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Mickey Trainii. vetenut N.J, . H pro who b r p n his career 28 years ago, Is new pro a I Wayne CO, on Pat I'run II Hamburg Tpke, N.J. . , . $75,000 develop-ment also Include*, besides 18-hole course. 16 bowling Line* . . . An grin Prtriiglla, former N.J. state P.G.A. champ, suc-ceeds Joe Dante as pro at Spring Meadow GC Spring Lake. N.J. . . , Dante resigned HERB to ureept similar position at West Orange (N.J.I CC . . . U S G A moving toward nationwide uniformity for deter-mining handicaps hy adopting new system which will produce both hash- and current handicaps.

F l o y d March, of Orange, Fla., to be pro a t P inecrest GC, Brookvi l le . Pa. ... Appo in t ment o f new pros a t two De t ro i t area clubs include H a r r y Ransom s ign ing w i th P ine L a k e CC and Gabe Banick named to Lake-poinle CC spot vacated bv res ignat ion last fal l of M ike Deitz.

Harvey Ilium, formerly of Rend Oregon CC now pro manager of Chuck Lewis ' Alum Ruck Golf liange, San Jose, Calif. , , . Itud W a r d giving lessons and exhibi-tions at Chuck's Colma (Cal i f . ) Range. . , Suburban Golf Club, Union, N.J., starts 57tli year With full membership. . . M. M. Bamberger embarks on Ifith year its cluh secy, of organization while Marty W a l -lack, who bus been pro for eight years, takes over as pro-supt., succeeding Frank 93vehlft who resigned as supt, after 15 years of service. . . Fred Black, Supt. Garden City (Knns,) CC reports change over from sand to bent greens and plans for new swimming pool, . , . Dave Davidson, signed as pro by Egyptian CC, Mounds. HI. . . , Walter Thiel now pro al Atzinachson CC, Milton, Pa. . . . Club now is 18 holes, having re-cently opened Its second 9 . . . First gen-


eral raise in 7 years in rates o f Detro i t area semi-public courses f o l l owed decontrol o f green f ees by O P A on Feb. 22 . . . N o standard ra te of raise but some 25 cent and week-end 50 cent hikes, all much lower than percentage o f increase in operat ing costs past 7 years,

Jack Ryan, formerly asst. to George Lehan at Superior CC, Minneapolis, now head pro at new Yuma (Ariz. ) CC, replac-

ing Pete Lamb, W. H. "T l ge " Stanley left Hubbard Trail club. Danville, III., to take over duties us course stipt. at Yuma CC.

Plans for golf course with cluh house and motor court on 208-ucre Kancho Carillo on Coronado (Calif . ) Silver Strand are being pushed by citizens. . . S125,IK)0 has already heen pledged toward the con-struction of the proposed 18-hole course. . . El Cajon, Calif,, group negotiating with county and airport officials for lease of enough land to construct golf course anil country cluh, . . Chamber of Commerce active in helping them to till out well rounded recreational facilities. . , Semi-nole (Okla. ) muny underwent recent course face lifting. . . Work has started on Coffeyvllle (Kans. ) CC course and club house. , . Layout will be on 9»-acre tract. . . . A n d r e w R . M, Corstorphine, head greenkeeper a t R & A GC has quit a f t e r 30 yea rs . . . Goes t o Ty r r e l l s W o o d GC in Surrey , . . Andro says trouble w i th St. A n d r e w s is " o w e r mony greenkeepers, owe r mony howkers, owe r f e w g o l f e r s . " . . . Translat ion, please . . . T o o damned many hacking up and otherwise abusing the course and too f e w real go l f e r s show-ing consideration f o r course."

Dick Wilson, designing and to construct new Paradise Valley 18 holes near Phoe-nix. Ariz. , , . Wilson also tn do exten-sive alteration for Deepdalc GC ( N Y Met dist.) . . , Wilson on South American

w h a t e v e r your tu r f requ i rements . . . the Mock r e p u t a t i o n f o r q u a l i t y a n d spec ia l i zed service can b e h e l p f u l in solving y o u r p rob lems.

Mock 's o r e l e a d e r s in d is t r ibut ion o f a l l the newest deve lopments in mode rn turf g ross seed, sold e i ther pure , or m i x e d t o your spec i f ied fo rmu la . Your inqu i ry f o r i n f o rma t i on o r quo ta t i on wi l l rece ive i m m e d i a t e a t ten t ion .

1 rip ti> plan new courses , . • Course supt*. and managers glad there'll be no ciinflicl In their national association convention dates in 1954 a* there win this year . . . The GCSA and O M A A conventions at the same time presented a problem to clubs in the smith and southwest « h o didn't want two key men away at Ihe same time ami an impossible situation for some who would have liked to attend both meetings.

Increasing use of gas and electric player wagons on courses may be setting the stage for golf history . . , Some lush will be the first to be pinched for drunken driving on a golf course . . , Wonder what the fine will be for running thru a red light without yelling " f o r e ? " . . . Wil l the men complain about women drivers?

Norlh Ridge ('<'. organizing at Sacra-mento, Calif., hits done a smart thing in estimating Its construction and annual maintenance costs to do a good thorough job, then setting membership (junta and costs , . . Too many new clubs figure too close and hump into financial trouble that kills a lot of early enthusiasm . . . Gene Giles succeeds Johnny Suggs (Louise's pappy) as pro-supt.. Sunset Milts (X',

"For custom-tailored turf. . ,"



"eff icient:—highly capab l e or productive; ef-fective in operation". The word seems " m a d e " to describe the Royer Composl Mixer. A Royer is c apab l e of producing from 1 to 16 cubic yards of top dressing per hour, depending on its ca-pacity. Users report up to 89% sav ing in prep-aration time. The effective operation of the Royer granulates, b lends and aerates materials fed into il and discharges highest quality lop dressing, f ree of all trash. Hundreds of golf courses throughout the country are using this efficient machine to help solve their " labor shortage" problem. Send for Bulletin 46 giving details on sizes and models ava i lab le .

Model NH Capocily 3 1o 6 cu. yds. per hour

"Members Surprised and Pleased at

AGRICO Results"

Detroit Golf dub, Detroit, Mich. "Mitt" Onieliitnofl on Rent Fairway

" I believe 10-12 was the first year we used A G R I C O C O U N T R Y C L U B on all our 36 hole*." reports Michael Oraelianoff, Superin-tendent at Detroit Golf Club, Detroit,, Mich,

"The members were surprised and very pleased nt the results," hr continues. ''Since (lien we have used it carload or more every year, and have achieved outstanding quality and color on both fairways unit greens. Our fairways nm heavily to bent., and both clover tind weeds aw at a minimum. The proportion of bent has -liown a remarkable increase in our fairways during the past 10 years."

* Order Aqr ico now — it's America's premier Golf Course fertiliser. Contains both organic* and inorganic plant food- Ask your regular supplier of write to T H E A M E R I C A N A G R I C U L T U R A L C H E M I C A L Co., 50 Church Street, New York T, N , Y.

t f t f t j c o


^Organic der i ved from A G R I N I T E , the be t t e r ( o v e r H<?r nitrogen) all-organic plant food.



