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Page 1: NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 8, 2010 …storage.cloversites.com/saintelizabethsetonchurch/...Children’s Mass Booklets Children’s Mass booklets are available this weekend

From Father Rich Homa



F IRST, IN A TALK GIVEN IN CAPETOWN, South Africa this past June, Bishop Dowling comments on his perception

of the growing “restorationism” in the Church today. This restorationism is the planned dismantling of the theology, ecclesiology, and pastoral vision of Vatican II by those who seek to “restore” the Church to a previous, more controllable model of Church which has an increasingly centralized power structure. In the face of this “restorationism,” Bishop Dowling states that we must keep in mind the fact that:

“...Vatican II was an ecumenical council, i.e., a solemn exercise of the magisterium of the Church, i.e. the college of bishops gathered together with the bishop of Rome and exercising a teaching function for the whole Church. In other words, its vision, its principles and the direction it gave are to be followed and implemented by all, from the Pope to the peasant farmer in the fields of Honduras. Since Vatican II there has been no such similar exercise of teaching authority by the magisterium. Instead, there has been a series of decrees, pronouncements and decisions which have been given various “labels,” stating, for example, that they must be firmly held to, along with the interpretations or opinions of those who have power at the center of the Church. These pronouncements have not been solemnly defined as belonging to the “deposit of the faith” to be believed and followed, therefore, by all Catholics, as with other solemnly proclaimed dogmas. For example, the issues of celibacy for the priesthood and the ordination of woman, withdrawn even from the realm of discussion.

Therefore, such pronouncements are open to scrutiny — to discern whether they are in accord, for example, with the fundamental theological vision of Vatican II, or whether there is indeed a case to be made for a different interpretation or opinion.”

To see the complete text of Bishop Dowling’s talk, I invite you to go online to the National Catholic Reporter (http://ncronline.org) and find the article, “Catholic Social Teaching Finds Church Leadership Lacking.”

F INALLY, IN THE 1960’S, when Pope Benedict XVI was known as Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, he was one of the

“periti” (expert theologians) at the Second Vatican Council. In 1967 he wrote this:

“Over the Pope as expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority, there stands one’s own conscience which must be obeyed before all else, even if necessary against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority. This emphasis on the individual, whose conscience confronts him with a supreme and ultimate tribunal, and one which is the last resort is beyond the claim of external social groups, even the official Church, also establishes a principle in opposition to increasing totalitarianism”.

Joseph Ratzinger in: Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, Vol. V., pg. 134 (Ed) H. Vorgrimier, New York Herder and Herder, 1967.

Can Good Catholics Disagree with the Hierarchy and even with the Pope?

Part Four (Conclusion)

I WOULD LIKE TO CONCLUDE THIS DISCUSSION of the topic of the place of dis-agreement and dissent in the life of the Church with quotes from Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg, South Africa, and from Pope Benedict XVI himself.

May God Bless You,

Page 2: NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 8, 2010 …storage.cloversites.com/saintelizabethsetonchurch/...Children’s Mass Booklets Children’s Mass booklets are available this weekend

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven foretells what will happen to all of us at the end of time, that we will be taken up into heaven body and soul. In the resurrection of the dead

we receive a glorified body that will not be subject to the limitations of our present mortal body.



for the The Assumption

of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 15, 2010


Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. The child in the womb of Elizabeth gives witness to the presence of Jesus in their midst (the first to recognize the presence of Jesus in the world was an unborn child.) Typically, it’s those whom society evaluates as insignificant who are able to respond to God’s call. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit. She greets Mary with the phrase that we still use in the “Hail Mary.” The Holy Spirit is important throughout

the writings of Luke. Mary is especially blessed for her trust in the words of the Lord. She was generous and willing to place herself at the disposition of God. Mary responds to this remarkable greeting with the hymn that we call the “Magnificat” which expressed the feelings of the “anawim,” the poor ones of Yahweh. The poor were despised by the pow-ers that be. Jesus portrayed the exact oppo-site judgment of the poor. He considered them to be the chosen of the Father. Mary is por-trayed as a representative of the “anawim,” she was humble enough to respond lovingly to God’s call to become the mother of His Son. When God called her, she replied that she was the servant of the Lord and that it should be done unto her according to his will.

The Almighty has done great things for me: he has raised up the lowly (Luke 1:39-56).

