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  • Newsletter for Residents and Ratepayers affected by the Lake Ohau fire #11

    16 October 2020

    Updates from today are in red.

    This email comes to you from the Waitaki Emergency Management team. We’ve sent it to you because we understand you have been directly affected by the fire.

    We’re still getting new subscribers to this newsletter so we’ll keep the older info in here until it’s not needed. An FAQ sheet has been added to the website page. We’ll keep updating this so let us know anything you’d like to see on here.

    Please forward this newsletter on to anyone who you know who you think may not have received it themselves.

    For more information, go to the Waitaki District Council website. This has copies of the newsletters and past updates on it https://www.waitaki.govt.nz/our-council/news-and-public-notices/news/Pages/waitaki-fire-emergency.aspx

    Please let us know what we can do to support you, we don’t know what we don’t know.

    You can respond to this email with any questions or requests. Thanks to those who have already made contact via email. We’re aiming to give everyone a timely response.

    A message from Mayor for Waitaki Gary Kircher:

    Hi everyone,

    I hope you are all well, and that things are looking more positive for you. A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, with many of you going through some major changes. Even for those who haven’t lost homes, it is a very disruptive time, and I know we all feel deeply for those who have lost homes and belongings.

    When I visited the village and surrounding area during the week with six of our Councillors and three of our Ahuriri Community Board members, it was once again a sobering experience. For the elected members who hadn’t seen the devastation apart from photos, it drove home to them the scale of the event. We are all so very pleased no one was hurt, but we all understand what it has meant to lose belongings and homes.

    I am keeping tabs on what is happening via the daily Civil Defence Zoom meetings, and ensuring that we keep you - the residents, owners and tenants, as the central focus of all that we are doing. Unfortunately there are some necessary regulations that have to be followed, but I do want us to make things as easy for you as possible.

  • Please let our staff or me know if there are any issues that you feel we can help with. Even if it is not something that we have responsibility for, we will do what we can to go into bat for you. One example is the call for improved cellphone coverage in the area. I have been in touch with Chorus to see how the service can be improved to provide a safer coverage area.

    As you continue to sort out your situation, make plans, and look forward to getting life back to relative normality, you remain in my thoughts and in the thoughts of our Councillors and our amazing staff. You are our community, and we are here for you.

    Best wishes, Gary

    Gary Kircher, Mayor for Waitaki Mobile:+64 21 463 546 Email: Gary Kircher: [email protected] Councillors: [email protected] Ahuriri Community Board: [email protected]

    Site visits:

    1. You’ll need written approval from your insurer (an email confirmation from your insurer forwarded to us at [email protected], or shown to us on your phone, is perfect). This is for your protection, so we know the people going on site are the property owners.

    2. You no longer need to make a booking to visit the site. Please bring your ID to the control point. Access hours for residents and ratepayers are between 10am and 3pm daily.

    3. Please ensure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear if you are visiting any property in the fire zone (either inside or outside the village), whether it has been fire damaged or not. We recommend dust masks, protective glasses and sensible footwear. There is a lot of ash and many hazards.

  • Updates for today

    A bit of light relief:


    A fundraising concert for the Ohau Mayoral Relief Fund has been organised and the Brydone Hotel has offered 5 rooms accommodation free of charge for the night of the concert, 20 October 2020.

    Can you recommend/nominate people from your community who would like to take a break away and come down to Oamaru for this? If so please contact Frances McElhinney on Ph. 027 703 8196, [email protected] or on the Opera House facebook page.

    Complimentary tickets to the show are available for Ohau fire affected residents and for FENZ and Rural fire support, volunteer and emergency workers; if you’d like tickets just book ahead by Facebook Messaging the Oamaru Opera House, or contact Frances McElhinney on Ph. 027 703 8196, [email protected] and we’ll save you a seat.

    We hope you can take some time away and transport yourselves to an evening to uplift the spirits. A light supper will be provided after the concert, which will be a wonderful way to bring our community together to end the evening.

    A little bit of information about the evening:


    Hopetoun Brown and the Genius of Finn Scholes 7.30pm, Tuesday 20 October 2020, Oamaru Opera House

    Hopetoun Brown and the Genius of Finn Scholes are performing a fundraising concert this Tuesday for the Ohau Mayoral Relief Fund. With the devasting news of fire in the valley, the timing for this concert was the catalyst for using this as an opportunity to support this small but hard-hit community.

    The business community have been hugely supportive in their contributions to some epic raffle packages. Raffle tickets are on sale at the Opera House. There is an Adventure Pack, Pamper Pack, Night Away Pack and Gourmet pack – these will be selling for $10 a ticket.