Carroll tun, Ga. . , , Greens and tees w m r of finest in south . . , Club now improving fairways and clubhouse . . . I'aul June*, pro at Meadowbrook GC. Lubbock, Tex., put across a hote-l-n-one tournament that drew 835 players and netted March of Dimes $117.15.

James Harrison des igning new 18 f o r War ren , O. . , , 8th annual Midwest In-dustrial tournament at Wi ldwood GC, Middletown, O., and Po t t e r s GC, 12 miles a w a y at Hamil ton, O,, to be played Aug . 15-16 . . . Raymond O. Detr ick . Goodyear T i r e & Rubber Co., Akron , O., handling entries . , . Club managers all over the country ta lk ing about dinner Red Run GC members g a v e John Pomeroy , cele-brat ing John's 25 years as club's manager , , . Managers who w e r e guests at the a f f a i r say tt was "pe r f ec t example of what constitutes a good member and a good manage r . "

Strong pro advertising In a line In a full page ail in N Y Times Sunday maga-zine: " T o n may have to wait for your Cadillac, your Spencer Murphy custom woods, your election to the board. Hut no need to wait longer for your Carey hand-tailored sports jacket." Chuck Lewis

K n o c k o u t W e e d s I he


Scott*. W A Y

NO MIXING APPLY DRY U » Scofti 4XD to deilroy weed* near greeni, on fairway > and teet — no dongerout drift — does n't harm deitrable groitei, economical, toot Write for prktt.

O M « SONS CO, Maryiville, Ohio

now operating liis third range Ln Northern Calif. , , , Chuck has ranges at Cohnu. San •lose ami San Leanflro . .. lie's develop-ing a (lock of golfers in his well equipped, well operated nurseries.

Ford Hubbard's patent for compact golf course with clubhouse and "grandstand" in center and holes radiating petal-like, being considered for use in new course at Houston, Tex. . . . Supts.' meetings at Atlantic City and midwest this spring sure miss Fete Stewart, a grand jovial Scot, who came to the U. S, via Canada in 1921 . , . For IS years he was aupt., Lake Shore (Chicago dist.) and for 9 years prior to his death in Feb., supt. Butterfleld CC (Chicago dist.) . . . He did a lot for golf . . . His successor at Butter-field is Matt Bezak.

Harry Itubrndall, Freeport (III.) CC pro, proposes thai the PGA offer a President's trophy, honoring Ike, as team prize for Republican vs. Democrat congressional golf match . . . Harry believes the affair would be swell entertainment for con-gressmen) maybe raise some money for vet iiospital recreation, be a tribute to Elsenhower from the PGA and be good promotion for golf in reminding every-

CLICK - THE NEW CLUB CONDITIONER Satisfies a long standing need for those w h o like to keep their equipment in top shape at all limes. Especial ly formulated to CLEAN , POLISH and PROTECT the fine wood-varnish and chrome finishes on all golf clubs.

Wil l remove rust, dirt, ba l l marks, grass stains, etc., and l eave the microscopic pores ol any finish sea led with a high lustre that lasts and lasts. CLICK contains absolutely no acid, alkali or abras ive a n d can be app l ied with a soft rag, rubbing off easily.

CLICK is a sure money maker for PRO S H O P sales or service. Each attractive container holds a one year 's supply for the a v e r a g e golfer.

Packed one dozen to the box. Larger containers ava i l ab l e for pro shop c lub cleaning use. Free sample on request.

If not ava i l ab l e irom local jobber write direct to mfg. A f ew sales territories are still open.

DOLMAR INDUSTRIES 2641 W. 51st St. Chicago 32, 111.

SHINE? A Jew quick strokes of this paddle won't count against your score. A clesn ball clicks off par far better than the penalty of lost balls too dirty to tend,

" o w T C T M A K I * HAPPY G O l f f f f

Better -then - ever Lewis Ball Washers are ready lo come to the aid of the golfer. Up goes the paddle, in goes the ball, and in a few quick seconds, you're ready for the tee-off.

WEATHER W I N N E R Two "stick-fast" coats of paint shielded by an all weather-protector plastic. Any season . . . year after year , . . ready to keep your golfers happy. KEEP YOUR PATRONS SATISFIED 0rrfer ham yout dtaitr now!

W W * * * * C. I . LEWIS CO., Wol^rtown, Wit,

Weed problems are varied and com-plex. There are specific chemicals for different weeds. We have the materials* also the experience to help you. Wr i te us for information, prices and recom-mendations.

-S440 N4fthw»ff Highway. Chic 090 10. IHtnelt

body that It's great recreation for busy men.

G O L F D O M has received several sugges-tions that a practice green and trap be built on the White House lawn . , . Should be a good deal . . .Don't know of any people better qualified to do it than the experts of the Mid-Atlantic Golf Course Supts. Assn., so Operation White House hereby is tossed into their tap , . . Ike will need to get out of the office at intervals and get a little exercise and practice to make him forget his troubles . . , The honeymoon is over quickly for any president and Ike now may be won-dering whether he won or lost.

A r t Hall, supt., Victory Mills GC, Kan-sas City, Mo., gets grateful letter from Maj . Gen. H. I. Modes, CO, Ft. Leaven-worth, Ks., for Art 's services In designing and constructing additional 9 holes at ihe Fort , , . Art 's In pretty good physical condition again, barring a crippled left foot . . , Gay perennial youth of the trirb shooters, .lack Redmond, entertaining on Mediterranean cruise of American Export Lines.

Cleverest golf baby announcement we've seen heralds arrival of Jefferson Wade

There is Only One PMAS The proven


"My Budget Likes PMAS Economy — no C r a b g r a s s , Do l l a r S p o t , C o p p e r S p o t o r

R e d T h r e a d o n ou r g r e e n * . . . " says L a r r y W a n a m a k e r ,

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t a t Tw in Ponds G o l f & C o u n t r y C l u b , N e w

Y o r k Wi l l s , N . Y .

Start P M A S Early for bes t c o n t r o l o f C R A B G R A S S , C O P P E R S P O T ,

D O L L A R S P O T , B R O W N P A T C H a n d H E L M I N T H O -

S P O R I U M . C o m b i n e s w i t h C l e a r y ' s N I T R O - G R O 12-8-6

t r a c e e l e m e n t l i q u i d f e r t i l i z e r t o p r o t e c t a n d f e e d t u r f

w i t h s a m e a p p l i c a t i o n .

W . A. C L E A R Y C O R P O R A T I O N N E W B R U N S W I C K , N E W J E R S E Y

Economical, Trouble-free Golf Course Water ing

No golf course watering problem is too tough for Buckner sprinklers, A wide range of performance to choose from. Each item developed to do particular jobs efficiently. Buck net's Perfect Curtain of Water is your as-surance of, uniform distribution without waste.

