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Page 1: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do


Written By

Steven Sallie

[email protected]

First DraftMay 28, 2017

Page 2: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

INT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - EVENING Not much to speak of. A cramped space. No breathing room. Walls painted a sickeningly dark vomit-green. Motivational posters on the walls: “YOUR WORDS, YOUR BEHAVIOR, YOUR DESTINY,” “MENTAL HEALTH IS A SICKNESS JUST LIKE DIABETES, HEART PROBLEMS, EYE PROBLEMS, WE ALL NEED HELP.” EVAN (16) sits in a circle with half a dozen other TEENAGERS, all of whom look like they'd rather be anywhere else in the entire world. In the center of the circle sits HANNAH (50's). She's holding a clipboard and has a cheesy smile plastered on her face. Kinda like an airline stewardess. Hannah looks around the circle, trying to get a feel for who will put up the least struggle. Sure enough, her eyes fall on Evan.

HANNAHEvan? Why don't you start us off? Anything you wanna get off your chest?

Evan stares around the circle, letting out a low sigh.

EVANNot really.

A few kids in the circle LAUGH. Hannah tries to ignore it.

HANNAHNothing at all?


I was born. I'm living. I'll die. What more do you want?


Okay... Why do you feel that way?

EVANWhy do I feel that way? Life sucks. Or haven't you noticed.


I'm sure there has to be something that makes you happy. Something that gives you a sense of joy.


What is this, a Mr. (MORE)

Page 3: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)Rogers episode? I'm sure you think you're helping us some how, but you're not. My parents just wanted to dump me somewhere.

Hannah writes something on her clipboard, nodding. She looks up at Evan.

HANNAHWhat makes you say that?


They don't care. They never had.

HANNAHAnd why don't they care?

Evan shrugs, aggravated.

EVANI don't know. They just don't. They don't give a shit if I get better. They just want me on meds so I'll be quiet and stay out of everyone's way. Outta sight, outta mind.


I'm sure your parents love you, Evan.


You think so? You live with them. Put up with them for a week and see if you feel like they care.

Across the circle, Evan makes eye contact with a girl, JENNY (16), who quickly looks away, embarrassed. After a moment, she gets up the courage to look back at him. Smiles. Evan smiles back.

HANNAHIf you could get your parents to understand the way you feel, what would you want to say to them?


I'd tell them to leave me alone. The second I get out of bed, they start on me. It's a million questions or they're griping at me about something.



Page 4: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)(beat)

I just want peace. I don't sleep. My mind won't shut off. It'd be nice to get some rest for once.

Jenny, who's been watching intently this whole time, chimes in --

JENNYThat's gotta suck.

Evan nods.

EVANIt does.

He then turns his attention to Hannah.

EVANI'm Bipolar. It doesn't matter how much I think it sucks. I'm just marked crazy and thrown into a pile.


No one's throwing into a pile. Any of you.


Feels that way.

HANNAHYou're luckier than you think. I hope I can get you to see that.


Yeah... Evan gestures around at the room.

EVANThat's why I'm here.

Hannah removes her glasses. Gently places them on her clipboard. She caps her pen.

HANNAHI think that's good enough for today. Remember, you're not going to get better over night. Things like this take time.

Hannah stands. The others do the same. They grab their chairs and drag them to the corner of the room.


Page 5: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

Hannah calls out to all of them --

HANNAHRemember, you're all special.

As the kids walk away, Evan, who's bringing up the rear, rolls his eyes.

INT. KITCHEN, EVAN’S HOME - NIGHT Awkward silence. The wall clock TICKS every slow, creeping second. Evan sits at the dinner table with his parents, ANNE (30's) and CHRISTIAN (40's). No one is making eye contact. No one seems to have any life in them whatsoever. The silence finally becomes too much for Anne. She looks up from her plate to engage her son --

ANNE So... how did it go?

Evan keeps his head down, picking at his food with his fork.


Anne nods, unsatisfied. She puts down her fork, pressing on.

ANNEDid they ask about your medicine?


No, mom. That's what the doctor's for. Therapy's so I don't freak out and kill somebody, remember?


That's not funny.

EVANIt's true, isn't it? Everyone's so afraid I'm a ticking time bomb that's gonna explode any minute.


Can you blame us? Evan throws down his fork, then sinks back in his chair.


Page 6: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANI haven't had a freakout since they started my new meds.

Evan takes a long pause, cooling down. He knows what his parents want to hear. He reins in his anger. Trudges forward --

EVANHannah says I'm making progress. As long as I keep up the group sessions and take my meds, then I should be fine.

Anne smiles, returning to her food.

ANNEThat's great, honey. We just want you to get better.

Evan nods. But he doesn't buy it. Finally, in a defeated voice --

EVANI know.

Everyone returns to their dinner. The awkward silence returns, it's almost as if nothing happened at all.

INT. EVAN'S BATHROOM - NIGHT Evan at the mirror, staring himself down. Holding his PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE in one hand, staring it down with intense loathing. Evan unscrews the cap. Pours one into his palm, then stares at it. Contemplating. After a long moment, Evan tilts his hand, letting the pill drop DOWN THE SINK DRAIN. He runs the faucet, washing it down. Evan turns, leaves the bathroom, flicking off the light behind him.

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan in bed, messing around on his phone. We catch glimpses of the screen -- DEALING WITH MENTAL HEALTH. BIPOLAR TEENS. HOW TO MANAGE MENTAL HEALTH.


Page 7: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

He stares intently at the screen, reading over article after article, hanging on every word. With each new paragraph, his face slacks. A feeling of helplessness. Of hopelessness. After deciding his research isn't too helpful, Evan turns off his phone. Sits it on the night stand. Turns off the light. In the DARKNESS, Evan tries to get comfortable. After some tossing and turning, he gives up, rolling onto his back. Stares into the dark ceiling.

INT. LUNCH ROOM, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Groups of STUDENTS packed into tight groups at their corresponding tables. All the typical cliche kids are here: PREPS, JOCKS, NERDS. Everyone knows there place. Everyone has their spot. Then there's Evan -- Sitting alone at a table in the corner. Not hated, not loved. Just invisible. Evan picks at his food, trying his best to avoid looking at the other students.

INT. CLASS ROOM, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan in the back, scribbling notes. He stares at the TEACHER, trying to focus on his words. WE HEAR WHAT'S GOING ON INSIDE EVAN'S HEAD: The Teacher's words are lost on him, replaced by the washed out sound of RUSHING WATER. Evan CLINCHES his eyes tightly, trying to shake it off.

INT. HALLWAY, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan at his locker, fishing for his books. He finds what he's looking for. Stuffs it into his backpack. As Evan is finishing up, a group of JOCKS pass by his locker. TODD (17) brushes into Evan "accidentally". ELBOWS HIM HARD IN THE SHOULDER. Todd chuckles, looking to his pals for encouragement.

TODDSorry, psycho. Didn't see ya there.



Page 8: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

TODD (CONT’D)Maybe you should watch where you're going.

Evan turns. Shoots Todd A LOOK. Takes a step forward. Todd smirks, then raises his finger in a critical parent sort of way.

TODDCareful. You don't want to start trouble.

Evan thinks it over for a moment, reining his anger in. Finally, he turns back to his locker, trying hard to just ignore Todd and his pack.

TODDSmart, psycho. Real smart.

Todd and his buddies ERUPT INTO LAUGHTER, moving down the hall and out of sight. A few of the students cast looks in Evan's direction. Evan tries to ignore them, wishing like hell he could be invisible. Evan shoulders his backpack. SLAMS his locker. Storms down the hall, ignoring everyone's PIERCING STARES.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan moves through the CROWDS OF KIDS rushing for the buses. He makes his way through the mob scene, heading down the sidewalk.

EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON A quaint, small river-side playground. A few shelter houses. Some picnic tables. And a large gazebo, at which sits Evan, staring intently out onto the calm surface of the water.

INT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - EVENING Back at it, Hannah scribbles on her clipboard as LUCAS (15) pours his heart out. Hannah occasionally nods her head, prompting Lucas to continue --

LUCAS...sometimes it's hard to get the voices to stop. It's like they control me more than I control my own thoughts.


Page 9: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

Hannah finishes writing something on her clipboard, then looks up at Lucas.

HANNAHSo you find it difficult to concentrate?

Lucas nods.

LUCASYeah. I can barely get a thought together.

A couple kids in the room seem genuinely concerned. Evan, however, stares at his dangling shoestring. Across from him, Jenny FLICKS A RUBBER BAND AROUND HER WRIST, SNAPPING IT LOUDLY.

LUCASBut my parents have really been helping out. It's great to have people I can confide in.

Jenny and Evan roll their eyes at the same time.

HANNAHThat's really great, Lucas. I'm glad you're doing better.

Lucas looks around the circle with a slight smile. Hannah looks across from her to Jenny.

HANNAHJenny? Why don't you finish us up for today?

Jenny rolls her eyes.

JENNYDo I have to?


Come on. It'll be fun.

JENNYIf you say so.


Jenny shifts forward in her chair, crossing her legs. She pulls up her sleeve, revealing A DOZEN SELF-INFLICTED CUTS RUNNING UP HER ARM. Points to one.


Page 10: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYThis one is the most recent addition to my collection. My mom and her husband wouldn't stop bitching about something. I got tired of listening to it, so I figured, you know, why not?


So you did it because you were bored?


I guess. Or anytime I don't feel like dealing with something. Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something.

Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard.

HANNAHWhy do you feel that way?


I don't know. When my mom hooked up with loser face, she quit caring about me. It doesn't matter if I need anything, if something's important to me, if I need her. All she cares about is him. God knows why...

Evan listens to Jenny's words, feeling a connection. Sympathy. Equality. This girl gets it.

JENNYMy parents split when I was six. Mom's had tones of loser boyfriends since then, but once she got with this guy she stopped having her own identity. She's his lapdog.


Do you miss the relationship you had with your mother?


