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2019 Term 3 Weeks 3-4


Barham High School

Enabling students to successfully transition to future learning and employment Rel. Principal: Brendan Yu

Gonn St Barham NSW 2732 | T: 03 54532322 | F: 03 54533259 | E: [email protected]

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Reminder: Breakfast Club – every Wednesday & Friday


Assembly – every Tuesday morning “A Weeks”

Year Meetings – every Tuesday morning “B Weeks”

Feature Photo

Stage 5 Music Ensemble: Performance Assessment

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Calendar Term 3, Week 5

Mon 19th August Tues 20th August Wed 21st August Thurs 22nd August Friday 23rd August

Yr 7 Mad Food Science Excursion to BPS Yr 7 Maths Assessment Yr 7 Red Gum Science Assessment Test Yr 8 Maths Assessment Yr 7 TM1 & TM2 Bee Assessment due

Term 3, Week 6 Mon 26th August Tues 27th August Wed 28th August Thurs 29th August Fri 30th August

Work Placement Trial Exams Work Placement Trial Exams Yr 7 LOTE Verbal Assessment Work Placement Trial Exams Yr 7 Ag. Systems Test Work Placement Trial Exams Work Placement Trial Exams Yr 7 TM3 Grok Python Coding due Yr 8 STEM Stop Animation Film due

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity

Principal’s message

Education Week

In Week 3 of 2019, 2200 schools across NSW celebrated

Education Week. We as a school took this opportunity

to acknowledge and celebrate achievements of staff,

students and community members whom epitomised

the theme of ‘Every Student, Every Voice’.

On Tuesday we had our Education Week assembly and

presented Taylah O’Neill (Student Learning Support

Officer), Tatum Boyd, Elly Ryan, Sharon McInnes (BHS

P&C Secretary) and Matthew Hird with awards for their

contributions to improving outcomes for students at


The VET Hospitality class hosted a staff luncheon, with

the three students and Miss McDonnell providing an

amazing spread.

Breakfast Club commenced on the Wednesday of

Education Week, and is being supported by Father Neale

and Tracey in providing a light breakfast for the students

to fuel their minds and bodies for the day.

Director Educational Leadership visit On Wednesday of Education Week Barham High School

had a visit from Mrs Helen McRae (Director Educational

Leadership) to discuss with me the progress BHS is

making towards our School Plan and strategies on using

data for informed teaching practice. Helen was very

supportive of the achievements BHS is making towards

the School Plan and is looking forward to visiting again in

the future to see how we are continuing to progress.

BHS is in it’s second year of the 2018-2020 School Plan

which can be viewed on the following link:




School improvements Over the coming semester there will be a number of

improvements happening around the school including

new floor coverings, painting, construction work and


In 2020 BHS will also be receiving a heating and cooling

upgrade to fourteen of our teaching spaces, with the

existing heating and cooling being replaced with split

systems. To offset our ecological footprint, there will also

be a number of solar panels installed on the flat roofing

across the school.

HSC Industrial Technology Projects

Over the last four terms the HSC Industrial Technology

class has been working on their major projects. This year

we have two students who are studying this subject and

are to be commended for the hard work that they have

put in. I have had the privilege of working with both John

Paul and Jacob from the conception of their ideas of their

projects and have seen them progress over time. Well

done to both of the boys.

Brendan Yu

Relieving Principal

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity

Deputy Principal’s message

Education Week We have had a massive fortnight with Education Week

headlining activities at Barham High School last week.

Last Monday evening Year 10 students and their parents

ventured to the library after dark to attend the subject

selection information evening. Students have been

undertaking activities in both class time and careers that

will assist them with the selection of their Stage 6

subjects for 2020. Students’ preference forms are due

back to the front office by the end of this week so that

we can organise the subject lines for next year. Any

student or parent with additional concerns or questions

can contact either myself or the careers advisers, Mrs

Grainger and Mrs Snowdon for assistance.

The Education Week activities last week included some

discussion topics in vertical roll groups that were aligned

with this year’s themes for Education Week. The overall

theme – Every Student, Every Voice, provided us with an

opportunity to listen to student voice on the following

topics: authentic participation, connected communities,

respectful relationships, partners in learning and change

makers. The feedback that students gave in these

discussions will help shape future directions in school

and SRC Planning. We held a special assembly last

Tuesday at which a number of awards were presented to

students, staff and community members in appreciation

of their contributions towards public education.