Quckner dealers offer t complete service from individual units to per-marrenlly mi tilled tys-1 W ! Write tor com-plete Information.


X V i i I Z j X V t OMPANY. INC.

_OK 232 • Fresno 8, California

Ruffner who teed up at 4:21 u, m., March 2 . . , Marse Jeff is son of J. D. and Gweth . . . His pappy is fine young Southern gentleman who is asst to EiTie Ball at Oak Pa rk (HI.| CC . . . Merion GC (Phila-delphia dist.) looks like steady job for Joe Valentine, supt., who's been there 47 years, and Joe Markey, cad die master, who's been there 46 years.

Annual meeting of Northeast Wisconsin Golr Assn. club officials, supts., pros and mgrs., May 11, Oneida G A Riding Club, Green Bay. WIH. . . . SIMM) Southern Cal-ifornia golfers invited to Bel -Air CC ( L A dist.) invitation tournament . . . Event, after qualifying, April 16-19 . . . Indian Valley CC in Philadelphia dist., headed by Kobt. L, Krnpp, to build new club.

Vince Leskowsky now pro at Salem (O. ) GC . . . Jim McGinley gets Rhinelander (Wis . ) pro job , . . U S G A announces fees for wireless sponsorship of its champion-ships . . . Open, of course, costs most . . . For network radio 515,000, live T V $20,000, delayed T V 810,000 . . . You can buy network radio rights for all 8 U S G A events (including 1953 Wa lke r Cupi for $35,000, live TV for $40,000 and delayed T V for $20,000.


SIMPLEX Portable Lapping Machine

This compact, portable Simplex Lapping Ma-chine will recondition with lapping compound any reel-type hand, power, or gang mower.

Keepi them in top cutting condition between grinding [obi. Juit carry the Simple* out to the mower end u » it right on the grass! Can


be used on a bench or on the floor too. Couplet to either side of a mower. Gang mowers need not be unhitched. Drive shaft It edjuitable from 1" to 17" and runt either direction et the flick of • switch. No noity gears — operation Is quiet, simple, dependable. Write today for illustrated, oeieriptive folder.

Dept. G-5-S, Plymouth, Ohio

America's Most Famous W-W COMPOST


• MtXES |


L O A D I N G O N L Y This do„ble duty modtl can be uied separately pt 4 grlndor f" a loader. Handle* shoveling! of 3 men and grrnds thoroughly. El*vales 7Vi fl. on oc id- res i l t ing bel t . Mater ia l can' t t l j ck . H a l h a n d / transport hi tch.

(444 00 Complete Mwilh engines

f, O. >. Wichita

AN M « l e t t M a k e Top. Dressing a n d P o l l i n g Soi l W h e n Scrota I t Used

$124 50 a n d u p F. O. B. W i c h i t a . O r d e r Direct or W r i t * f o r

t j f o r d t u r e o n d N o m e of Deo far

W - W GRINDER CORP. Dept. "A" W I C H I T A , K A N S A S

San Antonio (Tex. ) Light sports editor Harold Scherwit/ writes that Graham Ross, head of P G A rommittee on new golf course promotion sparked discussion that may lead to more mtiny courses for San Antonio . . . KOSH ami Warren Cantrell, Texas P G A pres., got the hall rolling at annual Texas P G A dinner at San Antonio CC.

Construction of 18 hole public course at L a k e Bal l inger near Seatt le , Wash., being considered . . . L e o Beckman now pro a t Savannah (Ga . ) C C . , . Bill Barker , Howard Becket t ' s asst. a t Capi ta l C i ty CC, A t lan ta , Ga,, .promoted to top pro spot on Becket t ' s re t i rement . . . Asst . Jim T o o m e y promoted and now head pro at Essex Fel ls ( N . J . ) CC wi th f o rmer pro Dave O'Connell res igning to g o into furni-ture business.

N Y State Turf Assn.. Bulletins 41 and 42 on l!)5S controls for Iree and shrub insects, w ith charts and other information hy J. G. Mill t hynse and J. A. Naegele, is most valuable concise information on this work ever compiled and will be very helpful to supts. . . .

T u r f conferences and short courses this spr ing have had high attendance and


SPRINKLER Here's Why... C o v e r a g e — U p to 90 ft. circle with good pressure; as little as 15-ft. circle with just a turn of the faucct.

P r o v e n Q u a l i t y — 30 years bui ld ing better sprinklers. On ly the best brass, bronze, steel and aluminum used.

S e r v i c e — Parts or moderately-priced over-haul service available for all models.

E c o n o m y — A t t r a c t i v e l y priced and de-signed to save water — a single, mov-ing line of water — fo r double economy.

M O D E L H ( s h o w n ) — Long-t ime favorite f o r maximum coverage,

£19.50 Other models $10.50 to $18.75

S P R I N K L E R C O M P A N Y Kansas C i t y 6. Ms.

For details, write . . .

D O U B L E R O T A R Y 422 Admira l Blvd.

pract ical p rog rams convincingly showing tremendous value of these sessions to gol f course maintenance . . . A n y club that doesn't pay w a y o f its supts. to these a f fa i rs isn't manag ing its course mainte-nance budget wisely .

•ttli annual conference 'in soils, fer-tilization ami turf maintenance sponsored by Green Section of Royal Canadian Golf Assn. In conjunction with Ontario Agr i -cultural college, at Gueipii, March 18-20, drew record attendance . . „ Intensely practical program Included addresses by U. S. experts Noer, Engel, Musser, Zim-merman and Antonio Mascaro . . . At annual dinner tribute was paid to late Stanley Thompson, architect and great builder of Canadian golf , . . Field Days will he staged by R C G A Green section at Edmonton and io Maritime provinces this summer,

H o w a r d Watson , Guelph, Ont.. archi-tect and f o r m e r associate o f Stanley Thompson, des igning de luxe 18 f o r Medel-ltn CC, In Colombia, S. A. . . , Watson also l ay ing out 9 hole muny course in Don Va l l ey f o r To ron to . , . Canada 's g o t some

veteran green chairmen who real ly team-up wi th their supts. . . . W . D, Powe l l has heen green chm,. Brant ford (On t . ) G&CC f o r 28 years.

Top gallery fee of any golf event was $7..*i0 for last day of Masters ' . . . Paul Porter now pro at Madison (O. ) G&CC . . . Jimmy Watkup from Midlothian CC (Chicago dist.) to he pro at Shaker Heights CC (Cleveland dist.) , . , Jug Me Spade n running Celebrity-Pro tourna-ment at Meadow brook Cluh ( N V Met dist.) May 1.1 as curtain-raiser to Palm Beach invitation tournament. May 14-11.

A n lei I S pauldlng from Mattoon I III.) CC to Sullivan (III.) CC as pro-mgr. . . . Marlene Stewart, Canadian women's close champion, is a freshman at Kollins col-lege, Winter I 'ark, Fla., and classmate of Mary Ann McDonald, pro at (tolling Green CC . . . She pedals » bike to Huhs-dred for week-end golf . . . Greenkeepers' Club nf N e w England member now wear-ing lapel insignia pins.

