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  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    Inviting More Customers to Your Door Every Day!

    Advertising Rates2010-2011

    Publishes: Monday - Friday Afternoons and Sunday Morning

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    82% - The percentage of area adults who read The News-Review in a week.

    he News-ReviewT76% - The percentage of area adults that have read a daily paper in the past 5 days.

    With so much happening in the world today, its more important than ever to be informed. We pride ourselves

    on being Douglas Countys main source for balanced information, keeping you informed of developments that

    affect you at work and at home. From business and economic news to social and political changes, The News-

    Review keeps you on top of whats happening in your community and around the world. Its an essential

    component of our free, democratic society, delivering balanced information that lets you develop informed

    opinions and decisions.

    Adding Value toAdvertisers

    ROP InchesOpen










    ROP Rates$27.24$23.00$20.22$19.03$17.39$16.47$15.98$15.22$14.79$14.46$13.92



    Annual bulk agreements are computed on the basis of total volume of advertising published for a single firm within a 12 month period. All inches run

    at a premium rate will count towards contract fulfillment. All inches run at a discounted rate will count towards contract fulfillment, but will not be

    rebated. Full run ads picking up into the The News-Review Extra qualify for the same agreement level but do not count towards contract fulfillment.

    Guaranteed positions are available for a 25% charge on space for a 6 ad or larger on availability basis only.

    B u l k A g r e e m e n t s

    Source: Newspaper Association of Am

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    S p e c i a l R a t e s

    52% - The percentage of newspaper readers who went to a store as a result of a newspaper ad..

    Publication S

    Repeat Discounts

    25% OffFirst Repeat a

    50% Off Additional ad

    Ads must be within a 6 day

    period to receive discounts

    Ads must be 6 or larger

    No size Changes or copy


    No Other discounts apply

    All Ads must be ordered at the

    same time Discounts apply to space only

    and do not apply toward color

    Color subject to availability. Double trucks billed as two ads.

    Creative ServicesOur Creative Services Department can help you design an effective ad at no extra charge.Original art services are also available (drawings, logos, lettering, etc.) & billed out at

    $50.00 per hour. Minimum charge 1 hour. Ask for advance estimates. Please allow72 hours prior to ad copy deadline.

    14-26 Color Ads

    27-51 Color Ads

    52+ Color Ads

    10% Discount

    15% Discount

    20% Discount

    Merchant Association refers to any group of four or more stores in a geographic area designated

    as a shopping center or any business association with duly elected officers may use these ratesfor the general promotion of the center or association without a signed agreement.

    TotalMarket CoverageThe News Review, Extra and Umpqua Shopper

    4 consecutive weeks

    32 consecutive ads

    Same size Ads

    $3.95/per inchAdd Color: Full Color 4.00/per inch

    One Color 3.00/per inch*Ad copy changes can be made once a week.

    B u s i n e s s B u i l d e r

    C o l o r R a t e sFull Color

    1+Color Black



    Color By the Inch

    1 colorMinimum Charge

    Full color

    Minimum Charge

    $8.10/per inch$32.40

    $14.70/per in



    Merchants Assoc.

    Political Rates

    ROP Rate $14.79

    ROP Rate $14.79

    ROP Rate $27.24

    Thur-Sun $15.17

    Thur-Sun $15.17

    Thur-Sun $27.94



    Source: Newspaper Association of Am

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    82% - The percentage of area adults who read The News-Review in a week.

    lassifiedsC75% of those looking for a job said they use nespaper help-wanted ads in their search.

    The classified marketplace is huge. 1 out of 2 adults has thoughtabout making a purchase or otherwise being active in one of the key

    classified-advertising categories including auto, real estate, recruitment

    or merchandise in the past year.

    The Classified MarketSells Merchandise

    Source: Newspaper Association of Am

    C l a s s i f i e d B u l k A g r e e m e n t s

    Annual bulk agreements are computed on the basis of total volume of advertising published for a single firm within a 12 month period. All inches run

    at a premium rate will count towards contract fulfillment. All inches run at a discounted rate will count towards contract fulfillment, but will not be

    rebated. Full run ads picking up into the The News-Review Extra qualify for the same agreement level but do not count towards contract fulfillment.

    Guaranteed positions are available for a 25% charge on space for a 6 ad or larger on availability basis only.

    CC InchesOpen










    CC Rates$18.07$14.00$13.41$12.63$11.55$10.92$
























    Cross Over ROP Rates

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    Classified S

    C l a s s i f i e d F r e q u e n c y R a t e sCC Inches 8 Weeks 13 Weeks 26 Weeks 52 Weeks9 Inches

    18 Inches

    36 Inches













    Color subject to availability. Double trucks billed as two ads.

