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  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


    2009 The Center or Organic Photonics and Electronics :: Georgia Institute o Technology


    (continued on page 2)

    On November 17, COPE hosted its

    inaugural Open House at the KlausAdvanced Computing Building at Georgia

    Tech. This provided COPE with a orum to

    showcase the Center and give the Georgia Tech

    community and industrial representatives

    greater insight into the research activities o

    the Center through research presentations,

    laboratory tours, a poster session, and several

    networking opportunities.

    Open House Brings Together Industry

    and Academiaby Veronique Bredas, Seth Marder, and Jason Martin

    NEWSLETTER Issue: 00January 15, 2010

    Participants at the inaugural COPE Open House attend one o several presentations that highlighted the

    research eorts o aculty members.

    In the News

    COPE Announces New Directorsh

    (December 31, 2009)

    Today, the Center or Organic Photonics a

    Electronics (COPE) announced a leadersh

    transition, whereby Professor Berna

    Kippelen of the College of Electrical a

    Computer Engineering, will be assumi

    the position of Director of COPE ne


    The change in leadership involve

    shift of certain administrative functio

    between not only departments, b

    colleges. Current director, Profess

    Seth Marder, will serve with Profess

    Kippelen as co-Director for the ne

    year with Professor Kippelen assumi

    full responsibilities of the Directorsh

    January 1, 2011.

    Air Force Center o Excellence Awarded

    Georgia Tech (December 1, 2009)

    The Georgia Institute o Technology h

    been awarded a U.S. Air Force Center

    Excellence to design nanostructures

    energy harvesting and adaptive materia

    and to develop tools to optimize critic

    cognitive processes o the mode


    The $10.5 million Center, known as

    Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/Organ

    Nanostructures and Improved Cogniti

    (BIONIC) Center, is being led by Vladim

    Tsukruk and Kenneth Sandhage, proesso

    in Georgia Techs School o Materi

    Science and Engineering. (See page 6

    more details)

    For more stories visitwww.cope.gatech.edu/news


    he day started with an overview

    presentation o COPE by Dr. SethMarder, Director o COPE, ollowed by three

    20-minute presentations by Dr. Bernard

    Kippelen (An overview o the research on

    printed electronics at COPE), Dr. Samuel

    Graham (Encapsulation and reliability o

    organic electronics), and Dr. Joseph Perry

    (Advances in organic photonic materials and

    nanocomposites or energy storage).

    Center for Organic Photonics & Electronics

    The event brought together 17

    industrial representatives rom

    15 companies, and about 20 aculty

    members rom diverse departments

    (including chemistry, mechanical

    engineering, physics, and material

    science and enginerring), as well as

    50 students, post docs, and research


  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)



    Faculty SpotlightDr. Ken H. Sandhage is the B. Mifin Hood Proessor in the School

    o Materials Science and Engineering, and an Adjunct Proessor in

    the School o Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech. Prior

    to arriving at Georgia Tech in the all o 2003, Dr. Sandhage had

    been a aculty member in the Materials Science and Engineering

    Department at Ohio State University since 1991. Prior to joining

    academia, Dr. Sandhage worked as a Senior Scientist at AmericanSuperconductor Corporation (where he conducted research on

    the abrication o high-Tc

    superconducting oxide wires) and

    at Corning Glass Works (where he conducted research on the

    processing o optical bers or applications at high bandwidth

    and in radiative environments).

    Dr. Sandhages research interests have been ocused at the

    interaces between various branches o materials science

    and engineering (metallurgy, ceramics, polymers) and other

    disciplines (particularly chemistry and biology). Current

    interdisciplinary research conducted by the Sandhage group


    i) the development o wet chemical layer-by-layer

    deposition methods to generate thin conormal coatings

    o inorganic and inorganic/organic composite materials on

    biological or synthetic templates o complex 3-D shape,

    ii) the use o biomolecules (e.g., peptides, proteins)

    induce the ormation o non-natural inorganic and organ

    inorganic composite materials under ambient or ne

    ambient conditions, and

    iii) the chemical conversion o inorganic structures, v

    displacement reactions with gas or liquid reactants, in

    new inorganic materials that retain the morphology a

    ne eatures o the starting inorganic structures (materi


    Such processes are being examined or the abrication

    chemically- and structurally-tailored materials or photovolt

    cells, minimally-invasive sensors, catalysts, batteries, photon

    phononic devices, implants, and ultra-high-temperature rock

    nozzles. Underlying such applied research is the developme

    o undamental understanding o the mechanisms controlli

    the kinetics o such reaction processes and the associated mic

    nanostructural evolution.

    Dr. Sandhage currently directs research within the BEA(Biologically Enabled Advanced Materials) Center, and co dire

    (with Pro. Vladimir Tsukruk) research within the BIONIC (B

    nano-enabled Inorganic/Organic Nanostructures and Improv

    Cognition) Air Force Center o Excellence. Interdisciplina

    research within these Centers has been enabled by eecti

    collaborations with a number o other research groups at Georg

    Tech (particularly with COPE members), at other universit

    (University o Caliornia at San Diego, Harvard Universi

    University o Illinois, University o Pennsylvania), and at the A

    Force Research Laboratory.