    Funds from the concert and raffles will go to the Mayoral Relief Fund.

    Hopetoun Brown and the genius of Finn Scholes bring vibrant foot stomping music to the stage and will leave you feeling uplifted – a certain tonic for anyone needing to export themselves to a good space. The trio bring trombones, saxophones, tubas, tambourines, a Rhodes electric piano and a full-size concert vibraphone to the stage, which will be constantly pulsing with lead singer Tim Stewart's legendary stomp.

  • General Information

    • Our current focus remains site safety. We will provide an update next week on when people might be able to return to houses that are habitable. It is still too early to confirm how long the checkpoint will remain in place but we will continue to update you.

    - A reminder that residents need to leave the site by 3pm each day.

    • We have been asked by construction companies when they can re-enter. This will be managed on a case-by-case basis and approval will depend on the location and status of surrounding buildings. Access will be on the same conditions as other contractors ie: work may need to cease if wind conditions exceed safe limits. At present there is no electricity supply to the village so alternative arrangements will need to be made for power supply. If you want to enquire about commencing work at your site please email [email protected]

    The main reason we need to know about people coming in is to make sure that they are not working next to a place that is being, or is about to be demolished.

    • Waitaki District Council staff and contractors are on site working to get services back up and running. Say g’day if you see them!

    • Lake Middleton campground is currently closed. DOC staff are working on inspecting trees. At least one tree needs to be removed. At this stage DOC anticipate the camp will be closed until after Labour weekend.

    • A heads-up that ECan are looking to do some wilding pine work on DoC land and they may seek the assistance of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for contacts for permission to go onto private property.

    • Fire and Emergency video: FENZ have been in touch and would like to shoot a video in Twizel or Ohau area next week on Monday and Tuesday with the theme of the importance of community escape planning. They are hoping to create messaging on the importance of community escape planning while it’s fresh in New Zealander’s minds. FENZ are very mindful about the sensitivity of this issue with residents, who have been through a lot already. They would like to film Monday afternoon (from 1pm) and Tuesday next week (19th and 20th) and are flexible on the location. They will be driving to and from Christchurch so can meet people anywhere in between. If there are residents would like to share their stories, talk about what happened and how they managed to survive as a community so that New Zealanders as a whole can be better prepared in future please contact Rebecca at FENZ - 021 745 432 or [email protected]

    • You may have received a WDC rates bill. We know this will feel a bit a bit rich, truth is the paperwork was at the printers before the fire. Waitaki District’s Mayor & Councillors have offered a rates relief for the next quarter for all residences affected by the Lake Ohau fire. A further assessment will be done looking at possible waivers of rates for the remaining 2 instalments for the year. They will likely depend on actual access to properties etc.

    • We plan to end daily newsletters at the end of this week (Sunday). We intend to move to a weekly newsletter. The weekly newsletter can include your stories and messages.

    • We will continue to use the Facebook group and the Council website to provide information.

    • For ongoing communication, we are considering running a weekly Zoom meeting. Please reply to this email and let us know if this would be useful for you. Thanks to those who have already replied – we’ll let you know if/when these will be starting up.

    • Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding

  • Recovery

    • Lichelle Guyan has been appointed as the Recovery Manager. Over this week her focus is co-ordination and site safety. In future, Lichelle will be available to meet with affected people. Details to be advised.

    • Lake Ohau Drive remains closed with a control point in place to provide access to those who are authorised to be on site. The plan is for residents to have access each day from 10am to 3pm. Contractors will have access between 8am to 6pm.

    • Those accessing the site will undergo a health and safety induction before being allowed on site. Anyone who is not a resident, contractor or other authorized person will be denied access. There is currently no access to the general public.

    • There is an evacuation point 5kms from the control point in case the site must be evacuated for any reason.

    • There will be security on site between 6pm and 8am.

    Infrastructure and services

    • Debris: insurers will choose a contractor and decide how and where debris will be disposed, the Insurance Council is working with individual Insurers to enable collective efforts.

    • Gas connections were being inspected next week and gas bottles collected. • Electricity - Network Waitaki has restored power to the main line from Ohau Downs to the

    Ohau Lodge but it will be some time before power is restored to Lake Ohau village. • South Roads and Network Waitaki are working on isolating power to damaged properties

    and capping water supplies. • Note from Chorus - Residents should be contacting their Telecommunications provider for a

    suspension of account as they are not able to use the services in Ohau • Waste Management Ltd have suspended operations in Ohau Village, as in they will not be

    doing their normal wheelie bin emptying until further notice. • Lake Ohau Road is open. • Lake Ohau Drive remains closed with a control point in place.

