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Page 1: New York Times Scholarship

The New York Times College Scholarship Program is a natural outgrowth of the long-standing commitment of The Times to fostering a well-informed society.

We strongly believe in the lifelong benefits that a good college education can impart, and we are pleased to be able to assist and encourage promising students seeking that opportunity.

It is our goal to support the aspirations of students who hope to build on their achievements in college and to make significant contributions to society.



Page 2: New York Times Scholarship

Who IS ElIgIblE

Current high school seniors who attend a public, parochial or private school in New York City and who have demonstrated:

• Outstanding academic achievement (top 10% or equivalent of the high school graduating class)

• A commitment to learning and community service

• Success in the face of adversity

• Significant financial need

Preference will be given to students whose parents have not graduated from accredited American four-year colleges or universities.

Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.


Up to eight high school seniors will be selected to receive four-year scholarships for a maximum of $7,500 annually to attend any nationally accredited four-year college to which they have been admitted for full-time study. Students will also receive a summer internship at The New York Times, educational and job counseling, mentoring, cultural experiences and a laptop. The students will receive their scholarship funding from public contributions and an endowment fund, supported primarily by a gift from the Starr Foundation.

The scholarships may be used to pay tuition, room and board, fees and other educational expenses. Each scholarship will be renewable annually for up to four years of study as long as the student maintains a good academic record and makes normal progress toward a degree.

hoW To aPPlY

Applications may be obtained at NYTimes.com/scholarship.

We suggest that you make and keep a copy of your completed application form for future reference.

Applications will be judged by staff members of The New York Times, professional educators and others.

aPPlICaTIoNS muST bE rECEIvED bY oCTobEr 28, 2013

Children of employees of The New York Times Company Foundation, The New York Times College Scholarship Program, The New York Times Company or its subsidiaries are not eligible for The New York Times College Scholarship.

2014 SCholarShIP aPPlICaTIoN TImETablE

oCTobEr 28, 2013 Initial application due.

DECEmbEr 9, 2013 Semifinalists will be chosen and all applicants

notified of their status.

DECEmbEr 20, 2013 Additional information due from semifinalists:

high school report, transcript, letters of recommendation.

JaNuarY 6, 2014 Supplementary application and family

financial form due.

fEbruarY 3, 2014 All semifinalists informed of whether or not

they have been chosen as finalists.

fEbruarY 17, 2014 Finalists will be interviewed at

The New York Times.

marCh 2014 Recipients announced.

13-1100 | Copyright © 2013 The New York Times

Page 3: New York Times Scholarship

rECIPIENTS of ThE NEW York TImES CollEgE SCholarShIPSfrom left to rIGHt:� Kevin Hidalgo, Annalise Armenta, Eddy Cruz, Peggy Chen, Amanda Simon, Kamara Swaby, Eugenia Lotova and Blanca Melendez.

Abraham Lincoln High SchoolAcademy of Mount Saint UrsulaAll City Leadership Secondary SchoolAll Hallows High SchoolAquinas High SchoolAviation High SchoolBayard Rustin High School for

the HumanitiesBeach Channel High SchoolBenjamin N. Cardozo High SchoolBishop Ford Central Catholic

High SchoolBishop Loughlin High SchoolBoys and Girls High SchoolBronx Health Sciences High SchoolBronx High School for

Medical Science Bronx High School of ScienceBronx School for Law, Government

and JusticeBrooklyn College AcademyBrooklyn Preparatory High SchoolBrooklyn Technical High SchoolCardinal Hayes High SchoolCathedral High SchoolChoir Academy of HarlemChristopher Columbus High SchoolClara Barton High SchoolCristo Rey New York High SchoolDeWitt Clinton High SchoolEast Side Community High SchoolEast-West School of

International StudiesEdward R. Murrow High SchoolEleanor Roosevelt High School

Forest Hills High SchoolFort Hamilton High SchoolFrancis Lewis High SchoolFranklin D. Roosevelt High SchoolGeorge W. Wingate High SchoolGeorge Washington High SchoolGrover Cleveland High SchoolHerbert H. Lehman High SchoolHigh School for Arts and BusinessHigh School for Dual Language and

Asian StudiesHigh School for Enterprise, Business

and TechnologyHigh School for Environmental

StudiesHigh School for Health Professions

and Human ServicesHigh School for Leadership and

Public Service High School for Service and LearningHigh School of Economics and

FinanceHigh School of Telecommunication

Arts and TechnologyHillcrest High SchoolHorace Mann SchoolHostos-Lincoln AcademyHumanities Preparatory AcademyHunter College High SchoolInternational High SchoolJames Madison High SchoolJane Addams High SchoolJohn Dewey High SchoolJohn F. Kennedy High SchoolJonathan Levin High School

Kipp NYC College PreparatoryLife Sciences Secondary SchoolLong Island City High SchoolLoyola SchoolManhattan Center for Science

and MathematicsManhattan Comprehensive Night

and Day High SchoolManhattan Village AcademyMartin Luther King Jr. High SchoolMartin Van Buren High SchoolMidwood High SchoolMonsignor Scanlan High SchoolMoore Catholic High SchoolMother Cabrini High SchoolMount Saint Michael AcademyMurry Bergtraum High SchoolNew Explorations into Science,

