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10th December 2019



Calendar of Event

School Website: www.dandenongnorthps.vic.edu.au


11th – Keyboard Concert

16th - School Concert

17th - Grade 6 Certificate Presentation. Parents welcome 19th– Grade 6 lunch and disco


School Pledge

I will do all that I can to make sure that Dandenong North Primary School remains a great school.

I will try my hardest to fol-low the 4Cs to keep our school a safe and happy place.

I promise to treat others as I would like to be treated.

News From the North

Amazon Grant On Monday the 9th of Decem-ber, 26 students from Year 5, travelled to the Amazon Fulfill-ment Centre in Dandenong for the "Hour of Code" learning session. As we have many students that attended the Amazon camp and due to our high level of S.T.E.M. knowledge and practical skills, we were selected to receive a $10,000 grant to put towards learning and technology purchases. We will be getting Lego Robotics sets for a robotics club in 2020, a more powerful computer setup for video editing and pro-cessing, improved recording setup in the green room, a larger screen and sound setup for the ICT Lab and Wireless VR to name a few improve-ments.

During this excursion, students worked on programming a quiz for Ama-zon Alexa Smart Speaker and also Creating a Dance Party animation using coding and online tools. It was an exciting excursion and these lucky stu-dents will be developing these skills during ICT classes. Thank you to all of the students who attended made this a fun and enjoyable trip to Ama-zon.

By: Mr Cheng

Term 4 ends Friday 20th December -

School finishes at 1:30 pm.

Term 1, 2020 begins on Wednesday 29th


Page 2 News From the North

Term 4 School Spirit Awards - Years Prep, 3,4 & 5

Last week we were able to listen to all of the wonderful things that the students in years 1, 2 & 6 were nominated for as part of the Term Four School Spirit presentations. This Monday, it was wonderful to hear about the students in the other year levels. In particular there was an underlying theme about be-ing a wonderful friend to others and how hard working these children are.

As usual it was a difficult decision to be made by Mr Mackay, Mrs Mackay and Mrs Hilton as every nominee could be a well deserved winner.

Below are the Term Four nominees:

Prep A - Vaibhavi Prep H - Layla 3LF - Wahab 4P - Mutahara 5D - Connie

Prep M - Aarohi 3W - Furqaan 4H - Kavya 5H - Omid

Prep K - Zaiden 3L - Rakshanasri 4K - Amjed 5F - Yalda

Prep N - Nilofar 3B - Lydia 4FM - Navindu 5L - Zainab

Prep O - Abinisha 3P - Daneyell 4WM - Kiara 5CW - Elaha

Here are the winners for Term Four:

The winner from Prep :

Layla (Prep H)

Layla is an absolutely outstanding member of Prep H! She is one of the most caring students I have ever taught, is kind to everybody she meets and always remembers to use her manners. When working with her peers Layla makes sure everybody has a chance to participate and she always listens to her friends and appreciates their contributions. Layla you are so clever and I know you will continue to do a fantastic job in grade 1. Keep shining beautiful girl.

The winner from Year 3:

Wahab (3LF)

Well done Wahab for having such a fantastic year in Grade Three. You come to school everyday with a huge smile on your face and approach all learning with a can do attitude. I am so impressed with how quickly you are picking up English and how much effort you put in even when learning is hard. Your resilience has no limit!

Not only are you fantastic in the classroom, you are such a good friend to your peers outside the classroom too. Everything you do can be linked to the 4C’s and whenever a new student arrives to the class I can always rely on you to offer them a kind and helpful hand. I am sure you have made them all feel so welcome.

You are an absolute star. What a wonderful person you are!

Page 3 News From the North

Term 4 School Spirit Awards Continued:

The winner from Year 4:

Mutahara (4P)

Mutahara is a courteous, considerate, caring and extremely well respected member of our class, she is always there to support not only her friends but anyone who is in need. She is a quiet, but exceptionally hard working student, who takes pride in the quality and presentation of her work, regardless of the learning area. Her hard work ethic, determination to improve and positive energy is infectious and encour-ages those around her to also be the best they can be. Congratulations on such an outstanding year Mutahara, you should be very proud of every success you’ve had this year!

The winner from Year 5:

Connie (5D)

Connie is a thoughtful and generous student who quietly goes about displaying acts of kindness to others. She enthusiastically embraces challenges with an optimistic approach always ensuring her best efforts. Connie has focused on maintaining a growth mindset and has viewed challenges as opportunities for learning. Your per-severance and resilient attitude are inspiring Connie and it has been an absolute pleasure to have you as part of 5D. Well done!

End of Year Concert - Monday 16th December It is time for the whole school concert to be performed in 2019. As in previous years, all of the grades have begun their rehearsals for this much anticipated event, which will be taking place on Monday 16th December.

The students from all year levels will take turns to per-form on the stage area and parents are welcome to come and view the show.

It will begin at 1.45pm and will conclude by 3.10pm. There will be no early dismissal of children on this day.

As in previous years, we would love to see as many parents or family members as possible - so please bring a chair or rug to sit on under our shaded area and enjoy the concert.

There will be Choc tops, drinks and icy poles for sale on this afternoon so remember to bring along some money to purchase and enjoy whilst watching the show.

We look forward to seeing all of our families at this event.

Page 4

Learn keyboard at school during school time in 2020

Places for 30 minute group

Available for grade 2-6 students

Enrolment form available at school

or call Lili 0438 901146- Music Melodies

[email protected]

Three School Councillors will complete their current terms of office as of 31st, March in 2020. They are: Mrs. Carolyn Roy and Mr. Abdul Kareem Ibrahimsha as parent representatives, and Mrs Mackay as a staff member of school council. Parents who may be thinking of nominating for the vacant positions need to think carefully about the time commitments necessary to serve as School Councillors. There are about eight evening meetings required . Meetings start at 7.30 pm and may go through until around 9.00 pm. It is important to be able to attend these meetings which are mostly held on Monday evenings because the expenditure for the previous month needs to be approved by a majority of School Councillors. If School Councillors are absent and there is not a quorum it makes the approval process more difficult. This can hold up payments to creditors and give the school a bad name. So, anyone interested in nominating for school council and making their time and skill available to the school in the committed and important role of School Councillor, might want to discuss the process with Mr. Mackay so that they can be sure of the expectations of being a school councillor. Potential nominees can obtain a nomination form from the office. Nominations must be received by the Principal by close of business, Wednesday 12th. February, 2020. If there are more nominations than va-cant positions, a ballot will be necessary. Nominations are now called to fill two positions for parent members of school Council, and one staff member. Nomination forms can be collected from the main office and must be filled in by two members of the parent body of the school for parent vacancies. The person being nominated is required to acknowledge that they agree to be considered for the position. Kevin Mackay Principal. 10th December 2019

Tuesday 10th. December 2019 Call for nominations. Wednesday 12th. February Nominations Close. Display list of candidates/ nominator and seconders posted. Friday February 14th. Distribute ballot papers if election needed. Friday 21st. February @ 4.00pm Close of ballot. Wednesday 26th Feb Declaration of poll Count votes and declare poll. First meeting in March. New School Councillors, Old School Council and AGM and Election of Office Bearers

School Council Vacancies, 2020

Keyboard Lessons

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