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Page 1: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

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Newcastle Middle School Newsletter

Friday, 21st June 2019

151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E [email protected]

Term 2 - Week 8

Principal’s Message

Term 2 is flying along and we have

been trying to keep up with all the

activities as well as planned learning

programs that teachers have been

busy preparing for our students.

Reports are well underway and will be completed and

distributed last week of term. Semester 1 reports will

only address negotiated individual targets in the ILP

domains for each student, with progress and details of

learning activities across all Key Learning Areas

completed during Terms 1 and 2, integrated in your

child’s Semester 2 report.

We are busy organising an exciting event for Education

Week which occurs Week 3, Term 3. The invitation has

been sent and is on Facebook. The team, led by

Lenore, have been working hard to ensure it will be a

fun day and that you will all enjoy yourselves as we

showcase our students and the school for Education

Week celebrations. Keep an eye for more information in

the coming weeks.

Woolies Earn and Learn stickers

campaign finishes on June 25th. Please

keep on supporting us by sending them

in to school.

Elizabeth Pike, Team Leader from the Hunter New

England National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

and St Vincent de Paul Society LAC Partner have

asked that we promote their monthly support sessions

about the NDIS and how they can help. Please see

the attached flyer below for more details.

Have you got a Companion Card for your child? These

are provided free by the NSW Government, and allow

a carer (for free) to assist the person with a disability

to access and participate in a wide variety of activities

at participating venues and facilities. I have attached

a Fact sheet with information below for you. We have

a hard copy of the application at school if you would

like one or you can apply online at:



The cold, and often wet weather has been a challenge

for us all. Students have felt a bit of ‘cabin fever’ when

the weather has been inclement and they’ve needed

to stay warm and toasty inside classroom areas and

not able to burn off some energy in the playground.

However, they have been cooperative and engaged in

some alternative activities organised by their


The group of students who attended Monday’s

Combined Hunter SSP and Support Classes disco

had a great time dancing and singing (to the very loud

music we were told), but fun nevertheless.

Thanks and kind regards,

Judy Mouthaan

Principal (Relieving)

Page 2: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Page 2

Friday, 21st June 2019 Term 2 - Week 8

Diary Dates

Week 9

Wednesday, June 26th School Banking

Friday, June 28th Movies excursion

Week 10

Wednesday, July 3rd School Banking

Thursday, July 4th Musica Viva Performance

Friday, July 5th School Reports to come home

Friday, July 5th Last day of Term 2

Diary Dates - Term 3

Week 1

Monday, July 22nd Staff Development Day

Tuesday, July 23rd Students Return

Wednesday, July 24th School Banking

Week 2

Wednesday, July 31st School Banking

Week 3

Monday, July 5th - July 9th Education Week

Wednesday, July 7th School Banking

Friends News

Cadbury Chocolate Drive

Thank you to all our staff and families for taking the

Cadbury chocolate boxes to sell to families and


We have a few boxes left if anyone would like to take

more to sell.

Also thank you to the families who have returned

money for chocolates sold.

We are very grateful for your support.

Friends Committee

Entertainment Books

We are down to our last 5


If you, family or friends are

thinking of purchasing one

this year, please keep the school in mind.

The school receives a commission from the sale of

each book.

PBL Focus Areas

Term 2 We Care

Week Lesson Content

Week 9 and 10

We Care for the Environment -

Reduce / reuse / recycle

Put rubbish in the bin


Jack R Jamie


Congratulations and well done!


Sam H Tadhg

Max Jack R

Congratulations and well done!


Jamie Sam T

Taj Jesse


Congratulations and well done!

Page 3: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

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Friday, 21st June 2019 Term 2 - Week 8

Coffee Club - Term 2, 2019

On Tuesday 11th June another parent / carer

Coffee Club event was held and well attended in the

school staffroom.

It was a very interesting session with Samantha

Wong and Rebecca Hunt presenting the “Rock n

Water” adapted Karate program which is currently

running each Monday morning at Newcastle Middle


During Coffee Club everyone enjoyed participating

in a variety of activities which the students are also

regularly involved in to increase their self-control,

self-confidence and self-defence and to reduce

their anxiety. See attached photo page.

Families Supporting Families once again provided

the delicious morning tea food.

I am looking forward to seeing many of our parents

and community members at the next Coffee Club

event on 3rd September, 2019.

Lenore Hanney

Coffee Club Organiser


Room 1

Wk 8 Jasmine Borg Communication

Shaylah Sandery PDHPE

Room 3

Wk 7 Tama Matoka Science

Sam Watson English

Wk 8 Jesse Star

Sam Watson Star

Room 4

Wk 8 Layla Myers Community Access

Nate Morgan Star

Room 6

Wk 7 Ella Culpan English

Landon Wolstenholme PDHPE

Wk 8 Darcey Ahoy Mathematics

Landon Wolstenholme HSIE

Room 8

Wk 7 Adrian Citizenship

Charley Hellier English

Room 9

Wk 7 Joseph Austin English

Ben Harris English

Wk 8 Joseph Austin English

Sam Turner Communication

Room 11

Wk 7 Isabel Lester PDHPE

Jack Rollings English

Wk 8 Domenick Blanch Music

Hayley Scarr PDHPE

Congratulations and well done to all recipients!


Darcey Sam B

Sam H Tadhg


Congratulations and well done!

Page 4: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

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Friday, 21st June 2019 Term 2 - Week 8

Page 5: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

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Friday, 21st June 2019 Term 2 - Week 8

Page 6: Newcastle Middle School · 2019-11-14 · Page 1 Newcastle Middle School Newsletter Friday, 21st June 2019 151 Christo Road Waratah NSW 2298 T 4960 2122 F 4967 5920 E newcastlem-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Page 6

Friday, 21st June 2019 Term 2 - Week 8

What is the Companion Card?

The Companion Card program is a not for profit program

funded by the NSW Government.

A Companion Card is for people with significant and

permanent disability that need a carer with them at all times

to participate in community based activities and venues.

The card itself is the size of a credit card, with the name and

a photo of the holder - who is the person with disability.

When the holder buys a ticket for themselves at participating

venues and facilities, their companion will get free entry.

Companion Cards are not means tested and those assessed

as eligible have the card for life.

Who is eligible to apply?

You may be eligible for a Companion Card if:

1. you are an Australian citizen or resident, and live in NSW;


2. you are a person with a significant and permanent

disability; and

3. you are unable to participate at most community venues

or activities without attendant care support; and

4. aids and other technologies do not meet your attendant

care needs; and

5. your need for this level of attendant care will be life-long.

What information do I need to provide with my application?

Applicants must complete a written application form and


» information about their disability and need for lifelong

attendant care support

» two colour passport photographs

» verification of the application and photographs by a

service provider or health professional.

How will my application be assessed?

NSW Companion Card will consider all of the information

provided with the application when deciding whether the

applicant is eligible for a Companion Card.

If further information is required, NSW Companion Card

will contact the health professional or service provider that

signed the application form and/or the applicant.

What happens if my application is declined?

NSW Companion Card will contact you to discuss the

decision to decline your application.

If you are unhappy with the decision you can ask for a

review. Any new information you provide, with the information

obtained in your original application, will be considered in the

review process.

If your circumstances change you can provide new

information and ask for your application to be re-assessed at

any time.

How to apply

Fill out a hard-copy (paper) application form (available on

the NSW Companion Card website) and post it to NSW

Companion Card at:

Companion Card Locked Bag 4028

Ashfield NSW 1800

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