Mart in E. Matt ison. Hawa i i go l f p lay-ing equipment distr ibutor, to visit his

F L E X I - C O M B Reduce Thatch

Smoother Cut

Overcome Weeds

FMexl-combs A t T o r o and Wor th ing t on mower s , . . S imple depth adjust-ment . . . lyock out of opera t ing posit ion when combing is not required.

7Vt4t 'Point Pnoducte ^owfew P*.

SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC., 122 Eos! 2Sth St., New York 10, H. Y.


I 0 " - H " - J 0 "

TRIAL SECTION! I-TntO"—(10.00 20"* I « "—t «.00

Potl paid

Write Today for Detail*

PNEU-MAT-RUNNERS Art Splke-reilitant, Tough and Durable

Pratt it d u b f i s u t t

Floori f rom J p l k «

Provide Salt Rug-like Cuihlon Under foot

Are Reversible tor

Added Wear


S T A N D A R D M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O M P A N Y Box G Cedar Falls, Iowa

U. S. accounts this summer . . . Bob K i v -lin, jr., s igns as pro a t N o r t h e m a i r e swank resort course, Three Lakes, Wis,

Angela I 'erruglia now pro at Spring Meadow CC, Bel mar, N . J., succeeding Joe Dante who moved to South Orange ( N . J.) CC . , . Al fred II. Tull design-ing 18 for new private Norbeck GA.CC in Washington, I), C. dist. . , . Walter New -rath, 11 IS 13th st. N W , Washington. D. C. IK sets., board of trustees of Norbcrk . . . Club to lie completed in 1934 . . . High-land GC, Ft. Thomas, Ky.t building swim-ming pool.

Bill N a r y signs as pro a t Hi l lcrest CC, Kansas C i ty dist. , . , Cost of gol f short-a g e ref lected in le t ter to Los Ange l es iCa l i f . j T i m e s f r om cit izen in transporta-tion business who says in ta lk ing w i th many tourists who are go l f e r s they 've told h im they' l l not come aga in to Los Ange les f o r vacat ion but wi l l g o where courses are avai lable . . . P r yo r , Okla., plans to build 9-hole course.

Mira Vista O&CC, Berkeley, Calif.. changes from semi-private to private M s . . . Oakland GC, Long Island pri-vate club for years, now is Oakland llllls Golf Links, semt-puhlic, with Martin


Experts a l l o v e r the country a r e f ind ing g r e e n a n d tee t roub le stem from h a r d p a c k i n g .

Bent roots must h a v e o x y g e n a n d they can't g e t it thru a hard , fine p a c k e d top layer .

The a n s w e r is the use of a un i fo rm c o a r s e s a n d that is c l e an a n d f ree from h a r d p a c k i n g fines. Sp ike tooth the g r e e n , c l e an , a p p l y un i fo rm coa r s e s a n d a n d d r a g .

W e ' l l ship a n y w h e r e — b a g g e d or bu lk

NORTHERN GRAVEL COMPANY 407 East Front St. Muscatine, Iowa




Establish local rules—

eliminate playing delays,




[. HI PL ICE itur I

300 YDS [REHiCt tURf I


|00 NOT W A L K | T H R U SAh


, 2 5 0 YOS | E M net TURT





jfOX Better ^Iwijj!

L y o n s as mgr . . , . Ralph Crozer now pro at Er ie , Pa., L a w r e n c e P a r k GC.

Lifting of federal ban resulted in con-struction being resumed on Sepulvedo North course, drat of two 18s to he built in San Fernando Valley by Los Angeles Recreation and Park dept. . . , Chuck Lewis' proposals to build 18 at McLaren Park being considered by San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

L. U . Cox, father of M a r k Cox, Wilson Sport ing Uoods advert is ing and publicity mgr., died Apr i l I I of a heart at tack at his home In W y o m i n g , III. . . , Three sons surv ive him . . , Mark was at the Masters ' when he received news of his father 's fatal a t tack .

Ed Dudley, Augusta (Ga . ) National pro, is active supporter of Teen Town, Augusta organization of boys and girls 5 years ago under sponsorship of Augusta Junior Business Women's Assn. . . . Kids have an annual dance, also stage a show, in financing their charity work and their own club building . . . Ed has brought as guests to the Teen Town affairs Horton Smith, Claude Harmon, Sam Snead, Jackie Burke, Peter Thomson, Jimmy Thomson. Harry Todd and Bill Trombley

G r e e n k e e p i n g S u p e r i n t e n d -e n t * , w h o k n o w The s c o r e w h e n it comes t o the t ucce t s fu l d e v e l o p m e n t o n d m o i n t e r o n c e o f e x c e p t i o n a l g r e e n i o n d g o o d f o l r w a y t u r f , s p e c i f y o n d use m o r e M I L O R G A N I T E t h q n o n y o t h e r f e r t i l i z e r . A c a r l o a d a y e a r u i u a l l y t a k e s c o r e o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t ! f o r a w e l l - k e p t 1 8 - h o J e course.

M I L O R G A N I T E p r o d u c e ! v i g o r o u s , h e a l t h / , w e e d -a n d d r a u g h t - res is tant t u r f t ha t k e e p ! y o u r C l u b m e m b e r s h i p

a n d g u e s t s b o t h h a p p y a n d enthus ias t ic .

The serv ices o f o u r A g r o n o -mists a n d So i l Tes t i ng t a b .

o r a t o r y o r e o v a i l o b l e t a r the ask ing,

•47* Frel inqhuyien A v e . . N e w a r k 5 , N . J . • 27F South Park , San [ r a m l i e e 7, C o i n .



V Here's what happens when you paint your swimming pool with casy-to-apply RAMVC — America's number one pool enamel, HAMVC imparts a gleaming tile-like finish that bather; just naturally prefer. Developed especially for swim-minx pool use, HAMUC'S smooth durable surfacc deans easily, wears evenly with-out flake-off, powdering or blistering. HAML'C discourages algae growth...and each of its twetvc pleasing colors stays fast under strongest sunlight. And with

beauty, there's cconomy , . . because waterproof RAMUC lasts — i w m after srason t

And for crystal-clear pool w a t e r . . . EXALT,AS — an odorless, colorless non-poisonous liquid — acts FAST to eliminate aigae and slime. KXALOAE destroys existent algae . . , prevent! fur-ther plant growth', Harmless lo skin and eyes, EXALGAE helps prevent slippery poo] bottom and filler congestion.

For all the farts— and tips on profitable pool maintenance, send (or the new

edition of our "Swimming Pool Handbook." FREE !

. Ramnc —ExaUnr, K'[\tlrrrd \ Tnie-Markt,


Sure.' You need a dean club for a clean shot.