The celebration of the Assumption can challenge some of our fears. First and foremost: the fear of death. The Assumption calls us to trust that God

who “raised the sinless Virgin Mary... body and soul to the glory of heaven” will also raise us from the dead. “In Christ shall all be brought to life,” Paul writes (1 Cor 15:22). This solemnity can also chal-lenge the fear of growing old, of aging, of seeing our body change and weaken, losing its ability to do what it wants when it wants. Our culture puts a premium on “looking good,” which is equated with looking youthful and not showing our years. The idea of growing old, of maturing into a deeper, wiser, more fully human version of who God created does not seem to be on many agendas. We are called to focus on looking good in the sense of reflecting the very goodness of God, living a life that embod-ies the grace of our relationship with God in Jesus Christ. We truly “look good” when our soul “proclaims the greatness of the Lord” by recognizing the important gifts that God has given us: the gifts of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ. Life can be lived in response to our fears of dying, sick-ness, aging, fear of the loss of our physical, mental, and even spiritual abilities. But looking good has more to do with those qualities that show the Spirit of the Lord alive in us, shining through our words and deeds, or even through our simply being.

Readings for the Week August 9th-August 14th: Mon.: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Mt 17:22-27 Tues.: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12:24-26 Wed.: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Mt 18:15-20 Thurs.: Ez 12:1-12; Mt 18:21-19:1 Fri.: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63; Mt 19:3-12 Sat.: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Mt 19:13-15

A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet (Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab). FIRST READING

This reading speaks of the birth of Jesus upon the earth. On another level, it presents an image of the Church making Christ present in each day. Like the woman in this passage, Mary gave birth to a child who was immediately endangered by the evil one who wanted to devour him. God protected the child and destroyed the power of the serpent. But in

this account the woman also represents the Church. She is constantly being attacked by the forces of evil, yet she makes Christ present in the world. It is appropriate that the image would stand both for Mary and for the Church. Mary is the model of the Church and the true example of what the Church should be, for she made the word of God incarnate.

Jesus is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. The firstfruits are generally known for two things: they are known for being the best and second, they are the promise of more that

will shortly arrive. Jesus is the best of those who have been risen from the dead, and he is also a promise to us that we will one day rise from the dead to live with him in heaven.

Christ, the firstfruits; then those who belong to him (1 Corinthians 15:20-27). SECOND READING



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Sat., August 7th (5pm) Helen Murray; Robert Renkor, Sr.; Clara June Bennett Sunday, August 8th (7:15am) Parishioners (8:30am) Marion O’Connor; Irene Galvin (10am) Florence Thomas; Donald Olson; Maria Opalacz; Marge Keller; Justo Sotomil; Conceso Larena; Maria Casco (11:30am) Rosalie Grogan; Agnes Hillock Mon., August 9th (9am) Greg Szyndrowski; Bria Family Tues., August 10th (9am) Alice Dolan; Stephen Bartosz; Richard Allen; James Thornton Wed., August 11th (9am) Mary Whitty; James Fahey Thurs., August 12th (9am) Bill Boardman Friday, August 13th (9am) William Prendergast Sat., August 14th (5pm) Dolores Costabile; Florence Thomas; James Fahey Sunday, August 15th (7:15am) Miriam Schmitdt; Emilia Sauter (8:30am) Gilberte and Lucien Bessette; Casimir J. Sadowski (10am) Robert Petrie; John Gibbons; Raymond Adamick; Rose Kendra (11:30am) Stanley and Irene Tomczyk; Frank Chor; Joseph Marfoe

August 8, 2010

Please pray for this couple as they prepare For Matrimony: Amanda Morse and Andrew Creagh; 8-14 Sarah King and Timothy Politano; 8-14 Sara Mihalov and Parick Driscoll; 8-21 Kristen Jeziorny and Mark Michalec; 8-27 Nicole Cesario and Adam Senkpeil; 8-28 Jessica Kopera and Trevor McCoy:8-28


Boris and Jamie Djulabic (Child: Jack Djulabic) Ryan and Debra Grant (Child: Marissa Grant)


COLLECTION FOR 8-1-10 $27,705.79


Thank you for your generosity.


We remember the sick, the infirm, and those recommended to our prayers, that they may experience the healing power of Christ: Theresa DeLaLeurs Michael Jamraz And for our deceased: John T. Matysik “Heavenly Father, accept the prayers which we offer for them.”


Children’s Mass Booklets Children’s Mass booklets are available this weekend on the counters in the Narthex. These booklets will allow children to participate as they follow along during Mass. (They are also a wonderful

review for those children who celebrate First Holy Communion this year!) Once Mass is over we ask that you return these booklets to the counter in the narthex or at any exit so that other children can benefit from them. The booklets will be available until the Labor Day weekend.

Congratulations to these parents on the baptism of their child on 8-1-10: John Joseph III, child of John Jr. and Stephanie Murray Dean Fox, child of Mark and Rebeka Rademacher Anthony Joseph, Jr., child of Anthony and Jennifer Schab


Annie the Ant says… “Bakers Are Needed

For Our Outdoor Picnic!”

