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Page 1: NEWSLETTER October - Westbere€¦ · NEWSLETTER October 2019 Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments, ... 15 September, 20 October,

Westbere Parish





Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments,

suggestions or contributions for consideration in future editions would be most welcome!

Your Parish Councillors Tom Hopkins (Chairman)

Stephen Laws (Vice Chairman) Sylvia Harlow Maria Morcom Kathryn Wilson Karen Williams

Joshua Croucher

For enquiries or reports, please contact the Clerk in the first instance – Clerk - Amanda Sparkes:

01304 365 972 [email protected]

Canterbury City Councillors – Westbere has two ward councillors:

Georgina Glover: 01227 711429

[email protected] and Louise Harvey Quirk: 07704 948305

[email protected]

Our Kent County Councillor

Alan Marsh: 01227 265112 [email protected]

You can visit WPC website for more local information at: http://www.westberepc.kentparishes.gov.uk

Cllr Cllr Responsibilities for 2019-2020

o Cllr Tom Hopkins - Street lights and Transport o Cllr Stephen Laws – Planning, Fire Hydrants o Cllr Sylvia Harlow – Planning, parish plan,

KMBR reports o Cllr Kathy Wilson - Neighbourhood Watch,

Chair village hall committee o Cllr Karen Williams – Monitoring salt bins;

Village events, and parish council representative on the Village Hall committee

o Cllr Maria Morcom – Parish Council representative for Westbere Village Preservation Society (WVPS) and attend WVPS meetings; and attend the CCC Street Monitors meetings

o Cllr Joshua Croucher – to attend the CCC Rural Forum meetings in The Guildhall and report back.


Our meetings are open to the public and we have an adjournment early in the agenda proceedings to give

any resident the opportunity to speak. Meetings will take place in the Village Hall at 19:30 on

the following Tuesdays:

15 October 2019, 19 November 2019,

No meeting in December 2019. For 2020: 21 January, 18 February, 17 March, 21

April, 19 May, 16 June, 21 July, no meeting in August,

15 September, 20 October, 17 November,

No meeting in December 2020.

Michael Prince 1945-2019

(73 years)

It was with great sadness that we learned

of Mike’s passing on 23rd August after a

long illness.

Mike served as a Westbere Parish

Councillor from 2009 to 2017. He was a

conscientious, committed member of the

council. His main responsibilities were to

monitor street lights, salt bins, and public

rights of way. As he walked his dog, Jeff,

around the parish he carried out his

assigned duties and always produced

detailed reports – including photos – which

he took to the meetings. He was kind and

thoughtful; and often raised a smile with

his dry sense of humour.

He will be missed by Linda, their three

children, five grandchildren, and the

members of this community whom he

served so diligently for eight years.

Diary dates:

Village Hall Christmas Lunch 07 December 2019 at

12pm in the village hall (pre-booking for this event is

essential – contact Sue Elliott by email on

[email protected] Carols on The Green Saturday 21 December from

6pm (tbc) – posters will be put on the village

noticeboards when details are confirmed.

Village Green Party on the green Sunday 5 July

2020. Book the date – posters will be put on the

village noticeboards when details are confirmed.

Page 2: NEWSLETTER October - Westbere€¦ · NEWSLETTER October 2019 Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments, ... 15 September, 20 October,

Our project to try to get more paths on the Two Fields site at Staines Hill, together with land south of Westbere Lane, registered as Public Footpaths This refers to paths walked on the land owned by Bellway Homes who cleared the site of several trees on their land in Spring 2018 – together with other land south of Westbere Lane. The land is all in Westbere parish and backs alongside Fairview Gardens in Sturry and adjacent to the railway line to the south. Whilst there are clear and established walking paths across this land these are non-registered paths and not recorded public rights of way on the KCC Definitive Map. (The KCC definitive map does show one path on the site boundary - CB91 beside the Railway Line (Two Fields) from Westbere Lane – runs from Westbere Lane to the Railway Line and then behind Fairview Gardens and Island Road as far as Sturry village.) We had 29 Westbere and Sturry residents complete statements and mark on maps walking routes that they have enjoyed for 20 plus years of unrestricted access across the Two Fields. We therefore on 18 July 2019 sent an application for a Modification Order to Kent County Council to try and get established rights of way here across the site added to the definitive map. We also sent a Notice to the five different land owners as shown on Land Registry. (The process can take up to 3 years to complete. We will keep you updated.) Our thanks to all who have helped. Tree felling – Two Fields site, Staines Hill In week commencing 19 August 2019 contractors started felling several trees in the Two Fields. The contractors had a Forestry contract organised by Bellway Homes, with a very clear map where they can cut and where they must leave areas. They had permission to cut everything other than the oak trees within the areas specified in the map. We would start by saying that our city councillors have established that the CCC Planning department has not been contacted by Bellway Homes recently or since the tree felling. The Forestry Commission has written on 27 September 2019 to members of the parish, and to both Bellway Homes and Canterbury City Council. Key points of information from these letters are:

27th September 2019

Felling Licence 019/44948/2018 – South of A28

Staines Hill (Westbere), Kent

In terms of the basis for approving a felling

licence, we fully expect the site to be managed so

the coppiced trees regrow and that the area

remains as woodland into the long term.

