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Page 1: Newsletter Feb. '12




ary 1

5, 2


Lots of Group workouts Lots of Group workouts Lots of Group workouts Lots of Group workouts

up and running weekly, up and running weekly, up and running weekly, up and running weekly,

so be sure to check Triso be sure to check Triso be sure to check Triso be sure to check Tri----

Fusion forum & sign up Fusion forum & sign up Fusion forum & sign up Fusion forum & sign up

& attend some!& attend some!& attend some!& attend some!

Top 20 Rules …Top 20 Rules …Top 20 Rules …Top 20 Rules …

Pg. 2Pg. 2Pg. 2Pg. 2----3333 Training




Partners.. .

Partners.. .

Partners.. .

Partners.. .

Pg. 6Pg. 6Pg. 6Pg. 6----7777




Looking Forward…



Forward… Pg. 4Pg. 4Pg. 4Pg. 4----5555

Training Training


Training Zones….



Zones…. Pg. 10Pg. 10Pg. 10Pg. 10----11111111

My Life My Life My Life My Life

My Tri…. My Tri…. My Tri…. My Tri….

Pg. 8Pg. 8Pg. 8Pg. 8----9999

Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill



Training…. Training….

Pg. 12Pg. 12Pg. 12Pg. 12----13131313

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes, Recipes,

Calendar, BOD… Calendar, BOD… Calendar, BOD… Calendar, BOD…

Pg. 14Pg. 14Pg. 14Pg. 14----16161616

Every once in awhile someone sends us a story that’s so beautiful we are

forever changed by it. This is one of those stories.

It started in Winchester, Massachusetts, 43 years ago, when Rick Hoyt

was born. Somehow his umbilical cord became wrapped around his neck,

leaving him brain-damaged and unable to control his limbs.

The doctors told Rick’s parents that he would be a vegetable for the rest

of his life. But Dick Hoyt, Rick’s father, didn’t believe it. He noticed the

way Rick’s eyes followed him around the room.

When Rick was 11 they took him to the engineering department at Tufts

University and asked if there was anything to help the boy communicate.

“No way,” Dick says he was told. “There nothing going on in his brain.”

“Tell him a joke,” Dick countered. They did. Rick Laughed.

Turns out a lot was going on in his brain. Rigged up with a computer that

allowed him to control the cursor by touching a switch with the side of his

head, Rick was finally able to communicate. First words? “Go Bruins!”

And after a high school classmate was paralyzed in an accident and the

school organized a charity run for him, Rick pecked out, “Dad, I want to

do that.”

Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described “porker” who never ran more

than a mile at a time, going to push his son five miles? Still, he tried.

“Then it was me who was handicapped,” Dick says. “I was sore for two


That day changed Rick’s life. “Dad,” he typed, “when we were running, it

felt like I wasn’t disabled anymore!”

And that sentence changed Dick’s life. He became obsessed with giving

Rick that feeling as often as he could. He got into such hard-belly shape

that he and Rick were ready to try the 1979 Boston Marathon.

“No Way,” Dick was told by a race official. The Hoyt’s weren’t quite a

single runner, and they weren't quite a wheelchair competitor. So, for the

first few years, Dick and Rick just joined the massive field and ran any-


Later, the would find a way to get into the race officially; in 1983 they ran

another marathon so fast they made

the qualifying time for the Boston

following year.

Then somebody said, “Hey Dick,

why not a triathlon?”

How’s a guy who never learned to

swim and hadn’t ridden a bike since

he was six going to haul his 110-

pound kid through a triathlon?

Still, Dick tried.

Now they’ve done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour Iron-

man Competitors in Hawaii.

This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and Rick finished their 24th Boston

Marathon, in 5,083rd place out of more that 20,000 starters. Their best

time? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992– only 35 minutes off the world

record, which, in case you don’t keep track of these things, happens to be

held by a guy who was not pushing another man in a wheelchair at the


FATHER & SON– A Real-Life Love Story

Page 2: Newsletter Feb. '12



The previously* most popular post on

this blog was a 2007 post on swim-

ming, which is mainly a link to anoth-

er blog post from The Triathlon

Book. Over on ST there has been a lot

of chatter about swimming for triath-

letes. And Rappstar, Paulo and Coach

Daz amongst others have weighed in

on the topic.