This ex t ra spe-c ia l service can m a k e a n e x t r a specia l f r i e n d a n a n y c o u r s e . " S h i n e s " the g o l f e r i ' clubs i n a j i f f y w i t h q u t c k - a n d - e o s y a u t o -matic brush ac t ion . C a n be coin o p e r a t e d , l o o , t o p a y for i t i e l f . W o r r y - f r e e service for y e a r j o n d years a n d years . A d d a b i g m e a -sure of p leasure for your m e m b e r s or p a t -rons . . , " i h i n e " the i r clubs w i t h the p o p u -

ASK FOR D E A l E t tor Lewis G o l f C l u b DEMONSTRATION C l e a n e r .


and the kids have been delighted by the pro big-timers' presence.

Charles G. Wilson of U S G A Green Sec-tion, anil Robert M. Hagan of IT of Cal-ifornia, speakers al Northern Calif, Golf Course Supts.' Assn. meeting April 14 at I lei I ' I IHO CC, Sacramento, Calif. , . . Green Section meetings at Denver. San Francisco, l^is Angeles presented new turf advisory service plan to clubs in those areas , , , Hugh I,like noiv supt. at Conequott CC (formerly Timber I'oint) In N Y met. dist.

Bob Jones driving around course in his electric Autoette and joining many of the galleries at the Masters' . , . The Autoette made the slick clay inclines on the course roads without any trouble . , , Gene Sarazen plans to play during August exhibition dates at any club in Massachusetts that will contribute J500 to Ouimet caddie fund of Mass, Golf Assn.

Guy "Ked " Mac key, Purdue athletic di-rector, told Indiana P G A members at their annual meeting that Purdue would consider conducting short course for pros, assistants and caddiemasters If Indlanti PGA would present suggested outline for


Shag Buy Portable Golf Net, designed ami made by a PGA pro, is always ready to set up in any space 16' wide, 9 ' high and 20' deep. Made of steel tubing, high grade netting and tanvas it is easily portable and quickly set up. AH exposed frame padded lot safety. Both the hack, and the target drop arc made of extra heavy, durable canvas. Mildew proof canvas at bottom stops ball escape. Stakes furnished for outdoor installation.. Front frame — fi' wide x T high x V deep. Back frame — 6' x 6 ' ; wings 4' x 6' high. Frame and net shipped as one unit — weight approx. 77 Ihv

Write jor detailed description and pro price.








Dcs Moines, Iowa

Nothing else will do!


Famous pros were first to wrap club handles with Gauztex to prevent slipping. N o w thousands insist on Gauztex at their P r o Shop.

O f course you know Gauztex, ihe "bandage that sticks to it-self." Perfect on hands, lingers and feet to prevent or protect blisters . . . as well as on club handles for non-slip grip. Sports Tin advertising reaches millions in the Saturday Evening Post and Go ] ting . . . in addition to regular Gauztex' year-round campaign.

The re ' s steady prof i t , sure profit, seasoti'long profit for you in Gauztex. Order the Sports Tin in 2-color display carton today.

Your wheloiator

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y o u r

cui lemtn w a n t i l l

Do il nowI


B A N D A G E S , I n c .

C h i c a g o 5

course and cooperate vigorously , . , Con-sidering valuable job Purdue has done with course supts. in Midwest Turf Foun-dation, short courses and conferencrs, pro golf would he missing a great het if It let this opportunity pass . . , First big professional golf educational conference was held at Purdue . . . Purdue didn't have its two 18-hole courses then.

I o w a Greenkeepers and Tur f Assn. schedules monthly meet ings start ing M a y 12 a t Cedar Rapids C C . . . Then at Wave land GC, Des Moines; Carrol l CC. Red Oak CC, A m e s G & C C and Mt. Pleas-ant C C . . . Bery l Tay l o r , Ames , Is I o w a pres., Ha rb Klontz, Cedar Rapids, vp ; R o g e r Fr i tsch, Ames , sec.-treas. , . . H. L . Gantz of I owa State Co l lege edits the association's News l e t t e r and Is d i rector of its research.

Every writer covering Masters ' tourna-ment collaborated In a telegram to cheer Katie Ilidrikson Zaharias in a hospital at Beaumont. Tex. , . . Ike Cheves' pro shop at Big Oaks (Chicago dist.) enlarged and modernized . • . Big Oaks to install big Indoor school in its clubhouse next win-ter . . . U . S. pros say Rieanlo Rossi, Brazilian pro in Masters' field, could de-



DUNNER OF NEW Y O R K PROS — trrift for folder and pr!cei on Mew stand-out pro shop leaden.

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the action ^^^ in

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(Betty Bulb, turnout proltsttonai uomrn't golfer, Jf Ibr new tit member of nut Advisory Coll Slug)



and D I M ! N C T I V E L Y S T Y L E D


Alto Makers of the Sew DUBOW H. C. — SUPER 8 0 3 COVER

GO I F BALL The fittest GoIJ Hal! that can be made

Write for descriptive folder and putt litl

J . A . DUBOW SPORTING GOODS CORP. 19M-H MrJwiulcee Ave. Chicago 4, III.

velop Into a star timing a season on the tournament circuit,

Women's Metropolitan ( N , Y . ) Golf Assn. 1953 tournament schedule book is very attractive, convenient and fully in-formative job . . . W M G A charges each player who posts " N o Card" a 25 cent penalty . . . Shorts and slacks not permit-ted in any W M G A competition . . . Chi-cagoland Golf, published by Lorraine Wi l -liams, enlarges from pocket size to S % x l l i t trim size.

Hogan said Augusta National during Masters' "was in best condition of any course I 've ever played." . . . During prize presentation ceremony Hen lbanki>d course supt. M. I, Luke . . . I,tike had the greens mowed in the afternoon after play and In the morning during the Masters' . . . Showers and warm weather made growth fast . . . All greens are Bermuda except Htlh which Is In shady hollow . , , Tenth Is rye.

An authority on pro tournament opera* tion believes a new split on prize money with crowd-drawing stars getting guar-antees larger than present clinic appear-ance payment will be the only answer to getting more headliners at tournaments




K-KART ha t tad t he f i e l d year a f t e r year. Finest Q u a l i t y . . . Beaut i fu l O t s l q n . . . f e a t u r e s t h a t have BIG Seles A p p e a l .

Now wiHi Hie addi t ion of Hie new Junior Moda l , K-KART line lor I K } , it even more at tract ive Hi an avt r .


JUNIOR MODt l l i s t F r l t t J.to w h t 10 tnsh w l n t l t 119.M

Writ* at anra tor dii< avals. Alt p r i n t F ,0 , t . O t t g g i

RIO ». lh 10 inih WSmIS J t l . l i

R-11 wills t l Inch wh t t l t ...IH.11

RENUL MOOt L List t < U , fa I so Dvalleblt wi th detach-er, r hanrflt l .

