E . Atanasovska, M . Petrushevska, P . Mishevska, L . Efremovska (Skopje, MK)

71 . Trends of serum IgG4 level testing in a UK tertiary hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) centre and correlation with the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) M . Pericleous, C . Kelly, I . Bagwan, Y . Karim, T . Worthington, N . Karanjia, A . Ala (Guildford, GB)

72 . Experience of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) in the UK: An online national survey M . Pericleous, C . Kelly, I . Bagwan, Y . Karim, T . Worthington, N . Karanjia, A . Ala (Guildford, GB)

73 . Molecular therapy targeting vascular endothelial growth factor is not equally effective in all HCC types O . Plehutsa, A . Sydorchuk, P . Fomin, R . Sydorchuk, I . Sydorchuk, L . Sydorchuk, O . Sydorchuk, A . Vakarchuk (Chernivtsi, Kyiv, UA)

74 . Calprotectin in the ulcerative colitis diagnosis in patients with autoimmune hepatic disorders I . Podstavkina, G . Tarasova, V . Mordasova (Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, RU)

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75 . Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on hepatic steatosis, NAFLD fibrosis score and HSENSI in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients: A MRI-based pilot open-label study S .A . Polyzos, E . Stefanidis, D . Chatzopoulos, P . Nikolopoulos, A . Stogianni, I . Romiopoulos, P . Katsinelos, J . Kountouras (Thessaloniki, GR)

76 . Decreased fibrogenesis in CH25H-/- mice in a mouse model of intestinal fibrosis T . Raselli, A . Wyss, C . Mamie, G . Rogler, M . Hausmann, B . Misselwitz (Zurich, CH)

77 . Systematic review of the clinical disease severity indices for inflammatory bowel disease I . Rikaby, L . Alrubaiy, S . Shwana (Swansea, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, GB)

78 . Involvement of cytokines of IL-20 subfamily in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease R . Rokonay, E . Sziksz, D . Pap, A . Veres-Szekely, R . Lippai, A .J . Szabo, A . Vannay (Budapest, HU)

79 . Hypoxia inhibits intestinal inflammation through the activation of autophagy and the suppression of NLRP3 P .A . Ruiz, J . Cosin-Roger, S . Simmen, K . Atrott, H . Melhem, I . Frey-Wagner, C . de Valliere, P . Spielmann, R .H . Wenger, J . Zeitz, S .R . Vavricka, G . Rogler (Zurich, CH)

80 . Differences in sequences between HBV relaxed circular (RCDNA) and covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) forms M . Rybicka, A . Woziwodzka, T . Romanowski, P . Stalke, M . Dreczewski, K .P . Bielawski (Gdansk, PL)

81 . „I can‘t give IV fluids, they‘ve got ascites!“: Improving the management of patients with acute decompensated chronic liver disease at a regional hospital in the United Kingdom A . Saifuddin, L . McDaid, A . Cardoso-Pinto, H . Sharma (Kent, GB)

82 . An audit of ERCP in a district general hospital S . Shwana, L . Alrubaiy (Merthyr Tydfil, Swansea, GB)

83 . Initial management of acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in a district general hospital S . Shwana, L . Alrubaiy (Merthyr Tydfil, Swansea, GB)

84 . Urgent referrals for upper GI endoscopy: District general hospital experience S . Shwana, L . Alrubaiy (Merthyr Tydfil, Swansea, GB)

85 . Treatment efficiency and copper metabolism marker evaluation in Wilson‘s disease patients during pathogenic therapy N .N . Silivonschik, O .A . Zhigaltsova-Kuchinskaya (Minsk, BY)

86 . How does the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis influence on the course of ischemic heart disease? I . Skrypnyk, G . Maslova, O . Hapon (Poltava, UA)

87 . Role of lactase deficiency in forming of dyspeptic syndrome in patients with irritable bowel syndrome associated with small intestine bacterial overgrowth I . Skrypnyk, G . Maslova, T . Radionova (Poltava, UA)