    Ken H. Sandhage

    B. Mifin Hood Proessor

    Ofce: Molecular Science & Engineering, 3100

    Phone: 404-894-6882

    Email: [email protected]

    The morning sessions wrapped up with laboratory tours o somekey research acilities. Industrial representatives toured theMolecular Science and Engineering Building where they visited the

    laser spectroscopy lab, the organic electronics lab, or the chemical

    synthesis lab. This was ollowed by a walk-through o the new Marcus

    Nanotechnology building. Feedback provided by the participants

    suggested that the lab tours were a very valuable aspect o the day.

    In between the morning and aternoon sessions, discussionsamong aculty, students, and industrial representatives during theNetworking Lunch gave participants a orum to help nucleate new

    partnerships and potentially develop new programs between aculty

    and industry.

    During the aternoon session, presentations by 15 COPE acumembers addressed their specic areas o expertise. Twas ollowed by the Poster Session & Industrial Exhibition. Som

    22 graduate students and research scientists presented posters

    their research while participants engaged in discussions with acu

    members and industrial representatives.

    COPE intends to continue building on the industry connectiothat the Open House generated by launching an IndustrAliates Program (IAP) that will increase the Centers network

    industry partners. More inormation on the IAP can be ound on t

    COPE website www.cope.gatech.edu/IAP.

    (continued from page 1)

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


    Partnerships or Research

    and Education in Materialsby Tatiana Timoeeva

    In September 2009, three universities New Mexico HighlandUniversity (NMHU), the Georgia Institute o Technology (GaTecand Morehouse College (MC) - were recipients o an award bNSF/DMR to conduct a collaborative project within the ramewo

    o the PREM program. PREM - Partnerships or Research anEducation in Materials - was established by NSF to increase thparticipation by underrepresented groups in materials scienceand enhance diversity in materials research and education. Thgoal is set to be achieved by a long-term, multi-investigatcollaboration between minority-serving institutions and largresearch NSF/DMR centers such as MRSECs or CTSs. The main o this project is Tatiana Timoeeva (NMHU) and Co-PIs are SetMarder (GaTech) and Brian Lawrence (MC).

    NMHU and the Science and Technology Center, Materials anDevices or Inormation Technology Research (STC MDITcollaborated in studies o organic photonic materials or abo

    seven years. Recently, MC joined this collaboration, generating aidea to present a project rom the three universities to suppotheir collaborative research and educational activities.

    The collaborators are exploring three areas o organic photonmaterials: two-photon absorbing materials, applicable biological imaging and photodynamic therapy; crystallinnonlinear-optical materials, including materials aimed or THgeneration and electro optical applications; and the developmeo new organic polymer materials or solar-cell applications. Thesubprojects were collected under title Light Matter Interaction

    Theory and Applications (LMITA). This project is also ocused oattracting and increasing the number o students in the area ophotonic materials.

    NMHU was established in 1893; it is located in Las Vegas, NeMexico and it admits more that 65% Hispanic students. MC is historically black college in Atlanta that was established in 186and which admits about 95% Arican American students. Boschools are relatively small with about 3000 students. It maketheir collaboration with MDITR and Georgia Tech particularvaluable or creating a network between proessors and studenthrough which students can nd help and guidance or pursuinscientic careers.

    Imperial College London has established a new Plastic ElectronicsCentre to integrate and coordinate the plastic electronics researchactivity within Imperial, bringing together an interdisciplinaryteam rom across the college. Proessor Donal Bradley FRS is theCentres director, and the team comprises o researchers romthe departments o Physics, Chemistry and Materials, and alsorom the Institute or Biomedical Engineering and Division oNeuroscience.

    The Centres mission is to actively stimulate new cutting-edgehigh impact research and to meet Imperials strategic intent toharness the strengths and breadth o our research to address theglobal challenges o climate change, energy and global health andsecurity. The Centre comprises the ollowing research themes:Materials design; Synthesis and processing; Advanced multi-parameter structural, electrical, and optical characterization;Nanostructure and interace control; Multi-scale materials anddevice modelling; and Device abrication and optimization.

    In addition to the new Centre, research in plastic electronicsat Imperial has been urther bolstered by a recent 6 millionaward rom EPSRC or a Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in plasticelectronics. The DTC aims to support postgraduate students and

    develop the next generation o world-class researchers in thiseld.

    Imperial has had a long standing partnership with COPE throughthe AtlantIC Alliance programme. More recently, this has beenextended through the Solvay Global Alliance programme whichis enabling Imperials Proessor James Durrant and Dr ThomasAnthopoulos to work with COPE on photophysical studies omolecular based photovoltaics and organic transistors.

    Anita Lopez explains her poster to biology proessor Dr. Jennier Hernandduring Research Day at New Mexico Highlands University

    Centre or PlasticElectronics atImperialCollege


    Dr. Brian OReagan, Ms. Xiaoe Li, and Proessor James Durrant discuss theperormance o dye-sensitised nanocrystalline solar cells.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


    Tell us more about your research.Prior to coming to Georgia Tech, I was involved in various types o research includinganalytical/environmental chemistry at FIU and the study o liquid-crystal systemsat Dow Corning in Midland, MI. When I arrived at Georgia Tech in 2006 I wantedto change directions and ocus on organic chemistry research. I was ortunate to

    have the opportunity to join the group o Pro. Marder in 2007. My research isocused on the design and synthesis o novel organic molecules that are utilized ashole-transport layers or as host layers or transition-metal emitters within solution-processed phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PHOLEDs). PHOLEDs arehighly sought ater as an alternative or ecient lighting and display technologies.I also work on the study o crosslinkers or the insolubilization o solution-processedOLED layers that can simpliy and reduce the abrication costs o such technologies.This work has resulted in two patents and we are currently in the process o writingseveral papers.