St. Elizabeth Seton Outdoor Mass and Picnic is coming up soon! Mark your calen-dar for Sunday, August 29th, with the Mass starting at 3pm and the Old Fashioned Pic-nic to follow. There will be a “Sweets” table along with a “Cake Walk” and your help is needed by baking your favorite dessert or baking a cake for the Cake Walk. Please sign up in the church office or by calling 708-403-0101. Don’t bake or have time to? Store bought will work! Check out the activi-ties planned for the Outdoor Mass and Pic-nic in this bulletin!

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Journey with the Lord and let your heart hear God’s Words….

By Margie Guadagno St. Elizabeth Seton Pastoral Associate

When the disciples

met Jesus

on the road,

they were


and sad.

He walked with them

and listened to

their story.

Then, by opening up

the Scriptures

He gave them hope!

He helped them see

that they were

not abandoned

or left orphaned,

that God

was with them

and would

always be part

of their journey.

The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus The Road To Emmaus The Road To EmmausThe Road To EmmausThe Road To Emmaus


W HEN MY OLDEST DAUGHTER WAS A TEEN, she caused a great deal of distress in my

family. It was much more than the usual teen-age angst, it was very serious and very disruptive to my whole family. After many months of trying to solve things on my own, and feeling like I had nowhere else to turn, I began to come to daily Mass. I prayed very hard. I believed that if I just prayed hard enough, and came to church often enough, God would solve this problem for me. But it didn’t happen. There was no miraculous change in her attitude. In fact, the problems worsened by the day, sometimes by the hour. At first I was very disturbed. After all, all those televangelists said if we had faith, God would shower us with gifts. And all those faith healers said that if we had faith, we would be healed. Well, I wasn’t getting any gifts or healing. All I was getting was hurt and pain. So I continued coming to Mass but now it was because I just didn’t know what else to do. And then, something did begin to happen. The more I came to church, listened to God’s Word and prayed with the community, the more I began to see that God really was giving me gifts. My mind and my heart were opening up and I was

learning that just because I didn’t have great wealth, didn’t mean that God didn’t love me; that just because my daughter didn’t become a model child, that God didn’t love me; that just because I was still hurt and in pain at times, that God didn’t love me.

B AD THINGS HAPPEN BECAUSE we live in a world full of human beings and human beings get

angry, hurt other people and make mistakes. That’s just the way it is. But the good news is, human beings also comfort one another, laugh with each other and reach out to those that are hurting. My family, friends and faith community with whom I prayed with made God present to me at a time when I began to feel God didn’t know or care that I existed. Their response to God’s faith in them helped strengthen my

faith in God. It also showed me that to have faith means we have a responsibility. We aren’t to just sit and wait for God to do the work, we have jobs to do, too. We’re expected to live out our faith in action.

M Y DAUGHTER IS NOW GROWN and has children of her own. We are both still working at

healing our relationship. Some days we do better than others, but I have faith in God, faith in her, and faith in myself that we will heal.

“...to have faith

means we have to have responsibility.

We aren’t to just sit and wait for

God to do the work, we have jobs to do, too.”

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♦ Are you searching for a spiritual home? ♦ Are you looking for a faith community to belong to?


♦ Are you a non-Catholic who would like to know more about Catholicism? ♦ Are you a non-Catholic spouse or significant other who would like to

know more about what your partner believes? ♦ Are you a non-Catholic parent who would like to know more about what

your children are learning?


♦ Are you a Catholic who has been Baptized but has not been Confirmed or received Eucharist?

Rite of


Initiation for


Then the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (the RCIA) might be what you are looking for as someone who is seeking a deeper spiritual life by exploring more about the Catholic faith. Here at St. Elizabeth Seton we have an RCIA team that helps support those who may be ready to take that step. We will have two one-hour gatherings to answer any questions you may have about the RCIA process.

Cornerstone Center August 16th August 30th 7pm to 8pm

Call Margie Guadagno, St. Elizabeth Seton Pastoral Associate at 708-403-0101 for more information.


5:30-6:30PM IN THE PARISH HALL Pro-Life Family Night Illinois Rite to Life is having its first Pro-Life Family Night at Caron and Barnes Circus on Monday, Aug. 16th. Choose from two performances: 5pm or 8pm. The circus will perform at Maryknoll Park, 845 Pershing Ave., Glen Ellyn, with convenient access from I-355. General seating ticket: $20/adults; $10 kids/2-11 ($18/discount for adult price only with group of 25-more). Reserved or box seats $3 or $5 more. Under age 2 free. To pur-chase tickets with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover) call 312-422-9300. Our Lady of Knock Celebration Chicago Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th St., Oak For-est invites all to come out and enjoy an evening with them at their Annual Our Lady of Knock Feast Day Celebration on Monday, Aug. 16th at 7:30pm. Benediction, Rosary and Procession to the Grotto. Refreshments served. Call 708-687-9323.