Without further ado here is an update

to my brief 2007 post:

The Top 20 Rules for Faster Triathlon Swimming

1. Conditioning trumps drills. Technique matters, but the way most athletes try to

improve technique doesn't work. Get fitter, and your ability to hold good technique

improves. It takes a lot of work to develop aerobic conditioning in your upper body.

If you think you are already swimming a lot but are not improving, swim more and

keep at it. There are no shortcuts.

2. Traditional drills don't work. The type of drills and the way that most triathletes do

them don't actually have any material effect on swimming technique.

3. Swim more often. Frequency is the best way to improve your swimming. Also see

rule #4

4. Do longer main sets. You can't expect to swim fast and be fresh on the bike if you

rarely do main sets with the same or higher volume and pace than you expect in the

race. For short course these should be at least 2km, for IM 4km, or more. And that

looks like 20-50x100, not many short broken sets adding up to 2-5km.

5. Don't over think it. Don't under think it. Be engaged with what you are doing in

the water, and use tools to help get a better feel for the water. But don't over think

every stroke, and suffer from paralysis by analysis. Swimming fast is about rhythm

and flow, when good technique becomes automatic.

6. Increased swim fitness translates to the bike and run. Being able to swim hard-

er, starting the bike both fresher and with faster riders is how that works.

7. Deep swim fitness allows you to swim on the rivet. See rule #6. Most triathletes

don't know how to really swim hard for the duration.



elite triathlon


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Top 20 to faster swim...continued

8. Include some quality in every swim. If you are swimming less than 5x per week, hav-

ing easy swims is a waste of time. Always include quality, from band, to paddles, to

sprints, in every swim.

9. Don't count strokes. See rule #2. The objective is to get faster, not take fewer strokes.

10. Learn now to use your kick but don't spend a lot of time with kick sets. Kicking is

about stroke control and body position, not propulsion for triathlon. Kick fitness doesn't


11. Use a band frequently. The best swimming drill there is. Do short reps with lots of rest

at first. Both propulsion and body position will improve.

12. Use paddles with awareness of engaging lats. Paddles are primarily a technical

tool to take more strokes with better mechanics, the result of which is learning how to use

your prime swimming movers: your lats.

13. Keep head low on breathing and in open water. Head down, feet up. It's a common

body position error.

14. Do many short repetitions for stroke quality. It takes fitness to swim with good tech-

nique for long durations. Start shorter, and swim faster. 50x50 works wonders. Don't have

time to do a 2500m main set? Drop the warm up and warm down.

15. Learn to swim with a higher stroke rate. This takes conditioning. It will pay off on

race day, and particularly anytime swimming in a group and in rough conditions.

16. If you need to write your swim session down on the white board or paper, it's too

complicated. Keep it simple.

17. Find a good masters programme. Long main sets is a good sign. Swim with others to

challenge yourself. Good programmes are the exception rather than the norm, unfortu-


18. Don't use swim tools as a crutch. Paddles and bull buoys are tools with specific uses.

Don't reach for them out of simple laziness, because the set is hard.

19. Do use swim tools when you are very fatigued, and will otherwise swim with poor

quality. See Rule #18.

20. Dry land and gym can help swimming for some via improved neuromuscular re-

cruitment. Use body weight and tubing not machines.

Bonus: Love swimming if you want to get faster. Embrace the process of getting faster

in the water. Chlorine sweat is a good thing.

Follow the rules above to swim faster, and ultimately to be a faster triathlete. Enjoy.

Page 4: Newsletter Feb. '12


Following Natalie Gallagher in for this season ...You can too,

natalie-gallagher.blogspot.com LOOKING FORWARD...LOOKING FORWARD...LOOKING FORWARD...LOOKING FORWARD... To my first Ironman! I pretty much stopped blogging after my very disappointing race at California 70.3 last year. But I didn't stop training and after I got healthy - I ended up with a rather happy, successful, and balanced season after all. I even set a few PR's :) Throughout the season I swam/biked/ran for endurance, and enjoyed training with some inspiring and dedicated athlete friends. I spent the summer months contemplating registering for IMC, with loads of en-couragement from my husband and a few close friends. In August, Ironman Canada 2012 registration ap-proached. So, here I am...at the beginning of eight months of serious Ironman training. And I know I am go-ing to want to share my experience and reflect after the fact. I'm definitely not the first athlete to be in this position, but it is my personal journey toward my first Ironman race. So, follow along with my training and ah ha! moments if you'd like. On my way=>On my way=>On my way=>On my way=> I've got a smart, seasoned, and talented coach I took a short, but very unstructured off-season in October I became and remain serious about core strength this season Plan to complete two 70.3's and several shorter races along the way Continue to enjoy my Brooks sponsorship I'm making some sacrifices: no alcohol (not a biggie, but still) plant and protein rich diet (also, pretty much my norm) sweets restricted, except on my two long days of training/per week, and only minimal consumption 7-8 hours sleep/per night, more when necessary But hoping NOT to sacrifice family/close friends or caffeine! Wishing you all a very happy new year!Wishing you all a very happy new year!Wishing you all a very happy new year!Wishing you all a very happy new year!

