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Page 1: Nickelback

This power point consists of a video analysis of the song ‘I’d Come For You’ by Nickelback.

Analysis from 3 mins 6 seconds

Page 2: Nickelback

From the point of analysis the camera begins by focusing on they man as he pushes his dinner away which shows to be a medium close up shot. It then flicks to Nickelback performing on a stage, but it then quickly flashes back and forth to the boy and girl in the car and then flicks to the man sitting at home with now his mobile in front of him. This could show how quick things are progressing and can show the time that the man is wasting on going to help the girl and the close up of the phone shows that he finally knows something is wrong. The camera uses many profile shots through out the video and uses one to show his posture, which is like he is slouching because he isn’t happy that his daughter has gone out and he is worried about her. The camera goes back to Nickelback and shows a worms eye view and also another close up of the phone as he receives the “7 7” text, now the man has realised what is up the camera zooms in to the picture of him and his daughter and then moves very quickly which can show how hectic it is and that now the man has realised the woman is in danger it represents how quickly he tries to get there. The video uses many ariel shots whilst Nickelback is performing and also when the man is driving there. There is a close up of the guy locking the car door as the girl struggles and the pace of the camera movements connected with the pace of the song relates to the lyrics, “I’d come for you, no one but you”, and this relates to it because we can see how fast he is trying to get there to save her.

Page 3: Nickelback

From the point of analysis the song sounds like it should – rock. This is because rock was the genre of the music. The first line of lyrics was “no matter what gets in my way”, which relates to the song title because Id come for you and no matter what gets in my way both say that he is determined to get there no matter what. As soon as the man realised something was wrong the music died down and became quieter and more tense to show that the guy knew some thing was wrong. As soon as the guy got up to go find his daughter the music kicked in again and became stronger to show that guy was not going to back down. As the man was on his way to get his daughter the music was more upbeat and rocky which can show the determination in the lad to do something with the girl and the determination in the man to get to his daughter. Once again the line “no matter what gets in my way” is repeated as the guy is going to save his daughter and this can represent again that man only cares for his daughter and will do anything to protect her. As the guy finally reaches the destination the music goes on to a different chorus and the lyrics go “Id climb across this world for you, do anything you want me to, no matter what remember, you know I'll always come for you”, and that is sung at the same moment he drags the lad out of the car and punches him as he falls to the ground. Once again that shows that the man would do anything for her, this is simply because there may be no other woman in the house so he now only has to be protective of his daughter.

Page 4: Nickelback

The mise en scene is firstly analysed when we see the guy pushing the plate away, this shows that something is not right because its set out as a family dinner and him pushing the plate away represents something bad. The next shot goes to Nickelback and he is on a stage with no one around and spot lights on him which could show that he is telling a story about some one or himself, or explains what he feels for some one. We see a mobile which is normally used in those situations when something bad is happening because that person tries to get help. We see the photo of the guy and his daughter on the side with every other ornament which shows a family home and that picture represents who the song is about. We then see a close up of the car keys as the guy grabs them which shows he is going to help her. Then there is a big truck that is used to go save her which represents it as a big car so this guy is always going to come out on top. The guy is driving in the dark which builds up more suspense and drama, and all the lights from street lamps and cars represent hope for the girl. When the father reaches the destination there is a wired fence which tells us there was no where to run apart from the way they got in. At the end there is smoke coming from the truck which represents the risks he took to go try help the girl.

Page 5: Nickelback

Lighting is used to represent a few things. We see the light when firstly focused on the father which shows a family orientated home, then it turns to Nickelback with the lights everywhere and changing direction which then gives away that maybe some thing is wrong. Then it goes over to the girl and the lad in the car which at that point there is only one light which is outside of the car so the surroundings are fairly dark which shows no hope for the girl at the point but outside the car the light is there so that could be a clue that there is hope. When the man goes to help his daughter we see the lights on the cars and in the streets which means the more lights he comes across the closer he is getting.

Page 6: Nickelback

Through out the extract editing is basically shown by camera shots fading in and out of one another and just quick shots. At the beginning it is quick shots to show all the action that is happening so we know something is wrong. In the middle of the extract each shot becomes quicker to show he is a rush to get there but then they turn slower which can give us a clue to know that she will be ok but they get faster once again as the man saves the daughter which can give a sign of relief and that the man wanted to get all his anger out on the lad.

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