As to felling licence compliance, our officers have

inspected the site on 2 occasions in the past

fortnight, the last visit being the afternoon of 20th

September 2019. They are content that the work

carried out so far has been within the scope of the

above felling licence permission and associated

conditions. We will monitor the site over the

period of the 10 year felling licence period to

ensure the area regrows and hence meets the

licence conditions.

Given the concerns raised by you and others, I

have written to Bellway Homes and Canterbury

City Council – copies are enclosed. I have

emphasised the felling licence conditions and the

need for planning or other permissions should

alternative proposals be submitted.

27th September 2019 Letter to Bellway Homes:

Dear Sirs

Felling Licence 019/44948/2018 – South of A28

Staines Hill (Westbere), Kent

I am writing regarding the above site, the recent

coppicing work carried out and to emphasise the

felling licence conditions that Bellway Homes

must comply with.

Our officers have inspected the site on 2 occasions

in the past fortnight, the last visit being the

afternoon of 20th September 2019. They are

content that the work carried out so far has been

within the scope of the above felling licence

permission and associated conditions. That said,

the work has raised local concerns about the

operation and potential land use change.

The basis for approval of the felling licence was

that it met the UK Forestry Standard, the

government’s approach to sustainable forestry.

Trees were approved for coppicing on the basis

that they would regrow, thus ensuring the area in

question remains woodland in the long term.

Therefore we expect the site to be managed so the

coppice stools regrow next year; if there are any

issues with the regrowth then replanting to

replace any woodland loss may be required.

Maintenance of the area will be required for 10

years following the tree felling, so the felling

licence conditions will run to 2029 – by which

time we would expect a well established coppice

at least equal in area to that which was felled.

The Forestry Commission will monitor the site for

10 years to ensure compliance with the felling

licence conditions, and if the conditions are not

Page 3: NEWSLETTER October - Westbere€¦ · NEWSLETTER October 2019 Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments, ... 15 September, 20 October,

met we may serve an Enforcement Notice. Failure

to comply with an Enforcement Notice is an

offence which carries an unlimited fine.

May I also remind you that any interest in

developing the site would require planning

permission from the local planning authority.

Furthermore, if any change of land use is being

proposed such as converting the woodland to

grassland, then it may become a ‘relevant project’

under the Environmental Impact Assessment

(Forestry) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999

and additional consent would be needed for


Planning Department Canterbury City Council

Dear Sir/Madam 27th September 2019

Felling Licence 019/44948/2018 – South of A28

Staines Hill (Westbere), Kent

I am writing regarding the above site and the

recent coppicing work carried out, which has

raised numerous and strong responses from local

people concerned about the operation and

potential land use change.

As you are aware, a felling licence was approved

in May 2019 and coppicing work began recently.

Our officers have inspected the site on 2 occasions

in the past fortnight, the last visit being the

afternoon of 20th September 2019. They are

content that the work carried out so far has been

within the scope of the above felling licence

permission and associated conditions.

Given the concerns of local people - particularly

fears that the site could be developed – I am

writing to emphasise that the felling licence was

approved on the basis that the area in question

remains woodland in the long term. The Forestry

Commission will monitor the site for 10 years to

ensure compliance with the felling licence

conditions, notably the regrowth of coppice.

If there is a subsequent application for

development then we would expect the planning

authority to take into account the fact that the

land is woodland in a regeneration stage

following coppicing and subject to the conditions

of a felling licence. On this basis, we normally

expect planning authorities to consider the land in

question as woodland when assessing any

planning application.

Should the planning authority consider the site for

any other reasons, such as placing a Tree

Preservation Order on all or part of the site, I

trust you will liaise with the Forestry Commission

for the period of the felling licence, which will run

to 2029

The Kent Police & Crime Commissioner’s Annual Policing Survey.

As in previous years, this survey asks for views on policing in Kent and for initial thoughts on whether people would be willing to pay a little more council tax next year to fund additional

police resources. The survey takes only a few minutes and is

completely anonymous. The link is www.kent-pcc.gov.uk/haveyoursay.

The survey will run until December.


