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Page 1: Newsletter 17-07-2014

8.50 – 9.00: Students

to remain in

classrooms, chat with

friends/ teachers/


9.00: Final bell. All

students to be seated,

Welcome back for term 3.

It’s great to see everyone

back at school looking so

refreshed after their

break. The children are

always excited to see their

friends again and love

sharing their holiday

stories with their teachers!

We have returned from

the holidays for what we

know will be a very busy

but very exciting term.

The end of term 2 ended

on an extremely positive

note with our Three Way

Conferences. Feedback

has been overwhelmingly

positive. Thank you to all

parents for your

write, refine and expand

the script.

We also look forward to

sending two of our

aerobics teams to the

Gold Coast for the

National aerobics

competition. Fundraising

begins with a movie night

tomorrow. We hope to

see you all there,

supporting our aerobics


Term 3 - Welcome Back

Thursday Thoughts

L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Issue 22

Newsletter Date 17th July 2014

Important Dates:



Movie Night


Grade 5/6 Ski Trip


School Council 7pm


Grade 5/6 Round

Robin Sports


2015 Prep Transition

2.30pm - 3.15pm


Curriculum Day (No

students required)


Sean Choolburra



Book Club due


100 days in Prep


Grade 1/2 Camp

Student Absent

Hot Line Number

5964 7783

involvement in this

process. Students were so

proud to display their

many achievements and

are now enthusiastic

about setting semester

two learning goals. With

your valued support and

guidance, we are

confident that all students

will continue to find

success throughout their

learning journey.

This term our major

performing arts focus will

be on our school

production. Thank you to

the staff members who

met over the holidays to

This term, we have

introduced a slightly

different format to the start

of the day to ensure that all

students are seated – ready

to start the day from

9.00am sharp.

The changes are:

8.48: Music

8.50: The first bell will

ring. All students to

enter classrooms and

get organised for their

day’s learning, unpack

bags, change readers


Arriving on Time - Ready to Start at Nine ready to start their day.

Already we have noticed

a calm and orderly start to

the day. It important that

all students are in class,

organised and ready for

learning by 9am.

Students who arrive late

miss the opportunity to

catch up with friends;

enter the classroom after

the rollcall, lunch-orders,

and other daily reminders;

are late for specialist

classes; or miss vital

instructions for a specific


Page 2: Newsletter 17-07-2014

carpets and vinyl throughout the

building. It was a busy day but well

done to everyone for making sure

that the classrooms were ready for

students starting back on Tuesday.

A sincere thank you to everyone for

their assistance with this enormous

task, especially the parent helpers

who lent a hand.

Page 2 Thursday Thoughts

Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email [email protected]

ABN 96 199 518 803

Classroom Makeovers

point that can be sometimes


Every student has different needs

when it comes to learning.

Metacognition (Thinking about

Thinking), is about a learners'

automatic awareness of their own

knowledge and their ability to

understand, control, and manipulate

their own thinking. Your child is

This term as a school and as a

learning community, LPPS will

continue to focus on high

expectations for all. On the

students’ first day back this was

evident in all classrooms as teachers

led students in Circle Time activities

to reflect on holiday activities,

reinforce behavioural expectations

and set short-term goals.

Our work on Curriculum/

Metacognition continues with

educational consultant Lyn Watts.

A reminder that Friday 25th July is

a Curriculum Day and there will be

no school for students.

Ongoing research continually

highlights the fact that all students

have different learning needs,

challenges, skills and strengths. It

sounds obvious but this is a key

Curriculum and Learning

being explicitly taught ‘How to

Learn’ by breaking larger tasks down

into smaller, achievable chunks.

These skills are important not only in

school, but throughout life. Teachers

are constantly developing their skills,

knowledge and understanding to

enable them to better cater for

individual learning needs.

Last term we browsed through a

selection of student portfolios. Work

samples, although often the same task

and the same grade, offered a glimpse

of the wonderful and highly

individual work that the students do.

The way the task/ problem had been

solved, completed and presented

showed great variation – all examples

of Metacognition.

Term three began for staff on

Monday with a very hectic day of

moving furniture and resources back

into the hex building. As you are

aware, the building was completely

‘emptied’ on the last day of term 2.