If you wanna call what we had a relationship. At least before it kinda felt like she cared. I didn't have to go hungry because she was out with some douchebag.


Page 11: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

HANNAHI understand how you must feel. But do you really think cutting yourself is the answer?

Jenny shrugs.

JENNYI'm use to it now. What's it matter?

She makes brief eye contact with Evan, but quickly looks away.

EXT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, PARKING LOT - EVENING Evan waits on the curb, playing a game on his phone. Most of the other kids have left, only a few cars remain. As Evan struggles with a particularly difficult level, Jenny walks up behind him.

JENNYYour parents forget to pick you up?

Evan looks up, surprised. He turns his phone off. Shoves it in his pocket.

EVANThey had a flat tire or something. They're suppose to be here soon, though.

Jenny nods. She takes a seat beside Evan. For a long moment, they sit. Dead silence. The awkward tension builds and builds, it's almost cute. Maybe a little sad, but in an adorable way. Finally, Jenny grows some balls and starts a conversation --

JENNYIs it just me, or does Hannah really, really need to get laid.

Evan lets out a burst of LAUGHTER, perhaps a little louder than he meant to. Jenny smiles out of the corner of her mouth.

JENNYShe does! I swear to god, she's so damn perky all the time but she's still so stiff.



Page 12: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNY (CONT’D)She needs to get the stick out of her ass and have some fun or something. You know?

Evan stares, mouth open, unsure of what to say. Jenny blushing, looking embarrassed.

JENNYSorry. Sometimes when I get started, I don't know when to shut up.


It's fine. (then)

But yeah, you're totally right. She needs something. I swear to god, if I have to hear her say, "why do you feel that way?" one more time, I'm gonna throw my chair at her.

They laugh. Their awkwardness thins out a bit.

EVANMy first session, that was like the first thing out of her mouth. My mom was there, too. She bought into it right away. Now I'm stuck coming to this hell hole until they decide I'm better.


Don't feel too bad. Looks like I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life.


Maybe you and Hannah could get an apartment together or something.


JENNYOh, god! I'd rather die.

Jenny looks at Evan for a beat, thinking. She goes for it --

JENNYYou wanna go out sometime?

Evan looks taken aback.


Page 13: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANOkay. That was random.


I'm crazy, remember? It's what I do. I've been listening to you since you started coming here. You seem a lot like me. I just thought maybe we could hang out or something...

(beat)But if you don't want to --


No. I think that would be cool.


Jenny reaches into Evan's pocket. Pulls out his cell phone. She puts her number in his contacts, then hands it back.

JENNYThere you go. Text me tonight and we'll work something out.

Jenny stands. Evan looks around, expecting to see a car.

EVANAre your parents here?

Jenny laughs.

JENNYI wish. No, they make me walk to and from here every day after school.


That's messed up.

JENNYTell me about it.


How do they know you don't just blow it off?


They call and make sure I showed up.

Jenny starts down the sidewalk, wrapping her jacket tightly around her. Over her shoulder --


Page 14: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYText me tonight.


Okay. He watches Jenny walk away and turn a corner, disappearing from sight. As Evan turns his attention back to the parking lot, he sees his parent's mini van pull in. He stands. The van comes to a stop in front of him. His parents give him a smile as he opens the side door.

ANNESo... how was it?

Evan grins.

EVANIt was all right.

He gets into the van, sliding the door shut behind him.

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan in bed, lying horizontally, his head dangling over the edge. He's on his phone, finishing a text to Jenny. He finishing typing, then looks it over: "WHERE DO YOU WANNA GO?" He nods, pleased. Hits SEND. Then waits for a response. After a beat, Jenny's text comes through: "I DON'T CARE. WHEREVER YOU WANT." Evan looks frustrated. He rubs his forehead vigorously. Types a reply: "MOVIE?" He hits SEND. Almost immediately, Jenny's reply pops up: "SOUNDS GOOD." Evan smiles. Texts a reply: "WHAT DO YOU WANNA SEE?"

INT. LOBBY, HARKINS THEATER - NIGHT Evan and Jenny wait in line for their tickets. Jenny takes off her jacket. Wraps it around her waist. Evan notices her forearms: FRESH CUT MARKS.


Page 15: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

Jenny catches him looking and quickly covers them with her hand.

JENNYSorry. I know it grosses some people out.


You don't have to apologize. (then)

Does it hurt? Jenny looks down at her scars. Runs her fingers over it.

JENNYI guess. I know it's weird, but it feels kinda good at the same time. Is that weird? Oh my god, I'm so weird. I'll shut up now.

Evan shrugs.

EVANHey, I have no right to judge anybody. I'm crazy too, remember?


It's just nice to have someone not think I'm nuts. Guess everyone thinks I'll cut them too.

Evan smiles. Trying to make light --

EVANSo if I act out, you gonna cut me?


Like we're in prison and you're my bitch.

They laugh. An OLDER COUPLE behind them stares them down, not getting the joke.

EVANI get what you mean. People think I'm crazy too.


Yeah, but do they throw plastic knives at you?

Evan stares at her, confused.


Page 16: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYSeriously. These two dudes threw a handful of knives from the cafeteria at me, screaming, "You like cutting yourself, here!"


You're kidding?

JENNYI swear.


That's fucked up. They try that again, tell them I'll go all crazy on them.

INT. CINEMA 6, HARKINS THEATER - NIGHT Evan and Jenny sit in the back row, eating their popcorn. Evan takes a drink of soda, then puts his hand on the arm rest. He glances down at Jenny's hand, resting on her lap. Reaches down. Holds it. Jenny looks up at him, then at their interlocked hands. Smiles. Evan moves his hand up her arm. To her scars. Jenny's smile fades. She leans in closer to Evan, whispering in his ear --

JENNYSure you don't think I'm crazy?

Evan nods.

EVANI'm don't think I like the word crazy. And if there is such a thing as crazy, I don't think you are.

Jenny smiles.

INT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - DAY Another sessions underway. Though this time Evan and Jenny sit beside each other. Hannah can't help but notice, smiling from ear to ear.


Page 17: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

HANNAHI see two are getting along.

Evan and Jenny try their best to ignore the stares from the rest of the group. A couple of the kids make kissing noises at them. Hannah shakes her head at them.

HANNAHAll right, that's enough. It wouldn't kill you guys to get out more and make some relationships.

The group simmers down, shooting daggers at Hannah. She ignores them. Gets out her pen, ready to get started.

HANNAHOkay... who wants to start us off today?

She looks around the room. No one looks interested to start. Hannah looks at Evan and Jenny.

HANNAHWhy don't you start, Evan? You look like you've been doing well. What got you two together?

Evan thinks for a moment, summoning his courage.

EVANHow much we hate this place.

Jenny snorts laughter beside Evan. The other kids look like they're not sure if they should laugh or not. Hannah tries to play it off as a joke.

HANNAHAt least you two have something to bond over.


I guess. Hannah sees where this is going, and decides to turn her attention to Jenny.


Jenny shrugs. Hannah sighs.


Page 18: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

HANNAHJenny, you've been here longer than anyone. Why won't you let me in?


I don't plan on being here much longer. Why should I waste my time developing relationships with people I don't care about?


And why aren't you going to be here much longer?


If I have to put up with more of this place, I'll go crazy.

Jenny looks around the room.

JENNYToo late.


I know you'd rather die than admit it, but I think you know that we're here to help.


Keep holding on to that dream. Hannah looks around the group.

HANNAHWhy don't we hear from someone else?

MATT (16) looks and Hannah. Laughing.

MATTI wanna hear more about what they think.

Lucas leans forward in his chair.

LUCASMe too.

The rest of the group nods approval. Hannah caps her pen, lays her clipboard down. Rubs her temples.

HANNAHThis isn't working.



Page 19: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

HANNAH (CONT’D)Why don't we take a break, grab some air.


This isn't working just because we don't agree with you? That's kinda fucked up, isn't it? Anyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically wrong?


Of course not. But it's my job to help you guys. What do you think your parents will do if I let you do whatever you want?


So you don't want our parents to get pissed at you?


That's not what I said.


Hannah glares at Jenny, looking stern for the first time.

HANNAHWe're taking a break.

She stands.

HANNAHBe back in fifteen minutes.

(to Evan and Jenny)And you two -- sit apart.

She walks out. Most of the kids gets up to leave. As Matt passes Evan, he extends his hand for a FIST BUMP.


Evan smiles. Bumps Matt's fist.



Page 20: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON Evan and Jenny stand on the river bank, skipping stones. Evan is smiling, but Jenny is ecstatic.

JENNYHow awesome was that? That's the first time I've seen Hannah at a loss for words.


It was pretty nice.

JENNYPretty nice? It was the greatest thing to happen in the world since stuffed crust.

Evan laughs. He stops suddenly, putting his hand on his forehead. Like he's going to pass out. He SCRUNCHES his eyes. Shakes his head.

JENNYAre you all right?

Evan tries to shake it off. Opens his eyes.

EVANI'm fine. Sometimes the meds they've got me on make me kinda dizzy.

Evan sits down. Jenny sits beside him. She rubs his back.

JENNYDo you want me to get you a water or something?


Thanks, but I'll be fine. I just have to sit for a few minutes till it passes.


I'm sorry.

EVANIt's okay. My old meds made me feel worse. Made me lay around and eat all day too.


Page 21: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYAt least your parents let you take meds. My mom -- which means my step dad -- says that mentally ill people don't need medication, that it's all in their heads, and that all they need is a shrink.


Your step dad sounds like a real bitch.


You should see him on his period. Evan looks like he's starting to feel better. He seems more stable and the color is coming back to his face. He turns to Jenny, desperate to change the subject.

EVANSo they won't let you take anything, huh?

Jenny shakes her head.

EVANYou should honestly feel lucky. They keep me on a rotating cycle of meds. And just when my body starts to adjust to a new one, they change it on me.


They haven't found anything that's worked?


Not completely. Anytime they get close, even if it's working and I say I feel great, they keep changing it on me. I feel like a fucking lab rat.