Be Still… Be Still… Be Still… A Call To Centering PrayerA Call To Centering PrayerA Call To Centering Prayer

Wednesday, August 11th at 7pmWednesday, August 11th at 7pmWednesday, August 11th at 7pm

You are invited to join in an hourYou are invited to join in an hourYou are invited to join in an hour

of quiet time and learn aboutof quiet time and learn aboutof quiet time and learn about

Centering Prayer. The group meets the Centering Prayer. The group meets the Centering Prayer. The group meets the

second Wednesday of each month in the second Wednesday of each month in the second Wednesday of each month in the

Cornerstone building located on the Cornerstone building located on the Cornerstone building located on the

corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave. corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave. corner of 167th St. and 94th Ave.

Questions? please call Shirley at Questions? please call Shirley at Questions? please call Shirley at

708708708---349349349---3966 or Marge at 7083966 or Marge at 7083966 or Marge at 708---460460460---5357.5357.5357.

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Bring your blankets, tables, lawn chairs, sunscreen,

beverages with coolers – and your family and friends!

Come early to get a great spot! (No grills please!)

Sunday, August 29th 3pm








DJ, “Music To Your Ears” * Bingo * Picnic

Games* Bean Bag Tournament* Cake

Walk* Face Painter* Balloonist* Jumper*

Coloring Fun* Orland Hills Fire Truck*

Pie Eating Contest* Open Volleyball and

Softball* Grilling under the Tent (hot

dogs/burgers/brats)* Free Lemonade

Bingo will be help in the Parish Hall!

$.50 per card per game

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Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a problem with alcohol and feel a sincere desire to stop drinking, you are welcome to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) in the downstairs St. Elizabeth Seton Church Hall on Thursdays from 7:30-8:45pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement is a sincere desire to stop drinking. Families Anonymous If life has gone astray due to living with someone with a substance abuse problem, consider attending Families Anonymous on Mondays from 7-8:30pm at Palos Hospital, 123rd and 80th Ave., Palos Heights (LL Rm F). Call 708-429-5704 for information.

Stressful World Wearing You Down? Whether your concern is personal, relational or career-related, professional counseling that is confidential, convenient and affordable is available at St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr Parish. Sister Jude Moore, LCSW, ACSW, from the Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities, is your parish counselor. For further information or to make an appointment with the counselor please call 312-655-7725. Retreat Opportunities At The Port The Portiuncula Retreat Center, 9263 W. St. Francis Rd., Frankfort, offers two upcoming reflection mornings: The Canticle of Creatures: Finding Our Spiritual Home With the Rest of Creation Monday, Aug. 9th 9:30am-Noon Fee:$20 Francis of Assisi showed us a way of respecting the relationship we have with the rest of Creation as he addressed Sun and Moon, Wind and Fire as his brothers and sisters. This program will challenge us to think about how we are keeping his vision alive in our times. Sr. Paul Bernadette Bounck, CSJ will be the presenter. Pieces of the Puzzle Monday, Aug. 23rd 9:30am-Noon Fee:$15 The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is the basis for this program. It is rooted in Jungian theory and provides insights into our relationships at home, at work, and in social situations. Learning more about why we communicate the way we do, why we see the world a certain way, and how we organize our lives gives us valuable pieces of our personality style and even our life puzzle. Mary Lou Nugent will be the facilitator. To register or for more information please call 815-464-3880 or contact [email protected]. “On Holiday With God” Retreat at Chicago Botanical Gardens Mayslake Ministries, 450 E. 22nd St., Lombard, invites

you to take a one-day trip on Wednesday, Aug. 18th to the Chicago Botanical Gardens in Glencoe, IL and experience "On Holiday with God". This retreat/trip begins with a bus ride to the Gardens and includes prayer/reflection and narrated tram tour of the magnificent gardens. Lunch on your own at Garden Café with time after to explore the many gardens on your own. Group reflection before returning home. This day promises to lift our spirits and bring us closer to all of God's abundant creation. Suzette Horyza will be the tour/retreat director. $49 per person includes materials, deluxe motorcoach, garden admission

and tram tour. Please Call Dr. Mary Amore at 630-268-9000.

St. Dennis All-Parish Reunion St. Dennis is planning a great old neighborhood block party on Saturday, Sept. 25th with Mass at 4pm and party afterwards at Bourbon Street from 6:30-10:30pm. Tickets are $45 each. Call 708-250-5812.

Pray the Rosary with the

St. Elizabeth Seton Rosary Prayer Group

The Rosary Prayer Group gathers in the church

after 9am Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays by our statue,

MARY, SEAT OF WISDOM, to offer intentions with the

intercession of Mary, and pray the decades of the rosary while

contemplating the scenes of our Lord’s life, death and resurrection.