    Daily residents’ meetings at the Twizel events centre

    Fewer and fewer people have attended these meetings, and we decided Monday’s would be the last one as a result. These newsletters give a summary of anything that has changed, and we will continue to update you each day for now.

    Farmers and landowners outside the village

    We acknowledge that yours is a very different journey from that of the residents of Ohau Village. Please tell us what you need in the way of information as we want to make sure these newsletters and other information is relevant for you too.

  • Communications

    It’s really important that you all talk to each other, not just so you can share your journey but to make everyone knows what kind of support is needed. A closed Facebook page has been created residents to chat with each and discuss their needs. To join, simply scan the QR code below with your phone to join or access via this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ohaufire/


    • You no longer need to make a booking to visit the site. Please bring your ID to the control point. Access hours for residents and ratepayers are between 10am and 3pm daily.

    • Tanya Coles from Heartland Services in Twizel (1-7 Mount Cook Street) would like to let residents know that she is there to help. Heartland Services is a one-stop shop for government and community services information. Please call (03) 435 0687 or email at [email protected] even if it’s just to say hello. She’s received donated goods from the community (including: New clothes, jandals, underwear, socks, bags and dog rolls as well as a food bank, ready made meals and toiletries) so might be able to help with things you need.

    • Fond Foods have donated 40 dog rolls to those people who have been affected by the Ohau Fires. This is non-refrigerated dog roll that has a shelf-life of 3 months (2.5 months more now), and comes in 2 flavours, Lamb & Rice and Chicken. This dog roll can be frozen, but once opened, needs refrigerated. The supply has been passed to Tanya from Heartland Services, please contact her on (03) 435 0687.

    • Work continues assessing the accommodation needs of residents with a shift to mid to longer term accommodation support.

    • We acknowledge residents are extremely tired and that things have been very difficult for you. Please talk to any of the team and we will do our best to help.

    • The Southern District Health Board says you can phone or text 1737 (https://1737.org.nz ) for free any time to talk to a trained counsellor. You can make a one-off anonymous call or if you consider it might be useful to call back another time then request a case number so that they can try get the same person to save telling your situation again.

    • The DHB also advises that if you do find stress levels are causing you to lose sleep or having other impacts such as straining family relationships or drinking more, talk with your GP or a trusted health professional.

    • We have received offers of accommodation from many people. If you will be travelling to visit or access the site please contact our welfare team to access this accommodation.

    • A variety of funds have been established to collect donations to support survivors of the fire. The community need to have some discussions on how these funds might be used.

  • Emotional Support messaging

    How we deal with a disaster

    • Each person’s experience of and feelings about disaster such as fire are unique. We all react differently to stressful and traumatic events. Some of the more common reactions may include loss of appetite or sleepless night, difficulty in concentrating, feeling anxious, angry or on edge, difficulty in relating to family or friends who have not shared your experience as well as re-living the disaster and vivid memories.

    • Such reactions are normal and are your mind and body’s way of making sense of what is happening.

    • How to cope with distress feelings · Maintain your normal routines · Take a break from media. Media portrayal of events can make them seem even

    more overwhelming or distressing · Ask for support from people who care about you. · Communicate about your own experiences · People personally involved in an event often need to share stories and emotions.

    However do not this beyond the level at which they feel comfortable. Others may not want to talk about it all, and this is also ok. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel

    · Remember you have plenty of coping skills, strengths and resilience. People cope well when they believe they have they have the ability to manage a stressful events

    · Take care of yourself with healthy eating, exercise and plenty of rest. Give yourself time to adjust. Resilience is the norm, bit takes a little while to bounce back.

    • If you continue to feel like you are not coping or your reactions are interfering with your ability to experience enjoyment it may be sensible to access help from a professional such as your GP


    The Waitaki Emergency Operations Centre is working with partner agencies to assist those affected by the Lake Ohau Fire.

    Waitaki District Council welfare support contact, 027 213 1508

    Ministry of Social Development, 0800 559 009

    Otago Rural Support Trust (support for farmers) 0800 RURAL HELP (0800 787 254)

    Victim Support 0800 842 846 or Kelly Katene 027 53 00074

    Federated Farmers Nick Abbott 021 805 788

    Please contact your insurance company if you haven’t already done so

    Waitaki Emergency Operations Centre contacts

    For general enquires please contact [email protected]

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