I'm sorry. Evan flashes her a grin.

EVANIs there anything you don't feel sorry for?

Jenny thinks for a moment.


Page 22: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYWorld War II. I think Hitler deserves the credit for that one. Don't you?


Definitely. Evan stares at Jenny, wondering if he should ask his own questions.

EVANWhat about you? They've seriously never let you take anything?


Before my mom got with loser face I was on anti-depressants. They helped a little bit, but I guess my life's just been too consistently shitty.

Jenny holds out her arms.

JENNYWhich explains my body art I guess.

Evan takes her arm and runs his fingers along her scars.

EVANHow long's it been since you cut yourself?

Jenny shrugs.

JENNYI don't know. Little over a week, maybe. I haven't cut myself since we went to the movies.


See, you don't need meds or a shrink. You just need me.


Sounds good. Evan pauses, thinking.

EVANI tell you what.



Page 23: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)If you can go a whole month without cutting yourself, I'll buy you an ice cream.


An ice cream?



From where?

EVANAnywhere you want.


What flavor?

EVANWhatever you want.

Jenny looks down at her arms, considering the offer.

JENNYA whole month?

Evan nods.

EVANThirty days.

Jenny extends her hand.


Evan shakes it.


Jenny looks back down at her arms, then back at Evan. She smiles.

JENNYWhy do you care how much I cut myself?

Evan hesitates for a moment, then decides to be honest.

EVANBecause I like you.



Page 24: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)I don't like seeing you hurt, whether you did it yourself or not.

Jenny smiles. Evan smiles back. OVERHEAD: A STORM quickly blows in. Thunder roars in the distance. RAIN begins to sprinkle down on them. Evan and Jenny get up and head for shelter house a short distance away. They get under the shelter, watching the storm. Jenny looks sideways at Evan. Without a word, she reaches up, grabs Evan. Pulls him close. KISSES HIM. They continue to kiss as the storm rages around them.

EXT. JENNY'S HOUSE - EVENING Evan and Jenny approach the gate. Jenny stops. Gives Evan a look that says everything -- he should stay where he is. Evan gets it.

JENNYI'll text you later, okay?

Evan eyes the house.

EVANSure you don't want me to come in and meet the parents?


Fuck no. After five minutes, you'd run away and I'd never see you again.


That bad, huh? Jenny nods. Evan sees her sincerity. She kisses him, then gives him a tender embrace. She holds on for a moment, not wanting to let go.

JENNYI'll text you later. Okay?




Page 25: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

They separate. Jenny opens the gate and heads for the house. Evan watches her go. Once she's safely inside, Evan turns and heads down the sidewalk.

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan cross-legged on his bed, back against the wall, texting Jenny. He reaches onto his nightstand. Grabs his PILL BOTTLE, pours one into his hand. He sighs. Pops it in his mouth, then chases it with water.

INT. PATHWAYS MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - DAY Evan stares into space as Hannah finishes up with one of group members. Looks at Evan, expecting the worst.


Evan comes back to reality. Looks at Hannah. He looks worn out and haggard. It doesn't look like his medicine is agreeing with him.

HANNAHAnything you'd like to say?


No. Hannah nods. It's not worth it. Evan turns his attention back to nothingness. Jenny stares at him, concerned.

INT. MALL - AFTERNOON Evan and Jenny walk through the crowd, hand in hand. Evan is silent. Jenny is worried.

JENNYAre you all right?



JENNYAre you sure?

Evan looks at her. Sees her concern. He puts his arm around her. Kisses her.


Page 26: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANI'm sure. I just feel like shit. They changed my medicine again. I feel like such a fucking zombie.


Why don't you tell them that?

EVANI do. They don't care. And my mom probably takes me to the doctor just so she won't get arrested or something. I guess if your kids snaps and murders fifty people, they think it's on the parents. I don't know.


You make it sound like you're the Hulk or something.

Evan sighs. Getting serious.

EVANIf I'm having a manic episode, then I can lash out. Guess it kinda creeps some people out. It's really scary sometimes. When I get like that, I'm not in control of my actions, or my mind.

Evan realizes what he's saying -- how intimate he's being.



You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. You didn't ask for this. Neither of us did.


It'd just be nice to feel normal for once.


I wouldn't know. Evan manages a small chuckle. Locks eyes with Jenny. They approach a JEWELRY KIOSK. Jenny sees something that appeals to her -- a SILVER NECKLACE, TWO HEARTS INTERLOCKED. Picks it up.


Page 27: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYThat's pretty.

She holds it up for Evan to see. He looks at it for a moment. Takes it in his hand.

EVANYes it is. You want it?


No way! It's too expensive. I'll feel bad.

Evan rolls his eyes.

EVANYou feel bad about everything.

Evan takes the necklace to the kiosk's VENDOR. Hands it to him, digging in his pocket for some cash. He pays. The vendor places the necklace in a small bag.


Evan takes it. Hands it to Jenny.

JENNYYou didn't have to do that. I could've bought it.


I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. I wanted to get you something you'd like.


Thank you.

EVANYou're welcome.


Now I have to get you something.

EVANNo you don't.


Yes I do.

EVANNo you don't. This isn't a competition.


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Jenny keeps walking, paying him no attention.

JENNYI'm gonna get you something.




Evan grins.

EVANYou're impossible.


Thank you. Jenny takes the necklace from the bag. Admires it.

JENNYIt is pretty though.

Evan puts his arm around Jenny.

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - EVENING Evan lays in bed, looking at the ceiling. He hears a KNOCK on the door. Lifts his head.


Christian enters, carrying a paper. He stares his son down. Sits on the foot of the bed.

CHRISTIANWhat's this?

He holds it up. Evan scans it quickly.

EVANLooks like a report card.


Exactly. Did you notice there isn't a single letter above "C" on here.


I had noticed that, actually.


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CHRISTIANYou can do better than this. Your mother and I are tired of you not trying.


I do try, dad. Sometimes it's hard. Maybe I'm just stupid or something.


You're not stupid. Just lazy. You're afraid to apply yourself.


I'm sick, okay? The medicine makes it hard to focus sometimes.

Christian stands. Angry.

CHRISTIANDammit, Evan. You can't blame everything on your health.


I thought that's what crazy people were suppose to do. Blame everything on their insanity.


You're not insane. Christian waves the report card.

CHRISTIANAnd this isn't expectable anymore. You're too old to act like this. You have health issues, and that's something we have to keep in control, but you're not some crazy person who's not in control.


It feels that way sometimes.

CHRISTIANHow do you expect to make it in life if you don't apply yourself.

Evan can't fight it back anymore. He ERUPTS --

EVANI don't! I don't expect anything! I don't want anything!



Page 30: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)I just to be left alone! I just want peace! I want you to leave me alone!

Christian stands.

CHRISTIANYou're grounded. For the next month, there's no TV, no phone, no anything. You'll go to school and Pathways. Otherwise, you'll be here studying. Understand?

Evan shoots daggers at Christian.

CHRISTIANDo you understand?


Yes. Christian leaves.

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER EVAN DESTROYS THE ROOM -- He picks up his TV. Throws it into the wall, where it smashes into pieces and falls onto floor. He puts his fists through the wall, sending sheetrock to the floor. He's COMPLETELY MANIC, SMASHING and DESTROYING everything he can get his hands on.

INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE, WAITING ROOM - DAY Evan sits between his parents. They're beyond words, things have gotten out of hand. A NURSE enters, nods Evan toward the hallway.


INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE, EXAM ROOM - DAY Evan sits on an exam table. His mother sits in the corner.


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DOCTOR BURKE (40s) examines Evan's hand, which is BRUISED and COVERED IN DEEP GASHES.

DOCTOR BURKEYou're lucky you didn't tear an artery. What in the world sent you off this time?

Evan makes uncomfortable eye contact with his mother. Looks down at his hand.

EVANIt's a long story.

(trying to make light)If it helps, I feel a lot better now. I think I just needed to break some stuff.

Doctor Burke and Anne stare Evan down. Evan shakes his head.

EVANI hate feeling like this. Sometimes I can't help it. I can't control myself. It's scary.

Doctor Burke pats Evan reassuringly on the shoulder -- he feels bad for the kid.

DOCTOR BURKEI'll talk with Dr. Dotson, see if he can't find something that's a little less intense. Maybe something that can help keep you balanced without going from extreme to the other.

Doctor Burke stands, removing his gloves. He tosses them in the trash. Turns to Evan, leans against the sink, folding his arms.

DOCTOR BURKEIn the meantime, why don't you stop trashing rooms, all right? You're not Marilyn Manson. I know teenagers think you've got it harder than Holocaust survivors, but trust me -- it could be worse.

Evan nods weakly.

INT. LUNCH ROOM, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan Jenny sit in the back. Jenny is holding Evan's bad hand, sizing up the damage.


Page 32: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANSo now they're probably going to double my therapy. Like I didn't have enough of that. And I'm grounded for the next two months. School and therapy. That's it.



EVANIt was one month for the whole report card thing, but after I went all kamikaze on my room, they added another month.

Jenny frowns. Evan tries to cheer her up --

EVANSo... On a scale from one-to-ten, how badass am I?

Jenny shrugs.

JENNYI don't know. Like a four.


Four? I destroyed my room, fucked up my hand, and I'm grounded for two months. And my parents think I'm a nuclear bomb that's going to explode at any time.


Fine. You get a seven. Maybe an eight.


I'll take it.(beat)

Man, when I mess things up, I really mess things up, huh? I wasn't even that mad when my dad was yelling at me. My pissed off meter just shot from zero to a hundred in like two seconds. Next thing I know I'm seeing how much of my shit I can smash against the wall.


At least your stuff won't mess with you anymore.



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JENNY (CONT’D)(then)

Do you have any stuff left?

EVANMy phone. I didn't want to be completely cut off from the world and my parents want me to have something in case of emergencies.


Nice to know they care a little bit. So I guess this means we can't hang out for a while?


