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Page 1: No84 newslettr daily - e -15_4_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

The Army advance and dismantle tens of explosive devices

Military source at Idleb province reported that the Syrian army implemented many operations led to open the road between KhanShekhon and Maarat Al-Nouaman, killing and wound-ing large number of al-Nusra terrorists and other battalions, the army destroyed 14 wheel drive cars, equipped with various machineguns, rocket launchers, and armored vehicles, and confis-cated large number of weapons and ammunitions included mortar cannons 120 mm, 82mm, and a cannon 57mm, heavy machineguns, RBG shells and snipers. Engineering unites dismantled 100 explosive devices. The military source noted

The competent authorities foiled an attempt by terrorists detonate a car bomb carry a large quan-tity of explosives before about 500 meters from a security headquarters in Aleppo, where they were able to kill one of the suicidals , while the other

that the terrorist groups have dug trenches and tunnels along the international road with 2km long. Armed forces unites confronted terrorists attempted to attack army’s checkpoints at Idleb countryside inflicted them heavy losses, they also confronted to terrorist groups in several areas of the countryside, and destroyed a pickup car equipped with a heavy machine gun loaded with quantities of weapons and ammunition, the com-petent authorities have foiled an attempt to blow up an explosive device weighing 30 kg, which was planted on the Areha- Almsthomh road, which witness intensive irrigated movement.

detonated the car, injuring Syr-ian Arab TV reporter in Aleppo Shadi Helwa, and the photog-raphers Yahya Mouselli and Ahmed Suleiman, and wound-ing a number of citizens. Units of the armed forces eliminated on terrorists killed a large num-

The Army opens “KhanShekhon – Maarat Al-Nouaman” Road

Foiling an attempt to blow up a car bomb in Aleppo...ber of them and destroyed a car loaded with large quantities of weapons, ammunition and other car equipped with a heavy ma-chine gun, they also destroyed two armored vehicles terrorists used in movement and transfer of arms and ammunition.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

The Army destroys a number of terrorists’ cars and dismantles explosive devices in Homs

Destroying 7 cars at Der Ezzour

In Homs and its countryside units of the Syr-ian army continued military operations and destroyed terrorists’ gatherings and inflected them dead and injured, and destroyed 3 cars, two of them equipped with heavy machine guns, and another equipped with mortars, and motorcycle, pickup car and other type of van including weapons, ammunition and terror-ists, another unit also confronted to a terrorist group attacked the point of keeping security forces near Tel Al-Nabi Mando at Al-Kseer countryside, and killed a large number of them, including members of the so-called “al-Faruq

Brigades” also the army destroyed two cars loading Dushka machineguns. Engineering forces dismantled 4 explosive devices at Homs countryside weighing 25 kg, and dismantled another 2 devices at “Shenshar - alkseer” road.

At Der Ezzour the component authori-ties clashed with terrorists at the political security square, inflected them between dead and wounded. They also destroyed 3

cars equipped with machineguns. Another unit eliminated on terrorists at Al-Halbia square in the city, and destroyed 4 cars for them.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

Eliminating on terrorists of Front victory at Lattakia countrysideA unit of the armed forces eliminated on mem-bers of terrorist groups at Lattakia countryside affiliated to the Front Victory, killed a large number of them, and destroyed 12 cars equipped with weapons, ammunition and terrorists.

The Front Victory terrorists blew up minaret of Al-Omari Mosque

An official source in Daraa said that Front victory terrorists targeted the minaret of Al-Omari Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in the Islamic world, adding that the minaret is built of stone basalt, expand from the base to narrow from the top, and that if the video was published about the fall of the entire minaret is true, it means its collapse from its

base, and thus it is most likely that terrorists had put explosives inside it to employ this terrorist act after failure and fall all their masks, because in the case of targeting it by missile or rocket the proba-bility of its collapse is weak because it has a square base, and take the form of the pyramid, therefore it could be harmed but will not fall.

