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Page 1: New Year, New You: B2B Marketing Resolutions For 2018

New Year, New YouTop B2B Marketers Share Their Personal &

Professional 2018 Resolutions

Page 2: New Year, New You: B2B Marketing Resolutions For 2018

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?To “move” more. Since I work from a home office, there’s no walking to my car and no walking up steps — not much walking period. I’m committed to standing and stretching at least twice an hour – maybe even getting on hubby’s new weight machine.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?To find new interactive methods of engaging. Publishing more LinkedIn articles, participating in conversations and sharing content will be key to our marketing this year. One-on-one conversations with connections will be part of every day’s activities.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?It’s all about holding meaningful conversations with colleagues, partners and potential clients. They’ll all be at #B2BMX. And why wouldn’t they. You can’t beat the venue or the agenda!

Nancy NardinSmart Selling Tools

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?My goal moving forward is to be more intentional. To be more intentional about getting work done and moving on. More intentional about doing what’s urgent and important, and not what’s simply urgent.

To be more intentional about the things I care about outside of work – family, faith, football and lots more. Even a random Monday night with a “turn your brain off and lose yourself for 90 minutes” movie is time well spent.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?We continue to “drink our own champagne” with our sales and marketing efforts at Heinz Marketing. In 2018, we’ll be doubling down on our pipeline management discipline, expanding our attribution and marketing performance management (MPM) efforts, and recommitting to SEO best practices to increase the quality and quantity of our inbound leads.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?It’s one of the top five conferences of the year for B2B, easily. It’s at the beginning of the year, so it helps set the agenda and your priorities for the next several months. It’s the perfect size for learning, networking and serendipitous meetings and ideas.

Matt HeinzHeinz Marketing

Page 4: New Year, New You: B2B Marketing Resolutions For 2018

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?Give back more. In 2017, I taught wounded warriors aspiring to be entrepreneurs classes on marketing best practices in addition to raising $5k for their business ideas. This year, I plan to increase each category by 50% year over year.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?In 2017, our clients won awards on account-based marketing. Between my partner and I, we've enabled over 100 organizations with ABM best practices. We want to increase our footprint by 20% next year on ABM.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?We've presented and attended B2BMX in years past. Simply put, of the 6 marketing conferences we attended last year, this was by far the most productive and useful — and each year it keeps getting better. It's early enough in the year where you can make an impact on 2018 objectives.

Jon RussoB2B Fusion

Page 5: New Year, New You: B2B Marketing Resolutions For 2018

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?§ Work smarter§ Help more people§ Worry less

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?§ Rely less on technology and more on human interactions to make decisions§ Do something bold without an “industry benchmark” to connect with people§ Foster cross-generational relationships in the workplace to build better customer experiences

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?B2BMX is the marketing conference for the people who do the work.This event is where strategists, architects, creators and analysts come to get better.

Mark EvertzTeleverde

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?To dig deeper in a research capacity (after all, I'm an analyst) to deeply understand on-the-horizon technologies that will forever impact B2B marketing. AI, blockchain, IoT, other forms of automation — all will have lasting implications not only on what we do, but also how we do business.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?Strategy before tactics — always!

Know what's possible to measure, and measure meaningful things. Then, use those metrics for growth and optimization.

Experiment. Always have a sandbox budget set aside. Today's experiment could turn into tomorrow's strategy. If it doesn't, fail fast and move forward.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?High-level networking in a relaxed setting and great sessions. What's not to like?

Rebecca LiebKaleido Insights

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?Investing my time more wisely, spending more time with family and friends, and doing more things that make a lasting difference in people’s lives.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?I will be spending more time in person or on the phone with clients, prospects and industry colleagues. It’s time to do less digital interaction and more face-to-face (or at least voice-to-voice). Interacting directly is where my best inspiration comes from … which will enable me to start writing more.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?There are a lot of marketing conferences and most seem to rehash the same content, so I’m no longer learning anything new. But B2BMX consistently delivers a program where I actually learn something new and immediately put to work in my business. They achieve this year after year —not an easy feat!

Candyce EdelenPropelGrowth

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?Listen to a podcast a week: Enjoy new content and learn about new topics on my time.Commit to learning new skills: I’m in the middle of getting my MBA and 2018 is the year of electives. I’d like to make a point to take new courses and learn new skills instead of staying within my comfort zone —marketing and writing. Any ideas?

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?Find the balance between technology and skills: The martech space is saturated with tools, but investing in training and skill growth for the team is also a great opportunity.Equip the company to be marketers: Develop all employees to be D-Link influencers and advocates across social media and other important channels — we're all customer-facing.Perfect the fundamentals: Marketing is a balancing act between quantifiable results and creative campaigns. Instead of jumping into the next big idea, 2018 will be about perfecting the fundamentals —an optimized inbound engine, clean database and targeted content are top-of-mind for next year.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?#B2BMX is a unique experience to dive into marketing strategies and stay in tune with trending topics and key vendors in the space. The variety of sessions and size of the event allow you to directly interact with speakers and peers on many different topics — all in time for the new year.

Tabitha AdamsD-Link

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?I’ve recently rediscovered my love for playing the drums. So this year, I’m resolved to ‘get the band back together’ and make some great music!

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?Great strategy isn’t about adding more and more stuff. It’s about choosing what not to do and taking stuff away. That's why this year, I'll be saying ‘no’ more than 'yes' on behalf of our marketing efforts — all so our brand grows stronger at standing 'for something, for someone'.

WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?The pace of change has never been greater in B2B marketing. From account-based marketing to artificial intelligence, personalization to predictive, there’s a lot to be excited about. And a lot to keep up with. B2BMX offers B2B leaders a great way to stay sharp, inspired and connected. B2BMX is also a goldilocks size — not too big, not too small — with a great multi-track format. (Well, all that and you had me at “Scottsdale in February!”)

Richard HillQuarry

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WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR PERSONAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2018?§ Do the Vasaloppet 90 km cross-country ski race in less than 8 hours.§ Go even more in the vegetarian direction.§ Learn more about brand platform development.§ Publish the Mega Deals book (sales and marketing from the multi-billion dollar deal world).

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR B2B MARKETING RESOLUTIONS?§ Create many more short videos.§ Take steps towards self-service buying.§ Promote Climeon and the entire heat power category to a similar level as solar and wind


WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND YOUR PEERS MAKE B2BMX A PART OF THEIR 2018 PLANS?B2BMX has an amazing list of speakers and the deep dive into ABM will be great. Many of the world's specialists will be there.

Christopher EngmanClimeon

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