I'll find some way. If I stay cooped up in that house all the time, I'll go nuts.

INT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - EVENING Back at it. The kids don't wanna be here. Hannah is getting there too, but as she collects herself, an idea seems to come over her.

HANNAHI wanna try something different today. Every day you guys come in here, I ask you about yourselves. Some of you talk, some of you don't. And I get it. Sometimes it's hard to talk to a stranger about your personal problems.

(hesitant)I figured this time, I'd fill you in on my life. Why I'm here. My experiences with mental health.

Most of the kids don't care. Evan perks up, intrigued.

HANNAHWhen I was fourteen, I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. As if being a teenager going through puberty wasn't awkward enough, try adding hearing and seeing things that aren't there and feeling like you're being watched. I was so paranoid, I might as well have been a drug addict.


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Evan isn't the only paying attention now. Some of the others in the group have started paying close attention, including Jenny, who is as curious as Evan.

HANNAHI've been where you guys are. I know how you feel. That feeling of helplessness. Feeling like no one understands you. Like you're crazy.


So when did you stop struggling?

HANNAHI still struggle with it now. I won't lie to you guys, it isn't easy. It's never going to be easy. But that doesn't mean you have to feel helpless. There is hope out there. There is help out there. You just have to be willing to except it. Things might've been a lot easier on me if my counselor had tried harder to connect with me.

As Evan lets this sink in, he and Jenny share a look. Suddenly, the flood gates have opened.

EVANHow did your parents react? Were they supportive?


My mother grew to understand. It took her a while to come around, but she finally got it. She really helped me through some rough times.


What about your dad?

HANNAHI don't think my father understood what was going on with me right up until he passed away. I think some part of him thought it was all some big mistake or something.


Did he still love you?


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HANNAHI think so. I felt like he cared. He wasn't perfect, by any means, but he did the best he could for mom and me. I think things could've been a lot easier if both of them had been on the same page.


How did the kids you went to school with treat you? Did they act like you were some kind of freak?


The kids were definitely not accepting. You think school bullies are bad now, you should've seen them back then. People were quieter about it.


Did they tease you? Call you names?

Hannah nods, chuckling to herself.

HANNAHHoney, I've been called every name you can imagine and then some. Kids think they're so clever and funny. Most of them are just as insecure as we are.

MEGAN (15) looks up from biting her nails.



Even worse. They don't have any excuse. They're just mean.

She manages to get a few laughs from the group. Hannah looks around the circle, seeing a bit of herself in all of them. She gives them all a concerned parent look.

HANNAHYou guys have to promise me you won't give up hope. I know things feel bleak sometimes, and you feel like there's no way out.



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HANNAH (CONT’D)But I can say from experience, there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to be willing to look for it.

Evan looks on the verge of tears.

EVANHow to you see it? The light? I look and look, but it just doesn't seem like it's there. I feel like everybody else can see it but me.


Me too. The group gives nods of agreement.

HANNAHSounds like you guys have a lot more in common than you think. Regardless of what you think of me, or each other, I promise you that very few people outside of this room will truly understand what you're going through.

(beat)I'm not here to make you feel uncomfortable, or like I'm prying into your private lives. As someone who's been there myself, I know how important it is to have someone you can talk to.


What if it's hard to get started with what you wanna say?


It will be. It's hard to say, "Here's how I feel", and start unloading your thoughts on someone. But I am here for you. All of you. If and when you're ready. I know some of you will open up faster than other -- and that's fine. But when the rest of you finally get around to opening up, I'll be here.


Page 37: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan sits in the floor, staring at the remnants of his outburst. Most of the broken debris has been cleaned up, leaving small piles here and there. Now the room looks oddly sparse. Bare. Evan continues to scan the room, an overwhelming sense of loneliness setting in. He curls up into a ball again his bed, wrapping his arms around his legs. Quietly, he begins speaking under his breath. Almost chanting.

EVANI just wanna be normal. I just wanna be normal. I just wanna be normal.

Tears begin to race down his face.

EVANI just wanna be normal.

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Evan paces anxiously back and forth, biting his nails. We get a sense of how drastically his mental health is beginning to change. This isn't the same young man.

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - LATER Seemingly possessed, Evan shoves what's left of the piles into a garbage bag. He hurries around the room, looking for anything he can pick up and dispose of. It's manic and therapeutic at the same time. Evan thrusts the last piece of garbage into the bag, then collapses onto the floor, back against the wall. His breathing is heavy, almost like a panic attack. Evan's head falls forward onto the heaping garbage bag. For a moment, he just lays there, unable to find the willpower to move. Finally, Evan lifts his head, looking around the room.

INT. JENNY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT A cramped, slightly claustrophobic space. Blood red walls. Tons of dream catchers.


Page 38: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

Jenny hides out in her bed, listening to the sounds of her parents fighting in the next room.

JENNY'S MOTHER (O.S.)Get off my fucking back! I told you I'll be back when I get back! Jesus!


Yeah, I bet! Who know what you're doing out there! Or who! Fucking whore!

A loud THUD booms from the next room, causing picture frames on Jenny's walls to move.

JENNY'S MOTHER (O.S.)Get away from me!


Shut up! Jenny can't take anymore. She gets out of bed. Heads for the closet.

INT. JENNY’S BEDROOM, CLOSET - CONTINUOUS Jenny hides behind some coats, cupping her hands over her ears to block out the noise. She stands, turns on the light. Grabs a RAZOR BLADE out of a box on the shelf. Jenny sits. She holds the razor in one hand, contemplating, tears running down her face. Unable to fight off the urge, Jenny drags the razor across her arm, leaving a thin gash. BLOOD streams down her arm, collecting in the crook of her elbow.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING Evan and Jenny make their way inside. Jenny fills Evan in on the night before --

JENNYI swear, I should sell tickets to their fights. Somebody would win some kind of belt or something.


That bad?


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JENNYI'm amazed the neighbors didn't call the cops. I know they had to hear them going at it. I'm still don't understand -- if you hate someone so much, why stay with them?


Maybe they can't stand the thought of being alone.


Maybe. Just wish they'd take their bullshit drama somewhere else and leave me alone.

Jenny holds her arm up for Evan to see -- NEW MARKS.

JENNYGuess it's not a total loss. Got a few new ones to add to the collection.

Evan shakes his head.

EVANIf it makes you feel any better, I think I had a mini freakout last night. That or a nervous breakdown.


What happened?

EVANThe sad thing is, I don't know. I was just cleaning up my room after I went hurricane season on it, and everything kinda hit me at once. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Jenny kisses Evan on the cheek. Tries to cheer him up --

JENNYMaybe you're not Bipolar after all. Maybe you're just a super uptight neat freak.


I'm not uptight.


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JENNYDude, I couldn't pull a toothpick out of your ass with a bulldozer.

Evan can't help but laugh.


INT. HALLWAY, HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING Evan waits by Jenny's locker as she gathers some books.

EVANYou know I really thought about leaving last night.


Where would you have gone? Evan shrugs.

EVANI don't know. I don't have anywhere to go. That's the sad thing.

(then)Plus, I didn't want to leave you.


Why? I'm nothing special.

EVANI think you are.

Jenny smiles. Then quickly tries to play it off.

JENNYYou're such a dork.

(genuinely curious)Seriously, though. Where would you have gone if you could?

Jenny closes her locker. She and Evan head down the hall, trying to keep their voices low amidst the sea of students.

EVANI didn't have any place specific planned. I've got a little bit of money saved up from my birthday and Christmas. I could see how far that got me.


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JENNYI've got some money saved up too. Every year my mom usually forgets my birthday until a couple days after, so she usually gives me cash to make up for it.


So... You've got money, I've got money. Where would we go with it?


That's a good question. It's gotta be some place nice.

INT. LUNCH ROOM, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan and Jenny finish up their lunches, discussing their dream plans.

EVANI would wanna go some place cold. I hate the heat.


Me too.

EVANAnd some place where people wouldn't bother us. Somewhere we could disappear.


Sounds nice. And it's gotta be somewhere that people don't judge you.

Evan laughs.

EVANDoes a place like that even exist?


Why not? This is all a fantasy anyway.


Why does it have to be a fantasy? Jenny stares at him, confused.



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EVANWhy does it have to be a fantasy? Why can't we do this?


I don't know, maybe because we have nowhere to go, no car and no money to live on.


We've got money saved.

JENNYNot enough to live on. Even a shitty apartment would be more than we could afford.

(beat)Face it, we're stuck baby. And it doesn't look like we're ever gonna get out.

Evan nods defeatedly, knowing it's the truth.

EVANI know. It'd be nice if we could though, wouldn't it?


Yeah. It would.

INT. VAN - AFTERNOON Christian drives. Evan rides shotgun, his head back, eyes closed. The tension in the air is pretty thick, almost smothering. Christian glances sideways at his son, then back at the road. He thumbs the steering wheel, thinking.

CHRISTIANSo... how you feeling?

Evan shakes his head, keeps his eyes closed.

EVANHow am I feeling? Spectacular. If I was any better I'd be dead.


I know you're upset about being grounded, but did you think me and your mother wouldn't punish you for destroying your room?


Page 43: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANI know that, Dad. I understand. I'm not mad at you guys. This just totally sucks -- I finally found someone I get along with that doesn't make me feel like a nutcase, and now I can't even see her outside of school and therapy.


This girl means that much to you? Evan nods, finally opening his eyes. He looks at his father.

EVANYeah. She does.

Christian sees the sincerity on his son's face. He feels for the kid.

CHRISTIANThen why don't we work something out?


(eager)You're gonna end my grounding?


Not so fast. You're still in trouble for what you did to your room. But I think I have a compromise...

INT. EVAN’S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Evan, cell phone to his ear, plops down on his bed, landing on his stomach.

EVANThey want you to come over for dinner.

INT. JENNY’S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Jenny sits up suddenly in bed. A look of terror on her face.

JENNYThey want me to what?

INTERCUT Evan rubs his forehead.