Mass Times for Travelers

Summer travelers may be interested to know that they can log on to www.masstimes.org or call 410-676-6000 for information on Catholic Mass times through- out the country. You may learn where the nearest church is as well. Worship while you journey through the summer months.

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In June, Seton parishioners set off on an

enchanting trip to Germany to experience

the famous Oberammergau Passion Play

that attracts thousands of people from all

over the world. While on their pilgrimage

the group journeyed to Poland and walked

in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II.

By Bernice Benker


POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, AUSTRIA AND GERMANY WITH FATHER BILL GUBBINS AS OUR HOST. The trip’s main highlights were the 41st Passion Play in Oberam-mergau and traveling the Footsteps of Pope John Paul II. We not only made new friendships, but came back with many special memories and lots of pictures! We left O’Hare Airport at 10am on Wednesday after driving through a very dark thunderstorm — not a great beginning for our trip! But, while looking out the rain-spotted airport window as we waited for our flight to be called, to our surprise a beautiful rainbow appeared! We took this as a sign that all would be well. Warsaw, Krakow and Czestochowa Our actual journey began on Friday with a bus tour of Warsaw and then off to Krakow with a special stop in Czestochowa on the way. We toured a small portion of

the large city of Warsaw, leaving us with the feeling of old 17th century buildings and newer “old” buildings rebuilt after the destruction from WW II. Going to Czestochowa to visit the monastery of Jasna Gora which holds the icon of the Black Madonna, was one of the greatest highlights of our tour! We had our first Mass together in the chapel with the icon located directly above the altar.

An Enchanting JourneyAn Enchanting JourneyAn Enchanting Journey


The Black Madonna

The Black Madonna icon, believed to have been painted by St. Luke the Evangelist, is located above the altar at the monastery of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. In 326A.D., St. Helen found it in Jerusalem and gave it to her son who built a shrine for it in Constantinople. During a battle, the picture was placed on the walls of the city, and the enemy army fled. The picture was owned by many other people until 1382, when invading Tartars attacked a Prince Ladislaus' fortress (where the painting was located). A Tartar's arrow lodged into the throat of the Madonna. The Prince transferred the painting to a church in Czestochowa, Poland. In 1430, a looter struck the icon twice with his sword (the sword marks are visible on her face). He was struck to the ground and died. There are many more miracles of protection attributed to the icon’s presence. In 1656, the Holy Virgin was acclaimed Queen of Poland by King Casimir. In 1920, when Rus-sians were at Warsaw’s gates, thousands walked from Warsaw to Czestochowa to ask the Madonna for help. The Poles defeated the Russians at a battle along the Wisla (or Vistula) River. Today, every school child knows the victory as "The Miracle on the Wisla.” Pope John Paul II prayed before the Madonna during his historic visit in 1979 and after his election to the Chair of Peter. The Pope made another visit to Our Lady of Czestochowa in 1983 and again in 1991.

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The Black Madonna icon is only unveiled a few hours each day. Father Gubbins celebrated Mass at this altar when the icon was unveiled. Not only was our group present, but a crowd of visitors stood devoutly behind an iron-fence that separated us from them. It was a very special Mass for all. After stopping for our first Polish-style lunch, we were off to Krakow, the 2nd largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland dating from the 10th century. Krakow began as a small village on Wawel Hill, the seat of Polish Royalty. We stayed in Krakow two days.

St. Barbara’s and Wawel Castle To begin our day on Saturday, we had Mass in the beautiful church of St. Barbara built in the 1400’s. We sang three songs at each Mass on the trip. Father Gubbins had given Linda McKeague, St. Elizabeth’s Music Director, the theme for each day. Linda selected songs and recorded them for us. Claudia Nolan, our Director of Liturgy,

prepared a song book to accompany the music. On the days we did not celebrate a Mass, we sang one song with the prayer service Father had prepared for us. We had our prayer service on the bus as we were traveling. After the Mass at St. Barbara’s, we toured Wawel Castle built in the early 1500’s. We also visited the 640 year-old Jagiellonian University where Pope John Paul II studied. From there we toured the Franciscan Church which held the underground Seminary where Pope John Paul studied for the priesthood during WWII. Lunch was outside in the main market square. The weather was beautiful, low 80’s and sunny. Next week Auschwitz and Birkenau...


Wieliczka Salt Mine Chapel

Group Photo

Front left:

Anna Talley, Bernice Benker, Marilyn Dwyer,

Linda Evert, Rosemary Kontos,

Janet Dickover, Jean Mierzwa,

Eileen Mierzwa, Rose Doyle, Tom Doyle.

Back left:

Homer Talley, Doug Benker,

Fr. Bill Gubbins, Geoffrey Evert, Torrie Ossmo,

Ronald Dickover, Sarah Ramirez, Ruben Ramirez.