Year 6 Transition Days Last Friday saw the first of our Term 3 transition days

with students from Barham, Moulamein and Wakool

Public Schools and Murrabit Group School attending a

special program of taster lessons for the day. Students

were introduced to high school life and attended a range

of introductory lessons. The students were also

fortunate in being able to meet and bottle feed our two

new calves at the Ag farm that are currently here thanks

to the Cows Create Careers program. Our second

transition day will be this Friday the 16th of August, with

the third date being next Thursday the 22nd of August.

Trainee Teacher Barham High School also hosted local teacher trainee

Ruby Barnes for three days. She is currently undertaking

teacher training in Agriculture and Science. Ruby was

able to join a wide range of classes over the three days

to observe teaching practices. We wish Ruby the best of

luck in her degree and for the future.

Punctuality & Attendance We are very closely monitoring punctuality and

attendance of all students with an increase in the

number of messages and calls made home to check on

daily absences. Parents are reminded that regular

attendance at school is essential for students to achieve

quality life outcomes. Schools, in partnership with

parents, are responsible for promoting the regular

attendance of students. It is important that students are

punctual to school and to class. This ensures that:

Students do not miss out on important learning


Students receive important communications and

notices each day

Students learn the importance of punctuality

and routine

Classroom disruption due to lateness is


If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s

attendance patterns please feel free to contact the

school to discuss.

Youth Mental Health Forum We have a number of students from Years 8-10 travelling

to Deniliquin on Friday the 16th of August to participate

in the 2019 Burn Bright Youth Mental Health Forum.

More details on what the students did and learnt from

this experience will be included in the next newsletter.

Megan Bond Relieving Deputy Principal

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity


Regional Athletics



the 2nd of






School’s finest athletes travelled to Albury for the 2019

Regional Athletics carnival. The conditions were perfect

on the day and all of our athletes performed admirably.

It is always a pleasure to be able to take a group of

students on these sporting excursions and to see the

teamwork that they display in assisting and encouraging

each other throughout the day. This year of our thirteen

participants, we had an incredible five students qualify

for the State Carnival in Sydney.

These students were: Tatum Boyd in shot put, Jack Lake

in Javelin, Tyler Leonard in the 400 metre dash, Claudia

Short in the 400 metre dash and in the triple jump and

Trinity Starr in triple jump and in the 400 metre dash. A

massive congratulations to these students and good luck

in Sydney!

I would like to thank Tania Peters and Peta Short for

travelling with the school group on the Thursday night.

Thanks also goes to the other supporting parents who

brought their children to the carnival.

Again, a huge congratulations to all competitors, you

should be very proud of your efforts!

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity

English/HSIE Report

Stage 5 Debating

Congratulations to Tatum, Bonnie, Kalani and Kayla for a

great win over Finley in a very impressive debate. Both

teams debated very strongly and it was very close all the

way through. The topic was ‘that victims should have a

say in the sentencing of the offender.’ Our team argued

the affirmative line and stuck to their original model

steadfastly, making it difficult for Finley to rebut their

main points. The next debate for the Premier’s Debating

Challenge has not been scheduled yet, but hopefully this

win will take us through to the next level. The girls will

participate in the NAIDOC debating challenge next week

against teams from Griffith and surrounding areas. This

debate will be via video conference.

Maths/Music/LOTE Report

Stage 5 Music

This week the Stage 5 Music class completed their

performance Assessment Tasks.

All students were tasked with the job of finding a piece

from Musical Theatre and perform this piece to an

audience of their peers. The performances were all

varied, with soloists, vocalists and our budding rock band

working as an ensemble. The process of performing is

nerve-wracking, but provides students with an excellent

opportunity to practise the skills of presenting to an

audience. All students did a great job!

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity

Week 5 is Book Week and we are running some activities to celebrate the joy of reading.

Look out for scavenger hunt clues on the Daily Notices on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday 22/8

students and teachers are encouraged to dress up as a character from a children’s book. There will be an assembly in

the morning and prizes for the best dressed. We will also run some activities in the library at lunch time. Last year we

saw some amazing costumes from both staff and students. Here are some reminders to give you inspiration!

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Science/Vis Arts/Careers Report

Grampians Excursion Stage 5 have their Grampians excursion this term Wed

18th- Fri 20th September. This is a Science curriculum

excursion that forms part of their internal assessment

schedule and all students are encouraged to attend. If for

some reason a student is unable to attend, please let Mrs

Farrant know ASAP as costing is being finalised and

depends on numbers. An alternative assessment task will

be set for these students. More information will be

provided soon.

VALID 10 Year 10 have their online VALID 10 assessment on

Tuesday 10th September during VRG and Period 1. Please

see the ‘Letter to Parents’ in this newsletter for more

information. Students are required to bring their own

earphones for this test.