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Natalie Gallagher continued...

Life is like a Box of ChocolatesLife is like a Box of ChocolatesLife is like a Box of ChocolatesLife is like a Box of Chocolates Or like going without a box of chocolates when you really want some :) Last week's IM training was basic s/b/r + core strength, but it was solid and good. My main focus, besides building my fitness in all three sports, is definitely swim technique im-provement and learning to push myself as hard in the water as I am willing to when riding and running. Of my three swims last week, my best effort was at our Sunday masters swim...I thought I would never get enough air to breathe - the entire workout. Soooo, that's what it feels like to go for it at swim practice? I like it and I want more of it.

I LOVE MONDAYS!I LOVE MONDAYS!I LOVE MONDAYS!I LOVE MONDAYS! Mondays have lots of potential...a new start and new hope to accomplish goals, meet objec-tives, and tackle home and work obligations with renewed energy and vigor. Typically and without planning to, Greg and I spend a portion of Sunday evening talking about the "big" tasks for the week ahead=> our training, work, and social schedules. I like to map out my week on Google Calendar and sync that with my iPhone. We're hoping to get Greg on board with that plan soon as well :) So, lots to look forward to and little to complain about at the beginning of a new week. Another reason I enjoy Mondays is because that is my designated long run daylong run daylong run daylong run day! I find my-self daydreaming about running while at work...where will I run, will I run with someone or lis-ten to music, can I please run outside, what glorious winter weather will greet me? Today was no exception - in fact, I probably spent more than a reasonable amount of time thinking and talking about my long run. And I wasn't disappointed. Greg and I ran a loop we don't normally do in the bright sunshine and crisp, icy weather near our home. Lovin' it! ** GOOD LUCK NAT!! **** GOOD LUCK NAT!! **** GOOD LUCK NAT!! **** GOOD LUCK NAT!! **

Page 6: Newsletter Feb. '12


It can be hard to meet new people, especially in the triathlon world, but triathletes aren’t as intimidating as they seem. Whether you’re new to triathlon, new to town or simply need a new crowd, here are six ways to find peo-ple just like you.


Tri clubs can be found in most major cities—and good number of smalls towns—across the country. They often serve as the center of the triathlon community. Most clubs have a array of activities to choose from including group workouts, training clinics and informational talks. Membership fees are reasonable, at around $45 to $60 per year.


You’ve heard of Master’s Swimming; it’s time to try it. Not only is it a great way to get a pool workout with-out having to plan it yourself, it’s a great place to meet other triathletes, pick up swimming tips, and make new friends.


Many Bike shops host weekly rides that leave from the shop and are open to anyone with two wheels. Call for departure times and be sure to ask about the average pace of the rides to find one that best suites you.


Events hosted by the local tri club or shops draw a lot of new, eager triathletes looking to soak in as much in-formation as they can. Stick around and introduce yourself. Engage in conversation, ask about group workouts, and let people know what you’re looking for. It’s certain that everyone has a weekend workout planned by they might not have a workout partner.

How to Meet Your Training Partners By Michelle Valenti—active.com

Tri-Fusion — You’re one step ahead & are in a Club! All you have to do is get involved. Come to weekly

workouts the club & members have put together & welcome YOU to join them! Most likely you’ve joined this

club to meet other triathletes & have multiple training partners… it’s your club, enjoy what it has to offer!

Tri-Fusion — Offers a Master’s Swim EVERY SUNDAY morning 8:30am-10:00am, @ Whitworth. NO

COST for members… sign up on the forum, as there are limited spots. Not a great swimmer?… have to learn

& get better somehow, no better place then this with a Swim Coach & fellow members there to help you!

