+ All Categories
  • OGCDP has invaded 5 campuses

    this peak: Medicine, FEPS,

    Commerce, Computer Science,

    Mass Comm. and even Booklet

    Cafe. On behalf of OGCDP we

    would like to thank all those who

    supported the booth, promoted for

    our beloved LC and contributed in

    making an impact to change lives

    and deliver life-time experience.

    IGCDP launched its first matching

    competition with rewards to the

    team with most matches, the team

    member with most matcher and

    our APRIL SUPER MATCHER for the

    best matcher in the function!

  • OGIP is now no 1

    nationally in

    terms of Raising,

    Matching and


    IGIP Has two new Partners!

  • Team stakeholders

    Development has Profiled 22

    teams across the LC, a total of

    150+ People.

    If you still did not meet them,

    what are you waiting for?

    Come to the office and they

    would be there waiting!!

  • After analysing Your Learning

    needs we launched a set of

    sessions called the Building blocks. They are going to take

    Place Every Saturday



    P.S [You will find people you

    have not seen for a long time

    each session, You just don't

    want to miss that!]



  • Full R



  • -50% + of the whole years goal in OGIP achieved-2000+ applications in GCDP achieved-hashtag gone national in ICX campaign-humans of AIESEC launched if you want to publish your story.

  • because one of our core values is

    enjoying participation, we decided

    in IM to launch a new initiative to

    bring the LC together and enhance

    the morale within the LC through

    grouping in talent groups and doing

    what you love while getting to know

    each other and having fun in the


  • Do you like Gossip

    Box/Dr Love or Wish Box

    from conferences, well

    today is your lucky day!

    IM is launching a virtual

    Gossip Box in Olympus


    Visit http://aiesec.ml

    today and scroll down

    to start gossiping!

  • Scan the QR code to

    download or go to:


  • AIESEC (pronounced eye-sek) was

    originally an acronym for Association

    Internationale des tudiants en

    Sciences conomiques et

    Commerciales. AIESEC is no longer

    used as an acronym but simply as

    the name of the organisation.

  • What does your blood type say about you?You have probably heard of people getting a job because of their talents, abilities, or personality but would it surprise you to know that in Japan some employees take your blood type into account before they offer you a job?The Japanese believe that your blood type reveals a lot about your personality. So, what does your blood type say about you and which jobs are suitable for you? Look at the descriptions below and find out.

    Type 0: This is the most common blood type. They are full of positive energy and very good at dealing with competition, type 0 people are born leaders. They enjoy going out and meeting new people but are better at making money than friends. Ideal jobs for type 0s include accountancy and politics. Ronald Reagan and Queen Elizabeth are both famous 0s.

    Type A: Type As are organized, careful and realistic. They always manage to stay calm but they don't like surprises very much. They work well with other people and success is very important to them. They will enjoy doing jobs that require them to be organized. They make good accountants, writers, lawyers & librarians. A famous Japanese Manga writer is Naoko Takeuchi.

  • Type B: Type Bs are independent, honest & hard working. They have a lively imagination and very optimistic, which helps them cope well with changes in their environment. Their ideal jobs include those of journalist and artist. Famous type Bs include Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow & Jack Nicholson.

    Type AB: Type AB is the rarest blood type. Type ABs are the most spiritual and many of them can even predict the future! AB people are very organized, good with people and very good at entertaining others. However, they don't make decisions easily or think up new ideas easily. They make good teachers, lawyers & are good at public relations. J.F Kennedy was a famous type AB.

    -Asmaa Hamdy

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