    My research is unded by Solvay and is possible with the help o some o ourcollaborators at COPE, such as Pro. Kippelen and his group who provide theirexpertise or the design and abrication o OLED devices. I am especially thankulto my advisor and my group or their invaluable support, help, and riendship.

    What are your uture career plans?My immediate plans ater graduation are the pursuit o a post doctoral appointment.

    Beyond that I eel that I will likely pursue a career in academia.

    When you are not in the lab, what are some o your interests?Among other things, I enjoy watching movies and baseball, traveling to newplaces, and volunteeringIve had some wonderul opportunities to be involved inrecruitment and outreach activities through COPE and CMDITR.

    Recently, I am busy with a new organization that other Hispanic students at GeorgiaTech and I ounded, called the Latino Organization o Graduate Students (LOGRAS).I currently serve as the rst treasurer o the organization and enjoy working with theother members o the executive board and the membership to establish the vision

    and direction o the group.

    Carlos Zuniga, PhD candidate, Marder Group

    Where did you complete your undergraduate degree?I received my B.S. in Chemistry rom the Department o Chemistry & Biochemistry

    at Florida International University in Miami, FL.

    Why did you decide on Georgia Tech? When do you expect to graduate?The decision to come to Georgia Tech was easy or various reasons, among which

    were the caliber o the research and aculty at the institution. I hope to nish mydegree by the end o 2010.

    Student Proile


    Saety in the Laboratoryby William Underwood

    Justus von Liebig once gave the ollowing advice his student, August Kekule, I you want to becomchemist, you will have to ruin your health.

    Just as chemical knowledge has improved since t19th century, so has the attitude towards risk. Improvmethodology allows potentially dangerous reactioto be perormed saely while easy access to MS

    databases makes hazard inormation readily availabNevertheless, amiliarity breeds complacency athe daily use o chemicals oten causes researchersunderestimate the dangers involved with their dawork, resulting in unsae practices.

    In order to improve laboratory saety, sae practicmust become habitual and appropriate equipmemust be available. To assist in the latter, fame-retardalab coats are now being rented. These lab coats provbetter protection against pyrophoric chemicals aservice includes weekly cleaning o the lab coats.

    Currently, there are several initiatives underway thpromote sae habits:

    Regular lab inspections help make researchaware o easily overlooked practices.Good laboratory habits, such as closing the uhood, proper labeling, and maintaining a clelab area, are being enorced.Preparation o a detailed risk assessmentrequired beore conducting an experimeor the rst time. Such assessments make tresearcher stop and consider what dangers cooccur during an experiment, and how they mbe dealt with, beore the reaction is underw

    Researchers develop the habit o predictpotential accidents beore they happen, aormulating appropriate responses.

    These initiatives are, at their core, designed to airesearchers common sense. Such simple changes seto greatly increase laboratory saety without requira large expenditure o time. Chemical researchers longer need to ruin their health to be productive.

    Questions? William UnderwoodSaety Ocer, Marder [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)



    Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Norolk State University:

    A Student-Centered Program by Suely BlackApplications include biomedical treatment, environmentsensing, and highly sensitive magnetic sensors.

    Enhancing experiences beyond the traditional course anresearch training provide students with opportunities to broadetheir knowledge and to exercise those qualities and skinecessary or a successul proessional lie ater graduation. Th

    CMR Colloquium, a weekly series o lectures delivered by invitespeakers, NSU aculty and students, provides a orum or learninand discussing new developments in research areas o intereMini lecture series and workshops oered by external collaboratoenrich the regular course oerings. Students interested academic careers have the opportunity to co-teach courseand lead study sessions or undergraduate students. Speciellowships and student clubs support outreach, educationand inrastructure development initiatives, giving studenopportunities to exercise leadership skills. Summer internshipat partner universities and with industry are encouraged, anstudents have taken advantage o them, including internationexperiences. Invariably students travel to one or two nationscientic and proessional conerences annually, presenting theresearch and networking. Graduate students meet as a grouwith the program coordinator weekly, an activity that acilitatinteraction among all students, announcement o upcominevents and available opportunities, and sharing o suggestionand concerns by students. This arrangement ensures that studenhave requests and concerns addressed in a timely ashion, anadvance towards graduation without unwarranted delay.

    Student-centered and broadly interdisciplinary, the Ph.D.in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Norolk StateUniversity (NSU) provides students the opportunity to tailortheir education and academic experiences to prepare or theirchosen careers. The program, established in the all o 2007 andcoordinated by the Center or Materials Research, is housed inMCAR, the McDemmond Center or Applied Research a six-story,

    135,000 square-oot research building, which was inaugurated just a year beore the start o the program. In its two years oexistence, the program has doubled its enrollment, and currentlysupports eighteen students.