Tri-fusion & Fitness Finatics — Always check the forum for posted bike workouts, especially when there is

some beautiful weather… we encourage you to post your workouts as well to welcome your club to join you!

Fitness finatics is one to always have weekly bike rides for all paces. Check with them during riding season!

Tri-Fusion — Come to monthly meetings to enjoy speakers of all variety, talent & profession to give you some-

thing new to learn in your sport. Also enjoy clinics put on by members & other amazing talents around the area

to give better success to your training, races & equipment! Check the forum for these events!

Page 7: Newsletter Feb. '12


Meet Training Partner cont….


With everything from euchre to underwater hockey, Meetup.com has something to offer for everyone, especially runners, cyclists and swimmers. Even if you don’t participate regularly, a few groups rides or runs can be all you need to meet a few fellow triathletes & plan your own — sometimes more convenient — workouts!


Similar to bike shops, many running shops host regular runs. These attract people outside the triathlon crowd and can easily help expand your pool of training partners.

Hash runs are always a fun alternative. Although more social, Hash events are less intimidating the triathlon workouts and they draw a lot of serious runners that might be up for a non-Hash jog.


Tri-Fusion — offers variety of place to MEET UP & get a group workout in, majority of the time they welcome

ALL PACES, levels & distance! We also always encourage you to be involved by being a leader of a workout, how

you do this is easy!! POST your workouts on the Tri-fusion forum and/or Tri-fusion Facebook. You will meet,

connect & learn who your best training partner will be & continue a great training season with those by your side!!

Tri-Fusion — We always encourage the club to get involved with any & all local races & running clubs open to

the public! (ie: Bloomsday, Flying Irish, St. Patty’s, Turkey trot) So many to choose from monthly...weekly that

will give a bigger social endurance & excitement to your regular training schedule! You can also post these

events on the Forum (races) and/or Facebook to share what event you’re doing & encourage others to join you

for the fun run along! We try to capture these events with group pictures of our club, so communicate your

time of arrival etc. & bring a camera!

Page 8: Newsletter Feb. '12


Name: Rosi Elizabeth Guerrero

Member since: August 2011

Occupation: College Music Professor (Piano & Theory)

“A” race 2012: 2011– Long Bridge Swim 2012– Lake Stevens 1/2 Ironman

Swim, bike or run; Bike, because my legs are strong and I love climbing hills and swim, because I overcame a 30 year fear of putting my head in the water and finally learned how to swim.

My race story to be told: Best memory– completing the Cd’alene Olympic Triath-lon and placing 8th place as AG in 2010 Race the River Triathlon (3rd place in AG swim)

What I do when I don’t tri: I am a mom and I love to Bake!

Perfect day: Peace and Quiet, sipping on a coke slurpee under a swaying Palm Tree in the hot summer sun!

Indulgence: Coke Slurpee!

Inspiration: my girls, Rene, and those that can achieve what I think is the impossible really inspires me!

Best quote: “Mastering others is STRENGTH, mastering yourself is TRUE POWER”

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Name: Adam Little

Member since: October 2009

Occupation: Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch Wealth Man-agement

“A” race 2012: Ironman Coeur d’Alene

Swim, bike or run; Bike. I may not be the fastest athlete on the course, but the bike always makes me feel like I’m going fast.

My Song: Ali in the Jungle– The Hours

My Race Story: Triathlon has been a sport that includes my favorite things in life; good exercise/activity, great people, my wife and as much food as I want to eat when I’m training.

What I do when I don’t tri: I enjoy spending time with family and friends, watching movies and sports, and volunteering for various community organizations.

Perfect day: A lap on the CDA Ironman bike course, a short run along the shore of the lake, then a huge slice of pizza from Nate’s NY pizza in Post Falls, with the company of my wife and close friends.

Indulgence: Beer Buddies (little balls of pizza dough covered in garlic and parmesan cheese) from Bennidito’s after a long run or ride.

Inspiration: my wife! She’s one of the toughest competitors I have ever seen!

Best quote: “”What doesn’t kill you makes you an Ironman”

Page 10: Newsletter Feb. '12


Heart rate training can be confusing due to all the terminology used and the many opinions on how to determine your thresh-

old zone. Additionally, there are a number of different charts that offer a variety of ranges which adds to the confusion. This is

an example of information overload, and to a beginner triathlete this can seem incredibly confusing.

