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Исполнители, инструменты и аксессуары

Флейта: Флейта

Гобой «primus inter pares»: Гобой, Кларнет B, «половая» тряпка

Кларнет: Кларнет B, Бас-кларнет B (по желанию)

Валторна: Валторна F

Фортепиано: Рояль, дополнительная басовая рояльная струна (или две струны),щётка или мягкая палочка (как для барабана, литавры), металлическая палочка (например, от треугольника), линейка не менее 40 см, набор шариков для пинг-понга

Ударные: Малый барабан (на стойке),Треугольник на верёвке,Гонг (большого размера, подвешенный на стойке), Пластинчатый колокол (низкий, с максимально богатым спектром, подвешенный на стойке), Подвешенная тарелка, Тарелка, лежащая на столе, 2 крышки от кастрюль, лежащие на столе, набор шариков для пинг-понга, ракетка для пинг-понга, большой стол (на котором всё это может уместиться), Винный бокал, невысокий с тонкими стенками, Фрикционный барабанчик, Шен (язычковый органчик), Таз или, лучше, бак, высокий, глубокий, металлический,Ведро с водой,полумягкая литавровая палочка,большая мягкая палочка («колотушка») от большого барабана или там-тама,контрабасовый смычок,

Скрипка I: Скрипка

Скрипка II: Скрипка, Особый народный свисток, кусок фольги,

Альт: Альт

Виолончель: Виолончель

Контрабас: Контрабас,дополнительная струна

Электроника: 3–5 микрофонов на стойках (желательно конденсаторных),Аудиоинтерфейс и ноутбук,Микшер (не обязателен, но желателен; важен низкий уровень шумов, в то время как число каналов может быть очень небольшим),Усилитель (как можно мощнее — но не для громкости, а для качества звука),2 громкоговорителя, помещённых позади ансамбля,коммутация

NB: Любые системы подавления обратной связи должны быть отключены

Interpreters, instruments and accessories

Flute: Flute

Oboe «primus inter pares»: Oboe, Clarinet b-flat, Floor duster (floorcloth)

Clarinet: Clarinet b-flat, Optional bass clarinet b-flat

Horn: Horn F

Pianoforte: Pianoforte, Additional bass piano string (or two such strings), Brush or soft mallet (as for snare drum and kettle-drums), Metallic mallet (for ex. from triangle), Ruler (no less than 40 cm), Ping-ping balls set

Percussion: Snare drum (on a stand), Triangle on a cord, Gong (big size, suspended on a stand), Tabulate bell Suspended cymbal, Cymbal, lying on a table, 2 covers for a saucepan, lying on a table Ping-ping balls set, Ping-pong paddle (racket), Big table (on which it is possible to place all things marked above), Wine glass, not too high, with thin walls, Small friction drum, Shen (small reed organ), Metal towl or, better, metal container: high, deep, with a cover Bucket with water, Semi-uphostered (semi-soft) mallet for kettle-drum, Large soft mallet (tampon) for bass drum or tam-tam, Bow for double bass

Violin I: Violin

Violin II: Violin, Special folk whistle, Piece of foil,

Viola: Viola

Violoncello: Violoncello

Double bass: Double bass,Additional double bass string

Electronics:3–5 microphones on stands (condenser ones are desirable),Audio interface and lap top computer,Mixing console (not obligatory but quite desirable; very desirable to use one with low noise, it can have minimum channels number),Amplifier (it is desirable to use more powerful one for better sound quality, but there will no be too big loudness),2 loudspeakers, placed behind the ensemble,commutation

NB: if there is a feedback suppression system, it should be turned off

Eugenica. Italian concerto Common captions


— no time signature, beatless measure. There are “events” in such bar instead beats. “Event”

could happend with a separate conductor’s gesture, but it is not obliged everywhere in the piece. Beginning of a bar is “event number 0”

— bar number and number of total “events” in the bar

— example of “event” markings. “Event # 2”

— time interval between two moments

— time elapsed since a beginning of the measure

Duration & repetitions

— held note

— (free) repetitions of a figure (perhaps with changings at some parameters)

— repetitions of a figure with free rotations of elements

— exact rehearsal of a figure


Staff types:

— exact pitches

— approximate/relative pitches (with approximately marked register)


/ B — quartertone higher/lower

/ — three quartertones higher/lower

, , / , , — 1/6-tone higher/lower

l, j, k / L, J, K

— 1/8-tone higher/lower


— closely to a microphone

— approaching to a microphone (or approach microphone)

— go from a microphone away (or move it away)


— zero dinamics, no sound

— gradual transition

— bow sign; some mode of playing with a bow

Individual captions Flute

— diamond notehead marks only fingering, no sound; sometimes it means aeolian sound


— whistle tones

— noise

— noteheads in a round mark playing with embouchure hole completely covered by lips

— trumpet embouchure

— trumpet embouchure with a lot of noise

— noise (embouchure hole completely covered by lips)

— trumpet embouchure, embouchure hole is detached!


— teeth on the reed

— some alternative fingerings

— overblowing multiphonic effect

— some multiphonic

— multiphonic (with one marked tone)


— more strong lip pressure

— very strong lip pressure

— teeth on the reed

— lips’ positions and lips’ positions changings on the reed

— (in fingering diagrams) trilling key

— sons fendus on the fundamental marked by diamond notehead

— some multiphonic


— noise

— (above a notehead) closed by hand (it’s not the same as stopped) with semitone lowering

— half-closed with quartertone lowering

— quarter-closed with 1/8-tone lowering


— opened

— frullato / flutter tongue / Flatterzunge

— double tongue tremolo


— take and hold a key soundlessly

— multiharmonic on the bass key / string(s), touch the string near string margin for taking high harmonics

— some harmonic

— take a sound with an additional piano bass string lying on strings and clashing (kind of prepared piano)

— take a sound with touching the string by a metallic stick (for example by mallet for triangle)


— Gong (suspended)

— Tabulate chime (suspended)

— Suspended Cymbal

— Cymbal lying on the table

— Small saucepan lid lying on the table

— Large saucepan lid lying on the table

— spin a cymbal or a lid lying on the table

— Snare drum

— scratch drum skin by nails (by round)

— Ping-pong ball ricochét:

— on the snare drum

— on the table

— Triangle

— Wineglass

— large soft mallet as for bass drum


— noise, mute strings by left hand and scratch by bow with pressure

— half-noise / half-tone (espesially for flageolets)

— harmonics glissando

— double glissando both harmoniс and fundamental

— some multiphonic (multiharmonic on single string)

— (double bass only) strong bow pressure, descending to normal

— (double bass only) “pizzicato + col legno sul ponticello”: pizzicato with a bow disposed in “col legno sul ponticello” position on the string; during sound releasing the bow is slightly sliding from the bridge

— (double bass only) “pizzicato + col legno (ordinario)”: similar like previous playing technique but the bow is on the position “col legno ordinario”, its clashings are more rare and drum-roll-like

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