Jean Mierzwa poses to play a full-scale grand piano located on a street in Krakow. The piano was a replica of an instrument that belonged to Chopin.

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Buy one ticket for $1.00 or six for $5.00 includes the prizes listed below:

Boys ages 2-4 motorized motorcycle

or Girls ages 2-4 motorized motorcycle

or American chopper motorized motorcycle for ages of 4-7

Buy one ticket for $2.00 or six for $10.00

includes the prizes listed below:

I-pod touch with application card (valued at $200.00)

or Three Piece Game Set includes: Large Bean Bag Game Boards

(one Cubs board & one Sox board) plus bags, Table Top Bean Bag Game Set

Chicago Bears plus bags Dice Game board set Chicago Blackhawks

(valued at $150.00) or

A Dinner at the St. Elizabeth Seton Rectory (the winner of this raffle prize will be able to bring five other people (a dinner up to six adults) with the priests (valued at PRICELESS)

Raffle tickets for the Seton Parish Picnic will be on sale

in the Narthex August 14th, 15th, 21st and 22nd

(Winner need not be present!)

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Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday, between 4:15-4:45pm.

Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated twice monthly at 1pm. Reserve your time by calling the Pastoral Center early. We are limited to six children per Sunday.

Baptismal Couples preparing for the birth of their child should contact the Pastoral Center to register for a one night seminar, focusing on a parent’s role in his/her child’s faith development. This session is mandatory prior to the Baptism.

Anointing of the Sick is available in the Church every Monday after the 9am Mass. For those who are ill or facing hospitalization, it is appropriate to receive the sacrament once every six months. Please call the Pastoral Center for more information.

Ministry of Care is available to give Communion to the housebound, to visit and pray for hospitalized and/or to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the Pastoral Center for assistance.

In the Hospital? Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations hospitals can no longer contact the parish regarding your hospitalization. It is the responsibility of you or a family member to notify our parish. We desire to offer whatever spiritual support we can. Please call the Pastoral Center.

Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are encouraged to make arrangements at least six months in advance.

Wedding Workshops are offered throughout the year. They provide engaged couples with guidelines and suggestions for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The workshop covers topics ranging from readings and music to flowers and video taping.

Adult Choir sings at all 10am Sunday Masses,

as well as at a number of special liturgies.

Moving? Please call the office at 708-403-0101.

Haiti Burial Cloth Workshops Since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, daily funerals have become part of the everyday lives there and burial cloths are in desperate demand. The Seton Social Action Ministry is offering these workshops dates from 6:30-9pm:

Tuesday, August 10th Zion Lutheran Church, 17100 69th Ave., Tinley Park

Tuesday, August 17th St. George Church, 6707 175th St., Tinley Park

Tuesday, August 24th St. Julie Church, 7399 W. 159th St., Tinley Park Student service hours available. Flat sheets and pillowcases can be dropped off at the parish office. For information call Elizabeth Wisnasky at 708-614-6475.

The Fatima Movie: THE 13TH DAY The Holiday Star Theater, 340 Main St., Park Forest invites you to view The Fatima Movie: THE 13TH DAY, the newly released film based on the memoirs of Sr. Lucy dos Santor on Friday, Aug. 13th at 7pm. This is a powerful presentation on the events surrounding the miraculous apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Pope Benedict said to “learn, live and spread the message of Fatima.” This film is promoted by San Rocco Oratory, Chicago Heights. Call 708-283-9096 or visit www.theholidaystartheater.net. How big is four hours of your time? PADS Needs Volunteers South Suburban PADS is gearing up for its 21st Emergency Shelter Season, which begins Oct. 1, 2010 and continues through April 30, 2011. PADS is in urgent need of volunteers to staff the shelters and volunteer cook teams. Four hours, once a month, is all it takes to help. Contact Dawn 708-754-4357 or email [email protected].

Attention All You Bean Bag Players! There will be a Bean Bag Tournament at the Seton Picnic scheduled for Sunday, August 29th at 4:30pm. Entry fee is only $10 per pair and you can sign up in the Parish Office any time before the picnic. Don’t wait too long… space is limited! Questions contact Bob Myjak at 708-403-0101.

Annie and I are all signed up for

the Bean Bag Tournament! It was

so much fun last year! Be sure to join

in on the fun!

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Bring your Antique car to display at our picnic or just come and browse!

“Parish Antique and Custom Car Display” “Parish Antique and Custom Car Display” “Parish Antique and Custom Car Display”

“Pastor’s Choice” and “Spectator’s Choice” Trophy awards! Car show registration between 1-3pm. Cars will be on display in the far west parking lot (off 94th Ave.) Questions? Contact Larry at 708-429-0928.


Back by popular demand!