The goal for this article is to give you a good understanding of how and why to test for heart rate zones, which training zones

you should spend the most time in, and how to make this a simple process.

Definition of Training Zones

Zone 1 is a super easy effort, probably a 4/10 on the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) chart (at end of article). It's so easy

that you should feel ‘guilty' when you are done. You don't think you went hard enough; it didn't feel like a workout; you don't

think there was any benefit because it felt too easy. If you have these types of thoughts after a Zone 1 workout, then congratu-

lations, you are doing it right. I call this the "Guilty Zone."

Zone 2 should feel pretty easy as well, at least in the beginning. But you should feel as though you have to work if you've

been doing this several hours. You may even see cardiac drift towards the end of this workout. How easy is easy for Zone 2? I

would recommend somewhere around 5-6/10 on the RPE scale. You should be able to hold a conversation for the duration of

this workout, and I mean being able to talk in full sentences, not one- or two-word gasps. This is what I call the "Conversation


Zone 3 gets a little gray, and literally it is a ‘gray zone'. You typically aren't going easy enough to get the benefits of a nice

easy effort and you aren't going hard enough to get the benefits of a ‘Race Pace' workout. This is an effort of about 7/10 on

the RPE scale, and you can talk in one- to two-word answers. I actually call this zone the NBZ - "No Benefit Zone."

Zone 4 is your "Race Pace" zone - this is where you have burning legs and lungs and you can't keep the effort up for much

more than an hour. And yes, you have to be pretty fit to keep this effort up for an hour, but by definition, your threshold is an

effort you can manage for one hour. You know when you are in Zone 4 as your breathing is labored, your arms and legs get

very heavy and all you want to do is stop. This effort is 8-9+ on the RPE scale.

Zone 5 and up are for shorter efforts and these are usually 9+ to 10 effort levels on the RPE scale. These efforts may last

from a few seconds to maybe five or six minutes. This zone is beneficial if you are doing a lot of racing that has hard but very

short efforts, such as bike racing or racing short events on the track in running.

Since this article is geared toward endurance athletes, and your races are typically one hour or more, I'll explain how your

training should be set up: Consider that a 400M race around the track that takes world class runners about 40 seconds to com-

plete is around 86 percent aerobic. Now, if you are running a 5K, how much of that race do you think is aerobic? The answer

is probably somewhere around 97 to 99 percent.

For the average endurance athlete, the percentage of time you should spend training in each zone is roughly as follows:

• Zone 1 and 2: 80 to 85 percent

• Zone 4: 10 to 15 percent

• Zone 5: 2 to 5 percent

For those of us you are training for half distances and above, there should be a percentage of Zone 3 training as well, but still

that percentage may only be 15 to 20 percent each week.

Training Zones Explained

By Michael Ricci • D3Multisport.com

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Training Zones cont….

The Importance of Zone 1 and Zone 2 Training

Zone 1 and Zone 2 training help you build endurance, durability and strength. In addition, these easy training sessions help

build capillary pathways that transport oxygen to your muscles and carry waste (lactate) away from your muscles. The more

capillary pathways that you can build, the more efficient you will be. Efficiency is equal to free speed.

If at first you can't keep your HR under Zone 2, then you need to slow down. If that means you run for three minutes and

walk for two minutes to keep your HR down then, by all means, do it. For a fit athlete getting back into training, I recom-

mend training without a heart rate monitor for two weeks. Put it back on once you have a sense of fitness coming back.

You may feel that training in Zone 2 and under is a step back, but you will see the progress over time and you will be

thankful you were patient during this important phase.

Adaptation for everyone will be different. Some people will see changes right away, and for others it may take months. Just

this year I had an athlete drop about 40 seconds a mile on his long runs after two months of Zone 2 training, and he's been

racing and training for over 20 years. So, at any level, improvement is possible. You just need to have faith in the philoso-

phy and, above all else, be patient.

Note: All D3 training plans were created with these heart rate zones in mind.

RPE Zone HR Description

0 Z1 Resting HR Complete rest.

1 Z1 Very Easy Light walking.

2 Z1 Very Easy Light walking.

3 Z1 Very Easy Walking.

4 Z1 Still Easy Maybe starting to sweat.

5 Z2 Starting to Work You can feel your HR rise.

6 Z2 Working but Sustainable Can talk in full sentences.

7 Z3 Strong Effort

Breathing labored, but can

still maintain pace for some

minutes without slowing.

