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  • 7/28/2019 Nightly Business Report - Tuesday, April 16, 2013


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib, brought to you by --



    market bounces back from the worst one-day decline and now our attention

    turns to technology, as Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) and Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) both

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    report earnings after the bill.


    Housing starts jump dramatically. But are red flags being raised on one

    part of the recovery.

    GRIFFETH: And gold rush. What are individuals doing now with the

    precious metal as prices fluctuate sharply?

    All that and more coming on the NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for Tuesday,

    April 16th.

    Good evening, everybody. I`m Bill Griffeth, in for Tyler Mathisen all

    this week.

    Susie Gharib, another big day for he markets. But now, we have two

    numbers out today that probably will set the tone for tomorrow.

    GHARIB: And we are talking technology now for a change.

    Two tech titan with a tale of two different earnings stories tonight.

    Yahoo`s first quarter earnings surged 36 percent but an Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

    profit fell 26 percent. They are the first batch of technology companies

    reporting this week and could set the tone for trading in tech stocks


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    First, let`s look at Intel (NASDAQ:INTC). The world`s biggest

    computer chip company earned 40 percent a share. It was a penny below

    analysts estimate. Revenues fell 2 percent to $12.6 billion, slightly

    better than expected. But the company said revenues in the current quarter

    will come in higher than forecast, and so, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) shares

    jumped as much as 2 percent after hours trading before pulling back.

    Meanwhile, Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) earned a 38 percent a share. That was

    14 cents more than analysts expected, but revenues came in below estimates

    at $1 billion and the company reported a drop in display advertising,

    disappointing investors. Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) shares tumbled more than 4

    percent in after hours trading.

    GRIFFETH: And on the heels of Intel`s and Yahoo`s mixed results,

    there`s another technology giant set to report next week which may reveal

    about the shift by consumers to mobile computing and the health of the tech

    sector as a whole, than any other company.

    In tonight`s installment of our series "Earnings Spotlight," Jon Fortt

    tells us what investors are expecting and hoping to hear from Apple



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    there`s one tech company to focus on this earnings season, it`s Apple


    (on camera): It`s an important quarter for the iPhone and iPad maker.

    Of course, investors would like an increase to the dividend. Now, it`s at

    around 2.5 percent yield. They`d like something closer to 4 percent.

    (voice-over): The stock is trading near its lowest level since the

    early days of 2012 because of worries that the days of dizzying sales

    growth and profitability of the company are over.

    COLIN GILLIS, PARTNERS TECH SPOTLIGHT: Expectations for the March

    quarter keep ratcheting down, because we are in the middle of a product

    refresh vacuum, right? But it`s not only the March quarter that investors

    are concerned about. They are concerned about the June quarter which may

    show more signs of a slow-down as existing, iPhone 5 and iPad start to show

    age and in front of the next launch of those products.

    FORTT: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has already poured cold water on Wall

    Street`s hopes for surprise up side, saying that sales will be up 5 percent

    to 10 percent, to around $42 billion. Margins will be down and unlike in

    the past, this time management promises those projections will prove


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    A key storyline to watch with the stock, PC versus mobile. PCs are

    under plenty of pressure with shipments down nearly 14 percent in the first

    quarter, according to IDC, as consumers opt for phones and tablets instead.

    Just ask people how often they are buying a new home computer.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Never because I have a Mac. So, as far as my

    Mac goes, I mean, I have iPad and a lot of tablet handheld devices. So,

    those, I mean, we get new rounds of those every couple years. But no PC

    except at work.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think I use my iPad more than I use my computer

    to where it`s almost obsolete in a way. I`ve never even touched it. It`s

    almost pointless to have one almost at this point.

    FORTT (on camera): Bottom line, investors are looking for a reason to

    continue believing in the surprising market rally we`ve seen so far this

    year. Optimism from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) would go a long way.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Jon Fortt in Cupertino.


    GHARIB: Joining us now to talk more about those earnings from Intel

    (NASDAQ:INTC) and Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) and the out look for the technology

    sector, Josh Spencer. He`s portfolio manager of the T-Rowe Price Global

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    Technology Fund.

    You know, Josh, looking at Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) and Yahoo

    (NASDAQ:YHOO), the one thing that ties them together, these are about

    companies trying to reinvent themselves. So, I have two questions for you.

    In the case of Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), does it have what it takes to reinvent

    itself, to jumpstart the company? And in the case of Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO),

    is Marissa Mayer`s turnaround strategy working?


    having me on. It`s nice to be with you.