    Focusing on the design and abrication o new materials anddevices to contribute to the development o technologies ohigh societal impact, twelve chemistry, physics, engineering andbiology aculty advise undergraduate and graduate students in

    collaborative projects with internal and external partners. Thecohesiveness o the aculty and student bodies acilitates constantcross-disciplinary interactions, and leads to varied and numerousopportunities or research and proessional experiences. Externalpartnerships through unded projects allow students to takeadvantage o collaborators advice and acilities. Students areencouraged to pursue, and are supported in their eorts toseek, experiences that complement their experiences at NSU.Current partners include Georgia Tech, University o Washington,University o Arizona, Cornell University and Purdue University.Doctoral research projects with ocus varying rom computationalmodeling through device abrication are available. These aresome o the major research thrusts currently being pursued:

    Metamaterials: engineering multi-phase composite, custom-

    tailored materials, which have unparalleled responses toelectromagnetic waves, acoustic waves and heat fow.Applications include imaging with innitely high denitionand invisibility cloaking.Advanced unctional organic and polymeric materials: organicchromophores and polymers designed to sel assembleto exhibit ecient or novel electrical and optoelectronicresponses in a controlled manner. Applications include costeective solar cells, and aster and larger capacity signalprocessing in ber-optic communications.Multilayer nanostructures: semiconductor and inorganic/organic multiunctional materials designed to respondto two or more stimuli, e.g. chemicals and magnetic eld.

    Norolk States partnership with Georgia Tech through the NSScience and Technology Center on Materials and Devices Inormation Technology has played and continues to play aimportant role in the MSE graduate program, through aculand student interactions. The Ph.D. in Materials Science anEngineering program will continue to evolve, adapting to thneeds o the ast-changing proessional landscape o the eld; aachievement made possible through the power o partnerships

    Contact Inormation:Dr. Suely M. Black, Program [email protected] | 757 823-8403http://www.nsu.edu/cmr

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)



    Georgia Tech Awarded U.S. Air Force Center o

    Excellence in Nanostructures and Improved Cognitionby Vladimir Tsukruk, Ken Sandhage and Abby Vogel

    The Georgia Institute o Technology has been awarded a U.S. Air ForceCenter o Excellence to design nanostructures or energy harvestingand adaptive materials, and to develop tools to optimize criticalcognitive processes o the modern warghter. The $10.5 million/5

    year program, known as the Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/OrganicNanostructures and Improved Cognition (BIONIC) Center, is beingco-directed by Vladimir Tsukruk and Kenneth Sandhage, proessorsin Georgia Techs School o Materials Science and Engineering.

    The BIONIC Center utilizes the expertise and capabilities ointegrated teams o Georgia Tech aculty and students (rom theColleges o Engineering and Science), Air Force researchers (rom theMaterials & Manuacturing Directorate and the Human EectivenessDirectorate o the Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL), and an OhioState University (OSU) aculty collaborator.

    Advanced materials is an area o importance or the Air Force, sincethe landscape o materials science is rapidly changing and bio-

    nano-materials are classes o pervasive materials that exhibit uniquecapabilities and have the potential to address Air Force needs,explained Rajesh Naik, a scientist in the U.S. Air Force ResearchLaboratory (AFRL) Materials and Manuacturing Directorate. Inaddition, improved cognition tools are required or assessing thecognitive ability o the warghter as we ask or more rom ourhuman operators in the most demanding environments.

    The BIONIC Center includes a group o core members rom Georgia Tech, The Ohio State University, and scientists and engineers atAFRL. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is also an industrialcollaborator. The proposed research integrates several disciplineswithin the Colleges o Science (biochemistry; physical, organic, andinorganic chemistry; psychology) and Engineering (materials, optical,

    electrical, biomedical engineering) at Georgia Tech. The proposedwork also involves the use o biomimetic schemes (e.g., tunablesuraces) and biomolecules (e.g., peptides, proteins, phospholipids)to develop unctional inorganic/organic nanocomposites orenergetic and adaptive materials and to modiy and assess cognitiveactivity. Such integration o biotechnology with nanotechnology isa major campus-wide theme at Georgia Tech.

    Funding or the Center o Excellence is provided by the Materialsand Manuacturing Directorate and the Human EectivenessDirectorate o AFRL, the U.S. Air Force Oce o Scientic Research,and Georgia Tech.Georgia Tech was chosen to lead this Center o Excellence because

    o its investment in inrastructure development, including newacilities and instrumentation; its recruitment o high-caliber acultymembers and students; and its emphasis in bio-nanotechnology andcognitive sciences, said Morley Stone, chie scientist o the HumanPerormance Wing o AFRLs Human Eectiveness Directorate.

    There are three major research thrusts, called interdisciplinaryresearch groups, within the BIONIC Center. Each group containsseveral collaborators rom AFRLs Materials and ManuacturingDirectorate and/or Human Eectiveness Directorate.For the rst thrust, led by Sandhage, researchers are designing,abricating, characterizing, and modeling the perormance oinorganic/organic nanocomposites or ecient, remote energy-

    harvesting devices, such as photovoltaics and batteries.

    The U.S. Air Force utilizes autonomous drones that they would like operate or longer periods o time, explained co-director Sandhagwho holds the B. Miin Hood Proessorship in the School o MateriaScience and Engineering and an adjunct position in the School

    Chemistry and Biochemistry. To do that, they need a robust, coseective energy source that perorms eciently or extended timewhile providing high pulses o power when needed.