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88 . The use of 5-aminosalicylic acid in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in Switzerland C . Sokollik, N . Fournier, D . Rizzuti, C . Braegger, A . Nydegger, S . Schibli, J . Spalinger; Swiss IBD Cohort Study (Bern, Lausanne, Zurich, Lucerne, CH)

89 . Whether elevated urea creates risk of NAFLD? A . Sundov, Z . Sundov (Split, HR)

90 . Candidate genes‘ polymorphisms associated with pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines: Targeting personalized therapies in IBD A . Sydorchuk, L . Sydorchuk, I . Sydorchuk, O . Plehutsa, R . Sydorchuk (Chernivtsi, UA)

91 . Efficacy of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists for NAFLD/NASH is determined by genetic polymorphism of PPARγ gene L . Sydorchuk, A . Sydorchuk, I . Sydorchuk, O . Plehutsa, R . Sydorchuk, A . Vakarchuk (Chernivtsi, UA)

92 . Targeting prostaglandins in cholangiocarcinoma: In vitro inhibition of cycloo-xygenase-2 induces apoptosis and decreases proliferation of the human liver tumor cell R . Sydorchuk, P . Fomin, L . Sydorchuk, I . Sydorchuk, O . Plehutsa, A . Sydorchuk, O . Sydorchuk, A . Vakarchuk (Chernivtsi, Kyiv, UA)

93 . IL10 polymorphism is associated with the immune response during CHB A . Sznarkowska, M . Rybicka, A . Woziwodzka, T . Romanowski, P . Stalke, M . Dreczewski, K .P . Bielawski (Gdansk, PL)

94 . Deficiency of pH-sensing receptor TDAG8 ameliorates T-cell transfer colitis I . Tcymbarevich, C . de Valliere, C . Wagner, M . Spalinger, K . Seuwen, I . Frey-Wagner, G . Rogler (Zurich, Basel, CH)

95 . The health burden of primary biliary cholangitis in Switzerland – SwissPBC | SASL 36 B . Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli, A . Cerny, M . Carbone, E . Giostra, D . Semela, J . Mertens, R . Hessler, B . Helbling, F . Stickel, C . Khalid-de Bakker, F . Bihl, G . Stirnimann, P . Invernizzi (Milan, Monza, Rozzano, IT; Lugano, Geneva, St . Gallen, Zurich, Lausanne, Bern, Basel, Bellinzona, CH)

96 . Treatment of inflammation in excluded colonic departments T . Timis, V . Turcanu, V . Bendelic, A . Vrabii, L . Palii (Chisinau, MD)

97 . Dynamics of some immunological parameters during anti-TNF therapy of Crohn‘s disease patients T . Velikova, D . Panova, Z . Spassova, L . Milatchkov, E . Ivanova-Todorova, K . Tumangelova-Yuzeir, S . Deredjan, R . Nikolov, I . Altankova, L . Mateva, D . Kyurkchiev (Sofia, BG)

98 . The role of interleukin-24 in the pathomechanism of IBS-associated tissue remodeling A . Veres-Szekely, A . Onody, E . Sziksz, D . Pap, R . Rokonay, R . Lippai, I .M . Takacs, A .J . Szabo, A . Vannay (Budapest, HU)

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99 . The effects of UDCA in the treatment of NASH A . Volkanovska, M . Miloshevski, V . Chaloska-Ivanova, B . Todorovska, D . Janevska, E . Nikolovska, A . Karadzova (Skopje, MK)

100 . Evaluation of fibrosis and inflammation parameters of the liver in patients with diagnosed cystic fibrosis – Preliminary study S . Wiecek, H . Wos, B . Kordys-Darmolinska, U . Grzybowska-Chlebowczyk (Katowice, PL)

101 . Potential non-invasive biomarkers of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B infection A . Woziwodzka, M . Rybicka, A . Sznarkowska, T . Romanowski, P . Stalke, M . Dreczewski, K .P . Bielawski (Gdansk, PL)