S t LUXt MODEL List F t i i n * - t ( wills 10 Inrk • I n l i

17.50 K - t l wi l l t I t inch w h . . l ,




wi th m t PER LED S H I H 4 St.SO far stef-

A I D S I N S E L L I N G K e n n e t h S m i t h C lubs

S a m e s i z e S h o e s , b u t

Yas. two rrt»n wear t i l * 10V) itioes, but o n r e q u i r t i A A width, while th* oth*r h f itted b» i t in D width. Either would b * distinctly uncomfor tab l i weari nfl the other's shoes.

Likewise, many golfers are trying to pley with mis-f i t ted clubs — and that1! the reason more and more golfers ace turning to Kenneth Smith wood! and irons. Thay realiie the need for clubs made to f i t their physical characteristics — their natural swing. Kenneth Smith clubs are handmade to f i t your cui tomer ' i individual measurements, ic ient l f i -cally matched and ali clubs in a l e t identically swing balanced. No other elubi are l o made and to balanced. Why don't you tall more Kenneth Smith clubs?

P R O S : W r i t e

f o r m y n e w

b o o k l e t t h a t

helps you sell

my c l u b s , < J H o n d m o d e to J

Fit Y o u " .

K E N S H O P S U P P L I E S help the Pro, too

W r i t e t o r h o f f d y S u p p l y O r d e r F a r m

other than the Nat ional Open, the top money T a m O' Shanter events and the Masters ' . . . That m a y mean tournament purses wi l l have to he increased or less money down the line f o r the boys who need i t most . . . Tough, but that's l i fe.

Edgewater GC, nearest to Loop of Chicago's private courses, turned down offer ot fMO.OOO for Its 90 acres . . . 1953 Rules of Golf book Issued by t'nlted States Golf Assn., 40 K. 38th st., New York 111, N . Y. . . . Copies are 25 cents each . . , Write ttSGA for prices on quan-tities with cluh imprint or advertising on covers of books . . . Rules of Golf poster for locker-room and pro shop display, 25 cents each.

Val M. Brooks of Brooks CC, Okoboj i , la., who was first one to suggest pract ice putt ing green be built on Whi t e House lawn says this j ob f o r Ike would be greates t publicity gol f course supts. could have . . . Brooks says supts. haven't received small percentage of public credit they deserve f o r their w o r k in building veteran hospitals' go l f faci l i t ies.

A f t e r Mangrum's pract ice round of 63 tees and cups f o r first round of the Mas-ters' w e r e set to make the course real ly

Bob says:






15 CLUB C A P A t l t Y


S 3 i 0 ea. C H I C A G O

Minimum shipment—6ol .


BALANCED GOLF BAG 1401 W . N o r t h A v e . C h i c a g o 22

R utledge C O O L I E

Ftoafs Like o Feather

At last — a tart where the bag load is centrally balanced. Handle adjustable to owner's height. Made for regular or compartment hag. Baked enameled metal body. 10" ball bearing wheels, rubber tires. Occupies small space. Comes knocked down in compact box. Ea«y to assem-b l e — only three parts. $19.95

C A D D Y S A V E R t ta lU wh*n Cloi td, . , t twar hot to b* C l t i M I

Best cart value you can get. Has a spe-cial new ratchet control that holds handle firmly iti any position — it cannot slip. Takes any style bag. Light-weight but strong. Open or closed, it's easy to push or pull anywhere. Fits club locker, car trunk, rear seat space. Ball bearing wheels with s e m i - p n e u m a t i c tires.

Wi th 10" wheels $28.95 With 1Z" wheels 32.95

SecJit/ey-Ralston STROKE SAVERS Easiest of all dubs to play. More than 1,000,000 sold. Square grips, short shafts. For shots with-in 50 yards of the green where % of the game is played. Putter J l " , Approach Cleek .1.2", Chipper 33". Right or Left Hand. Each $9.95

Send for Literature and Discounts

T H E R U T L E D G E C O M P A N Y 3 1 3 7 B e l m o n t A v * . • C h i c o q o 1 8 , I I I .

tough . . , Harbert got a 68 againBt a par 72 then . , , Hogan, Oliver, Hamilton, Bolt, Kroll, Besselink and Snead also broke par the first round . i .

Chicago Distr ict Club Managers ' A>sn. 25th annual s tag at Morrison hotel, Chi-cago, A p r i l 20, was largest spr ing a f fa i r the boys have held . . . Ne i ghbors f rom Michigan, Indiana, Ohio to visit Willi Chi-cago managers and en j oy the show ar-ranged by Jack Febol , entertainment chmn., antl Jack I'tna, pres., C D C M A . , . F rank Murray , one of the most widely known, best liked of country club man-agers , in St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, f o r throat operation.

Charles Bangs back in club manage-ment at Bloom field Hills CC (Detroit dist.) succeeding the veteran "Tommy" Thompson who's retired to live at L a Jolla, Calif., where he has extensive real estate Interests . . . Bill Roulo, another sprightly member of the Detroit district's Old Guard of managers, also one of the landed gentry at L a Jolla . . . Tommy and Bill are a couple of guys the L a Jolla Chamber of Commerce can brag about as making the place an epicure's rendez-vous.



at a 9 0 0 % Profit!

That's right — 3 0 0 % profit! And golfers really appreciate the service.

You tan treat 30 leather bags at $1.00 each with a gallon of Lexol that costs you only $3-00. A quick application of Lexol cleans leather, restores natural oils — mates it softer, richer looking, longer l a s t i n g . S e l l monthly

Lexol service — a sure money maker for rainy days. Get Lexol front your Wilson branch!

THE J - C ^ m , CORPORATION 289 flloomtield A v « „ Caldwel l . N. J.

W e i j O U A f i f i M

ym-No*. 5 & 6 Woods?

Golfer* everywhere are expreuing much in-terest in these new clubi thit arc perfect for bad lie*. Carefully made to give plenty of dittancc, extra loft, and pin-point ac-curacy. Available immediately for only SIS.00 retail.



^ For a I molt SO yeari Burke hat

been America's fin-eat club — thit year'l recorded wood i and punchiront a re the greateit ever built— they are incomparable — write- for catalog.

Charles Morgan, Chicago District Golf Assn. pres., at Western Golf Assn. caddie-masters' dinner, said that the moral, physical and financial hazards cities have for youths give the golf clubs the biggest opportunity for valuable public service any business or social organization could have, and a responsibility golf must rec-ognize.

Arthur J. "Chappie" Chapman, veteran pro at Wheeling ( W . Va. ) CC recovering from heart attack . . . Harry Nash. New -ark (N. J.) Evening News golf writer and fellow who has done best work in tournament radio coverage, recovering f rom kidney infection . . . Totten P. Hef -felfinger, U S G A pres., given Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce award for "out-standing service In winning national rec-ognition and honor for Minneapolis."

I'aul llalin again won big hand from pros and gallery for his trick shot ex-hibition at the Masters' , , . Grantland R lc « Sport light feature "Wizard of the Clubs" showing Ilahn at his tricks had world premiere at Augusta night before Masters' play began . . . Tom McHugh now pro at Elks CC, Bo 7. em an, Mont. . . .

