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Page 1: nn og c o n Lindy Schneider r a e l o writer t e c a l p A · storytelling, and off ers a fl exible approach to suit the writer and the story they want to tell. Lindy Schneider

Bring your story to life with writer Lindy Schneider.

ABOUT THIS COURSEEveryone has a story to tell, and in this 4-week program, you will discover ti ps and moti vati on to start writi ng yours.

Life Writi ng is a popular way of documenti ng life experiences. It can be done for personal sati sfacti on or may be shared with a broader audience. It is a style of writi ng that draws on biography, journaling and storytelling, and off ers a fl exible approach to suit the writer and the story they want to tell.

Lindy Schneider is a freelance writer, communicati ons specialist and equine/arts therapist located in the Yarra Valley.

Her short story ‘Juice’ was shortlisted in the Cancer Council Arts Awards, and she won the Best Script award for ‘Pablo’s Muse’ in Theatre Shorts 3.

Lindy has a Post Graduate in Arts (Writi ng), Diplomas in Art Therapy, Counselling and Professional Writi ng and Editi ng, and a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketi ng).

Read more about Lindy at www.lindyschneider.com.au

Course Schedule

Date and ti me Fridays 9.30am - 11.30am8th May - 29th May (4 Sessions)

Locati on Chirnside Park Community Hub33 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park

Cost $120

Book htt ps://www.trybooking.com/BGNYW

L i n dy S c h n e i d erwriter

For more informati on:Call 1300 835 235 or visit www.cire.org.au

SESSION TOPICS:> Practi cal ti ps for getti ng started and Identi fying stories

you can tell

> Developing your story from idea through to the page

> Finding your own unique voice and writi ng style

> Techniques for researching and building story detail

> Polishing your story



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