102 . The results of combined treatment of Helicobacter pylori associated stomach MALT lymphoma A .A . Yusupbekov, J . Ismailova, M .M . Mallaev (Tashkent, UZ)

103 . The assessment by USG Doppler study results of treatment in liver hyperemia G . Zabielski, M . Broncel, I . Marczyk, J . Zabielska (Lódz, PL)

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List of Speakers, Moderators and Scientific Organizers

Prof. Dr. Matthieu AllezService de GastroentérologieHôpital Saint-Louis1 Ave . C . Vellefaux75010 ParisFrancematthieu .allez@gmail .com

Ashwin N. Ananthakrishnan, M.D.Division of GastroenterologyMassachusetts General Hospital165 Cambridge StreetBoston, MA 02114USAaananthakrishnan@mgh .harvard .edu

Dr. Shomron Ben HorinDepartment of GastroenterologyChaim Sheba Medical Center2 Sheba Road52 621 Tel HashomerIsraelshomron .benhorin@gmail .com

Dr. Charles N. BernsteinDepartment of GastroenterologyUniversity of Manitoba804 F-175 McDermot AvenueWinnipeg, MB R3E 3P4Canadacharles .bernstein@med .umanitoba .ca

Prof. Dr. Ulrich BeuersDepartment of Gastroenterology& Hepatology, G4-216Tytgat Institute for Liver & Intestinal ResearchUniversity van AmsterdamMeibergdreef 91105 AZ AmsterdamThe Netherlandsu .h .beuers@amc .uva .nl

Dr. Roger W. ChapmanDepartment of GastroenterologyJohn Radcliffe HospitalNHS TrustHeadley Way HeadingtonOxford OX3 9DUGreat Britainroger .chapman@ndm .ox .ac .uk

Prof. Dr. Jacques CosnesService de Gastroentérologieand NutritionHôpital Saint Antoine184, Rue du Faubourg St .-Antoine75012 ParisFrancejacques .cosnes@sat .aphp .fr

Dr. Harry R. DaltonRoyal Cornwall Hospital TrustUniversity of ExeterCornwallTruro TR1 3LJGreat Britainhardalton@gmail .com

Prof. Dr. Peter FickertKlin . Abt . für Gastroenterologieund HepatologieUniversitätsklinik für Innere MedizinMedizinische Universität GrazAuenbruggerplatz 158036 GrazAustriapeter .fickert@medunigraz .at

Claudio Fiocchi, M.D.Professor of MedicinePathobiology / NC 22Lerner Research CenterThe Cleveland Clinic Foundation9500 Euclid AvenueCleveland, OH 44195USAfiocchc@ccf .org

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Prof. Dr. Subrata GhoshUniversity of BirminghamInstitute of Translational MedicBirmingham B15 2TTGreat Britains .ghosh@bham .ac .uk

Prof. Dr. Jochen HampeBereich Gastroenterologie und HepatologieMedizinische Klinik IUniversitätsklinikum DresdenFetscherstr . 7401307 DresdenGermanyjochen .hampe@uniklinikum-dresden .de

Prof. Dr. Mathias HeikenwälderDept . of Chronic Inflammation and Cancer DKFZIm Neuenheimer Feld 28069120 HeidelbergGermanyheikenwaelder@helmholtz-muenchen .de

Hans Herfarth, M.D.Professor of MedicineGastroenterology and HepatologyUniversity of North Carolina4151 Bioinformatics Bldg .130 Mason Farm RoadChapel Hill, NC 27599-7080USAhherf@med .unc .edu

Prof. Dr. Toshifumi HibiCenter for Advanced IBD Research and TreatmentKitaso Institute HospitalKitaso University5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato-kuTokyo 108-8642Japanthibi@insti .kitasato-u .ac .jp

Dimitrios Iliopoulos, M.D.Associate Professor of MedicineCenter for Systems BiomedicineDavid Geffen School of MedicineUniversity of California, Los Angeles 650 Charles E . Young Drive SouthCHS 44-133Los Angeles, CA 90095-7278USAdiliopoulos@mednet .ucla .edu