(Continued on page 108)


Mode! No. I-X — (5.00


By a tingle prest on the plunger the stroke it automatically recorded. To retot diatt fo lero turn knobs on face of PAL ei Indicated by arrowt.

Attractively finiihed to be worn on the writt. Packed in individual hoi and carton.

Obtainable through your local jobber,


Swinging Around Golf (Continued from page 12)

Mutt Nlesen and C'het Posson of Tam O' Slianter arranged with Willie Schnle-wlnd, pres., German Golf Assn., to liavr Germany's star pm, Georg Bessner, com-pete in Tarn's World 's championship, when they met Schnlcwind al Augusta . . . II. P.. Gaertner, publisher of Golf, German golf monthly, also at Augusta . . . lie says there are 40110 golfers in Western Germany playing on 32 (-nurses . . . Rus-sians closed down the 33 courses in the Eastern zone.

Lincoln Werden , N. Y . T i m e s gol f wr i ter , e lected pres.. Gol f Wr i t e rs ' Assn, o f Amer i c a . . . Werden also is pres., N e w Y o r k Golf W r i t e r s ' Assn. . , ,

Mid-Century Festival of American Sports, with headquarters al 1 N . La Salle St., Chicago 2, 111., organizing hig sports programs in May in various com-munities with golf as a feature . . , Armand " A r t " Roux goes from Wlllowiek GC ( L A dist.) to I n ine Coast C'C, Santa Ana, Calif., as pro . . . lioux entered golf at Lake Placid, N . V, under Harry Press-ler, for 19 years was pro at lfaclenda CC ( L A dist,}, and was asst. to Lou Berrien at Wllshire CC, L A , . . Irvine Coast CC will open In Sept,

Entr ies f o r Nat iona l Golf Day, M a y 23, sponsored by L i f e magaz ine and P G A a l ready fa r ahead of 1952 f igure o f 80,000 . , . Entr i es wi l l compete on handicap basis against Julius Bo t o s playing a round a l Oakmont . . . Public and semi-public course p layers also el igible although han-dicapping is more di f f icult problem than w i th pr ivate club entries . . . W o m e n play-ers hy thousands also to compete a l though in numerous instances not on M a y 23 ( S a t u r d a y ) a t pr i va te clubs.

National Open prize money boosted from $15,000 to $30,000 , . . First will be worth $3000 instead or last year $4000 . . . A l l 72-hole finishers will get at least $150 . . . Billy Bell and Son to design course for new Foothill G A C C to be built In IJ«S Angeles dist. for group headed hy J. P. Itavelle, Arcadia, Calif. . . , First new private course In more than 20 years in L A dist.

El Dorado I Ks , ) Amer i can Leg ion to replace present 18-hole sand green course w i th 9-hole g rass g reen layout . . . T . L, S laughter named mgr. , Evansvi t le ( I nd . ) C C . , . John Gonella, Wash ing ton Post sports wr i ter , says P G A commit tees "have

not been slow to chase the do l lar " hence cannot b lame members who show symp-toms of acute money i tch . , . L e t ' s see anybody who is a l lerg ic to

Robert Trent Jones directs alterations of Birmingham (Mich.) C'C course for P G A championship , , . Course will be 'i,Hi5 and par 71 Instead of 6,737 and par 72 as before revisions . . . One par 6 hole reduced to a 4 , . . Jones found Home dis-tances on scon-cards were incorrectly measured . . , We 've been using a step-measuring watch-like gimmick called a Golf-o-metcr which Is quite accurate and have found some surprising differences between scorecard and actual distances on courses.

Apr i l showers in many parts of U . S. reduced ear ly play . . . St. George ' s G&OC I N Y Met dist. | to be in new clubhouse next month . , , Johnny Farre l l had an arm broken by pupil sw ing ing in Saks 5th Av e . where Johnny had w in te r school . . , F r ed McPheters , le f t -handed amateur s tar turns pro to take Nor thpor t i M e . ) CC job.

Western Golf Assn. distributing 1953 membership bag tags which finance the association's Evans Caddie scholarships . . , Hord Hardin, rhm., Western Open championship, and St. Iritis District Golf Assn. report in mid-April more than 3,600 season tickets have been sold for West-ern Open at Bellerlve CC St. Louis, May 28-81.

U S G A probably wi l l c l a r i f y Industrial gol f tournament situation so this sw i f t l y deve lop ing sector of the g a m e wi l l be fur ther encouraged but go l f ' s Arm ama-teur status wil l be protected against busi-ness firm commerc ia l i zat ion of sports on semi-pro basis , . . W h y do Brit ish sports wr i t e rs rap Hope and Crosby when Bob and B lng are prevented f r om applying themselves Intensely to go l f compet i t ion by uncontrol led fool ishnes of their British ga l l e r i es? . . . Unless the wr i t e r s be nice l i tt le gent lemen we ' l l ask that Hope and Crosby be put on the U. S, W a l k e r Cup team, and that would not risk our loss of the Cup.

Walter C.rego, supt., Devpdale GC ( N T Met. dist.), hailed as growing In Yankee stadium at New York City finest turf in any baseball park In the , , . British golf pros to get workout for Ryder Cup matches at Went worth where matches will be played in Oct. when the fourth Daks tournament Is played June 10, II , U i > Tournament sponsored by

DAIRY-ORGAHIC COMPOST—P l o t r u n t Nature's way—oot pulverixed, not dehydrated, merely * c f « n t d . Alive with bacteria, valuable trace mm cral i ind hormones. Feed* in i t i a l l y . no odor, wilt sot burn — the ben true orjtatuc cow manure tnmpoit produced. Only (8.00 per 100 Ibl. (Z ' SO lb. b i p l delivered anywhere in the United State*. Smaller patka(te, bulk, ton or carload price* on request, tree Sample, DAIRY.ORG/NIC COMPOST Menemonee Folli, Wli.

makers of Oaks slacks Is for equivalent o f $ 6 0 0 0 .

Horton Smith has been doing invalu-able job tor P G A by attending sectional meetings and explaining P G A problems and telling of vast constructive work and details the organization handles . . . Smit-ty Padgett now pro at Glenbrook OC I Washington, D. C.t dist, . . . W e couldn't decide whether to laugh or vomit when we read and heard some criticism of Hogan not going to Las Vegas tourna-ment, the critics stressing that the Las Vegas event was a Runyon Cancer Fund benefit . . . Hogan has given away to worthy causes a bigger percentage of his Income than his critics but instead of show-boating he's kept his gifts quiet as a gentleman should and does . . . Any and every worthy cause deserves golfers' sup-port but no golfer can be honestly criticized for not taking a bow for giving away other peoples' money.

James Marker now supt, at Lincoln Park GC, Grand Forks. N . ! > . . . . Grange G. Alves and his wife have bought 18-hole colirsc and clubhouse of Grantsvood GC (Cleveland dist.) . . Warren Fatica Is pro and Hennelh Glddlngs Is supt al Grant w ood , . . The Alves moved Irom Wllloughhy (O. ) GC when the property was sold to Thompson Products Co. which is building a factory on the site.