    14-26 Color Ads

    27-51 Color Ads

    52+ Color Ads

    10% Discount

    15% Discount

    20% Discount

    C l a s s i f i e d C o l o r R a t e s

    Full Color

    1+Color Black$425


    Color By the Inch

    1 color

    Minimum Charge

    Full color

    Minimum Charge

    $5.40/per inch


    $9.80/per inch


    Repeat Discounts

    25% OffFirst Repeat ad

    50% Off Additional ads

    Ads must be within a 6 day

    period to receive discounts

    Ads must be 6 or larger

    No size Changes or copy


    No Other discounts apply

    All Ads must be ordered at the

    same time

    Discounts apply to space only

    and do not apply toward color

    C l a s s i f i e d B u s i n e s s B u i l d e rTotalMarket Coverage MarketThe News Review, Extra and Umpqua

    Shopper classified sections 4 consecutive weeks

    32 consecutive ads

    Minimum 2 inch ad

    $2.65/per inch

    Add Color: Full Color 4.00/per inch

    One Color 3.00/per inch*Ad copy changes can be made once a week.


    97% of all vehicle buyers cite newspaper advertising as an important source of availability and pricing.Source: Newspaper Association of Am

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    82% - The percentage of area adults who read The News-Review in a week.

    itch Products

    59% - The percentage of baby boomers, aged 40-59, who read the business section of the newspaper daily.

    Special Sections-We produce 20 niche sections that target everything from local events

    home and garden, to holiday publications. Each section runs in The News-Review as we

    as the Umpqua Shopper to allow total market coverage of each section for our advertise


    Douglas CountyDouglas County


    P r e m i u m P u b l i c a t i o nHigh readership by local residents, as well as many tourists!

    45,000 printed - 20,000 inserted in The News-Review

    and 25,000 copies going to 90 plus high traffic locations

    throughout Douglas County! With a long shelf life, your

    message will have repeated exposure!

    Breast Cancer


    Our Town

    Veterans Tribute

    Home for the Holida

    All I want for Christm

    Seasons Greetings


    Readers Choice

    Spring Home &Garden

    C u r r e n t s

    J a n - M a rA p r i l - J u n e

    J u l y - S e p tO c t - D e c

    All in the Family

    Visitors GuideWinston 4th of July Graffiti WeekendDC FairBlackberry Festival

    Umpqua Edition


    Fall Home & Garden

    Currents- The Currents tab is published Thursday of every week. This

    section offers a guide to local entertainment, local arts, and recreation

    for the Douglas County area. Beside informative stories and photos

    about area happenings, the publication also contains a weekly TVGuide and highlights to new movies and music reviews.

    NSource: Newspaper Association of Am

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    M e c h a n i c a l R e q u i r e m e n t s

    82% - The percentage of readers who took some action as a result of advertising seen in a newspaper.

    Policies, Terms & Deadline

    Typography- The News-Review is not responsible forreproduction of type less than 7 pt. nor type strokes thinner than.007.

    arT - Line art should not be lighter than .5 point.

    Copy- No allowances on reproduction where material does notmeet standard.

    SpaCeChargeS- Space charged to standard 6 column page,129; standard double truck 279.5. 9 column classified page,193.5; 9 column classified double truck 408.5. Tab page, 55,tab double truck 121.

    SendprinTingMaTerial - Send attention AdvertisingDepartment, The News-Review, PO Box 1248,Roseburg, OR 97470. Or hand deliver to: 345 NE WinchesRoseburg, OR 97470.


    -Electronic Delivery of ad materiis highly encouraged. Send materials to [email protected] use the Adobe Suite. Camera ready ads need to be in format, all fonts must be embedded. All ads must use CMYcolorspace. Ads containing rich black or in improper formatbe returned for correction. Images must be a minimum of 2dpi. Print specification guidelines available upon request.

    Column Size Requirements

    Typed page before processing: 12 wide by 22.75 deep. No shrinkage. Depth of ROP

    column - 21.5. Standard double truck, 23.25 wide x 21.5 deep. 6 standard columns perpage. Standard Tabloid - 10.111 wide by 11 deep. Standard tab double truck, 21.48 wide x 11 deep. 9

    column classified page 11.25 wide x 21.5 deep. Classified double truck, 23.25 wide x 21.5 deep.


    T e r m s & P o l i c i e s


    1 10p5 (1.736) 6p10 (1.139)

    2 21p10 (3.639) 14p5 (2.403)

    3 33p3 (5.542) 22p (3.667)

    4 44p8 (7.444) 29p7 (4.931)

    5 56p1 (9.347) 37p2 (6.194)

    6 67p6 (11.25) 44p9 (7.458)

    7 52p4 (8.722)

    8 59p11 (9.986)

    9 67p6 (11.25)

    dT 139p(23.25) 139p(23.25)


    Net 15 days. A charge of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) will bemade on accounts 60 days past due. The customer is expected tomake payments by the due date on The News-Reviews statement. Inthe event that the customer fails to make payment within such time,The News-Review may reject ad copy and cancel the customerscontract. The customer agrees to indemnify The News-Review foraccount collection costs, including court costs and attorneys fees.If this agreement is cancelled due to the companys failure to maketimely payment, The News-Review may re-bill the customer for theoutstanding balance due at the open or earned rate.