    And you hit the nail on the head, both are reinvention stories. In

    the case of Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), they start with a strong suit with

    manufacturing. They`re actually, you know, a world class manufacturer of

    semiconductor chips. However, the segment that they sell into, the PCs, is

    under a lot of pressure.

    I smiled in the interviews in the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) segment leading

    into this. People just aren`t using their PCs as much as they did in the

    past. So, I think Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) does have what it takes to turn

    around eventually but it will be a slow process to establish themselves in

    the smartphone and tablet market.

    Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) is also going through a turn around and what we

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    saw this quarter was not much evidence of a fundamental turn around in

    Yahoo`s business with revenues actually down a little bit year on year. So

    that one is still on the come as well.

    GRIFFETH: Are we really going to get to a time where we do not use

    PCs anymore. I mean, I know we`re migrating to these mobile technologies

    that we all use. But will we come to day when we don`t use PCs? And who,

    in your opinion, is better positioned in that regard, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

    or Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO)?

    SPENCER: Well, in that regard, Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) is better

    positioned. I think it`s an exaggeration to say we won`t use PCs. But

    we`ll use them for a lot narrower applications. So, we might use them at

    work for spreadsheets. But at home, we`ll pull out that tablet or that

    smartphone if we want to check the Internet, or stay up with video or news.

    We just will PCs less and less in our daily life.

    Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) has a better chance to make that transition.

    Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) is establishing themselves into a whole new realm.

    GHARIB: Josh, I want to ask you about Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). You heard

    Jon Fortt`s report on it. Everybody is looking forward to that report,

    earnings report next week.

    I know that you are a believer in Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). But make a

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    case, why investor who have lost some faith in this company should take a

    fresh look at Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)?

    SPENCER: Well, we all love Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) products. The

    customer that you interviewed, that sounds like my house at home. We have

    Macs, we have iPads, iPhones. We have a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old who

    love using those iPads. So, may be too much.

    The products are very intuitive. They have a great software

    ecosystem, we have come to expect innovation from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and I

    think we will continue to see it in the future.

    You know, just because they have gone through a bit of a lull here

    let`s not throw the baby out with the bath water. It`s easy to forget that

    Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been generating tremendous profits and has over

    $130 billion of cash on their balance sheets today.

    GRIFFETH: Right. It feels though that the innovation has been more

    incremental than transformational, as we saw during the Steve Jobs era.

    What do you think the next big thing is from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)?

    SPENCER: Well, it`s hard to say. I think they`re going to continue

    to innovate around the iPhone and iPad products. I think we`ll see thinner

    iPads. And I think we`ll see larger screen iPhones and new features like

    fingerprint sensors.

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    Of course, we`ve all heard the talk about Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) working

    on watches and TVs. I think I would buy an Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) watch if

    one came out. I think there`s a lot of people into fitness who would use

    it in the gym or while they`re jogging outside. And, of course, there`s

    many people who would buy an Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) TV to solve the nightmare

    problems that we have with our cable box.

    GHARIB: OK. Josh, do you any disclosures to make on Apple

    (NASDAQ:AAPL), Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), or Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO)? Do you own any

    of these stocks?

    SPENCER: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is the largest position in the fund that

    I manage and we do own Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) personally in our family as


    GHARIB: All right. Thanks so much. Josh Spencer, portfolio manager

    at T. Rowe Price Global Technology Fund.


    GRIFFETH: Well, the markets rose sharply today, gaining back more

    than half of Monday`s big losses. The Dow was up 157 points when all was

    said and done, ending the session at 14,756. NASDAQ up 48, the S&P 500

    added 22 points.

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    Stocks got a big boost from a round of solid economic data reports and

    stronger than expected earnings before the bell from Dow components, Coca-

    Cola (NYSE:KO) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ).

    As for that data, inflation is still in check. Consumer prices fell

    more than expected last month, driven lower by a 4 percent decline in

    prices at the gas pump.

    Also, helping, industrial production was higher than forecast in

    March. With U.S. automakers churning out more new cars and trucks and

    utilities generating more heat to combat a nationwide cold snap that we all

    suffered from last month.

    And there was more good news in housing. Construction of new homes

    shot up by 7 percent in March, enough to reach an adjusted annual rate of 1

    million housing units for the month, something we have not seen in five


    GHARIB: Well, Bill, that jump in new home building that you just

    talked about help sent shares of the nation`s biggest home builders higher

    today. Pulte Homes rose more than 4 percent. Ryland up 3 1/2 percent.