Year 11

Year 11 Chemistry and Investigating Science have been

busily working on their assessable depth studies that

have a large practical component. The Chemistry

student’s depth study is due Friday 23rd August. The

models that the Investigating Science students are

producing are coming along nicely and are due Tues 13th

August. They should be proud of their efforts and we

can’t wait to see their final products.

Education Perfect A series of Education Perfect revision activities have

been set up for both Years 11 and 12 Science students. If

any students have problems accessing these they can see

Mrs Farrant. They are not compulsory, just another

resource for them to use as they prepare for their final


Science Week Science Week is coming – Destination Moon: more

missions, more science. Stay tuned!

Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon?

Food is out of this world but there’s no atmosphere!!

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Careers Report

Long Tan

Term three continues to be a busy term in Careers. The

Long Tan applications have been submitted and we look

forward to hearing who the successful applicants are.

$250 is on offer for Year 10 students and $550 for Year

12. Well done to those Year 12 students that took the

time to complete this task. It was not compulsory, but

definitely worth the time.

Year 12

Year 12’s are reminded to refer to their Google

Classroom for upcoming dates and scholarships that are

available. VTAC and UAC registrations are now open.

Please see Mrs Snowdon if you need assistance.

Year 10

Subject selection forms are due back tomorrow 16th


Year 10 have a whole day “Get That Job” workshop

coming up in Week 7. We are lucky enough to have two

guest speakers running this day, which consists of

practical and everyday advice about applying for jobs,

resumé and portfolio ideas and presentation skills. It will

be an invaluable day. “Get that Job” and “Mock

interviews” form the assessment for this semester.

Google Classroom

All Careers students are continuing to develop their

digital technology skills by accessing and using the

Google Classroom. If you would like to see what the

students have been up to, have your child log on so you

can have a look.


Barham Foodworks is seeking

junior employees to join their

team, offering work after

school and at weekends.

If you are interested, please

call 5453 2326 and speak to

Zali Scott

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Compulsory School Attendance

Information for parents

Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. NSW public schools work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.

What are my legal responsibilities?

Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age. The Education Act 1990 requires that parents ensure their children of compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or, are registered with the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards for homeschooling.

Once enrolled, children are required to attend school each day it is open for students.

The importance of arriving on time

Arriving at school and class on time:

• Ensures that students do not miss

out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day

• Helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine

• Give students time to greet their friends before class

• Reduces classroom disruption

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.

What if my child has to be away from school?

On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

• being sick, or having an

infectious disease

• having an unavoidable medical appointment

• being required to attend a recognised religious holiday

• exceptional or urgent family circumstance (e.g. attending a funeral)

Following an absence from school you must ensure that within 7 days you provide your child’s school with a verbal or written explanation for the absence. However, if the school has not received an explanation from you within 2 days, the school may contact you to discuss the absence.

Principals may decline to accept an explanation that you have provided if they do not believe the absence is in the best interest of your child. In these circumstances your child’s absence would be recorded as unjustified. When this happens the principal will discuss their decision with you and the reasons why.

Principals may request medical certificates or other documentation when frequent or long term absences are explained as being due to illness. Principals may also seek parental permission to speak with medical specialists to obtain information to collaboratively develop a health care plan to support your child. If the request is denied, the principal can record the absences as unjustified.


Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, discuss this with your child’s school principal. An Application for Extended Leave may need to be completed. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for the year.

In some circumstances students may be eligible to enrol in distance education for travel periods over 50 school days. This should be discussed with your child’s school principal.

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If a student misses as little as 8 days in a school term, by the end of primary school they’ll have missed over a year of school.

My child won’t go to school. What should I do?

You should contact the principal as soon as possible to discuss the issue and ask for help. Strategies to help improve attendance may include a referral to the school’s learning and support team or linking your child with appropriate support networks. The principal may seek further support from the Home School Liaison Program to develop an Attendance Improvement Plan.

What might happen if my child continues to have unacceptable absences?

It is important to understand that the Department of Education and Communities may be required to take further action where children of compulsory school age have recurring numbers of unexplained or unjustified absences from school.

Some of the following actions may be undertaken:

• Compulsory Schooling


You may be asked, along with your child, to attend a Compulsory Schooling Conference. The conference will help to identify the supports your child may need to have in place so they attend school regularly. The school, parents and agencies will work together to develop an agreed plan (known as Undertakings) to support your child’s attendance at school.

• Application to the Children’s Court – Compulsory Schooling Order

If your child’s attendance at school remains unsatisfactory the Department

may apply to the Children’s Court for a Compulsory Schooling Order. The Children’s Court magistrate may order a Compulsory Schooling Conference to be convened.