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EVANThey want you to come over for dinner. My Mom and Dad think we're gonna bond or something.

Evan waits. Jenny stays silent.

EVANDo you wanna run away? You wanna run away, don't you?


I don't want to run away. Mostly. What in the hell do they wanna have me over for dinner for?


They said it was a compromise. Since I can't leave the house other than to go to school and therapy, this is a way you and me can spend more time together. My Dad says that he hasn't seen me this happy in a long time.

(beat)If you don't wanna come, I get it.

Jenny shakes her head, breathing slowly. Coming to peace with the idea.

JENNYNo. No. I'll do it.

Evan looks a little surprised.






Yes, Evan.

EVAN'Cause I swear, you don't have to do this if you don't want to.


Relax. You're gonna bust a blood vessel or something.



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JENNY (CONT’D)I'll be there. Just tell me what time.


My Mom said she'd have dinner ready around six.

Jenny nods. Then another thought sets in --

JENNYShould I get there right at six?



JENNYShould I get there at six, or should I get there a little early so I look punctual? Or do you think that would make me look desperate?


Six is fine.

JENNYAre you sure?


I'm sure.

JENNYAll right. I'll be there.


Okay. See you then.



Bye. They hang up. Evan drops onto his bed, sighing. Jenny drops onto her bed, sighing.


Page 46: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

INT. KITCHEN, EVAN’S HOME - EVENING Evan and Jenny sit across from Evan's parents. Evan awkwardly picks at his food. Jenny wears thick long sleeves to hide her arms. Evan's parents watch them, unsure how to proceed. Christian helps himself to seconds as Anne finishes her drink, then looks at Jenny.

ANNEEvan says you two met at group therapy?

Jenny looks startled.

JENNYYeah... We did.

Evan nods.

EVANYep. It was very therapeutic.

Christian snorts laughter. Anne shoots him a look. Christian's looks down at the table.

ANNE(to Jenny)

So what's wrong with you?


Anne recants. Embarrassed.

ANNEOh, god. I'm sorry. That came out wrong. I just meant --


I cut myself. Anne and Christian stop in their tracks, staring at Jenny.

JENNYI have for a few years now. Things at home are pretty rough, sometimes it's the only way I can deal.

Jenny casually takes a drink, giving Evan a look -- a silent plea for help.


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EVANHannah told us she's Schizophrenic. I guess it was really hard on her as a kid.


I can only imagine. Awkward silence returns, occasionally interrupted by the SCRAPING of silverware on plates. Jenny looks around the room, fishing for anything to say.

JENNY(to Anne)

You have a lovely home.

ANNEThank you. It isn't easy with two messy boys to take care of.

Evan and Christian nod in unison.

ANNESo what about your parents? What do they do?


My parents divorced when I was twelve. I don't get to see my dad much. My mom's had a dozen losers over the years. My current stepdad's kinda a loser.

Evan rolls his eyes, hides his face in his hands.

JENNYAt least he has a job though. He works for the oil refinery. Though I keep wondering when he'll get fired. He keeps skipping work because he's hungover.

(then)And my mom works at a dinner.

Anne nods, biting her lower lip.

EVANWell this is going well.


I'm not trying to be a bitch, I'm just trying to get to know your new girlfriend.



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ANNE (CONT’D)(to Jenny)

Do you have any plans for collage?

JENNYIt would be nice to go, I guess. But I can't really think of anything I'd like to do. I don't really think I'm good at anything.


Can I die now?

EXT. EVAN’S HOME - EVENING Evan and Jenny stand on the porch, leaning on the banister.

JENNYI bet your mom thinks I'm such a freak.


No she doesn't. She just doesn't know when to shut up.


Yes she does. She thinks I'm a freak. She's probably gonna be like, 'You're not good enough for my son, you bitch.'


I don't think that's going to happen.


You don't know. It could.

EVANWhy do you care what they think of you anyway?


You don't know anything about girls, do you, Evan?

Evan shrugs.

JENNYAll girls care what their boyfriend's mothers think about them.


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I don't know. We just do. (serious)

What if they don't let us see each other any more?


They won't do that.

JENNYBut what if they do?


Then I'll tell them to fuck off. I don't really give a shit what they think. I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Evan wraps his arms around Jenny's waist. Kisses her.

EVANI wanna be with you. If they can't deal with that, then they'll get over it.

Jenny smiles. She looks like she's on the verge of tears -- she's not use to having someone care about her.

EVANJust keep telling yourself, it could've been worse.



EVANI don't know. But I'm sure it could have.

Jenny sighs. Looks at the darkening sky.

JENNYI've gotta get home. My stepdad said I had to be home by nine.

(beat)I don't want to go. I wanna stay with you.


Me too. But do you really want your stepdad pissed at you?


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Jenny gives Evan another hug.

JENNYI'll text you when I get home.


Okay. Evan watches Jenny as she heads down the steps.

EVANSure you don't want me to have my dad take you home?


Think I need the fresh air. Might stop my head from exploding.

INT. KITCHEN, EVAN’S HOME - EVENING Evan enters. His parents clean off the table, put the dishes in the sink. Evan takes a seat.

ANNEDid Jenny go home?


Yeah. She thinks you hate her.

ANNEWhy does she think that?


Can you blame her? Anne and Christian exchange a look, then sit at the table across from their son.

ANNEI don't hate her, Evan. I think she's a lovely girl. I think she has some problems, but I could also tell she really likes you.

Evan perks up at this, raising his eyebrows.



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ANNEShe wouldn't take her eyes off you the whole time. Anytime she could, she was stealing a peak at what was hers. I was the same way with your dad.




(then)She's really important to you, isn't she?

Evan nods slowly. Sincerely.

CHRISTIANYour mom and I talked it over. We think so long as you two keep up your therapy sessions, we'll loosen the reins on your grounding so you two can see each other more often.

Evan scoots forward, excited.



Really. Though you're on probation, understand? I swear to god, the next time you smash a room to pieces, you won't leave this house till you'll be ready for the nursing home.


And you've gotta keep up your grades. Got it?


Got it. Evan smiles. Gets up from the table, then heads for his room.



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EXT. FLOOD WALLS - DAY A ghost town. Trash strewn everywhere. The large, brick walls running both sides of the street for several blocks have been graffitied. Evan and Jenny walk beside one of the walls, taking in the barren area and the "art."

JENNYSo we're good to hang out now?

Evan nods.

JENNYYour mom's not gonna hunt me down and run me over?



JENNYYou promise?

Evan bumps her shoulder playfully.

EVANYes. My mom said she actually likes you.

Jenny looks stunned.

JENNYReally? Wow, that's a first. Most people hate me.


We're not most people. Evan spots a SPRAY PAINT CAN on the ground. He bends down, picks it up, gives it a test spray. A fine black mist sprays from the nozzle. Evan smiles.


Evan turns to face the wall, raising the can. He stares at it thoughtfully for a moment, rubbing his chin. Finally, he sprays a large STICK FIGURE. He steps back to admire it. Jenny turns her head from side to side, taking it in.


Page 53: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

JENNYWow. It's very beautiful. Are you Picasso's grandson or something, or does it just come naturally?


All right, Ms. Art Critic. He hands her the can.

EVANYou paint something.


I can't. I'm not artistic. Evan points at his stick figure.

EVANLike I am? Come on, just do it. It'll be fun.

Jenny looks down at the can in her hand, then at the wall.

JENNYI don't know what to paint.


Anything. Just close your eyes and paint the first thing that comes to mind.


Fine. Jenny sighs. Closes her eyes. She keeps them closed for a moment, remaining perfectly still. She starts breathing deeply. Finally, she raises the can, eyes still closed, and sprays it. She finishes, then opens her eyes to see what she's painted -- A LARGE FROWNY FACE Jenny stares at it for a moment. Evan steps beside her, appraising the art.

EVANWell that's sad. Literally.


Yeah... Evan looks at Jenny, a serious, concerned stare.


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EVANIs this really what you saw when you closed your eyes or are you just messing with me?


That's what I saw. Evan wraps his arm around Jenny. Takes the spray can from her.

EVANI'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you to do this. It was stupid.


It's not stupid. It's sad, but it actually kinda helped. Better than the shit Hannah tries to do.


Gets kinda old, doesn't it?

JENNYSo why don't we stop going?

Evan stares at her, confused.

EVANStop going? Just like that?


Why not? Evan stares at her -- he doesn't really have an answer.

INT. MUSEUM - DAY Evan and Jenny move with a small crowd through a NATIVE AMERICAN EXIBIT.

EXT. CITY PARK - DAY Evan pushes Jenny on a swing.

JENNYCome on. Higher.

Evan grips the swing and gives it everything he's got. He PUSHES Jenny as hard as he can, catching her by surprise. Jenny lets out a SCREAM, causing a few in the park to look in her direction.


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EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - EVENING Evan and Jenny make their way down the sidewalk, heading towards Jenny's house.

JENNYAdmit it -- I was right. This is so much better than spending an hour listening to Hannah's bullshit.


Okay. You were right. Jenny puts on a smug face. She puts her hand to her ear.

JENNYI'm sorry, what was that?


You were right.

JENNYOne more time?


You were right.

JENNYStill can't --

Evan playfully elbows Jenny, who bursts into laughter. She puts her arm around Evan's waist.

JENNYI don't think anyone's ever told me I was right before.


That's sad.


Jenny quickly changes the subject.

JENNYSo what do you wanna do next week?


I don't know. What do you wanna do?


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JENNYAnything. It's just great to get out of therapy.


Well don't I feel special. Jenny scoffs at Evan.

JENNYThat's not what I meant.


I know. They reach Jenny's house, pausing at the driveway. Jenny looks over her shoulder at the place, then back to Evan.

JENNYIs is stupid that I don't want this day to end?

(beat)It's stupid isn't it?


It's not stupid. I don't want it to end either.

They embrace.

JENNYI love you.

She looks up at Evan, apprehensive, nervous of his answer.