Technology and MathNew Utrecht High SchoolNew York City Lab School for

Collaborative StudiesNewtown High SchoolNorman Thomas High SchoolNotre Dame High SchoolPaul Robeson High SchoolPreston High SchoolRegis High SchoolRice High SchoolRichmond Hill High SchoolRobert F. Kennedy High SchoolSecondary School for LawSeward Park High SchoolSheepshead Bay High SchoolSpringfield Gardens High School

St. Agnes Boys High SchoolSt. Edmund Preparatory High SchoolSt. Francis Preparatory SchoolSt. Joseph High SchoolSt. Michael AcademySt. Peter’s Boys High SchoolSt. Vincent Ferrer High SchoolSTAR Early College High School

at ErasmusStaten Island Technical High SchoolStuyvesant High SchoolSusan E. Wagner High SchoolThe Beacon SchoolThe Cobble Hill School of

American StudiesThe Frederick Douglass AcademyThe Mary Louis AcademyThe Michael J. Petrides SchoolThe Packer Collegiate InstituteThe Scholar’s AcademyTheodore Roosevelt High SchoolThomas A. Edison High School

Vocational & Technical Education High School

Thurgood Marshall Academy for Learning and Social Change

Townsend Harris High SchoolUniversity Heights Secondary SchoolUrban Academy Laboratory

High SchoolUrban Peace AcademyWashington Irving High SchoolWilliam Cullen Bryant High SchoolWings Academy

The New York Times College Scholarship Program has provided scholarships to students from the following high schools in New York City:


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Page 4: New York Times Scholarship

The New York Times 2013 – 2014 College sCholarship programTo be eligible, you must: • BeaseniorinaNewYorkCityhighschoolexpectingtograduatein2014. • Berankedinthetop10%(orequivalent)ofyourgraduatingclass.(Ifyourschooldoesnotcomputeclassrank,youmustgetaletter

ofsupportfromyourguidancecounselorthatatteststoyourqualificationsforthisscholarshipandincludeitwithyourapplication). • HavefacedachallengeorobstaclesimilartothoseofpreviousTimesscholars. • Havesignificantfinancialneed. • Completeallthreepartsofthisapplication,staplethemtogether,andmailthemtotheaboveaddresssotheyarereceivedby

October28,2013.Alternatively,[email protected].


Mr. Ms. First Name Middle Last Name

Home mailing address Apt.

City State/ZIP

Telephone ( ) E-mail Address

Date of Birth: Month Day Year Country of birth have you lived in the U.S.?

Are you a U.S. Citizen? A Permanent Resident? If so, give Alien Registration Number:

Is English your first language? If not, what is? How many years have you been speaking English?

What is your ethnicity? Asian Black Hispanic Multiracial (please specify)

White (non-Hispanic) Other (please specify)

Name of high school as it appears on transcripts

High school borough: Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island

Street Address, Borough, ZIP

Expected graduation (month/year) Contact person at high school Telephone ( )

Cumulative grade point average at the end of junior year in the units used on your transcript:

SAT-CR SAT-M SAT-W Approximate class rank: out of or percentile

mail appliCaTioN To:R & R Education Consultants Columbia University Station P.O. Box 250861, New York, NY 10025

How many years

Part 1: CompletethiswritablePDFquestionnaireonbothsides,answeringallquestions,thensignit.

Part 2: Attachapagelistingyourmostimportantactivitiesandachievements,includingacademichonors,communityservice, workexperienceandextracurricularactivities.Pleaseincludedatesand,whereappropriate,durationofactivity.

Part 3: NewYorkTimesScholarsmusthaveovercomesignificantpersonalobstacles.ReadthearticlesontheWebsite [www.nytimes.com/scholarship]aboutpreviousscholarstodetermineifyoursituationiscomparableandexplainin anessayofapproximately500wordsthechallengesyouhavefacedandhowyouhaverespondedtothem.


Ifyourtranscriptisavailable,pleaseincludeacopy.Ifyouwouldliketoincludeachronologyofeventsinyourlifetohelpusunderstand yourcircumstancesincontexttoeachother,pleaseattachone.

P a r t


Page 5: New York Times Scholarship

The New York Times 2013 – 2014 College sCholarship program

Total number of people living in your household, including yourself Total number of children age 18 or under

Special circumstances, if any

pareNT or gUarDiaN

First Name Last Name

Single Married Divorced Widowed Married to step-parent

Relationship to student

Occupation Employer

If self-employed, specify type of business and position held

If retired, list last occupation and title

Highest level of education (check only one)

none some grade school grade school graduate some high school high school graduate

some college associate’s degree (2-year college) bachelor’s degree some graduate school graduate degree

School of highest education level Location

pareNT or gUarDiaN

First Name Last Name

Single Married Divorced Widowed Married to step-parent

Relationship to student

Occupation Employer

If self-employed, specify type of business and position held

If retired, list last occupation and title

Highest level of education (check only one)

none some grade school grade school graduate some high school high school graduate

some college associate’s degree (2-year college) bachelor’s degree some graduate school graduate degree

School of highest education level Location


I certify that the information contained in this application is true. I have attached Parts 2 and 3.

Applicant’s Signature Date

13-1098 | Copyright © 2013 The New York Times

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