• Prosecution in the Local Court

School and Department staff remain committed to working in partnership with you to address the issues which are preventing your child’s full participation at school. In circumstances where a breach of compulsory schooling orders occurs further action may be taken against a parent in the Local Court. The result of court action can be the imposition of a community service order or a fine.

What age can my child leave school?

All New South Wales students must complete Year 10 or its equivalent. After Year 10, and up until they reach 17 years of age, there are a range of flexible options for students to complete their schooling.

Working in Partnership

The Department of Education and Communities recognises that working collaboratively with students and their families is the best way to support the regular attendance of students at school.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your child to fulfil their life opportunities.

Further information

regarding school

attendance can be

obtained from the

following websites:

Policy, information and


Please visit the Department of

Education’s Policy library

The school leaving age:

Please visit the Department of

Education’s Wellbeing and Learning


Do you need an interpreter?

Interpreting services are available

on request, including for the hearing

impaired. The Telephone Interpreter

Service is available 24 hours a day,

seven days a week on 131 450. You

will not be charged for this service.

For further advice and questions

contact your educational services


T 131 536

Learning and Engagement

Student Engagement & Interagency


T 9244 512

www.dec.nsw.gov.au © February 2015

NSW Department of Education and Communities

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headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health

media release

Jaiden Cottingham Memorial Fund

3 July 2019 Due to the kindness of the family and friends of Jaiden Cottingham, a memorial fund has been created by headspace Swan Hill to remember the vibrant, adventurous and creative spirit of Jaiden. This memorial fund has been established to support young people in the headspace Swan Hill Region through the provision of a limited number of $1,500 financial grants. “Jaiden left Swan Hill to train at the Elly Lukas Beauty Therapy College in Melbourne and went on to become the Assistant Manager of Island Hair and Beauty on Hamilton Island. Jaiden had a clear vision and ambition and she showed extraordinary perseverance in pursuing her chosen field of interest” says Jaiden’s mother, Mrs Sam Cottingham. headspace Swan Hill is looking for applications from similar young people. “It is the dream of our family that finance would not be a restriction for someone seeking to follow their dreams,” says Jaiden’s Sister Meghan. “Jaiden always wanted to leave Swan Hill to experience something new, to find independence and build new skills… and then she brought those skills and that new experience back to better the town.” “Our hope is that the Jaiden Cottingham Memorial Fund will allow young people, who otherwise might not have the financial means, to take that first step in furthering themselves” headspace Swan Hill Youth Worker, Ms Kathryn Hindle said. “With the family, we see this as a gift to help young people explore their dreams and ‘pay-it-forward’ for years to come”. headspace Swan Hill is inviting applications from young people who are looking to move away from the headspace Swan Hill Region to participate in personal development or education opportunities to improve themselves. This personal development can include pursuits in any area of interest. Young people can apply to the Jaiden Cottingham Memorial Fund for financial grants of $1,500 by submitting an application to headspace Swan Hill by 6pm Friday 13 September 2019. Application information (including a definition of the headspace Swan Hill Region and all the details needed) can be found on the headspace Swan Hill website in the ‘More information’ section. “We are grateful to be working with the Cottingham family in the delivery of this program and feel humbled celebrating the life of Jaiden in this way” says Mr Ian Johansen, the Manager of headspace Swan Hill. “We look forward to seeing applications from young people and reading about their plans and aspirations”.

ENDS For more information or to arrange media interviews, please contact: Kathryn Hindle or Ian Johansen on 03 4010 7100, or email [email protected] [email protected]

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Barham High School Diligence & Integrity


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Can we prevent dental problems? Dental Health Week 5-11th Aug 2019

Absolutely!!! Dental Health Week is a good time to ‘brush up’ on healthy tooth tips. Most of us know that we should look after our teeth but we may not know why. Good oral health not only means we are more likely to keep our adult teeth and be less likely to suffer pain from decay, but it also has links to good overall health. Eating for good oral health can help us have better heart health, less risk of diabetes and provide us with more balanced energy for our day-to-day lives. However, many of us are not looking after our teeth properly:

• 65% of Australians haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years • 50% of Australians brush their teeth only once-a-day • Nearly 40% never floss or clean between their teeth • A whopping 73% of 14 to 18 year olds are consuming too much sugar

3 key actions for great oral health:

1. Brush twice a day for 2 minutes with a toothpaste that contains fluoride, spit out don’t rinse

2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit sugar intake-this includes swapping sugary drinks for water

3. Regularly visit the dentist for check-ups and preventive treatment

Next Week: more on our local Dental Services, including free and low cost services. You don’ have to put off going to the dentist because of cost. For more information on Dental Health Week check out the Australian Dental

Association website https://www.ada.org.au/Dental-Health-Week/About

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