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SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Bernard of Clairvaux


MAN OF THE CENTURY! WOMAN OF THE CENTURY! YOU SEE SUCH TERMS APPLIED TO SO MANY TODAY—“GOLFER OF THE CENTURY,” “COMPOSER OF THE CENTURY,” “RIGHT TACKLE OF THE CENTURY”—THAT THE LINE NO LONGER HAS ANY PUNCH. BUT THE “MAN OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY,” WITHOUT DOUBT OR CONTROVERSY, HAS TO BE BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX. Adviser of popes, preacher of the Second Crusade, defender of the faith, healer of a schism, reformer of a monastic Order, Scripture scholar, theologian and eloquent preacher: any one of these titles would distinguish an ordinary man. Yet Bernard was all of these—and he still retained a burning desire to return to the hidden monastic life of his younger days. In the year 1111, at the age of 20, Bernard left his home to join the monastic community of Citeaux. His five brothers, two uncles and some 30 young friends followed him into the monastery. Within four years a dying community had recovered enough vitality to establish a new house in the nearby valley of Wormwoods, with Bernard as abbot. The zealous young man was quite demanding, though more on himself than others. A slight breakdown of health taught him to be more patient and understanding. The valley was soon renamed Clairvaux, the valley of light. His ability as arbitrator and counselor became widely known. More and more he was lured away from the monastery to settle long-standing disputes. On several of these occasions he apparently stepped on some sensitive toes in Rome. Bernard was completely dedicated to the primacy of the Roman See. But to a letter of warning from Rome he replied that the good fathers in Rome had enough to do to keep the Church in one piece. If any matters arose that warranted their interest, he would be the first to let them know. Shortly thereafter it was Bernard who intervened in a full-blown schism and settled it in favor of the Roman pontiff against the antipope. The Holy See prevailed on Bernard to preach the Second Crusade throughout Europe. His eloquence was so overwhelming that a great army was assembled and the success of the crusade seemed assured. The ideals of the men and their leaders, however, were not those of Abbot Bernard, and the project ended as a complete military and moral disaster. Bernard felt responsible in some way for the degenerative effects of the crusade. This heavy burden possibly hastened his death, which came August 20, 1153.

Attention Golfers! Cardinal Bernardin School Golf Outing Please mark your calen-dar for Wednesday, Sept. 22nd for a fun day of golf, cocktails and dinner at the Silver Lake Country Club to benefit

Cardinal Bernardin School. Questions? Please call Tim Quinlan at 708-906-2791 or Jim Dorigan at 708-895-3918. Sponsorship opportunities available and donations are needed. Registration/sponsorship forms found at www.cardinaljbschool.com under the Golf Outing 2010. The Poor Clares Invite All To Attend The Poor Clare Nuns, who live at 12210 S. Will-Cook Rd., Palos Park (next to Holy Family Villa) invite eve-ryone to attend two upcoming events: 1. Solemn Novena dedicated to St. Clare Monday, Aug. 2nd to Tuesday, Aug. 10th at 7:30pm. (Petitions for Novena prayers may be sent to the Poor Clare Convent.) 2. Mass on the Feast Day of St. Clare Wednesday, August 11th 8:30am Bishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller will be the Principal Celebrant of the Mass. Please call (708) 361-1810. St. John of the Cross 50th Anniversary St. John of the Cross Parish in Western Springs is opening its 50th Anniversary year and inviting all for-mer parishioners to join our celebrations. Anniversary Masses will be held throughout the weekend of Aug. 28-29th. A Jubilee Mass with Cardinal George and dinner reception will be held on Sept. 18th. For more information please call 708-292-1100 or see the Event tab of St. John of the Cross 50th Anniversary page on Facebook. Reavis High School 35th Year Reunion Reavis High School is having its 35th Year Reunion Event to be held on Saturday, Sept. 11th at Chicago Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th St., Oak Forest. Contact 708-226-5710 or email [email protected] or visit www.reavisclassof1975.org. Aid For Women Benefit Dinner The Board of Directors of Aid for Women (Empowering Woman to Choose Life since 1978) cor-dially invites you to attend their Annual Benefit Dinner on Thursday, Sept. 9th featuring keynote speaker Helen Alvare. Invocation Bishop Francis J. Kane with reception at 5:30pm and dinner and program at 6:30pm. $150 per person. Call 312-621-1107 or visit www.helpaidforwomen.org.