EVANI love you too.

They kiss.

INT. LIVING ROOM, JENNY’S HOUSE - EVENING Jenny enters the room to find her mother and stepfather passed out on the couch, empty beer bottles everywhere. On the coffee table behind them lays SPOONS, DRUGS, JUGS OF WATER -- everything needed to FREE BASE. Jenny removes her shoes and quietly tiptoes to her room. As she passes, she turns her head to look at her mother, unable to his her disappointment.


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INT. JENNY’S BEDROOM - EVENING Jenny shuts her door, locks it. She moves to her bed. Collapses face-first onto it.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD, BLEACHERS - DAY Evan and Jenny sit on the top row, eating their lunch. Jenny is filling Evan in on her night --

EVANSo they were just passed out on the floor?

Jenny nods.

EVANThat's fucked up.


And you don't have to put up with it.


Evan stares at her, raises an eyebrow.

JENNYHow does someone chose drugs over their own kids? Am I not good enough? Am I not worth them getting clean? I mean, I understand my stepfather -- he's a piece of shit. I couldn't care less what he does. But my mom... I thought she was suppose to love me.


She does. Jenny shoots Evan a look.

JENNYHow do you know?


I just... know, I guess.

JENNYShe's got a funny way of showing it.


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EVANMaybe some people just aren't good at showing their love.


Maybe some people shouldn't have kids if they can't fucking take care of them.


I'll give you that one.

JENNYYou know one time she was late picking me up from school because her and my stepdad got high and forgot to come get me. I had to walk home and I was like eight or something. Some creepy old guy kept watching me from his yard.

Jenny twitches, giving a disgusted expression. Evan just listens -- he doesn't have anything to add.

JENNYI tried to run away for the first time after that.


You were eight.

JENNYSo. I hated it just the same.


What happened?

JENNYI got all the way to the end of my street and one of our neighbors found me and took me home.


Jesus. Did they know what your parents were like?


I'm sure the whole fucking town knows. Don't know why they didn't take me to child services or something.

Evan tries to think up something quick, something to make her feel better.


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EVANMy parents aren't angels either.


They do drugs?



They ever forget you and you had to walk home?



JENNYSounds a lot better to me.


Maybe. But at least your parents are up front with their shit, mine are sneaky with it. They don't really treat me badly, they just don't treat me like anything.

(beat)My mom would rather hear that terrorists are gonna blow up our house than listen to me talk about what's going on in my head, with my meds, with therapy. And my dad's the same way. As long as someone tells them I'm doing better, that's good enough for them. As long as they don't have a crazy son.

Jenny raises her drink to toast Evan.

JENNYHere's to being fucked up.

Evan chuckles, raises his own glass.

EVANTo being fucking up.


See, we're a match made in mental health heaven.

Evan can't help but notice the "POPULAR KIDS" sitting at the edge of the field.


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EVANBut wouldn't it be nice to be normal? Just once?


I don't know. Jenny points at one of the girls.

JENNYI heard Becky Frasier has herpes.


Hasn't she fucked every dude in school?


Pretty much.

EVANThat's a good way to get herpes.

INT. LIVING ROOM, EVAN’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Evan shuts the door, takes off his shoes, drops his backpack, and turns -- his parents sit on the couch. Their faces stricken with anger and concern. Like an intervention. Evan cautiously steps forward.

EVANSomething wrong?


Sit down. Your mother and I need to talk to you.


Okay. He takes a seat in the recliner. His parents stare him down.

CHRISTIANPathways called. They said you haven't been to your last three sessions. They wanted to know if you were sick. You wanna tell me why you didn't go to your sessions?


Me and Jenny didn't want to.


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CHRISTIANThere better be more to that story.


We wanted to do stuff we wanted to do, not crap that people make us do.


Evan, you have to go to your sessions. You're not going to get better if you don't.


I'm tired of sitting there listening to Hannah pick our lives apart.


I don't care what you're tired of. Your mother and I pay a lot of money for this because it's what you need.


You pay a lot of money for this so that you can look good to your friends. So you can tell them your crazy son is doing well.


We didn't use to have problems out of you. Not until you started dating that girl.


Jenny doesn't have anything to do with this. I finally feel like a human and not a robot for once. Does that matter at all?


Of course it matters. Your mother and I care about your happiness.

Evan SNORTS LAUGHTER, catching his parents off guard. Even catching himself by surprise as well.

EVANDo you? Sure doesn't look that way. When was the last time you guys asked me about how things are going in my life?


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ANNEWe're always trying to get you to open up about your life.


And listen when I speak?

CHRISTIANWe listen to you.


You hear me. You don't listen. Two totally different things.

Christian and Anne bother open their mouths to speak, looking at each other. They can't bring themselves to admit it, but their son is right. Anne looks like she's on the verge of tears. Christian sinks back on the couch, pleading with his son --

CHRISTIANYou've gotta get better, Evan.


I am better. You guys would know that if you'd listen to me when I talk.


Enough! We're not going through this. Until you start to turn things around, you're not allowed to see Jenny anymore.



CHRISTIANYou heard me. We will take you to school and Pathways and that's it. You will stay in your room until your grades go up, until Hannah says you're making real progress and until you get yourself back on track.


Dad --

CHRISTIANGo to your room.


Page 63: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANThis is ridiculous. Can I just --


Room. Now. Evan looks to his mother for support. Her stern expression says it all. Evan realizes it's no use. He stands, heads for his room.

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Evan paces angrily back and forth, trying to process everything. Evan grabs his phone off the nightstand, texts Jenny: CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE. STILL WANNA RUN AWAY?

INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY - NIGHT Evan, back over his shoulder, eases his parent's door open. Looks inside -- they're sound asleep. Evan shuts the door.

EXT. EVAN’S HOME - NIGHT Evan heads down the concrete path. Stops. Gives one last look at the house, then continues forward. A man determined.

EXT. CITY PARK - NIGHT Jenny waits at a picnic table, staring out at the moon's reflection on the water's surface. A duffle bag at her feet. Evan approaches her. Takes a seat. They don't look at each other. Evan watches the water too.

JENNYSure you wanna do this?


I'm sure. I can't take anymore of this place. I can't take anymore of my family. I just can't take anymore period.

(hesitant, then)Are you sure you wanna do this?


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Jenny nods.

JENNYThe only thing I care about around here is you. My mom won't give a shit. My stepdad will probably turn my room into his man cave. No one gives a fucking shit about me.

Evan looks over at her. Takes her hand.


(smiles)A lot.

Jenny kisses him. Neither wants to break it off. Finally, Jenny separates. She rises, grabs her duffle bag.

JENNYCome on. We need to be as far away as we can before our parents wake up.

EXT. CITY PARK, ENTRANCE - NIGHT Evan and Jenny make their way past the closed gate, heading for a narrow alley running behind some houses.

EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT A storm brews in the distance. Rain, distant thunder. The neon HOTEL sign flickers.

INT. MOTEL, FRONT DESK - NIGHT Evan and Jenny approach the front desk. A listless RECEPTIONIST tears their attention away from the TV mounted on the wall.

EVANWe need a room.

INT. MOTEL, ROOM 2B - NIGHT Evan and Jenny drop their bags on the floor, then collapse onto the bed. Jenny rolls onto her side. Evan lays beside her, placing his arm around her.


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A look comes over her face -- a mix of joy and fear.

JENNYWe did it.

Evan gets the same look.

EVANYeah. We did.

INT. ROOM 2B - LATER Jenny wakes. Rolls over. Evan is gone. She sits up quickly, then hears the shower running.

INT. ROOM 2B, BATHROOM - NIGHT Jenny enters, starts taking off her clothes.

JENNYCouldn't sleep?



JENNYCare if I join you?

INSIDE THE SHOWER -- Evan's face drops. Then a grin takes over his face.



Good. OUTSIDE THE SHOWER -- Jenny pulls back the curtain, then steps into the shower, closing the curtain behind her. She doesn't waste any time. She grabs Evan, pulls him close. Starts kissing him.

INT. ROOM 2B - MORNING SUNLIGHT streams through the window. Evan and Jenny are asleep, arms wrapped around each other. Slowly, Evan begins to stir. Jenny stirs, sees the sun, then buries her head in Evan's chest.


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EVANYou hungry?




Wanna go get something?

JENNYOr we could just stay like this forever.


Sounds good.

EXT. GAS STATION - MORNING Evan and Jenny leave the building, carrying a small bag of snacks. Jenny drinks from a soda can, then hands it to Evan, who follows suit.

JENNYThink anyone knows we've left yet?


Probably not. Even if they do, they don't care.

INT. ROOM 2B - DAY Evan and Jenny cross-legged on the bed, eating their breakfast.

EVANYou know what I just realized?



EVANI forgot my meds.


Oh, shit. Are you gonna be okay?

EVANYeah. I'll be fine.

(then)I think...

(off Jenny's look)I'll be fine. Don't worry.


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JENNYYeah, cause I'm so good at not worrying.


Just trust me. Jenny nods. Then looks down at their food, then around the room -- now reality is setting in.

JENNYHow much money do we have left?

Evan takes out his wallet. Opens it.

EVANIncluding my birthday money and what I had saved from my allowance, I've got a couple hundred left. You?

Jenny doesn't even have to think about it --

JENNYI've got fifty.


That's enough for a few more days here, unless you wanna feed someplace cheaper?


Probably wouldn't hurt to stay moving. I'm sure they'll come looking for us before too long. Even if they don't care, I'm sure they don't want their fucking good names ruined.

Evan puts down his food. Takes Jenny's hand. He looks into her eyes. Serious.

EVANWe'll make it. I promise.

Jenny nods, smiles. Kisses Evan.

INT. ROOM 2B, BATHROOM - DAY Jenny at the sink, Evan at the bathtub, DYING THEIR HAIR BLONDE.


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INT. ROOM 2B - EVENING Evan sits on the bed, a news paper open in front of him, looking through the JOBS section. He circles one, then another, writing down the phone numbers.