    D.R. Horton (NYSE:DHI), Toll Brother and Hovnanian all seen gains.

    Now, much of the surge in construction was not single family homes

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    however, but multi-family rental apartments. It`s a sector that`s been

    growing rapidly over the past few years and now, there`s concern about a

    backlash in all those rental units that are hitting the market all at once.

    Diana Olick explains.



    the market for single family homes recovers, a curious contradiction wings

    overhead, crane high above construction sites of multifamily rental

    apartments buildings. Thousands of new units are going up just as demand

    for rental apartments could soon be coming down.

    Multifamily starts rose 27 percent month to month in March, and are up

    82 percent from a year ago, running at an annualized pace of 392,000.

    Compare that to the 10-year historical average of 238,000.

    DAVID TOTI, CANTOR FITZGERALD: A year from now, we will be seeing

    much stronger headwinds for this space potentially. The supply trajectory

    clearly is changing, mortgage credit is clearly loosening. If we stay in

    the current pathway, I would expect that demand will be diminished


    OLICK: The numbers don`t show it yet. Apartment vacancies fell in

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    the first quarter of this year to 4.2 percent nationally, from 5 percent a

    year ago. That pushed rents higher by 3 percent. Despite sluggish job and

    wage growth, renters are still willing to pay these higher rates.

    But the question is, for how long? Especially as confidence comes

    back to single family?

    (on camera): It takes about two to three years to put up an apartment

    building. So, with all these new starts over the past couple of years,

    we`re about to see a big surge in supply. And just adds to investor fears

    already weighing on apartment rent (ph).

    TOTI: What we have seen in the multifamily rent space for the last

    couple of years, certainly last year and this year, has been relative

    underperformance to the rest of the rent market. A big part of that has

    been fear around supply. There`s a bigger concern around rental growth as

    well. Supply ties to that.

    OLICK (voice-over): But real estate is all about location. And

    developers in prime, urban areas claim the market is hot but not



    concerned about any of that. I think the market is ripe for us to take

    advantages of the locations we are.

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    OLICK: More than 100,000 new apartment units are set to open in a

    latter half this year, with an even stronger surge set for 2014.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Diana Olick in Washington.


    GRIFFETH: And that`s how our system works, where there`s one area

    that suffers, like the housing market, the rental market is very hot right

    now and that`s not lost in these builders.

    GHARIB: Remember the whole American dream of owning a home. That

    maybe changing, too. Just psychologically, Americans want to rent. It`s


    GRIFFETH: And they are doing it in big droves right now.

    Still ahead on the program, the gold rush. Is all the volatility

    causing individuals to hoard or unload precious metals?

    But, first, let`s take a look at how the international markets closed



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    GHARIB: As we mentioned earlier in the program, strong earnings from

    two Dow components helped to set the table for today`s market rally. Coca-

    Cola`s earnings and revenues topped estimates, thanks to strong sales

    volume in the U.S. and worldwide.

    And Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) also reported better than expected

    earnings on sales of newer medicines.

    Investors bid up Coke more than 5 1/2 percent to $42, and it was

    leading the Dow gainers. Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) gained more than 2

    percent to $83 a share.

    GRIFFETH: Meanwhile, two financial services giants, Goldman Sachs

    (NYSE:GS) and Blackrock reported strong quarters. Goldman`s profit was up

    more than 7 percent, while Blackrock`s was up 10 percent.

    Goldman`s chief financial officer said that their clients were more

    cautious in March because of Cyprus and other uncertainties. While

    Blackrock`s chief executive officer said new business during the quarter

    was indicative of positive momentum.

    Blackrock gained more than 1 percent, while Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS)

    lost nearly 2 percent.

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    GHARIB: Shares at JCPenney jumped 5 1/2 percent today on a report

    that the troubled retailer is considering ways to borrow against its real

    estate by issuing debt. Besides its retail stores, Penney owns warehouses,

    distribution centers and other real estate. JCP closed at $15.19 a share.

    GRIFFETH: And Whirlpool (NYSE:WHR) announced a 25 percent dividend

    increase, saying that it expects to sustain growth. As housing recovers,

    all those new homes, of course, are going to need appliances. Whirlpool

    (NYSE:WHR) also sells kitchen-aid and Maytag products.

    Whirlpool (NYSE:WHR) shares have gained almost 65 percent of the past

    year and they were up better than 3 percent today alone.