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Andy and Annie the Ant are still in need of volunteers for Sunday, August 29th! These busy little Ants can only do so much and that is why Volunteers are needed! We want everyone to have a great time at the Parish Picnic so please consider lending a helping hand. You can contact Lisa Raspante at (home) 815-462-2084, (cell) 708-606-7539 and (email) [email protected]. Attention all you Bean Bag Players! It’s that time of the year again to sign up your team to compete in the Bean Bag Tournament at our Parish Picnic! Don’t miss out on all the fun, sign-up early as space is limited. There is a $10.00 fee per team and sign-up sheets are available in the office! Contact Bob Myjak at 708-403-0101. Do you like PIE??? Well something new at our Picnic this year will be a PIE EATING CONTEST! There is a $2 fee per contestant with a CASH prize for our 1st place winner!! A sign-up sheet is available in the office, so hurry in to reserve your spot! Bakers Needed! Do you like whipping up delicious treats? We are looking for people to help fill our sweets table in the Parish Hall during our Picnic. We are also looking for those of you who like to bake cakes for our Cake Walk.

Seton Outdoor Mass and

Old-Fashioned Picnic on

Sunday, August 29th on the church grounds

the Mass is at 3pm

and picnic will follow Food, fun, family and friends make this event a success!

Mark your calendar for the

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Pastoral Staff Rev. Richard Homa, Pastor Rev. Stanislaw Kuca, Associate Pastor Margie Guadagno, Pastoral Associate Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy Linda McKeague, Director of Music Elaine Pawlak, Religious Education Coordinator Mary Iannucilli, Principal, CJB School Sr. Dorothy Glaister, OP, CJB School RE Coordinator

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. William T. O’Mara

Resident Priest: Rev. William Gubbins

Deacon: Frank (Betty) Gildea Deacon: Joseph (Nancy) Bishop

Liturgy and Music Staff Claudia Nolan, Director of Liturgy Linda McKeague, Director of Music

Parish Office Staff Donna Stolinski, Business Manager Darlene Raila, Parish Publications Joan Nemec, Morning Receptionist Sharon Daley, Afternoon Receptionist

Religious Education Staff Elaine Pawlak, Catechetics Diana Barracca, Administration Karen Mirecki, Administration

Branches Youth Program Bruce Hall, Coordinator Rick Vlaming, Coordinator Rick Wojcik, Coordinator

Athletics Bob Myjak, Director

Maintenance Staff Raymond Yanowsky, Director of Maintenance Carlos Juarez, CJB Maintenance Coordinator Michael Makuch, Staff Joseph Shake, Staff


Monday-Friday 9am Saturday 5pm

Sunday 7:15, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am

St. Elizabeth Seton Church 9300 W. 167th Street Orland Hills, IL 60487

Parish Office: 708-403-0101 WEBSITE: WWW.STESETON.COM Religious Education: 708-403-0137


Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School 708-403-6525 Principal, Mary Iannucilli Vice Principal, Bonita Brown Administrative Assistant, Cindy Labriola Devlin

8/14 & 8/15 5:00PM 7:15AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM

GREETERS R. Coe S. Klean A. Miller D. Roczniak B. Rose/P. Rose M. Rose/J. Rose R. Sharp J. Sikora M. Taska R. Vlaming M. Vlaming

B. Coffey J. Coffey T. Humphrey L. McGhee S. McGhee D. Skrzypiec L. Skrzypiec

K. Fox M. Fox D. Gurka M. Gurka P. Gurka M. Gurka J. Klomes J. Klomes L. Klomes M. Klomes A. McCoy

A. Gent M. Havlin J. Havlin P. Havlin B. Krueger S. Lorenz N. Lorenz J. Moran D. Weber

R. Andrews M. Broderick M. Fitzgerald M. Gniady K. Ivancich B. Ivancich M. McMahon B. Wojewnik

LECTORS J. Tunelius M. Hamilton

D. Houha K. Dziallo E. Espina

L. Junkans A. O’Connor

A. Miller C. Steckhan


E. Bilecki N. Thompson D. Charnot

R. Senick O. Kozel J. Smith

J. Biallas M. Kline S. Westman

M. Kocher J. Jalowiec F. Velcich

J. Szymanek M. Pedzimaz H. Pawelczyk


M. Jeswein J. Skorzewski M. Paluch J. Paluch A.J. Kinde D. Pott M. O’Connor T. Doyle R. Vlaming G. Yakes T. Hanlon J. Murphy

J. Kenney M. Guadagno C. Nolan B. Gildea J. Fahey

C. Kirk D. Palagi N. Krieher J. Kelly K. Kelly P. Orozco V. Patrizi V. Patrizi L. Yott P. Yott T. Cohoon B. Knight

J. Mysker M. Fehrenbacher J. Kokotan-Krauss S. Michalek G. Chehy R. Laud L. Gent J. Eisenberg W. Bekta K. O’Sullivan F. Scellato E. O’Connor

B. McMahon J. Mitchel S. Lelo G. Talley A. Talley D. Sigourney K. Frese J. Frese M. Miller K. Knawa

Attention All Ministers!

All ministers schedules are now available on our website at: www.steseton.com Then visit: Music and Liturgy

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