Over the holidays extensive work

was carried out including new

cabinets/ benches and shelving in

classrooms and offices, and new

simple. What actually happens over

the length of a school day is often

very complex, with learning, sport,

friendships, discipline, the

playground, and the contents of the

lunch box thrown into the mix. No

wonder the answer is often the

It's a simple question and one that

seems to just naturally roll off the

tongue when we meet our kids at the

end of the day. Regardless of

whether we even get an answer to

our simple question, it's often a case

of school today being anything but

How was School Today?

classic one-liner 'good' or 'fine' or just

plain 'OK'. In fact, when we ask 'how

was school today?' we're probably

using the least effective way to find

out how school really was. Try

asking ‘what was the best part of

your day?’

Page 3: Newsletter 17-07-2014

Page 3

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development endorsement.

There will be a story time and play

based activities for the children

during this time. We look forward to

meeting some of the Prep age

children for 2015.


Zoe Kendall

2015 Prep Transition Our first transition will run on

Friday 25th July. This session will

still be running even though we have

a curriculum day for the rest of the

school. It will run from 2.30pm until

3.15pm in the Prep rooms. We invite

parents to stay and have a chat with

our Principal Narelle Messerle about

school readiness.

now in their shoes, think how nice it

would be if the person who was

collecting us from school or after

school care, just gave us a hug or

hello, asked nothing at all about

school and took us home to change

into more comfy clothes, sit in front

of the TV for half an hour, provided

a healthy snack, or just left us alone

in our room to muck around. Maybe

after an hour or so, we might feel

like talking about school, especially

if the adults around us start to chat

about their day and include us in

their conversation.

Making it specific

To re-tell an event, or even put

words to memories, requires skills in

storytelling. Kids in the early years

of primary school may not yet have

the attention span or vocabulary to

remember, summarise or relate at

great length. However, that doesn't

necessarily mean that we adults can't

Cont’ from Page 2

Getting the timing right

School's out, after school care is

finished, and the bright-eyed kid of

this morning is now tired, maybe

hungry, possibly needs a drink, and

can only think of going home and

chilling out. It's been a long day and

answering questions is the last thing

we'd feel like doing. So as we're

encourage and help develop memory

retrieval and storytelling by asking

specific questions to make it easier

for them to explain. Questions could

include: 'What did you do that was

fun?' 'What game did you play at

recess?' 'What did you like best about

school today?'

'Did you read any books?

More useful articles can be found at:



Narelle Messerle and Deb Hobbis

Lost Property All lost property items and

forgotten uniforms are to be

displayed in the foyer. Please

go through these items to

collect your child’s

belongings. Anything not

collected will be donated to

charity. Parents please

remember to name your

child’s uniform when

receiving it, this greatly

increases the chance of these

items being returned to you.

Page 4: Newsletter 17-07-2014

Student Awards

Grade Prep K Charlette D

Thoms B

Grade 1/2 K Chelsey H

Grade 1/2 S Matilda C

Lincoln S

Natasha J

Grade 3/4 F Teanna C

Roxie V-VF

Grade 3/4 S James D

Matthew M

Elana S

Page 4 Thursday Thoughts

Parents and Friends Next meeting is Monday 21st July

in the staffroom just after

assembly. So

come along

have a cuppa

and chat

about future



Canteen If you send your child/ren’s lunch order on an envelope please include

10¢ in the order for the cost of a paper bag.

Slushies are NOT available this term.



24th Jo R, Sharon B, Fiona T

31st Maryann E, Janine K, Jaimie C

Forms are available from the school


Please fill out the form and return it

with your money as soon as






Friday 18th of July, 5.00 – 7.00pm


Prep, 1, 2 in Prep Classroom

3, 4, 5, 6 in 3/4F’s Classroom (enter

through 3/4M’s door)


$5 per child – will include popcorn

and lollies


A drink bottle, pillow, bean bag

(something comfortable to sit on)


Something comfortable

Movie Night

Page 5: Newsletter 17-07-2014

Public Notices

Page 5

Wombats need YOUR help It is very simple. Could you please save your ice cream lids, margarine lids & milk lids.

We use the above to help treat wombats for the mange mite (which will Kill the wombat)

For any further information please contact Judy on 0400 229539, Pamela 0409 164405 & Ian 0419 517052

You can also report sick wombats on above phone numbers. Volunteers are also very welcome.

There will be a box at the front office at Launching Place Primary School.


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Page 6 Thursday Thoughts

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