    GHARIB: And one of the stars of today`s market was WW Grainger. It

    sells equipment and supplies to other companies and institutions.

    Grainger`s first quarter profit improved by 13 percent and that`s thanks to

    strong sales growth in the U.S.

    Grainger led the S&P 500, gaining 7 1/2 percent. That works out to

    $16 to $241 a share.

    And gold prices regained a bit of their glitter today, up $26 an ounce

    but that`s coming off the biggest one day drop in prices in 33 years on

    Monday, with prices falling $140. So, if you own gold, even some old

    jewelry that you are thinking of selling for cash, you may be wondering if

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    now is the time to sell.

    Jane Wells takes us to a California company, where volatile prices for

    gold and silver are creating a rush of customers.


    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have 23 kilos and 165 eagles.


    late afternoon at California Numismatic Investments where customers are

    furiously buying or selling gold and silver. There`s a line out the door.


    them in because they need to act now.

    WELLS: Ken Edwards is a partner in the gold dealer, just down the

    road from LAX. Business is up as gold and silver prices are down.

    EDWARDS: Up until the recent drop, that was the end of last week,

    beginning of this week, I would say that we were selling more, especially


    WELLS (on camera): You were selling.

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    EDWARDS: We were selling more. OK? Now that`s really balanced out.

    We have seen more sellers come in the market in the past couple of days.

    WELLS (voice-over): One man who did not want to talk on camera was

    selling more than 1,600 ounces of gold while we were there. But most of

    the people were buying.

    John Garton is buying silver at the moment and is waiting to buy more


    JOHN GARTON, SILVER/GOLD BUYER: Obviously, it will go down another

    $100 and then it will start its way back up.

    WELLS (on camera): At this facility, they will buy American gold

    eagles for about $25 above the market price for gold. They`ll sell them

    for about $75 over. As for silver, they buy at $1.25 above the spot

    market, and they sell for $3.25 over, but they don`t have much silver to

    sell at the moment.

    (voice-over): Most of the business here is done through the mail.

    About 20 percent is conducted in person. And CNI`s 18 employees are busier

    than normal.

    EDWARDS: When there`s big moves, lots of volatility, that tends to

    get people to act right away. They don`t want to wait until Friday because

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    the market might be completely different.

    WELLS: And here, no matter what`s happening with the price of gold.

    They are making money.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Jane Wells, Inglewood, California.


    GHARIB: The tricky thing about selling jewelry is that it s just for

    its weight not for the design or any special stones, it is a gold rush.

    GRIFFETH: That numismatic quality. Exactly. I mean, we definitely

    in the midst of the gold rush again. That`s for sure.

    All right. Coming up, the business of protecting big events and the

    cost to keep you safe.

    But, first, more on how the commodities and treasuries and currency

    fared today.


    GHARIB: Brace yourself for even slower growth around the world, 3.3

    percent is the new global economic growth number from the International

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    Monetary Fund. It lowered its outlook by 0.2 of a percent today, blaming

    steep federal spending cuts in the U.S. and the deepening debt crisis in


    The IMF also trimmed its growth forecast for emerging markets and cut

    China`s growth to 8 percent from 8.2 percent.

    GRIFFETH: Well, certainly, a slow down in GDP in China got the blame

    from Monday`s selloff on Wall Street. But Ford does not see it that way.

    The automaker is predicting that 40 percent of its global sales will come

    from China by the end of this decade.

    The company as a result has doubled its capacity there, scrambling to

    keep up with demand in the world`s largest automatic.

    Phil LeBeau is in Chongqing with a closer look at Ford`s rapid

    expansion there and the challenges it still faces.



    Shouguo Li is part of the new wave in China. Car buyers turning the

    western part of the country into one of the hottest auto markets in the


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    SHOUGUO LIO, BUYER (through translator): In his mind, he feels that

    the car, the brand is good. And the service is also excellent. So this is

    why he trusts this brand.

    LEBEAU (on camera): Here in Chongqing, the gateway to western China,

    growth in auto sales is particularly good news for Ford. At this plant, a

    new Focus or Cougar rolls off this assembly line every single minute. And

    within two years, Ford will be doubling capacity in this area.

    XU BINGHUA, CHANGAN FORD PLANT MANAGER: This year, the total volume

    of the Ford (INAUDIBLE), we achieved almost 600,000. So it`s a big, big

    key (ph).

    LEBEAU (voice-over): Growing sales in China have been one of Alan

    Mulally`s top goals since he took over Ford in 2006. At the time, Ford had

    a small presence in China. While its rival G.M. led the market, thanks to

    Chinese buyers loving Buicks.