INT. CITY BUS - NIGHT Evan and Jenny sit in the back row. The light from passing street lights reflects on their faces.

EXT. BUS STATION, DOWNTOWN - NIGHT Evan and Jenny get off their bus, looking around the area. A few ADDICTS and DRUNKS hang out around the station's entrance, a few of them making eye contact with Jenny. Evan takes her by the hand, leading her away from the scene.

EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Evan and Jenny make their way down the sidewalk, hand in hand, passing slummy, rundown buildings and deserted side streets. They are clearly out of their comfort zone, looking nearly microscopic compared to the towering buildings on either side of the street.

INT. MOTEL, ROOM 301 - NIGHT A smaller, darker room. Stains on the carpet and walls. Sitting on the foot of the bed, Evan and Jenny split a bag of chips. Jenny lays her head on Evan's shoulder. Evan kisses her forehead.

EXT. CITY SQUARE - DAY The central hub of the city -- businesses, food carts, mom and pop stores. Small crowds of people hustle through the space, hurrying toward their destinations. Evan and Jenny walk through the crowds, heading for a small restaurant. Jenny sees something that makes her stop in her tracks: A MISSING PERSONS FLYER. Photos of her and Evan look back at her. Jenny points this out to Evan.


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Evan sees the flyer. He quickly runs forward, rips it down. He wads it up, tosses it into a trash can. They hurry off into the crowd, keeping their heads low.

INT. ROOM 301 - DAY Evan peeks out the curtains, as if expecting someone to be coming for them. Jenny paces nervously behind him. Biting her nails.

JENNYWhat're we gonna do? If someone sees that, we're fucked.


I don't know. Evan grabs a tuft of his new blonde hair.

EVANThink this is good enough. Maybe we should've put on some fake scars or something.

Jenny grabs her bag out of the closet -- drops it on the bed, then starts shoving clothing into it.

JENNYI don't know. We gotta go. We have to go. We have to get out...

Evan goes over to the bed. Jenny keeps shoving stuff into her bag. Evan grabs her hands.

EVANCalm down.


I can't calm down. Do you know what my stepdad's gonna do if he finds us?


We knew this might happen. We just have to...

Everything hits him at once. He starts nervously flicking his fingers back and forth -- a nervous tick. Not helped by his lack of medicine.


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EVANDo something.

Evan sits down on the bed. His leg nervously bouncing up and down quickly. We get the sense that this is the first time he's really sat and thought everything through.

EVANGoddamit. Do we have anywhere else we can go? Do you know anyone that might help us?

Jenny sits beside Evan. She puts her hand on his leg, trying to calm him.


I have a cousin who I don't totally hate. She's never liked my stepfather either -- she thinks my mother is stupid for her loser of the month thing.


Do you think she'd help us? Jenny gets up, grabs the phone. She dials a number, waiting.

JENNYStacy. Hey, it's Jen. I need to ask you a huge favor.

INT. STACY'S CAR - EVENING STACY (32) drives. Jenny rides shotgun. Evan sits in the back. Stacy looks over at Jenny, pissed.

STACYWhat the fuck is the matter with you? Do you know how freaked out your mother is? She's losing her mind.


You didn't call her, did you?

STACYYou made me promise not to. Though I don't know why I shouldn't. You scared the hell out of everybody.



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STACY (CONT’D)(to Evan)

I bet your parents are losing their shit too.


Doubt it. They don't give shit.

JENNY(to Stacy)

Can you blame me? You know how fucked up mom is.


It doesn't matter! You don't just run off without telling anyone where you're going.

(beat)You guys could've been hurt or killed or something.


You ran away a couple times when you were my age. Aunt Lisa told me. Don't give me that bullshit.

Stacy sighs. Jenny stares at her, waiting for a response. Stacy frowns.

STACYWe're not talking about me, we're talking about you. It was stupid when I did it, it's stupid now. I'm lucky I didn't get raped or something. It's no different.


It is different. You aren't crazy, remember. We are. Our parents treat us like we're total nutcases.


I wonder why...

JENNYJust promise you won't tell our parents.


Why should I?

JENNYCause if you do, I'll take off.



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JENNY (CONT’D)And this time, none of you will ever see me again.


You can stay with me until you're ready to go home. Understand?


What if we never wanna go home?

STACYThen I guess I'll just have to find some way to put up with you.

EXT. STACY'S APARTMENT COMPLEX - EVENING Stacy helps Evan and Jenny take their bags from the car into the building.

INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, GUEST BEDROOM - EVENING Evan and Jenny check out the room. Stacy puts Jenny's bag on the bed.

STACYThere's food in the fridge. No drugs. No parties.

(to Evan)And so help me God, if you get her pregnant, I'll cut your dick off.

(to Jenny)And your hair looks stupid.

INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, GUEST ROOM - NIGHT Jenny is fast asleep. Evan stands by the window, looking out onto the street.

INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, KITCHEN - MORNING Evan, Jenny and Stacy sit around the table, eating breakfast. The tension is thick. Evan looks at Stacy, who raises an eyebrow. He quickly looks away.

STACY(to Jenny)

When you gonna call your mother?


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Jenny takes a long drink of orange juice. She finishes, then looks at her sister.

JENNYI'm not.


You've got to be fucking kidding me? I thought once you thought it over you'd come to your senses.

(beat)I get it -- you guys are young, you think you're in love. Everything's great. But these are your lives you're throwing away. This Romeo and Juliet thing you two have going on is cute and all, but sweetie, it's not real.


So I can't trust you now either?

STACYDon't give me that shit. You know you can trust me. I'm not saying this to hurt you. I just worry about you.


What happened to that shit you were giving me last night about staying here until I got things figured out?

Stacy sighs, pushing her plate away. She looks to Evan, who shrugs.

EVANYou know as well as I do you can't change her mind once it's made up.


I know. Stacy looks them both over. Sighs.

STACYYou're really make this hard on me.


I don't want to derail your life. If you don't want us here, we'll leave.



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JENNY (CONT’D)We were just scared last night and needed some place to go. If you can't help us, we'll do it on our own.


Kid... Stacy sits forward, rubbing her eyes.

STACYDo you really know what you're getting into?

Jenny grabs Evan hand. Smiles.

JENNYYes. It's worth it to me.

Stacy rolls her eyes.

STACYYou guys are giving me diabetes.


If you were in my position, what would you do? Honestly?

Stacy and Jenny exchange a look.

STACYFine. You win. You can stay here. But you're gonna help out and stay off my nerves or so help me God, I'll call your mom in a heart beat.

Jenny and Evan look at each other, sharing a smile.



Good. Stacy grabs her coffee, leaves the table.

STACYNow get this place cleaned up. I cooked breakfast, you two can clean it up.


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INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, KITCHEN - LATER Evan and Jenny finish up the dishes. Evan hands Jenny a plate, which she places into the drainer. Evan stares off into space. Jenny notices, elbowing him in the ribs.

JENNYWhat's wrong? This is good.


Do you think we can trust her? Are you sure she won't call our parents?


Me and Stacy haven't always gotten along, but she's not a liar. If she gives you her word, you can trust her.


Not so sure I can do that.

JENNYThen can you trust me?

Evan wraps his arms around Jenny's waist.

EVANI think I can do that.

Jenny looks at the few dishes remaining in the sink. She pats Evan on the chest.

JENNYI'll let you finish those. I'm gonna take a shower.

She starts out of the room. Evan looks down at the dishes, frowning. Jenny pokes her head back in the room. Quietly --

JENNYIf you hurry, you can join me.

A smile crosses Evan's face. He grabs one of the plates in the sink, starts feverishly scrubbing it clean. Jenny smiles turn herself as she turns and heads down the hall.


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INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, GUEST BATHROOM - DAY Evan and Jenny go at it under the shower head as the steam engulfs them, fogging up the glass sliding door.

INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, GUEST BEDROOM - DAY Evan and Jenny lay on the bed, still soaking wet, under the blankets. Evan looks over at Jenny, pressing his forehead to hers.

EVANCan we please just stay like this forever?


I'd like that.

EVANWe are crazy, aren't we?

(off her look)For doing this?


Yes we are. Does it matter? Aren't the best people in history crazy? And if they're not, I'd fucking hate to see normal people.


I don't know... Maybe we're the normal ones and everyone else is crazy.


Maybe it's all one big conspiracy. We're not crazy, we're normal. It's the doctors and shrinks and our parents that are crazy. They just don't want us to know it.


I don't doubt it. Jenny thinks it over for a moment, then rolls over, laying her head on Evan's chest.

JENNYIf we are the crazy ones, you'd still love me right?


Of course.


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JENNYEven if they lock me up in a padded cell?


Can they lock me up with you?




INT. STACY'S APARTMENT, GUEST ROOM - LATER Darkness. Quiet. Evan tosses and turns. Can't sleep. He checks the clock: 4:30 AM. Evan slumps back onto his pillow. Looks over at Jenny. She's asleep. Very relaxed and comfortable. Evan rolls onto his side, putting his arm around her.

EXT. STACY'S APARTMENT - MORNING Evan sits on the stoop, off in his own world. Rocking back and forth slightly, tapping his foot. He needs his meds. Jenny opens the door and steps out. Looking like she just woke up. Takes a seat beside Evan. Playfully nudges him.

JENNYCouldn't sleep?


I didn't mean to wake you.

JENNYIt's fine.

(off his behavior)Are you okay?


Huh? He looks down at his trembling feet, quickly stops. Smiles at Jenny, scooting closer to her.

EVANYeah, I'm fine.



Page 78: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVAN (CONT’D)(then)

I just can't believe this. It feels weird for things to work out for once.

Evan laughs anxiously. Jenny gives him a smile. A kiss on the cheek.

JENNYGood weird, right?


Yeah. Definitely good weird. It's like... SHIT!

Evan stops, spotting his PARENT'S CAR coming towards them. Jenny notices and stands, ready to head inside. Sees Stacy at the door, arms folded.