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KruisGastroenterologie und PulmologieEvang . Krankenhaus KalkBuchforststr . 251103 KölnGermanykruis@evkk .de

Prof. Dr. Frank LammertKlinik für Innere Medizin IIUniversitätsklinikumdes SaarlandesKirrberger Str . 10066424 HomburgGermanyfrank .lammert@uks .eu

Dr. Pietro Lampertico1st Division of GastroenterologyFondazione IRCCSCa’ Granda - Ospedale MaggiorePoliclinico, Università a degli Studi di MilanoVia F . Sforza 3520122 MilanItalypietro .lampertico@unimi .it

Dr. Nicolas LanthierClinique St . LucGastro-entérologieAvenue Hippocrate 101200 BruxellesBelgiumnicolas .lanthier@uclouvain .be

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James D. Lewis, M.D.Center for Clinical Epidemiologyand BiostatisticsPerelman School of MedicineUniversity of Pennsylvania720 Blockley Hall423 Guardian DrivePhiladelphia, PA 19104-6621USAlewisjd@mail .med .upenn .edu

Millie D. Long, M.D.Assistant Professor of MedicineDivision of Gastroenterology and HepatologyUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillCampus Box 7080Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7080USAmillie_long@med .unc .edu

Prof. Dr. Andrew MacphersonBHH D117Inselspital3010 BernSwitzerlandandrew .macpherson@dkf .unibe .ch

Prof. Dr. Fernando J. Magro DiasServico de GastroenterologiaHospital de S . JoaoAv . Prof . Hernani Monteiro4200-319 PortoPortugalfm@med .up .pt

Prof. Dr. Gerassimos J. MantzarisDepartment of GastroenterologyEvangelismos Hospital45-47, Ypsilantou str ., Kolonaki106 76 AthenGreecegjmantzaris@gmail .com

Prof. Dr. Pierre MichettiGastro-entérologieLa Source-BeaulieuAvenue Jomini 81004 LausanneSwitzerlandpmichetti@gesb .ch

Prof. Dr. Beat MüllhauptAbteilung Gastroenterologie, DIMUniversitätsspital ZürichRämistrasse 1008091 ZürichSwitzerlandbeat .muellhaupt@usz .ch

PD Dr. Christoph Neumann-HaefelinInnere Medizin IIUniversitätsklinikum FreiburgHugstetter Str . 5579106 FreiburgGermanychristoph .neumann-haefelin@uniklinik-freiburg .de

Prof. Dr. Markus F. NeurathMedizinische Klinik 1UniversitätsklinikumErlangen-NürnbergUlmenweg 1891054 ErlangenGermanymarkus .neurath@uk-erlangen .de

Prof. Dr. Laurent Peyrin-BirouletDept . of Hepato-GastroenterologyHôpitaux de BraboisC .H .U . de NancyAllee du Morvan54511 Vandoeuvre-NancyFrancepeyrinbiroulet@gmail .com

Dr. Raja A. Raja AliAssociate Professor of Medicine UKM Medical Centre & UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI)The National University of Malaysia Jalan Yaacob Latif56000 Kuala LumpurMalaysiadraffendi@ppukm .ukm .edu .my

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Prof. Dr. Vlad RatziuHôpital Pitié SalpêtrièreService d‘hépatogastroentérologie47 - 83, boulevard de l‘Hopital75013 ParisFrancevlad .ratziu@upmc .fr

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard RoglerKlinik für Gastroenterologie& HepatologieUniversitätsspital ZürichRämistrasse 1008091 ZürichSwitzerlandgerhard .rogler@usz .ch

Arun J. Sanyal, M.D.Professor of Medicine Gastroenterology & Hepatology Medical College of VirginiaP .O . Box 980341Richmond, VA 23298USAasanyal@mcvh-vcu .edu

Prof. Dr. Jürgen SchölmerichGermanenstr . 8b65719 HofheimGermanyjschoelmerich@gmx .de