    Mulally immediately began investing billions in China, quickly ramping

    production. China now generates 11 percent of Ford`s global sales with the

    Focus leading the way.


    being announced as the number one selling vehicle in the world, and the

    number one selling vehicle in China. What a proof point about the Ford

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    LEBEAU: While Ford is surging in China, it is still barely a blip in

    the rear view mirror of the market leaders.

    JAMES CHAO, IHS (NYSE:IHS) AUTOMOTIVE: The dominant players here are,

    of course, Volkswagen, General Motors (NYSE:GM). Hyundai is a story as

    well in terms of how well they have done. So, Ford is still behind but

    coming on strong.

    LEBEAU: Running hot in the world`s hottest auto market, where buyers

    are embracing the blue oval.

    Phil LeBeau, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Chongqing, China.


    GRIFFETH: In many ways, China is about 50 to 60 years behind us in

    that they have this very large growing middle class in their country and it

    is a sweet spot for companies like Ford and General Motors (NYSE:GM).

    GHARIB: They`re going to turn in their bicycles for cars.

    GRIFFETH: Yes, ma`am, they are.

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    GHARIB: And a lot of them.

    GRIFFETH: Yes.

    GHARIB: Our series from China continues tomorrow with a report on

    what doing business in inner China is really like for American companies.

    GRIFFETH: In the meantime, from expansion on the roads, to trouble in

    the skies. American Airlines and its regional carrier American Eagle

    grounded all flights today after a computer outage at its reservation

    system. About 900 flights were impacted and another 800 were affected by

    planes and crews not making their destination.

    American now says that its computer problems have been fixed and all

    flights will resume this evening. But to expect a lot of delays before

    things get back to normal.

    GHARIB: And speaking to getting back to normal. Finally, tonight,

    after the deadly bombings at the Boston marathon on Monday, many Americans

    are worried about enhancing security measures at any public event. At

    what`s likely the first high profile gathering since the Boston tragedy,

    officials acted quickly to insure the safety of a concerned public despite

    the cost.

    Eamon Javers has more from Washington.

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    There were marching bands, colonial pipers, and soldiers on parade instead

    of on patrol. It hardly seems like a day after a major terrorist attack,

    but the Emancipation Day parade continued as planned right down

    Pennsylvania Avenue today.

    (on camera): Officials said they were going to maintain a very heavy

    security presence here at the Emancipation Day parade in Washington, D.C.

    There`s not a lot of visible security, the normal police presence is out

    and about here in Washington, but the folks we talked to here today said

    this was an important day to come out the and they were not going to be


    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s pretty safe place to be at this point.

    JAVERS: How did it feel today?

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel pretty safe. I do.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A hundred and fifty-first signing of the

    Emancipation Proclamation. And times were a lot scarier and tougher back

    then and people, you know, stood for what they believed in. I thought it

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    was an important gesture to come out here and support this.

    JAVERS (voice-over): These spectators were determined to go on with

    life in America today, even as the Senate Republican leader warned that

    Americans had let security go lax.

    SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY), MINORITY LEADER: The complacency that

    prevailed prior to September the 11th has actually returned. And so, we

    are newly reminded that serious threats to our way of life remain.

    JAVERS: But securing the big events that America loves is an

    extremely expensive to do, whether it`s in Times Square or New Orleans.

    The NFL spent $6 million on security for the Super Bowl this year, and

    President Obama`s first inauguration came with a $124 million security

    price tag and there`s no guarantee that it will always work.


    something like this, you could not possibly have frisked everybody in

    Boston before the marathon or looked in every trash can everywhere.

    JAVERS: No matter what security officials do, life and the parade

    will go on.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Eamon Javers.

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    GHARIB: And that`s it for us, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for tonight.

    I`m Susie Gharib. Thanks so much.

    GRIFFETH: I`m Bill Griffeth. Have a great evening, everybody. We`ll

    see you tomorrow.


    Nightly Business Report transcripts and video are available on-line post

    broadcast at http://nbr.com. The program is transcribed by CQRC

    Transcriptions, LLC. Updates may be posted at a later date. The views of

    our guests and commentators are their own and do not necessarily represent

    the views of Nightly Business Report, or CNBC, Inc. Information presented

    on Nightly Business Report is not and should not be considered as

    investment advice. (c) 2013 CNBC, Inc.

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