8 Z4 Olympic-Distance Race Pace This is your lactate threshold /

your best effort for one hour.

9 Z5 10K Effort Very hard.

10 Z5 5K Effort

Cannot hold effort for more

than a minute or two. (almost

max effort).

Page 12: Newsletter Feb. '12


Many triathletes view the treadmill as a last resource in winter, or an option for when you’re

short on time. Dave Scott, however, sees the treadmill as a valuable training tool—even when

the weather’s good.

“I have my athletes do one treadmill session per week throughout the whole year,” he says.

Here, Scott discusses the advantages and disadvantages of training on the treadmill, and pro-

vides a workout for your next indoor session.


“It’s easy to gauge progress over time because your environment is consistent. In a four- to six-week cycle, you have a con-

stant every week. Plus, you get immediate feedback on workload.

“It’s also a great place to work on cadence and form—especially if the treadmill is in front of a mirror.

“For some athletes prone to injury or overtraining, I actually like to break up the long training day into two long training

days. And I’m not opposed to one of those being done on the treadmill.”


“The belt feels different: You don’t get the nuances of the road. Also, if the treadmill is flat, it’s easier to run on the belt than


“The important thing is to keep up muscular strength and leg turnover in the offseason so balance, symmetry and the stimula-

tion of your faster fibers are enhanced. Don’t just get on the treadmill and do slow, steady runs every time.

Note: Run at a 1.5-percent incline to more closely mimic running on a flat road. When you’re working on foot turnover,

however, you should go back down between 0 and .5 percent.

Treadmill WorkoutTreadmill WorkoutTreadmill WorkoutTreadmill Workout

This workout will help you maintain muscular endurance—elevating the firing of the faster twitch fibers—

and leg turnover in the offseason.

• Warm Up: 8-12 minutes at 1.5 to 2 percent grade, starting off with a slow jog. In the last 3-5 minutes of the warm

-up, gradually increase to your standard aerobic speed (outside pace). This gives your heart rate time to catch up.

(Note: HR is not a good indicator until you’ve been running for about 15-20 minutes.) Once at aerobic speed,

you’re ready to go into the first set

Treadmill Training– with Dave Scott

Page 13: Newsletter Feb. '12


• First Set: 6x2 minutes on a hill with 1-minute rest

intervals; effort should be moderately hard at the


⇒ 45 seconds at 5 percent grade (don’t change speed)

⇒ 45 seconds at 6 percent grade (don’t change speed)

⇒ 30 seconds at 7 percent grade (don’t change speed)

⇒ 1 minute rest interval at 2 percent grade (remain at

your aerobic pace; don’t go down to a softer speed)

⇒ Repeat 5-8 more times

• Second Set (leg turnover): 8-12x20 seconds at 0

-.5 percent grade; you should be working at a sub-

threshold pace. Segments are short to avoid unneces-

sary stress.

⇒ Run for 20 seconds with good balance, symmetry

and control; it’s not a flat out sprint.

⇒ Jump off belt and straddle the treadmill for 20 se-


⇒ Jump back on for 20 seconds

⇒ Repeat this sequence 8-12 times

• Third Set (if time permits): Run steady at aero-

bic pace for 12-20 minutes (1.5-2 percent grade).

• Extra Credit: Repeat sets 1 (with slight modifica-

tion) and 2.

⇒ Set 1 (modification): 6x1 minute on hills from 5- to

7-percent grades. Effort should be moderately hard

to hard at the end. Include a rest interval of 1 minute

between each round.

⇒ Set 2: Same leg turnover set at 8x20 seconds

• Cool Down

Don’t forget to track your progress over time. In a four- to

six-week period you might notice:

⇒ Improved perceived exertion, where the same

workout feels easier.

⇒ A slight increase in speed. (Note: Don’t push it.

Hard efforts should be avoided; all efforts should be


⇒ A lower heart rate for the same work load.


Six-time Ironman World Champion Dave Scott lives in Boulder, Colorado, and main-tains a busy schedule running his own busi-ness as fitness and nutrition consultant, product marketing consultant and national-ly recognized speaker. He also organizes or is the main keynote for fitness camps, clin-ics and races and is a regular columnist for many print and online sources. As an Ac-tive Expert, Dave utilizes his years of expe-rience by offering unique and creative training plans for athletes of all abilities. Contact him at [email protected].