    Advertising accepted on a cash with order basis until credit hasbeen approved. American Express, VISA, MasterCard and Discoveraccepted.

    Approved credit application required for net 15 day terms. Signed

    contract required to earn other than open rate.

    Advertising agencies which place advertisements for and receivestatements for their customers are acting as agents for the customer.

    Contracts may not be back dated more than 30 days. Advertiser willnot receive contract rate until contract is received and approved.

    Advertisers signing contracts will be billed at rates on current efferate card and rebilled at a higher rate if contract is not fulfilled.

    The News-Review reserves the right to refuse, alter, edit or omiadvertising submitted for publication, including adding of the wPaid Advertisement in not less than 12 point type at the topbottom of any advertisement set to resemble news matter.

    Every effort will be made to return photographs or other matefurnished by advertisers upon their request, but The News-Recannot be held responsible in case of loss or damage.

    Publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates at any Contract advertisers will be given notice in writing 30 days prioall contracts are accepted subject to this reservation. If such reviare not acceptable to the advertiser, the advertiser shall have

    right to terminate the contract upon the date of change, by writinnewspaper upon notice of change.

    Source: Newspaper Association of Am

  • 8/2/2019 News-Review Advertising Rate Card


    82% - The percentage of area adults who read The News-Review in a week.

    olicies Terms & Dedlines

    75% - The percentage of area adults who read the daily paper who have a college education.

    Bill likes the local sports coverage. Miranda wants to hear whats going on around toKeris all about the comics. They all have different interests, but they all have one

    Thing in common: They sign up to The News-Review for news, information and fu

    M Y EPPA R


    DISPLAY DEADLINESPublication Day Deadline

    Monday Thursday, 4:00 pm

    Tuesday Friday, 4:00 pm

    Shopper Thursday, 4:00 pm

    Wednesday Monday, 4:00 pm

    Extra Monday, 12:00 noonCurrents Friday, 4:00 pm

    Thursday Monday, 4:00 pm

    Friday Tuesday, 4:00 pm

    Sunday Wednesday, 4:00 pm

    Senior Times Monday, 4:00 pm

    Double Trucks/Color/Holidays Advanced 24 Hours Advertiser Deadlines include space reservation, complete copy, artwork and layout,

    including disc and ads sent electronically.

    Ad Proof. One ad proof is provided by email or fax as available for any ad over 10 insize. Proof changes are to be made by 4 pm day prior to publication, by 2 pm Fridayfor Sunday and Monday.

    Color, Double Truck, Theme Ad Page Advertisements. Please add on an additionalday to deadline.

    Holiday Deadlines are advanced by 24 hours.Sunday Comics: Friday - 30 days prior to publication.

    Special Feature Sections are announced as applicable.

    Political and cause advertising must be prepaid at time of spacereservation. Ads must conform to all related laws and must be submittedone week prior to publication for approval. National rates apply to allstatewide and national candidates and propositions.

    All going-out-of-business advertising and temporary businessadvertising (seasonal products and services) must be prepaid by check,certified funds or credit card prior to publication.

    The News-Reviews liability shall at no time in any way exceed the

    cost of the space involved. Any error in any advertisement should bereported to The News-Review immediately as The News-Reviewsiability is limited to the first insertion and ceases completely if notreported within 5 working days of publication date. The News-Reviewwill provide a letter of correction specifying any error in the insertion.The News-Review shall not be liable for any loss that results fromncorrect publication or omission of the customers advertisement.

    Adjustments for billing errors will be made within 60 days of the error.Publisher will not be responsible for adjustments beyond 60 days ofpublication date in question.

    Dates and times for cancellation are the same as the deadlinesor placing advertisements. If time permits, emergency cancellation

    of advertisements will be accommodated for a 25% charge of the

    advertisements cost.

    If deadline is met, a proof will be issued for 10 or larger ads forcorrection. Extensive changes or revisions may result in composcharges.

    Electronic Tearsheets are available through ts.merlinone.comtearsheets will be mailed without prior approval. Account representwill provide access to our website with a private user namepassword.

    All advertisements will be billed in column inches with one halfminimum gradations.

    Every effort will be made to meet reasonable position requFailure to meet position request will not constitute cause foadjustment, refund or rerun.

    All property rights to any advertisement produced by The NReview are the property right of The News-Review.

    The customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify The NReview from all damages, costs and expenses, of any nawhatsoever, for which The News-Review may become liable by reof its publication of the customers advertising.

    In the event that any federal, state or local taxes are imposed oprinting of advertising material or the sale of ad space, such taxes

    be assumed and paid by the customer.

    Fraudulent, dishonest or misleading advertising will not knowingaccepted.

    Verbal agreements, promises, waivers or conditions of any naturcontained in this rate card shall not be binding upon the publisher.

    We can accept late payments or partial payments, checkmoney-orders marked paid in full without losing any of our righagreements.

    Placement fees must be added to the net retail rate paid toNews-Review.

    Source: Newspaper Association of Am

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