    Tsukruk, co-director o the center, is leading the secinterdisciplinary research group, which is ocused on designinabricating, characterizing and simulating the perormance inorganic/organic nanocomposites or tunable, adaptive material

    When these adaptive materials composed o compliant matricand embedded inorganic nanoparticles are exposed to heat or ligor both, they will change their properties in ways that will be useor sensing or morphing materials, said Tsukruk, who also holdsjoint appointment in Georgia Techs School o Polymer, Textile an

    Fiber Engineering and is a GT Director o the Microanalysis Center

    The third thrust is being led by Michelle LaPlaca, an associaproessor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department o BiomedicEngineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. LaPlaca and hteam plan to develop tools and assessment methods to optimicritical cognitive processes.

    U.S. Air Force analysts must remain attentive to computers ancontrols or hours at a time, so we aim to nd a molecular signatuo cognition that is sensitive to changes in stress levels and correlathese molecules with unctional brain maps using magnetresonance imaging techniques, said LaPlaca. We want to learn aboa warghters physiological response to dierent situations and u

    this inormation to optimize training and work eectiveness.

    In addition to its research objectives, another goal or the Center Excellence is to conduct stimulating collaborative research that wmotivate students to consider working at AFRL. In order to develorequired technical expertise and to allow or eective knowledgtranser between Georgia Tech and AFRL, U.S. graduate studen(Air Force Scholars) will spend summer months at AFRL (DaytoOH) under the supervision o an AFRL researcher. Weeklong stays post-doctoral ellows and Georgia Tech aculty at AFRL will also bused to enhance research interactions and technology transer.

    Other core members o the Center include Regents proessMostaa El-Sayed, proessor Seth Marder and assistant proessor N

    Krger rom the Georgia Tech School o Chemistry and Biochemistproessor Bernard Kippelen rom the Georgia Tech School Electrical and Computer Engineering; Shella Keilholz, an assistaproessor in the Coulter Department o Biomedical EngineerinEric Schumacher, an assistant proessor in the Georgia Tech Schoo Psychology; and Hamish Fraser, a proessor in the Department Materials Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University.This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Air Forunder Award No. FA9550-09-1-0162. Any opinions, ndingconclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication athose o the principal investigators and do not necessarily refethe views o the U.S. Air Force.

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)



    lm barrier material utilizes a vacuum deposition process in wha thin layer o SiO

    xor SiN

    xis deposited by PECVD at temperatu

    near 110 C. Due to the low deposition temperature, the PEClm is typically lled with many deects and does not presitsel as a good barrier lm. To create the high barrier matea second layer consisting o Al


    3is then deposited on top

    the SiOx

    or SiNx

    using ALD, conormally coating the surace alling in small deects. This hybrid barrier layer has been shoto have WVTR rates on the order o 10-5 g/m2/day which is witthe range o required perormance or organic electronics. lms were then used to encapsulate Pentacene/C

    60solar c

    and demonstrated shel lietimes over 7000 hours without signicant degradation.

    The hybrid lm represents an advancement in thin lm barprocessing since it only requires a ew deposition steps wcompared to multilayer laminate lms typically used by othOverall, excellent barrier perormance has been achieved wsimpliying the manuacturing processing procedure and tiAdditional success has also been obtained by developing seamethods which can be used with lamination to create additiolow cost routes to packaging devices. Current work continueinvestigate additional hybrid architectures and their use alowith the advanced sealing methods to encapsulate OPVs, OLE

    OFETs, and, most recently, organic electrochromic windows.

    A packaged organic electrochromic device made in collaboration with Pro.John Reynolds o the University o Florida.

    Zeno-based OptoElectronics (ZOby Joseph Perry

    The DARPA Zeno-based OptoElectronics (ZOE) prograperorming research on all-optical switching materials devices and seeks to enable the development o ultra-energy (

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)



    (Zeno-based OptoElectronics (ZOE), continued from page 7)

    The rst 18 month phase o the project is underway. The objectivo the DARPA ZOE project are to: 1) develop a new generationmolecular and semiconductor materials with strong nonlineabsorptive properties that can be controlled with a uniqpump wavelength, 2) demonstrate all-optical switching usimolecular and/or semiconductor materials whereby excitati

    at one wavelength leads to switching o refection/transmissiocharacteristics or a beam carrying inormation at anothwavelength, and 3) to integrate the materials into scalabsilicon and silicon nitride photonic devices or high-perormanswitching and/or wavelength conversion processes. I successin developing ultra-low energy optical switches, the ZOE prograwill pave the way or a new generation o optical-switching devicthat could have applications in telecommunications and opticcomputing. Many members o our team have previously worktogether in collaborative R&D and have successully employed approach based on a eedback loop involving design, synthescharacterization, and application or development o organphotonic materials and devices.

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    Mission: To become a nationally andinternationally recognized center o excellence orscience o interaces in photovoltaic devices basedon organic and inorganic nanostructured hybridmaterials. Our Center will inspire, recruit, and trainuture scientists and leaders in the basic interacescience o solar electric energy conversion.