National Assn. of Left -Handed Golfers scheduled 3 championships for its H th annual tournament al French Lick Springs, Ind., July 13 . . . One will be the top championship, another a "vacation" division with many flights and the third a seniors division for those 45 or older . . . Ross Lillard of St. Louis Is southpaws'

• BENT GRASS • Stolon! end Sod. Wat h ing ton—CI —

and other recommended itreini.

HIRAM F. GODWIN 22366 Grand River Av*., Detroit If. Mich.

pres.. and Robt. Romberger, 2555 Berdan ave., Toledo, O., is executive sec.-treas.

I ' S G A establishing first half of 3-year fellowship in turf research with $3000 from National Golf Fund . . W m . Fltz-gihhon heads Gene Sarazen Caddie Schol-arship Fund. Inc., to provide 4 year schol-arships for caddics in N . Y. state . . . Gene M ill play free exhibition at any cluh giving $500 to fund . , . Organization is being rapidly enlarged with members at $5 a year . . . Full details to N . Y cluh officials and others from Sidney J. Wain, l i ft ftth ave.. New York 2, N . Y.

Oakmont to play 6.882 yds. for N a -tional Open . . . The late W . C. Fownes. Jr., was mainly responsible for Oakmont's design . . Club was founded in 1903 and didn't have a pro until 1910 when Tommy Anderson got on the job . . . A f ter Tom-my came Dave Robertson, Mac Smith, Charley Rowe. Emil Loeflfler and Lou Worsham . . . Emil was one of the great greenkeepers of his time . . . A f te r his death his brother Bobby, many years at Oakmont, was placed in charge of course maintenance . , . Lowest 72-hole com-petitive score from back tees was made In 1928 by Willie Macfarlane in win-ning the Pennsylvania State Open,

Midwest Golf Course Supts. Assn hail big turnout for annual spring dance, at Silver Lake CC (Chicago dist.) . . . P G A sends its constitution and by- laws book-let to sports writers, rail it i and TV men , . Ontario 0|icn at Essex G4CC , Wind-sor, Ont., dates changed from June 25 and 26 to June 18 and IB , . . First prize, $1000.

Alex Watson, Leewood GC ( N Y Met (Continued on page 114)


ttataneed Topographical De.nifn Mrirhwi

A tar ri ran Snclrl* of Calf f'nur*, ArrltLI«rU Trlrph«nri KF.vamnr 9-6&01

2405 Grace Street. Chicago. Mlinol*


Design, Supervision and Construction

110 Summer St. Manchester, Man, Phone Manchester 309

Vol. 27 — N o . 5 • W A Y , 1953

CONTENTS T h « I v i i i n e n Journa l o f G o l f

Front Cover

One of (he many picturesque greens at Beaconifield Gol f Course, Montreal, Canada, scene of the second annual Canada-United States PGA (earn matches and the inaugural of the Wor ld -Wide twosome matches, June 2-7. Both competitions are sponsored by John Jay Hopkins, Canadian sportsman, to further International good will.

Swiii^inu Arou ml Gulf Mnlitatiunfl on the Wonder o f Gol f Sure Prescription for Good .Stand o f Grits'* Sodium Arsenj le as Control Tor Cr;di«r i i - « Caddir-Maftter* Compare The i r Work al ftfiA f lan f j i u r w Operat ing Cost* Be C o m p « r e d Walnh Shop (•'it* Special Conditions " P i t c h and P u l l " 1-euKiie to Build More Play Monr Factors Tluit Forced Club Price Increase Report on National Crahgrafi* Control Test* Yearbook Entertain* und I n f o rm* Member* i tr l i i t inm o f Microorganisms to Control o f Thalr l t West Scuttle Groom* f o r Pn l i l in i Kndothnl, 2.4,5-T Tests Show e f f e c t i v e Clover Control

Hy llpth Graffi*

By I .til /. Fpner

f l y O. J. . W r

Hy Dan h. Hull. Jr.

Meet trie By Equip. .Sn/wmmi

f l y B , //. />«nie; f f y l.eny ( nJifpririmif

By Boh t. /., Slur Jeer

f ly iuf in C o m m o n

3 35 37 10 44 50 51 52 56 64 72 76 ftl Bf>

SWINGING AROUND GOLF (Continued from page 111)

dist , ) pro, we l comed back a f t e r serious operat ion by his Westchester pro pals a t test imonial dinner . . , W i l l i e Nor ton , now 85, a t Jersey P G A pro-amateur, recal l ing the old days w i th Jack Jol ly and Joe Greene . , . Wi l l i e continues to be l ively In mind and l imb.

Jim Terry from Childress (Tex. ) CC as pro to Los Alamos ( N , M. ) GC . . . J C. Diamond now mgr., Rlilgcwonil CC, Dan-bury, Conn. . . . Roberto f)e vicenzo and Antonio Cerda, Argentine team In Inter-national invitation twosome matcbes for the Canada Cup at Beaconsfield GC, Montreal, June 2 and 3 and curtain-raiser for Hopkins Cup International V. S.-Can-ada P G A team matches . . . With O P A price controls off George S. May Is In-creasing prices for All -American and World ehnmulonship to for Thursday and Friday. $4 for Saturday and $9 for Sunday for both events . . . Plus tax on all days.

Wi lbur H, Stone now supt., Marsha l l (M inn . ) CC . . . T e d Hammerschmid t and Mrs. Edith Jones Bancro f t , marr ied a t Crystal Lake , IU„ Ap r i l 2 . . . T e d is owner-mgr . , Wood r idge GC, Lisle, 111.

, . . Paul Gross engaged as pro. Forest Park muny course, Noblesvt l le , Ind. . . . F rank Foger ty , Greenbr ier GC (St. Louis dist. ) elected pres., Eastern Missouri P G A , succeeding his brother Jim of Sun-set who resigned because o f possible con-flict w i th his duties as vp, P G A of Ame r -ica . . T e d Nelst , St. Lou is CC, elected Eastern Mo. P G A vp, succeeding Frank F o g e r t y . , . A l v e y Humes, 19 years pro a t Id le Hour CC, Lex ington , Ky. , to Boil-ing Spr inge CC, Lex ington , K y . aa pro,

Walalne CC, Honolulu, planning $10,000 Invitation event featuring 10 leading I ' S pros for October or November . . . Prob-ably Nov. as Ryder Cup matches In Eng-land and International match in Paris — If l" . S pros agree to it — will keep Yank pros busy first half of October . , , 181h annual Midwest amaleur tournament at French Lick Springs. Ind, June 12-13-14, with endorsement of Chicago DUtrlcl Golf Assn,

T o m m y Armour ' s new book, " H o w to P l a y Your Best Golf A l l the T i m e " now on best-seller lists in several cities . , . Book a l ready In second edit ion , , . "Scot -t y " McLaren , Toro ' s f ield expert , specta-tor at the Masters ' a f t e r v is i t ing his daughter at At lanta .

Top Related