JENNYYou cunt! You said you wouldn't tell them we were here.


Your parents are worried about you guys. What do you want me to do? Let them worry themselves sick that you're out there in a ditch somewhere?


I fucking hate you.

STACYI know. At least you'll be safe.

Jenny looks down at Evan, who hasn't even moved. He just sits there. Staring. Unable to believe the peace is gone.

INT. STACY’S APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM - MORNING Evan and Jenny sit on the couch. Stacy, Evan's parents and NICOLE, 38, Jenny's mother, are across from them, sitting in randomly placed chairs.

CHRISTIANDo you have any idea how worried we were? For all we knew you guys were dead. What the hell were you thinking?


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EVANI was thinking that I was sick of not mattering. You guys don't give a shit about me, you never have.


That's not true, and you know it.

EVANYes it is. It was nice to feel like someone finally cared.

Evan reaches over and holds Jenny's hand.

NICOLEAnd you never thought about telling us?


You would've stopped us.

NICOLEOf course we would have stopped you. What does that tell you? I don't care what's going on, you don't run away. You're not dealing with your problems.


You mean like you did? Dad left and you sure as shit didn't worry about dealing with your problems, your only thought was finding another man. God forbid you be alone and take care of yourself for five minutes. Or me.

Nicole stares her daughter down, the words cutting deep. She wants to say something, but knows she's right.

NICOLEThis doesn't have anything to do with me.


Yes it does. It has to do with all of you. Did you ever stop and think that you were doing something wrong? I know parents think they know everything but they don't. You don't know anything.


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CHRISTIANBecause we don't want you running off?


No. Because you're the reason we ran off to begin with. We felt like we didn't matter to you guys, but we matter to each other. That's more important to us. More than any of you.


Where the hell did you get it in your head that we don't love you. We've done everything we could to get you help.


No you haven't. You just sent me to a nut house so you wouldn't have to look at me. You didn't even try.


Too bad this isn't the fifties, you could've just had us lobotomized. Then we'd be out of your lives for good.


We love you kids. We want you home.


You make us go back home, we'll run away and you'll never see us again.

(to Stacy)And this time we'll be more careful about who we trust.


We get that you guys wanna be together, so here's the deal: You guys come back home, take your medicine like you're suppose to, and keep up with your Pathways appointments, we'll let you guys date and hang out as much as you want.


Evan and Jenny share a look. An understanding.


Page 81: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

EVANGuess it's the best option we've got.

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan sits in beside, on his phone. He texts: “WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN? ”

INT. JENNY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Jenny lies on her stomach in bed, reading Evan's text. She replies: "YES." Evan's reply comes through: "REALLY?" Jenny replies: "YES!!!"

INT. EVAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Evan smiles. He hesitates for a moment, thinking. Texts: "I LOVE YOU." He waits anxiously for a reply. Finally, Jenny's reply comes through: "I LOVE YOU TOO." Beaming, Evan types: "I'LL SEE YOU AT SCHOOL TOMORROW."

INT. JENNY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Jenny, also beaming, replies: SEE YOU THEN. She puts down her phone, turns off the lights.

INT. LUNCH ROOM, HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Evan and Jenny sit at a corner table, eating their lunches. Two students, ELLIE and RILEY, apprehensively approach them.

ELLIECan we sit with you guys?

Evan and Jenny share a look.


Ellie and Riley sit.


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A long, awkward silence follows. Ellie shoots a look at Riley, nudges her in the side.

ELLIEAsk them!


I'm not asking. You ask!

ELLIEYou are such a coward.

(to Evan and Jenny)So did you guys really run away?

Evan and Jenny grin.

JENNYYeah, we did.


Oh my god, that's so cool.

ELLIETell us! We wanna hear all about it.

Evan and Jenny smile, beginning their story --

JENNYYou're not gonna believe this...

INT. PATHWAYS CLINIC, GROUP THERAPY - EVENING Evan and Jenny sit together in the circle, surrounded by the others. Hannah regards both of them like a stern parent.

HANNAHLook who's back. Sounds like you guys have been through quite the journey. I'm sure everyone here has plenty of questions, but I get to go first.

(beat)Are you guys really going to make the effort this time?


We will. Hannah mocks shock.


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HANNAHI almost forgot you could talk. Is this what it's gonna take to get you to open up to me?

Jenny looks down to her feet, ready to spill everything that has built up.

JENNYSometimes I just don't think you really wanna help us. This is just a job. You show up and make money, then you go home.


Is that what you really think? The room hangs on the moment, eager to see what happens next. Jenny nods.

HANNAHMaybe it's my fault then.

Jenny smirks.

HANNAHI'm serious.

(a beat, thinking)I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and depression. I have ever since I was 17. Even attempted suicide a couple times. Finally, I got a therapist that took the time to really connect with me. To actual make me feel like me and my problems meant something.

(beat)It changed my life. If I hadn't got the help I needed when I needed it, I wouldn't be sitting her now. I probably wouldn't even be alive.

(beat)This isn't just a job to me. And I'm sorry if I ever made any of you feel like it was, or that you don't matter. There is nothing more important than what's going on in your head right now. That's why I'm here. That's why I do this.

Jenny listens, on the verge of tears.


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JENNYIs that true?


I wouldn't make something like that up. I swear I'm here to help you. I wanna see you all get better. This is more important than any medication could ever be.

Jenny can't hold the tears back anymore. A few of the other kids in the group also look on the brink of tears. Evan puts his arm around Jenny.

HANNAHSometimes, having someone to just listen is all you need. Sometimes it's not. And that's fine too. I'm here to give you my input if that's what you need. Even if you wanna just scream at me for a while, that's fine.

(beat)What's important is that you kids are getting your feelings out and not keeping them bottled up.

Jenny wipes the tears with her sleeve.

JENNYWhy didn't you tell me this before?


I've tried. You're hard-headed, girl.

Jenny smirks. A genuine, happy smile.

JENNYGuess that's something I'll have to work on.


That's why I'm here.

JENNYSure you've got time to listen to my fucked up life?


I've got all the time in the world.


Page 85: NOBODY LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE CRAZY - SimplyScripts · Everything seems so big. It feels good to know I can control something. Hannah nods, writing on her clipboard. HANNAH Why do

INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE - DAY Evan sits on the exam table. His mother and father sit in the corner. DOCTOR DOTSON (40s) holds a clipboard, asking Evan questions --

EVANIt's getting better slowly. Sometimes I still feel like I'm not in control.


I'm glad we're seeing improvement. I think we'll raise the dose from 5mg to 7mg for two weeks and see how that works. You get feeling worse, more depressed, anything to come see me before stopping. Sound good?

Evan nods.


He starts for the door.


He turns. Points at Evan's hair.

DOCTOR DOTSONBlonde's not a good color on you.


Yeah, I know.

DOCTOR DOTSONMaybe you should try red or something.

He pats Evan on the shoulder. Leaves.

EXT. CITY STREET - AFTERNOON Evan and Jenny walk hand-in-hand.

JENNYHow good's it feel to be free?


Amazing. (MORE)


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EVAN (CONT’D)Though I'm still trying to adjust to the outside world.


Damn, being on the inside has changed you.


(comically serious)I know.

Jenny busts out laughing.

JENNYYou still not gonna tell me where we're going?


Oh, shit. I forgot. Evan quickly covers Jenny's eyes with his hands, stepping behind her.

JENNYWhat the hell, dude?


Calm down. I've got a surprise for you.


I hate surprises.

EVANYou'll like this one. Trust me.

EXT. STREET CORNER - AFTERNOON Evan and Jenny stand outside a small shop, the sign blocked from view. Evan aligns Jenny with the front door.

EVANYou ready?



EVANHow long's it been since you cut yourself?


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JENNYI don't know, like a month I think. Why?


Remember what I said I'd get you if your made it a month without cutting?

Jenny's mouth slowly opens into a wide smile. Evan lowers his hand. Jenny opens her eyes and smiles even wider. REVEAL: A large sign hanging on the front of the building: SAM'S ICE CREAM. BEST SOFT SERVED ANYWHERE.

JENNYOh my god...

Jenny embraces Evan. Kisses him. Turns back to the building, amused.

JENNYI can't believe you remembered the fucking ice cream thing.


Of course I remembered. I love you. You're important to me.


Awe... She playfully slaps him on the chest.

JENNYYou're such a liar.


I'm not a liar. I mean it, you are important to me.

Evan reaches for the door, opens it.

EVANWe gonna get some ice cream or what?

Jenny walks by Evan, giving him a faux curtsy.

JENNYWhy thank you, sir.


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EXT. CITY PARK - AFTERNOON The sun sets over the hill, reflecting in the rippling water. Evan and Jenny sit on the river bank, eating their ice cream. Watching the ducks playing on the water. Jenny looks over at Evan. Leans in and kisses him. Evan smiles.

EVANWhat's that for?


For being you. For being perfect. (beat)

Have I ever told you how perfect you are?


Nope. Not once.

JENNYWell I'm a terrible person.

Evan playfully shoves her.

EVANI know, you're terrible. I don't know how I put up with you. I should get a medal or something.


Because you love me.


You're not entirely inaccurate. They finish their ice cream, watching the sunset. Jenny notices a DUCK waddling towards them. She tosses her ice cream cone to it. Evan follows suit. Evan and Jenny watch the duck, grinning. Slowly, Jenny's face slacks. A look of concern.

JENNYWe're gonna be okay... right? Promise me we'll be okay. Even if you don't mean it, please just promise me.


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Evan takes her face in his hands. Kisses her.


(beat)I think we will. No matter what shit we go through next, at least we'll go through it together.

A look of calm covers over Jenny's face. But there's still the slightest hint of worry left in her. She does her best to push her fears aside and cuddles into Evan's chest.


Evan wraps his arms around her. Holding her like she's the most precious thing in the world. And to him, she is. As sun finally disappears behind the hills, Evan and Jenny hold each other. Whatever challenges await them in the future, at least they'll be together.



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