    University o Arizona

    Neal R. Armstrong, DirectorJeanne E. Pemberton, Assoc. DirectorSurace Science/Theory

    S. Scott Saavedra, Assoc. Director, OperationsDominic McGrathJe PyunOliver MontiRobert NorwoodNasser Peyghambarian

    Georgia Institute o Technology

    Seth R. Marder, Associate DirectorMaterials

    Bernard Kippelen, Associate DirectorDevice

    ScienceJean-Luc BrdasSamuel Graham

    National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    David Ginley, Assoc. Director & DOE LiaisonDana Olson

    Joseph Berry

    University o Washington

    David Ginger

    Christine Luscombe

    Princeton University

    Antoine Kahn

    by Neal R. Armstrong

    Faculty at the University o Arizona, Georgia Institute oTechnology (including several ounding members o COPE),the University o Washington, and Princeton University,teaming up with scientists at the National RenewableEnergy Laboratories (NREL) have recently been awarded a$15M grant rom the Department o Energy to orm one o46 national Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC).

    The Center or Interace Science: Hybrid Solar ElectricMaterials will ocus on the basic science o solar-to-electricenergy conversion underpinning emerging GenerationIII photovoltaic platorms, which may be composedo small molecule or polymer active layers, or hybrids

    o these materials with nanomaterials such as oxide orsemiconductor nanoparticles. It was selected or thismission, out o a pool o 260 applications, ater a rigorousapplication and reviewing process, and is one o 31 EFRCprograms led by universities, the others being led bynational laboratories, non-prot organizations and onecorporate research laboratory. Many o the EFRC programsled by universities including this one led by the Universityo Arizona, have been unded by ARRA (stimulus) unds,and will run or ve years with an option or competitiverenewal or an additional ve years.

    This group o scientists will specically ocus on the criticalinteraces in these technologies which limit their energyconversion eciencies, including metal/organic, metaloxide/organic and charge collection and encapsulantinteraces which currently limit our ability to ecientlyharvest charge rom these devices, and keep them stablein robust, inexpensive, printable ormats.

    This EFRC program has its genesis in research unded bythe National Science Foundation, especially rom theScience and Technology Center or Materials and Devices

    or Inormation Technology Research, by the Departmento Deense (Navy and Air Force), by industrial aliates atGeorgia Tech associated with COPE, and a host o earliercenter-like activities involving members o the Universityo Arizona and Georgia Tech. It builds extensively onthe analytical tools, theoretical methods, and syntheticprotocols developed in the last teen years o researchby these scientists in the area o new materials ortelecommunications, display, and energy conversiontechnologies.


    Neal R. Armstrong

    Proessor o Chemistry/Optical Sciences

    University o [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


    Coropceanu, Veaceslav; Barlow, Stephen; Hagan, David J.; Van Stryland, Er ic W.;Bredas, Jean-Luc;Anderson, Harry L.; Wasielewski, Michael R. and Marder, Seth R.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 113, 10826-10832 (2009).

    Molecular design or improved photovoltaic eciency: band gap and absorptioncoecient engineering. Mondal, Rajib; Ko, Sangwon; Norton, Joseph E.; Miyaki,Nobuyuki; Becerril, Hector A.; Verploegen, Eric; Toney, Michael F.; Bredas, Jean-Luc;McGehee, Michael D. and Bao, Zhenan. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY.19, 7195-7197 (2009).

    Charge transport in oligo phenylene and phenylene-thiophene nanobers.Kjelstrup-Hansen, Jakob; Norton, Joseph E.; da Silva Filho, Demetrio A.; Bredas,Jean-Luc and Rubahn, Horst-Gunter. ORGANIC ELECTRONICS. 10, 1228-1234(2009).

    Themed issue: nonlinear optics. The evolving eld o nonlinear optics-a personalperspective. Marder, Seth R. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 19,7392-7393(2009).

    Third-harmonic generation and its applications in optical image processing.Fuentes-Hernandez, Canek; Ramos-Ortiz, Gabriel; Tseng, Shuo-Yen; Gaj, MichaelP. and Kippelen, Bernard. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 19, 7394-7401(2009).

    Porphyrin dimers: A theoretical understanding o the impact o electroniccoupling strength on the two-photon absorption properties. Ohira, ShinoandBredas, Jean-Luc. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 19, 7545-7550 (2009).

    Metalloporphyrin polymer with temporally agile, broadband nonlinearabsorption or optical limiting in the near inrared. Hales, Joel M.; Cozzuol,Matteo; Screen, Thomas E. O.; Anderson, Harry L. and Perry, Joseph W. OPTICSEXPRESS. 17, 18478-18488 (2009).

    Hindered rolling and riction anisotropy in supported carbon nanotubes. Lucas,Marcel; Zhang, Xiaohua; Palaci, Ismael; Klinke, Christian; Tosatti, Erio and Riedo,Elisa. NATURE MATERIALS. 8, 876-881 (2009).

    Quantum Dynamics o the Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transer in 2-(2`-Hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole. Kim, Justin; Wu, Yinghua; Bredas, Jean-LucandBatista, Victor S. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 49, 187-197 (2009).

    Nondestructive In Situ Identication o Crystal Orientation o Anisotropic ZnONanostructures. Singamaneni, Srikanth; Gupta, Maneesh; Yang, Rusen; Tomczak,Melanie M.; Naik, Rajesh R.; Wang, Zhong L. and Tsukruk, Vladimir V. ACS NANO.3, 2593-2600 (2009).