Australian foreign ministry admits involvement of Australians in fighting along with the terrorists in Syria

Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr admitted the involvement of Australians in fighting along with terrorist groups in Syria, considering this matter a serious threatening to Australia security, he noted to Australia concern of the impact of al Qaeda-linked groups within the Syrian opposi-tion, the Minister said” “We think about what are the required appropriate legal positions and additional legal steps, and we discuss this matter with Britain, France and the United States. “The weak end Australian” newspaper revealed that the Australian Intelligence Agency “ASIO” fears that half the Australians who believe they are fighting

in Syria currently, and their number is 200, are fighting alongside the Front victory terrorist af-filiated with al Qaeda, and listed by Australia last month at the list of terrorist organizations and is preparing to ban it.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

The ministerial committee to implement the political program to resolve the crisis, met the citizen of Barada Valley

Ministerial Committee met with a group of citizens of the Barada valley adopted the lan-guage of reason and dialogue and left arms in result of their conviction that the solution in Syria will be only by love and dialogue, and to renounce violence, and to take up arms and fighting will only lead to ruin. President of the Coun-cil expressed his delight at the meeting with a group the country people who have ex-perienced arms. Al-Halki not-ed to the plans and programs prepared by the government

to support agriculture and activate tourism movement in Damascus countryside, and provide jobs for their children, and restore security and stabil-ity to all Syrian governorates, and the government strength-ening the capacity of the national economy, and provid-ing living needs for citizen ns. Citizens expressed their thanks to the government for this call for dialogue, and configuring the right climate to it through administrative and judicial procedures which were ap-proved to enhance credibility,

pointing out the importance of addressing the situation of detainees and hostages, and to the great efforts made by the government to improve the economic and living reality of the citizens.

Interior Minister... Those who depend on Enemies of Homeland Now Heading towards Defeat

Minister of Interior, Lt. Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar, stressed that what the armed terrorist groups are implementing a scheme aimed at undermining Syria’s stead-fastness and firm national stances to serve the interests of Israel and the US. Attending a field exercise carried out by the Special Mission Unit, Al-Shaar noted that those who

depend on the enemies of the homeland are now heading towards defeat. He called on the Army officers to be at high readiness to implement the tasks assigned to them while carrying out their duties, noting that the solu-tion to the crisis can only be by leaving arms and resort to dialogue, because it is the only way to stop the bleeding of the Syrian people.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

Information Minister… Media institutions must document the truth of terrorists’ act

Fifth Medical shipment to Aleppo

A new shipment arrived Aleppo of medical supplies and emergency weighs 58 tons to support primary health care services in the province, Health Minister Dr. Saad Al-Naef said in a statement that the shipment will be

The Minister of Information Omran Al-Zoubi opened yesterday the first documentary exhibi-tion titled “minarets and bells on the impact of pain” hosted by the Media organization “Dam Press” in Al-Baath house building at Damascus, The exhibition included photographs of the acts of sabotage, which affected sacred mosques and churches in Syria, then they showed a short documentary film about the criminal acts of the terrorist groups, and the media incite-ment faced Syria. Al-Zoubi called on all official media and institutions to highlight and docu-ment the reality of terrorists’ crimes, emphasizing that it puts the national media at a great

challenge to clarify these issues.

distributed on various health centers in the province according to their needs. He said that there are similar shipments arrived dur-ing the past few days to several provinces es-pecially Al-Hasakah, Deir Ezzour provinces.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )84( 2013/4/15

Festive in the cinema club at Tartous

Two tourist projects with 100 million Syrian pounds value in Tartous

The Ministry of Tourism licensed two tourist projects in Tartous with a value of 100 million Syrian pounds. The first proj-ect is the beach chalets worth up to / 70 / million Syrian pounds, while the second

Cinema Club at Tartous had a festive because of the thirty-second anniversary of its founda-tion, included a show of the documentary film (tunnel), which depicts the suffering of who dis-placed from their homes because of attacks by terrorist groups, and the paperwork movie (the man) which won several Oscars. There are also other festive events cultural seminars which

host many of the artists and Syrians creators in all fields and disciplines.

project is a restaurant in the “Mashta Al-Helow” area worth / 30 / million Syrian pounds, and putting it in investment is expected to be in a year and a half from starting work.

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