Page 14: Newsletter Feb. '12


For the filling:For the filling:For the filling:For the filling:

• 1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries • 1 medium apple • lemon juice • 1/4 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract • 1 tsp cornstarch • sweetener (you can use sugar or artificial sweetener, about 1-2 servings) For the topping:

• 1/4 cup oatmeal • 1 tbsp whole wheat flour • 1 tbsp brown sugar • pinch of salt • 1 tbsp butter Heat the oven to 205c/400f degrees.

Core, peel and dice your apple and combine it in a bowl with the strawberries. Sprinkle some lemon juice on the apples to keep them from browning. Add in the cinnamon, vanilla, cornstarch and sweetener. Mix well. Divide between two ramekins.

In a medium sized bowl, combine the oatmeal, flour, salt and brown sugar. Mix in the butter until the mixture has formed course crumbs. Sprinkle over the fruit in the ramekins.

Place the ramekins on a baking tray and place in the oven for 10 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 176c/350f degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the topping is golden brown and the fruit is bubbly. Makes 2 servings; 199 calories/1ramekinMakes 2 servings; 199 calories/1ramekinMakes 2 servings; 199 calories/1ramekinMakes 2 servings; 199 calories/1ramekin


Dessert with a lot of Love!Dessert with a lot of Love!Dessert with a lot of Love!Dessert with a lot of Love!

Page 15: Newsletter Feb. '12


March 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Coffee House Run 6pm

2 3


Master Swim 8:30 -10:00am


BAT Clinic 5:15pm

6 7 8

Coffee House Run 6pm

9 10


NO NO NO NO Master’s Swim!!!


BAT Clinic 5:15pm

13 14 15

Coffee House Run 6pm

16 17


Master Swim 8:30 -10:00am

19 20 21

Tri-Fusion meeting 6:30pm


Coffee House Run 6pm

23 24


Master Swim 8:30 -10:00am

26 27 28 29

Coffee House Run 6pm

30 31

February 2012February 2012February 2012February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

Tri-Fusion meeting 6:30pm


Coffee House Run 6pm

17 18

Run Clinic 9am


Master Swim 8:30 -10:00am


BAT Clinic 5:15pm

21 22 23

Coffee House Run 6pm

24 25


Master Swim 8:30 -10:00am


BAT Clinic 5:45pm5:45pm5:45pm5:45pm

28 29

TriTriTriTri----Fusion Club events, community training opportunities Calendar!Fusion Club events, community training opportunities Calendar!Fusion Club events, community training opportunities Calendar!Fusion Club events, community training opportunities Calendar!

Find one that works for you, go to TriFind one that works for you, go to TriFind one that works for you, go to TriFind one that works for you, go to Tri----Fusion Forum & RSVP (and more details)Fusion Forum & RSVP (and more details)Fusion Forum & RSVP (and more details)Fusion Forum & RSVP (and more details)

Page 16: Newsletter Feb. '12


The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….

We would like to

extend a

generous Thank

You to our truly





Training Opportunities:

• Whitworth Masters Swim, offered

FREE to Tri Fusion MEMBERS

every Sunday 8:30-10:00am.

Sign up on the forum as limited


• BAT clinics held most Monday

nights @Thompsons 5:15pm

month of Feb/March- Sign up

on forum as limited spots.

• Coffee House Runs—Starbucks

Wandermere 6pm (Babysitting


• Continue to post & check for any

training swim/ride/run on the

Forum, Facebook page and/or

send out an email! We encour-

age all of you to post your

workouts there as well!

Upcoming Events:

• Fitness Finatics Skate Ski—Feb

18th 9am-Day This event need-

ed RSVP by Feb.5th, see Natalie

G. for info or questions.

• Run Clinic Feb. 18th—9am @

Mead highschool instructed by

Josh Hadway. RSVP on the fo-



• March 3rd- Snake River Half,


Centennial Trail Run, see Race


• March 4th– Wawawai Grade

and Time Trial

• March 11th- St. Paddy’s 5miler,

see Race Rag

• March 17th- Rapid Rabbit 5mil-

er, see Race Rag

• March 18th- Bob White memori-

al 5k, see Race Rag

• March 24th– Spring Sprint DU,


• March 31rst- Girl Scout Cookie

9am, see Race Rag

Next Membership Meeting:

March 21rst Twigs North 6:30pm

February/March 2012February/March 2012February/March 2012February/March 2012

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