    Biocatalysis: Unmasked by stretching. Kharlampieva, Eugenia and Tsukruk,Vladimir V. NATURE MATERIALS. 8, 704-705 (2009).

    Synthesis and Properties o Amphiphilic Poly(1,4-Phenylene Ethynylene)s Bearing

    Alkyl and Semifuoroalkyl Substituents. Woody, Kathy B.; Nambiar, Rakesh;Brizius, Glen L. and Collard, David M. MACROMOLECULES. 42, 8102-8111 (2009).

    Electronic structure o sel-assembled (fuoro)methylthiol monolayers on theAu(111) surace: Impact o fuorination and coverage density. Li, Hong; Duan,Yiqun; Paramonov, Pavel; Coropceanu, Veaceslav and Bredas, Jean-Luc. JOURNALOF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA. 174, 70-77 (2009).

    Alkynylated Aceno[2,1,3]thiadiazoles. Appleton, Anthony Lucas; Miao,Shaobin;Brombosz, Scott M.; Berger, Nancy J.; Barlow, Stephen; Marder, Seth R.;Lawrence, Brian M.; Hardcastle, Kenneth I. and Bunz, Uwe H. F. ORGANIC LETTERS.11, 5222-5225 (2009).

    Exciton-Dissociation and Charge-Recombination Processes in Pentacene/C-60Solar Cells: Theoretical Insight into the Impact o Interace Geometry. Yi,Yuanping; Coropceanu, Veaceslav and Bredas, Jean-Luc. JOURNAL OF THEAMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 131, 15777-15783 (2009).

    Bimetallic Nanostructures as Active Raman Markers: Gold-Nanoparticle Assemblyon 1D and 2D Silver Nanostructure Suraces. Gunawidjaja, Ray; Kharlampieva,Eugenia; Choi, Ikjun and Tsukruk, Vladimir V. SMALL. 5, 2460-2466 (2009).

    Electron Transer-Induced Blinking in Ag Nanodot Fluorescence. Patel, SandeepA.; Cozzuol, Matteo; Hales, Joel M.; Richards, Chris I.; Sartin, Matthew; Hsiang,Jung-Cheng; Vosch, Tom; Perry, Joseph W. and Dickson, Robert M. JOURNAL OFPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 113, 20264-20270 (2009).

    Surace orce spectroscopic point load measurements and viscoelastic modellingo the micromechanical properties o air fow sensitive hairs o a spider(Cupiennius salei). McConney, Michael E.; Schaber, Clemens F.; Julian, Michael D.;Eberhardt, William C.; Humphrey, Joseph A. C.; Bar th, Friedrich G. and Tsukruk,Vladimir V. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 6, 681-694 (2009).

    Conjugated polymer-ullerene blend with strong optical limiting in the near-inrared. Chi, San-Hui; Hales, Joel M.; Cozzuol, Matteo and Ochoa, Charles;

    Fitzpatrick, Madison and Perry, Joseph W. OPTICS EXPRESS. 17, 22062-22072(2009).

    Critical Interaces in Organic Solar Cells and Their Infuence on the Open-Circuit Voltage. Potscavage, Jr., William J. ; Sharma, Asha and Kippelen, Bernard.ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH. 42, 1758-1767 (2009).

    Potential Energy Curves or Cation-pi Interactions: O-Axis Congurations AreAlso Attractive. Marshall, Michael S.; Steele, Ryan P.; Thanthiriwatte, Kanchana Sand Sherrill, C. David. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A.113, 13528-13532(2009).

    Molecular Understanding o Organic Solar Cells: The Challenges. Bredas, Jean-LNorton, Joseph E.; Cornil, Jerome and Coropceanu, Veaceslav. ACCOUNTS OF

    CHEMICAL RESEARCH. 42, 1691-1699 (2009).Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy o a Porphyrin-Squaraine-PorphyrinConjugated System. Webster, Scott; Odom, Susan A.; Padilha, Lazaro A.;Przhonska, Olga V.; Peceli, Davorin; Hu, Honghua; Nootz, Gero; Kachkovski, AlexD.; Matichak, Jonathan; Barlow, Stephen; Anderson, Harry L.; Marder, Seth R.;Hagan, David J. and Van Stryland, Eric W. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B113, 14854-14867 (2009).

    Conjugated polymer-ullerene blend with strong optical limiting in the near-inrared. Chi, San-Hui; Hales, Joel M.; Cozzuol, Matteo; Ochoa, Charles; FitzpatricMadison and Perry, Joseph W. OPTICS EXPRESS.17, 22062-22072 (2009).

    Electronic structure o the pentacene-gold interace: A density-unctional theostudy. Li, Hong; Duan, Yiqun; Coropceanu, Veaceslav and Bredas, Jean-Luc.ORGANIC ELECTRONICS. 10, 1571-1578 (2009).

    Protein-Mediated Layer-by-Layer Syntheses o Freestanding Microscale Titania

    Structures with Biologically Assembled 3-D Morphologies. Fang, Yunnan;Wu, Qingzhong; Dickerson, Matthew B.; Cai, Ye; Shian, Samuel; Berr igan, JohnD.; Poulsen, Nicole; Kroeger, Nils and Sandhage, Kenneth H. CHEMISTRY OFMATERIALS. 21, 5704-5710 (2009).