Dr. Alain SchoepferDepartment of GastroenterologyUniversitätsklinik LausanneCHUV1011 LausanneSwitzerlandalain .schoepfer@chuv .ch

Prof. Dr. Stefan SchreiberInnere Medizin IUniversitätsklinikumSchleswig-Holstein, Campus KielArnold-Heller-Straße 3 (Haus 6)24105 KielGermanys .schreiber@mucosa .de

Prof. Dr. Frank SeiboldGastroenterologische Praxis Balsiger, Seibold & PartnerCrohn-Colitis-ZentrumHochhaus LindenhofspitalBremgartenstrasse 1193012 BernSwitzerlandfrank .seibold@magendarmsuisse .ch

Prof. Dr. Britta SiegmundGastroenterologieCharité UniversitätsmedizinCampus Benjamin Franklin (CBF)Hindenburgdamm 3012203 BerlinGermanybritta .siegmund@charite .de

Prof. Dr. Felix StickelKlinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Zürich Rämistrasse 1008091 ZürichSwitzerlandfelix .stickel@uzh .ch

Prof. Dr. Bruno StiegerKlinische Pharmakologie& ToxikologieUniversitätsspital ZürichRämistrasse 1008091 ZürichSwitzerlandbstieger@kpt .uzh .ch

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang StremmelInnere Medizin IVUniversitätsklinikum HeidelbergIm Neuenheimer Feld 41069120 HeidelbergGermanywolfgang_stremmel@ med .uni-heidelberg .de

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Prof. Dr. Michael TraunerKlinische Abteilung fürGastroenterologie & HepatologieMedizinische Universität WienWähringer Gürtel 18-201090 WienAustriamichael .trauner@meduniwien .ac .at

PD Dr. Stephan R. VavrickaAbt . für Gastroenterologie& HepatologieStadtspital TriemliBirmensdorferstr . 4978063 ZürichSwitzerlandstephan .vavricka@triemli .stzh .ch

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Congress OfficeDuring the Symposium 205

Congress Office Telephone: +49 (0)175/7795327

KKL Luzern Europaplatz 16002 LucerneSwitzerland

Opening Hours:Thursday, October 20, 2016 16 .00 – 21 .00 hFriday, October 21, 2016 7 .00 – 17 .30 hSaturday, October 22, 2016 7 .30 – 15 .30 h

Admission to Scientific EventsFor admission to scientific events your name badge should be clearly visible .

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Directions to KKL Luzern

Arriving by planeFrom the airports at Zurich (approx . 1 hour) and Geneva (approx . 3 hours) there is adirect train every hour to Lucerne . Basel-Mulhouse Airport is connected via shuttlebus to Basel SBB railway station . From there, a direct train also departs every hour toLucerne (the journey from Basel SBB is approx . 1 hour) . Zurich Airport is approximatelya 1 hour drive from Lucerne . The airports at Geneva and Basel are well connected .

Arriving by carThe KKL Luzern is directly located at Lucerne railway station . The city is very accessible from anywhere in Switzerland and can be reached within a short space of time .Various parking facilities are available in Lucerne . For example, from Bahnhofparking(station parking) 1+2 at Bahnhofplatz 1, you can take the lift directly to the venue .

Arriving by trainFrom the platforms at the Lucerne railway station to KKL Luzern it is only a fewmeters walk . When it rains, you can stroll under cover from the lower ground floorof the railway station into the KKL Luzern . Bahnhofplatz 1 is also the main traffichub for Lucerne’s bus routes . From here, it takes less than a minute to reach the KKLLuzern .

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Symposium 205

New Treatment Targetsin Gut and Liver Diseases

October 21 – 22, 2016KKL LuzernLucerne, Switzerland








Organized by:

FALK FOUNDATION e.V.Leinenweberstr. 579108 FreiburgGermany

Congress DepartmentTelephone: +49 (0) 761/15 14-125Telefax: +49 (0) 761/15 14-359E-Mail: symposia@falk-foundation-symposia.orgwww.falk-foundation-symposia.org

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