01227 862 540 A lifeline alarm, which can be fashionably worn on your wrist or as a pendant, is a service provided in East Kent by Canterbury City Council's CCTV control room, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Having a lifeline alarm would help you or a family member feel safe and independent in the home. To book your free demonstration or to make an enquiry please call 01227

862540 or visit www.lifeline.canterbury.gov.uk Westbere Village 100 Club:

Winners for September- Number Name Amount 30 J Symes £10 72 R Ardolino £10 115 A & D McDonald £10

PLANNING DEVELOPMENTS Westbere Parish Council keeps a watching brief on planning applications that affect the village or parish.

Changes to the Westbere parish boundary We advised you previously that Canterbury City Council resolved that a new parish, and a new parish council be created for Hersden. As a result the parish boundary of Westbere changed with effect from May 2019. We have already delivered an insert to the Parish Plan document to all households with new maps of both Westbere and the new Hersden parish. These are also available to view on our website. A28 Link Road KCC/CA/0091/2019 - Construction of part of a new road (A28 Link Road) including viaduct between A28 Sturry Road and A291 Sturry Hill and associated on-line improvements. A28 Sturry Link Road, Sturry, Canterbury. View documents at: https://www.kentplanningapplications.co.uk/Planning/Display/KCC/CA/0091/2019 This application is still awaiting determination by KCC.

Page 4: NEWSLETTER October - Westbere€¦ · NEWSLETTER October 2019 Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments, ... 15 September, 20 October,

To view planning applications visit the home page of Canterbury City Council www.canterbury.gov.uk then select ‘planning and building’ then the option to ‘search and comment on planning applications’ Then click on the blue box in the middle of the screen “search planning applications”. In the search box at the bottom you need to enter the planning application reference number. Each application will have a unique reference – but for viewing purposes you need to input just the year and application number in the search box – so for a full reference of CA/19/00200 input 19/00200 only, not the full reference. CCC’s planning call centre should be able to assist with any difficulties – call 01227 862178 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

Red Phone box at the convent on the A28 The red phone box by the convent has now been sold and removed. Westbere Parish Council is to install a seat in its place, and has secured a CCC capital grant for 58% of the project costs for this. The parish council has no plans to dispose of the red telephone box at Shrubbery Corner, this is listed, and remains an asset in the parish council’s ownership.

PCSO and KCC Community Warden

Westbere is covered by a Police Community Support Officer and KCC Community Warden, who

occasionally patrol the village in uniform. Our KCC Warden is Susan Beeney;-

[email protected] . Susan also covers Sturry and Fordwich locally. Contact number is


Our PCSO is Christopher Healy [mailto:[email protected]] or

call and leave a message for him through Kent Police in any non-emergency situation on 101

anytime day or night. You can also call 101 to report a crime.

Sturry, Fordwich and district / Aire-Sur-La-Lys

Twinning Association

Contact details are phone 07757291146 or through our website www.sturry-fordwichtwinning.co.uk For other information contact info@sturry-fordwichtwinning .co.uk

For enquiries regarding the Westbere Village Preservation Society please contact the Westbere Village Preservation Society secretary, Alison Grubb, email: [email protected].

A reminder! It’s 20 mph all

through our village!

Speeding through the village is a priority for residents. The whole of Westbere is a 20mph restricted zone. Can we ask you to remind your taxi drivers and/or any contractors that you might hire to respect the speed limit. Thank you. Highways Improvements for Westbere We continue to work with Kent Highways and have completed their Highway Improvement Plan explaining the issues in the village. In April 2019 Kent Highways kindly repainted (at their expense) the existing worn 20mph roundels. We are also now in discussion with them about new pictoral signage “No footway through the village” on upright entrance poles at Westbere Lane and Bushy Hill Road.

Westbere Charities The Charities are keen to ensure that anyone in need

within the Ancient Parish of Westbere, roughly the present parish plus areas of Island Road and

Fordwich Road, (ask the Westbere Charities Clerk for details) receives assistance in accordance with the

terms of the Charities. The Charities are aimed particularly at residents over the age of 55 and

students undertaking tertiary education. If you know of anyone who might benefit, please contact the

Charities’ Clerk for information and application forms: Malindi Tucker – 01227 710209. All communications

will be treated in the strictest confidence.

If you would like to receive an email or a

Large Print Version of this newsletter

please contact the Clerk, Amanda Sparkes on 01304 365972 or

[email protected]

This Newsletter is produced, issued and distributed by WESTBERE PARISH COUNCIL

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Page 5: NEWSLETTER October - Westbere€¦ · NEWSLETTER October 2019 Welcome to the latest edition of your Westbere Parish Council newsletter. Any comments, ... 15 September, 20 October,

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