    Modication o the Surace Properties o Indium Tin Oxide withBenzylphosphonic Acids: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. HotchkisPeter J.; Li, Hong; Paramonov, Pavel B.; Paniagua, Sergio A.; Jones, Simon C.;Armstrong, Neal R.; Bredas, Jean-Luc and Marder, Seth R. ADVANCED MATERIAL21, 4496+ (2009).

    Direct writing and charac terization o poly(p-phenylene vinylene) nanostructuWang, Debin; Kim, Suenne; Underwood, II, William D.; Giordano, Anthony J.;Henderson, Cliord L.; Dai, Zhenting; King, William P.; Marder, Seth R. and RiedoElisa. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 95 (2009).

    Low-voltage solution-processed n-channel organic eld-eect transistors withhigh-k HO


    gate dielectrics grown by atomic layer deposition. Tiwari, ShreePrakash; Zhang, Xiao-Hong; Potscavage, Jr., William J. and Kippelen, Bernard.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 95, (2009).

    Multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (MCARS) or chemicallysensitive, label-ree fow cytometry. Camp, Jr., Charles H.; Yegnanarayanan, SivaEtekhar, Ali A.; Sridhar, Hamsa and Adibi, Ali. OPTICS EXPRESS. 17, 22879-22889(2009).

    Negative tone molecular resists using cationic polymerization: Comparisono epoxide and oxetane unctional groups. Lawson, Richard A.; Noga, DavidE.; Younkin, Todd R.; Tolbert, Laren M. and Henderson, Cliord L. JOURNAL OFVACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B. 27, 2998-3003 (2009).

    Bond contribution model or the prediction o glass transition temperature inpolyphenol molecular glass resists. Lawson, Richard A.; Yeh, Wei-Ming; HendersCliord L. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B. 27, 3004-3009(2009).

    Low-voltage pentacene organic eld-eect transistors with high-kappa HO2

    gadielectrics and high stability under bias stress. Zhang, Xiao-Hong ; Tiwari, ShreePrakash; Kim, Sung-Jin and Kippelen, Bernard. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 95(2009).

    Thermochemical Nanolithography o Multiunctional a Nanotemplates orAssembling Nano-objects. Wang, Debin; Kodali, Vamsi K.; Underwood, II, WilliamD.; Jarvholm, Jonas E.; Okada, Takashi; Jones, Simon C.; Rumi, Mariacristina; DaiZhenting; King, William P.; Marder, Seth R.; Curtis, Jennier E. and Riedo, Elisa.ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 19, 3696-3702 (2009).

    Assessment o stress contributions in GaN high electron mobility transistors odiering substrates using Raman spectroscopy. Beechem, Thomas; ChristenseAdam; Green, D. S. and Graham, Samuel. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 106(2009).


  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Volume 003 (January 15, 2010)


    Center for Organic Photonics & Electron

    Georgia Institute of Technolo

    Molecular Science & Engineering Build

    901 Atlantic Dr

    Happy New Year to you.

    2010 promises to be an

    exciting new year for the

    Georgia Tech Center for

    Organic Photonics and

    Electronic s, COPE. Of

    primary importance, Iwould like to announce

    a leadership transition

    in which my colleague,

    For more inormation visit us at:


    Professor Bernard Kippelen, will be assuming the

    position as the Director of COPE later this year.

    As the change in leadership involves a shift of

    certain administrative functions between not only

    departments, but colleges, I will serve with Bernard as

    co-Director for the next several months, to ensure that

    the process moves forward smoothly.

    As many of you know, COPE was founded in 2003 andI had the honor to serve as its founding Director. In

    the past six or so years, COPE has accomplished many

    things, but I am most proud of it staying true to its core

    values of supporting excellence in research, embracing

    and promoting diversity, creating an educational and

    research environment that encourages interdisciplina ry

    and collaborative interactions, and ensuring that

    breakthroughs mean more than well cited papers.

    COPE now has over 20 faculty members from 8 school s,

    and I have been very privileged and grateful to serve

    them and Georgia Tech in my capacity as founding


    Georgia Techs selection of Bernard Kippelen as the

    next Director of COPE, is a recognition of not only his

    many scientific contributions to the area of organic

    electronics and photonics, but also his commitment

    to the core values I alluded to above. Bernard brings

    to COPE a tremendous amount of vision, energy and

    experience and I very much look forward to working

    closely with him and the greater COPE community in

    the years to come.


    Seth R. Marder

    Director of COPE


    Events & Activities

    COPE Seminar SeriesDr. David Bucknall o the Scho

    o Polymer, Textile, and Fib

    Engineering (PTFE) at Georgia Te

    COPE Seminar SeriesDr. Michael Bendikov o the

    Weizmann Institute o Science

    COPE Seminar SeriesDr. Jeanne Pemberton o the

    University o Arizona

    4th Solvay-COPE Symposiumon Organic ElectronicsThis by invitation only event

    showcases the work being done b

    COPE aculty, students, staf, and

    global partners.

    February 23, 2010MoSE Building


    April 14, 2010MoSE Building


    April 21, 2010MoSE Building


    May 6-7, 2010IMEC

    Leuven, Belgium

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